Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 olna dynamics nonlinear relation- the investigate information under- to illustrate of and pathophysiology studies results and processing. signals features future DDA These for between of ship fea- need patients. analysis the nonlinear SZ nonlinear score and of in linear benefits detected the both were meth- in DDA linear tures abnormalities significant traditional Importantly, Marked with observed groups. ods. informa- those both preceded auditory changes in significant to revealed processing related Genet- DDA tion architecture the study. on dynamical (COGS-2) (MMN) Consortium nonlinear Schizophrenia the negativity of in comparison mismatch record- participation ics nonpsychiatric their underwent EEG 753 via and who to testing patients applied (NCSs) SZ was subjects 877 embedding physics, from differ- on theoretical ings based delay method study, from nonlinear this theory sig- a In EEG (DDA), to whole analysis dynamics. fail ential in nonlinear therefore, contained including may, information nals, of and wealth methods deficits. the linear capture such psychosocial on pre- and from rely analyses cognitive biomarker part, dominantly informa- neurophysiologic as to in auditory approaches well impaired arise, Current as to debilitat- to processing leading most thought tion dysfunction, the is network neuropsychi- of illnesses, a in one mental observed (SZ), ing symptoms Schizophrenia processing brain of disorders. information multiple atric constellation in of the impairments coordination pro- and to fluid dynamical contributes the nonlinear regions since in complex chaotic, by Disruption N seem driven Risto cesses. and often typically Breakspear brain, Michael are by the reviewed they 2018; including 20, June systems, review for Natural (sent 2018 25, December Sejnowski, J. Terrence by Contributed and 92161; CA Diego, San System, Healthcare Austria; 92093; Graz, CA Jolla, La Diego, San f California, 92093; of CA University Psychiatry, Jolla, La Diego, San California, a Investigators COGS The aial lctdvaapsieadtr dbl aaimin auto- paradigm is oddball MMN auditory 6). passive sensitive psy- (5, a is of cognition via and development risk target elicited the clinical matically that high predicting interventions reliably 4). at for to to individuals (1, shown used among functioning been be chosis psychosocial has can and MMN MMN cognition ERP SZ. an with of is correlate treatment understand- (MMN) fundamental our and improving negativity for a ing Mismatch promise with is 3). EAIP of (2, (ERPs), biomarker SZ potentials of mea- event-related as feature (EAIP), by processing information sured auditory early SZ altered and can- subjects leading nonpsychiatric to healthy applied patients. in was biomarkers from perspective systems didate physics large-scale theoretical characterizing a nonlinear for a study, technique and this In analysis intractable (1). cog- functioning most of psychosocial domains and the multiple nitive in among impairments with is illnesses, disabling (SZ) Schizophrenia toms. I schizophrenia Lainscsek Claudia schizophrenia in dysfunction processing sensory underlying dynamics Nonlinear eateto eea ugr,RtesNwJre eia col eak J07103; NJ Newark, School, Medical Jersey New Rutgers Surgery, General of Department opttoa erbooyLbrtr,Sl nttt o ilgclSuis aJla A92037; CA Jolla, La Studies, Biological for Institute Salk Laboratory, Neurobiology Computational rcse otiuet h ope oselto fsymp- of constellation complex the to low-level contribute in processes abnormalities subtle disorders, neuropsychiatric n mn aydmiso lnclyrlvn dysfunctions, relevant clinically of domains many Among h | eeasItgae evc ewr 2Mna lns,Rsac,EuainadCiia etr(IEC,Vtrn far a Diego San Affairs Veterans (MIRECC), Center Clinical and Education Research, Illness, Mental 22 - Network Service Integrated Veterans EEG | ea ifrnilanalysis differential delay a,b,1 ao .Sampson L. Aaron , 2 elR Swerdlow R. Neal , c ersine rdaePorm nvriyo aiona a ig,L ol,C 92093; CA Jolla, La Diego, San California, of University Program, Graduate Neurosciences i iiino ilgclSine,Uiest fClfri,SnDeo aJla A92093 CA Jolla, La Diego, San California, of University Sciences, Biological of Division | imthnegativity mismatch a,c oetKim Robert , d ai .Braff L. David , e eateto scooy ooaoSaeUiest,Fr oln,C 80523; CO Collins, Fort University, State Colorado Psychology, of Department | a,c ihe .Thomas L. Michael , d,h erneJ Sejnowski J. Terrence , 1073/pnas.1810572116/-/DCSupplemental nS.Tu,salcagsi al uioypoesn measures processing auditory early in changes in small Thus, deficits disability SZ. functional in to real-world processing and contribute symptoms, sensory clinical substantially cognition, auditory and early propagate and these measures model, proposed in cascade (1) impairments processing al. where information psychosocial et hierarchical Thomas and a across Recently, validated cognitive impairments 10). higher-order with (9, (ADR) functioning correlate of that response domains compo- SZ deviance multiple ADR in reorient- significant auditory reductions found the have the nent studies called Many as has wave (8). response to complex studied, negative MMN–P3a–RON referred less a This Although EAIP (7). been by (RON) P3a. of followed negativity called reflective ing is ms also P3a 250–300 component the at positive MMN peaks sounds. a standard that by presented interspersed followed frequently randomly of is sounds sequence a deviant in infrequent to response hsatcecnan uprigifrainoln at online information supporting contains article This 2 of conflicts potential 1 or interests the under financial Published biomedical no report interests. Boehringer- authors Takeda. Astellas, and other NeuroSig, to NASA, consultant The Merck, a Lundbeck, as Heptares, of served Neuroscience, Dart has University Ingelheim, G.A.L. R.N., statement: interest and of Conflict Research; Medical for paper. the Institute Helsinki. wrote G.A.L. Queensland and T.J.S., M.B., analysis; D.L.B., for N.R.S., Reviewers: data X.L., provided K.M., T.C.I. M.L.T., data; R.K., analyzed C.L., A.L.S., designed G.A.L. research; C.L., G.A.L. and performed and X.L., G.A.L. and and K.M., T.J.S., T.J.S., M.L.T., D.L.B., R.K., D.L.B., N.R.S., A.L.S., T.C.I., N.R.S., R.K., T.C.I., A.L.S., R.K., C.L., research; A.L.S., C.L., contributions: Author opeels fteCG netgtr a efudin found be can Investigators COGS the of list complete A [email protected], [email protected], Email: [email protected]. y addressed. or be may correspondence whom To rmcnetoa ehd omnyue ntesuyof study the in apparent used disorders. not neuropsychiatric commonly is methods ana- that conventional be information from impor- can dynamical extract large-scale to signals method tant unconventional brain rather a that using lyzed indicate Results network auditory–neurophysiological responses. to well-known schizophre- correspond preceding and states pro- subjects changes states dynamical healthy These information dynamical of patients. auditory cohorts nia unique large altered in detect and cessing that indeed normal show important can We underlying identify signals. method to brain this theory underlying features systems inte- nonlinear dynamical the method produce on a to describes intercon- based paper needed This to cognition. many is of is experience which of grated neuroscience regions, orchestration brain of seamless nected challenges the fundamental understand the of One Significance y y g ntttf Institut NSlicense.y PNAS b rTertsh hsk ehiceUniversit Technische Physik, Theoretische ur d,e ¨ nttt o erlCmuain nvriyof University Computation, Neural for Institute ae Man Karen , a,b,i,1 n rgr .Light A. Gregory and , . y a,f ei Lainscsek Xenia , NSLts Articles Latest PNAS IAppendix.y SI d eatetof Department a ¨ at ¨ anen) ¨ a,g tGa,8010 Graz, at ¨ d,h,1 , | f6 of 1 y

NEUROSCIENCE I N contribute to deficits in higher-order functions and macroscopic X Y m x˙ = a x n,i , [1] manifestations of SZ. i τn The vast majority of ERP studies in neuropsychiatry have used i=1 n=1 linear analysis of EEG signals. These linear methods include where τn , mn,i ∈ N0 with x = x(t), xτn = x(t − τn ), relating the ERP peaks and latencies (11, 12), frequency (13) or time fre- signal derivative x˙ (t) to delayed versions of the signal. Most quency analyses (14, 15), and cross-frequency coupling (16, 17). of the terms in this template are set to zero depending on the Such conventional linear methods, while highly informative, data type. The following DDA model has been shown to capture focus on a priori determined time-locked events or frequency important dynamical information from EEG signals (26, 33–35): ranges (i.e., delta, theta, gamma bands) and therefore, fail to 2 capture important underlying nonlinear system dynamics. Thus, x˙ = a1x1 + a2x2 + a3x1 . [2] characterizing general dynamical components of broadband data without such restrictions may reveal information about altered This model was chosen through a structure selection proce- systems-level states associated with SZ. dure, repeated random subsampling cross-validation (36) (SI To characterize the large-scale, neural system-level dynamics Appendix), using separate EEG and intracranial EEG datasets present in brain electrical activity in patients with SZ, com- (26, 33–35). The coefficients a1,2,3 were used as features to putational models based on nonlinear dynamics and systems distinguish dynamical differences in time series data. Together theory recently emerged as a promising tool in neuroscience with these coefficients, the least squares error ρ was also con- (18, 19). In contrast to our prevailing focus on microscale neu- sidered. Therefore, the full DDA feature set was composed of ronal activity, methods that characterize large-scale, system-level {a1, a2, a3, ρ}. These previous studies have shown that the four dynamics may help us understand emergent phenomena of DDA parameters of Eq. 2 reflect both linear and nonlinear fea- behavior and cognition (18, 20). This perspective also underlies tures underlying nonlinear signals (25). Since previous results past work linking nonlinear analysis of the EEG to the “dis- converged on a3 as most informative (25), this parameter was connection hypothesis” of SZ (21, 22). Breakspear and Terry carried forward for detailed characterization in this dataset. (23) used a technique for estimating the nonlinear dynamical interdependence of several EEG channels across and within Results both hemispheres and found significant differences in the topog- ADR Complex. Consistent with established methods (10), individ- raphy of dynamical interdependence across the scalp between ual subject deviant minus standard waveform averages derived SZ patients and matched healthy comparison subjects (24). from the preprocessed ERP signals showed significantly reduced Here, we apply a distinct but related technique to probe the MMN and P3a positivity components for the SZ patients nonlinear dynamics of a single EEG channel, which allows us (Fig. 1A, Upper). The group-averaged signals (Fig. 1A, Lower) to investigate the nonlinear properties of a broader range of also revealed significantly diminished ADR complex composed data. Delay differential analysis (DDA) is designed to capture of MMN, P3a positivity, and RON for the SZ group. large-scale dynamics present in nonlinear time series signals Performing the DDA on the difference waveforms and com- (25–28). DDA operates in the time domain and maps unpro- puting individual subject a3 averages showed significantly lower cessed data onto a functional embedding basis. Embeddings a3 values across the SZ patients in the 180- to 240-ms time win- are used in nonlinear dynamics to reveal invariant dynami- dow (Fig. 1B, Upper) (mean t value = 10.8, mean Cohen’s d = cal properties underlying a more extensive, largely unknown 0.55). The group-averaged a3 signals revealed three distinct dynamical system (i.e., the brain) when only a single time series areas corresponding to the ADR components (numbered areas (e.g., EEG data) is available. Previous studies have shown that in Fig. 1B, Lower). Interestingly, the timing of the three DDA DDA can be used to extract disease-specific dynamical fea- peaks occurred before their corresponding ADR components tures: Parkinson’s movement data (29, 30), ECG recordings (27, identified in the group-averaged ERP signals. For instance, the 31), sleep EEG (26), classification of Parkinson’s disease EEG peak group difference in area 1 in Fig. 1B occurred 70 ms before data (32, 33), and data for epileptic seizure the peak group difference in the ERP MMN window in Fig. 1A. characterization (34). This suggests that DDA reflects dynamical state changes (as esti- In this study, DDA was applied to the unprocessed EEG mated by the amplitude changes in a3) occurring immediately recordings from SZ patients and nonpsychiatric comparison sub- before each of the ERP ADR components. Thus, DDA not only jects (NCSs) who participated in the Consortium on the Genetics captures the group differences but also, identifies the underly- of Schizophrenia (COGS-2), a multicenter case-control study of ing dynamical state changes that contribute to the linear ERP SZ and related endophenotypes (10). In contrast to our prior changes of the ADR complex components. focus on linear ERP features (MMN and P3a amplitudes) (1, 10), this study aimed to determine (i) whether nonlinear dynam- Responses to Constituent Deviant and Standard Tones. To deter- ics can be detected in raw EEG recordings and if so, (ii) if mine whether findings in the deviant minus standard difference they can be used to differentiate SZ patients from NCSs; by waves were driven by effects to constituent tones, responses mapping the trial information onto the DDA feature space, to deviant and standard tones were also examined separately. we also aimed to determine (iii) whether the MMN, P3a, and Consistent with the results presented above, similar waveform RON responses reflect nonlinear processes even after control- morphology and magnitude of SZ impairment were observed ling for SZ–NCS amplitude differences, which would provide an in both ERP and DDA results. Also consistent with the previ- important perspective on EAIP deficits in SZ. Such information ous section, peaks observed with DDA, including those related may be important for guiding future studies of the genomic and to SZ deficits, occurred earlier than those observed in the ERP neural substrates of SZ and may provide targets for treatment analysis. developments. Responses to deviant tones. Averaging the ERP signals corre- sponding to only deviant tones revealed three ERP components DDA (Fig. 2A) that were reduced for the SZ group, consistent with We developed and applied a signal processing technique, DDA, other studies (10). DDA identified dynamical changes unique based on embedding theory in nonlinear dynamics. DDA com- to each group occurring before each of the ERP components bines two types of embeddings via a delay differential equa- (Fig. 2B). In addition, the dynamical states of the NCS group tion: delay embedding and derivative embedding. The general were significantly different from those of the SZ patients during nonlinear DDA model can be formulated as the 50- to 100-ms time window (black arrow in Fig. 2B) (mean t

2 of 6 | Lainscsek et al. Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 alettm idw(010wihm)i nadtr oecudb rcse sdvat(lc ro;mean arrow; (black deviant as processed be could tone auditory an in ms) which (50–100 d window time earliest ance tal. et Lainscsek ( Upper NCSs the in components P3a ( Lower and signals component MMN in ADR 1–3 pronounced different (numbered revealed significantly components tones showed deviant groups two from signals average 2. Fig. = value Cohen’s in rate). discovery 1–3 (false (numbered comparisons components multiple DDA for S9 . the Fig. adjusting but Appendix, (Lower after SI SZ, significant signals in statistically average deficits are group-level of in that the identified severity peaks in and ERP ERP appreciated morphology tone corresponding waveform be decreased (deviant homologous can difference significantly with RON) subject revealed components and individual subject P3a, the each (MMN, of within ADR map the heat of the components in shown as components 1. Fig. u a eietfida ein,snetedvatadtr tones auditory deviant stimu- the a since deviant, which as during identified window be time can lus earliest the to corresponds A A

= Amplitude (µV) Participants Amplitude (µV) Participants 1000 1200 1400 1600 1000 1200 1400 1600 −0.13). 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 -1 -2 -1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 Csdmntae outMN 3,adRON and P3a, MMN, robust demonstrated NCSs (A) components. complex ADR the of each preceding changes state dynamical identified DDA niiulsubject Individual (A) tones. auditory deviant by elicited waveforms of DDA and analysis ERP both from evident were components ADR .,ma Cohen’s mean −2.6, 5 0101020203030400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 5 0101020203030400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 Deviant-minus-Standard Deviant Tones Average ERP Average ERP Time (ms)

Time (ms)

MMN MMN Lower d = A .Frhroe ttsial infiatdfeecsin differences significant statistically Furthermore, ). .3.Ntby hswindow this Notably, −0.13).

y7,5,ad8 s epciey h hddrgosi h ru vrg inl ersn ru differences group represent signals average group the in regions shaded The respectively. ms, 82 and 54, 71, by

P3a P3a a RON 3 RON

nteS ains(Upper patients SZ the in

SZ SZ NCS NCS < 0.0001 < p < 0.01 < p 0.001 < p < 0.0001 < < 0.01 < p 0.001 < p p

-3 -2 -1 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

Amplitude (µV) Amplitude µV) Amplitude ( Amplitude DDA (B) ). uhdfeec a bevdi h rn vrg R signals No ERP tones). average standard grand the the for 2A). in ms (Fig. observed 50 was (vs. difference duration such in ms 100 were B B Amplitude (au) Participants Amplitude (au) Participants -0.01 -0.02 -0.01 1000 1200 1400 1600 1000 1200 1400 1600 .A ihteEPrsls h D ru vrgsdslydthree displayed averages group DDA the results, ERP the with As ). 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 0 0 a 5 0101020203030400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 5 0101020203030400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 3 mltd hne eeosre eoeec fteADR the of each before observed were changes amplitude a 3 − Deviant-minus-Standard mltd ewe ruswr eetddrn the during detected were groups between amplitude tnadtn R)aeaesgas(Upper signals average ERP) tone standard d, Deviant Tones Average DDA Average DDA t aus n ere ffedmaesonin shown are freedom of degrees and values, 23 12 Time (ms) Time (ms) 23 12 DDA (B) ). .Tegadaeaesgasfo the from signals average grand The ). t a au = value 3 NSLts Articles Latest PNAS ofcetvle averaged values coefficient Lower .,ma Cohen’s mean −2.6, rcddtheir preceded )

.Althree All ).

SZ SZ NCS NCS < 0.0001 < p p p < 0.01 < 0.001 < p < 0.01 < p 0.001 < < 0.0001 < p p |

-0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 f6 of 3

Amplitude (au) Amplitude Amplitude (au) Amplitude

NEUROSCIENCE Responses to standard tones. Unlike the robust group differ- the nonlinear features captured via DDA provide a more prox- ences observed in the ERP responses to the deviant tones, the imal and direct readout of the neurophysiological substrate of group differences in the standard tone ERP responses were ERP measures and the earliest detectable changes in the brain much more modest as shown in Fig. 3A. DDA identified a simi- representing deviance detection. lar group difference occurring between 90 and 130 ms (Fig. 3B). DDA utilizes embeddings to reveal the underlying dynami- Consistent with ERP analysis of the standard tones, no signifi- cal patterns of brain activity in the feature space. These pat- cant dynamical changes were detected in the 50- to 100-ms time terns, which are otherwise not observable in the EEG using window. conventional linear ERP methods, are sensitive to even small perturbations in brain network dynamics—including those on Discussion a small regional scale. The extracted features also provide In this study, DDA, a technique based on dynamical systems a natural measure of the magnitude of dynamical changes, theory, was used to determine whether nonlinear features sig- which may correspond to the severity of dysfunction in neu- nificantly contribute to leading neurophysiologic biomarker can- ropsychiatric illness. In addition to revealing important infor- didates of EAIP. The concept that nonlinear, chaos theory- mation about nonlinear dynamics hidden in the EEG sig- based perturbations occur early in information processing in nals, DDA offers a number of important technical advantages SZ patients has been hypothesized for some time (36). In this over commonly used ERP measures: it is computationally fast, context, these early dynamical state changes precede commonly provides fine temporal resolution (10-ms data windows), and studied ERP features in both groups. SZ-related impairments requires only minimal preprocessing (i.e., demeaning of the in DDA metrics may contribute to impairments in higher-order data) to avoid discarding meaningful contextual information. neurocognitive and psychosocial functioning. A challenge has Since time-consuming preprocessing steps (e.g., blink correc- been with the identification and quantification of these early non- tion and filtering) are not required for DDA, even very large linear abnormalities in the information processing cascade of datasets can be analyzed in minutes rather than days, weeks, or function (1). DDA may provide a solution to this longstanding even months. challenge. Although DDA has great promise, several caveats should be DDA was used on large cohorts of 877 SZ patients and 753 noted. As a measure, DDA findings do not neatly map onto the NCSs using a well-validated paradigm from the COGS-2 multi- vast existing literature, which has nearly exclusively relied on lin- center study. DDA revealed nonlinear dynamical state changes, ear methods; DDA findings, therefore, may be challenging to which preceded well-established ADR components of the ERP. interpret. Likewise, the DDA methods have not undergone the Importantly, the dynamical information extracted from EEG same degree of validation for use in clinical studies (e.g., reli- may also provide additional information about the underlying ability, suitability for use as a repeated measure, sensitivity to nature of the MMN, P3a, and RON components of the ADR. therapeutic interventions). As with the original papers describ- Interestingly, nonlinear features are evident nearly instanta- ing the underlying data used in this report, another caveat is neously in response to standard and deviant auditory stimulus that medications in the SZ patients were not experimentally onset as well as in the deviant minus standard comparison that controlled. It is possible that some of the observed deficits in is commonly used for measuring the ADR components. DDA the DDA features of the SZ patients could be attributable to detected nonlinear activity > 50 ms before conventional ERP differences in their medication status. Likewise, other clinical peaks. Since this early DDA effect does not seem to be an arti- factors could also influence DDA findings. It is noteworthy that fact of the analysis method, questions remain as to the functional the large COGS-2 dataset allows for additional tests to verify significance of these early nonlinear effects. It is possible that that the observed SZ-related effects are not driven by group

A Average ERP B Average DDA Standard Tones Standard Tones 1600 1600 0.02 3 1400 1400 2 SZ SZ 1200 1200 0.01 Amplitude ( 1 Amplitude (au) 1000 1000

800 0 800 0 µ V) 600 -1 600 Participants Participants NCS NCS 400 400 -0.01 -2

200 200 -3 -0.02 p p < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.01 V) 1 µ p p < 0.001 0.5 0 < 0.001

0 p p -0.01 < 0.01 -0.5 < 0.01 Amplitude (au) Amplitude ( -1 -0.02 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Time (ms) Time (ms)

Fig. 3. DDA of standard tones detected significant dynamical state alterations preceding the P150 window. (A) ERP signals corresponding to the standard tones revealed a reduced P150 component in the SZ grand average signal (Lower). (B) Dynamic changes preceding the P150 ERP changes were observed in the 90- to 130-ms window (Lower; mean t value = 3.3, mean Cohen’s d = 0.17). The a3 changes were reduced for the SZ group during this time window.

4 of 6 | Lainscsek et al. Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 ihdrto f50m.Ec ra otie 0-speoead450-ms and pretone 100-ms contained trial Each ms. 550 of zero) duration with (central CZ the Analysis. at ERP electrode single a from kHz at 1 conducted maximum position. were of a recordings rate and as EEG tone sampling stimuli) deviants. standard a between of 1 tones of (10% minimum standard tones a 18 were deviant of There 100-ms 4. and Fig. stan- in stimuli) 50-ms shown of of consisted (90% subject NCSs. tones each 753 a dard to and presented patients from stimuli SZ the Samples 877 auditory by analyzed: of site. Trains were approved each subjects was COGS-2 at 1,630 study committees of was the total protection consent and research of Written participants, human the University Medicine. local of of of the all University School Washington; from the Sinai obtained of Diego; Mount University and San the Pennsylvania; California, Angeles; of Los University California, the States: United Collection. Data COGS-2 The Methods and Materials and SZ biomarker- for in treatments disorders. to of CNS development contribute impairment the accelerate as to understand- strategies cognitive features well guided better as DDA of a disorders to among pathophysiology neuropsychiatric lead links of can dynamics the ing network Elucidating pro- brain observed patients. and information deficits linear corresponding SZ auditory obtain and to in to subjects able healthy related were in we cessing features dataset, applying nonlinear rich By large, and function. this neural to including of DDA phenomena, aspects benefits nonlinear natural potential important of study the to of techniques nonlinear demonstration using powerful and clear clinical or medication biomarker-guided approaches. for to SZ trial useful clinical sensitive be in may is approach findings rapid DDA this DDA changes, if current However, the 10). from (1, inter- variables and effects clinical medication Future acting S11 ). disentangle and to S10 required Figs. are Appendix, studies (SI sex or age in differences DDA the coefficient and nonlinear was ms. the waveforms waveform and 0 difference difference data, at the ERP the lines and Both to dashed preprocessing, applied trials. vertical after was deviant with averaged equation were and differential lines) delay standard three-term (solid both a trials for DDA, deviant With and averages. lines) (Left these (dashed paradigm from standard ERP computed from traditional series a time to EEG according approach, analyzed were Data tones. deviant 4. Fig. ance tal. et Lainscsek ERP Analysis Traditional ept h aet fti td,teerslsrpeeta represent results these study, this of caveats the Despite Amplitude (µV) -1 -2 -1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 ujcsi ohS n C ruswr rsne ihadtr tml ossigo 0m tnadtnswt admyitrpre 100-ms interspersed randomly with tones standard 50-ms of consisting stimuli auditory with presented were groups NCS and SZ both in Subjects SSSSSSS SSSSS SS NCS SZ 5 0101020203030400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 h OS2dt o ahsbetwr emne notrials into segmented were subject each for data COGS-2 The D e v i a n mean offilteredtimeseries t aawr olce tfiecnesars the across centers five at collected were Data (deviant-standard) Time (ms) difference D e v i a n t ftedt atrpercsig sue.Tedfeec sta,frDDA, for is that, mean is trials difference the several The where over used. ERP, is mean traditional preprocessing) set the to (after feature data then, counterpart The the nonlinear and figures. of DDA. the the trial, of of as each all version taken from for single-trial window estimated the time points is each shows corresponding the of the For 5 beginning and data. Fig. used, the the were at to ms plotted 10 applied are of then informa- windows are amplitude data, remove windows COGS-2 to overlapping variance Sliding unit and tion. mean zero to normalized length of Data. dow EEG of DDA from subtracted responses. were tone responses deviant average tone the standard activity average (signal algorithm, the artifact Finally, identification carded. residual blind containing second-order trials a and using removed (n was tones artifact deviant (n to tones corresponding standard Trials signals. ERP posttone i.5. Fig. o Eq. for n sn D oass olna yais(Right dynamics nonlinear assess to DDA using and ) DDA

a DDA a coefficient (au) -0.01 3 -0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 3 2. ofcettm ore r lge otn ne,wihi marked is which onset, tone to aligned are courses time coefficient 0 0 siaino h features the of Estimation NCS SZ 5 0101020203030400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 ein S S S Deviant L ssoni i.5 h aafrec uhwno are window such each for data The 5. Fig. in shown as 5)wr xrce rmec ujc.Eemovement Eye subject. each from extracted were 150) = D etrsaeuulyetmtdfo aawin- data a from estimated usually are features DDA d compute DDA a t a

u compute difference or analyze standardsanddeviants s e d Time (ms) a 1,2,3 a 3 coefficient o aawno flength of window data a for S NSLts Articles Latest PNAS Deviant .I h tnadERP standard the In ). >±50 a 3 a computed was )wr dis- were µV) S 5)and 150) = {a | 1,2,3 ... f6 of 5 , ρ} L

NEUROSCIENCE the raw data are processed for each data window separately. To improve NCS groups as observed in both traditional trial mean difference waveforms the performance and to reduce the number of trials needed, cross-trial DDA and the DDA a3 coefficient. The false discovery rate was adjusted using the was used (SI Appendix, Fig. S3). Using the ergodic hypothesis (37), data win- Benjamini–Hochberg procedure. The optimal delays for the COGS-2 dataset dows of multiple trials were combined, and features were computed across were τ = (3, 8) time points, corresponding to (3, 8) ms. trials. The DDA coefficients were estimated simultaneously from 150 trial windows (SI Appendix, Figs. S1–S11). Supervised structure selection was used ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This work was supported in part by NIH Grants R01- to identify the delays that led to optimal group classification (A0) (32). Note MH065571, R01-MH042228, R01-MH07977, K23-MH102420, R01-MH065554, R01-MH65707, R01-MH65578, R01-MH65558, R01-MH059803, and R01- that these delays have no frequency correspondence due to the nonlinear MH094320. This work was also supported by the Sidney R. Baer, Jr. Foun- nature of the DDA model (25). Results from a3, the most salient feature, are 0 dation; the Department of Veterans Affairs; the Medical Research Service of presented. As a measure of classification performance, the area A under the Veterans Affairs San Diego Health Care System; the Department of Vet- the receiver operating characteristic was used (38). An unpaired Student’s t erans Affairs Desert Pacific Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical test was used to assess the significance of differences between the SZ and Center; and the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation.

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