March 9, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1029 broke, don’t fix it. Add to it, but do not abuse. We must reauthorize the Vio- contributions made by Scottish-Americans fix it. Of course they were talking lence Against Women Act and the Wel- to the United States. about Social Security that has been fare Reauthorization Act, and we must The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the lifeline for millions of seniors in be in the business of protecting the ant to the rule, the gentleman from our country since its inception. most vulnerable and the abused. That (Mr. DUNCAN) and the gen- Madam Speaker, I will just repeat should be our standard of morality. tleman from (Mr. DAVIS) each what ACORN told me: If it ain’t broke, f will control 20 minutes. don’t fix it. The Chair recognizes the gentleman ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER f from Tennessee (Mr. DUNCAN). PRO TEMPORE GENERAL LEAVE TEN COMMANDMENTS EMBODY The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. Mr. DUNCAN. Madam Speaker, I ask AMERICA’S RULE OF LAW MILLER of ). Pursuant to unanimous consent that all Members (Mr. BARTLETT of Maryland asked clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair will post- may have 5 legislative days within and was given permission to address pone further proceedings today on mo- which to revise and extend their re- the House for 1 minute and to revise tions to suspend the rules on which a marks and include extraneous material and extend his remarks.) recorded vote or the yeas and nays are on H. Res. 41. Mr. BARTLETT of Maryland. Madam ordered, or on which the vote is ob- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Speaker, the Supreme Court cases, Van jected to under clause 6 of rule XX. objection to the request of the gen- Orden v. Perry and McCreary County, Record votes on postponed questions tleman from Tennessee? There was no objection. Kentucky v. ACLU seek to remove the will be taken later in the day. Ten Commandments from government Mr. DUNCAN. Madam Speaker, I f property. These cases represent a con- yield myself such time as I may con- certed effort to ignore the central role EXPRESSING SENSE OF HOUSE OF sume. Madam Speaker, H. Res. 41 expresses and contributions of religion in Amer- REPRESENTATIVES TO ESTAB- the sense of the House of Representa- ican history and culture. LISH ‘‘NATIONAL DAY’’ tives regarding ‘‘National Tartan In 1854, Congress studied the asser- RECOGNIZING ACHIEVEMENTS Day.’’ This is a resolution for which I tions that America is a Christian Na- AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF SCOT- have the privilege to be the primary tion. They concluded, ‘‘The Founding TISH-AMERICANS Republican sponsor, and the primary Fathers had no fear or jealousy of reli- Mr. DUNCAN. Madam Speaker, I sponsor on the Democratic side has gion itself nor did they wish to see us move to suspend the rules and agree to been the gentleman from North Caro- an irreligious Nation.’’ the resolution (H. Res. 41) expressing lina (Mr. MCINTYRE). Each year, thou- The Ten Commandments are a his- the sense of the House of Representa- sands of Americans of Scottish origin torical and cultural embodiment of tives that a day should be established recognize April 6 as Tartan or Clan America’s commitment to a govern- as ‘‘National Tartan Day’’ to recognize Day. Next month many events around ment based upon the rule of law. The the outstanding achievements and con- the country will commemorate Na- Ten Commandments reflect our Na- tributions made by Scottish-Americans tional Tartan Day at churches, fes- tion’s Judeo-Christian history and our to the United States. tivals, and other social gatherings. Founders’ deep religious faith. That is The Clerk read as follows: In March 1998, the Senate designated why the Ten Commandments should H. RES. 41 April 6 of each year as National Tartan continue to be displayed inside court- Whereas April 6 has a special significance Day because that is the date the Dec- rooms throughout our country, includ- for all Americans, and especially those laration of Arbroath was drafted. ing the United States Supreme Court. Americans of Scottish descent, because the The House no longer permits estab- f Declaration of Arbroath, the Scottish Dec- lishments of commemorations, but I laration of Independence, was signed on VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN am pleased to support National Tartan April 6, 1320, and the American Declaration Day and salute all Americans who will (Ms. LEE asked and was given per- of Independence was modeled in part on that observe this day. mission to address the House for 1 inspirational document; The consideration of this resolution minute and to revise and extend her re- Whereas this resolution honors the major role that Scottish-Americans played in the also provides an opportunity to review marks.) an important time in world history. In Ms. LEE. Madam Speaker, I rise to founding of the Nation, such as the fact that almost half of the signers of the Declaration 1296, King Edward the First of England commemorate this week as Lifetime’s of Independence were of Scottish descent, invaded . The following year, Violence Prevention Week and to call the Governors in 9 of the original 13 States Robert the Bruce responded by leading on this Congress to support legislation were of Scottish ancestry, and Scottish- Scots in a revolt to regain their sov- that will truly protect victims of vio- Americans successfully helped shape the Na- ereignty. Members may remember Rob- lence and not punish them. It is time tion in its formative years and guide it ert the Bruce as the leader who contin- for the administration to get serious through its most troubled times; ued the Scottish rebellion after his Whereas this resolution recognizes the about protecting victims of abuse. comrade-in-arms William Wallace’s The President, quite frankly, failed monumental achievements and invaluable contributions made by Scottish-Americans death, as portrayed in the movie in his proposed fiscal year 2006 budget. that have led to America’s preeminence in ‘‘Braveheart.’’ He cut funding to the Violence Against the fields of science, technology, medicine, After years of conflict, the Women programs by $19 million. For government, politics, economics, architec- outmanned Scottish soldiers, led by public assistance recipients, the Presi- ture, literature, media, and visual and per- Robert the Bruce, who had since been dent has requested zero funding for do- forming arts; crowned King of Scotland, overcame mestic violence counseling and serv- Whereas this resolution commends the the English at the Battle of ices. more than 200 organizations throughout the Bannockburn in 1314. This battle was How can he ignore the studies that United States that honor Scottish heritage, tradition, and culture, representing the hun- the culmination of Robert’s struggle find that up to 83 percent of mothers in dreds of thousands of Americans of Scottish for Scottish independence. the welfare system are victims of do- descent, residing in every State, who already Afterwards, the Declaration of mestic violence. And to add insult to have made the observance of Tartan Day on Arbroath was written and completed injury, the President proposes battered April 6 a success; and on April 6, 1320, most likely by the women and battered mothers with chil- Whereas these numerous individuals, clans, monks of Arbroath Abbey on behalf of dren be required to attend faith-based societies, clubs, and fraternal organizations the Scottish barons and nobles. The marriage classes or lose all of their do not let the great contributions of the declaration was a letter, in Latin, sent welfare benefits. go unnoticed: Now, there- to Pope John the 22nd because the fore, be it Marrying an abuser to keep benefits Resolved, That it is the sense of the House Pope had yet to recognize Scottish is not the way to build healthy families of Representatives that a day should be es- independence. The declaration affirmed and healthy communities. This stand- tablished as ‘‘National Tartan Day’’ to rec- Scotland’s determination to maintain ard of morality really hurts victims of ognize the outstanding achievements and its independence.

VerDate Aug 04 2004 02:31 Mar 10, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K09MR7.005 H09PT1 H1030 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 9, 2005 Ultimately, the Pope was swayed by Mr. MCINTYRE. Madam Speaker, I Billy Graham; Washington Irving; An- the Scottish appeal, and King Edwards, rise today to honor all of those of Scot- drew Mellon; Samuel F.B. Morse; III, recognized King Robert and the tish ancestry who have had an impact Grandma Moses; and with the ACC independence of Scotland in 1328. The on America in the present and the past, tournament coming to Washington, Declaration of Arbroath is undeniably and we know they will in the future. James Naismith; Edgar Allan Poe; Wil- the most important document in Scot- April 6, Tartan Day, is a significant lard Scott; Robert Louis Stevenson; tish history, but it is also widely day for all Americans. Since the found- Elizabeth Taylor; and James McNeil viewed as greatly influencing the ing of our Nation, Scottish-Americans Whistler, just to mention a few. American Declaration of Independence have played a key role in the growth of b 1030 in 1776. the United States. Contributions made Members can also see Scottish-Amer- by Scottish-Americans have helped In fact, one in 10 of all Nobel prizes ican influence throughout the history America’s preeminence in the fields of awarded have gone to people of Scot- of our great Nation. Thirty-five U.S. science, technology, medicine, govern- tish ancestry. Today, there are more than 200 orga- Supreme Court justices have been of ment, politics, economics, architec- nizations throughout the United States Scottish descent. Nearly half of the ture, literature, the media, visual and that honor Scottish heritage, tradition Secretaries of the U.S. Treasury, and performing arts, and yes, athletics and and culture, representing hundreds of one-third of the Secretaries of State entertainment as well. thousands of Americans who are of have been of Scottish origin. Nine of Tartan Day has a special significance Scottish descent. Every year, the ob- the signers of the Declaration of Inde- for all of us who share Scottish herit- servance of Tartan Day on April 6 is a pendence were directly or indirectly age. Next month, the 685th anniversary success because of these fine organiza- descended from the Scots. And nine out of the Declaration of Arbroath, the tions. There are Scottish-American of 13 Governors of the newly created Scottish declaration of independence, clan societies, clubs, fraternal associa- United States were Scot or of Scottish will be celebrated. The Declaration of tions and individual Scottish Ameri- descent. Arbroath was signed on April 6, 1320. cans that represent literally millions The 2000 census reported that almost This declaration of independence in- of Americans nationwide. 5 million Americans are of Scottish cludes these inspirational lines: ‘‘We heritage, and 4.3 million of Scots-Irish In , my home State, fight not for glory, nor riches nor hon- Mecklenburg County first officially ob- descent. ors, but for freedom alone, which no Madam Speaker, almost everyone served Tartan Day in 1996. The City of good man gives up except with his Greensboro has followed suit. Ten- who settled my home area of east Ten- life.’’ nessee was of Scottish or Scots-Irish nessee and Colorado also have special Since that important day, April 6 has days honoring Scottish heritage. The origin. The Scots-Irish were originally been set aside to honor the millions of the poorest people in Scotland. Then Alaska Highlanders pipe band in An- Scottish descendants who have made chorage has celebrated this special they moved to Ireland and became the outstanding contributions to our great poorest people there. Then the Scots- time as has California with proclama- society. Over 450 years later, the Amer- tions issued by several cities and coun- Irish moved to the United States and ican Declaration of Independence was became the poorest people here. They ties as well. modeled in part on that inspirational Later this month, a congressional seem to have a knack for it. document. When our Nation was found- Scottish-Americans, however, also delegation will be traveling as guests ed, almost half of the signers of Amer- have a knack for working hard to pre- of the British government to Scotland. ica’s Declaration of Independence were serve their ancestry and heritage. It will be our great honor to present of Scottish descent, and nine of the There are more than 200 organizations this resolution to the Scottish Par- Governors of the original 13 States through the United States that honor liament with a declaration that the Scottish heritage. In my district, the were of Scottish ancestry. Throughout United States has officially recognized Scottish Society of Knoxville recently the history of our country, three- at long last the outstanding achieve- held its annual Robert Burns Night fourths of our Presidents have been of ments and contributions made by Scots when they honored Scotland’s most Scottish ancestry. This tells us despite everywhere. celebrated poet. the fact we are few in number, Scots A Tartan provides instant recogni- Each year in Gatlinburg, right out- tend to take seriously the words from tion of family and kinship. Passing this side my district, Scottish-Americans the Declaration of Arbroath. resolution honoring Tartan Day will from all over the country gather for Many of us in the House of Rep- further emphasize the many Scottish the Gatlinburg Scottish Festival resentatives can claim Scottish ances- contributions to the growth and devel- Games, or better known as Highland try as well, including the gentleman opment of our great country, the games. Festivities include throwing from Tennessee (Mr. DUNCAN), an origi- United States of America. the battle axe, the kilted mile, and nal cosponsor of this resolution. Every On behalf of all of us of Scottish de- highland wrestling. Highland games day those of us of Scottish descent in scent, I urge all of my colleagues to like these are held all over the Nation. this Chamber live by the words of the support this resolution. Help us offi- A few years ago, the airline magazine Declaration of Arbroath that I quoted cially honor the contributions made by ‘‘World Traveler’’ of Northwest Air- a moment ago. We are here to advance by voting ‘‘yes’’ on lines profiled my Scottish ancestry. In freedom. H. Res. 41, a resolution recognizing Na- that interview I told them one cannot Today it is my honor to recognize the tional Tartan Day. get much more Scottish than having 685th anniversary of this historic dec- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE the name Duncan, being Presbyterian, laration. We have friends in the gallery The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. and having most of one’s relatives com- from the National Capital Society, St. ISSA). The Chair would remind all ing from Scott County, Tennessee. Andrew’s Society, and if they would Members to refrain from making ref- Madam Speaker, I am proud of my stand. Many of them are in their Scot- erences to persons in the gallery. Scottish and Scots-Irish heritage. I am tish dress and kilts as well. We thank Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield pleased to join with the gentleman them for their presence as well. such time as she may consume to the from North Carolina (Mr. MCINTYRE) in Scottish-Americans have left their gentlewoman from Michigan (Mrs. MIL- support of House Resolution 41. I thank mark on America as pioneers and LER). him for offering this measure and urge innovators. Their contributions to the Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. I thank its adoption. history and development of the United the gentleman for yielding me this Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- States are invaluable. Who are we talk- time. ance of my time. ing about? Here are some examples of Mr. Speaker, as a proud second-gen- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- great Scottish-Americans past and eration Scottish American, I join my er, I yield such time as he may con- present: Neil Armstrong; Alexander colleagues in recognizing the tremen- sume to the gentleman from North Graham Bell; Andrew Carnegie; Julia dous contributions of Scottish Ameri- Carolina (Mr. MCINTYRE), the other co- Child; Hugh Downs; Thomas Edison; cans who immigrated to America be- sponsor of this resolution. Malcolm S. Forbes; Katherine Hepburn; cause they hoped for a better life and

VerDate Aug 04 2004 02:31 Mar 10, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K09MR7.006 H09PT1 March 9, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1031 all the wonderful possibilities that is States in order to become the sixth recognized in any way by the United America. Their ambitions, their President of Princeton University. He States House of Representatives. And braveness, their pioneering spirit was a member of the ratifying conven- so I urge my colleagues to support this helped build our economy, helped build tion that made New Jersey the third very important resolution. our culture and, more than anything, State to ratify the Constitution of the Mr. HASTINGS of . Madam Speaker, contributed to our history. United States. He also is identified I rise today to recognize the many achieve- I think it is significant to note, cer- with the Common Sense Philosophy, ments and contributions that Scottish-Ameri- tainly, that one-half of the signers of which is considered to be of importance cans have made to the United States. I have the U.S. Declaration of Independence in the development of our national life. long touted the importance of immigration as and at least 11 United States Presi- Andrew Carnegie came to the United a source of strength for our Nation, and I am dents have been of Scottish ancestry. States not as an educated man but as a gratified to see the Scottish-American immi- They were pioneers, of course, but they poor immigrant. His vision and busi- grant population be recognized by this House also had an ability and the desire to ness acumen earned him a fortune in Resolution. work hard. steel during the industrial revolution. Scottish-Americans have made significant Some of the great Scottish Ameri- Carnegie used his wealth to establish contributions to American society and have cans include Alexander Hamilton, one one of the largest philanthropic foun- played an influential role in the history of our of the architects of our Constitution dations in the United States. Much of country. Not only was Alexander Hamilton, and the first Secretary of the Treasury; his collected fortune was spent to es- one of our founding fathers, a Scottish-Amer- John Paul Jones, the father of the tablish over 2,500 public libraries and ican, but at least eleven U.S. Presidents were United States Navy; Andrew Carnegie, to support institutions of higher learn- also of Scottish descent. Among the ranks of one of the most successful businessmen ing and public education. By the end of proud Scottish-Americans were almost half of ever, renowned for his charitable ac- his life, Carnegie gave away $350 mil- the signers of the Declaration of Independ- tivities; Alexander Graham Bell, inven- lion. ence, and two of the first Supreme Court Jus- tor of the telephone; Buzz Aldrin and Inventor Alexander Graham Bell, tices. Andrew Carnegie, one of this country’s Neil Armstrong, who both captured the like Carnegie, was primarily self-edu- most successful entrepreneurs and philan- imaginations of the entire world by cated, and he, too, accomplished much thropists, came to this country as a poor Scot- floating above it and exploring what no during his life. Graham is best known tish immigrant. person had ever explored before. for inventing the telephone, though he To honor the contributions of Scottish immi- In fact, the term ‘Great Scot’ is explored the realm of communications grants, it is appropriate that Congress recog- meant to express oneself in the pres- and engaged in a great variety of sci- nize April 6 as ‘‘National Tartan Day.’’ The ence of something extraordinary. I entific activities. recognition by Congress that immigrants of all think I speak for all Americans of Almost a decade ago, Congress recog- backgrounds contribute immeasurably to our Scottish heritage and lineage when I nized the influential role of the Scot- success as a nation is a sentiment to which I say that the Scots brought a spirit of tish community in our country by could not more strongly agree. freedom and rugged individualism that making April 6, 1997, National Tartan Madam Speaker, I am pleased to recognize found fertile soil in America. Day. April 6 was chosen because it the achievements of the Scottish-American On a final note, I might add that it commemorates the signing of the Dec- community. On behalf of this body, I express was the Scots, of course, who origi- laration of Arbroath, which asserted my support for establishing April 6 as ‘‘Na- nated the game of golf, and it is well Scotland’s sovereignty over English tional Tartan Day’’ and congratulate the Scot- known that, less than 1 hour after golf territorial claims and influenced our tish-American community on their numerous was invented in Scotland, that the first own Declaration of Independence. contributions to our Nation. golf joke was heard. Therefore, Madam Speaker, I want to Mr. DUNCAN. Madam Speaker, I Mr. Speaker, Scots are usually mem- take this moment to thank the origi- yield back the balance of my time. bers of a clan, from the term ‘clanna’ nators of this bill for their leadership The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. which means ‘‘group function as a fam- and want to reiterate my strong sup- MILLER of Michigan). The question is ily,’’ coexisting, succeeding and over- port for H. Res. 41. Our Scottish citi- on the motion offered by the gen- coming as a family. Today, we pay zens have made a tremendous impact tleman from Tennessee (Mr. DUNCAN) tribute to all Scottish Americans who on the development of this Nation, and that the House suspend the rules and have strengthened our American fam- all of us are proud of them. agree to the resolution, H. Res. 41. ily. Madam Speaker, I have no further re- The question was taken; and (two- I urge all my colleagues to support quests for time, and I yield back the thirds having voted in favor thereof) this resolution. balance of my time. the rules were suspended and the reso- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- Mr. DUNCAN. Madam Speaker, I lution was agreed to. er, I yield myself such time as I may yield myself such time as I may con- A motion to reconsider was laid on consume. sume. the table. Madam Speaker, from time to time, Let me just close by, first of all, it is important that we acknowledge thanking the gentleman from Illinois f our individual histories and the charac- (Mr. DAVIS) for his words and espe- RECOGNIZING CONTRIBUTIONS OF teristics that define us as Americans. cially thanking our colleague from UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS Last month, we celebrated African- North Carolina (Mr. MCINTYRE) for his ON 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF BAT- American History Month. Today, I am great leadership on this legislation. I TLE OF IWO JIMA very happy to stand with the gen- thank you for your noting the origins Mr. KLINE. Madam Speaker, I move tleman from North Carolina (Mr. MCIN- of the great game of golf in Scotland. to suspend the rules and agree to the TYRE) and the other 56 cosponsors of H. As one who loves golf, and you men- resolution (H. Res. 119) recognizing the Res. 41. This bill recognizes the out- tioned golf jokes, I might just tell you contributions of the United States Ma- standing achievements and contribu- that when I come in from playing golf rine Corps and other units of the tions made by Scottish Americans to and people ask me how I did, I just tell United States Armed Forces on the oc- the United States by expressing the them unbelievable, and they can take casion of the 60th anniversary of the sense of the House of Representatives it anyway they want to then. Battle of Iwo Jima during World War that a day should be established as Na- I think this is important legislation, II. tional Tartan Day. and I will tell you why. There are very The Clerk read as follows: Scottish Americans have played im- few countries that have as close ties as H. RES. 119 portant roles in the growth and devel- the United States and Scotland. We opment of this Nation. Three such have mentioned many of those ties and Whereas 2005 marks the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima, in which the United Scottish Americans are John much of that heritage here today. But States Marine Corps and other units of the Witherspoon, Andrew Carnegie and Al- until this day and until this legisla- United States Armed Forces assaulted and exander Graham Bell. John tion, those close ties between Scotland captured the island of Iwo Jima during Witherspoon immigrated to the United and the United States have not been World War II;

VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:38 Mar 10, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K09MR7.010 H09PT1