Area Committees Date: 05 July 2007 Item No
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Report of: The Interim Leisure & Cultural Services Business Manager To: All Area Committees Date: 05 July 2007 Item No: Title of Report: Oxford City Council’s Proposed Memorial Safety Policy Summary and Recommendations Purpose of Report: To highlight the need for a robust Memorial Safety Policy for Oxford City Council. Cemeteries Service staff, memorial masons, the Council’s contractors and the general public will use this policy and it directly relates to the five year contract of memorial testing which commences in August 2007. Key Decision: No Portfolio Holder: Caroline van Zyl Scrutiny Responsibility: Environment Scrutiny Ward(s) affected:: North, Wolvercote, Jericho & Osney, Littlemore, Rose Hill & Iffley, Headington, St Mary’s, Cowley, Holywell, Carfax, Headington Hill & Northway Portfolio Holder: Caroline van Zyl Legal: Jeremy Franklin Finance: Chris Kaye Strategic Director: Sharon Cosgrove Policy Framework: There is no associated policy or strategy. Recommendation(s): It is recommended that the Memorial Safety Policy be approved for use by the Cemeteries Service staff, memorial masons, the Council’s contractors and the general public. 1 BACKGROUND 1. Area committees must agree decisions relating to the maintenance and strategic management of cemeteries and burial grounds. 2. The purpose of the Memorial Safety Policy is to set out the Council’s position on memorial safety, a subject that has come to the fore nationwide in recent years. Peter Mitchell Associates undertook an initial inspection of the entire memorial inventory in 2005 under contract to the Council. Memorials in all four City cemeteries and ten closed churchyards were inspected over a period of four months. A total of 20,363 memorials were tested of which 2,085 were found to be at high risk and were subsequently made safe by being laid down, fenced off or staked for support. 3. The Council is required to conduct assessments of memorials every five years. To that end the Council let a contract this April to Peter Mitchell Associates to conduct a further round of inspections over a five-year period to minimise the impact and spread the financial load. It is anticipated that this next round of assessments will have much less impact than the previous one as all of the high risk memorials were made safe in 2005 and it is thought unlikely that many more will be found to be at risk this time. 4. The planned assessment programme by Peter Mitchell Associates for this contract is below: PLANNED MEMORIAL TESTING PROGRAMME 2007-2011 2007 (Aug-Sep) Botley Cemetery SS Mary & John, Cowley St Mary's, Littlemore 2008 (TBD) Wolvercote Cemetery 2009 (TBD) Headington Cemetery St James', Cowley 2010 (TBD) St Giles, Oxford St Cross, Oxford St Mary Magdalen, Oxford St Mary's, Iffley St Andrew's, Headington Osney Cemetery St Sepulchre's Cemetery 2011 (TBD) Rose Hill Cemetery 2 5. The Council should adopt a policy, attached at Annex A, that details the procedures to be followed when dealing with memorial safety. This is an emotive subject for obvious reasons; we are dealing with people’s personal property that is situated on Council and Diocesan land. The Council’s policy should be coherent, fair, clearly set out and available for public scrutiny. As well as setting out a strategy for the testing of memorial stock, such a policy should also give direction to memorial masons and contractors as to the technical specifications they should follow when installing and maintaining memorials. 6. In the compilation of the proposed policy other local authorities’ policies were scrutinised to ensure that there is a common approach. Furthermore, the office of the Local Government Ombudsman has informally reviewed the document with no negative comment on its content. This was to ensure that the Council has addressed the issues arising out of several Ombudsman investigations where local authorities have had to defend their policy towards memorial safety and the associated inspections. PUBLICITY 7. It is intended that the policy be made available on the Council’s website and for copies to be freely available from the Cemeteries Office at Wolvercote Cemetery. It is important that this policy is in place prior to the commencement of the first round of assessments in August 2007. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 8. There are no financial implications to this Report. The cost of the Memorial Assessment programme will be met from the Cemeteries Service budget. RECOMMENDATION 9. It is recommended that the Memorial Safety Policy be approved for use by the Cemeteries Service staff, memorial masons, the Council’s contactors and the general public. Annex: A. Background papers: Memorial Safety Policy Report author: Trevor Jackson, Cemeteries Manager/Registrar Tel: 513692 Email: [email protected]. 3 .