A PANDEMIC OF PANDEMIC HYSTERIAS • Bogus models, worthless tests, misreporting the cause of death. • A financial bonanza for the media and the pharma. • Unprecedented power for politicians. FREE OF COST IN PERPETUITY This is public domain project for the general education of the People BY Sanjeev Sabhlok, Ph.D. Economics (USA) Melbourne, Australia. Email:
[email protected] • Resigned as Victorian Government economist in September 2020 to protest Police brutality and harmful policies. • Former senior civil servant in the Indian Government. • Author: The Great Hysteria and The Broken State – which describes the collapse of governance during this pandemic. With input from Irene Robinson (others are invited to help out) Please send any suggestions, corrections, improvements or other inputs to
[email protected] PRELIMINARY SKETCH (NOT YET A DRAFT) 15 December 2020 1 Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 WHY THIS BOOK .......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 RULE NO. 1: REAL PANDEMIC MUST LEAVE ITS SIGNATURE IN TOTAL ANNUAL DEATHS ............................................... 5 1.3 THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC THAT NEVER WAS – LET’S JUST CALL IT A FAKE PANDEMIC ............................................... 6 1.3.1 The covid “pandemic” has left no signature in total annual deaths .................................................