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CWA of Pennsylvania


CWA of Pennsylvania April 17, 2008 Marriage Amendment goes to Appropriations Following a hearing held by the Senate Judiciary Committee in Pittsburgh just one week ago, Senator Gib Armstrong (R-13), Chair Appropriations Committee, has set an April 29th hearing on the Marriage Protection Amendment. The public hearing will be held in Harrisburg in the Capitol East Wing, Room 8E-A, beginning at 9 a.m.

"Amending the state Constitution is a serious step. The feeling is that the advocates and opponents of the proposed amendment deserve another chance to make their points and present their interpretations of the impact, in advance of a Senate vote," said Armstrong. It is anticipated that the Appropriations Committee will then take action on Senate Bill 1250 at a subsequent meeting.

Following a vote by the Appropriations Committee, Senate Bill 1250 must then go to the full Senate for a vote before being sent to the State House for consideration and a vote.

ACTION: First and foremost pray, pray and then pray again that SB 1250 proceeds with favorable votes through the Senate and arrives in the House by May 5, 2008, in order to meet the calendar deadlines for this session. Contact members of the Senate Appropriations Committee and voice your support of SB 1250. Attend the public hearing in Harrisburg on April 29th.

Members of the Senate Appropriations Senator Gibson Armstrong [email protected] Senator Joseph Scarnati [email protected] Senator John Gordner [email protected] Senator Mary Jo White [email protected] Senator John Rafferty [email protected] Senator Stewart Greenleaf [email protected] Senator [email protected] Senator Michael Stack [email protected] Senator Barry Stout [email protected] Senator [email protected] Senator Gerald LaValle [email protected] Senator Dominic Pileggi [email protected] Senator Robert Mellow [email protected] Senator Patricia Vance [email protected] ... 18.04.2008 CWA of Pennsylvania Page 2 of 2

Senator Vincent Fumo [email protected] Senator Sean Logan [email protected] Senator Raphael Musto [email protected] Senator [email protected] Senator John Wozniak [email protected] Senator Tomlinson [email protected] Senator Corman [email protected] Senator Madigan [email protected] Senator Pippy [email protected] Senator Regola [email protected] Senator Rhoades [email protected] Senator Waugh [email protected]

Recruiting Prayer Warriors We are approaching the half way mark of our goal to have 253 prayer warriors in 2008. We are looking for one Encourage-A-Legislator volunteer for each member of the General Assembly. We have a packet of information on how to pray for our elected officials, cards to send to your legislator and words of encouragement to send you when you volunteer. To sign up click the link for CWA of PA .

Concerned Women for America of Pennsylvania

About Concerned Women for America of PA

Concerned Women for America of Pennsylvania is a state chapter of Concerned Women for America the nation's largest public policy women's organization. Our core issues are the sanctity of human life, education reform, supporting the traditional family, battling pornography and national sovereignty.

CWA of Pennsylvania Nancy Staible Pennsylvania State Director email: [email protected] phone: 724 452 7325

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CWA of Pennsylvania | PO Box 96 | Zelienople | PA | 16063 ... 18.04.2008