#RootedAndFree this edition, we are exclusively focusing on something close to our heart, on something focusing exclusively are this edition, we mbrella of family. family. of he umbrella n Dear Readers, Aloha! too much. Uncertainty is changing The world to let easy is at its peak. it’s And need to hold ourselves But we you. the better side of anxiety and panic get compassionate bring our more with better tools, ourselves prepare together, be with you! May the Force the crisis pass. and let to the forefront, nature ‘The edition of Plus’. another to yet onboard you eager to welcome are We The topics Gen Z readers. hope to appeal to our this edgy magazine, we Through everythingmuch include pretty real-life cover from we ranging the sun: under and heartfelt recommendations to some binge-watching stories emotional This magazine is meant to be a fun and with eminent personalities. conversations our at one of looked we edition, In the previous our readers. for engaging read verticals, the opportunity foundational have did If you plus. exponential the to all kinds. of to feedback open are it!We it, enjoyed hope you go through we I t articles quirky of With a wide range this topic has been fancies, to suit various families, different of learning the stories From ways. zillion through approached Bryant, Kobe of the youth the importance and engaging in a Day, Mother's of one and all. heartfelt for read this is a lovely to triplets, with a mother conversation The magazine is an effort as their comfort out to teenagers IGenPlus to reach by than your to be more want and we reach arm’s within your are We and go-to. food we programs the kind of will also discover you In the pages that follow, friends. us better too. etc. could know so that you do, we the work of a review offer, all from (13-19 years) students also invite contributions to our magazine from We range It could willing to share. anything the globe on practically are that they over your or even pandemic, nation lockdown, opinion on Coronavirus your from opinion on how social media influences your life. There are no restrictions on the It could be a poem, diary either. or simply or formats entry, could cover topics you to send readers also encourage heart.that is close to your on any topic a rant We us to cover. or interviews like would or topics/ events they in any suggestions listening. are and we you for here are We 2 hello. CONTENTS The Pursuit of Knowledge From Pen theReader’s Umbrella of Family Introduction family stories listed the short buddha’s view career insights quaran-team map memoriser youngest world system support India’s timeless the other side in convo with from theCEO the IGPfamily 29 25 15 11 35 33 19 17 9 6 5 Ashik Mohammad, Madhav Bhargav, teenspiration previous editions what’s next? letters from past this day, thatyear Mehak Gupta, Vikas Srivastava Be thePlusKid From thePages of History Student, ClassXII,KV No.1 Student, Madurai Ananya Ganesh, Ayushee Chaudhary, Ph.D. Candidate, Dublin [email protected] [email protected] Munmun Aggarwal Guest Contributors Creative Designer: Contributors: Creative Editor: Pankhuri Mittal Student, Pune Student, Content: 47 46 45 43 41 THE IGP FAMILY from the CEO 6 Namaste,

From the virus spreading around the entire world to the wildfires ravaging the Australian outback, earthquakes in Turkey and the Caribbean, the worst locust swarm East Africa has experienced in decades, losing Kobe Bryant, Irrfan Khan, and Rishi Kapoor, the year 2020 has not had a such a gleeful welcome. SOUMYA AGGARWAL HARI KIRAN VALDMANI While we are stuck at home, wondering when and how will the lockdown end, let us also cherish these days to witness how the environment is coming back to its original form. These are the days when we have spare time to cook something new, to watch an interesting series, to work at a convenient place in comfortable clothes and to spend some irreplaceable time with the family. For most of us when this lockdown is irritating, the family has come out as the biggest supporting system. From household chores to teaching parents using computers, giving life AYUSHEE CHAUDHARY DILLISHA MENON DIVYA VERMA lessons to siblings, and becoming the Ludo champion.

When we are having our own share of fun, let us also utilise this time to sit together and share our concerns with other members. It is natural to have issues with the ones who are closest to you. So fix a time, sit with each other, and share your worries, anger, and concerns with others. Make sure you listen with open ears, without any defense, guilt, and victimhood.

MEHAK GUPTA MUNMUN AGGARWAL NISHTHA NARANG PANKHURI MITTAL This edition of the magazine is an effort to share the role of a family in the growth of the individual. In the short span of life, all of us want to live their life, in their own terms and way - the articles and insights from experts will give you a reflection on how the family helps in growing one's individuality, personality, and giving a sense of belongingness.

During this lockdown, acknowledge members of your family who have nurtured and given everything to be who you are today.

Love, VIKAS SRIVASTAVA POOJA MANI SUMIT SINGH Soumya SHEFALI VAIDYA News Columnist, Writer, 7 Media Personality You are a mum to triple teenagers. Wow! own games and try innovative things to How do you channelize their energies, engage ourselves. I realized early on that mood swings, diverse interests, etc. of being bored is sometimes good, because all three together? it forces you to think outside the box. That IN CONVO WITH This is a great question, especially in is one lesson I have tried to teach my these times, when the kids are stuck at children. home because of the lockdown! It is not easy to parent teenagers, and definitely Soon, your kids will be embarking on not easy to parent three teenagers who different journeys in their lives. What do have their own point of view on you think as a parent will help in keeping everything. Luckily, the kids have been your kids #RootedAndFree at the same kind to me by spacing their mood swings! time? They have made a deal with me, that at You said it. The hashtag is the key. any one time, only one of them can act #RootedButFree. But then, only those real teenager-ey! trees that have the deepest roots grow tall and high. I firmly believe that till the Jokes apart, my children have always had age of ten, you can do a lot to keep your diverse interests and personalities distinct children connected to their roots, be it from each other. Even as babies, they telling them stories from Indian epics like were interested in different things. The Ramayana and Mahabharata, introducing trend continues. Luckily, all of them are Indian classical music and dance in their avid readers, and that has helped me to lives, celebrating festivals, taking them anchor their individual interests. traveling in India, connecting with the larger family, etc. Every teenager rebels, I am paranoid about screen use and can my children are no exception. But if the be quite a grouchy mom if I see my kids roots and the initial samskaras are strong, glued to screens for too long. Apart from eventually, the children will come back to that, I think the kids and I have managed them as young adults. My children know to work out this phase of their life that Dharma is very important to us as a reasonably well. family. They do ask me questions, sometimes, even uncomfortable, hard What are the most important life questions. But I have always encouraged lessons that you learned in your child- that. I have always believed in the parenting hood, and made sure that you inculcated mantra that children do as you do, not in your kids too? what you say. So I have tried to lead my Like most people of my generation, I grew life in a way I would like them to lead their up in an age without electronic gadgets. I life. But teenage is a time to learn the also grew up in a small village in Goa, most important parenting mantra of them where access to book stores, toy stores, all, ‘to let go’. And that is the hardest etc was limited, so we had to devise our lesson to learn. I am still trying. An Indian woman is mostly expected to their own merits and make sacrifice her career and devote her time Parenting a teenager is considered quite tough. There's a generation up their own minds. When and efforts to house and family. As a gap in the way things are learned, the use of technology, freedom to we lived in Dubai, the working mother and wife, how do you choose clothes, friends, and career, and the concern of parents to biggest thing my children manage time for yourself and your stay updated with all of it. What do you think of it? missed was the comfort of a growth, amid the expectations and Parenting in itself is tough, more so now, when parents are so loving, extended family. responsibilities? emotionally invested in every decision that their children take. The They are very close to both My parenting journey was a little different generation gap is not a new thing. It is eternal. Even the great Shivaji their grandmothers and their from others because I have triplets. Maharaj faced a rebellion from his son, Sambhaji Maharaj. Every aunt and uncle. That is one Raising three kids at a time meant I had to generation will deal with newer advances of technology, newer major reason we decided to be a stay-at-home-mom for some time at norms and changing mores of the culture. But Dharma is eternal and move back to India. Also, I least. My husband worked at that time at a if that light is lit within you, you will find it easier to deal with it. I wanted to raise my children high stake, high-stress job that requires understand that my children will rebel sometimes, they will make as truly global citizens with frequent traveling and long hours. The choices that I may not like but will have to live it. My parents went an Indian ethos, or as your children needed one parent to be at home. through this rite of passage, their parents did too, but in all this, the hashtag so eloquently Till the children were ten, I stayed at home, core values stayed intact. That is what I hope will happen with my describes it, #rootedbutfree, did not travel much and kept my career children as well. and raising them in India plans on hold. It was my choice and I have was the best way to go never regretted it. But even when I was about it. the primary caregiver for my children, I never neglected my own emotional, understand cultures that are different from yours, it There are endless options spiritual and intellectual well-being. I helps you to get out of your comfort zone and expand of choosing what to watch, found time to travel solo, to learn a new your mental horizons. As a family, we travel a lot, both whom to follow, and where language, to write, read and pursue my within India as well as outside India. My boys love trekking to go (except now in lock- interests in Indic studies. Luckily, I have a and roughing it out in the outdoors. Going on long treks down), what do you sug- wonderful extended family that made it and living with only basic facilities has made them tough, gest teens should be possible for me to grow as a person as uncomplaining and accepting of hardship. They are also involved in to make the well as a mother. We Indians have a great passionate about conservation and maintaining the most of their time besides advantage that the people in the west connected to their Dharmic traditions, cleanliness and serenity of the mountains. My daughter is their school? rarely enjoy - big, loving, close-knit children will imbibe at least some of that a little more comfort- loving, but even she enjoys As I said, I am paranoid families. As they say, it takes a village to culture, and it manifests itself in unexpected backpacking. I have taken the children on some of my about screen usage. I haven’t raise a child. In my case, it was the ways. But having said that, in a constant, textile and arts and crafts trails to not-so-common tourist yet bought individual smart- unstinting support and help of my family ever-changing, ever-evolving world, it is destinations like rural Odisha and rural Bihar. They have phones for my kids. But they that made it possible for me to manage my wrong to expect today’s teens to follow our enjoyed these trails and it has given them an do use technology extensively career and motherhood. My children traditions blindly. My philosophy is to do understanding of the rich arts and crafts traditions of India. for school and stuff. I ensure recognize and respect the fact that I have my best to keep them connected to the I have also taken them on temple trails. One of my sons is that they go out and play at a life of my own and they have always roots, and after that, learn to let go. The a keen student of Indian history and he is the one who least for a couple of hours in encouraged me to do what I really want to fledglings have to fly away sometimes in appreciates these trips the most. Traveling helps a a day. Learning a sport or do! their own patch of blue sky, but if they teenager to understand, both the external world as well classical art helps. So does remember their nest as a warm, safe, cozy as her/his inner self. develop a passion for the Today teenagers are heavily influenced place full of love, they will always return to outdoors. You can’t ignore by the western culture they come across it eventually. That’s how my parents You've lived in many different places, including the technology. But I always tell through online content, the changing raised us siblings, and that’s how I try to USA and Dubai, apart from India. What shift in culture my kids to use technology, metropolitan culture, etc. and feel distant raise my trio. did you and your family experience? How did you deal not let technology use them. from the concept of Indian family and with it? And why did you choose to come back and live Doing something active and traditions. They seem to embrace indi- Going through your Instagram, I learned in India now? physical is any day better vidualism over family harmony. What's that you love to travel. How do you think My children were born in the US, but we moved back than staying glued to your take on that? traveling helps teenagers in becoming a when they were ten months old, so they have little screens and consuming To some extent, that is unavoidable. But better person? memory of living in the land of their birth, though they passive content. This lockdown again, children take their cues from the Traveling helps everyone become a better have been there as visitors for short durations. I think at has changed my kids in family. If the parents are rooted and person! It helps you to see, appreciate and this point they are able to appreciate different cultures on fundamental ways. 11 family remains a timeless support system for India

At the Asian Athletics This relationship is neither transactional nor one-sided, as the Championship held in April The family organs themselves benefit from the overall functioning of the last year, India’s Gomathi body. It is an organic fusion based on individual parts doing their Marimuthu won the 800m is the need job or dharma. Family structure is also imagined this way with race. Her family didn’t have every member doing their job according to their svabhava money for the training. How (nature) and gaining from the whole. did she do it? Her father ate of the cattle feed so that she could Our pursuit, therefore, is harmonious integration. Why do we train herself. Her family and need families? Family facilitates societal growth while taking care the hardships they went individual, of the individual. It keeps the culture alive and promotes the eco- through won her the gold nomic prosperity of society. The family celebrates life by perform- medal. ing various rituals during different phases, from birth to death. We society, may find them useless, but they develop our sensitivity, empathy, This is India, built on a and social consciousness. strong foundation of the nature and family system. This article is These practices keep society emotionally connected and strong. an attempt to understand For a person to move beyond the ego, we have to be sympathetic the roots of the Indian civili- every other to the other person. Creating your own space and your rights may sational continuity, which lead to a freer individual, but always leads to an unstable society. are to be found in the family system. It explores the real existence. Family teaches us to move beyond oneself and be compassionate meaning of family and its towards other people’s needs. That is the first step to building a role in making a stable and have atomised the family. between the nurturing of If we draw an analogy stable society. In creating this balance, it takes care of the aspira- prosperous society. In the past few years, the the individual, the values of between society and the tions of every individual by providing them with an ideal environ- role of the members of a family. human body, for the latter, ment for nurturing, distribution of work and responsibilities, With the growing struggle family has changed drasti- the cell is the basic unit as it providing economic safety nets and immeasurable support in for individual freedom and cally. The strong emphasis It is a living testimony that fulfills all the functions, from times of need. rights, the importance of the on equality as sameness individual progress and digestion to breathing, just like family as institution is has reduced the respect collective evolution are not in the human body as a whole does. The family contributes to the larger goal of doing seva. It grows decreasing. At this time, for heterogeneity, leading conflict. There are different when it works for society, otherwise, individuals in the family when the world is struggling to more issues and chal- frameworks for looking at Similarly, in the design of grow, creating dissonance within the family. Bhimsen and Amarjit for a stable society and lenges for an individual. society. Few schools of society, all of its aspects can be Narang sold their house so that Gagan could learn shooting, peace of mind, figures show The cocoon of identity is thought approach it from the easily mirrored in the family, be unaware that he would one day qualify for the Olympics. Heroic that divorce rates are limiting; it gives us perspective of an individual, it cultural, social or political. acts of a family go into making heroes out of individuals. In a increasing, there are more freedom but restricts our some others from the lens of Just as in nature, in the body, family, we emphasise refinement rather than survival. The family single parents than ever and growth. the community, while the different organs contribute by is the need of the individual, society, nature and every other exis- old-age homes are growing Indian framework attempts performing their function tence. exponentially. Increasing Indian culture has always to learn from and informed by towards the effective running urbanisation and technology created the consonance nature. of the body as a whole. *This article was originally published in DNA by Soumya Aggarwal ALL ABOUT IGENPLUS

Take a glance at the journey of IGP till date. Working mom can make them for you, because hello from the When we were born, there were three of us, and that was a huge it’s your life ahead of you. The burden for anybody. When we moved back to India, my mom best our parents, teachers, and other side of was obviously very busy with caring for us, as well as maintaining other guardians can do is give her own individuality as a person, as Shefali Vaidya, and not just you a little nudge, and then let a mom. Even when we were small, my mom used to freelance as you make the ultimate decision, parenting a journalist, she learned a new language and managed to travel and our parents have done that too, although not as much as she does now. very well until now. To give a 15 simple analogy, the most Google I think my mom has done a Another thing our mom has involved in planning the trips, However, I have to put in a word for myself and my other family Maps can do is tell you about the pretty great job of raising us taught us is humility. We are and everybody takes part in too. I don’t think we’ve ever made my mom feel like she should infinite possible ways. In the end, in a way that all of us have certainly privileged, and (at them with enthusiasm. Vacations devote all her time to housekeeping and raising her children. it’s entirely your choice. always felt loved and cared risk of being immodest), for me are best part of the year. Throughout my childhood, and now in my teenage, my mom has for. We all have diversely we’ve never felt like we are constantly been active in the world of social media, journalism, I don’t have my own phone, and different tastes - one of my more important than anybody, Being #RootedAndFree and has now written a book as well, a book that she started when brothers loves trekking over and all credit for that should We’ve been raised in a very we were very small. all else, the other is a great go to both our parents. All of Indian manner, although writer, and I am a huge us very strongly feel that certainly not ‘traditional’. In the Journeying across the world bookworm - and yet we’ve everybody is equal, regardless future, when we leave for I don’t really remember living in the USA, because I was only 10 grown up to be pretty of financial or social status. college and then onto the rest months old when we returned, and there was not much of a well-rounded. I prefer to of our lives, we won’t forget cultural imprint for me. I’ve returned there on holiday, but it was stay inside, curled up on the everything we’ve been taught only as a tourist, and I only experienced it as such. couch and reading a book, over here, and even while we neither do either of my brothers, but it’s my mom who’s weren’t here. Everything that When we moved to Dubai, I was 6 years old, and old enough to but we’ve come to peace with mostly responsible for our mom has taught us is understand, and enjoy the move. We lived there for two years, it (under the stipulation that pushing me outdoors. My applicable everywhere, and and I enjoyed our time there, but I missed having family apart the minute we turn fifteen, we brothers love staying outside, there are some things that you from my parents and brothers close by, and while we had many get our own smartphones). and it’s my mom who has to just don’t forget, especially if friends of my parents who we spent loads of time with, it wasn’t However, we do have limited call them back in, so it’s a you’ve learned them from an really the same. The cultural shift for us wasn’t that drastic. Even access to a TV to watch movies, pretty diverse melee of early age. though the UAE is a theocratic state, Dubai is a hotspot of global sports, and other television. character traits around here. cultures, and because of the number of Indians, Diwali is a Apart from that, we read a lot All three of us are rarely ever Although pop culture is a huge prominent festival there. We even celebrated it in school, with a (although my Kindle is currently moody and/or irritable influence on teens nowadays, I number of my Indian classmates dressing up in traditional Indian confiscated), and my brothers together, although we do think it is a stretch to call it a clothes and doing show-and-tell with various objects they had (occasionally accompanied by bicker a lot. Whenever one governing factor. Even among brought from home. However, it obviously wasn’t the same. me) go outside to play cricket, of us is too glum, the other My mom is a very passionate a large number of my friends - inevitably hitting the ball outside two gangs up a bit and traveler (not tourist), and she they are well aware of western After two years, we decided to move back home. My dad, who the garden, but that’s all right. I cheer him/her up. has definitely passed that on to culture, as well as Indian tradi- was the reason we had moved, was getting tired of the constant guess I’d say that old-school all of us. We’ve traveled all over tions, and they incorporate travel that his job required him to do, and wanted a more relaxed hobbies can be the best some- Learning from Family India, and all over the globe, both. Teenage is a time of lifestyle. The rest of us, especially my mom also wanted to move times. Go out and play, read a My mom has always been and in doing so, we’ve been exploration, and many of us back, especially because of the family we had in Pune, and so we book or a play, draw something, pretty hardcore about familial able to learn about the diversity just want to learn about global did. whatever. Even the Internet is a ties, and that’s been passed of the other cultures that exist systems, as well as our own, good hobby, as long as you do down to us as well, although apart from ours and to form our and that’s fine. It’s OK to be an Riding on teenage years something worthwhile, and not without reason. The own opinions, which is integral individual and to sometimes For the three of us and our parents, it hasn’t been too much of an don’t spend too much time on it. family has been really to forming an identity as a prioritize yourself over others, uphill journey. The three of us get along very well (most of the important to our mom person. Traveling for us is as long as it doesn’t morph into time), and our relationship with our parents is good too. Our - Ananya Ganesh, throughout her life, and its essentially a form of relaxation, selfishness and arrogance - parents trust us to make good decisions, and most of the time, the daughter of our important to us too. and family bonding - everybody is which is highly unlikely. that trust is fulfilled. Teenage is a time of choices, and nobody else interviewee Shefali Vaidya FROM THE READER’S PEN establish an organization for peace and economic development which came true as INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION youngest world just days before my 15th birthday. I aspire for a world where people, governments, and countries come together for peace, map memoriser international development, and every country’s prosperity by the fact that we are all 17 humans who live together and dependent on each other, and only together we shall thrive! “It begins with you.” & “Let’s create a better world together.” It all started when I was a 4-year-old kid After that, I was looking and admiring the who hadn’t even completed his kinder- map while my dad went out. To his garten. There were a lot of occasions surprise, when he returned home, I listed where I proved my photographic memory him all the countries with their exact loca- by which my parents were amazed. But tion which proved my memory power to on one fine day when I was gazing him. He then brought me a huge world through my Fruits book and found a fruit map and taught me all the countries and I that lit my temptation and imagination, soon learned them all. I did my world the Blueberries, I immediately ran up to record at the age of six as the youngest my parents and asked them to buy it for world map memorizer, naming 195 coun- me. But the reply that came back from my tries in 3 minutes. father probably led me to After this incident, my all my thinking and made This is the journey of parents found that I was me stand where I’m today. S.A. MOHAMED ASHIK, extraordinary in my oration and speeches That reply in which he a 15-year-old genius, mentioned a location which led me to win urged me to explore the whose journey to national level speech world- through Maps. contests. It led me to get Well! here’s the reply. He becoming extraordi- titles from reputed said to me “It’s available nary started with an companies like POGO as in London”. I told him ‘India’s Genius Kid’ and “Then why don’t you get encouraging effort the ‘Child Scientist’ of it for me when you go out from his father. Read India. the next time”. He replied that we can’t go to London on to know more. My interest in the world so quickly as it is far away and geography led me to and then came my another question, “So learn about their history, international Where is London?”. relations, economy, policy, and so on. I then realized that there is a huge need to He did not take that as a childish question promote international unity, development, and bought me a small world map and and peace which led my activism and showed the location of London and oration. I was also inspired by our very explained the air travel through which we own Indian ideal can reach London. I then pointed him a – “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”. few more locations and asked him what specific things are available there and he I have been giving public speeches and replied to me with the answers along with orations on my ideas and the responses Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Former President of India, examining the talent of S.A. Mohamed the country names. I received from the people led me to 19 Deserted roads, empty playgrounds, no rush of getting up to go to school, Fond of Food no assembly gatherings, no stepping out of the house and a lot of extra time Food is often the best way to bond. with family, the novel coronavirus Thanks to fancy Instagram posts and (COVID-19) has turned life almost into easy-to-follow recipes, quarantine is a fictional plot. It’s like you slept in certainly turning to be among the your room one night and woke up in a best of time to explore the colors of whole new world as that of Jumanji. the culinary haven. From the street Even though a lot of you stayed with food items to the special desserts, your families, your everyday routine everything is being relished at home activities never quite allowed us much now. time to spare for the family on a daily basis, until now.

Staying locked down at home for such a long period of time sure gets on the The HOUSE CHOREographieS nerves sometimes but it has also pro- vided a unique opportunity to reflect With everyone now at home and the and spend some quality time with house helps to be on leave, many of yourselves and your families. the families can be seen sharing the household chores. The gender roles While some of you are probably busy are being blurred as many of you are figuring out if your family is like The stepping up for the ‘Dust & Mop’ Simpsons, The Incredibles, The game. Mehras, The Pandavas or none from the fictional world, there are tonnes of activities that most of you are explor- ing with your family in order to make the best of this time at home. At times it does make you feel like every day is suddenly a Sunday, doesn’t it? Board for boredom

Sunday or not, every day The good old board games that had been tucked away in the far corners is definitely a family day of the houses are back on the table to now. Some of our top tackle the boredom that tends to picks of activities that creep in. It also brings out the sore losers and the agitated winners of the families are doing house in the spotlight. together include: Becoming a quaran-team Becoming a quaran-team amid quarantine Locked-down learners

#LockdownLearnings Lockdown has also transited into learning time. Be it learning a new skill online together or learning new delicacies at home, new games, or simply learning to share space with the family.

To ensure you are making the best of your time at home, IGenPlus has also been actively conducting several online competitions, courses, and webinars on a wide range of topics. Many of you have been participating in our webinar sessions, engaging creatively with your family for our online competitions, and imbibing new information from our variety of online courses. A lot more is still in store for you. Check the What’s next? section here.

In the rush that we were all caught up in, we were missing out on little significant things in our lives, and right now seems to be the best opportunity to cover up for that. It might not be all fun & games 24/7, but lockdown is surely getting us all familiarized with family time, making it a norm. Whatever might be the way a family is spending time, this phase is certainly reconstructing & deconstructing To be part of such fun learnings, some major family dynamics in the 21st-century world. or know more about them,click here. How are you managing your time?

All eyes on DD

From the times of fighting over the television remote to the mutual agreement now of sitting down and watching television together, the scenario has transformed indeed. A major contributor to that has been the mythologies being telecasted again on DD National. Ramanand Sagar’s popular TV series ‘Ramayana' became the most-watched serial as it recorded 51 million viewers—the highest since 2015 in the general entertainment channel space—on March 29, according to preliminary audience estimates by Broadcast Audience Research Council and Nielsen. India’s total TV consumption in the week starting March 21 also went up 37 percent. With parents rejoicing and children learning about mythology, it seems to be a win-win situation. +91 98175 00105 keep a tab You might not choose conventional or commute between Noida and Ghaziabad easy routes, but you got to choose hard makes it a dreadful worry for her parents. work and take responsibility for your actions. Pritish Bansal is an entrepreneur She would constantly hear, “Journalism who started his own venture after his isn’t for you.” “There are long working career insights graduation, even when his father had a hours and we don’t want you to be booming business. He says that. “The coming back home late in the night.” 25 learning curve would have been very “Why do you even have to go to an office slow. His business is already up and with such odd timings? You’re getting running, and I would have spearheaded it everything at home.” She knows, and we from the top management position. On know that her parents are nowhere the other hand, when you have to face the wrong. The worry is genuine. But what to hardships and work on the grassroots do? She loves what she does. And she level to establish a new venture and make spells this out in this way: “As a feature Balancing Parents and Aspirations it flourish, it’s an altogether different journalist, I have covered many different learning experience.” things and written about them extensively. It not only enabled me to describe various Giving the example of India’s timely feelings at length but also made me decision of lockdown during the coronavirus experience what it feels like being at so pandemic, as opposed to giants like the many different places in your life. From Life is full of decisions; some are hard to take and some can be easy. One such US, he says that each action and decision trying out different cuisines and talking crucial decision of life is choosing a career for oneself, which may or may not be has consequences. “You learn that no about them with food connoisseurs to in agreement with one’s family. Your aspirations and your parents’ wishes may work is small. A janitor sweeping the floor interviewing the biggest stars from not be similar. And you might have to overcome many challenges to keep your is as important as a CEO making Bollywood, exploring how the idea of path steady. multi-million dollar decisions. You need cinema has evolved; from talking to both of them. It teaches you to respect designers about the growth of sustainability We talk to three different personalities today who share their own set of stories: your team and to grow holistically, to being at a leading fashion week, uplifting everyone’s interests.” earmarking the trends for the year; from covering restoration works in city’s oldest While his family did support him in his monuments to profiling stories of the endeavor, there are many who have to witnesses of 1947 Partition; from struggle more to win the family’s reviewing a new play released in the city, acceptance of their work. This comes up and talking to its writer-director, to taking when different norms, prejudices, and a walk through the most magnificent concerns of parents are confronted. artworks at an art auction; from digging Because let’s accept it, the world in the worst facets of abuse to being at which they grew up was very different conclaves discussing the devastating from the one in which we are breathing climate change, I’ve seen and covered it now. And it’s difficult to always come to all.” By the time you are able to grasp terms with it. Chahak Mittal is a Feature various elements of her work and about to Correspondent at a leading national be awestruck, she’s quick to add, “ Well, daily, and she is required to stay in office this all might seem fascinating and, to an later than the conventional work timings. extent, jazzy on the outside but, in reality, After making sure that the newspaper is reporting on humanity comes with a huge ready to go for the next day, she takes responsibility, which not many might Chahak Mittal Pritish Bansal Shivani Agarwal the office cab and comes home by recognize. And as opposed to front page Feature Journalist, Director, Junior Consultant, around 11 pm. While it’s not a big reporting and writing, social acceptability The Pioneer VPR Industries Pvt.Ltd. UNESCO, deal in many safe cities, the daily for feature journalists doesn’t come easy.” Well, nothing great comes easy, right?

You got to walk your own road and you have to overcome your own set of challenges. And, what makes all this a worthy journey is 27 the sense of achievement you feel in yourself after nailing your best each day.

Sharing the perks of choosing an - Believe that your family wants the best independent work venture, Pritish Bansal for you. They are your biggest emphasizes on the contentment and well-wishers. Maybe because of lack of happiness that his success gives him and knowledge, less awareness of new the lessons that his failures teach him. He options, fixed mindsets, and pre-defined shares that leading his own enterprise notions, their opinions do not match has helped him make his parents prouder, with yours, but you cannot expect them develop business acumen, build to change overnight. Try to understand resilience, make networking stronger, their perspective and then express and shape his personality better. yours.

Mittal shares similar ideas. “Being a - You should focus on building confidence writer, it gives me the courage to express in them that what you want to choose has to my family that even if all my needs are your passion and greater interest. If they being fulfilled at home, how it‘s important know you are as concerned, responsible, for me to still head out and explore and sincere as they are about your life, it stories, which need to be told. It’s a would make your work easier. profession that possesses an unending stream of deadlines, competition, novelty, - Show them your work and results. You and spontaneity. It might become a little may start with the minor ones. This is not worrisome and leave me exhausted at the to prove anything to them but to share the end of the day but not without a sense of journey. Share with them that you are contentment — how my job lets me trying and working hard towards it. They experience the ways of the world. And to might not even know what you are see the smile of my parents each morning capable of. as they read my article in the newspaper is extraordinary.” - Try coming to the middle ground. Try both the options simultaneously, if Talking about various concerns of possible. If you have conviction in what parents, Shivani Aggarwal shares that, you do, there is no way you can’t convince “Believe me, it is a blessing to have a set them. They are parents, all they want to of concerned parents. Be grateful for it. see is you being happy and doing well. It There might be conflicting interests, but might take time but it will all be perfect. you have to deal with them maturely.” She Just have patience, confidence, and sums up the learnings that she learned the support of parents on your side. Keep through her own experiences below: shining and make your parents proud. BUDDHA AND HIS ANXIETY: 29 an existential view

It was 4:30 am on a Friday have a tendency to cling and morning and I was saying pin our hopes for happiness in goodbyes to my family and fulfilling these expectations. friends. We all stood outside Natural selection has made us the international airport think that way. For example, terminal as I began to feel for me, my morning cup of this tingling sensation flow- freshly brewed ginger tea will ing through my body. It was for sure give me that moment excitement, contentment, of fleeting happiness. I expect and sadness. I was heading this every day when I wake to Ireland to pursue a up. Robert Wright in his book Master’s degree in Psychology. “Why Buddhism is True” Wait, let me rephrase this: I says, “Natural selection didn't The problem of expectation With societal pressure were engineered to do (like was going to sit into an design our mind to see the occurs when we expect penetrating from every that ginger tea for me), and airplane for the first time in world clearly; it designed your something to happen dimension, it can be highly scepticism towards your my life, fly off to a country mind to have perceptions and without it being realistic and emotional for most of us to feelings is part of this where I didn’t know a soul, beliefs that will help you to perceivable. If I believe that deal with it. What we can do exercise. and carrying baggage with take care of your genes”. The my expectations themselves is to channel these emotions me that pretty much had bottom line is that natural will bring me what I need, I and understand them as The need to connect with our everything I had at that time. selection does not care about am being delusional and they are, separate from us. emotions, to love, and being That very moment, I realized whether we see the world looking towards that We need to perceive emotions loved has never been this it wasn’t just excitement and clearly. Happiness is something existential anxiety to crack as a separate entity. What I essential, especially during sadness that I was feeling! It that is designed by natural open again. It’s quite mean by that is to channel these strange times. As Camus was the burden of a set of selection to fade away straight forward when we that anxiety you are feeling puts it beautifully in his expectations I had set for because that keeps us are talking about brewing as an external entity. Buddhist visionary book, The Plague, “If me, what my family and motivated. that tea. I can't make that meditation practices such as there is one thing one can friends had expected of me. cup of tea just by imagining mindfulness can be a saving always yearn for, and sometimes What if I fail? What if it all For example — we eat our it into existence. I need to grace for this. Close your attain, it is human love.” turns out to be a dream? favourite meal for dinner - take realistic actions to have eyes and try focusing on the What if I let myself and my that feels good, but the that cup of tea. For starters, I physical sensation you have Madhav Bhargav is a Ph.D. parents down? pleasure is fleeting. So, as need water, tea, etc., then I within your body when you researcher in developmental long as we have good reasons can work with them towards feel that anxiety. Is it the clinical psychology at Trinity Anxiety has been a constant to believe that fulfilling an my goal. tingling sensation beneath College Dublin. He has previously companion of mine. So is the expectation will make us your feet, palpitation of worked as a researcher in the Madhav Bhargav, case for a lot of us. Much of happy, and we take the Now that we know the heart? Focus on it, see it as area of adolescent mental Ph.D. Reasearcher in our anxiety arises from the necessary steps towards origins of anxiety, how can it is, without its essence. health in Ireland. A researcher Developmental Clinical expectations that we have fulfilling those expectations; we deal or “embrace it”. Let’s This scepticism toward by day and a movie fanatic by Psychology at from ourselves and others it’s all good and there is start with keeping realistic your feelings makes sense night. Find him on Twitter Trinity College, Dublin have from us. As humans, we nothing wrong with this! expectations from ourselves. when you realize what they here: @MadhavBhargav9. Tap the screen to view about our very first international feat within 10 months of our inception. The Plus Debate was held at the Nehru Center, London, with a unique structure to facilitate rigorous, meaningful, and respectful interaction. It saw the participation of 35 delegates from premium schools in London and amazing Speakers and Moderators. Mr. Amish Tripathi, the renowned best-selling author, was the Chief Guest of the day. There are many such films which have brought into light the sweet yet fraught relationship which we have with the our parents. Here are some of our favorites: 1. Piku short listed Starring Deepika Padukone, Irrfan Khan, and Amitabh Bach- chan, Piku is the best portrayal of a conflicted father-daughter 33 relationship. It wonderfully showcases how a daughter em- Our relationship with our parents is the strangest of all loving powers herself through the responsibility of her cranky old relationships. We unconditionally love them, yet as we grow in man. If you haven’t watched it yet, then please go right away to age, we realize the generation gap between our parents and watch what is perhaps one of the most beautiful films of the our friends. There comes a time in life, when we start disliking last decade. our parents poking their nose in every aspect of our lives. The value of having parents and grandparents is immeasurable. Ask a friend who has been unfortunate enough to lose one of their 2. Kaksha Gyarvi parents early on in life. Taking his audience through his personal journey from boys-school to college, comedian Zakir Khan is hilariously heart-warming in With all the love and hate, the care and conflict, the wholeness making us laugh out of our guts while teaching us so much about our relationship with our parents. This is available on Amazon which parents provide can not be replaced by anybody else. Prime.

3. Nil Battey Sannata How would it be if our mothers started attending school along with us? How embarrassed would we be? This mother-daughter friendship will make you laugh but also leaving you teary-eyed.

4. Bommarillu For our South Indian film lovers, here’s a popular rom-com in Telugu. Bommarillu is a love-story embedded in the context of a close-knit family that lives under the fear of its patriarch. The movie can be easily found online with subtitles.

5. Panga 'Panga' is a film that honours the endless hours of work that MILY mothers put behind their families and at the same time urges them FA E to never give up on their dreams. This lockdown, don't forget to T I M watch this heartening piece.

Do you have any favorite family movies? Sometimes, I dearly want to like to go back all the years down the memory lane and just stay there as a kid. It was in 2011 that everything changed and we became a family FAMILY hum of 3 when we lost my father to cancer. It was a shock. I was 14. One day, I came back from school and they had just brought him home for our final goodbye. The following STORIES : saath months were the toughest, with mom in a phase of depres- 36 sion and my brother being too young to understand any- thing. It was time to show strength. I went the very next straight from saath day to give my math exam to show that I am strong enough to take a much needed stand for my mom. Months followed with all of us remembering him and crying ourselves silently the heart hai to sleep. I still remember how I used to call him 'Verma ji' when I had just started speaking because my mom used to call him that. Till 6th standard as far as I can remember, I never had to get out of my bed on my own. He had differ- ent ways of waking me up every day since I was such a sleepyhead. We used to team up and tease mom. He used to eat all my burnt chapatis saying they were too good and I never knew what boredom was. If you have 25 other he wants more. people living in the same house, all you have to do is move from your room to someone else's. In a span of 14 years, excluding the time when he had stopped communication with us before he passed away, I Yes, I have been blessed to have grown up in a huge cannot remember him scolding me. I was such a pampered family, with 4 generations living together, my grandparents, eldest child in the family. their 5 sons and daughters in law, their 12 kids, in total (6 sons and 6 daughters) and their kids. All in all, we are It has now been 9 years and lots of struggle, listening to too many. bullshit from people and never answering anyone back, a We had a common house, a common kitchen, and common major accident, facing challenges head on, standing strong business enterprises. Each day was filled with fun, drama, with my family and learning that no one is above family. My activities, and celebration. The bond we created and the brother and I have been my mom's top priority and she has relationships we shared are a lifetime treasure. The sense done her best to be both our father and mother. She is the of security, the extent of the support system and the inspiring role model in my life who took a stand for her kids amount of love that you get is unfathomable. I did not in every tough situation without fail. We have learned a lot know the difference between cousins and real siblings of lessons through experience together. Words are not enough to express the feeling of missing him each day, and until I learned using a dictionary. I used to get mocked more so in moments of major setbacks as well as achievements. when I said that I had 11 brothers and sisters.

My dad wanted to take my mom to Singapore once, wanted I know he is Everyone has differences, even we had. With a me to be a professor and buy his favourite car which I am still there shared kitchen and business, things didn't come pretty sure I am going to do apart from maybe being a professor. watching easy. But, looking back, we would not trade it for He used to be so proud seeing me excel in academics and over us and anything. Even after separation a few years back, our speaking english in front of his friends.Whenever I achieve feeling proud Rakshabandhan celebration still takes hours, our something or I wish to achieve something, my only question of how far smallest family gathering still has at least 30 people is - Will I make my dad proud? we have come. and my dadi still takes pride in keeping the entire family together. The dream is to make him and my mom proud and never let my mom financially, mentally and emotionally in the same - DIVYA VERMA - SHIVANI AGARWAL, Jhansi place as she was 9 years back. New Delhi We are a family of four, living in the vibrant peninsular city of San Mateo, San Francisco. Our regular Sunday morning starts with pooja, followed by a video chat with our families FAMILY in India. My young sons, Parth (11) and Vivan (6) begin with their Balvihar classes at the San Bruno temple where they learn reading and writing Hindi, chanting slokas, and learn- ing about Indian culture that is deeply rooted in Sanatan Dharma. At the same time, I and life’s greatest my wife, Pooja, teach culture classes that include topics like Ganesh and Karthikey’s , story, the ancient science of Yoga, and Hanuman bhakti. After the classes, we head to blessing Palo Alto for Parth’s American Football league game and later Vivan has a soccer play a group that date with his school friends. The day may include quick stopovers at a grocery store or , shopping mall and evening chai discussions with other Indian families. We will close the 37 dreams day preparing schedules for the next week.Sunday routine sums up accurately how our laughs, plays family balances a busy modern life in Silicon Valley while ensuring our kids grow up staying and loves togeth� connected with their culture and families in India. er, those whome you can always count on. We are blessed to combine and live the best of both I am a 23 years old always present need anything worlds. We are girl. I have a regular not only in the extra, you should be family including my able to do it like able to raise our Mom, Dad, and good times, everyone. I am glad kids to be both, brother. My family that I have got such independent and never thought that but all times. supportive parents morally rooted. my disability, in my life, who knew Cerebral Palsy was We never get tired that education will of sharing the more than my play an important abilities. My dad the most role in my life. They beautiful memories always saw me as a precious gift. wanted me to be of our childhood in regular child; I haven’t learned and well India like the annual been pampered educated so that I more or disregarded pilgrimage to could live my life on Haridwar, street by anyone. I was my own terms. just a normal child cricket, family rides for my parents. I always say that I on the scooter,and am really fortunate plenty more. I was scolded when to have such a I was naughty and family by my side loved when I was who has been not. Just like every always supportive kid. My mother and encouraging would always think about my dreams of innovative ideas and ambition. Like While we live a fulfilling life in the for making me do every family, my USA, we do miss the warmth of our something. Like she family also wants parents’ touch, the gentleness of our bought a wooden me to reach the sky. siblings, the playfulness, and the wage for me that Moreover, they are omnipresent support of our extended would make it not my wings, but family in India, but we know they are easier for me to type the air beneath proud of us and their blessings keep on the keyboard of them. us safe and successful. And that the computer. comforts us each day. - VINAYANA My father on the KHURANA, - VIKAS GUPTA, San Fransisco other side would New Delhi say that you don’t SUBSCRIBE TODAY!

ON YOUTUBE TO STAY UPDATED WITH ALL COURSES WORKSHOPS EVENTS FESTS AND MUCH MORE. THIS DAY, THAT YEAR 42 WHAT: Mother’s Day based on religious beliefs. WHEN: May 10, 1908 The eldest son or daughter Miss Anna Jarvis is recognized as the founder of would bring a “mothering cake’’ Mother’s Day, who wished to memorialize the death and a special dinner was pre- of her mother (died in 1905) and thereby started pared in honour of their mother. campaigning for a national day to honour all mothers. During the day the mother would Jarvis got inspiration from her mother who was a also attend special church lifelong activist and organized ‘Mother’s Work Days’ services with her family. to save the lives of those dying of polluted water. She also organized women’s brigades, encouraging Mother’s Day, like the job of women to help during the Civil War. “mothering’’, is varied and diverse. It is thus, appropriate to On May 10, 1908, a Mother’s Day service was held at acknowledge and honour the Church in Grafton, West Virginia, where Anna’s multiple ways women find to mother had taught. Following this, Anna along with nurture either family and the her supporters wrote letters to people in positions of ways in which so many have power and civic organizations lobbying for the official nurtured their societies, countries, declaration of Mother’s Day holiday. The hard work and the larger world. The day is did pay off, in 1911 Mother’s Day was celebrated in about women’s commitment to almost every state in the Union, and on May 8, 1914, the past, present, and future at President Woodrow Wilson signed a joint resolution both the personal and social eras. designating the second Sunday in May as Mother’s With the Mother’s Day spirit all Day. over the world over time, it becomes a formal day to honour The history of the day has its roots in honouring the our mothers once every year. broader networks, social ties, and political concerns of women. Anna Jarvis worked hard to bestow honour on all mothers, therefore she was also known as the Mother of Mother’s Day, an appropriate title for her.

While the Mother’s Day that we celebrate on the MOTHER second Sunday in May is fairly a recent development, the basic idea is centuries old. During the 16th Century, OF in England a celebration called ‘’Mothering Sunday’’ was inaugurated, a day set aside to visit one’s mother. Although this day is celebrated in a different way in MOTHER’S today’s world, it can be expressed that the roots of this custom lie in these periods, and the celebrations were DAY LETTERS OF PAST BY Kobe Bryant 44 Kobe Bryant, one of the greatest Basketball players of all time recently You will come to understand that you were taking care of them because it made YOU feel good, passed away in a tragic helicopter crash. Black Mamba, as he was more it made YOU happy to see them smiling and without a care in the world — and that was extreme- dearly called, left the entire world sobbing. We knew him on the field, ly selfish of you. While you were feeling satisfied with yourself, you were slowly eating away at but how was this Superstar player in his teens? How interesting could it be to read 37-year-old Kobe writing a letter to his 17-year-old younger their own dreams and ambitions. You were adding material things to their lives, but subtract- self? Turns out you can collect some life lessons for yourself too. ing the most precious gifts of all: independence and growth. Understand that you are about to be the leader of the family, and this involves making tough choices, even if your siblings and friends TRANSCRIPT: do not understand them at the time. Invest in their future, don’t just give. Dear 17-year-old self, Use your success, wealth and influence to put them in the best position to realize their own dreams When your Laker dream comes true and find their true purpose. Put them through school, set them up with job interviews and help tomorrow, you need to figure out a way to invest in the future of your them become leaders in their own right. Hold them to the same level of hard work and dedication family and friends. This sounds that it took for you to get to where you are now, and where you will eventually go. simple, and you may think it’s a I’m writing you now so that you can begin this process immediately, and so that you don’t have to no-brainer, but take some time to deal with the hurt and struggle of weaning them off of the addiction that you facilitated. That think on it further. addiction only leads to anger, resentment and jealousy from everybody involved, including yourself. I said INVEST. As time goes on, you will see them grow independently and have their own ambitions and their own I did not say GIVE. lives, and your relationship with all of them will be much better as a result. There’s plenty more I could write to you, but at 17, I know you don’t have the attention span to sit through 2,000 words. Let me explain. The next time I write to you, I may touch on the challenges of mixing blood with business. The most Purely giving material things to your siblings and friends may appear to important advice I can give to you is to make sure your parents remain PARENTS and not managers. be the right decision. You love them, Before you sign that first contract, figure out the right budget for your parents — one that will allow and they were always there for you them to live beautifully while also growing your business and setting people up for long-term success. growing up, so it’s only right that That way, your children’s kids and their kids will be able to invest in their own futures when the time comes. they should share in your success and all that comes with it. So you Your life is about to change, and things are about to come at you very fast. But just let this sink in a buy them a car, a big house, pay all bit when you lay down at night after another nine-hour training day. Trust me, setting things up of their bills. You want them to live a right from the beginning will avoid a ton of tears and heartache, some of which remains to this day. beautiful, comfortable life, right? Much love, But the day will come when you realize that as much as you believed you were doing the right thing, you were actually holding them back. Kobe Source: DON’T BE 45 what’s next? LEFT BEHIND 46 We make sure our readers are not left behind, so IGenPlus offers both digital and print edition of previous issues. To receive your copy, subscribe now!

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EDITION 4 | MAR’20 EDITION 5 | APR’20 To Know More about these events, Visit: Click the edition to read; To subscribe, Visit: #Teenspiration A BUDDING YOUNG ACTIVIST WORKING FOR WORLD PEACE Ashik Mohammad, 15

The recipient of certificates for his photographic memory by World Records Academy, USA, and Record Holders Republic, UK, at a tender age of 6, Ashik is a genius kid working for a very simple yet very challenging motto, world peace.

He started his NGO, International Peace and Eco- nomic Development Organization (IPEDO) at the age of 15, to serve as a platform for mobilizing World peace and economic development where people all across the world can join in to discuss and act. The NGO runs Peace Ambassador pro- grams and Peaceonomy workshops across differ- ent schools and universities to build progressive changemakers.

A class 12th student of Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1 Madurai, Ashik is also eloquent. He has been invit- ed as the Chief Guest and motivational speaker in different schools and events. This young peace activist already lives a life of accountability and responsibility.

Read more about his organization here: THE PLUS THANK YOU ISSUE NO. 06 | MAY 2020