WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2015 SPORTS Golovkin wants 4 fights in 2015

LOS ANGELES: Gennady Golovkin always career just a few years ago. wants to stay in motion. Even when the Sanchez’s goal for 2015 is to make WBA middleweight champion broke away Golovkin impossible to avoid. Golovkin’s from his near-constant training camp in Big camp also still hopes to leverage his status Bear, California, to spend a few hours in as the mandatory challenger for Cotto’s downtown Los Angeles last week, he still WBC belt, although such distinctions often managed to squeeze in an NBA game mean little in big-money matchmaking. when he wasn’t talking up another big year “In 2015, it’s going to get to the point in his rising career. that these guys are going to stop making One of the busiest champions in recent the excuses that they’ve been making,” boxing history intends to stay incredibly Sanchez said. “They’re going to have to get active in 2015, starting with his bout into the ring with Gennady. Martin Murray against Britain’s Martin Murray in Monte is a tough opponent, but Gennady is going Carlo on Feb. 21. Golovkin (31-0, 28 KOs) to do what he needs to do on a different wants to fight four times this year, keeping level. ... There are guys that are threats to up the frenetic pace he has set since 2008. him, but we have to get them in the ring.” And after 18 consecutive stoppage vic- Along with the hefty checks written to tories and 12 defenses of his 160-pound Golovkin’s opponents by HBO, Sanchez and title, his team is determined to land the Loeffler point out Golovkin’s drawing pow- big-money shots at Miguel Cotto, Saul er last year, when he drew more than 8,500 “Canelo” Alvarez, Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., Carl fans to Madison Square Garden and sold Froch, even Andre Ward - anybody who will out the outdoor StubHub Center in Carson, test Golovkin’s entertaining brand of per- California. Although he hasn’t sold out a fection in new ways. “I respect all champi- huge arena, the numbers are impressive for ons, and they are all champions,” Golovkin a Central Asian-born fighter who was virtu- said. “I want to show my style to the world.” ally unknown two years ago while living Golovkin believes he deserves a fight and training in Germany. with Cotto or Alvarez, who are circling a “What does he have to do, sell out bout against each other in May. But Dodger Stadium before he’s a draw?” Golovkin’s camp realizes the two bigger- Sanchez asked. Golovkin is a growing star name fighters are still wary of the Kazakh in his adopted hometown as well. He knockout artist promoted by Tom Loeffler moved to Los Angeles late last year with his and the Klitschko brothers’ company, K2 wife and young son, giving up Stuttgart’s Promotions. brutal winters for year-round sun and surf. “The excuse that people don’t want to He nearly landed a big-money bout with Rory McIlroy fight him because he’s too high-risk with Chavez at the Forum last summer, but too little reward is out the window,” Loeffler Chavez eventually decided not to take the said. “His opponents are among the best- fight. Loeffler hopes Golovkin will land a compensated in the sport because of HBO.” fight worthy of that famed building this Indeed, HBO realizes it has a star in year, and he expects an enthusiastic recep- McIlroy keeps mystery Golovkin, and the pay-cable network has tion in L.A. made the former Olympian into a promi- “People are starting to run out of excus- nent feature of its boxing coverage - a es, because Gennady brings big numbers highly unlikely scenario when Loeffler and now,” Loeffler said. “I’m optimistic that this trainer Abel Sanchez took charge of his is our breakout year.” — AP goals in back pocket

DUBAI: Rory McIlroy’s goals for 2015 are tucked don’t want to share them. I’ll take that out at the weeks later before flying to the US for Palm away in his back pocket, scribbled on a boarding end of the year and see how well I’ve done.” Beach’s Honda Classic and Miami’s World Golf pass during a flight from Dublin to Dubai, and McIlroy may find it tough to better 2014 in Championships in February and March. the world number one will not look at them which he won two majors-the British Open and “Then (I’ll) see what my schedule is leading again until his season is over in December. The the US PGA Championship-to double his career up to the Masters,” said McIlroy. He has yet to Northern Irishman performs the same ritual tally to four, reclaimed the world number one decide on the Houston Open, a week before annually en route to his first tournament of the ranking, topped the European money list and Augusta starts on April 9. year, the Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship. was part of Europe’s victorious Ryder Cup team. “It really depends how I feel. If I feel I need “Every year, I’m flying here  I write my goals “I didn’t achieve everything that I wanted to more golf, I’ll play. If not, I’ll probably take it off,” down in the back of my boarding pass, I put it in last year. I wanted to have six wins, I only had said McIlroy, who will cut his playing schedule to my wallet and I memorise them, but I don’t look four, but still a good year,” said a laughing 21-22 tournaments this year and took almost a at them until the end of the year,” McIlroy told McIlroy who revealed there are seven items on month off before beginning his preparations for reporters in Abu Dhabi, where he has finished this year’s list. 2015 on Jan. 5. “I’ve got a good routine and men- second in three of the past four seasons but is One is likely to be winning the U.S. Masters in tal strategy going into Majors now, where I try yet to win in the UAE capital. “In my back pocket Augusta, the only major to elude him. McIlroy, not to let too much affect me. I go into my own is a boarding pass with my goals for this year. I 25, will play Abu Dhabi and then Dubai two little world for those couple of weeks.” — Reuters

Gennady Golovkin Looming ban a Meyer joins exclusive belly ache for some club with another title KAPALUA: Less than a year remains before to come out cold turkey next year and start lenges along the way but I feel what I’m going ARLINGTON: If he wasn’t a member of the about the need to make life uncomfortable PGA Tour players have to accept a ban by using a new putting technique.” to do will be just fine, though you’re only club before, he definitely is now. Take a bow, for those around him, saying that’s often how golf’s rulemakers on long being Clark, who uses a long putter with the top going to really know when you start in com- Urban Meyer. You’re one of the greatest you get the best out of people. anchored to the body and Tim Clark is among of the shaft pressed against his chest and his petition.” coaches in college football history. He’ll get no complaints from the those who expect “some challenges along the hands spread well apart, has a good idea of Most players believe users of the belly Meyer joined a very elite group - right up Buckeyes, whose victory signaled a north- way.” South African Clark has been using the how his technique will change for next year technique will find the adjustment easier to there with guys named Bryant and Leahy and ward shift in the game’s power structure after anchored technique for 17 years, and the but he was not prepared to divulge details. make than the ‘broomhandle’ brigade, and a Saban - by leading Ohio State to the national years of dominance by the Southeastern same putter for more than a decade, and he “I’m not going to tell you just in case they try few could end up following the example of championship with a 42-20 victory over Conference (with Meyer playing a key role in Oregon on Monday night. that, as well). was vocal in his opposition to the proposal to ban those,” 39-year-old South African . It was Meyer’s third national title. The first Meyer became only the eighth coach to when it was first suggested in December grinned. American Kuchar uses a putting stroke two came with Florida, this one with the win as many as three Associated Press and 2012. The PGA Tour also expressed initial dis- which will not be outlawed by the rulemakers’ Buckeyes - a program in disarray when he BCS national championships, a club led by agreement with the move but later fell in line DIFFICULT TO ADAPT proposal since his putter rests against his left took over in 2012 after taking a one-year sab- Bear Bryant with five. Frank Leahy and Nick with the Royal & Ancient and United States Clark said he would visit the Scotty arm and not against his chest, stomach or batical from coaching. Saban have four apiece, followed by Meyer, Golf Association, acknowledging that the ban Cameron putting studio in the San Diego area chin. He said he needed the time away to take Bernie Bierman, John McKay, Bud Wilkinson on anchored strokes would apply to its events after the Feb. 5-8 Farmers Insurance Open at Asked by Reuters if he had been sought care of his health and reconnect with his fam- and Barry Switzer, all with a trio. from Jan. 1, 2016. Torrey Pines to experiment with a revised out by players for advice on his technique, ily. But if anyone thought it would be a softer, Saban and Meyer are the only coaches to kinder - and more beatable - Meyer who win championships at different schools. By Several PGA Tour players who have been technique but he knows it will not be easy to Kuchar replied: “I haven’t had that many guys returned to the sideline, they were sadly mis- the time Meyer is done - remember, he’s still regularly using either belly or ‘broomhandle’ adapt. “It is going to be tough, for sure,” said ask me too much at this point but I wouldn’t taken. This was the 41st game he’s coached only 50 - he might go down as the greatest of putters have already started experimenting the two-time PGA Tour champion, who be surprised if there are more mid-year and since taking over in Columbus. He’s won 38 of them all, at least in the modern era. “I’m very with the shorter versions but Clark plans to booked his place in the elite winners-only late year. them, an astonishing turnaround for a team humbled by that,” he said, “but I’m also the stick with his long putter for most of this year. field of 34 at Kapalua by winning last year’s “It will be interesting to see what guys do- that went 6-7 during the 2011 season, reeling first one to appreciate the people who did it, “Maybe there’s a tournament where I’m . whether the guys that anchor go to a counter- from the forced ouster of longtime coach Jim and that’s our players.” dead-last playing on Sunday and I might do “Seventeen years of putting one way, I balance style or something else. “Whether it’s Tressel and an NCAA investigation into tat- Give Meyer some credit, too. This was his something, but it’s not really a move I want to don’t think there’s too many of the guys out the Adam Scotts and Tim Clarks (broomhan- toos and other illegal benefits. best coaching job yet. The Buckeyes lost star do this year,” Clark told Reuters while compet- here that have putted with a short one for dle putters) or the Webb Simpsons and the “The chase is complete,” Meyer said. Ahh, quarterback Braxton Miller to a season-end- the chase. That’s been the theme of the pro- ing shoulder injury during fall practice. They ing in the Hyundai Tournament of Champions that long would like to switch to something guys who put the putter in the belly, there will gram since Meyer watched Alabama demol- had to shake off an early home loss to at Kapalua Resort. “But at some point, I’m else that they haven’t used. be a lot of eyes focused to see how those guys ish Notre Dame in the BCS championship Virginia Tech, when Miller’s replacement, J.T. going to have to do it because you don’t want “I’m sure there’s going to be some chal- transition.” — Reuters game at the end of the 2012 season. The Barrett, struggled behind an inexperienced Buckeyes went 12-0 that year but were offensive line. Barrett improved to such an banned from postseason play. Nevertheless, extent that he finished fifth in the Heisman the coach knew his unbeaten squad didn’t Trophy balloting, but he sustained a season- match up to the Crimson Tide, so he sent ending injury of his own against Michigan. every member of the program a text that About the same time, the team had to deal very night with a simple message: “The Chase with something far worse: the death of scout is on.” team player Kosta Karageorge, who is Quicker than even Meyers envisioned, the believed to have taken his own life. Buckeyes became the team everyone else is Meyer had to turn to a quarterback who chasing. And with many of his top players started the year as a third-stringer, Cardale returning, including running back Ezekiel Jones. All he did in his first three career starts Elliott, they’ll certainly start next season as was guide the Buckeyes to a 59-0 blowout of the favorite to win another. Wisconsin for the Big Ten title, a stunning 42- “The word repeat, we’ll have that conver- 35 upset of Saban’s Alabama powerhouse in sation, but certainly not today. It’s about the Sugar Bowl, and finally a resounding tri- enjoying it,” a weary looking Meyer said umph over Oregon and Heisman winner Tuesday morning, the championship trophy Marcus Mariota, which would’ve been even by his side. “Elite warriors, when they accom- bigger if not for Ohio State’s four turnovers. plish their mission, they celebrate. The next There are not many coaches who could thing they do is learn from it, and then the overcome that sort of adversity. Maybe not final thing is they look forward to the next any. Not even Saban, dare we say. “One of the mission, next assignment. Right now, we’re in great stories in college football history of the celebration phase.” Meyer seemed a little closeness, of team, of selflessness and strain,” more willing to appreciate this title than the Meyer said. first two, but it’s not his style to relax for long. When he was growing up in Ashtabula, a “He just demands excellence out of every- small town on Lake Erie, his family had a pic- body, every aspect of your life,” said Elliott, ture of Woody Hayes hanging in the home. the MVP of the title game after rushing for The fiery Ohio State coach was clearly an 246 yards and four touchdowns. “When he inspiration, because Meyer found his calling demands that every day from you, you don’t on the sideline after a short-lived profession- have any choice but to change.” al baseball career in the Atlanta Braves organ- Clearly, Meyer is still the same fierce com- ization. To this day, he still keeps a picture of petitor he always was - mercilessly poking Hayes in his home. Maybe it’s time to put up players and coaches alike, all in a desire to something different. get the best out of them. Before a Sugar Bowl If Meyer wants a coach to look up to, all victory over top-seeded Alabama, he talked he needs is a mirror. —AP Tim Clark