Journal of Conscious Evolution Volume 1 Article 14 Issue 1 Issue 01/2005 May 2018 Jean Gebser THE INVISIBLE ORIGIN Evolution as a Supplementary Process Translated by THEO RÖTTGERS Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Anthropology Commons, Cognition and Perception Commons, Cognitive Psychology Commons, Developmental Psychology Commons, and the Philosophy of Mind Commons Recommended Citation Translated by THEO RÖTTGERS (2018) "Jean Gebser THE INVISIBLE ORIGIN Evolution as a Supplementary Process," Journal of Conscious Evolution: Vol. 1 : Iss. 1 , Article 14. Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals and Newsletters at Digital Commons @ CIIS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of Conscious Evolution by an authorized editor of Digital Commons @ CIIS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Jean Gebser : THE INVISIBLE ORIGIN Jean Gebser TT HH EE II NN VV II SS II BB LL EE OO RR II GG II NN EEvvoolluuttiioonn aass aa SSuupppplleemmeennttaarryy PPrroocceessss The New Consciousness Although it is presently prohibited to consider, while observing obvious facts, events and things, also those which are as is commonly said behind the things, it will be attempted on these pages to overrule this timid prohibition. Whoever insists on letting the transparency of the whole become evident, must devote himself to this rather painful and uncomfortable but also pleasant task, which is from year to year becoming more urgent and necessary. He has to do it even at the risk that his statements, meant to be a contribution to the explanation of human behaviour, will be discarded in a rationalistic and emotionally negative way, since they are inconvenient to the presently overemphasized security requirement.