2016 IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing SOUL: An Edge-cloud System for Mobile Applications in a Sensor-rich World Minsung Jang∗, HyunJong Lee†, Karsten Schwan‡, Ketan Bhardwaj‡ ∗AT&T Labs - Research,
[email protected] †University of Michigan,
[email protected] ‡Georgia Institute of Technology, {karsten, ketanbj}@gatech.edu Abstract—With the Internet of Things, sensors are becoming In order for such apps to efficiently interact with and ever more ubiquitous, but interacting with them continues manage the dynamic sets of currently accessible sensors with to present numerous challenges, particularly for applications the associated actuators and software services, SOUL (Sensors running on resource-constrained devices like smartphones. The Of Ubiquitous Life) SOUL abstractions in this paper address two issues faced • by such applications: (1) access to sensors with the levels of externalizes sensor & actuator interactions and process- convenience needed for their ubiquitous, dynamic use, and only ing from the resource-constrained device to edge- and by parties authorized to do so, and (2) scalability in sensor remote-cloud resources, to leverage their computational and access, given today’s multitude of sensors. Toward this end, storage abilities for running the complex sensor processing SOUL, first, introduces a new abstraction for the applications to functionality; transparently and uniformly access both on-device and ambient • sensors with associated actuators. Second, potentially expensive automates reconfiguration of these interactions when sensor-related processing needs not just occur on smartphones, better-matched sensors and actuators become physically but can also leverage edge- and remote-cloud resources. Finally, available; SOUL provides access control methods that permit users to easily • supports existing sensor-based applications allowing define access permissions for sensors, which leverages users’ social ties and captures the context in which access requests them to use SOUL’s capabilities without requiring modi- are made.