
2.3 Road Network Road Network Overview

Page 1 Page 2 Ecuador has a total of 43,200 km of roads:

Paved = 8,161 km

Gravel = 23,055 km

Dirt = 12,000 km

Geographical Road Coverage:

Coast = 16,492 km

Highlands = 22,053 km

Amazon = 4,471 km

Galápagos = 184 km

Distance Matrix

Distances from to Major Towns (km)

Quito Ambato Cuenca Guayaquil Loja Manta Tulcán Esmeraldas

111 432 390 640 362 239 300

111 321 277 529 358 381 371 Ambato

432 321 191 207 392 702 654 Cuenca

390 277 191 398 180 659 447 Guayaquil

640 529 207 398 597 909 861 Loja

362 358 392 180 597 631 371 Manta

239 381 702 659 909 631 395 Tulcán

300 371 654 502 861 371 395 Esmeraldas

Travel Time from Capital City to Major Towns

Quito Ambato Cuenca Guayaquil Loja Manta Tulcán Esmeraldas

02h23 07h41 07h22 10h58 06h44 04h24 05h14 Quito

02h23 04h13 05h08 07h40 04h57 04h50 05h07 Ambato

07h41 04h13 03h28 03h30 5h19 11h22 08h22 Cuenca

07h22 05h08 03h28 05h41 03h17 07h55 07h28 Guayaquil

10h58 07h40 03h30 05h41 08h14 11h11 12h11 Loja

06h44 04h57 5h19 03h17 08h14 08h22 05h21 Manta

04h24 07h55 11h22 07h55 11h11 08h22 05h43 Tulcán

05h14 05h07 08h22 07h28 12h11 05h21 05h43 Esmeraldas

Road Safety

Although some of Ecuador’s roads and highways have greatly improved in recent years, road travel throughout Ecuador can still be dangerous, especially at night. Some roads are poorly maintained, or affected by heavy rains and mudslides. Mountain roads may lack safety features such as crash barriers or guard rails, and conditions are frequently made more treacherous by heavy fog. Highways are often unmarked and unlit, and do not have signs indicating destinations. In addition, slow-moving buses and trucks frequently stop in the middle of the road unexpectedly. In the countryside, livestock is often herded along roads or grazes on roadsides. Lacking sidewalks, many roads are also used by pedestrians.

Weighbridges and Axle Load Limits

Page 3 There are currently no operational weighbridges in Ecuador.

Axle Load Limits LCA Country (ECUADOR) Transit Country (COLOMBIA) Transit Country ()

Truck with 2 Axles 18mt 18 Tons 18 Tons

Truck with 3 Axles 27mt 27mt 27mt

Truck with 4 Axles 32mt 32mt 32mt

Semi-trailer with 3 Axles 27mt 27mt 27mt

Semi-trailer with 4 Axles 31mt 31mt 31mt

Semi-trailer with 5 Axles 47mt 47mt 47mt

Semi-trailer with 6 Axles 48mt 48mt 48mt

Truck & Drawbar Trailer with 4 Axles N/A N/A N/A

Truck & Drawbar Trailer with 5 Axles N/A N/A N/A

Truck & Drawbar Trailer with 6 Axles N/A N/A N/A

Truck & Drawbar Trailer with 7 Axles N/A N/A N/A

Road Class and Surface Conditions

Ecuador – Road Classification

Classification Road Description

Class A Primary Roads: International trunk roads linking international boundaries, international ports or provincial capitals

Class B Secondary Roads: Recolection of trafic from rural or urban area and linking it to the Primary Roads

Class C Terciary Roads and local tracks: They connect Parishes and production areas to the National Road Network

An important route, the Pan-American highway, crosses the country from North to South from Tulcán (in the border with Colombia) to Macará (in the border with Peru), completing a route of 1,397 kilometers throughout the Andean mountains; it is the main artery of communication in the country, as well as with the neighboring countries. Since 2008, GoE directed its effort on road maintenance. In addition to this action, the administration and maintenance of the main roads are currently concessioned to private companies, resulting in a very good condition of primary roads throughout the country.

Ecuador Road Inventory (kms)

Coast Highlands Amazon Islands Total

Paved 4,040 3,628 478 15 8,161

Gravel 6,665 12,405 3,816 169 23,055

Dirt 5,787 6,020 177 0 11,984

Total 16,492 22,053 4,471 184 43,200

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