GROUSE PARTNERSHIP NEWS 20th Anniversary Edition – Fall 2019 GROUSE PARTNERSHIP NEWS Message from Jon Haufler, A publication of the North American Grouse Partnership President NAGP North American Grouse Partnership, Inc. EIN 82-0518171 PO Box 717 | Seeley Lake, MT 59868
[email protected] STAFF Executive Director – Vacant Director of Policy – Terry Riley BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jon Haufler, President Rollin Sparrowe, Vice President James Rice, Treasurer Steve Riley, Secretary Andrew Bogan Dan Cecchini, Jr. Willard Heck Chris Madson Robert Manes NAGP is celebrating its 20th year, and our mission and activities have never been more important and needed. Populations of several Doug Pineo Ralph Rogers Steve Sherrod species of grouse are in bad shape with other populations on downward trajectories. As sentinels of landscape integrity, these species Jim Weaver provide a forewarning of conservation concerns. The role of NAGP as an advocate for these species and the habitat that supports them continues to be a critical need. COUNCIL OF SCIENTISTS NAGP has devoted considerable effort over the past couple years to conservation of lesser prairie-chickens(see article on page 22). This Cam Aldridge Brian Cade Dawn Davis species has been a political football among the involved state agencies, the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, U.S. Matt Holloran Dan Keppie Stephanie Manes Fish and Wildlife Service, and industry lobbyists. NAGP has been a key voice for the needs of the species without the entanglements of Gary Norman Angelena Ross Alan Sands conflicts of interest or political pressures. Michael Schroeder Nova Silvy Bill Vodehnal Rick Baydack As part of our recent strategic directions, NAGP has concentrated its efforts on prairie grouse (lesser and greater prairie-chickens, sharp- tailed grouse, and sage-grouse).