Twentysecond Sunday in Ordinary Time    August 29, 2021

MASS SCHEDULE  Monday through Friday St. Edward: 9am  Weekday Mass (televised & live streamed) St. Jude: 10:1510:45am  Communion distribution in side parking lot.  Saturday St. Jude: 5pm Mass (Park & Pray)  Sunday St. Jude: 8am Mass (indoors with FM  broadcast available to follow along in parking lot, televised, live streamed) 9:009:30am Distribution of  Communion outside  St. Edward: 10am Mass (indoors, televised, live streamed, & FM broadcast  available to follow along in parking lot) 12pm Mass (outdoors)  Please remember toSign upbefore attending Mass if you want to sit in the Socially Distanced section at Sunday Mass.

Confessions: Saturdays, 4:00  4:30 PM,  Crying Room, St. Jude Church

Don't receive our Thursday email? Email [email protected] or [email protected] to be put on the list. St. Edward the Parish St. Jude Parish 133 Spring Street 86 Main Street, P.O. Box 305 Medfield, MA 02052 Norfolk, MA 02056 Parish Office: (508) 3592633 Parish Office: (508) 5280170 Faith Formation: (508) 3596150 Faith Formation: (508) 5281470 Fax: (508) 3591846  Fax (508) 5281860


Dear Parishioners and Extended Family Members,

Praised be Jesus Christ!

After much thought and consideration, I have decided to implement the Mass Schedule the Collaborative Pastoral Council approved by vote. It is published here in the bulletin. Please keep in mind that it is made possible by the help we receive from Father Rivard and our two visiting priests, Fathers Peter Gojuk and John Geaney. Should that situation change, it is reasonable to expect that it will impact the Mass schedule. Father Gregory and I speak for the entire collaborative when we say how blessed and fortunate we are to have such fine priests assisting us!

Saint Gregory the Great’s feast day will be this Friday. He was born around 540 in , the son of Gordianus, a Roman regionarius, and Silvia of Rome, nephew of Saint Emiliana and Saint Tarsilla, greatgrandson of Saint Felix III. Educated by the finest teachers in Rome, he served as of Rome for a year, then he sold his possessions, turned his home into a Benedictine monastery, and used his money to build six monasteries in Sicily and one in Rome. Upon seeing English children being sold in the Roman Forum, he became a missionary to England. 

He was elected 64th Pope by unanimous acclamation on 3 September 590, the first to be chosen. He sent Saint Augustine [of Canterbury] and a company of to evangelize England, as well as other missionaries to France, Spain, and Africa. He collected melodies and plainchant so associated with him that they are now known as Gregorian Chants. One of the four great Doctors of the Latin Church, he wrote seminal works on the Mass and Divine Office, several of them dictated to his secretary, the . 

Here are some quotes of his:

The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist.  If the work of God could be comprehended by reason, it would no longer be wonderful, and faith would have no merit if reason provided proof.  You don't climb a mountain in leaps and bounds, but by taking it slowly.  Act in such a way that your humility may not be weakness, nor your authority be severity. Justice must be accompanied by humility, that humility may render justice lovable.  The universe is not rich enough to buy the vote of an honest man.  You cannot acquire the gift of peace if, by your anger, you destroy the peace of the Lord.  St. Gregory the Great, pray for us!  Gratefully yours in Christ, Fr. Steve

The 2021 Catholic Appeal campaign is well underway atSt. Edward and St. Jude. As of 8/10/2021,  St. Edward has met their assessment and St. Jude has received 96% of their assessment.  Our hearelt thanks to all who have parcipated, especially during this difficult year. Your generosity will benefit  hundreds of pastoral, charitable, and educaonal programs at work within the Archdiocese of Boston, and atthe Collaborave of St. Edward and St. Jude. We recognize that many of you may be navigang your own financial challenges but ask for your prayerful consideraon of a gi to the 2021 Catholic Appeal at whatever level is comfortable for you. Every gi , regardless of the size, is meaningful and can make an impact. Donaons can be made on  Your parcipaon in our parish Appeal is very much appreciated by our parish and the thousands that are served through the  Archdiocesan Central Ministries. This is our Church and when you support the Appeal, you support us!

St. Edward Offertory St. Jude Offertory

Mass attendance 8/22:    $ 1,360 Mass attendance 8/21 & 8/22:   $ 956 Mailin donations:    $ 941 Mailin donations:    $ 740 Haiti Earthquake Relief:    $ 625 Haiti Earthquake Relief:    $ 900  COLLABORATIVE WEEKEND  MASS SCHEDULE  Sat. Aug. 28 5PM For the people  Saturday: (BEGINNING NOVEMBER 6 FOR BOTH Sun. Aug. 29 8AM Collaborative intention  PARISHES, 5 PM PARK AND PRAY AT ST.   10AM Collaborative Intention    12PM Dan O’Halloran & Mike Carew  JUDE’S THRU OCTOBER 30) Mon. Aug. 30 9AM Sophie and Sebastian Alessi    Tue. Aug. 31 9AM Barbara McTernan, 1st anniversary  4 PM  St. Edward Wed. Sep. 1 9AM Sister Karol Augustine, feast day     living intention  Thu. Sep. 2 9AM Ellie Peoples, living intention 5 PM  St. Jude Fri. Sep. 3 9AM Robert Gipson   Sat. Sep. 4 5PM Paul and Louise Zukas  Sun. Sep. 5 8AM Marie Maslowski    10AM Julia Mariano Testa  Sunday: (BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 19)   12PM  Mary & Salvatore Giorgio and      Anne & Rocco Giorgio  8 AM  St. Jude  9 AM  St. Edward nd 22 Sunday in Ordinary Time  August 29, 2021  10:30 AM  St. Jude SUNDAY'S READINGS   First Reading: 12 PM St. Edward (Outdoors thru October 31 In your observance of the commandments of the LORD, with the exception of October 3) your God,  which I enjoin upon you, you shall not add to what I command you nor subtract 5:30 PM  St. Edward from it. (Dt 4:2) Psalm: The one who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord. (Ps 15) Second Reading: Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding  yourselves. (Jas 1:22) Gospel: “You disregard God’s commandment but cling to human tradition.” (Mk 7:8)  Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. The English translation of Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. ©LPi International Overdose Awareness Day, held on QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK  August 31st every year, is the world’s largest annual  campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma First Reading:  those who have died and acknowledge the grief of the As Moses prepared the Israelites to settle and live in the family and friends left behind. Promised Land he urged them to stay close to God’s Time to Remember. Time to Act.  commandments and statutes in order to become a “great nation.” Why do you think so many nations stray from this Purple and silver are the colors adopted by IOAD. idea? Specifically, silver is the awareness color for drug overdose,  while purple is the awareness color for opioid addiction.  Second Reading:  In the opening verses of his letter, James urges his  People will be wearing ribbons to commemorate those lost readers to be “doers of the word and not hearers only,  to drug overdose. Wearing ribbons sends a message that deluding yourselves.” Why do you think this is wise  every person's life is valuable and that stigmatizing people advice?  who use drugs needs to stop.   Gospel:  Another goal of the day is to spread information about how In returning to the Gospel of Mark, we hear today how the to detect signs of substance abuse and overdose, and what religious leaders from Jerusalem questioned Jesus about to do when encountering a person who may be having an keeping “the tradition of the elders.” Jesus responded with adverse reaction to a drug.  the importance of being clean of heart. Why is this such a challenging spiritual exercise?  Please visit for more  information. ©LPi

 St. Edwards Faith Formation  Grade 15 Parents/Guardians:  An important informational meeting is planned on  Monday, September 13th at 7 pmor Tuesday, September 14th, at 10 am Please attend the meeting that is most convenient for you.  2nd Grade Parents Please plan to stay 15 minutes after the meeting to go overSacraments of Reconciliation & First Communion.  Contact Melissa Ross with any questions at [email protected]

  Exploring the Sunday Readings Every Wednesday morning at 11:00am via Zoom, a group meets informally to explore the upcoming Sunday scripture  readings. No preparation needed. All are welcomePlease join us and share your faith! For information or to get the link, contact Beth at[email protected]. 

August, a month of Thanksgiving & Gratitude Our Collaborative has designated the month of August as a Month of Thanksgiving, a time to recall what we are grateful for during the COVID Era. While this notion may seem strange, to say the least, if we take the time to review our lives during COVID, there are aspects of this time we are able to give thanks for. You are invited to submit what you are grateful for by writing it on a fish, which you will be able to find at the  entrance to each church. After you have written it down, please place your fish in the basket at the same  location so that it may be added to the “River of Gratitude,” which will be by the altar in each church.


Pastor: Rev. Stephen P. Zukas…………[email protected].…………………………….…...... [email protected] Parochial Vicar: Rev. Gregory G. Vozzo……………………...………………..…....…..……………………………………[email protected] Priest in Residence: Rev. Robert Rivard, F.M.S.I. Deacon: Fred Horgan,………………………………………………………………………………………………….……. [email protected] Finance & Operations Manager: Diane Walsh,…………………..…………………………...………...... ……[email protected] Collaborative Liturgy and Liturgical Ministry Coordinator: Mary Sheedy…………………..…………………..…[email protected]  ST. EDWARD ST. JUDE Admin. Asst: Eileen Trinity………… [email protected] Admin. Asst. Louise Caussade,...... …[email protected] Music Director: Chris Carson.……….. [email protected] Parish Nurse: Beth Budny..7742775191 …[email protected]   FAITH FORMATION FAITH FORMATION Melissa Ross, Coordinator, Grades 15  Brendan Mahoney, Coordinator, Grades 1  Confirmation  [email protected] [email protected] Anna Mae O’Shea Brooke, Coordinator, Grades 6  Confirmation  Louise Caussade, Administrative Assistant [email protected] [email protected]  Anne Rijo, Administrative Assistant [email protected]  The next faithbased book read is a novel entitled,  Three Days: The Search for the Boy Messiah  written by Writer, ProducerDirector, Chris Stepien.  OurZoom Discussion is scheduled onThursday,  September 30, 2021, at 7:00 PM.  Three Days: The Search for the Boy Messiah is  compelling tale about 12yearold Jesus, based on the second chapter of Luke's Gospel. With more than 300 Scripture verses built into the storyline and dialogue.  Three Days: The Search for the Boy Messiah is available from Dynamic Catholic for free but with shipping costs and a requested donation or for purchase from Dynamic Catholic, Amazon, and Thriftbooks Please contact Joanne Sano at [email protected] or Jude Crossen at [email protected] if interested in participating.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)   Have you ever thought about becoming Catholic? Would you like to know more about God and the Church? Or, are you already baptized but still lack the  Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation?  If so, RCIA is for you! RCIA is a process of learning about and experiencing the Catholic faith with others in a  friendly, smallgroup setting. It can lead to full  membership in the Church through the Sacraments, but is also an openended process of asking questions and  exploring.   Come, discover what you've been missing!   If you are interested or know someone who might be,  please contact Fr. Gregory directly or  call our parish offices. EMMAUS HELP NEEDED NURSING HOME MINISTRY  Please keep in your prayers  Are you looking for an opportunity to share your faith?  Michael O’Farrell (Navy), We are looking for volunteers to conduct a Communion  Eric J. Doucette (Coast Guard), Service at The Thomas Upham House in Medfield on Matthew Murby (Coast Guard),  Wednesday mornings or every other Sunday morning  Lucas D. LeBleu (Air Force), following the 10:00 mass. It takes no more than 30 minutes Scott H. Grealish (Marine Corps), and training will be provided.  John Sharkey (Army), If you can help in this important ministry, please contact Jake Munger (Marine Corps) Cathy Sullivan at: [email protected]or 5083596778. Timothy Irwin (Marine Corps), Alex Burrell (Navy),  John Donald Tamulionis (Army),  Peter Barrette, (Navy),  The Friends of Adoption and Foster Care Mark FitzPatrick, (Army),   Scott Woodward, (Army) FAFC is a Support group for parents of foster and adopted who are courageously serving our country. children that can do even more with your support!  We are seeking volunteers to help fundraise or fill backpacks Also, please Remember in your prayers  with school supplies and other special items for children as Everyone Deployed. they are placed into foster care. Backpacks are a great  comfort to the children for their next start! Prayers for Our Service Men and Women  We would like to offer our prayers for the service men and women in our community. If there is someone in our Please reach out to Jane Williams at [email protected] or church community or someone you would like to honor who is serving our country, please email  visit PWC Church for details. Louise Caussade, [email protected] or  Eileen Trinity, [email protected]   THANK YOU! to all who have The Norfolk Food Pantry isnotaccepting food donations donated to our annual monthlong or gift cards currently as our shelves are stocked due to the spring food drive. generosity of our supporters.  However, if you wish to  These important donations help us donate, you are welcome to write a check payable to get through the summer months. "Norfolk Food Pantry”. Checks can be dropped off at the Rectory office at St. Jude or they can be brought directly to the Food Pantry, which is located at Emmanuel Baptist Church, 63 Rockwood Road in Norfolk between 12:302:30pm TuesdayFriday.

Gilly’s House is a 501c3 nonprofit 12 step recovery men’s CafeJustoCoffee FOR SALE:  sober home located in Wrentham, MA. We are so blessed to It's MORE than fair trade! be able to continue to do God’s work with the support of the CafeJustois a coffee collaborative of  community. farmers. They are paid approximately $2.25 per MOST NEEDED ITEMS AT THIS TIME: pound of coffee, higher than even fair trade standards, and roughly three times the 3550 cents that growers are   typically paid by commercial operations. Caffeinated ground coffee, Caffeinated KCups CafeJustois about strong futures. All growers and  Sugar, Tums antacid tablets,  employees ofCafeJustoand itsmember cooperatives  Trifold paper towels, Bounty paper towels receive medical benefits and a pension plan, which is far better Scott bathroom tissue than most Fair Trade models. 55 gal. size trash bags, 13 gal. size SupportCafeJustoand support their farmers and their just model. kitchen trash bags, Please visitejcatholic.organd click the Cafe Justo: Click to order 8 gal. size trash bags coffee tab on the home page. Coffee can either be delivered in HP950 black and color ink for printer Medfield or waiting for you at Mass. Please email[email protected]with questions. Black Sharpies Press n seal plastic wrap Aluminum foil Dishwasher pods Interface Referral Service, Open to all  Carpet Fresh powder Medfield Residents: Dryer Sheets Interface is a free and confidential mental health referral  Tide Pods service open to all residents of Medfield.Callers are Swiffer Wet Jet refills, Swiffer Wet Jet pads matched with licensed mental health providers from their Gift cards to BJS, Big Y, Shaw’s, Stop & Shop, Target, extensive database. Each referral meets the location,  Walmart, Cumberland Farms, Uber and Amazon insurance, and specialty needs of the caller.In addition to  the resources on theirwebsite:  There are drop off boxes in the front and back of,  St. Jude Church and at St Edward in the narthex. the William James Interface Referral Service maintains a  Or to make a monetary donation please visit our mental health and wellness referral helpline websitewww.gillyshouse.comclick on DONATE tab or mail Monday  Friday, 9 am5 pm, at8882446843(toll free). to: Gilly’s House, P. O. Box 110, 1022 West Street, Wrentham, MA 02093 ATTN: Maureen Cappuccino Prayer for Racial Healing* All donations are tax deductible #821696539 Please call God of Justice, God of Mercy, God of Wisdom Maureen at 508 384 2251 or email Triune God, in your Love you createall people in your  [email protected]with any questions. image, without exception. Through your goodness,  †Open our eyes to see the dignity, beauty, and worth of every human being.  †Open our minds to understand that all your children are  Barbara and Steven ‘Gilly’ Gillmeister brothers and sisters in the same human family.  †Open our hearts to repent of racist attitudes, behaviors, and speech which demean others.  †Open our ears to hear the cries of those wounded by racial discrimination, and their passionate appeals for change.  Strengthen our resolve  †to make amends for past injustices and  †to right the wrongs of history.  Fillus with courage that  Dignity Matters  †we might seek to heal wounds,   †we might build bridges,  Thisnonprofit organization collects personal products and  †we might forgive, and,  underwear for women and girls who are homeless or living in very †we might accept forgiveness,  low income situations, in order to help them stay healthy, regain and that selfconfidence, and live with basic dignity.Donations of pads (all †we might establish peace and equality for all in our  types, including Depends), tampons, new underwear and new/ communities.  gently used bras may be left in the blue bin in the  We ask all this in Jesus’ name.Amen.  lobby.  *Adapted from Catholic Charities USA Prayer for Racial Healing  Thomas Jay Delaney B & E ROOFING Asphalt, Rubber Upham House Jim Delaney RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE a skilled nursing & & Cedar Roofing “Your Home is One of Medfield’s Lawn & JAMES H. DELANEY & SON Your Biggest Investments” rehabilitation facility Tree Companies Reg. & Ins. FUNERAL HOME Work With Someone You can Trust Visit Anytime Organic or Traditional Lawn & Plant Care Free Estimates Tree & Shrub Pruning 48 Common St., Walpole Call Brian Comiskey: CALL THE KIM WILLIAMS TEAM (508) 359-6050 508.359.9905 508-298-9725 519 Main St., Medfield 668-1960 508-785-1433

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Contact Victoria Russo to place an This Space ad today! [email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x6283 is Available

Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • St. Edward/ St. Jude, Medfield, MA 04-0456