Security Council Report
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SECURITY COUNCIL REPORT Monthly APR 2009 30 March 2009 This report is available online and can beFORECAST viewed together with Update Reports on developments during the month at OVERVIEW FOR APRIL CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE Status Update since our March Mexico will hold the Council presidency There is likely to be a debate on Haiti Forecast .........................................2 in April. followed by consultations, both expected on 6 April. Sudan .................................................3 Two open debates are currently expected. Israel/Palestine: Gaza ......................5 There will also be the public monthly Coun- The first will be on mediation and settle- Children and Armed Conflict ...........7 ment of disputes, most likely on 14 April. cil meeting on the Middle East. Somalia ............................................0 This debate will respond to a report requested A briefing on the results of the Secretary- Democratic Republic of the Congo ...2 by the Council in S/PRST/2008/36 and is General’s Board of Inquiry’s investigation expected from the Secretary-General in late Western Sahara ...............................4 into all incidents involving death and dam- March (Security Council Report will publish Haiti ..................................................6 age at UN premises in Gaza between 27 an Update Report prior to the debate). Guinea-Bissau .................................7 December and 18 January is also expected, Iraq/Kuwait ......................................9 On 29 April, Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia but it is unclear whether this will be dis- Côte d’Ivoire ....................................20 Espinosa is expected to chair a debate on chil- cussed only in private session or whether a dren and armed conflict, a topic of public meeting may also occur. Nepal ................................................22 particular interest to Mexico due to its chairman- Notable Dates for April ..................24 Consultations are expected on Guinea- ship of the Council’s working group on this Important Dates over the Horizon ...24 Bissau (on the Secretary-General’s report subject. (Security Council Report will publish and the overall situation in the country); on the second Cross-cutting Report on Children the recent transfer of the military components the DRC (on the Secretary-General’s report and Armed Conflict prior to the debate.) in Chad and CAR from EU to UN command). on MONUC); on Iraq (on the Iraq/Kuwait Public meetings are expected on Western missing persons and property issues as well At press time it was unclear whether the Sahara and Sudan to adopt resolutions as on the Development Fund for Iraq and its Secretary-General’s report on Nepal, renewing mandates of the relevant peace- International Advisory and Monitoring Board); expected in late April, will be discussed dur- keeping operations (MINURSO and UNMIS) on Somalia (on the Secretary-General’s ing that month or moved to May. It was also which both expire on 30 April. In both cases, report); on Côte d’Ivoire (on sanctions and unclear whether the now overdue report by earlier private meetings with troop contrib- to discuss the current political situation, in the Secretary-General on Eritrea/Djibouti uting countries and informal consultations particular the delays in the electoral would be issued. If so, consultations on this are expected. process);and on MINURCAT (taking stock of issue are likely. Aide-Memoire Important matters pending for the Council July attack against UNAMID peacekeep- an initiative to look at ways of improving the include: ers. The results are still awaited. Council’s handling of peacekeeping issues. n The Secretary-General’s report on the bor- n The monthly reports from the Kosovo Force An outcome is expected in August. der situation between Djibouti and Eritrea (KFOR) appear to have stopped. The last one n The quarterly reports of the International requested by the Council in resolution 1862 available covers the period 1-31 July 2008. Security Assistance Force in Afghani- and due on 25 February is delayed. n In resolution 1327 on the report of the Panel stan are now always outdated when n The 2005 World Summit requested that on United Nations Peace Operations (the released. (The last report, released in the Security Council consider reforms for Brahimi Report, S/2000/809), the Council December, covered the period 1 May-31 the Military Staff Committee. This has yet decided to review periodically the imple- July 2008.) The next report covering the to be addressed. mentation of the provisions contained in period 1 August-30 October 2008 is yet n In a presidential statement on Darfur in the resolution’s annex. No such reviews to be released. July 2008 (S/PRST/2008/27) the Council have occurred in the past four years. How- n UNAMl reports on human rights in Iraq, in welcomed the UN investigation into the 8 ever, in January the Council embarked on >>page 2 Security Council Report One Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 885 Second Avenue, 31st Floor, New York, NY 10017 T:1 212 759 9429 F:1 212 759 4038 Aide-Memoire (continued) the past produced every two to three update the index to Council notes and report of the Lebanon Independent Bor- months, are now also very delayed. (The statements on working methods. This der Assessment Team, which was last report, released in December, covered has not been published. issued on 25 August 2008 (S/2008/582). the period from 1 January-30 June 2008.) n The Secretary-General has yet to put for- n The Council is awaiting the Peacebuild- n The Secretary-General’s recommenda- ward proposals for the delineation of the ing Commission’s response to its May tions to the Council regarding specific international borders of Lebanon, espe- 2008 request for advice and recommen- action on sexual violence as put forward cially in the Sheb’a Farms area, in dations on the situation in the Central in his latest report on protection of accordance with resolution 1701, and African Republic (S/2008/383). civilians in armed conflict (S/2007/643) respond to the cartographic, legal and n The Secretary-General is yet to report to have yet to be implemented in country- political implications of the alternative the Council on Kenya as requested in a specific situations. path suggested by the government of February presidential 2008 statement (S/ n The Council requested the Secretariat on Lebanon in its seven-point plan. PRST/2008/4). 21 November 2006 (S/2006/928) to n The Council has yet to address the latest Status Update since our March Forecast Recent developments on the situations importance of a further improvement of nance, corruption, judiciary reform and the covered in this Forecast are addressed in regional relations, and encouraging the Afghan National Police. On 23 March the the relevant briefs. Interesting develop- authorities and political stakeholders in Council extended the mandate of UNAMA ments on other issues in the Council during Chad and CAR to continue to pursue their for a further 12 months (S/RES/1868). The March included: efforts of national dialogue (SC/9614). Council requested an increase in frequency n Lebanon: On 10 March the Secretary- n Cooperation with Regional Organisa- of reporting from the Secretary-General General’s Special Coordinator for Lebanon, tions: On 18 March the Council held a (every three months as opposed to every Michael Williams, briefed the Council in public meeting to consider the report six) and the development of benchmarks for consultations on the latest Secretary- (S/2008/813) of the joint AU-UN panel set tracking progress in the implementation of General’s report on implementation of up by the Secretary-General to review UNAMA’s mandate. resolution 1701 (S/2009/119). The Council options for supporting AU peacekeeping n Liberia: In her briefing to the Council in then held consultations. operations. The meeting, chaired by Lib- closed consultations on 19 March the n Iran: On 10 March the Council was briefed ya’s Minister for African Affairs Ali Treiki, Secretary-General’s Special Representa- by the Chairman of the 1737 Sanctions had high-level participation, including by tive Ellen Margrethe Løj said the security Committee on Iran, Japanese Ambassador the Commissioner for Peace and Security situation in Liberia was stable, but fragile. Yukio Takasu. He said that the Committee of the AU, Ramtane Lamamra, and the chair She said that regional problems, including had received a letter from a member state of the panel, Romano Prodi, former prime drug trafficking, had increased since her seeking guidance regarding its inspection minister of Italy, and the Minister for For- last briefing. It would still take time to build of a vessel carrying its flag and coming from eign Affairs of South Africa, Nkosazana up national security sector capacity and Iran that had been found to be transporting Dlamini Zuma. A presidential statement more funding was needed. Elections arms related material. Iran was therefore in was adopted in conclusion requesting the scheduled for 2011 would be an important violation of resolution 1747 prohibiting it to Secretary-General to submit a report by 28 test for Liberia. supply, sell or transfer any arms and related September that will include a detailed n Kosovo: On 23 March the Council was material. After the briefing, the US expressed assessment of the recommendations con- briefed by the Secretary-General’s Special concern about Iran’s continued noncompli- tained in the AU-UN Panel report, in Representative Lamberto Zannier on the ance with Council demands but said that it particular those on financing, as well as on situation in Kosovo. The Secretary- was prepared for principled engagement the establishment of a joint AU-UN team. General’s report (S/2009/149) covered with Iran. The same concerns were empha- n Afghanistan: On 19 March Kai Eide, Spe- activities from 1 November 2008 to 9 March sised by France and the UK (S/PV.6090).