Annual Report 2010

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Annual Report 2010 Annual Report 2010 Contents 2 Notice of 38th Annual General Meeting 3 Corporate Information 4 Chronology of Achievements 6 Chairman’s Statement 8 Corporate Governance 9 Directors’ Report 11 Corporate Governance Compliance Status Report 12 Auditors’ Report to the Shareholders on the Consolidated Financial Statements of Bangladesh Export Import Company Limited and its Subsidiaries 13 Consolidated Financial Position of Bangladesh Export Import Company Limited and its subsidiaries at 31 December 2010 14 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income of Bangladesh Export Import Company Limited and its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2010 15 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity of Bangladesh Export Import Company Limited and its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2010 16 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows of Bangladesh Export Import Company Limited and its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2010 17 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements of Bangladesh Export Import Company Limited and its Subsidiaries as at and for the year ended 31 December 2010 31 Comparative Statistics and Highlights 32 Auditors’ Report to the Shareholders of Bangladesh Export Import Company Limited 33 Statement of Financial Position of Bangladesh Export Import Company Limited at 31 December 2010 34 Statement of Comprehensive Income of Bangladesh Export Import Company Limited for the year ended 31 December 2010 35 Statement of Changes in Equity of Bangladesh Export Import Company Limited for the year ended 31 December 2010 36 Statement of Cash Flows of Bangladesh Export Import Company Limited for the year ended 31 December 2010 37 Notes to the Financial Statements of Bangladesh Export Import Company Limited as at and for the year ended 31 December 2010 50 Shinepukur Ceramics Limited — Accounts 69 Dhaka-Shanghai Ceramics Limted — Accounts Annual Report 2010 1 Notice BANGLADESH EXPORT IMPORT COMPANY LIMITED 17, DHANMONDI R.A, ROAD NO. 2, DHAKA 1205 NOTICE OF THE THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders of Bangladesh Export Import Company Ltd. will be held on Thursday, the 30th June, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. at Beximco Industrial Park, Sarabo, Kashimpur, Gazipur to transact the following business: AGENDA 1. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended 31st December, 2010 together with reports of the Auditors and the Directors thereon. 2. To elect Directors. 3. To declare 50% Stock Dividend. 4. To appoint Auditors for the year 2011 and to fix their remuneration. 5. To transact any other business of the Company with the permission of the Chair. By order of the Board, (MD. ASAD ULLAH, FCS) Executive Director - Corporate Affairs Dated: May 18, 2011 & Company Secretary NOTES: (1) The Shareholders whose names appeared in the Share Register of the Company or in the Depository Register on the record date i.e. 11th May, 2011, will be entitled to attend at the Annual General Meeting and to receive the dividend. (2) A member entitled to attend and vote at the General Meeting may appoint a Proxy to attend and vote in his/her stead. The Proxy Form, duly stamped, must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not later than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting. (3) Admission to the meeting room will be strictly on production of the attendance slip sent with the Notice as well as verification of signature of Member(s) and/or Proxy-holder(s). (4) No gift or benefit in cash or kind shall be paid to the holders of equity securities in terms of Clause (c) of the Notification No.SEC/SRMI/2000-953/1950 dated 24 October 2000 for attending the AGM of the Company. 2 Annual Report 2010 Corporate Information Auditors: BOARD OF DIRECTORS A S F Rahman Chairman & MD M/s. M. J. Abedin & Co., National Plaza (6th Floor) 109, Bir Uttam C. R. Datta Road, Dhaka 1205 Salman F Rahman Vice Chairman M/s. Wellers: Iqbal Ahmed Director M A Qasem Director Registered Auditor, Accountants Stuart House, 55 Catherine Place, London, SW1E6DY O K Chowdhury Director Legal Advisers: A B S Rahman Director Dr. Abdul Alim Khan Director M/s. Huq & Co., 47/1, Purana Paltan, Dhaka 1000 Md. Asad Ullah Company Secretary Bankers: Sonali Bank, Local Office, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka 1000 KEY OFFICERS IFIC Bank Ltd., Dhanmondi Branch, Dhaka 1205 O K Chowdhury Director Registered Ofice: Md. Luthfor Rahman Chief Financial Officer House No. 17, Road No. 2, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka 1205 Azhar Uddin Ahmed, FCA Head of Internal Audit Annual Report 2010 3 20 10 20 09 d (DSCL) ds’ te te eximco Limi eramics Limi of B eholders. selling part td. by es to DSCL shar of Dhaka-Shanghai C ukur Ceramics L 20 08 ock Exchanges in Bangladesh h St ed 100%of new shar ry Shinep `s ted. Acquir ts subsidia ted. Be by issue g of i came the Biggest exp ect Listin ladesh Online Limi nership sharesng to public throug Beximco Fisheries Limi Dir ted and ow th Ba or ed wi ldings Limi ter Merg ur Ho eholders. of no uk es to SCL shar 19 70 n-tradi hinep w shar d with S tion Merge td. (SCL) by issue of ne al it eramics L 05 20 ems. ukur C of Shinep ed 100% t Acquir por First company to be registered as a Public Company in Bangladesh. Bangladesht Im Expor y Limited Pioneer in the Formulation And Execution of Special Trade Agreements pan – Signed STA Agreement with TCB valued at USD 100 million. Com Received Pr esident’s Expo rt Trophy six times. ndon, UK. Listed in 19 72 19 Lo rt. the Dhaka St e in USA. e. Branch in at us oc s Expo k Exchange L Opened Ho 1974 y’ tr rt un td. 19 79 -1993 1972 of Co al Expo 19 89 siness stablishing an ali tion d bu Na y te ar St s t handled 5% nt as nt ou ronolog ough 19 80 vernme Ch r `s hieveme by the Go of Ac 19 87 logy Chron Recognised Annual Report 2010 4 20 10 20 09 d (DSCL) ds’ te te eximco Limi eramics Limi of B eholders. selling part td. by es to DSCL shar of Dhaka-Shanghai C ukur Ceramics L 20 08 ock Exchanges in Bangladesh h St ed 100%of new shar ry Shinep `s ted. Acquir ts subsidia ted. Be by issue g of i came the Biggest exp ect Listin ladesh Online Limi nership sharesng to public throug Beximco Fisheries Limi Dir ted and ow th Ba or ed wi ldings Limi ter Merg ur Ho eholders. of no uk es to SCL shar 19 70 n-tradi hinep w shar d with S tion Merge td. (SCL) by issue of ne al it eramics L 05 20 ems. ukur C of Shinep ed 100% t Acquir por First company to be registered as a Public Company in Bangladesh. Bangladesht Im Expor y Limited Pioneer in the Formulation And Execution of Special Trade Agreements pan – Signed STA Agreement with TCB valued at USD 100 million. Com Received Pr esident’s Expo rt Trophy six times. ndon, UK. Listed in 19 72 19 Lo rt. the Dhaka St e in USA. e. Branch in at us oc s Expo k Exchange L Opened Ho 1974 y’ tr rt un td. 19 79 -1993 1972 of Co al Expo 19 89 siness stablishing an ali tion d bu Na y te ar St s t handled 5% nt as nt ou ronolog ough 19 80 vernme Ch r `s hieveme5 by the Go of Ac 19 87 logy Chron Annual Report 2010 Recognised †Pqvig¨v‡bi cÖwZ‡e`b > GKÎxKiY †Kv¤úvbxi bxU m¤ú` g~j¨ e„w× Avbw›`Z †h, Avgiv GL‡bv mwVK c‡_ AvwQ| cv‡”Q cÖvq 81%| Avgiv G wel‡q `„p Ges bgbxq| Avgiv cÖK‡íi > GKÎxKiY †Kv¤úvbxi bxU m¤ú`-Gi AeKvVv‡gvi Dci ¯^vaxbfv‡e cÖwZdwjZ KiwQ| †kqvi cÖwZ g~j¨ e„w× cv‡”Q 27%| Avgiv cÖPwjZ KvVv‡gv Ges †`‡ki Avkv- > GKÎxKiY †Kv¤úvbx g~jab mwÂwZ e„w× e¨ÄK gybvdvi Rb¨ KvR K‡i hvw”Q, Avgiv cv‡”Q 1160 †KvwU UvKv| †kqvi‡nvìvi Ges ÷¨vK †nvìvi‡`i Rb¨ m‡ev©”P AR©‡bi Avkv KiwQ| GB †Kv¤úvbxwUB n‡”Q Avgv‡`i MÖ“‡ci cZvKvevnx †Kv¤úvbx Ab¨vb¨ †Kv¤úvbxi †kqvi gvwjKvbvi Avwg MZ eQi e‡jwQjvg †h, Avcbv‡`i †Kv¤úvbx gva¨‡g Avgv‡`i †Kv¤úvbx‡K gvwjK †Kv¤úvbx‡Z AZ¨š— cÖwZK‚j Ae¯’vi g‡a¨ K‡Vvi cwikªg cwiYZ K‡iwQ, hv MZ eQ‡ii Avgvi cÖwZ‡e`‡b K‡iwQj Ges Zvi gva¨‡g ïay Ae¯’vi cybi“×viB D‡j L Av‡Q| K‡i bvB, Zvi mv‡_ D‡jL‡hvM¨ jvfI AR©b K‡i‡Q| Avwg Avb‡›`i mv‡_ Avcbv‡`i‡K AewnZ Ki‡Z PvB †h, MÖ“‡ci Ab¨vb¨ †Kv¤úvbx‡K Avgv‡`i GB eQ‡ii Kvh©µg BnvB cÖgvY K‡i †h, Avgv‡`i wcÖq †kqvi‡nvìvie„›`, †Kv¤úvbxi mv‡_ GKÎxf~ZKi‡Yi m~dj G eQi cÖe„w× Ae¨vnZ Av‡Q Ges Avgiv GKUv D¾¡j †Kv¤úvbxi 38Zg evwl©K mvaviY mfvq cyivcywi †fvM Ki‡Z †c‡iwQ| fwel¨‡Zi cÖZ¨vkv Ki‡Z cvwi| cwiPvjK cl©‡`i c‡¶ Avwg Avcbv‡`i mKj‡K GKÎxf~‡Zi ci Avgv‡`i cÖavb e¨emvi †¶‡Î ¯^vMZ Rvbvw”Q Ges GiB mv‡_ †Kv¤úvbxi 31†k AwaKZi cwiPvjbv mnvqZv, PjwZ g~jab mvgvwRK cÖwZkÖ“wZ wW‡m¤^i 2010-G mgvß eQ‡ii wbixw¶Z wnmve mnvqZvmn Ab¨vb¨ mnvqZv w`‡Z m¶g nw”Q| †ew·g‡Kv wjwg‡UW-G Avgv‡`i Kg©KvÊ mgv‡Ri Ges mv‡_ wbixw¶K I cwiPvjKe„‡›`i cÖwZ‡e`b cÖwZ `vwqZ¡‡eva `„wó‡Kvb †_‡K Avgiv cwiPvjbv Dc¯’vcb KiwQ| PjwZ g~ja‡bi ¯^íZvi Kvi‡Y c~‡e© Avgv‡`i grm¨ KiwQ e‡j wek¦vm Kwi| †mRb¨ Avgv‡`i Pvl evov‡bv m¤¢e nqwb, PjwZ ermi Avgiv grm¨ mKj Kvh©µg cÖavbZ mgv‡Ri g½‡ji w`‡K †ew·g‡Kv wjwg‡UW Ges †e·‡U· wjwg‡UW-Gi Pv‡l Lye fv‡jv K‡iwQ| G e¨emvq AwZ D”P j¶¨ †i‡LB m¤úvw`Z n‡q _v‡K| mvgvwRK cwiPvjbv cl©`؇qi me©m¤§Z wm×vš—µ‡g 11B †g g~bvdv, Avgv‡`i K·evRvi I gnvLvjx grm¨ A½xKv‡ii Ask wnmv‡e †Kv¤úvbx mvgvwRK 2011 Zvwi‡L †e·‡U· wjwg‡UW‡K †ew·g‡Kv Pvl cÖK‡í †Kvb †ivM ev cÖvK…wZK `~‡hv©M KewjZ ¸i“Z¡ m¤úbœ Abyôvbvw` Dcj‡¶ †µvocÎ wjwg‡UW-Gi mv‡_ GKÎxKiY Kivi cÖ¯—ve nqwb weavq G eQi AvkvZxZ g~bvdv AR©b m¤¢e cÖKvkbvq mn‡hvwMZv K‡i _v‡K| wewfbœ cÖwZôvb AvBbMZ/wbqš¿K ms¯’vi Aby‡gv`b mv‡c‡¶ n‡q‡Q Ges Avgiv Avkv Kwi G aviv Ae¨vnZ I †ckv`vwiZ¡ cÖwZôv‡bi Av_©-mvgvwRK I Aby‡gv`b Kiv nq †h, cvuPwU †e·‡U· wjwg‡UW- _vK‡e; AwaKš‘ Av‡iv fv‡jv dj AR©‡bi Rb¨ mvs¯‹…wZK Dbœqb Kvh©µ‡g Avgiv GKvš— Gi mvaviY †kqvi-Gi wewbg‡q †ew·g‡Kv mKj cÖ‡Póv Pvwj‡q hv‡ev| mn‡hvwMZv I mg_©b hywM‡q _vwK| wjwg‡U‡Wi GKwU mvaviY †kqvi cÖ`v‡bi mycvwik
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