Congressional Record—House H1411
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April 4, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1411 support for the Good Friday Agreement as the bate between the political parties. Con- that promotes human rights and fosters com- blueprint for lasting peace in Northern Ireland sequently, problems have been directly and munity confidence. and support for continued police reform in civilly addressed through free and open de- Finally, I’d like to commend the leadership Northern Ireland as a critical element in the bate. Unfortunately, as my colleagues know, of Sinn Fein, specifically Gerry Adams and peace process. I compliment the work of Sub- due to disagreements between the political Martin McGuinness, for successfully urging the committee Chairmen ELTON GALLEGLY and parties—the Social Democrat and Labor Party, Irish Republican Army to end its armed cam- CHRISTOPHER SMITH for improving and making the Ulster Unionist Party, the Democratic paign and verifiably put all of its weapons be- the originally-introduced version even more Unionist Party, and Sinn Fein—the Northern yond use. This was a crucial step in the peace constructive and stronger on policing. The Ireland Assembly has been suspended since process to demonstrate the Republicans’ com- Good Friday Agreement needs U.S. support October of 2002. Ever since, the British gov- mitment to an exclusively democratic and and a push to fully implement all of its terms. ernment has taken direct control over the gov- peaceful process. There is no place for any On the important issue of policing reform, ernment to ensure stability. I would hope all paramilitaries in the North of Ireland and it is the resolution before us wisely reflects the sides can agree to terms in order to allow the my hope that the remaining private armies will overall view of the Independent Monitoring Assembly to be reestablished. follow the IRA’s lead by destroying their weap- Commission (IMC) for the north of Ireland, Madam Speaker, I have met with the lead- ons and signing up to the peace process. which has closely monitored paramilitary ac- ers of Sinn Fein, the DUP, the UUP and the Now is a critical time for the people and the tivities and made many critical suggestions for SDLP, both here in the U.S. and in Ireland. All political parties in the North of Ireland. This reform and change, especially in the area of a parties have conveyed to me that they agree Thursday the British and Irish governments in- new beginning on policing. it is vital for the future security of the North tend to publish their plans for a resumption of The IMC is made up of highly respected that new elections be held, an Executive put the Northern Ireland Assembly and Executive. representatives appointed by both the Irish in place, and the legislative assembly recon- It is long past due for this government to be and British Governments, and includes an vened. I agree with this view, and express the back up and running. But for this to happen, American as well. In its May 2005 report to support of the U.S. House of Representatives all parties must agree to share power and the two governments and interested parties, to facilitate the peace process. commit themselves to the full implementation the IMC stated some key findings on the re- I thank the distinguished Chairman of the of the Good Friday Agreement. sponsibilities of all of the political parties on International Relations Committee, Mr. HYDE, Mr. LEACH. Madam Speaker, I yield criminal justice, and it has just reiterated these for authoring this resolution. back the balance of my time. again in its February 2006 report. Mr. KING of New York. Madam Speaker, The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. The IMC said that all the parties should, today I rise in strong support of H. Res. 744, BIGGERT). The question is on the mo- among other things: a resolution that expresses support for the tion offered by the gentleman from ‘‘Give credible vocal and practical support to Good Friday Agreement as the blueprint for Iowa (Mr. LEACH) that the House sus- all parts of the criminal justice system, includ- lasting peace in the North of Ireland. H. Res. pend the rules and agree to the resolu- ing policing . .’’ 744 is an expanded version of a resolution tion, H. Res. 744. ‘‘Play a full and constructive role in the par- written by my colleagues JIM WALSH, RICHARD The question was taken. ticipative organs of the criminal justice system, NEAL, JOE CROWLEY, and I last November. I The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the such as the Policing Board and the District appreciate Chairman HYDE sponsoring this opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of Policing Partnerships.’’ new bill with its additional language which I those present have voted in the affirm- These are some wise and constructive sug- believe strengthens our initial endeavor and ative. gestions, which this resolution supports and moving it to the House floor promptly. I am Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, on that I fully endorses. We would encourage Sinn Fein also grateful for the opportunity to work with demand the yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were ordered. and all the parties in the north to honor and the Chairman and his staff on the drafting of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- live by these ideas for a better, more secure this resolution. ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the and democratic north of Ireland. There is no H. Res. 744 expresses our strong commit- Chair’s prior announcement, further place for violence in the process. ment to the ideals of the Good Friday Agree- proceedings on this question will be Finally, my resolution also calls on both the ment, a referendum that was endorsed by an postponed. Irish and British governments to fully imple- overwhelmingly majority of the people living ment the important Patten Commission police both in the North and the Republic of Ireland f reform provision which calls for senior-level on April 10, 1998. As we approach the 8th an- COMMENDING THE PEOPLE OF police officer exchanges between the Republic niversary of this date, I think it is important to THE REPUBLIC OF THE MAR- of Ireland and the Police Service of Northern recognize those groups and individuals who SHALL ISLANDS FOR THE CON- Ireland (PSNI). These exchanges are clearly have committed themselves to peace, justice, TRIBUTIONS AND SACRIFICES needed so that some of the cultural, religious, and equality and worked to fully implement THEY MADE TO THE UNITED and other long-standing issues dividing com- this agreement. Much progress has been STATES NUCLEAR TESTING PRO- munities and the police in the north can fully made since 1998 but much still more needs to GRAM IN THE MARSHALL IS- benefit from senior-level understanding and di- be done. LANDS versity. First, I’d like to commend (UK) Prime Min- Mr. LEACH. Madam Speaker, I move I urge adoption of the resolution. ister Tony Blair and the (Irish) Taoiseach to suspend the rules and agree to the Mr. MURPHY. Madam Speaker, I rise in Bertie Ahem for their leadership in securing a resolution (H. Res. 692) commending support of House Resolution 744, which hon- peaceful resolution in the North of Ireland. We the people of the Republic of the Mar- ors the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 for would certainly not be where we are today if shall Islands for the contributions and being what I believe is, as the resolution it were not for these two great statesmen. I’d sacrifices they made to the United states, ‘‘the blueprint for lasting peace in also like to thank our own government, includ- States nuclear testing program in the Northern Ireland.’’ ing both the Clinton and Bush Administrations, Marshall Islands, solemnly acknowl- Next Monday, April 10, 2006 will mark the for their dedication and efforts to move this edging the first detonation of a hydro- 8th anniversary of the Good Friday Agree- process forward. We have been lucky to have gen bomb by the United States on ment, which has helped to bring nearly a dec- fine diplomats such as George Mitchell, Tony March 1, 1954, on the Bikini Atoll in ade of peace to Northern Ireland. As a result Lake, Richard Haass, and Mitchell Reiss play the Marshall Islands, and remembering of the historic Good Friday Agreement, there vital roles during the past decade. that 60 years ago the United States is perhaps a greater potential for lasting peace One of the most significant changes in the began its nuclear testing program in in Northern Ireland now than perhaps ever, North recently related to the changes in polic- the Marshall Islands, as amended. since the establishment of the Irish Republic. ing. The new Police Service of Northern Ire- The Clerk read as follows: The Good Friday Agreement has outlined a land (PSNI) has adopted many of the Patten H. RES. 692 plan for peace and reconciliation in the 21st recommendations to become a much more in- Whereas between 1946 and 1958, the United century. tegrated, professional, and impartial police States conducted 67 nuclear tests in the Mar- I believe the most significant result of the force. Under the leadership of its chief con- shall Islands, 66 of which resulted in atmos- Good Friday Agreement was the revival of the stable, Sir Hugh Orde, and its ombudsman, pheric fallout; Northern Ireland Assembly, a devolved gov- Nuala O’Loan, the PSNI is a much more effec- Whereas the most powerful of these tests ernment body that has facilitated important de- tive and accountable law enforcement agency was the hydrogen weapons test codenamed VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:03 Apr 05, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04AP7.013 H04APPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE H1412 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 4, 2006 Bravo, a 15-megaton device detonated on cluding the 15 megaton blast powerful of our nuclear tests and the March 1, 1954, at Bikini atoll; codenamed ‘‘Bravo,’’ a detonation one which caused the greatest impact Whereas the Bravo detonation alone was equivalent to a thousand Hiroshima- on the long-term health of Marshallese the equivalent to 1,000 Hiroshima-sized sized bombs, which occurred above Bi- citizens.