Spreading the Message of Peace Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatulahe Wa Barakatahu Lajna National Tabligh Secretary- Dhiya Tahira Bakr
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Spreading the Message of Peace Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatulahe wa Barakatahu Lajna National Tabligh Secretary- Dhiya Tahira Bakr Slide 1 Before we spread a message of peace; we should understand the meaning and why we should spread a message? Slide 2 The secular meaning of peace is defined as freedom from disturbance. Some synonyms are harmony, restfulness, calm and tranquility. The answer to why we should spread a message of peace is found in the meaning of Islam. Slide 3. Islam is defined as an Arabic word which literally means obedience and peace. It is from the Arabic root Salema. Islam means the path of those who are obedient to Allah and who establish peace with Him and His creatures. (Alslam.org) The Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a.s. stated in his book; The Message of Peace pg 6,7; “The fortune of Muslims are at a low ebb, faith is yielding to doubt and religion is only skin deep”. However, the Promised Messiah a.s. also states; (Slide 4). “Islam is a living faith. By following it man could establish contact with his Creator. The teachings in the Holy Quran and the law promulgated by Islam were designed to raise man to moral, intellectual and spiritual perfection”. In his exposition the Philosophy and Teachings of Islam pg. 2, the Promised Messiah a.s. explains that at this stage of development man moves into the soul at rest (Nafse Mutmainnah) which means; he has found comfort in God (Slide 5). Here it can be understood that man in general and Muslims in particular, find real peace when they establish a relationship with the Creator. To understand further why we should be spreading a message of peace; reflect on the words of the Promised Messiah a.s. from his book; The Need for the Imam pg. 9, 36, 38. He stated (Slide 6); Remember, God Almighty has made tribes and nations with the object of setting up a physical system of civilization, so that through mutual contact and relationship; cooperation and sympathy should prevail amongst mankind. In the same way, He (Allah) has established the system of Prophethood and Imamat to establish spiritual relationship among the Holy Prophet’s s.a.w. umma (community)… It is the way of God that He does not like to see mankind divided and dispersed. Just as He has included a number of planets in the solar system and has given the sun sovereignty over them, so does (Slide 7) He invest the ordinary believers with light in keeping with their spiritual station and appoints the Imam of the age as their sun. This Divine practice exist in His creation to such an extent that it is found even among the Dhiya Bakr 1 honeybees. They too have an Imam. In the worldly kingdoms, God Almighty has so willed that a nation should have a leader or a king. Promised Messiah a.s. further stated; no believer, in fact, no man or even animal is deprived of Divine favours.…Therefore, we beseech God to grant us the good fortune of following the path of those who were the recipients of spiritual favours…(The Need for the Imam pg. 38). Slide 8 Should we spread this message to others? So, they can also become recipients of this spiritual favour and find peace? We know people are suffering and in distress. Shouldn’t we spread the message to seek comfort in Allah and pray “Our Lord grant us good in this world as well as good in the world to come and protect us from the torment of the hell fire (2:202). Right from the beginning of the Holy Quran shura Fatiha states; Guide us in the right path. The path of those on whom thou hast bestowed thy blessings, not on the path of those who incurred Thy displeasure, nor on the path of those who have gone astray. We recite this at least five different times a day asking God to guide us. God has answered our prayers. He has given us the guide, leader, Imam and Khalifa. But do we follow the Holy Quran 4:60? Obey Allah, the messengers and those in authority over you…. Are we spreading the message of peace when people are confronted with the challenges of life? Holy Quran 41: 35 saids; And good and evil are not alike. Repel evil with that which is best. And lo, he between whom and thyself was enmity, will become as though he were a warm friend. Do we stay on the path? Are we truly committed to the requirements such as saying our daily prayers and living our pledge of allegiance to the conditions of Bai’at? Slide 9 The real purpose and object of Bai’at according to the Promised Messiah a.s. is to enslave one-self to the spiritual guide and to acquire in exchange the knowledge, spiritual insight and blessings which help fortify the faith, sharpen the spiritual vision and establish a pure relationship with God. Likewise, it brings about true repentance and offers salvation from the hell of this world and consequently of the hereafter. (The Need for the Imam pg. 45) Slide 10 Recently, Khalifatul Masih V aba came to the USA, October 2018. He inaugurated a few Mosque, met with individuals and families of our communities and advised the national amila of jamaat Ahmadiyyat including Lajna Imaillah. Several times serving as your national tabligh secretary, I have been blessed to meet with Huzoor aba. He asked about Dhiya Bakr 2 bai’ats. I excitedly stated my personal desire is for each lajna member to bring at least one bai’at. We would then have 1000s of people entering our community. Huzoor aba smiled. I then humbly stated the target of Bai’ats for lajna was set at 50. Dr. Waseem A Sayed Sahib the jamaat national tabligh secretary stated; Huzoor aba advised a member of the national tabligh team to not worry about bai’ats but to focus on making friendships and deepen these friendships. He urged every member to become involved with this. Huzoor aba told him that changing people’s hearts is the work of Allah and that when He brings about a breakthrough; bai’ats would follow. Dr. Waseem Sayed Sahib stated that one amazing thing Huzoor aba pointed to in the Kutba of November 16, 2018 was that it is so heartwarming that the American people are accepting of the truths they are informed of…so all we have to do is take up the cause and convey the true teachings of Islam to them. The Promised Messiah a.s. writings and lectures preach to bring man into unity and peace through Islam. His successors then continued in this vein. Khalifatul Masih III Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad r.a. branded our motto; “Love for All, Hatred for None” (Welcome to Ahmadiyyat the true Islam pg 311). Khalifatul Masih IV Mirza Tahir Ahmad r.a. during his 21 years of Khalifa became a champion of peace; preaching peace through contemporary topics on women’s rights, race equality, living an ideal family life, preaching the faith, shunning un-Islamic customs and focusing on prayers. He established Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (MTA) which fulfilled the prophecy of the Promised Messiah a.s. that thy message will spread to the four corners of the world. (The Detroit Address pg. vi-vii) Today Khalifatul Masih V Mirza Masroor Ahmad aba is traveling around the world delivering lectures/speeches on the pathway to peace. (Slide 11) He stated; “Another key principal Islam teaches, in an effort to develop peace; it is necessary for all parties to never display any form of pride or arrogance. …Differences of nationality, colour or ethnicity act merely as a form of identity and recognition. We should not tolerate injustice towards others or for their rights to be usurped…The true and overarching objectives should always be reformation, reconciliation and the development of long- lasting peace.”. He has stated that without justice there can be no peace. (World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace, Mirza Masroor Ahmad pg107-109). In conclusion; The Promised Messiah a.s. stated in his Message of Peace, pg. 7 Slide 12; A religion has to inculcate universal compassion. Otherwise it is no religion at all. Similarly, a human being without the faculty of compassion is no human at all.”. This is why we as Muslims have to spread a message of peace from Islam. Each of us should have someone whom we are actively engaged to bring into the peace of Islam. Dhiya Bakr 3 From the Promised Messiah a.s. Message of Peace pg. 13. He stated: “The hardship of this life is like unto a journey in a desert in the mist of summer on a hot sunny day. You need cool water and it would be futile not to have it on this journey”. Sisters, those hardships come in the form of racism, gender inequality, poverty, marital disputes, implicit bias, unjust political reforms and other social challenges. However, the Promised Messiah a.s. explains that love like cool water extinguishes the hardships, trials and grudges. Slide 13 Therefore, spread the message of peace from Islam that promotes justice, gives man hope, an objective to life and a path to God. When we live by and spread messages from the Holy Quran we promote love and justice, we exhibit the Holy Quran 3:104. And hold fast, all together by the rope of Allah and be not divided…And remember the favour of Allah which he bestowed upon you when you were enemies and He united your hearts in love, so that by His grace you became as brothers… We are Ahmadi’s who emulate the teachings of Islam.