Irish Botanical News
IRISH BOTANICAL NEWS Number 2 February, 1992 Spiranthes romanzoffiana Cham. Edited by: Dr Brian S. Rushton, University of Ulster Coleraine, Northern Ireland, BT52 1SA Published by: The Committee for Ireland Botanical Society of the British Isles COMMITTEE FOR IRELAND, 1991-92 BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF THE BRITISH ISLES Elected at the Annual General Meeting, held in the Botany Department, University College, Dublin on 5th October, 1991 (office bearers were subsequently elected at the first Committee Meeting): Mr John C.L. Phillips, Chairman (retiring October, 1993) Dr Ralph S. Forbes, Secretary (retiring October, 1993) Dr David Nash, Field Meetings Secretary (retiring October, 1994) Mr Phillip J. Grant (retiring October, 1992) Dr Brian S. Rushton (retiring October, 1992) Miss Maura J.P. Scannell (retiring October, 1994) Dr Micheline Sheehy-Skeffington (retiring October, 1994) The following are also members of the Committee: Mrs Sylvia Reynolds, B.S.B.I. Council Representative Mr Paul Corbett, Department of the Environment (Northern Ireland) Representative Irish Botanical News is published by the Committee for Ireland, Botanical Society of the British Isles and edited by Dr B.S. Rushton. © Dr B.S. Rushton and the authors of individual articles, 1992. The cover illustration was kindly provided by Mr Raymond Piper. It shows a study of the differences between the anthers, anther caps and columns of Spiranthes romanzoffiana from Lough Beg (left) and a saltmarsh at Glenbeigh, Co. Kerry. The bract is displaced on the Lough Beg plant to show the shape of the ovary and the fewer, but longer glandular hairs compared with the Kerry plant. The bract has been removed from the Glenbeigh plant.
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