BASE BALL, BICYCLING and National, Eastern and Southern Leagues in Justice to the Last Pitcher, Mr
THE SPORTINGCOPYBIOHT, 1894, BT THE SPOBTINO LIFE PUB. CO. SNTEKED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. LIFE VOLUME 23, NO. 2. PHILADELPHIA, PA., APRIL 7, 1894. PRICE, TEN CENTS. thing was ridiculous, but rather than and is batted so fiercely that he has to take an give way before the second inning is con appeal to the Courts, whi:h cluded. The man who follows ni a may do THE SPORTING LIFE. would be irksome and unprofitable, he RHODY'S LEAGUE THE STATE LEAGUE good work and hold the opposing side down LATE NE1SBY WIRE. A WEEKLY JOURNAL will sign American players instead. materially, and yet be unable to win out There is still a possibility, however, his game, because It is impossible to over Devoted to that the authorities may be called upon IS NOW QUITE READY FOR THE CAM come the lend which was obtained while SOME TROUBLE IN THE CONNECTICUT to settle the status of ball men, as the DOPTS A SCHEDULE OF CHAMPION his predecessor was occupying the box. BASE BALL, BICYCLING AND National, Eastern and Southern Leagues In justice to the last pitcher, Mr. Young contends that some record of such in GENERAL SPORTS AND are all interested in the question. The SHIP GAMES. PAIGN OF 1894. STATE LEAGUE. National League employs Umpire Ems- stances should appear in the official score. PASTIMES. lie, of St. Thomas, Ont.: the Wilkesbarre Club, of the Eastern League, lias under Full Corps of Umpires Already En- A Double-Season Championship Sched- CONFIDENT BROOKLYN. Recalcitrant League Players Come in Published by contract Joe Knight, of Hamilton, and the Savannah Club has signed Infielder nle Adopted Alter a Long Debate More Sanguine of Beating New York Out ol the Wet-An Organization THE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO.
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