You’re invited to our “Keep in touch with 25 years event during your local Carers Carers Week Helpline” Carers Interview 2

Bolton Carers Support Contents Carers Support, a registered charity (no 1082166), News Items Pages provides information and support Notice-board 4/5 to carers aged 18+. Time For You Project 8 What we do

Volunteering at BCS 9 Helpline Money Matters 16

Sitting service Zoe - Outreach Worker 17

Connected and Informed 18 - 19

Breaks & Courses 25 years of BCS 21

Benefits advice Health Matters

Your Health 6/7 Volunteering Real Life How to contact us Poem - Another Celebration Write to us at Bolton Carers 20 Support, FREEPOST RSJT-KAJH- Carers Interview 22 URRR, Thicketford Centre, Donations and Fundraising 23 Thicketford Road, Bolton, BL2 2LW (no stamp required) Outings & Courses .. Give us a call 01204 363056 BCS 25 Years event 10

Visit our website Breaks for Carers 11 Carer and Cared For event 12 or email us [email protected] Carers Learning Days 13

Other Carers Activity Groups 14 - 15 Carers Helpline - 24/7 Call 9am - 5pm weekdays for any caring related query or to talk to someone in confidence. Call evenings, weekends and Bank Holidays if an emergency. 01204 363056 3


Welcome to our Summer issue of ‘Carers Contact’, celebrating our 25th year of supporting carers. We have been asking many of you how you have benefitted from the support and advice we have been able to offer you – if you have access to the internet, why not take a look at the celebratory films we have Georgette Kay made (details in the box below). The impact and evaluation Chief Officer work which we have been undertaking since Carers Rights day in November 2018 is still ongoing, and we are looking at how we can develop our services to keep you as carers ‘connected and informed’ – see pages 18 and 19 for more information on how you can be involved.

Carers Week runs from Monday 10th until Sunday 16th June this year, and the theme is getting ‘Carers connected in their communities’ – which fits in nicely with the work we are doing in Bolton. Turn to page 17 to see the range of opportunities available to meet carers in your local community, and to pages 10 - 12 for other events being held during Carers Week.

Our five-year Big Lottery funding (which is now called the National Lottery Community Fund) comes to an end later this year. It currently funds our outings, events, courses, benefits advice, and outreach work including carers coffee mornings and information points. Alison, our Fundraising Development Officer, is working hard to identify further funding for us to apply for to enable us to continue to offer a range of valuable services for our carers. Responding to feedback from our members we are also in the process of making it much easier for our very generous supporters to raise money or donate to us, please see page 23 for more details.

As always, please continue to contact our helpline with any caring related query, or to talk to someone in confidence. We wish you a warm and bright summer, and hope to see you at one of our events. Best wishes, Georgette

Follow the links on You Tube to view the videos Bolton Carers Support - ‘Filling the empty Water Jug’ Bolton Carers Support - ‘About us’ 4


Tonge Moor - Men in Sheds Are you interested in computers, model making, joinery, radio controlled vehicles, bike mechanics, darts, going on trips or fixing things?

The group meet every Friday from 10am at the Tonge Moor UCAN Centre, The Old Tonge Moor Library, 269 Tonge Moor Rd, Bolton BL2 2LE.

If you require any further information about the group, please contact (01204) 329563.

Smithills Estate Dementia Friendly Walks and Activities

Join the Woodland Trust and City of Trees for a monthly activity at Estate/, designed to be accessible for anyone living with a diagnosis of dementia, their families and carers. Join them for indoor and outdoor nature-based activities that may improve health and wellbeing.

Activities include walking, low-level practical conservation, and woodland crafts. All abilities are welcome to join in and have a go.

If you would like to find out more about the activities please call 0330 333 5314 or email [email protected]



Stroke Association Cafe - offering a fortnightly opportunity for stroke survivors and their carers to go along, grab a brew and chat with each other about life after stroke in a friendly social environment.

The café will be held at Asda Park, Manchester Road, Bolton BL3 2QS - 11am to 12pm - Wednesdays 1st, 15th and 29th May, 12th and 26th June, 10th and 24th July then continuing fortnightly.

For further details about the café, please contact Kathryn or Pamela (01204) 895940 or just go along!

Halliwell Befriending Service CARERS LUNCH

A safe and happy place to attend with the person you care for or time out for yourself to chat with others who understand.

The Lunch group meets Mondays Monthly (phone for next date) 12 - 1pm at St Pauls Community Centre, Halliwell Road, Bolton BL1 8BP

Free entry and lunch free for Carers.

If you would like to find out more, please phone Halliwell Befriending Service (01204) 840808 6

Managing Stress Be active – exercise can help reduce stress and can help you to tackle any problems calmly. You don’t Melissa Taylor have to do a workout - a brisk walk in the park can Health Linkworker be just as good.

Take control – no matter how difficult your problem may be, take control by breaking it down into manageable chunks and ask for help if you need it. For example, if you have times when you feel overwhelmed and unable to cope, think about what action you could take e.g. finding out about help in the , taking action to manage debt, arranging a break. When you take control you will begin to feel more positive because you are doing something to address the problem.

Talk things through – we all need a support network and when you are caring for someone it becomes even more important to talk things through regularly. Give our Helpline a call on 01204 363056 for a listening ear or to arrange a one to one appointment to discuss your caring role. It really is ‘good to talk’.

Extend yourself – learning something new gives you a new interest and enthusiasm. There are lots of interesting courses at :- Bolton Community College Bolton University Enjoy Learning University of the Third Age, and local history and other groups. Alternatively, why not consider coming along to one of our short courses – meet new friends and relax in a supportive environment (please see page 13).


Take a ‘glass half full’ approach – at the end of each day take a few minutes to reflect on 3 things that you feel grateful for or that went well. By making a conscious effort to appreciate the good things in your life you can feel more positive. Yes, it’s very hard sometimes to focus on the good things but life is not a dress rehearsal and each day is precious.

Accept the things you cannot change – changing a difficult situation isn’t always possible. If this proves to be the case, recognise this and accept things as they are and concentrate on everything that you do have control over.

Mental Health Practitioners (MHP)

Based within GP practices, MHPs are experienced, qualified mental health specialists employed by the Mental Health Foundation Trust and commissioned by Bolton Clinical Commissioning Group. They are working as part of a neighbourhood of practices and run clinics for patients across Bolton.

MHPs can be your first point of contact at your GP practice for any mental health issue such as anxiety, depression or low mood. You do not have to see a doctor first. MHPs are experts in managing symptoms of mental health. They can offer a longer appointment than the 10 minute appointment with a GP so spend more time exploring your symptoms/problems, help develop management plans and provide specialist advice/ongoing referrals where required.

If you feel you need someone to talk to about mental health please call your GP practice and a member of the reception staff can arrange an appointment with the most appropriate person.

Melissa Taylor, Health Linkworker post funded by: Bolton Carers Support/NHS Bolton CCG Email: [email protected] Tel: 01204 363056/462157 8

Time for You Sitting Service Project

“The Sitting Service for Carers has been an interesting challenge so far. What started out as a blank piece of paper to develop a totally new service has grown slowly since last August to support 7 carers on a regular basis.

I quickly realised that this role was, in effect, two roles. I had two hats - project co-ordinator and volunteer co-ordinator. To make this service a success then having a volunteer Laurent - service running alongside was paramount. Time For You As we speak, thanks mainly to the carers contact magazine Project Worker and family members who have felt inspired to offer their time and support, we have a growing number of volunteers who are happy to give up their free time.

Initially during the setting up of the service, I envisaged that a carer would want a sitter for an hour or two on a weekly basis. I created scenarios as to the benefits for the carers supported and had it all worked out in detail as to how things would run smoothly.

Six months later I find my previous plans irrelevant. Now it is quite clear how it all works and the benefits it offers.

It has been a joy to spend time with people whose only experience of support from services is a quick job-based visit. When I visit, as will the volunteers when they come on board, I spend quality time listening to and talking with someone who needs regular support and who values that personal attention that my time spent with them allows.

For those carers that have accessed the sitting service they tell me that it is invaluable to them, allowing them the time and freedom to spend out of the home. Time for themselves to go for a walk, to go to the shops, to attend appointments, to meet with friends and enjoy a tea and cake at the garden centre. Ultimately to do what they want for an hour or two. Time for them that mostly they haven’t been able to have recently.

I look forward to meeting more people and delivering the service, whilst supporting them and the person they care for.” Laurent 9

Volunteering at Bolton Carers Support

UPDATE The volunteer team continues to grow at Bolton Carers Support. We are delighted to have four more sitting service volunteers joining us following the volunteer afternoon advertised in the last article in ‘Carers Contact’. That makes 8 new volunteers this year.

Help us to recruit volunteers by spreading the word

Do you know a family member or friend, work colleague who may join the team supporting Bolton’s carers? It'll mean more to someone than you realise!

VOLUNTEERS WEEK - Coffee Afternoon Wednesday 5th June - 12.30 to 4pm @ Thicketford Centre

Bolton Carers Support would like to invite its current, former and future volunteers and trustees to attend a celebratory coffee afternoon to thank and recognise your ongoing support and commitment as we develop our volunteer services and team.

You are welcome to extend this invitation to your friends and families. To book a place, please phone the Helpline (01204) 363056.


Bolton Carers Support are collaborating with Bolton Adult Autism Support, Bolton Deaf Society, and others to host a ‘drop in market place’ to recruit new volunteers, discuss opportunities and promote services!

If you are interested in supporting us or know someone who may be interested in finding out more then please let us know on 01204 363056

10 11


Please note that we will Olympus Chippy ONLY take bookings Lunch from 9am on Monday 20th May Tuesday 11th June 01204 363056 12.30 - 3.30pm

Bookings must be made As we celebrate Carer’s Week 2019, join us by phone (no emails, at the award winning Olympus Chippy in messages or visits Bolton Town Centre. Choice of Olympus accepted). While we cod (or Cheese and Onion Pie) chips and advise you to book early peas served with bread and butter, tea or to avoid disappointment coffee and a choice of pudding. you don’t need to ring at 9am prompt - places are generally available for a Please let us know if you would like the few days, depending on vegetarian option when booking your the popularity of the place. outing or course.

All events Mystery Coach You can book any of the Tour events on pages 10 to 15 Tuesday 16th July subject to availability.

Join us on a Mystery Coach Tour to who All events MUST knows where! be pre-booked and This tour is an opportunity to enjoy some priority is given to well earned ‘me’ time amongst friends, carers who pay at the and a bit of culture thrown in! time of booking. The coach will leave from Stand G at the Only one booking per new Bolton Bus Interchange at 9.30am household and former prompt returning to Bolton by around carers of up to 12 months 3.30pm (traffic permitting) can book places. Cost £7.50 per carer 12

This is a Carer and Cared - For event Summer Lunch Thursday 13th June 12.30pm to 3.30pm

Join us at the Holiday Inn, Bolton, for a tasty lunch in good company.

MENU Starter: Spring Vegetable Soup with croutons and served with bread roll and butter

Main: Slow Roast Chicken with smoked bacon, mushroom and red wine sauce

OR Vegetable Skewer with satay crust, pilau rice and sweet chilli and tomato dressing (V) both served with Roast Potatoes and a selection of vegetables (vegetarian option must pre-ordered asap)

Dessert: Marbled Chocolate Brownie with Vanilla Ice Cream

Entertainment will be provided by DJ Charlie - music and games, with prizes.

Please note there is limited parking at this venue. 13

Getting Online...a beginners guide Mondays 1st and 8th July 10am to 12noon at Thicketford Centre Getting online can seem pretty scary if you’ve never done it before or even if you just don’t know how to make the most of the internet. This two week course for beginners will allow you to get to grips with the internet and the technology that helps you get online.

Refreshments will be provided.

Make sure to book your place!

Planning YOUR Future Identifying your skills and writing a CV

Mondays 15th and 22nd July 10am to 12noon at Thicketford Centre

Are you a carer or former carer who wants to, or may need to get back into the workplace but find the prospect daunting? Feel you have become de-skilled or have nothing to offer, or just don’t know how to go about starting the process?

These two workshops look at helping you to identify your vast array of transferrable skills and help you to write a CV.

Refreshments will be provided.

Make sure to book your place! 14

Male Carers Group

Are you a Male Carer?

Want to meet other men in a similar situation to your own in an informal setting?

Join us at our monthly meetings, held over a pint or a coffee at the Elephant and Castle, Deansgate, Bolton from 12noon on the last Tuesday of every month. Ring Peter for a chat about the group (01204) 363056.

Friendship Group for Former Carers The next Former Carers meeting will be held at: HuddleUp Café, All Souls, Astley St, Bolton BL1 8EY Thursday 6th June at 1pm This group is open to any former carer who is registered with Bolton Carers Support. Please contact Zoe to confirm your attendance or find out more 01204 363056.

Telephone Befriending Service ▪ Do you sometimes feel you have no one to talk to?

▪ Would you benefit from a weekly or fortnightly call from one of our telephone befrienders, someone who understands about caring?

The telephone befriending service is like having a supportive friend at the end of the phone. Would you like to volunteer as a telephone befriender? We are currently recruiting volunteers to support the telephone befriending service, could this be you? If you would like to find out more, please contact Zoe for a chat 01204 363056. 15

Carer’s Choir We are looking into the feasibility of forming a Carer’s Choir in the near future as a few carers have shown an interest in doing so. Initially, we will be meeting at the Thicketford Centre, during the evening, mid-week (free use of rooms and free refreshments), but we will consider a more central location subject to numbers involved and demand. In this case, there may be a small charge.

So if you are a budding chorister, or just want to have fun, give it a go and meet up with other like minded people, then please let us know… and don’t worry if you’ve only sung in the shower, before….you won’t be alone!!

Interested? Give Peter a ring to chat further on 01204 363056

Calling any green-fingered carers!

Ever fancied growing tomatoes, peppers and much more, but haven’t got the resources or equipment?

At the Thicketford centre, there is a small garden area with two greenhouses, and we are looking to get a group together of willing green-fingered volunteers, to make use of the facilities, provide a splash of colour to the area and, hopefully sell on any produce grown!

Want to give it a go? No experience necessary, just enthusiasm and the desire to make friends with other like-minded people.

Interested? Give Peter a ring to chat further on 01204 363056 16

Carer’s Allowance - is the main benefit for carers. It is a weekly benefit of £66.15 from April 2019 to help you look after someone with substantial caring needs. You do not have to be related to, or live with, the person you care for. Elaine Holt Carer’s Allowance is taxable and it can also affect other benefits. Benefits Advice However, Carers will only have to pay tax if they have other Worker sources of income. Carer’s Allowance on its own is below the threshold for paying tax.

You may be able to claim Carer’s Allowance if the person you care for gets one of these benefits: Attendance Allowance; Constant Attendance Allowance; Disability Living Allowance (middle or high rate care); Personal Independence Payment (either rate of daily living component); Armed forces Independence Payment. To be eligible to claim you must also: Care for someone for at least 35 hours each week, and be aged 16 or over, and not be studying full-time – 21 hours or more supervised study each week, not earning over £123 per week from April 2019, satisfy UK residence and presence rules and satisfy immigration rules.

Overlapping Benefits: you cannot usually be paid Carer’s Allowance if you receive one of the following benefits: State Retirement Pension, Contribution based ESA or JSA, Maternity Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, Severe Disability Benefit, Bereavement/Widows Benefit. You may however have an underlying entitlement which could be a passport for other benefits.

How to claim: Online at or download the form DS700 and send by post, or call the Carer’s Allowance Unit and request a form on 0800 731 0297

Carer’s Credit - you could get Carer’s Credit if you are caring for someone for at least 20 hours a week. This is a National Insurance credit that helps build your entitlement to State Pension. It makes sure there are no gaps in your National Insurance record. Your income, savings or investments won’t affect eligibility for Carer’s Credit. The person you look after must be receiving one of the Disability Benefits as mentioned above. If not you may still qualify by completing a ‘Care Certificate’ which a health or social care professional needs to validate. How to Claim: you can request a printed form (CC1) by contacting Carer’s Allowance Unit on: 0800 731 02 97

Call the Carers Helpline 01204 363056 for further advice by appointment with our Benefits Advice Worker - Elaine Holt. 17

If you are a carer and need to talk to somebody about your caring role or if you would like to meet people over a coffee, please come along to one of our Information Points or Coffee Mornings. ALL WELCOME! (including the person you care for). Information Points St James’ Parish Centre, Roscow Avenue BL2 6HU - second Wednesday of the month 2-3pm.

Westhoughton Senior Solutions Information Point – Sacred Heart Church, Lord Street, BL5 3SE - second Tuesday of the month 1.45pm – 3.15pm. Coffee Morning Information Points Trinity Methodist Church, Tonge Old Road, Bolton BL2 6BH - fourth Wednesday of the month 10am to 11am.

All Souls - Huddle Up Café, Astley Street, Bolton, BL1 8EY - on the third Wednesday of the month 1.30 - 3pm.

Kearsley Mount Methodist Church, Manchester Road, Kearsley, BL4 8QL - third Tuesday of the month 10am to 12 noon.

Costa Coffee @ Waterstones, Bolton Town Centre on the first Tuesday of the month 11am to 12 noon.

Tonge Moor – UCAN Centre, Tonge Moor Road, BL2 2LE - Coffee Morning Information Point, every Monday 10am-11am.

Little Lever- Christ Church, Mytham Road, Little Lever, BL3 1JE - Coffee Morning Information Point, this coffee morning runs weekly but on the third Wednesday of the month, from 10am – 12 noon, a member of Bolton Carers Support will be present. Monthly Carers Cafes Westhoughton Carers Cafe - Wetherspoons (the Robert Shaw) – third Monday of the month 11am - 12noon.

If you would like any more information regarding the Information Points, Coffee Mornings, or Carers Cafes, please contact: Zoe Hill, Outreach Worker on 01204 368042 or email [email protected] 18

Bolton Carers Support are determined to engage, consult and partner with carers as together they decide how best to design and deliver future services and support.

As you will be aware, we have partnered with Bolton CVS, to hold a series of consultation events, which started in November 2018 with a ‘Listening Together’ event.

This produced a rich harvest of ideas, expectations and challenges. Carers, the cared for, trustees, volunteers and staff engaged together in positive and collaborative round-table discussions ensuring everyone present left unanimously stating, “We had a voice and we were listened to.” The staff team had a clear mandate to follow up on key development opportunities and partnership working.

Recognising that a couple of areas, which featured strongly in this first event, needed to be better understood and shaped further, we held a second event in March 2019 to take the engagement deeper.


And so, ‘Café Connect’ held its inaugural session. Music, drinks, treats, table-cloths and a relaxed atmosphere set the scene for some soul-searching questions that enabled Bolton Carers Support to mature and take the collective design and deliver process a step further.

During the event, some of those attending had the opportunity to express how they felt about Bolton Carers Support, on film. See what was said by going online to You Tube and following Bolton Carers Support - ‘About us’. Our thanks to Bolton based Community Video Production company, The Videobox , for producing the film.

We intend to hold a series of ‘Café Connect’ roadshow events at locations throughout the borough later in the year, so keep an eye out, and get your thoughts and ideas for shaping the support for carers, in the future, heard.

Follow the links on You Tube to view the videos Bolton Carers Support - ‘Filling the empty Water Jug’ Bolton Carers Support - ’About us’ 20

Another Celebration

Another Celebration So we’ll carry on, and with all our Five years have quickly gone heart Since we celebrated our 20th one Try to play that important part. And since the Caring role Of just being here, to listen and to Still goes on and on. care. Loved ones and neighbours still need Just being here when needed caring for To console that loving, The Caring role just does not wait and sometimes breaking heart. So after all these Carers and Cared for I’m thankful for the time We really need to celebrate. When I needed them to be there; Just for me. Another special day to set aside So here we are And think about our loved ones A quarter of a century down the line Both the good times and the bad Can we help in any way not just for Sometimes we’re happy and today sometimes we’re sad But every day while you are caring But together and with friends and For the one you love and cherish so loved ones to assist dearly. We’ve made it right up to now. Enid Brooks, More and more people are becoming former carer, Carers too, current Trustee Our experience to share with them and Friend of and help Bolton Carers That they in their turn will know Support for 25 The satisfaction of this extremely important role of care. years since the start! A role still needed, it never seems to go away Yes, there are professionals who care But home is still where the heart is The heart that needs our love and support To help them get through some days And to give them all the well deserved praise. 21

A note from the Chief Officer….. Bolton Carers Support was set up in 1994 with the same clear aims as we have today – to recognise and support all unpaid carers in Bolton.

Bolton Carers Support achieved charity status in August 2000; moving to independence from its parent body Bolton CVS (Community and Voluntary services) and moving out of CVS offices in 2001. The Management Committee took on new roles and responsibilities as Bolton Carers Support became independent and a charity in its own right.

It would be impossible to tell you how many carers we have been in touch with throughout our 25 years (we know it’s a lot!), but what we do know is that the help and support carers receive is very much valued and appreciated. We are lucky to still have carers, former carers and volunteers involved in Bolton Carers Support who were here when the organisation began – individuals who are very ‘dear friends’. And of course, with the ever-growing number of carers in need of help and support today, we continue to increase our numbers, adding to and strengthening our carer community.

So, looking forward to the future, funding as always is uncertain, has decreased over the years, and remains a challenge to secure. However, our commitment to and understanding of carer issues is as strong as always…we are just at the end of the phone on 01204 363056. Georgette


Interview with a carer

Who do you care for? even impossible due to and complete whatever my own personal physical tasks I need to complete. I first recognised myself as issues. I would also like to a carer in October 2015, Are there any changes add that I have faced when I started caring for challenges in getting a you would like to see my partner, who later care package in place for help improve carers’ became my husband. my husband’s care needs. lives?

How long have you been Has caring had an More frequent carers caring? groups, more recognition impact on your own I have had multiple caring health? from society in general

roles throughout my life, I am a young lady who and local authorities for both as a young carer and already has multiple carers, more recognition/ as an adult. My current physical health issues of support from the NHS for caring role began in my own, therefore caring carers. Lots more funding October 2015. and recognition for carers is very emotionally and helplines/groups/centres. What’s a typical day like physically draining for me.

for you? Any tips for carers? Do you get any help with I have to prompt/guide your caring role?

my husband at all times as The only physical help I he has no concept on get is from unpaid family “Never allow your reality or awareness of members. Also listening caring role to take over danger. This is due to your life totally. ear/emotional support/ learning issues. He needs advice from Bolton Carers Always make at least full support with all Support. three hours per week as aspects of daily life. I also ‘you time’. How do you make time have to administer all Speak to/engage with for yourself? other carers.

medications on a daily basis. Other family The only time that I can Keep in touch with members support my make time for myself is your local carers helpline. husband with the aspects when I can get an unpaid of care such as washing as family member to come Remember you are only human.” I find this extremely and be in the house with difficult and some days my husband whilst I go


Responding to feedback from our members, we are in the process of making it much easier for our very generous supporters to raise money or donate to us. Very soon a link will be added to our website and promoted on our facebook and twitter feeds which will allow supporters to donate quickly and simply online. We will be using an online giving platform hosted by Wonderful, a non-profit organisation who believe that every penny from fundraising events, donations, gift- aid etc should go to the charity it is intended for. As such, they charge no fees and every penny you generously give comes straight to us to continue providing the services we know you value so much.

If you would like any more information about this please give Alison, Fundraising Development Officer a call via the helpline (01204) 363056

Creative Crafters Group Do you need time out just for you and to relax?

Then why not join us on Tuesdays from 10am until 2pm at the Thicketford Centre

 learn something new  learn crafts/techniques  meet other carers  share your skills with us  raise funds for Bolton Carers Support

If interested in attending the group, please ring Bolton Carers Support on 01204 363056 so we can let our crafters know to expect you! 24 Carers Helpline

The helpline is now open 24/7.

Call us, whatever your query.

From 9 am to 5 pm At all other times

weekdays evenings / weekends call with any caring query or and Bank Holidays just to talk to someone in call if you have an confidence about your urgent issue or caring role emergency

Benefits Help at home Perhaps the person you look Equipment Respite breaks after has:

Support groups Work and caring • had a fall at home:

• become unwell or Health services Carers rights agitated: or

• a situation has arisen that can’t wait until 01204 363056 the next working day