Fundraising Catch Up and Dunstable Schools

Welcome to ‘Fundraising Catch Up’, a yearly update to let you know about all things fundraising that have been happening in schools across the Luton and Dunstable area. We have been overwhelmed with all of your fundraising efforts since the start of the school year in September 2017. Here are some highlights from the past school year.

Ramridge Primary School raised £154.40 for the Child Oncology Rooms

Hadrian raised Harlington Upper School Year 13 pupils £225.55 for The Neonatal raised £700 for NICU, Breast Screening and Dementia Care Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Challney High School for Girls raised £3900 with their race for life event for the new ultrasound machine for the Breast cancer Unit.

Putteridge Primary School Raised £1005.40 for the Child Oncology Rooms Maidenhall Primary School organised an Art attack competition in school to raise Beecroft Academy money for the Child Oncology raised £241.19 for the Rooms Child Oncology Rooms

William Austin Junior School raised £1166.77 for the Child Oncology Rooms St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School raised £1000 for the Child Oncology Rooms

From Christmas card donations to carol singers (Challney High School for Boys, Southfield Primary School and Ferrars Academy)

Community Fundraiser Bianca would like to say, “A huge thank you to the teachers and students at the following schools who invited me in during this school year to talk to you about the Luton and Dunstable Hospital Charity and all about our appeals. It was great to meet you all and I hope to see you all again in the new term! Keep up the good work !”

Beecroft Academy, Challney High School for Girls, Challney High School for Boys, Ferrars Academy, Harlington Upper School, Hadrian Academy, Maidenhall Primary School, Putteridge Lower School, Ramridge Primary School , Sundon Lower School , Southfields Primary School, St Josephs Catholic Primary School ,Seabrook Day Nursery, The Meads Primary School, Watling Primary School & William Austin Junior School.

If you would like the Community Fundraiser Bianca to attend your school in the new Autumn term to talk to students about fundraising for their local hospital or for a copy of the school fundraising guide please get in touch. Email: [email protected] or Call: 07800711370

The Luton and Dunstable Hospital is a registered charity in and Wales number: 1058704 Without imposing any trust we note that you wish your donation to benefit a specific ward or department. However, in the case that we are unable to meet this request your donation may be used to purchase something of equal benefit for the Luton and Dunstable University Hospital.