(Iowa City, Iowa), 1964-08-13
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· (h.i: Why ' ...... enalize Pros? MOINES "" - Juan (Chi Rodriguez. IYho lYon the We t· ail owan Open golf tournament at Chi. Serving the State University of Iowa and the Peopls of 10WtJ c~ Sunda)', Tuesday criticized toughness of the cour at Establi hed in 1863 10 Cents Per Copy AIIoeiated Prell Leaaed Wire 8IId Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Thuraday, Aui\lSl 13, ~ , . of the tournaments on the tour. don't raise the walls in o. parks for the World Series and don 't lengthen the £ields for .. football games," said the tiny Rican. don't think they should make courses so much tougher just Barry Predict~ Unity; .r the professionals. people don't go out to see hllve to chip out of the because it's so tall. They go to see them hit the ball, just c. I go out to see Mickey Mantle home run." at a nelYs conference wby • was taking a week away from ejects Extremist Aid tournament circuit, Rodriguez , " "Money is not everyth,ing. got to look after your Ike Pledges said, however, that he LBJ Warns Kennedy. Bid will play golf on local 196,5 City Budget everyday while he is herc. It's not work when you're play· For Senate Full Support goU lor fun," he said. U.S. Will u Increases Millage Strengthens To Campaign 1 Stop Violence The recently approved 1965 low8 as es ed property valuation is 'rT., ALBANY, N.Y. "" - Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy appeared Wed· Barry Explains Viewl At Home, Abroad, City budget, large t in the city's 473. Iowa's functional mill limit is history, will nece itate on increas· SO. n e s day to command utricient To 36 Party Leaden White or Negro; ed millage rate of lese than one· strength to win the Democratic fourth of one mill next year, ac· As passed by the City Council nomination for U.S. Senator from At Summit M.. ting • YORK (A'I - The New This Is August? 5, Ii· Tells Bar Assoc. cording to city administrative as· Aug. the total budget Is e New York State. JlERSHEY, Pa. III - Cheered by Mets obtained pitcher Gary sistant Willard K. Loughlin. mated at $2,1164,302. The 1965 fig- His formal announcement of can· Summer - fall - winter - spring? No one ever, and soon we will no doubt have to Sit about the backing of former President from the Philadelphia Phil· NEW YOFK t.4'I - President The new millage figure, based on knew for sur. Wednesday exactly whet to expect findil1g new ways to beat the heat. The sweet ure is up approximately $350,000 didaey, expected soon, Is the lost Dwight D. Eisenhower. GOP presi. as part payment lor John'ln raised his voice above the from 1964. bridge to be cro ed. Thomas, who went from the weatherman as temperatures dipped young collee" In the pictur.? Sh., .'ono with dential nominee Barry Goldwater nation's racial clamor Wednesday Mayor Robert F. Wagner of New wrapped up a new measure of Re Nal:ional League leaders in a into the low 50'$ in Iowa City. Shoppers shivered thermom.ter and pill boHle, is r.cuper.ting from The larg t shares of the 1965 York City set the stage lor that to warn that acls of while or Negro publican harmony Wednesday afl~ last week. and shook lis they braved on. of the co ldest mid· the ups .nd downs of this unpredict.ble August expenditures will be directed to- announcement Wednesday wben he violence will be checked and pun· Startling Plan saying he will "seek the support Mets also received Wayne August days in Iowa history. Temperatur.s are wellther. ward street maintenance and con· called upon Ihe Attorney General of no extremists - of the left or an outfielder·third base· expected to rise into the upper 60's today, how· -Photo by John And.rlon ished "whether they occur in Mis· struction, alon" with operation of to make clear "whether he intends right. " from the PhiJs in the Thomas si. sippi or in New York." • to be a candidate" to oppose the and will get a third player the city water department. likely Republiean candidate. in- Goldwater told a news conference The chief exe utive told the Am· Could Prolong the World Series. Funds earmarked for use in cum bent Kenneth B. Keating. that he looked lorward to "greaUy In Cyprus- Rusk, McNamara: increased unity" in the campaign erican Bar Association thot the street maintenance will account for Kennedy has said he would not Unit!d Stat seeks world ord r as a result of having outlined bls approximately ,154,758 of th total run without Wagn~r's ~lessing . The views on extremism, civil rights, Goldwater Charge Gemini Flight $280 000 will abroad - in Cyprus and Viet Nllm. budget. An additional mayor, the party s titular leader foreign policy, and other Issues to Turkey Agrees To Help U.N. And Ilt home, he demanded racial HOUSTON, Tex. t.4'I - A starUing be spent on street con tructlon, in the state, has not given this 36 party leaders at a three·hour 'I rresponsible' Laughlin said. endorsement but told reporters justice :md civil peace. declaring new plan revealed Wednesday that, "I'm not trying to stop him. summit meetlng. N[COSJA, Cyprus (A'I - Turkey mained in ide the six·story build· could send two astronauls whirling Only the maIntenance costs will Ihe cast oil on the troubled waters of ing behind huttered windows. WASIHNGTON fA') - Two Cabi amid opplau ,: Ali this talk that) don't want him Eisenhower. sitting with Gold· around the earth 18 times this year be derived from property tax reve· Cyprus late Wednesday, suspend· A dozen Greek Cypriot police· net officers said Wednesday night "No person, whatever his griev. is sheer nonsense." water; William E. Miller, the vice· instead or the scheduled three. nue. ConstructIon wl11 be financed presidential nominee; former Vice ing its reconnaissance flights men. finally persuaded the crowd Sen. Barry Goldwater made an once, can he allowed to attack the Wagner urged a c1arlficatlon aft· Top space officials received a through other revenue source . er a Kennedy spokesman termed President Richard M. NlxOll, IIIcl "for the lime being" and pledg· to move on. There were no phy· "unjustilied and irresponsible ... right of every American to be se ing to help the United Nations sical clashes. strong recommendation last week The eslimatect cost or street "premature" reports that the At· Gov. WIlliam W. Scranton at restore peace and order. THE TURKISH rcconnoissance interpretation" that P r s idenl cure in his home, hIs hop and in that the first manned Gemini space mamtenance and construction for torney General had decided to run. Pennsylvania, said the "uncertain· flights wcre launched shortly aft r Johnson authorized use of nuclear his streets. We will not permit any flight be extended so that some 1964 is $410,450, or $24,308 less than But Kennedy's announcement and ties" he had felt about the nomiDee But the s e developments, an· weapons in the Gulf of Tonkin epi· perplexing questions about the the projected figure for 1965. Wagner's endorsement reportedly had been resolved. nounced in Ankaro by Foreign the U.N. Security Council author· part oC America to become a sode. spacecraft could be answered. Water department 0 per a t ing were forthcoming, possibly within "I fully support the Republican Minister Feridun Cemal Erkin, ized its, presid nt, Sivert A. Niel· jungle where the weak are th prey son of Norway, at a night hl'Ssion Goldwater, the Republican pr si· Chris Kraft, assistant director for costs have been e timoted at $552,. a week. ticket in the comIng campaign," came only alter Turkish scout of the strong and the many. flight operations ot the manned 325 in 1965 a. compared to $501,545 Meanwhile, the Kennedy band· the former president said. In re planes again set off air raid alerts in New York to appeal to all con· dential nominee. told a new con· cerned to end flights that would ference lit Hershey, Pa., that .John· "Such acts must be stopped and spacecraft center, said present in 1964. wagon gained speed. sponse to questions he said be across much of the island and an· plans stili call for three orbits. As of Wednesday, the brother of will do all he can for the nominees gry Greck Cypriots demonstrated imperil the cease·fire. on'S declaralion on the Southl'ost punbhed - whether they occur Sanitation services hove been A Turkish s\lOkesman said the Asia incidents seemed tu give mili· in Mississippi or io New York. Un· "The capsule has always had a budgeted at $229,598. The 1964 sani· the late President John F. Ken. but reminded reporters he soon will agalOst Americans and Britons in one-day capability," he saId, "but nedy had the announced backing of be 74 years old. Nicosia. cam ra·equipped fighter planes tnry commanders authority to use der our Constitution, the local ou· tation figure was $166,562. were airborne before new of the "the whole inventory" of U.S. wea· we are still plllnning the thing on county leaders whose delegations In a wide·ranging speecb aimed Parliament's speaker, Glafcos lhorities have the central respon three orbits." Other areas which received an will ca t more than 530 votes at the council's decision was receiVed in pons. increased share of the budget are: at answering criticism of bim by Clerides, officially accused the Ankara. sibility for civil peace.