Etn1961 Vol08 04
·also KV1own as ~(f •<>,'.~ -~R~tlf'N~ts11:rrm · (OFF\Cl~l PU8l\C~i\ON Or 1'RK:KNUTS Of ,\-IE~~\.O, UMl"lc.}· Vol. 8, No. 4 Sept. 27, 1961. Semi-Monthly $6 per vear by f'rst class mail Edited by Hal Bateman Page 25· Boston, Thomas Score Victories 1932 Olympic Games COLOGNE, GERMANY, Sept. 9 -- Ralph Boston and . By Wally Donovan . John Thomas opened their latest invasion of Europe by scoring On the sun -drenched shores of the Pacific Ocean, before a victory apiece here today. record breaking crowds, the most successful and carefully planned Boston added to his list of 26-foot plus jumps with a leap Games in modern Olympic history were staged at Los Angeles, of 26 '2" and Thomas was an easy winner in the high jump at Calif., from July 30 to August 14, 1932. 6' l{fos". Another top performance came from Manfred Kinder, A crowd of 105; 000, filled the colossal Olympic Stadium, ·who won the 400 in 46.2. l00m,Hebauf 10.5; Delecour (France) now called the Coliseum, to capacity on the first day and heard 10.5. 200,Germar 21.0. 400,Kovac (Yugo) 46.8 (2nd); Bruder Vice President Charles Curtis proclaim open the Olympic Games (Switz)47.0 (3rd). 800, Missalla 1:48.9; Lurot (France) 1:49.6; , of Los Angeles. Klinkenberg 1:49.9; Faude 1:50.2; Bohme 1:50.2; Eyerkaufer More than 1500 athl e tes representing 40 nations traveled 1:50.5. Brace: Hoffmann 1;50.0. 1500, Schmidt 3:47.0; Wat many miles over oce ans to engage in the world's greatest sporting schke 3:47 .O; Schwarte 3:47 .9.
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