AN EVIDENCE-BASED PREHOSPITAL GUIDELINE FOR EXTERNAL HEMORRHAGE CONTROL:AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS COMMITTEE ON TRAUMA Eileen M. Bulger, MD, FACS, David Snyder, PhD, Karen Schoelles, MD, FACP, Cathy Gotschall, ScD, Drew Dawson, BA, Eddy Lang, MD, CM CCFP (EM) CSPQ, Nels D. Sanddal, PhD, NREMT, Frank K. Butler, MD, FAAO, FUHM, Mary Fallat, MD, FACS, Peter Taillac, MD, Lynn White, MS, CCRP, Jeffrey P. Salomone, MD, FACS, NREMT-P, William Seifarth, MS, NREMT-P, Michael J. Betzner, MD, FRCPC, Jay Johannigman, MD, FACS,NormanMcSwain,Jr.,MD,FACS,NREMT-P


This report describes the development of an evidence-based Received January 21, 2014 from the University of Washington, guideline for external hemorrhage control in the prehospital Seattle, Washington (EB), ECRI Institute of Health Technology setting. This project included a systematic review of the liter- Assessment, Washington DC (DS, KS), Office of Emergency Medical ature regarding the use of tourniquets and hemostatic agents Services National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Wash- for management of life-threatening extremity and junctional ington DC (CG, DD), University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada (EL, MJB), American College of Surgeons, Chicago, IL (NDS), Committee hemorrhage. Using the GRADE methodology to define the on Tactical Combat Casualty Care, Joint Trauma System (FKB), key clinical questions, an expert panel then reviewed the re- University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky (MF), University of sults of the literature review, established the quality of the For personal use only. Utah,SaltLakeCity,Utah(PT),AmericanMedicalResponse,Inc. evidence and made recommendations for EMS care. A clini- (LW), Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona (JPS), Department cal care guideline is proposed for adoption by EMS systems. of Homeland Security, Office of Health Affairs (WS), University of Key words: tourniquet; hemostatic agents; external hemor- Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio (JJ), and Tulane School of Medicine, rhage New Orleans, Louisiana (NM). Revision received February 12, 2014; accepted for publication February 13, 2014. PREHOSPITAL EMERGENCY CARE 2014;18:163–173 The systematic review of the evidence used for the development of these guidelines was conducted by ECRI Institute with funding INTRODUCTION provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, DTNH22-11-C-00223. External hemorrhage has been increasingly recognized This publication was developed in part with funding from the Na- as a major cause of potentially preventable death tional Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) of the U.S. following severe . This issue has been thor- Department of Transportation (DOT). The opinions, findings and oughly addressed by the U.S. military Tactical Com- Prehosp Emerg Care Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by University of Washington on 03/18/14 conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the authors bat Casualty Care Committee (TCCC) in response to and not necessarily those of NHTSA or DOT. The United States Gov- the increase in life-threatening external hemorrhage ernment assumes no liability for its content or use thereof. If trade or manufacturer’s names or products are mentioned, it is because they seen in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan (www. are considered essential to the object of the publication and should health.mil/Education And Training/TCCC.aspx). Im- not be construed as an endorsement. The United States Government plementation of the TCCC guidelines for tourniquet does not endorse products or manufacturers. use has been associated with a significant reduction The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of in the number of combat deaths attributed to ex- the authors and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the tremity hemorrhage.1 Lessons learned from the mil- views of the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense. itary management of these are beginning to The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are re- be adopted in the civilian community and the re- sponsible for the content and writing of the paper. cent Boston marathon bombing event highlighted this 2 Address correspondence to Eileen M. Bulger, MD, Professor of issue. A report from the National Trauma databank Surgery, Chief of Trauma, Box 359796, Harborview Medical Center, suggests that mortality for patients with isolated lower 325 9th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104, USA. E-mail: [email protected] extremity trauma with an arterial injury is 2.8%, with a doi: 10.3109/10903127.2014.896962 6.5% rate.3


The use of tourniquets and hemostatic agents in the Representatives were from both the United States and civilian EMS community is not widespread.4,5 While Canada. Panelists provided input to the formulations there is increasing interest in the use of these agents of the PICOTS (populations, interventions, compara- by civilian EMS agencies, the differences between the tors, outcomes, timing, and settings) questions prior to civilian and military populations may be important. the initiation of the literature review. For the PICOTS These considerations, not well addressed in the pub- questions, the population of interest was defined lished military experience, include the use of these to be individuals with extremity hemorrhages; the modalities in elderly and pediatric patients and the interventions were commercially available tourniquets impact of medical comorbidities on outcome. Even as and hemostatic dressings; comparators were external recently as 2011, the Guidelines for Field Triage of In- wound pressure and nontourniquet or nonhemostatic jured Patients does not include a recommendation for interventions; outcomes of interest were limb salvage, tourniquet use as a trauma triage criteria because “ev- hypovolemic , survival, and adverse effects. idence is limited regarding the use of tourniquets in Because timing and setting were considered to be civilian populations; use of tourniquets among EMS key aspects of the investigation the PICO format was systems varies; inclusion of tourniquet use as a cri- expanded to include both immediate and long-term terion could lead to overuse of tourniquets instead outcomes and the setting for the intervention was of basic hemorrhage control methods, and thus defined as the prehospital environment, before any potentially result in overtriage.”6 However, the Na- procedures are performed in the hospital emergency tional EMS Scope of Practice Model published in 2007 department or operating theater. Following the com- lists tourniquet use as part of the minimum psy- pletion of the systematic literature review, the panel chomotor skill set for emergency trauma care for emer- met to review the literature in a full day meeting gency medical technicians. In addition, tourniquets in Washington DC, October 2013. An expert in the have been included as required basic life support (BLS) application of the GRADE methodology facilitated the equipment in the Joint Policy Statement: Equipment meeting and the panel used this approach to develop for Ambulances.7 Topical hemostatic agents are listed recommendations for each PICOTS question. as optional basic equipment. The recent Hartford con- sensus conference also encourages wider civilian use Evidence Review of tourniquets for management of hemorrhage in ac- tive shooter events.8 A systematic review of the literature was conducted The purpose of this project was to develop evidence- by the ECRI Institute, one of the eleven Evidenced-

For personal use only. based guidelines for the use of tourniquets and Based Practice Centers designated by the U.S. Agency hemostatic dressings in the U.S. civilian prehospi- for Healthcare Research and Quality. Their system- tal setting. The recommendations were based on a atic literature review and evidence tables were used systematic review of the current literature and were by the expert panel to develop these recommenda- developed using the GRADE methodology.9 External tions. A summary of the findings is included in this hemorrhage is defined as blood loss originating from manuscript; the full ECRI report will be simulta- a ruptured blood vessel and appearing on the body neously published by the National Highway Traffic surface. For the purposes of our review, this includes Safety Administration (NHTSA) and will be available extremity hemorrhage and junctional hemorrhage. at www.ems.gov. The PICOTS questions used to guide Junctional hemorrhage includes the groin proximal the literature review were developed with input from to the inguinal ligament, the buttocks, the gluteal and the multidisciplinary expert panel. pelvic areas, the perineum, the axilla and shoulder Literature search included 13 external and inter- Prehosp Emerg Care Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by University of Washington on 03/18/14 girdle, and the base of the neck.10 nal electronic databases, including CINAHL, EM- BASE, and Medline, from 2001 to the present for fully published, primary, clinical studies. The APPROACH Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane Expert Panel Reviews), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Ef- fects (DARE), and Health Technology Assessment and An expert panel was convened by the American Database (HTA) were also searched for secondary College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma EMS reviews. Additional search steps included manual Committee to include nationally recognized experts search of bibliographies listed in fully published stud- in prehospital trauma care. Representatives were ies; search and written inquiry to regulatory agen- included from the military’s Tactical Casualty Combat cies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administra- Care Committee, Prehospital Trauma Life Sup- tion; and search of www.ClinicalTrials.gov and www. port, civilian State EMS directors, trauma surgeons, controlled-trials.com for ongoing clinical trials. Pub- emergency physicians, a pediatric surgeon, an EMS lications were also suggested for inclusion by expert researcher, a GRADE methodologist, and a paramedic. panel members who commented on the draft report. E. M. Bulger et al. PREHOSPITAL GUIDELINE FOR EXTERNAL HEMORRHAGE CONTROL 165

The criteria for inclusion in the systematic review their effect on limb salvage, hypovolemic shock, were studies published in English that reported on survival, and adverse effects? traumatic hemorrhage treated by EMS personnel in 4) In trauma patients with junctional hemorrhage the prehospital setting with tourniquets or hemostatic who are treated in the prehospital setting by EMS dressings currently available in U.S. commercial mar- personnel, do different brands or models of spe- kets. In addition, the studies reported findings on at cialized junctional hemorrhage control devices least one of the outcomes identified in the PICOTS differ from each other in their effect on limb sal- questions and included at least 5 patients per treat- vage, hypovolemic shock, survival, and adverse ment group; results for extremity and junctional hem- effects? orrhage were considered separately. To avoid duplica- 5) In trauma patients with external hemorrhage (ex- tion, when several sequential reports from the same cludes junctional hemorrhage) who are treated in study center were available, only findings from the the prehospital setting using a tourniquet – largest, most recent, or most complete report was a) Does the incidence of adverse events vary used. Because of the paucity of published studies on by the duration of tourniquet use prior to hemostatic dressings, for these questions the inclusion removal? criteria were expanded to include animal studies of b) Does the incidence of adverse events vary de- FDA-cleared or approved hemostatic dressings using pending on whether tourniquets are removed either a swine or goat model of extremity . in the field versus in a facility? Risk of bias and other indicators of strength of evi- 6) In trauma patients with external hemorrhage dence were assessed and reported. (hemorrhage from any body surface) who are The absolute risk differences and relative risk (RR) treated in the prehospital setting, what is the ef- with 95% confidence intervals for the primarily di- fect of hemostatic dressings with or without ex- chotomous outcomes were calculated for individual ternal wound pressure on, control of hemorrhage, studies. In cases in which meta-analyses was possible limb salvage (if an extremity involved), hypov- a summary odds ratio (OR) was calculated using a olemic shock, survival, and adverse effects com- random effects model. Studies were combined using pared with using non-hemostatic gauze with or meta-analysis when populations and interventions without external wound pressure? were similar. Given the nature of the populations 7) In trauma patients with external hemorrhage examined in this report, military populations were (hemorrhage from any body surface) who are separated from civilian populations and data from treated in the prehospital setting, do different

For personal use only. children (younger than 18 years of age) was also brands or types of hemostatic dressings differ examined independently. Statistical heterogeneity was from each other in their effect on, hemorrhage examined using I2, but the small number of studies in control, limb salvage (if an extremity is involved), the comparisons limited our confidence in measures hypovolemic shock, survival, and adverse ef- of heterogeneity. fects?

PICOTS Questions GRADE Methodology 1) In trauma patients with extremity hemorrhage The panel used the Grading of Recommendations (excludes junctional hemorrhage) who are treated Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) in the prehospital setting, what is the effect of methodology to guide the process of PICOTS ques- tourniquet use (single or double) with or without tion formulation, evidence appraisal, and to desig- Prehosp Emerg Care Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by University of Washington on 03/18/14 external wound pressure on limb salvage, hypo- nate the strength of recommendations. The process volemic shock, survival, and adverse effects com- also adhered to the National Prehospital Evidence- pared with external pressure alone or with other Based Guideline (EBG) Model Process approved by nontourniquet interventions? the Federal Interagency Council for EMS and the Na- 2) In trauma patients with junctional hemorrhage tional EMS Advisory Council.11,12 Panel members re- who are treated in the prehospital setting, what is ceived an introduction to the GRADE methodology the effect of junctional hemorrhage control device and reviewed the evidence for structured clinical ques- use with or without external wound pressure on tions using the PICO framework. After reading and limb salvage, hypovolemic shock, survival, and discussing the systematic review of the evidence, the adverse effects compared with external pressure panel drafted graded recommendations. The recom- alone. mendations were graded strong or weak, based on the 3) In trauma patients with extremity hemorrhage balance between risk, benefit, burden, and cost, while (excludes junctional hemorrhage) who are treated the quality of evidence was appraised as high, mod- in the prehospital setting, do different brands or erate, low, or very low.13–18 Although the initial as- models of tourniquets differ from each other in signment of a strength of evidence rating is based on 166 PREHOSPITAL EMERGENCY CARE APRIL/JUNE 2014 VOLUME 18 / NUMBER 2

study design, GRADE allows the evidence appraisal to that met our inclusion criteria (Figure 1). While not the be upgraded or downgraded, depending on such fac- focus of this review we also reviewed 39 animal model tors as the size and consistency of the reported effect or studies, which compared efficacy of the topical hemo- the presence of a dose response.19 Using the GRADE static agents. Nine studies were identified that used terminology, strong recommendations begin with the only human volunteers and these were excluded. words “we recommend” and indicate that the panel believes that the benefits clearly outweigh any risks Tourniquet Use associated with the treatment and that nearly all in- formed patients would want the recommended treat- We identified 20 publications of prehospital tourniquet ment. Weak recommendations begin with the words use for trauma-induced extremity hemorrhage. How- “we suggest,” which indicates that the panel had a ever, four publications did not provide information on higher level of uncertainty about estimated benefits of outcomes needed for inclusion in this report: Lairet the treatment the balance between benefits and risks. et al.,20 Gerhardt et al.,21 Kragh et al.,22 Kragh et al.23 In two instances, the same study population was assessed RESULTS in two separate publications. Kragh et al.24 and Kragh 25 Summary of Evidence Review et al. used the same set of 499 patients and Kragh et al.26 and Kragh et al.27 used the same set of 232 pa- Our searches identified 1,599 potential citations for tients. The 16 included publications are listed in Table 1 evaluation and full review identified 23 clinical studies along with the setting in which the data on tourniquet

1599 Citations identified by literature searches

Titles screened 1116 Citations excluded

483 Citations for abstract screening For personal use only.

Abstracts 200 Citations excluded screened

283 Full articles retrieved Prehosp Emerg Care Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by University of Washington on 03/18/14

Full articles 127 Articles excluded plus 82 background reviewed articles

23 clinical studies: 16 studies of tourniquets 7 clinical studies of hemostatic dressings 9 studies with human volunteers 3 simulation studies 39 Animal model studies

FIGURE 1. Summary of literature review. Prehosp Emerg Care Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by University of Washington on 03/18/14 For personal use only.

TABLE 1. Studies of prehospital tourniquet use

Period of data Reference Setting collection N Patient characteristics Outcomes reported

Eastridge et al., 20121 U.S. military Oct 2001 to 976 Not reported Deaths Iraq/Afghanistan June 2011 King et al., 201240 U.S. military Aug 2011 to 54 Not reported Deaths, adverse events Afghanistan Nov 2011 Kragh et al., 201228 U.S. military May 2003 to 88 (pediatric) 72 were male and 16 were female patients. Deaths Iraq/Afghanistan Dec 2009 Mean age was 11 years (median, 11 years; pediatric casualties range, 4–17 years). Injuries: explosion 64%, gunshot 30%, other 6%. Kotwal et al., 201129 U.S. military Oct 2001 to 460 All casualties were male, with age at time of Deaths, Iraq/Afghanistan March 2010 (66 w/tourniquet) injury ranging from 18.9 to 52.9 years. Injuries: explosion 67%, gunshot 24%, blunt trauma 6%. Kragh et al., 201125 U.S. military March 2006 to 499 96% male, average age 29 years, 16 were Deaths, adverse events Iraq March 2007 children and 5 elderly. Injury: explosion 75%. Kragh et al., 201124 (same study U.S. military March 2006 to 499 96% male, average age 29 years, 16 were Adverse events as Kragh et al., 201125 but Iraq March 2007 children and 5 elderly. Injury: explosion 75%. reporting morbidities) Brown et al., 201041 U.K. military Aug 2003 to 23 Median age 26 years, range 18–42 years, not Adverse events Iraq/Afghanistan May 2008 specific to tourniquet patients. Injuries for entire patient pool: explosion 62%, gunshot 38%. Brodie et al., 200942 U.K. military Feb 2003 to 70 Gender and age data not reported. Injuries: Deaths, amputations, Iraq/Afghanistan Sept 2007 explosion 86%, gunshot 14%. adverse events Clasper et al., 200931 U.K. military Dec 2003 to 44 Tourniquet group: mean age of 26.6 years, range Amputations, adverse Iraq/Afghanistan May 20008 (22 w/tourniquet) 19–37 years. Injuries: explosion 32%. events Nontourniquet group: mean age of 25.7 years, range 19–37 years. Injuries: explosion 64%. Kragh et al., 200926 U.S. military March to Oct 232 95% male, mean age of 29 years, range Deaths, amputations, (reassessment of data from Iraq 2006 (194 w/tourniquet) 4–70 years, 9 children and 1 elderly. Injuries: adverse events Kragh et al., 200827) explosion 63%, gunshot 23%. Tien et al., 200943 Canadian military Feb 2006 to 134?? Entire study examined 134 patients, 96% male, Deaths Afghanistan May 2006 mean age of 26 years. Injuries: explosion 34%, gunshot 32%, blunt 22%. Beekley et al., 200830 U.S. military Jan 2004 to 165 (67 w/ Tourniquet group: 97% male, mean age of Deaths, amputations, Iraq Dec 2004 tourniquet) 29 years. Injuries: explosion 64%, gunshot adverse events 30%. Nontourniquet group: 96% male, mean age of 25. Injuries: explosion 70%, gunshot 27%. Dayan et al., 200832 Israeli military 2006 5 (prolonged All males, 20–22 years old. Injuries: explosion = Deaths, amputations, tourniquet use) 1, gunshot. = 4. adverse events Kalish et al., 200844 U.S. civilian Jan 1999 to 11 All males, mean age of 27 years, gunshot Deaths and adverse April 2006 wounds 55%, stab wounds 27%, lacerations events 18%. Kragh et al., 200827 U.S. military March 2006 to 232 95% male, mean age of 29 years, range Deaths, amputations, Iraq Oct 2006 (194 w/tourniquet) 4–70 years, 9 children and 1 elderly. Injuries: adverse events explosion 63%, gunshot 23%. Lakstein et al., 200333 Israeli military Jan 1997 to 91 (improvised Gender and mean age not reported. Injuries: Deaths, amputations, 167 Jan 2001 tourniquets) explosion 73%, gunshot 27%. adverse events 168 PREHOSPITAL EMERGENCY CARE APRIL/JUNE 2014 VOLUME 18 / NUMBER 2

use were collected and the outcomes reported by each the large effect size and Very Low for amputation rate study. The large majority of studies were conducted (Table 2). by the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan (8 stud- There were no studies available that directly ad- ies) with 3 studies from the U.K. military, 2 from the dressed PICOTS questions 2, 3, and 4. These included Israeli military, and 1 from Canadian military. Only 1 the efficacy of junctional hemorrhage control devices study was conducted in a civilian setting. One study or the comparison of different brand or models of used data on pediatric casualties described in the Joint tourniquets. Regarding PICOTS question 5, there were Theater Trauma Registry and collected during the wars 4 studies that correlated duration of tourniquet use in Iraq and Afghanistan.28 Thirteen of the 16 included with adverse events but specifics were not provided on studies reported data on deaths, 11 reported data on the timing and setting of tourniquet removal.27,30,32,33 adverse events, 8 reported data on amputations, and Thus, the grade of evidence for PICOTS question 5 was none reported data on shock. rated as Low. Eight of the studies used prospective data collec- tion. Most of the studies provided some information Hemostatic Agents on how the tourniquets were to be used, but only a few were specific about the instructions. However, the Seven studies were reviewed that reported on the studies from the U.S. military were using TCCC prac- prehospital use of hemostatic dressings (Table 3). Five tices when data were collected after 2005 and tourni- were conducted in a military setting. One was civilian quets were likely used aggressively as a first option for and 1 included both military and civilian data. The traumatic extremity hemorrhage. products tested included HemCon (3 studies), Celox (1 Comparisons between casualties treated with a study), QuickClot granules (2 studies), and QuickClot tourniquet and similar casualties not treated with a Gauze (1 study). One study did not report the type tourniquet were attempted by only a few studies. Kot- of hemostatic dressings used. Only 1 study reported wal et al.29 reported the number of casualties treated mortality and 4 studies reported on adverse events. with compression dressings but did not report out- No studies provided a direct comparison between comes for this group. Beekley et al.30 reported out- the use of hemostatic dressings and simply applying come data for tourniquet- and nontourniquet-treated direct pressure to the wound. The primary adverse casualties but did not report what prehospital treat- event noted was pain and discomfort associated with ments the nontourniquet group received. Clasper an exothermic reaction to QuickClot granules. et al.31 matched surviving tourniquet-treated casual- The primary outcome for 5 studies was cessation 34

For personal use only. ties with surviving nontourniquet-treated casualties of bleeding. The study by Brown et al. reported that to examine the rate of adverse events. These au- HemCon controlled external hemorrhage in 27 of 34 thors note, however, that “in a standard retrospec- cases (79%); in 25 cases the bleeding stopped within 3 tive study it is likely that there would be consider- minutes of application. The study by Cox et al.35 is con- able bias if simple comparison was made between the founded because 7 of the 8 patients treated with hemo- two groups as it is likely that those casualties with static dressings in the field were also treated with a more severe injuries would have required a tourni- tourniquet. The study by Pozza and Millner36 reported quet, but those with a more severe injury are also that Celox stopped bleeding in 18 gunshot wounds likely to have worse outcomes and experience more when first applied and in 3 additional cases with complications.”31 further application. The study by Ran et al.37 reported Meta-analysis of the 9 studies reporting survival that QuickClot gauze successfully stopped bleeding in for adult military casualties treated with tourniquets 11 out of 14 cases of extremity and truncal hemorrhage. Prehosp Emerg Care Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by University of Washington on 03/18/14 demonstrated a summary effect size estimate for sur- The study by Rhee et al.38 reported that QuickClot vival rate of 92% with 95% confidence intervals of granules were 100% effective in stopping bleeding. In 88–95%. Findings in the study of children were simi- the study by Wedmore et al.,39 medics were surveyed lar (92%, with CI 84–96%). The study of a civilian pop- on their use of HemCon . In 42 of the 64 ulation was small (11 cases), so the confidence inter- cases, the dressings were used when traditional gauze val was wide, but the survival rate similar (91%, CI dressings or pressure dressings failed to stop bleeding. 56–99%). A similar analysis for 6 studies reporting am- In 62 of the 64 cases, HemCon successfully stopped putation rates demonstrated a summary effect size es- the bleeding. The risk of bias associated with these timate of 19% with a 95% confidence interval from studies is high because they are all single-arm studies 16–23%. These amputations are presumably primar- with no comparison group. Sufficient data were not ily associated with the severity of the extremity injury, available to provide an estimate of survival rates or as they are not described as complications of tourni- amputation rates in patients treated with hemostatic quet use. The overall quality of the evidence for PI- dressings. The overall strength of evidence for Key COTS Question 1 was rated using the GRADE system Question 6 was graded as Low using the GRADE as Moderate for survival based on upgrading due to system. Prehosp Emerg Care Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by University of Washington on 03/18/14 For personal use only.

TABLE 2. Key Question 1: Strength of evidence grades for survival rate and amputation rate with prehospital tourniquet use

Decrease GRADE Increase GRADE

GRADE of #Studies Type of Starting evidence for

Outcome (total N) studies Findings GRADE Study limitations Consistency Directness Precision Publication bias Large magnitude of effect Dose-response Confounders outcome

Survival rate 9 studies of Observational 91.9% (95% Low −1 Absence of 0000 +2 (7-fold 0 0 Moderate military confidence interval comparison group improvement over personnel [CI]: 88.1% to historical military (1,229) 94.6%) data) Amputation rate 6 (556) Observational 19.2% (95% CI: Low −1 Absence of 0000 0 00 VeryLow 15.8% to 23.2%) comparison group 169 170 PREHOSPITAL EMERGENCY CARE APRIL/JUNE 2014 VOLUME 18 / NUMBER 2

Table 3. Studies of prehospital hemostatic dressings

Reference Setting Period of data collection Number of casualties treated Patient characteristics

Brown et al., 200934 U.S. civilian June 2006 to Aug 2006 HemCon n = 34 53% extremity wounds, 68% male, mean age of 51.5 years, range of 16–91 years. Cox et al., 200935 U.S. military April 2006 to Oct 2006 HemCon n = 5, QuikClot 7 of 8 extremity wounds, Iraq granules n = 3 other data not reported. Lairet et al., 201220 U.S. military Nov 2009 to Nov 2011 Not specified n = 23, For all 1,003 patients in the Afghanistan Compression n = 371 study, the mechanism of injury was explosion 60%, penetrating 24%, blunt 15%. 97% male, mean age of 25 years. Pozza and Millner, 201036 U.S. military April 2008 to April 2008 Celox = 21 All gunshot wounds. All Afghanistan male between ages of 18 and 45 years. Ran et al., 201037 Israel military 2009 Quikclot Combat Gauze n = Injuries: blast = 7, gunshot = 14 6, stab = 1. Other data not reported. Rhee et al., 200838 U.S. civilian and U.S. Not specified, but study QuikClot granules n = 103 Injuries for all patients: military was completed in 2006 (69 treated by U.S. military explosion 21%, gunshot Iraq personnel, 20 treated by 66%, blunt 8%, stab wound civilian trauma surgeons, 5%. 14 treated by civilian first responders) Wedmore et al., 200639 U.S. military 2003 to 2004 HemCon n = 64 55% extremity wounds; Iraq/Afghanistan bleeding was predominantly from a venous source in 33 cases, arterial source in 7 cases, and unknown in 24 cases.

In regard to PICOTS Question 7, there were no large effect size. The evidence for preventing ampu- patient studies that directly compared the different tation was very low, due to a smaller effect size and

For personal use only. hemostatic dressings. The U.S. military has developed issues relating to confounding (see Table 2). a standardized swine model, which involves a femoral Remarks: The panel believes that tourniquets used to artery injury with a standard period of free bleeding. treat severe extremity hemorrhage have a clear sur- This literature was summarized and reviewed by the vival benefit, demonstrated by a large and consistent expert panel. For the details of this review please see effect size across several studies. The panel discussed the full ECRI Institute report. These data factored into that direct pressure may be ineffective in the set- the recommendation by the panel for the use of a gauze ting of major arterial injury or impractical in circum- format product that could be packed into the wound. stances with limited manpower, unsecure scene, or The panel also supported the use of this standardized when complex extrication or extraction is required. model for comparison of different products. Recommendation 2: We suggest using commercially

Prehosp Emerg Care Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by University of Washington on 03/18/14 RECOMMENDATIONS BY EXPERT PANEL produced windlass, pneumatic, or ratcheting devices that have been demonstrated to occlude arterial flow. The recommendations of the panel for management of external hemorrhage are summarized in Figure 2. Strength of Recommendation: Weak Quality of Evidence: Low Tourniquets Remarks: The panel discussed the military experi- ence with varying types of tourniquets and felt that Recommendation 1: We recommend the use of tourni- tourniquet selection should be based on proven ef- quets in the prehospital setting for the control of sig- fectiveness at arterial occlusion. Tourniquets that im- nificant extremity hemorrhage if direct pressure is in- pede venous return without adequate arterial oc- effective or impractical. clusion may only worsen hemorrhage and increase complications. Strength of Recommendation: Strong Quality of Evidence: Moderate. The overall quality of the evidence for survival benefits of tourniquet use Recommendation 3: We suggest against the use of nar- was upgraded from Low to Moderate, based on the row, elastic, or bungee-type devices. E. M. Bulger et al. PREHOSPITAL GUIDELINE FOR EXTERNAL HEMORRHAGE CONTROL 171 For personal use only.

FIGURE 2. Protocol for prehospital external hemorrhage control.

Strength of Recommendation: Weak are favored over improvised tourniquets unless Quality of Evidence: Low there is no other option. Remarks: The panel discussed the military experi- ence with varying types of tourniquets and felt that Recommendation 5: We suggest against releasing a tourniquet selection should be based on proven ef- tourniquet that has been properly applied in the pre- fectiveness at arterial occlusion. Tourniquets that im- hospital setting until the patient has reached definitive pede venous return without adequate arterial oc- care. clusion may only worsen hemorrhage and increase

Prehosp Emerg Care Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by University of Washington on 03/18/14 Strength of Recommendation: Weak complications. Quality of Evidence: Low Remarks: Given the relatively short transport times for Recommendation 4: We suggest that improvised most civilian EMS agencies, the committee felt the tourniquets be applied only if no commercial device safest option was to leave a tourniquet that had been is available. placed in the field in place until the patient can be assessed in the hospital. There may be exceptions to Strength of Recommendation: Weak this approach for prolonged transport times or aus- Quality of Evidence: Low tere environments. In these circumstances, prehospi- Remarks: The panel discussed the military experi- tal providers should consult direct (online) physician ence with varying types of tourniquets and felt that medical direction. tourniquet selection should be based on proven ef- fectiveness at arterial occlusion. Tourniquets that im- Junctional Hemorrhage Devices peded venous return without adequate arterial oc- clusion may only worsen hemorrhage and increase Regarding the questions related to junctional hemor- complications. Commercially available tourniquets rhage devices, we believe this is an important area for 172 PREHOSPITAL EMERGENCY CARE APRIL/JUNE 2014 VOLUME 18 / NUMBER 2

further study, but did not find sufficient evidence to NEED FOR ADDITIONAL RESEARCH make a recommendation at this time. While the military data were convincing that the use of tourniquets to control severe extremity hemorrhage Topical Hemostatic Agents is life saving, there remain several unanswered ques- Recommendation 1: We suggest the use of topi- tions regarding the logistics of hemorrhage control in cal hemostatic agents, in combination with direct the civilian EMS community. The evidence available pressure, for the control of significant hemorrhage to assess many of the practical issues surrounding the in the prehospital setting in anatomic areas where use of tourniquets and hemostatic agents in the civil- tourniquets cannot be applied and where sustained di- ian community is very limited. There were insuffi- rect pressure alone is ineffective or impractical. cient data to make any recommendations regarding the newly developed devices for junctional hemorrhage Strength of Recommendation: Weak control. There were insufficient data to make any spe- Quality of Evidence: Low cific recommendations regarding application in the ex- Remarks: While the evidence was low, there are con- tremes of age including pediatric and elderly patients. sistent data from animal models, suggesting reduced Future research should focus on these gaps in knowl- hemorrhage with these agents compared to standard edge to further guide clinicians in the civilian applica- gauze and the committee felt that junctional hemor- tion of these products. rhage and torso wounds may benefit from the com- bination of direct pressure and hemostatic dressings. References 1. Eastridge BJ, Mabry RL, Seguin P, Cantrell J, Tops T, Uribe Recommendation 2: We suggest that topical hemostatic P, Mallett O, Zubko T, Oetjen-Gerdes L, Rasmussem TE, agents be delivered in a gauze format that supports Butler FK, Kotwal RS, Holcomb JB, Wade C, Champion H, wound packing. Lawnick M, Moores L, Blackbourne LH. Death on the battle- field (2001–2011): implications for the future of combat casualty care. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012;73(6 Suppl 5):S431–7. Strength of Recommendation: Weak 2. Walls RM, Zinner MJ. The Boston Marathon response: why did Quality of Evidence: Low it work so well? JAMA. 2013;309(23):2441–2. Remarks: This recommendation was based on the mil- 3. Kauvar DS, Sarfati MR, Kraiss LW. National trauma databank itary experience and the animal studies suggesting analysis of mortality and limb loss in isolated lower extremity that products that allow packing of the wound have vascular trauma. J Vascular Surg. 2011;53(11):1598–1603. 4. Lee C, Porter KM, Hodgetts TJ. Tourniquet use in the civilian

For personal use only. superior hemorrhage control. prehospital setting. Emerg Med J. 2007;24(8):584–7. 5. Doyle GS, Taillac PP. Tourniquets: a review of current use with Recommendation 3: Only products determined effec- proposals for expanded prehospital use. Prehosp Emerg Care. tive and safe in a standardized laboratory injury model 2008;12(2):241–56. should be used. 6. Sasser SM, Hunt RC, Faul M, Sugarman D, Pearson WS, Dulski T, Wald MM, Newgard CD, Lerner EB. Guidelines for field triage of injured patients: recommendations of the Na- Strength of Recommendation: Weak tional Expert Panel on Field Triage, 2011. MMWR Recommen- Quality of Evidence: Low dations and reports: Morbidity and mortality weekly report Remarks: The U.S. Army Institute for Surgical Re- Recommendations and reports / Centers for Disease Control. search has developed a standardized large animal 2012;61(RR-1):1–20. 7. American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Emer- model for comparison of hemostatic dressings. The gency Physicians, American College of Surgeons Committee committee felt that all new products should be sub- on Trauma, et al. Equipment for ground ambulances. Prehosp Prehosp Emerg Care Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by University of Washington on 03/18/14 ject to this testing. Emerg Care. 2014;18(1):92–97. 8. Jacobs LM, McSwain NE, Rotondo MF, Wade D, Fabbri W, Eastman A, Butler FK, Sinclair J; Joint Committee to Create Additional Training Recommendations a National Policy to Enhance Survivability from Mass Casu- alty Shooting Events. Improving survival from active shooter • We advise that tourniquets and topical hemostatic events: the Hartford Consensus. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. agents be used under clinical practice guidelines and 2013; 74:1399–400. following product specific training. 9. Kerwin AJ, Haut ER, Elliot R, Burns J, Bracken DO, Como JJ, • We advise that hemostatic agent training for prehos- Haider A, Stassen N, Dahm P. The Eastern Association of the Surgery of Trauma approach to practice management guide- pital personnel include proper wound packing and line development using Grading of Recommendations, Assess- pressure application techniques. ment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) methodology. J • We advise that tourniquets and topical hemostatic Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012;73(5 Suppl 4):S283–7. agents use be expanded to include all prehospi- 10. Kragh JF, Murphy C, Dubick MA, Baer DG, Johnson J, Black- tal personnel, including emergency medical respon- bourne LH. New tourniquet device concepts for battlefield hemorrhage control. US Army Med Dept J. 2011:38–48. ders (in concordance with the Hartford Consensus 11. Brown KM, Macias CG, Dayan PS, Shah MI, Welk TS, Wright 8 Statement ). JL, Lang ES. The development of evidence-based prehospital E. M. Bulger et al. PREHOSPITAL GUIDELINE FOR EXTERNAL HEMORRHAGE CONTROL 173

guidelines using a GRADE-based methodology. Prehosp 26. Kragh JF, Walters TJ, Baer DG, Fox CJ, Wade CE, Salinas J, Hol- Emerg Care. 2014;18(Suppl 1):3–14. comb JB. Survival with emergency tourniquet use to stop bleed- 12. Lang ES, Spaite DW, Oliver ZJ, Gotschall CS, Swor RA, Dawson ing in major limb trauma. Ann Surg. 2009;249(1):1–7. D, Hunt RC. A national model for developing, implementing, 27. Kragh JFJ, Walters TJ, Baer DG, Fox CJ, Wade CE, Salinas J, Hol- and evaluating evidence-based guidelines for prehospital care. comb JB. Practical use of emergency tourniquets to stop bleed- Acad Emerg Med. 2012;19(2):201–9. ing in major limb trauma. J Trauma. 2008;64(2 Suppl):S38–49; 13. Guyatt G, Oxman AD, Akl EA, Kunz R, Vist G, Brozek J, Nor- discussion S49–50. ris S, Falck-Yiter Y, Glasziou P, deBeer H, Jaeschke R, Rind D, 28. Kragh JF, Cooper A, Aden JK, Dubick MA, Baer DG, Wade Meerpohl J, Dahm P, Schunemann HJ. GRADE guidelines, 1: CE, Blackbourne LH. Survey of trauma registry data on tourni- introduction – GRADE evidence profiles and summary of find- quet use in pediatric war casualties. Pediatric Emerg Care. ings tables. J Clin Epidemiol. 2011;64(4):383–94. 2012;28(12):1361–5. 14. Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Kunz R, Atkins D, Brozek J, Vist G, 29. Kotwal RS, Montgomery HR, Kotwal BM, Champion HR, But- Alderson P, Glasziou P, Falck-Yiter Y, Schunemann HJ. GRADE ler FK, Mabry RL, Cain JS, Blackbourne LH, Mechler KK, Hol- guidelines, 2: framing the question and deciding on important comb JB. Eliminating preventable death on the battlefield. Arch outcomes. J Clin Epidemiol. 2011;64(4):395–400. Surg. 2011;146(12):1350–8. 15. Balshem H, Helfand M, Schunemann¨ HJ, Oxman AD, Kunz R, 30. Beekley AC, Sebesta JA, Blackbourne LH, Herbert GS, Kauvar Brozek J, Vist G, Falck-Yiter Y, Meerpohl J, Norris S, Guyatt GH. DS, Baer DG, Walters TJ, Mullenix PS, Holcomb JB. Prehospi- GRADE guidelines, 3: rating the quality of evidence. J Clin Epi- tal tourniquet use in Operation Iraqi Freedom: effect on hemor- demiol. 2011;64(4):401–6. rhage control and outcomes. J Trauma. 2008;64(2 Suppl):S28–37; 16. Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Santesso N, Helfand M, Vist G, Kunz discussion S37. R, Brozek J, Norris S, Meerpohl J, Djuibegovic B, Alonso-Coello 31. Clasper JC, Brown KV, Hill P. Limb complications fol- P, Post PN, Busse JW, Glasziou P, Christensen R, Schunemann lowing pre-hospital tourniquet use. J R Army Med Corps. HJ. GRADE guidelines, 12: preparing summary of findings ta- 2009;155(3):200–2. bles – binary outcomes. J Clin Epidemiol. 2013;66(2):158–72. 32. Dayan L, Zinmann C, Stahl S, Norman D. Complications asso- 17. Andrews J, Guyatt G, Oxman AD, Alderson P, Dahm P, Falck- ciated with prolonged tourniquet application on the battlefield. Yiter Y, Nasse M, Meerpohl J, Post PN, Kunz R, Brozek J, Military Med. 2008;173(1):63–6. Vist G, Rind D, Akl EA, Schunemann HJ. GRADE guidelines, 33. Lakstein D, Blumenfeld A, Sokolov T, Lin G, Bssorai R, Lynn 14: going from evidence to recommendations – the signifi- M, Ben-Abraham R. Tourniquets for hemorrhage control on cance and presentation of recommendations. J Clin Epidemiol. the battlefield: a 4-year accumulated experience. J Trauma. 2013;66(7):719–25. 2003;54(5 Suppl):S221–5. 18. Andrews JC, Schunemann¨ HJ, Oxman AD, Pottie K, Meer- 34. Brown MA, Daya MR, Worley JA. Experience with chi- pohl J, Alonso-Coello P, Rind D, Monton VM, Brito JP, Nor- tosan dressings in a civilian EMS system. J Emerg Med. ris S, Elbarbary M, Post P, Nasser M, Shukla V, Jaeschke R, 2009;37(1):1–7. Brozek J, Djulbegovic B, Guyatt G. GRADE guidelines, 15: 35. Cox ED, Schreiber MA, McManus J, Wade CE, Holcomb JB. going from evidence to recommendation – determinants of a New hemostatic agents in the combat setting. Transfusion. recommendation’s direction and strength. J Clin Epidemiol. 2009;49 Suppl 5:248S–55S.

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