A Companion to the Patriarchate of

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Managing Editor

Wolfram Brandes

volume 9

The titles published in this series are listed at brill.com/bcbw

- 9789004424470 Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 11:54:04AM via free access A Companion to the Patriarchate of Constantinople

Edited by

Christian Gastgeber Ekaterini Mitsiou Johannes Preiser-Kapeller Vratislav Zervan


- 9789004424470 Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 11:54:04AM via free access Cover illustration: Signature of Patriarch Matthew I to his testament from September 1407 (Vienna, Austrian National Library, ms. hist. gr. 55, fol. 43r; c/o Austrian National Library; Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Medieval Studies, Archive of the Division of Byzantine Studies).

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Gastgeber, Christian, editor. | Mitsiou, Ekaterini, editor. | Preiser-Kapeller, Johannes, editor. | Zervan, Vratislav, editor. Title: A companion to the Patriarchate of Constantinople / edited by Christian Gastgeber, Ekaterini Mitsiou, Johannes Preiser-Kapeller, Vratislav Zervan. Description: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2021] | Series: Brill’s companions to the Byzantine world, 2212–7429 ; volume 9 | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2021011072 (print) | LCCN 2021011073 (ebook) | ISBN 9789004424432 (hardback) | ISBN 9789004424470 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: Constantinople (Ecumenical patriarchate)—History. Classification: LCC BX410 .C64 2021 (print) | LCC BX410 (ebook) | DDC 262/.13—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021011072 LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021011073

Typeface for the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts: “Brill”. See and download: brill.com/brill-typeface.

ISSN 2212-7429 ISBN 978-90-04-42443-2 (hardback) ISBN 978-90-04-42447-0 (e-book)

Copyright 2021 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Nijhoff, Brill Hotei, Brill Sense, Brill Schöningh, Brill Fink, Brill mentis, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Böhlau Verlag and V&R Unipress. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Requests for re-use and/or translations must be addressed to Koninklijke Brill NV via brill.com or copyright.com.

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Acknowledgments VII List of Illustrations viiI Notes on Contributors X

1 The Early Patriarchate (325–726) 1 Claudia Rapp

2 Patriarch and Synods in the Middle Byzantine Period (843–1081) 24 Frederick Lauritzen

3 The Patriarchate and the Western Church to 1204 42 Tia M. Kolbaba

4 Patriarch and Synod in the Late Byzantine Period (1204–1453) 63 Johannes Preiser-Kapeller

5 The Patriarchs and the Union of the Churches 84 Marie-Hélène Blanchet

6 Continuity and Change: The Patriarchate in the Early Ottoman Period 1 The Survival of a Byzantine Institution 103 Dimitris G. Apostolopoulos

7 Continuity and Change: The Patriarchate in the Early Ottoman Period 2 Institutions and Administration: Continuity and Rupture 118 Machi Païzi-Apostolopoulou

8 The Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Greek-Orthodox Patriarchates of the East 130 Klaus-Peter Todt

9 The Patriarchate and the Churches of the Balkans 151 Mihailo St. Popović

10 The Patriarchate of Constantinople and Russian Countries in the Middle Ages 183 Konstantinos Vetochnikov

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11 The Patriarchate and Imperial Power 204 Ekaterini Mitsiou

12 Patriarchs and Education 226 Vratislav Zervan

13 Diplomatics of the Patriarchate of Constantinople: The State of Research on Byzantine Documents of the Patriarchs of Constantinople 246 Christian Gastgeber

General Bibliography 287 Maps 295 Index of Persons 297 Index of Place Names 305 Index of Greek, Latin and Turkish Terms 308 Index of Regest Numbers (Patriachal and Imperial Chancery) 311 Index of Manuscripts 320

- 9789004424470 Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 11:54:04AM via free access Acknowledgments

We thank the managing editor of Brill’s Companions to the Byzantine World, Wolfram Brandes, who accepted to include this volume to his new series, and the authors of the individual chapters for their cooperation and patience. Unfortunately, not all invited scholars were able to contribute to this volume. Further thanks goes to the former and current editorial staff, in particular Deahl, Irini Argirouli, Alessandra Giliberto and Lloyd Cabasag, for their tireless support, and to Michael Mulryan for having copyedited all texts. Finally, we thank the anonymous peer reviewer for his critical discussion of the contributions and a number of valuable suggestions.

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13.1 Menologem of Patriarch Manuel II (1252); Laurent, Regestes 4, reg. 1387 (a. 1267) (Patmos 3, ed. Gerolymatou, pin. 11, no. 4) 266 13.2 Menologem of Patriarch John XII Kosmas (1298) or Niphon I (1313), copy of a chrysobullos logos of Emperor Andronikos II (June 1298), confirmed on its verso by the patriarch; Darrouzès, Regestes 5, reg. 2016 (Documents Lavra 2, ed. Lemerle, Guillou, Svoronos, Papachryssanthou, pl. 103, no. 89 B; see also their comment on p. 72) 266 13.3 Menologem of Patriarch Isaias (1325); Darrouzès, Regestes 5, reg. 2129 (Documents Iviron 3, eds. Lefort, Oikonomidès, Papachryssanthou, Kravari, and Métrévéli, pl. 66, no. 83) 266 13.4 Menologem of Patriarch Philotheos Kokkinos (1369); Darrouzès, Regestes 5, reg. 2548 (Documents Pantrocrator, ed. Kravari, pl. 8, no. 8) 267 13.5 Menologem of Patriarch Philotheos Kokkinos (1370)?; Darrouzès, Regestes 5, reg. 2587 (Documents Docheiariou, ed., Oikonomidès, pl. 44, no. 39; see also his comment about the dating on p. 222) 267 13.6 Menologem of Patriarch Philotheos Kokkinos (1375); Darrouzès, Regestes 5, reg. 2662 (Documents Docheiariou, ed. Oikonomidès, pl. 50, no. 43) 267 13.7 Menologem of Patriarch Antony IV (1392); Darrouzès, Regestes 6, reg. 2903 (Documents Lavra 3, eds. Lemerle, Guillou, Svoronos, and Papachryssanthou, pl. 197, no. 152) 267 13.8 Menologem of Patriarch Antony IV (1395); Darrouzès, Regestes 6, reg. 2990 (Documents Vatopedi 3, eds. Lefort (†), Smyrlis, Giros, Kravari, and Estangüi, pl. 24, no. 172) 268 13.9 Menologem of Patriarch Antony IV (1395); Darrouzès, Regestes 6, reg. 3002 (Documents Kutlumus, ed. Lemerle, pl. 61, no. 41) 268 13.10 Menologem of Patriarch Antony IV (1396); Darrouzès, Regestes 6, reg. 3024 (Documents Pantokrator, ed. Kravari, pin. 32, no. 23) 268 13.11 Menologem of Patriarch Matthew I (1403); Darrouzès, Regestes 6, reg. 3266 (Dölger, Aus den Schatzkammern, no. 97) 268 13.12 First preserved authentic menologem of Emperor (1092) at the end of the document (right part), followed by the recognition note legimus of the epi tu kanikleiou (in red ink, too); Dölger and Wirth, Regesten 2, reg. 1168d (Documents Lavra 1, eds. Lemerle, Guillou, Svoronos, and Papachryssanthou, pl. 52, no. 51) 269

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13.13 Menologem of Emperor (1146); Dölger and Wirth, Regesten 2, reg. 1348 (Dölger, Facsimiles, tab. III, no. 5) 269 13.14 Menologem of Emperor Isaac II (1192); Dölger and Wirth, Regesten 2, reg. 1610 (Dölger, Facsimiles, tab. IV, no. 7) 269 13.15 Menologem of Emperor Alexios III Angelos (1199); Dölger and Wirth, Regesten 2, reg. 1649 (Dölger, Facsimiles, tab. V, no. 8) 269 13.16 Menologem of Emperor Theodore I (1214); Dölger and Wirth, Regesten 3, reg. 1687 (Patmos 1, ed. Vranussi, pin. 47, no. 23) 269 13.17 Menologem of Emperor John III (1244); Dölger and Wirth, Regesten 3, reg. 1783 (Patmos 1, ed. Vranussi, pin. 47, no. 24) 270 13.18 Menologem of Emperor John IV Doukas Laskaris (1258); Dölger and Wirth, Regesten 3, reg. 1854 (Patmos 1, ed. Vranussi, pin. 48, no. 25) 270 13.19 Menologem of Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos (1262); Dölger and Wirth, Regesten 3, reg. 1910 (Patmos 1, ed. Vranussi, pin. 51, no. 29) 270 13.20 Menologem of Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos (1283); Dölger, Regesten 4, reg. 2094 (Patmos 1, ed. Vranussi, pin. 59, no. 41) 270 13.21 Menologem of Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos (1290); Dölger, Regesten 4, reg. 2142a (Patmos 1, ed. Vranussi, pin. 60, no. 42) 271 13.22 Menologem of Emperor Andronikos III Palaiologos (1340); Dölger, Regesten 4, reg. 2845 (Patmos 1, ed. Vranussi, pin. 61, no. 44) 271 13.23 Menologem of Emperor (1375); Dölger and Wirth, Regesten 5, reg. 3145 (Documents Docheiariou, ed. Oikonomidès, pl. 51, no. 44) 271 13.24 Menologem of Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos (1414); Dölger and Wirth, Regesten 5, reg. 3344 (Dölger, Aus den Schatzkammer, no. 23) 272 13.25 Menologem of Emperor John VIII Palaiologos (1445); Dölger and Wirth, Regesten 5, reg. 3509 (Dölger, Aus den Schatzkammern, no. 26) 272


1 The Patriarchate of Constantinople and neighbouring churches in the Middle Ages (map designed by Johannes Preiser Kapeller) 295 2 The Patriarchate of Constantinople and neighbouring churches in the Middle Ages, detail (map designed by Johannes Preiser Kapeller) 296

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Claudia Rapp is Professor of Byzantine Studies, University of Vienna and Director of the Division of Byzantine Research of the Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO), Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), Vienna. Her research focuses on the social, religious and cultural history of Byzantium. Her publications include Holy Bishops in Late Antiquity (Berkeley/Los Angeles/London, 2005, reprinted 2013) and Brother-Making in Late Antiquity and Byzantium (Oxford, 2016).

Frederick Lauritzen read classics at New College, Oxford (1996–2000, BA, MA) and obtained a doctorate in classics from Columbia University in New York (2000–2005 MA, Mphil, PhD) with a thesis on the Chronographia of Michael Psellos (published in 2013). From 2008 to 2014 he was a post-doctoral researcher at the Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII of Bologna where he worked on the Synods of the Orthodox Church. Since 2017 he has been historian at the Scuola Grande di San Marco in Venice.

Tia M. Kolbaba is Associate Professor and former Chair in the Department of Religion, Rutgers University. Her research focuses on the history of the Byzantine Church, its rela- tions with the Western Church, and Byzantine anti-heretical texts. Her recent publications include Inventing Latin Heretics. Byzantines and the Filioque in the Ninth century (Kalamazoo, 2008), and “East Roman Anti-Armenian Polemic, Ninth to Eleventh Centuries,” Journal of Orthodox Christian Studies 3 (2020), 121–173.

Johannes Preiser-Kapeller Ph.D. (2006), is research group leader at the Division of Byzantine Studies of the Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), Vienna. His latest publications include the edited volume Migration Histories of the Medieval Afroeurasian Transition Zone (Leiden, 2020).

Marie-Hélène Blanchet Ph.D. (2005), is Research Director at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Paris, Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR) 8167 Orient et Méditerranée. She specializes in late Byzantine history, her major publications include Georges-Gennadios Scholarios (vers 1400–vers 1472). Un intellectuel

- 9789004424470 Downloaded from Brill.com09/26/2021 11:54:04AM via free access Notes on Contributors xi orthodoxe face à la disparition de l’Empire byzantin (Paris, 2008), and Théodore Agallianos, Dialogue avec un moine contre les Latins (1442). Édition critique, traduction française et commentaire (Paris, 2013).

Dimitris G. Apostolopoulos Ph.D. on Political Sciences (1976) and on History of Law (1978), is Research Director Em. at the Institute of Historical Research, Section of Neohellenic Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation in Athens/Greece (EIE). He specializes in the history of law and ideology in the Greek society during the Ottoman rule and in the reception of the Enlightenment ideas in Southeast Europe (18th–19th c.). His recent publications include: (with M. Païzi-Apostolopoulou) Οι Πράξεις του Πατριαρχείου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως. Επιτομή—Παράδοση—Σχολιασμός, I. 1454–1498 / Les regestes des actes du Patriarcat de Constantinople. Les regestes de 1454 à 1498 (Athens, 2013), and Ευγενίου του Βουλγάρεως, Επιστολάριον—Collectio Epistolica Α΄. Τα κείμενα του πρώ- του τόμου σε τυπογραφική μεταγραφή από το προσωπικό του χειρόγραφο / Eugenios Voulgaris’ Letterbook (Epistolarion)—Collectio Epistolica I (Athens, 2020).

Machi Païzi-Apostolopoulou Ph.D. (1993), is Research Director Em. at the Institute of Historical Research, Section of Neohellenic Research of the National Hellenic Research Foundation in Athens/Greece (EIE). She specializes in the history of the Greek society under Ottoman rule, in the patriarchal chancellery (15th–17th c.), and in the institu- tions and the intellectual production of Greek people during this period. Her recent publications include: (with D.G. Apostolopoulos), Επίσημα κείμενα του Πατριαρχείου Κωνσταντινουπόλεως. Τα σωζόμενα από την περίοδο 1454–1498 (Official Texts of the Patriarchate of Constantinople 1454–1498) (Athens, 2011, 22016) and Γεωργίου Καστριώτη, του επιλεγομένου Σκεντέρμπεη, Βίος και πολιτεία. Μια αθησαύρι- στη βιογραφία στα ελληνικά (George Kastriota Scanderbeg. An unknown biography in Greek) (Athens, 2018).

Klaus-Peter Todt Ph.D. (1989), is ‘Privat-Dozent’ at the University of Mainz, Germany. He special- izes in the administrative and ecclesiastical history of Byzantium, Syria and the Melkite Patriarchates. His recent publications include the monograph Dukat und griechisch-orthodoxes Patriarchat von Antiocheia in mittelbyzantinischer Zeit (969–1084) (Mainz, 2020).

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Mihailo St. Popović Doz. Mag. Ph.D. (2005), is the project leader of the Tabula Imperii Byzantini (TIB) Balkans as well as of related sub-projects and scholarly co-worker at the Division of Byzantine Research of the Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), Vienna. His expertise includes amongst others Byzantine studies, medieval history of the Balkans, historical geography and digital humanities.

Konstantinos Vetochnikov Ph.D. in Theology (2001) and in History (2010), is ‘ingénieur d’études’ at the Byzantine Library of the Collège de France. He is specialized in byzantine church history, byzantine church diplomatic and canon law with a particular focus on the relationship between the Byzantine and the Russian church.

Ekaterini Mitsiou Ph.D. (2006), is researcher at University of Vienna. Her latest publications include the edited volume Women and monasticism in the medieval Eastern Mediterranean: Decoding a cultural map (Athens, 2019).

Vratislav Zervan Ph.D. (2014), is project collaborator and researcher at the Division of Byzantine Studies of the Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), Vienna. His latest publication is the edited vol- ume Die Lehnwörter im Wortschatz der spätbyzantinischen historiographischen Literatur (Berlin/Boston, 2019).

Christian Gastgeber Doz.Ph.D. (2001), is research group leader at the Division of Byzantine Studies of the Institute for Medieval Research (IMAFO) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), Vienna. His recent publications include a commentary on the new facsimile edition of the Greek Vienna Genesis (Luzern, 2019).

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