Long Branch Daily Record
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LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD. VOL. 11-NUMBER 21. LONG BRANCH, N. J., TUHRSDAY, JANUARY, 25 1912. 8 PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS cum RESCUES FAST TIME MADE ALL READY FOR $500 VERDICT AGAINST TOME TWO GIRL SKATERS BY ICE YACHTS HERE BIG MASK BULL DRIVER WHOSE HORSE CONTEST TOMORROW William Archer Hears Cries as Plans Completed For J7th An- Crack Fliers of Clubs to Con- They Crash Through Ice at AND AT RED BANK nual of Hebrew Burial RAN DOWN PATTON test For Stellar Trophy of Goose Neck Drawbridge. Ground Association. Racing Season. William Archer, who resick-a ID Clarel Sails Over 15 Mile Course In 26.04 Mak- The committees for the seventeenth $5,000 Suit Against Mr. Fanshawe Knocked Out After a conference with the South- aparimeuta over the Truax hardware annual masquerade ball and leap year Shrewsbury and Long Branch Boat store, on Broadway, thla city, rescued dance of the LOUR Branch Hebron* wnl Yacht Clube, the Board of Trade's two «lrls from drowning near the ing New Record For Long Branch Club, f'ree Burial Ground Association are on Ground That Driver Wasn't Acting As special committed on ice yacht trophy, * Goose Neck draw bridge yesterday af- fant completing their respective du- of which John O. Sexton Is chairman, " teraoon. Archer toad' been clamming While The Daisy Makes Ten Miles ties. Judges- will later be aetected Employee — Ocean Grove Shooter Doesn't deefcted to emit tho first race for tho (hiring the day, and was on his way to make a ward » from among t hi- mcr* season of 1B1* for the $100 cup. The liome when heard the girhv calling for ry participants. There win i>< two race la set down for ten o'clock to- help. He toaattined to their assistance, in 21.05 for the Indies and two for the men. Escape Trial on Insanity Plea morrow morning, weather conditions, and with the aid of a sixteen foot Original and fancy commute will be of oourse, permitting. In case of a rake pole be succeeded in getting Walter Content's Clarel, one of the Boat and Yacht Club. Start at 1,20. inolutk't! in the judging. The two-pert lack of wind the race will go over un- them free from their icy bath. He was crack third-class filers belonging to Clarel-l.S4.10, 1.28.10, 1.82.61, 1.37.- Aiii'i• mm him In the $5,000 'iamnge part program will contain twenty-four suit brought against William 8. Fan- til half oast two o'clock. forced to wade in over his boot tops, the Long Branch Ice Boat and Yacht 08, 1.41.35, 1.46.04; elapsed time, The present holder of the cup to tho Club, established a record for the club 26.04. numbers. Prof. J. Pitman Wejt hav- shawe, of Shrewsbury, Uud been grant- and was drenched to his waist 'before ing seleet&L the music. ed by Judge Nelsoii Y. Dungan at 1 ,<>IIK Branoh Ice Boat: and Yacht Club, he got them out o the water. at fifteen miles yesterday afternoon Eagle—1.24.10. 1.28.31), 1.83.1S, 1.87.- Yachts sailing oolors of the Long over the Shallow Point course. The 34, 1.42.11, 1.46.49; elapsed time. 26*49. ' l*h-i!ii> u Cohen has been Delected Freehold today, the Jury retired and The girls, who had been skating, previous best record for the club, floor manager. His assistants will be brought in u verdict of ?!>00 In favor Branch Club won the race the laat did not Teveal their names, 'but they Ayres and O'Brien cup, Long Branch time It was sailed. Prior to that time 28.30, was held by Captain James Ice Boat and Yacht Club, IB miles. !>r. Julius Kiilin. Milton Goldstein, FORWtNTERCflRWIVAL of Walter V. Pntton agnlimt George look the name of their re&cuer and his O'Brien'B Jack Frost. The Clarel, af- Ed- Huratnati, Joseph Black, Julius Hughes, driver of tho Fanshawe colt, the cup was beldby the South Shrews- address, promising to call on him lat- Start at 3.43. bury Clut. Tlie be«t y«*ht» of tho ter an exciting finish with Captain J. Red Rover—3.48. 3.52.16. 3.56.14, Cohen, Aim Co&bland, Sol Kn-y, Jos- which was responsible* for Mr. Patton'a er. Mr. Archer was not at.home when eph Sal/, J. Kridel and Arthur U serious injuries on the morning or Oc- two olubB wn take part in the big K. Green's Eagle, beat the latter out 4.00.42, 4.05.17, 4.10.12; elapse« time, Great Festival On Ice at Red a reporter cadLed at hit; residence this in a fifteen-mile chase by forty-five 27.12. fiporo. tober 11, 1910. race. Which promises to be a record- morning, he having started out early seconds and hung up a record of Tihe neoe^tiou tcommltteo includes breaker. for ht» day's work. He said very lit- Rainbow II.—3.47.35, 3.52.08, 3.56.46, Bank Friday Afternoon The non-suit against Mr. Fanshawe 26.04 for the course in the Pleasure 4.02.04, 4.07.32, 4.13.03; elapsed time, Louis Miller, Louis -Rotheotoorg, Rev. was granted yesterday afternoon at tle about the rescue in the home cir- Bay clubhouse. B. Morris, Henry Contend, 8ig. cle, and as he in a modest man, none 30.03. and Evening. tho conclusion of the plaintiff's side PREACHED STIRRING SERMON Hlrschfvlti, lauiu: Stein, Joseph Stein, of tiic case on motion of Prosecutor of the thrilling facts have been ascer- Samuel Nat h ana on and Alex GoUl- Rev. Alfonto Dart's Talk at St. Lukt'a tained. The committee In charge of tbe aer- Applegate on the ground that Hughes emitb. was not -acting In the Bcope of an em- Church Lut Night Pleases ies of rocea and masquerade carnival Largt Audience. David ICUinK, chairman of the ar- to be held on the ice of tho North ploye at the time of the mishap. TWO ATTEMPTS AT ROBBERY •I rangement committee, has completed Shrewsbury river, at Red Bank, to- Mr. Patton, who was Ijvlng here at H»v, Alfonso Dare, pastor of tho all the preliminary details. Th<- ijy- morrow afternoon and evening, arc ihe time of the accident and haa Bince Himpson Memorial M. B. Church, The Barton and Collins Residence at ceum has JHWiii secured for the ©veil- elated over the success that 1ms at- moved to Matawan, was riding his mo- preached the sermon at taut night's Keyport Seen* Of After Dark ing of January- 29th, and no patim will tended their efforts. Many entries for •orcycle through Shrewsbury when a revival services held at St. Luke's Intruder. he spared* to have tlio big auditorium the different events are being receiv- "baft of the sulky driven by Hughes Church. IIIM tut was "What wilt An attempt was made about 10 prettily d<HK>rated'. Mr. Kiting is bo- ed hi every mall and the preparation* nierced his chest, fracturing three Thuu have me to do?" In the course o'clock Tuesday night to rob the home ing assisted by Chat*. RoBencraus. for the masquerade affair ure rapidly *ibs and causing other internal lnjur- of his remarks Mr. Dare said tujit if of Mrs. Almlra Barton, in Main street, A a-|,:il(l Mark's. Joseph Goldstein, 6. assuming shape. He wan seriously Hi for a long the confessed Christian people of Keyport. The intruder wan heard fit- Eisner, F. W. Marks, Louie Steinberg, The afternoon events will Blurt at time. Long Branch would only get to work ting a key in the baclc door by the Krltss Hertz, Albert Cohen and Max they could capture tbe city for Chris- 2 o'clock and will consist of trotting A verdict of not guilty was directed hired girl and a boy who made their Stein. skating and ice boat races for the tianity In a tew weeks. The sermon home with Mrs. Barton. She hap in the case agnlnst Tony Mole, who watt 11 heart-searching one, and at the Th* officers of the association are: third, fourth and fifth class yachts. was charged with conducting a slot close Mr. Dare was warmly congratu- peiied to be In bed at the time, but \ reaident, l.ouli* Miller; vice iprml- The winners of the trotting MOM will the others were down stairs. Tbfl machine nt Asbury Park. lated. There were two conversions. dent. Julius Cohen; secretary, Josfjph be awarded robeti iind whips and suit- Andrew McConnell, tho "human nolee of the man started the family in'; treasurer, Louis Rotht»n,berg; able UWHVIIK, Including a silver, gold- Dr. Nwal will lead tonight's meeting, dog barking, but the canine was In electricity man" who shot his wifo at to which the public la Invited. To- trustees, F\ W. Marks, David JQHl&g lined loving cup, leather anklo sup- 19 Oltn street, Ocean Grove, on I)e- the cellar and could not get out. Both and Sol Frey. ports, sweaters, smoking set, leather morrow night .Rev. Henry T. FlBler, the girl and boy made an outcry, the comforter, fountain pen, box of silk sember 23rd, is being tried on the of OakhurBt, win preach. Rev. Dare latter starting out to inform the neigh- BOX, bicycle tires, etc., will be distrib- chnrge of atrocious assault and bat- ii:i;; promised to speak one night next bors.