Characteristics of the Ecoregions of Arizona Sheet 2 of 2 1 4
U.S. Department of the Interior Open-File Report 2014-1141 U.S. Geological Survey Summary Table: Characteristics of the Ecoregions of Arizona Sheet 2 of 2 1 4 . MOJAVE BASIN AND RANGE 2 3 . ARIZONA/NEW MEXICO MOUNTAINS (continued) Level IV Ecoregions Physiography Geology Soils Climate Natural Vegetation Land Cover and Land Use Level IV Ecoregions Physiography Geology Soils Climate Natural Vegetation Land Cover and Land Use Area Elevation / Surficial and Bedrock Order (Great Group) Common Soil Series Temperature / Precipitation Frost Free Mean Temperature Area Elevation / Surficial and Bedrock Order (Great Group) Common Soil Series Temperature / Precipitation Frost Free Mean Temperature (square Local Relief Moisture Mean annual Mean annual January min/max; (square Local Relief Moisture Mean annual Mean annual January min/max; miles) (feet) Regimes (inches) (days) July min/max (oF) miles) (feet) Regimes (inches) (days) July min/max (oF) 14a. Eastern Mojave 2027 Flat to gently sloping basins and valleys with 1600-4200 / Quaternary alluvium and eolian deposits. Small, Aridisols (Calciargids, Haplargids, Poachie, Mohon, Jagerson, Thermic / 7-11 200-280 33/57; Creosotebush, white bursage, pricklypear and cholla cacti, Shrubland, some barren land. Ranching and 23h. Lower Mogollon 5511 High hills and low mountains, some deep Mostly Quaternary colluvium, block-rubble colluvium, Mollisols (Argiustolls, Haplustolls), Beaumain, Cherrycow, Romero, Thermic, 12-25 160-240 29/56; A mix of desert scrub, semi-desert grasslands, and chaparral Shrubland, some sparse evergreen woodland at bajadas, alluvial fans, plains, eroded washes, 100-600 scattered hills are mostly Tertiary volcanic rocks or Petrocalcids, Haplocambids, Dutchflat, Bluebird, Blind, Aridic 71/100 yucca, Mormon tea, and some blackbrush.
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