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The Western New York Volume 11, Issue 4 Perinatal Bereavement Network, Inc. Nov 2014—Feb 2015 F ORGET-ME-N OT INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Network News 2-3 SAVE THE D ATES BiAnnual Conference 3 Inaugural Ride to Remember 3 Caring Arms Support Circle's Annual Memorial Candlelight Service December 14, 2014 at 7 PM Holiday Memorial Services 3 St. Gregory the Great Church Holiday Rocking Horse 3 Women & Children’s Hospital of Buffalo Remembrance Service Raffle December 3, 2014 at 7 PM Walk to Remember 4-5 Hellenic Orthodox Church of the Annunciation Forget-You-Nots 6-7 Footprints on the Heart Annual Holiday Candlelight Service Poetry 7-8 January 2, 2015 at 7 PM Why Do I Feel So Alone? 9 Sisters Hospital Chapel For More information on all of these events, see Page 3 Support Group Was My 9 Life-Line WNYPBN MEMBER O RGANIZATIONS Support Groups In Jeopardy 9 Baby’s Sweet Beginnings Kaleida Health SICD: Sudden Infant & Child Safe Arrivals 10 Lactation & Wellness Center Women & Children’s Death Resource Center Brooks Memorial Hospital Hospital of Buffalo Olean General Hospital Labor & Delivery Six 10 Millard Fillmore Suburban Years Later Catholic Health System Hospital United Memorial Medical Mercy Hospital Center 11 Jones Memorial Hospital Area Support Groups Sisters of Charity Hospital WCA Hospital Life Transitions Center, Inc. The Center for Hospice & Wyoming County Community Palliative Care Mount St. Mary's Hospital of Health System Eastern Niagara Hospital— Lewiston Lockport Division Niagara Falls Memorial Hospital WNYPBN, Inc. Board of Directors: L ETTER F ROM T HE E DITOR Such a busy few months! publish in honor of your lost are always so lovely and Dr. William Zorn, October is Pregnancy and Infant babies. It doesn’t have to be meaningful… especially the first President Loss Awareness Month, and the long, or even grammatically few years after a loss. (pg 3) Rev. Richard Zajac, Network hosted so many correct (there is a reason I have events. I hope you had a this job! J). Please consider Finally, be kind to yourself Vice President chance to attend at least one of writing from the heart and during the holidays. Don’t Dawn Both-Kim, them. Please look through this sharing with our Network. Take expect too much of yourself... always remembering that your Secretary edition of the newsletter to see a look at page 10 to see my more information. emotional spill for ideas! baby would want you to be Suzanne Mis, happy. Treasurer As always, I hope you will also Also, please consider going to find time to submit something one or more of the holiday Peace, Michael Anderson, Leah to the newsletter for me to remembrance services. They Costanzo, Esq., John Curr, Jenine Linenfelser, Jan M ISSION S TATEMENT: Walkden, Dr. Mark Weissman, Lisa Wolff The mission of the Western New of perinatal death. We promote parents. The WNYPBN supports York Perinatal Bereavement Net- standards of bereavement inter- an established standard of care Christine Scott, work (WNYPBN), Inc. is to assist vention through educational sup- following a perinatal death, re- Executive Director the community to meet the port, community programs, and gardless of the facility where the needs of people facing the pain referral services to bereaved birth took place. Page 2 Volume 11, Issue 4 As part of the caregiving com- for our Southern Tier families. Lisa Jerebko, Amber Hultgren, munity for bereaved parents We also held one in Buffalo at Rosemary Battaglia, Amy Buck- who have witnessed and per- Broderick Park - at the foot of ner, Stefanie Kent, Rhonda sonally experienced the loss of the Peace Bridge alongside the Howard and I baked, decorated their child, I recognize that as a Niagara River. At both of these and/or delivered these treats. I parent nothing is more im- services, we lit candles at 7 pm truly do believe that each care- portant than their child. There as a symbol of unified support. giver that bereaved parents is not a more tragic loss than This was done in every time have contact with along the way the loss of a child. The need to zone and provided a wave of become the guide for that part grieve the loss of our children light around the world. At the of their healing journey. It is so and have our many feelings Buffalo service, we were able to very important that we keep validated is an essential part of light Chinese Lanterns that promoting standards of be- our journey. floated over the Peace Bridge reavement assistance and in- which was lit in Pink and Blue. tervention to our health care The WNYPBN continues to grow Niagara Falls on the American professionals. our programs and bring our side displayed the beauty of “I’ve learned that people families services that fulfill our Also we want to recognize Beth pink and blue lights to com- mission, which is to assist the Mott, Laura and Dr. Andy Rey- memorate this day. Our Canadi- will forget what you said, community in meeting the da, and Ashley Gorlick. These an Friends at the PAIL Network individuals organized Fundrais- needs of people facing perina- had their side of the falls lit in people will forget what tal death: the death of a baby ers to promote Pregnancy & purple. It was a truly beautiful Infant Loss Awareness. Beth is due to miscarriage, ectopic site. Please visit our Facebook you did, but they will pregnancy, stillbirth or early a Tastefully Simple consultant page or our website so see the and has donated her proceeds infant death. As we still live in incredible pictures. Our friends never forget how you a society that is still sending from several Network parties at Phillips-Lytle and the en- throughout the month of Octo- mixed messages about the trances of the Seneca Casino made them feel.” need to grieve a perinatal loss, ber to the Wings of Love Memo- also had their buildings illumi- we are making it our mission to rial Fund. The Reydas, from nated. What a beautiful display create awareness and break Village Veterinary Clinic of Ham- -MAYA ANGELOU of community togetherness and the silence. October was filled burg, donated half the profits of support. with services and programs their appointment visits on that were designed to do just We, at the Network, wanted to October 15th. Ashley Gorlick this. We hosted two Walks to thank all our hospital caregiv- from Yotality Frozen Yogurt Remember that honored our ers for all they have done and organized five locations families and our babies. Over continue to do for families that throughout Western New York 1100 babies were remembered have experienced the death of to donate 15% of their profits in our program this year. These a beloved baby. Helping fami- for her October 15th Awareness events pay tribute to all of our lies through such a devastating Campaign. loss takes courage, love and precious children gone too Please help me in welcoming strength of heart. We want to soon. Although the circum- our new University at Buffalo make sure that our 13 collabo- stances of our losses are great- Intern, Amber Hultgren. Amber rating hospitals and their staff ly varied, we all share the com- is in her last year of the Mas- know how grateful we are. mon need to remember them ters of Social Work (MSW) pro- Their compassion is greatly and to love them. Over 900 gram with the university. She appreciated. I would like to people came together between has been very instrumental in thank all of the volunteers who both of our Walks to do just assisting me with day to day helped me bake cupcakes and that. See pages 4-5 for more Network tasks, has been assist- hand deliver these special information. ing with our parent programs, treats, awareness pins, and On October 15th, we participat- all October Pregnancy and In- thank you cards throughout this ed in this worldwide day of fant Loss Awareness Activities, month: Leah Costanzo, Jan recognition of Perinatal loss support groups, and so much Walkden, Lisa Wolff & Denise and Infant death by hosting two more. Amber will be taking the Miller, Jennifer Pritchett, Jenine Memorial services. Gavin’s lead with myself and several Linenfelser, Dawn Both-Kim, Light was held in Portville, NY professional volunteers to plan Forget-Me-Not Page 3 our 2015 professional conference: for more information about the event and may also want to have a stocking, orna- “Impacting Positive Birth Outcomes: Ad- the program. ment or poinsettia in memory of your baby dressing the effects of Pregnancy Loss”. or change your current traditions. Consider With the crisp, hollowing chill in the air and Please see below for conference details. attending one of the memorial services turning of the leaves, Fall has arrived and Welcome Amber! We are so lucky to have listed below. It is important to do what you so has the Holiday Season. This can be a you on board. feel is right for you and your family. Please very difficult time. Some suggestions for know we are here for you and your family. I also want to thank the Prichett family for self-care: Remember your baby by lighting The WNYPBN Board of Directors and I wish organizing the Inaugural Ride to Remem- a candle, decorating the gravesite or me- you all a blessed and peaceful holiday ber that took place September 6, 2014. morial site. Take care of yourself by keep- The event was very successful and will ing a holiday diary of how the family is do- season.