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Memory 10822742.Pdf M E M O RY A S C I E N TI FI C PRAC T I CA L MET H OD OF C ULT I V A T I N G T H E FAC ULT I ES OF ATT ENT ION , ‘ RECOLLEC T ION A N D RET EN T I ON . I Bf A LO SETTE. I have no hesitation 111 tho1 oughly 1 eeommending the System to all W ho are e a i nes t 1 11 wishi ng t o t1 ain tlieii memories effect i v C R . ely. RI H A D A PROCTOR Its use has gi eatly st1 engthened and improved my n atural ” memo — W r . M R R. y \ WILLIA ALDO F ASTO INI TVV IYCHRIC PRI NT ED FOR T H E PUBLI S H ERS . 1 8 9 5 . C O N T E N T S . PAGE PART I. R . RECOLLECTIVE ANALYSIS. DEFECTIVE MEMO Y LACK OF ATTENT ION FI RST EXERCISE : THREE LAW S OF RECOLLEC TIVE ANALYSIS SECOND EXERCISE PRESIDENTIAL SERI ES ” TH I RD E XERCISE DOUGH -DODO SERIES HEPTARCH Y SERIES SUPPLEME NT TO RECOLLECTIVE AN AL YSi s FI RST EXERCISE FIGURE ALPH AB ET SECOND EXERCISE : TRANSLATING WORDS INTO FIGURES TH IRD EXERCI SE : TRANSLATING WORDS INTO FIGURES ’ O R X R : TH E KN G O R TH E F U TH E E CISE I HT S T U , R A R R E P ESIDENTI L AND HEPTA CHY SE I S , TURNING FIGURES IN TO WORDS FI FTH EXERCISE INTE RROGATIVE ANALYS IS PART RECOLLE CTIVE SYNTH E SIS CONTENTS. RULES FOR MAKING CORRELATIONS CONNECTING ISOLATED FACTS CONNECTI NG UNFAMILIAR WORDS CONNECTING SERIAL - FACTS LEARNING TH E MORSE ALPHAB ET I PART V . PREDICATING CORRELATIONS OXF ORD AND CAMB RIDGE B OAT RACES RATIO OF CIRCUMEE REN CE To DI AMETER MEMORISING PROS E AND POETRY INTERROGATIVE ANALYSIS SURPRISING FIGURE _ MEMORY PH ARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS TH E INSTANTANEOUS G ORDIAN KNOT MEMORY AL MANAC DAY- OF - W EEK OF ANY DATE TH E H IGHER ANALYSIS AND SYNT H EI S S D MEMORIS ING MONTHS AND AYS . SERIES OF ROMAN EMPERORS ’ MEMORISING EUCLID S PROPOSITIONS MEMORISING V AR IOUS FACTS MULTIPLICATION TAB LE PART V } R NEVE FORG ETTING H OW T o LEARN HISTORY SPEAK ING W ITH OUT NOTES FEAT S OF RECOLLECTION ‘ B - A. U OF A DGET NECDOTES ETC . P A R T I . RECOLLEC T IV E ANALYS IS . F . DEFECTIV E MEMORY. LACK O ATTENTION There are in Memory t wo stages : (1) The stage of the First m ress on t rou the sen se of s ht ear n etc . or I p i ( h gh s ig , h i g, by whatever agency an idea i s presented to the mind) ; (2) The re vival of a m ress o f r ot ta es are e ua th t i p i n a terwa d. B h s g q lly es sen a to a o mem or but in he resent wor we s a a e ti l g od y, t p k h ll h v to do chi e w t the secon the r ose Of s s stem e ng to fly i h d, pup thi y b i S how how (due yividness of I mpI essi on bei ng assumed) the pI ocess of Revival recall n I ec ollec tion ma be f ac tate and made as ( i g, ) y ili d i t were automa c t re ar to m ress on it w s uffic e h eI e ti . Wi h g d I p i ill to n ote the one great c ause which in most persons renders it def ee — t e ac o iv L k f attention . hen o Com e o cro e s ree W y u h me from a walk through a wd d t t , c an you remember the a ppearance of the last three persons that o u asse ? - ed o c an y p d NO. I n ninety ni ne c ases out of a hundr y u n ot te w et er the were me o omen h is t s ? You s a ll h h y n r w . W y hi y it is e The b cause you paid no attention ; and you are quite right . first i mpression was made upon your senses : it w as c arried to the , ra n bu it f a ed o e ou were th n n b i ; t il t g t its elf registered. Y i ki g ‘ a o hat the u other thi n . he fi r m o was so f a n t b t gs T s t i pressi n i t, stron es o e o f suc an m ress on g t p w r f rec all f ails to revive it . O h i p i 4 RECOLLECTIV E ANALYSIS . ere ca un er ordi nar c cums ance - be o memo th n d y ir t s n ry. But if the last pers on you saw before entering the house happened to be a s ix - foo cow o in the c tures ue ar of the a ns o o t b y pi q g b pl i , y u w uld proba bly recollect him ; and if p erchance it was an unf ortunate s o er w a f his f ace s o awa the memor o im o ldi ith h l h t y , y f h w ul d c erta n e er ron an mi n i ly b v y st g d ght be u pleasantly persistent. Why i s there memory in these cases and none in the previous c ase? Because in these ca ses your a ttention was attrac ted ; and in pro: portion as the attraction was strong the remembrance is strong so o e e oema nt o al . Y u may hav s en a sh ker putting nails i o the s le o t his ef um and fin er e he o n of of a bo t. Wi h l t th b g h pricks t p i t r ‘ the nail in to the leather j ust f ar enough to make the nail stand r h is so f ee a ta c e a at he eas a e f al s o Up ig t. It bly t h d th t t l t Sh k it l n he oor hen own c o es he amme n o t fl . T d m t h r a d drives the nail up t he ea O he sensa ons a re c ont nua l r n in t h d. N w t ti th t a i l y pou i g up on us all the a enues of sense—b the e e ear nose to n ue by v y y , , , g n n—as e as the eas s ream n n o our m in ds re on a d s ki w ll id t i g i t , a their firs t arrival attached as f eebly a s the na ils to the boot. But he o omes the A ttention li e a amm er and r es em t n d wn c k h , d iv th n to c onc ousn ess s o a e r record rema n s f or e er. From all i i , th t th i i v n this w e see the importance of a good power Of Attention . U less you have such a c ommand of your Attention that you c an bring it do ea u on m res s on: a f ter m ress on so a s to r e wn h vily p i p i i p i , d iv em ome nto o ur c onc ousness e w a e no fir m a ac th h i y i , th y ill h v tt h men t and they will be shaken out by the first movement of the mind I t is manifes erefore a the firs re u s e to a oo Mem t, th th t t q i it g d oo o o er re er man eo e ory i s a g d power f Attenti n. Th e a v y y p pl i who are so a fflic ted w th Mind be regarded as a ara s s of the Attent on tha it is m oss e f or t em to p ly i i , t i p ibl h ll a ttend to any single subj ect f or two c onsecutive moments . A the while that their eyes are fixed on a book and their lips are I e eatin the W ds a e l ea a antasma or a of scon p g OI th t th y d, ph g i di ecte ma es i a c no e m n emor es of as n d I g s d n ing a ngh th ir i d.
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