Missouri Mormon Walking Trail

During the 1830s, Independence was a celebrated On cold day in late January 1831, five “Mormon” national garden spot on the western border of a rap- missionaries – , Ziba Peterson, Parley idly expanding country. Beyond Independence stretch P. Pratt, Peter Whitmer, Jr., and Frederick G. Williams rich untouched prairie and half of an unexplored conti- – made their first appearance in town. They represented nent full of opportunity. The region’s abundant forests, the new Church of Christ, popularly known as “Mor- streams and valleys seemed to attract folks from every mons,” recently organized in the state of New York on walk of life to Jackson County, Missouri, slave and free- April 6, 1830. They were followers of a young religious man, immigrant and entrepreneur, bullwhacker and prophet, , Jr. Their northern manners and missionary, southerner and Hispanic. unusual interest in tribes of Native Americans gathering Following its selection as county seat of Jackson to the west of the Missouri state line immediately drew County in 1827, Independence emerged as a tough fron- attention. Two of their number sought employment, tier community of settlers and storekeepers. Local poli- where the remaining three continued on preaching to tics mainly reflected the interest of the regions’ predom- the nearby Shawnee and Delaware tribes. inately southern population. Independence symbolized Revealed scripture, known as the Book of Mormon, many different dreams for those it attracted. Southern viewed the Native Americans as part of the lost tribes settlers found cheap new land for homes and planta- of Israel. Mormon missionaries seeking to share these tions. The new town was the perfect jumping-off point understandings with tribes to the west quickly discov- for exploitation of the great western wilderness. The ered they did not have the proper papers issued by the area promised sanctuary for some from the long arm federal government since federal law forbade access to of the law. And to a religious body popularly known as the Native Americans. Turning potential failure into “,” Independence represented the place they alternative success, they proselytized among residents called “.” Here they believed Christ would one day of Jackson and surrounding counties. Word of these in- establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. roads prompted Joseph Smith and additional converts to come from the east.

1 Missouri Mormon Walking Trail

On cold day in late January 1831, five “Mormon” missionaries – Oliver Cowdery, Ziba Peterson, Parley P. Pratt, Peter Whitmer, Jr., and Frederick G. Williams – made their first appearance in town.

1. TEMPLE LOT Arriving in mid-summer 1831, church leader Jo- the surrounding county. The envisioned colony reflect- seph Smith, Jr., identified Independence as the church ed the new religion’s largely northern heritage. Church gathering place. A temple complex was envisioned as administrative and social structures strove to harness the center of a city to be called Zion. On August 3, 1831, the physical, spiritual, and economic potentials of the part of Jones H. Flournoy’s farm was dedicated. This rapidly growing body to accomplish common goals. area is known as the Temple Lot. There was no progress Business and economic cooperation were attempted to on temple construction during the 1830s. promote participants success. The rapid growth of the Soon Mormon immigrants began gathering to In- colony and fear of its triumph fostered concerns among dependence. Some made their homes in town, while non-member observers. Many believed such apparent others helped plant new church settlements around clannishness and devotion to be unnatural.

The Temple Lot is currently owned by the The temple lot corner stones are currently on display Church of Christ - Temple Lot inside the Church of Christ - Temple Lot building.

2 Missouri Mormon Walking Trail

2. FLOURNOY HOME Present Location, 1030 Block West Lexington In 1826, the Jones H. Flournoy family lived in this small brick building. Negotiations for the Temple Lot are thought to have taken place in this building between Flournoy and Bishop Edward Partridge on behalf of the church. Flournoy transferred 63 acres of land to Par- tridge in December 1831. After Flournoy disposed of his lands, the Moses G. Wilson family resided in the house. In the 1860s, as part of greatly expanded structure, this building was the home of Santa Fe trader William M. F. McGraw. John T. Smith purchased it in 1866 and constructed a large addition on the east facing Pleas- ant Street. In 1963, the First Christian Church needed the mansion space for parking. The original Flournoy house was rescued from demolition when William and Annette Curtis dismantled, moved, and reconstructed the building near their home. Relocated to its present site in 1989, this building is one of the few remaining examples of Independence pioneer home construction. Mormon social cohesiveness, coupled with competi- tion over scarce resources such as land, proved a threat Edward Partridge to rugged individualistic frontier values. Within a few First Bishop of the Church short years, fears erupted into violence. 3. PARTRIDGE HOME SITE AND SCHOOL The homes of local church leaders Bishop Edward Partridge and Counselors and Isaac Mor- ley were located along the main trail leading from In- dependence toward the Unorganized Territory to the west. In 1833, Partridge was forcibly taken from his home and tarred and feathered on the Public Square. A brick school was also nearby and used as a meeting- house during unpleasant weather. Near this location, Mormons surrendered their weapons to the Missouri Militia in November 1833. 4. FLOURNOY HOME Original Location, Lot 92 Flournoy Home In 1826, Jones Hoy Flournoy constructed a four- In 1831, Edward Partridge met with Mr. Flournoy room south-facing brick home here along the western and agreed to purchase the Temple Lot. edge of the town of Independence for his family. When During the Missouri-Mormon Wars 1838, while the Mormons selected Independence as their center of prisoners - Joseph Smith and other Saints were invit- gathering in 1831, Bishop Edward Partridge negotiated ed to dine with General Wilson and his family at this with Flournoy for rights to a site for a temple. Friction home.

3 Missouri Mormon Walking Trail

between the Mormons and other settlers in Jackson County escalated, ending with the expulsion of church members form the county in November 1833. Similar problems followed the church into Clay and Caldwell counties in northern Missouri. Following their surren- der and arrest at Far West, Missouri, November 1838, Joseph Smith and other leaders were returned to Inde- pendence as prisoners. By 1838, Moses G. Wilson and his wife Margaret Ann owned the Flournoy House and invited Joseph “Smith to dinner with them. General Wil- son had taken a lead among citizens driving the Mor- mons out of Jackson County. In addition, the Wilsons had lost a son in the so-called “Mormon War.” During dinner, as Joseph recounted a stirring narration of what Gilbert Whitney & Co. church members endured during their expulsions from Though not the original store, this is the original Jackson County and northern Missouri, Margaret Ann location of the Gilbert Whitney & Company store Wilson was so moved that tears ran down her face. and continues to operate today under the same name. 5. RATHBUN Among the earliest Mormons in Independence Rob- battered open and contents strewn in the street. During ert and Hannah Rathbun owned this lot. Their black- the exodus of the Mormons form Jackson County, Gil- smith shop was broken into July 20, 1833. Along with bert and his family fled to Clay County, were he died of other church members, the Rathbuns were eventually cholera in 1834. forced to leave the county. 8. PRINTING OFFICE 6. PUBLIC SQUARE Lot 75 The public square surrounding the courthouse was In June 1832, the first paper published in Indepen- the focus of escalating tension among the Mormons dence, The Evening and Morning Star, appeared from and other Missouri settlers. , a noted the Mormon press located on the west side of South church leader, preached from the courthouse steps in Liberty Street (between Lexington and Kansas). W.W. 18232. Later, church members Edward Partridge and Phelps, the church printer, and his family resided here. Charles Allen were tarred and feathered on the square, On July 20, 1833, locals demanded a halt to publication July 20,1833. In November, Mormon leaders were ar- of the paper. After Phelps declined an ultimatum to leave rested and subsequently appeared in the courtroom. the county, the press was thrown into the street. Large While surrendering to the local Militia, church mem- galley sheets of the church’s Book of Commandments bers stacked their weapons around a large stump in the were removed and placed in an old log stable behind the courthouse yard. building. A. Sidney Gilbert’s nieces, Mary Elizabeth and Caroline Rollins, risked their lives to successfully rescue 7. GILBERT AND WHITNEY STORE some of the galley sheets. A large tree trunk was forced Lot 51 through the lower windows of the printing office and The northwest corner of Liberty and Lexington is used to wrench the brick building from its foundation. the site of the Gilbert and Whitney & Co. church store, The roof was drawn into the street. The press was heav- purchased in November 1832 by A. Sidney Gilbert. In ily damaged and the office rendered unusable 1833, 500 men gathered to demolish the establishment. For several days following the July 20, 1833 attack Gilbert agreed to close the store. In November 1833, the on the printing office, church members were hunted business was again targeted for destruction, its doors and abused. Other businesses of the church members

4 Missouri Mormon Walking Trail

and their private homes were substantially damaged. A compromise temporarily halted the violence, and church members agreed to move from the county by the following spring. The printing building was later re- paired and occupied until about 1930. 9. LOG COURTHOUSE Present Location 107 W Kansas Avenue

July 20, 1833 mobs destroyed the church printing press operated by W.W. Phelps. They then destroyed the entire two-story brick structure.

10. LOG COURTHOUSE Original Location, Lot 59 This building was constructed as Jackson County’s first courthouse in 1827 by slave labor. The county built a new brick courthouse on the Public Square in 1830. In February 1832, Mormon merchant A. Sidney Gilbert purchased the vacated building in the name of the firm of Gilbert and Whitney for $371. It served as the home of the extended Gilbert family including niece Mary Elizabeth Rollins. It was also the location of a church mercantile business and storehouse. In November 1832, Gilbert relocated the church store activities to the Square on Lot 51,but his family continued to reside in the former log courthouse. The structure was moved to its present Kansas Avenue location in 1916 for preser- vation purposes. 11. BOGGS HOME Lot 5 As members of the mob destroyed the church In 1831, County Clerk Lilburn W. Bogg’s home was printing press, 15-year-old Mary Elizabeth Rollins located on the northwest corner of Maple and Lynn. and her 13-year-old sister Caroline grabbed some Following the arrival of the Mormons, missionary Peter of the printed pages of the Book of Commandments Whitmer, Jr. began working as a tailor offering the lat- and fled into a nearby cornfield.

5 Missouri Mormon Walking Trail est eastern fashions. Boggs furnished some space in his to the local militia just west of town on present day Lex- home for Whitmer’s tailoring trade. Alexander Doniph- ington. an, a Clay County lawyer of growing repute wrote, “Pe- By means of night raids and frightened by violence, ter Whitmer was a tailor and I employed him to make citizens – emboldened by disarming the Mormons, me a suit of clothes.” forced church members to flee the county for their lives. The largest group of disciples fled north and crossed the 12. NOLAND HOUSE Missouri as quickly as possible. Survivors endured the Lot 10 remainder of the season huddled in makeshift shelters A popular inn, the No- along the cottonwood bottoms in Clay County. The land House was located on Mormon stay in Clay County spanned two years, while the northwest corner of Main hope for a return to their Jackson County lands faded. and Maple. In 1838, Joseph A new sanctuary was found in 1836, Caldwell Coun- Smith and Mormon leaders ty, a special county just for the Mormons, was carved were held in this hotel under from northern Ray County. Forced into flight again, the house arrest while awaiting trial. Occasionally free to church was expelled from the state following the 1838 walk about the town, the prisoners visited the Temple “Mormon War.” Lot. Parley P. Pratt wrote, “When we saw it last it was a noble forest but our enemies had since robbed it of ev- 14 BOGGS HOME ery vestige of timber, and it now lay desolate, or clothed Lot 131 with grass and weeds…. While at Independence we Lilburn W. Bogs lived in a small house facing south were once or twice invited to dine with General Wilson Spring Street in Independence following his term as and some others which we did.” Governor of the State of Missouri. While Governor, Boggs issued the infamous Extermination Order of 27 13. 1827 JAIL October 1838 that lead to the expulsion of over 5,000 Lot 2 Mormons from the state of Missouri. Bogg’s home was The 1827 county jail was also the site of the alleged assassination attempt by Or- located at the back of the lot rin Porter Rockwell on May 6, 1842. Rockwell was later at the southeast corner of tried and acquitted. present-day Main and Tru- Many communities have gained valuable lessons man. An outside stairway from a difficult past. Today, Independence enjoys cul- to the upper room was the tural diversity and cooperation between many groups only way to enter the hewn log structure 16 X 16 feet and organizations. square. Prominent Mormons, A. Sidney Gilbert, Wil- liam McLellin, John Corrill, and Isaac Morley, were 15 NATIONAL FRONTIER TRAILS MUSEUM jailed in the lower dungeon in November 1833. A de- 318 W. Pacific Avenue cade later, Orrin Porter Rockwell was held in the second Independence, Missouri jail built on this site. The present building on this site As you complete the waling trail with site number was a city fire station and today serves as the Truman 14, we suggest that you cross the tracks to the south and Home ticket office. tour the National Frontier Trails Museum. Here you When the two other cultures clashed again in the will see numerous exhibits about the trip west on the fall of 1833, armed conflicts highlighted the violence. trails by emigrants, explorers, Mormons and business Church leaders in Independence wer3e arrested follow- adventurers. An excellent film on the Mormon Battal- ing a battle between opposing sides in Christian Whit- ion is available for viewing on request. mer’s cornfield in Kaw Township. A party of Mormons, under the leadership of , on their way to aid jailed church leaders were met by and surrendered