Established 1914

Volume XIII, Number 328 12th Waxing of Taboung 1367 ME Friday, 10 March, 2006 Senior General Than Shwe meets visiting Indian President and party One agreement, two MoUs inked between Governments of Union of Myanmar, Republic of India

YANGON, 9 March — President of the Repub- lic of India Dr APJ Abdul Kalam met with Chair- Chairman man of the State Peace and Development Council of the State Senior General Than Shwe at the Credentials Hall of Peace and Pyithu Hluttaw Building, here, at 10.45 am today. Develop- Also present at the call were Vice-Chairman ment of the State Peace and Development Council Vice- Council Senior General Maung Aye, Member of the State Senior Peace and Development Council General Thura Shwe General Mann of the Ministry of Defence, Prime Minister Than Shwe General Soe Win, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and greets Development Council Lt-Gen Thein Sein, Minister President for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win, Minister for of the Science and Technology U Thaung, Myanmar Republic of Ambassador to India U Kyi Thein, Director-General India Col Kyaw Kyaw Win of the State Peace and Devel- Dr APJ opment Council Office and Director-General Thura Abdul U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department. Kalam at The Indian President was accompanied by the Creden- high-ranking officers of the Indian Government and tials Hall Indian Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Bhaskar Kumar of Pyithu Mitra. At 12.30 pm, Senior General Than Shwe and Hluttaw party together with Indian President Dr APJ Abdul Building. Kalam and party attended the ceremonies to sign an MNA agreement and MoUs between the Government of the Union of Myanmar and the Government of the ernment of the Republic of India, and they ex- Afterwards, Director-General U Soe Myint of Republic of India, at the Treaty Hall of the Pyithu changed notes. the Energy Planning Department under the Ministry Hluttaw Building. Next, Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs of Energy and Joint-Secretary Mr Prabh Das of the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Kyaw Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko and Foreign Secretary Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas of India Thu, on behalf of the Government of the Union of Mr Shyam Saran of Ministry of External Affairs of signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Myanmar, and Foreign Secretary Mr Shyam Saran India inked the Memorandum of Understanding Cooperation in Petroleum Sector between the of the Ministry of External Affairs, on behalf of the on Cooperation in Buddhist Studies between the Ministry of Energy of the Union of Myanmar Government of the Republic of India signed the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Government and the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas Framework Agreement on Mutual Cooperation of the Union of Myanmar and Indian Council for of the Government of the Republic of India. in the Field of Remote Sensing between the Gov- Cultural Relations of the Government of the After exchanging the notes, the signing cer- ernment of the Union of Myanmar and the Gov- Republic of India, and they exchanged notes. emony came to a close. — MNA

Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe receives Indian President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam at Pyithu Hluttaw Building. — MNA Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 March, 2006 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire Friday, 10 March, 2006 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views Make constant study of * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation national and international * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy developments The government of the Union of Myanmar, in its drive to build the nation into a peaceful, developed and discipline-flourish- ing democracy, places special emphasis on peace and stability and economic and human resources development. A major force of the nation, the Union Solidarity and Development Association, together with all the national peo- ple, is taking part in the nation-building work with national spirit and Union Spirit. To widen the horizons of new generations of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, the government is constantly conducting various kinds of training courses. Myanmar Affairs and International Studies Course No. 11 was concluded at the Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung supplicates on religious affairs. — MNA training hall of the Union Solidarity and De- velopment Association in Hmawby Township Sixth meeting of the Fifth Central Working on 8 March and the closing ceremony was attended by Member of the Central Panel of Committee of the Sangha begins Patrons of USDA Prime Minister General Soe Win. In his address on the occasion, the Prime YANGON, 9 March—The sixth meeting of the Dvipitakadhara Dvipitaka Kovida Bhaddanta Minister expressed his belief that the trainees Fifth Central Working Committee of the Sangha took Jagarabhivamsa of Kalewa Tawya Monastery in Mayangon Township, Yangon Division, acted as MC. had learned the national and international de- place at the Maha Pasana Cave on Kaba Aye Hill here this morning. The MC announced the agendas of the sixth velopments of the past and the present to some Members of the State Central Working Commit- meeting to be held from 9 to 11 March and sought the extent and urged them to put into practice tee of the Sangha Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha approval of the Sayadaws. their knowledge, thoughts and skills gained Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Next, Ovada Kathas (sermons) of the from the course. Bhaddanta Agghiya of Zaya Maydani Waso Monastery Ovadacariya Sayadaws were read out. The list of the The trainees have studied Myanmar his- of Maha Withuddayon Taikthit in Maha Aungmye State Ovadacariya Sayadaws elected, member Sayadaws tory, the national policy, political, economic Township, Mandalay Division, Sayadaw Agga Maha of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee and and social developments, the Road Map for Kammathanacariya Bhaddanta Panñasami of SCWCS Sayadaws were read out and the approval was the nation's future national defence and secu- Ariyavamsa Monastery in Hpa-an, Kayin State, sought. SCWCS Secretary Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha rity, international affairs and cooperation Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Abhidhaja Agga Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta Osadhabhivamsa of between regional organizations. Such courses Saddhamma Jotika Bhaddanta Sobhana of Myatheindan Ponnamaramazay Monastery in Nyaungdon Township, Monastery in Pazundaung Township, Yangon Division, Ayeyawady Division supplicated on the report of the and seminars will enable the tranees to hone Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru of Wuntho SSMNC on work done last year. their abilites, enhance their work proficiency, Monastery in Myitkyina, Kachin State, and Sayadaw Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura possess strong concepts and convicitions and Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sumangala of Maha Myint Maung supplicated on religious affairs. value national character and prestige of their Withuddarama Monastery in Pakokku, Magway Divi- The report of the SSMNC on Vinaya (rules and motherland and their own race, community sion, acted as Ovadacariya Sayadaws of the first day regulations) affairs was submitted. peace and prevalence of law and order and session of the meeting. Sayadaw Bhaddanta Jagarabhivamsa and national unity. Chairman of the SCWCS Sayadaw Abhidhaja Sayadaw Bhaddanta Canda Siri assessed the sugges- The Union Solidarity and Development Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha tions of the SCWCS Sayadaws. Association is taking an active part in politi- Saddhammajotika Bhaddanta Kumara of Maha Sandi traditional medicine house family offered cal, economic and social work as well as in Withutarama Monastery in Magway Towship, Magway alms food to the members of the Sangha today, and Division, presided over the meeting. Joint-Secretary of Maung Htein Lin and Ma Myat Myat Tun of No 7, rural development tasks. They are also re- the SCWCS Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Seson Street, Sangyoung Township, yesterday. — MNA quired to carry out the work on electricity supply, the opening of libraries in rural areas and cultivation of physic nut as a national Functions of Carpet Factory in Dawbon inspected

duty. And finally, we would like to call on all YANGON, 9 March — Minister for Agriculture structed officials to manufacture quality products. the members of the Union Solidarity and and Irrigation Maj-Gen Htay Oo yesterday afternoon Next, the minister discussed production of Development Association to apply, in their arrived at Dawbon Carpet Factory located between quality carpets with officials, and attended to the everyday life, their knowledge, thoughts and Minnanda Road and Pazundaung Creek in Dawbon needs. The minister viewed various items of carpet skills they have gained from the course and Township. designs displayed at the hall of the factory. The fac- make a constant study of national and inter- Factory Manager U Kyaw Myint reported to the tory manufactures various sizes of carpets and tissue national developments. minister on production capacity of the factory and paper roles. — MNA manufacturing of various kinds of carpets. Managing Director U Ye Phone Myint of

Myanma Jute Enterprise gave a supplementary report

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 March, 2006 3

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China urges Iran to fully



  cooperate with IAEA 

BEIJING, 8 March — Chinese Foreign Minister power as a Non-Proli- China urged Iran on Li Zhaoxing told a news feration Treaty signatory, Tuesday to fully cooperate conference .“There is still but must fulfil its NPT with the International room for a resolution under obligations, Li said. Zhang Atomic Energy Agency to IAEA and the international Yan, China’s top disarma- defuse a standoff over its community should not give ment official, is in Vienna nuclear ambitions. up efforts,” Li said. working on the issue, he said. The IAEA said on Li said China hoped On Monday, US Monday a deal to defuce talks on the issue could Undersecretary of State the standoff was still yield positive results and Nicholas Burns said possible after a surge of that all parties remained Washington wanted diplomacy involving Rus- restrained and patient, European and other sia and the top European demonstrated flexibility countries to join in im- Union powers. and continued to commit posing travel and financial “We hope Iran can fully to diplomatic approaches sanctions on Iran if Teheran cooperate with the IAEA to resolve the issue. refused to halt nuclear An aerial acrobatic team performs in the Air Show & Aviation Expo held in Egypt’s and adopt more measures Iran has the right to enrichment. Red Sea resort Sharm el Sheikh, on 8 March, 2006. More than 50 aviation that can help boost trust,” peaceful use of nuclear MNA/Reuters enterprises including Boeing and Airbus took part in the event.—INTERNET Demographers say Whites to be minority Make more money, Berlusconi in New York area soon NEW YORK, 8 March country have changed the Times reported on Tuesday. tells poor Italians —The influx of immi- demography of metropoli- According to a recently MILAN, 7 March—Prime Minister grants to New York and its tan New York so pro- released analysis of 2004 Silvio Berlusconi's recommendation suburbs and the continuing foundly that Whites will Census estimates by the for Italians trying to escape poverty: do exodus of non-Hispanic become a minority within a Brookings Institute, this it my way and earn more cash. Whites to other parts of the few years, the New York shift would make New Asked in a television interview late York the first large on Monday what the government could metropolitan area outside do to help a worker earning only 1,500 the South and West in which euros ($1,793) a month, Italy's richest Whites do not make up a man said: “The answer of Berlusconi majority. Whites have been the businessman is, try to earn more.” a minority in New York He then launched into an account of City since the 1980's. But how he scraped together his first PM Silvio Berlusconi of now that shift is extending earnings that laid the foundation for his Italy.—INTERNET to the wider metropolitan media empire, by helping out at a local area, driven by immigration market and by collecting paper in the Telelombardia. and higher birth rates street, scrunching it up into balls and Berlusconi’s popularity has suffered among immigrants. reselling it to people who used it to as his country is struggling to pull out light their stoves. Already, non-Hispanic of an economic slump and opinion “When someone gave me a camera, Whites are a minority of polls show his centre-right bloc trailing I used it to take pictures at funerals, the metropolitan area's the centre-left coalition led by Romano weddings and I took portraits,” he added population younger than 15. Prodi ahead of a national election in in an interview with northern Italian “New York is still the April.—Internet classic melting pot, with a whole diverse array of immigrants coming in, but Car bombs wound three the suburbs are now becoming part of this bigger in south of Baghdad Beachgoers relax behind a sculpture by Australian melting pot,” said William BAGHDAD, 8 March— people, a police source northern part of Hilla, artist Richie Kuhaupt titled "Straight Up and Frey, the Brookings Two car bombs went off said. some 100 kilometres south Down" at Perth's Cottesloe Beach, on 8 March, Institution demographer separately in the city of The first bomb of Baghdad, causing no 2006, which is part of the Sculpture by the Sea who conducted the analysis. Hilla south of Baghdad on detonated at about 9:40 casualties, the source Exhibition. —INTERNET MNA/Xinhua Tuesday, wounding three am (0640 GMT) in the said on condition of anonymity. Shortly after, a second 2,303 US troops car bomb went off at a busy area, wounding three killed in Iraq people, the source added. Earlier, another two WASHINGTON, 8 March—As of Wednesday, 8 car bombs targeting US March, 2006, at least 2,303 members of the US patrols detonated in military have died since the beginning of the Iraq southern and western war in March 2003, according to an Associated Baghdad, killing a civilian Press count. The figure includes seven military and wounding five others, civilians. At least 1,803 died as a result of hostile according to an Interior action, according to the military’s numbers. Ministry source. The AP count is one fewer than the Defence Guerillas attack US Department's tally, last updated Wednesday at and Iraqi security forces 10 am EST. on highways, main roads The British military has reported 103 deaths; and busy areas in and Italy, 27; , 18; , 17; , 13; around Baghdad in a bid Spain, 11; , three; Denmark, El Salvador, Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan attends a peace march as part of International to cripple the coun- Estonia, Netherlands, Thailand, two each; and Women's Day in Washington, on 8 March, 2006. The protesters collected over try’s ongoing political Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, one death each. 100,000 signatures calling on the withdrawal of all foreign troops and fighters process. Internet from Iraq. —INTERNET MNA/Xinhua

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 March, 2006

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Iran insists on nuclear fuel ¡




  research programme  VIENNA, 8 March— Iran will only accept a two-year moratorium on industrial-scale production of nuclear fuel if it is allowed to run a small-scale Thai economy to grow 4.5-5.5% in 2006 enrichment research programme, which would be monitored by UN inspectors, BANGKOK, 8 March — year, according to the web Thailand’s slowest a diplomat close to talks between Iran and the EU said on Tuesday. The National Economic edition of the local news- expansion last year as “Any moratorium of Russia and UN nuclear International Atomic and Social Development paper Bangkok Post. farm output fell and lower more than two years on watchdog chief Mohamed Energy Agency, said on Board (NESDB) of NESDB said that exports hurt manufactur- industrial-scale produc- ElBaradei are pushing the Monday a deal to defuse Thailand said on Monday Thailand’s gross domestic ing, prompting the gov- tion and any suspension West to let Iran pursue the standoff was still the country's economy is product (GDP) showed a ernment to cut this year's of nuclear research enrichment research on a possible after diplomacy expected to show a growth slowdown and grew on a growth forecast. activities will make it small scale under UN involving Russia and the of 4.5 to 5.5 per cent this seasonally adjusted basis The agency said that it difficult to reach a deal,” surveillance, diplomats say. three EU powers. year after having shown a at 0.9 per cent in the fourth was therefore revising the diplomat said. ElBaradei, head of the MNA/Reuters growth of 4.5 per cent last quarter as high fuel prices down its 2006 projections On Friday, Iran said and rising interest rates to 4.5 to 5.5 per cent it could delay large-scale outweighed seasonal against its past projection uranium enrichment for up tourism and export of 4.7 to 5.7 per cent, citing to two years. European recoveries. the negative impact from Union negotiators demand The state economic the rising interest rates a 10-year moratorium on planning agency said that and the higher fuel cost. all enrichment activities. the fourth quarter was MNA/Xinhua The EU trio of France, Britain, Germany, and the United States, have Complexity causes rejected the idea of allowing Iran to run a half of product returns small enrichment research AMSTERDAM, 7 March— Half of all programme, arguing that malfunctioning products that are returned to stores this risks enabling Teheran by consumers work just fine, if only the customer to master technology it knew how to operate the device, a scientist said on Monday. could then use in a covert Such product com- electronics gadgets has nuclear weapons progra- plaints and returns are flooded the market in mme. Iran denies seeking often caused by poor recent years, ranging atomic bombs. design, but companies Visitors look at a display from MP3 players and often dismiss them as on the opening day of the home cinema sets to “nuisance calls,” Elke Australian woman survives days Taipei International media centers and den Ouden found in her Cycle Show on 8 March, wireless audio systems, thesis at the Technical at sea on urine 2006. More than 650 but consumers still find University of Eindhoven BANGKOK, 8 March — “If I want to survive, I who had been living on exhibitors are displaying it hard to install and use in the south of An Australian yach- have to manage myself,” her yacht at a Phuket their products of them, she said. Netherlands. tswoman said on Tuesday the Belgian-born Cour- marina for the past 18 high-tech bikes until 11 The average consumer A wave of versatile she drank her own urine teille said she kept telling months, appeared to be in March.—INTERNET in the United States will to survive five days at sea herself. good shape. struggle for 20 minutes to without food or water after “I swim and hold the “Her blood tests show get a device working, being swept out to sea in a boat in the day to avoid an electrolyte imbalance before giving up, the study dinghy from a Thai island. from the sun and I have to with some sunburns, but found. Product developers, Dominique Courteille, drink my urine,” she said her physical appearance brought in to witness the 57, a mother of four from in a statement dictated to a shows she is strong,” struggles of average Perth, said after being hospital worker on the the spokeswoman told consumers, were as- rescued by a Taiwan Thai resort island of Reuters. tounded by the havoc they fishing boat in Indonesian Phuket to which the “She refuses to stay at created.—Internet waters she held onto the fishing boat took her. the hospital because she little boat to shade herself A hospital spokes- says she misses her from the fierce sun. woman said Courteille, friends.”—MNA/Reuters Mankind origin museum opened Japanese walk past a in S Africa stock quotation board JOHANNESBURG, 9 in Tokyo, on 9 March, March—South African 2006. The Nikkei share President Thabo Mbeki average climbed 2.23 Tuesday opened a new percent on Thursday museum complex to morning as investors bet showcase the origin of the Bank of Japan was mankind and bushman likely to scrap its Man robs Cypriot bank with just a bag rock art to the general unprecedented ultra- public at the University lose monetary policy NICOSIA, 7 March—Police criticized a Cypriot of the Witwatersrand later in the day, putting bank on Wednesday after it handed over money to (Wits) in Johannes- an end to weeks of a helmeted man armed only with a bag. burg. market uncertainty. “When they see Aradhippou, near the Mbeki said the INTERNET someone wearing a coastal city of Larnaca — opening of the Origins (motorbike) helmet, it and was let in by Centre was timely, would be good if they unsuspecting employees A South Korean walks following soon after first made sure he is who mistook him for a past a model of a the inauguration of a customer,” Larnaca customer, police said. Scud-B missile (R) the Southern African police chief Andreas He ordered a teller to and a model of a Nike Large Telescope Krokos said. put the money in his bag missile at a war (SALT) and the Cradle On Wednesday morn- and left, police said. There museum in Seoul, on 9 of Humankind Maro- ing, the man pressed the were no other customers May, 2006. peng Visitor's Centre. bank's buzzer—a normal in the bank at the time. INTERNET MNA/Xinhua procedure at the branch in Internet THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 March, 2006 5 France urges Iran to Fire at Dhaka sweater factory suspend nuclear kills three in stampede research DHAKA, 8 March —Three workers of a sweater factory died in a stampede and an unspecified PARIS, 8 March—France called on Iran to suspend number of workers were injured on Monday its nuclear research activities, the Foreign Ministry evening after it caught fire at Board Bazar, 25 said on Tuesday. kilometres north of Dhaka, private television “We are asking for Iranian nuclear issue, channel Ntv reported on Tuesday. a return to the full saying the meeting was Ntv said the stampede was created after the suspension of activities held to inform the factory caught fire from a burst of electric bulb. linked to enrichment and Europeans on the contacts The nervous workers rushed to the exit, creating treatment, including between Moscow and the stampede that killed the workers. research and develop- Teheran. MNA/Xinhua ment,” French Foreign Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokesman Minister Serguei Lavrov Two explosions hit Jean-Baptiste Mattei said. was to hand over a plan Ethiopian capital He said it was the to solve the nuclear CEO of BenQ Mobile Clemens Joos (R) and Executive ADDIS ABABA, 8 March—Two explosions rocked stand shared by the crisis on Tuesday to US Vice-President of BenQ corporation Jerry Wang pose the southern part of the Ethiopian capital Addis European troika, France, President George W with BenQ mobile phones at the CeBIT computer fair Ababa around noon on Tuesday, severely injuring Britain and Germany, Bush and his American in the northern German city of Hanover, on 8 March, four people, police said. which commit them- counterpart Condoleezza 2006. The world's largest computer and information One blast hit the Lalibela Hotel near the capital's selves to negotiations Rice. technology fair CeBIT runs from 9 March until 15 airport, extensively damaging the building and March, 2006.—INTERNET with Iran in order that MNA/Xinhua injuring four people, police said. Iran’s nuclear programme The other explosion struck a market. Police is for civilian purpose and Earthquake jolts buildings in India's Gujarat State said the device was hidden in a rubbish bin. There were no injuries.—MNA/Reuters cannot lead to the building AHMEDABAD (India), 8 An official at the Indian “My whole building of atomic weapons. March — An earthquake Meteorological Depart- shook,” a Reuters reporter He confirmed that shook buildings in India's ment in New Delhi con- said. “The floor moved “AIDS” kills three million in representatives of the western state of Gujarat firmed the tremors but said and kitchen utensils sub-Sahara Africa last year European countries had late on Tuesday, a Reuters it would take time to shook.” LUSAKA, 8 March — Three million people died reporter and witnesses record the intensity and The Reuters reporter already met with Russian last year of HIV/AIDS-related illnesses in sub- said. the epicentre. said the tremor lasted negotiators over the Sahara Africa, Times of Zambia reported on for about a minute and Tuesday. caused panic all over Gunmen rob precious relics Southern Africa has a 25-per-cent AIDS Ahmedabad, Gujarat's infection rate and one in every four pregnant main city. from Rio de Janeiro museum women are infected with AIDS, the report quoted “I can see almost the BRASILIA, 8 March— The pieces are cultural staff's purses and gold Zambia’s National AIDS Council specialist Jubra entire city on the streets,” Two armed men robbed a relics dating back to the ornaments. Muyanga as saying.— MNA/Xinhua museum of some precious era of the Brazilian Empire This is the second she said. “People are cultural relics in Brazilian in 19th century, according museum robbery the city sitting at road crossings Gunmen kill three city of Rio de Janeiro on to the officials. has witnessed for the last and there are traffic jams policemen in northern Iraq Monday afternoon, city In addition, the robbers 10 days. everywhere.” official said. snatched the museum MNA/Xinhua MNA/Reuters TIKRIT, 8 March — Unknown gunmen shot dead three policemen and wounded three others in The stolen relics in the Genes determine coffee-related heart attack risk Rio de Janeiro City a drive shooting attack on Tuesday near the Museum include a gold- NEW YORK, 8 March — much coffee, investi- The study was northern Iraqi oil refinery town of Baiji, a local studded walking stick, a A genetic mutation that gators report in the conducted between 1994 police source told Xinhua. sword studded with ivory, slows the rate that the Journal of the American and 2004 in Costa Rica. “Unidentified armed men opened fire at a a sword decorated with body metabolizes caf- Medical Association. The team's results police patrol travelling on the main road near gold and silver, two feine increases indivi- Caffeine is meta- showed that only carriers Baiji, killing three policemen and seriously medals and a vase made duals’ risk of having a bolized primarily in the of the gene mutation for wounding three others,” said Lieutenant of coral. heart attack if they drink liver by the cytochrome slow caffeine metabolism Mukhallad Mazin from Baiji, some 200 kilometres P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) were at increased risk of north of Baghdad. enzyme, Dr Ahmed El- heart attack associated The attackers fled the scene in their cars, Students create Sohemy and colleagues with drinking coffee. leaving the victims stained in blood in their police note. MNA/Reuters vehicles, he added. — MNA/Xinhua plant that glows They explain that mutation in the gene that when thirsty codes for this enzyme alters the rate of caffeine SINGAPORE , 7 March—Some people like to talk to their plants. Now, students at Singapore metabolism. This may Polytechnic say they have created a plant that explain why studies can communicate with people — by glowing looking at the association when it needs water. between coffee consum- The students said on Tuesday that ption and heart attack risk they have genetically modified a have been inconclusive. plant using a green fluorescent marker To test the effect of gene from jellyfish, so that it “lights up” the CYP1A2 mutations when it is stressed as a result of on heart attack risk, dehydration. El-Sohemy, from the The light is hard to detect with the naked eye University of Toronto, but can be seen using an optical sensor and his team mapped out developed in collaboration with students at the genes that result in Singapore's Nanyang Technological Univer- slow metabolism and sity. those that result in rapid The development of such plants could help metabolism for 2,014 farmers to develop more efficient irrigation patients who had a first Cars drive through the snow on a highway in Frankfurt, central Germany, on 8 of crops. nonfatal heart attack March, 2006 after heavy snowfalls started again in southern Germany. Internet and for 2,014 healthy controls. INTERNET 6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 March, 2006 Cambodia, Vietnam to further strengthen bilateral relations

PHNOM PENH, 8 March — Cambodian and Vietnam on Tuesday reaf- firmed to consolidate and expand the good neighbourliness and close coop- eration between the two countries as the Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai wrapped up his two-day visit here. In a joint statement, other on the development agreements were signed Cambodian Prime Minis- efforts in their respective during Phan’s visit, in- ter Hun Sen and his Viet- countries and reviewed a cluding the production of namese counterpart Phan wide range of bilateral border markers, health Van Khai expressed their and regional issues dur- and information coopera- satisfaction with expand- ing the meeting. tion and the facilitation ing and deepening bilat- Bilateral and regional of cross-border transport. eral cooperation in recent issues including the trade “Our two countries years, particularly fol- and economic coopera- want to boost their bilate- lowing the exchange of tion were on the top of ral trade to one billion Russian President Vladimir Putin, front centre, and members of the Russian visits by the top leaders the agenda of the two US dollars, it is not dif- Olympic team pose in the Kremlin in Moscow, on 6 March, 2006. President of the two countries Prime Ministers’ discus- ficult for us,” Prime Min- Putin said at a meeting with Russian athletes who took part in the Olympic in 2005. sion. ister Hun Sen said at Games in Turin, that each of Russia’s Olympic medalists will be presented with They briefed each Several cooperation Tuesday’s business fo- a Toyota car.—INTERNET rum to promote the trade Fitch forecasts economic and economic coopera- Indonesia to raise LNG price tion between Cambodia growth in Asia to slow and Vietnam. for industry soon Hun Sen said that down this year “Vietnam has lots of JAKARTA, 8 March — Indonesia’s state oil company PT Pertamina would soon raise the price of liquefied natural gas (LNG) for industrial use in a bid SINGAPORE, 8 March — wide, especially in Asia, product, but lack the Fitch Ratings, a world are attracting longer-term market, while Cambodia to cut shortage, company spokesman Muchamad Harun said here Tuesday. leading credit rating investors and widening has a market, but has no The hike would range When asked when the However, he said Indo- agency dual-headquar- the region’s investor base enough goods.” He urged from 6,000 to 7,000 hike would begin, he said nesia would not raise the tered in New York and to include insurance and the Vietnam to increase rupiah (about 70 US “the sooner the better, gas price for household London, forecasts Tues- pension funds compa- its investment in Cambo- cents) per kilogramme, that means cutting our this year. day that the economic nies. — MNA/Xinhua dia. — MNA/Xinhua from the current price of shortage”. MNA/Xinhua growth in Asia is to slow 4,250 rupiah per kilo- down moderately in the 6,000 Vietnamese women, gramme, said Harun. second half of this year Currently, Indonesia as the American econo- children trafficked abroad bought the gas from the my eases. international market at a According to Channel in 2005 price of 700 US dollars a metric ton, he said. NewsAsia report, analysts HANOI, 8 March — Vietnam reported 6,000 lo- at Fitch Ratings expect cal women and children were trafficked abroad “For industry, we the economic growth in mainly for disadvantaged marriage, child adoption, have a plan to increase the region, which “is and labour and sex slavery in 2005, a local official price, we will adjust the highly leveraged to glo- told Xinhua on Tuesday. hike to market price. The bal growth and to US The victims were sent overseas mainly in the price of gas in interna- growth”, to drop half a forms of touring and working abroad, and illegally tional market is 700 US percentage point this year crossing borders through border gates, the official dollars per metric ton, from 7.5 per cent last from the Ho Chi Minh City Children Sponsoring one kilogramme is about year. Association said, declining to be named. 70 cent, or about 6,000 They were quoted as Many victims were trafficked to Cambodia, some to 7,000 rupiah,” said saying at Fitch’s Asian of them, using fake passports, were eventually sent Harun. Sovereign Hot Spots con- to a third destination like Thailand, Malaysia and The spokesman said ference held Tuesday in Singapore, she said. Pertamina would wait for a signal from the govern- Singapore that higher in- The Vietnamese Government has recently A Standard Missile — 3 (SM)—is launched from terest rates in the mid to adopted four projects on combating trafficking of ment, the major stake- the USS Lake Erie (CG 70) in a Missile Defence long-term and a turning children and women in the 2005-2010 period, which holder of the company, Agency and Japan Defence Agency joint test in the in the housing market in focus on four areas, namely strengthening propa- when the hike would Pacific in this photo released by the US Defence the United States will ganda and education on preventing children and kick off. Department, on 8 March, 2006.—INTERNET hurt its domestic con- women trafficking in the community, intensifying sumption. fights against human trafficking, building up legal US experts discover huge impact crater in Egypt Analysts also said that documents on the issue, and giving stronger sup- emerging markets world- port to victims. — MNA/Xinhua CAIRO, 8 March — Experts from the US’ Boston University have dis- covered a giant crater made by a meteorite impact millions of years ago in Egypt’s western desert, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported on Tuesday at its website. “Boston University erosion might have cause it is so large,” Dr experts found the 31 kilo- helped it escape detection Farouk El-Baz, director metres wide crater while all these years. of the Boston University studying satellite images The structure, which Centre for Remote Sens- of the area,” said the has an outer rim sur- ing, told BBC. “Also, BBC report. rounding an inner ring, the search for craters It is more than twice has been named typically concentrates on the size of the next larg- “Kebira”, which means small features, especially est Saharan impact de- “large” in Arabic and those that can be identi- pression and more than also relates to the crater’s fied on the ground. The 25 times the size of Ari- physical location on the advantage of a view from zona’s famous Meteor northern tip of the Gilf space is that it allows us Crater. Kebir region in south- to see regional patterns The American team west Egypt. and the big picture,” he Flamingos are seen in Fuente de Piedra natural reserve in Fuente de Piedra, that found it said its sheer “Kebira may have said. southern Spain on 6 March, 2006. —INTERNET size and water and wind escaped recognition be- MNA/Xinhua THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 March, 2006 7 Top Chinese leaders join Russia’s lawmakers in group discussions FM says UN sanctions will BEIJING, 9 March — President Hu Jintao, top legislator Wu Bangguo and Premier Wen Jiabao joined lawmakers from all over the country in group not work on discussions on Wednesday, calling for hard work to boost economic and social development and build a harmonious society. Iran The 10th National economic structure and views with NPC deputies UNITED NATIONS, 9 People’s Congress (NPC), change the mode of eco- from Heilongjiang Pro- March — Russian For- eign Minister Sergei the Chinese legislature, is nomic growth to improve vince, an old industrial Lavrov said on Wednes- holding its annual full ses- economic efficiency,” base in the northeast. day that imposing UN Se- sion in Beijing, bringing Hu, also general secre- Hu said it is impera- curity Council sanctions together more than 2,900 tary of the Central Com- tive to build an industrial on Iran would be ineffec- lawmakers. mittee of the Communist structure with the high- tive in convincing Tehe- “We shall seize op- Party of China (CPC), tech sector acting as a ran to curb its nuclear portunities to readjust said while exchanging leading driving force, ambitions. where the traditional Lavrov, speaking to Iran terms ElBaradei’s manufacturing and ter- reporters after talks with tiary sectors should en- UN Secretary-General report as contradictory joy overall development. Kofi Annan, also ruled out During the discus- a military solution to the TEHERAN, 9 March — Iran dismissed as contra- Iran crisis. dictory the latest report on the Iranian nuclear sions with legislators “We are convinced issue submitted by Director-General of the Inter- from Inner Mongolia Au- that there is no military national Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Mohamed tonomous Region, Wu Astronauts Marcos Pontes of Brazil (R) and Jeffrey solution to this crisis,” ElBaradei to the agency’s board of governors on Bangguo, chairman of Williams of the US (C) and Russian cosmonaut Lavrov said, saying that Wednesday. the 10th NPC Standing Pavel Vinogradov sit in front of a training module of British and German offi- Committee, said that to the Soyuz space capsule in the Star City space “Although ElBaradei reiterated that the IAEA cials had publicly stated build a new countryside centre near Moscow, on 7 March, 2006. — INTERNET witnessed no deviation from peaceful means or to- they shared that view. wards military purposes in Iran’s nuclear activities, his is a task of historical sig- “I don’t think sanc- report emphasizes that Iran has to answer some ques- nificance. “We shall tions as a means to solve a Helicopters carrying US, tions on it’s nuclear programme which still remain make all efforts to in- crisis have ever achieved unanswered,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid- crease rural people’s in- a goal in the recent his- Filipino troops attacked Reza Asefi was quoted by the official IRNA news come,” Wu said. tory,” he said. agency as saying. MNA/Xinhua MNA/Reuters in S Philippines ElBaradei’s report says that the IAEA has no proof MANILA, 9 March — Suspected Abu Sayyaf that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons, at the same time, Iran says US may feel “pain” if gunmen fired at low-flying military helicopters it does not rule out the possibility of clandestine carrying US and Philippine troops in southern nuclear activities due to insufficient information. Security Council acts Philippines late Tuesday, but no one was hurt in the IAEA’s 35-nation board of governors started to VIENNA, 9 March — watchdog board meeting attack, according to military reports and US Em- discuss the report presented by ElBaradei in the third Iran said on Wednesday in Vienna. bassy here on Wednesday. day of its regular meeting which kicked off in Vienna the United States could Iran has accused Military reports reach- confirmed the report, say- on Monday. feel “harm and pain” if Washington of helping to ing here said the incident ing US troops will not be After the meeting, ElBaradei’s report will be im- the UN Security Council engineer an International happened when the heli- pulled out from Sulu de- mediately handed over to the UN Security Council. took up the issue of Tehe- Atomic Energy Agency copters were conducting spite the attack. The emergency meeting of IAEA board of gover- ran’s nuclear research and board vote a month ago to aerial survey over war- The US Embassy nors voted on 4 February to report Iran’s nuclear case Teheran vowed to pursue report Teheran’s atomic scarred Sulu Island. spokesman Matthew to the UN Security Council but called on the world the programme come what project to the Security Some US special Lussenhop said US hu- body to withhold punitive actions. may. Council. forces and Filipino troops manitarian missions in Meanwhile, Asefi blamed the United States for the “The United States Iran denies Western were aboard two US-made Mindanao will go unham- current deadlock on the Iranian nuclear issue, saying may have the power to suspicions it is secretly try- UH-1H Bell helicopters pered amid security threats. that “the Americans have politicized the atmosphere in cause harm and pain but it ing to build atomic bombs, when a volley of rifle fire He said about 250 US which no expert work can be done”. is also susceptible to harm saying it seeks only nu- from rugged village of soldiers are temporarily “The world will witness how the agency can and pain. So if the United clear-generated electri- Buanza, Jolo, hit one of assigned to Sulu and the defend its identity,” Asefi said. “Washington is mak- States wishes to choose city. the choppers, said the re- nearby city of Zamboanga ing efforts to weaken international organizations, in- that path, let the ball roll,” “In any case, we will ports. to conduct humanitarian cluding the IAEA, so that it could advance its policies it said in a statement ob- continue to exercise our But no one was hurt missions under a joint mili- in the world.” tained by Reuters on the research and develop- when the bullets pierced tary operation in Mindanao MNA/Xinhua sidelines of a UN nuclear ment activities based on through a helicopter’s called Bayanihan, which our right,” the statement main rotor blade, the re- was launched by the two said. ports added. countries two years ago. MNA/Reuters The US Embassy here MNA/Xinhua Afghan President calls on people to protect women’s rights KABUL, 9 March — other practice that violates common. Women, subject Afghanistan’s President women’s rights,” he told to violence in the vast ru- Hamid Karzai on an audience of some 1,000 ral areas, are even sold Wednesday called upon women who gathered to like goods or paid as com- the religious leaders and mark International Wo- pensation to reconcile social figures to support men’s Day. feud. More than 100 cases women’s rights and help He also stressed the of women’s suicide have stop forced and underage importance of raising been reported since last marriage. literacy rate among the year, most of which were “I wish this year that women and called on peo- caused by domestic vio- China’s Synchronise Swimming team perform during the Team Free Routine in our religious leaders, no- ple to send their children, lence. It is the 5th Interna- the Synchronise Swimming competition, on 8 March, 2006 in Singapore during tables, elders and social especially girls, to school. tional Women’s Day the 7th Milo Asia Swimming Championships. China won the competition figures to rise their voice In Afghanistan, espe- celebrated in the post- beating teams from Malaysia and Singapore who came in second and third against forced marriage, cially in the countryside, Taleban Central Asian respectively. — INTERNET underage marriage and the forced marriage is still state.—MNA/Xinhua 8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 March, 2006 Myanmar, India sign framework agreement, MoUs

Senior General Than Shwe and Indian President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam attend ceremony to sign the MoU on Coopration on Buddhist Studies between the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Myanmar Government and the Indian Council for Cultural Relations of the Indian Government.— MNA

Senior General Than Shwe and Indian President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam attend ceremony to sign the Framework Agreement on Mutual Cooperation in the Field of Remote Sensing between the Myanmar Government and the Indian Government. MNA

Senior General Than Shwe and Indian President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam attend ceremony to sign the MoU on Cooperation in Petroleum Sector between the Ministry of Energy of the Myanmar Government and the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas of the Indian Government. MNA

TV quiz marks 61st Armed Forces Day

YANGON, 9 March — As a gesture of hailing the 61st Anniversary of Armed Forces Day, TV quiz for higher education level took place today at Myanma Radio and Television here. A total of 12 students from universities and colleges participated in the quiz. Maung Win Kyaw Thu of Institute of Nursing won the first prize; Maung Ever Kyaw of Yangon West Technology Institute the second and Maung Tin Htoo Naing of Institute of Paramedical Sciences (Yangon) the third. Prize win- ners will be awarded at the prize presentation ceremony of the 61st Armed Forces Day. — MNA Winners in Painting and Sculpture Cash donated to MWAF Contest announced YANGON, 9 March — Chairper- Affairs Federation at a ceremony at YANGON, 9 March — To mark A total of 1,037 entries were son of Women’s Affairs Organization MWAF this afternoon, attended by the 61st Anniversary Armed Forces submitted to the painting contest, and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs MWAF President Daw Than Than Nwe, Day 2006, the Painting and Sculp- 137 works to the wooden and plasta Daw Myint Soe and members donated Vice-President Daw Khin Lay Myint ture Contest Organizing Sub-com- sculpture contest. Winners in the two K 500,000 to Myanmar Women’s and others. — MNA mittee under the Work Committee contests are to contact Secretary U for Organizing the Poem and Arts Thit Lwin Soe of Painting and Sculp- Naing Naing Lin sets aim to Competitions chaired by Deputy ture Contest Organizing Sub-commit- Minister for Culture Brig-Gen Soe tee, Lecturer (Painting), University of secure amateur champion Win Maung announced winners in Culture (Yangon), Tel: 01-590260, the Painting and Sculpture Contest 01-590265: Ext 116, and 01-545082. under-par 215 total in the tion. While Kyaw Thiha yesterday. MNA Tiger Myanmar Amateur scored an eight-over-par Open 2006 at Yangon Golf 80 on the third round for a Club in Danyingon, here, 12-over-par 228 on aggre- 187 pearl lots sold at this morning. gate, Aung Win shot a Bo Bo staying at the three stroke over Kyaw 20th Pearl Sale second position produced Thiha’s 80 strokes with a YANGON, 9 March cluded today. ministry here attracting his first birdie in the Open total of 228 for three —Local pearl merchants The Pearl Sale or- over 70 pearl merchants. YANGON, 9 March for a seven-over-par 223 rounds. purchased a total of 187 ganized by Myanmar A total of 190 pear — Naing Naing Lin en- total and he was just eight The fourth and pearl lots through tender Pearl Enterprise of the lots were put on sale and larged his leader board up strokes adrift of the leader. final round of the Open system at the 20th Pearl Ministry of Mines kicked displayed at the sale. to third round after firing a Kyaw Thiha and Aung continues at the same Sale (2006) which con- off on 7 March at the MNA two-over-par 74 for a one- Win shared the third posi- venue tomorrow. — MNA THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 March, 2006 9 Indian President and party visit Shwedagon Pagoda, People’s Park, Dagon BEHS No 1, Myanmar Info-Tech, King Zafar Shah’s Tomb

YANGON, 9 March — School No 1 in Dagon rived at Shwedagon Pa- Headmaster U Kyaw The Indian goodwill dele- Township, and Myanmar goda at 9.50 am. They Kyaw and teachers wel- gation led by Indian Presi- Info-Tech Building. Later, were welcomed by Minis- comed the Indian delega- dent Dr APJ Abdul they paid homage to King ter for Religious Affairs tion. Students welcomed Kalam visited Shwedagon Zafar Shah’s Tomb. Brig-Gen Thura Myint the Indian President by Pagoda, here, this morn- Accompanied by Maung and members of waving miniature flags. ing. Minister for Science and the pagoda board of trus- The guests visited the Indian President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam donates cash The visiting Indian Technology U Thaung, tees. computer lab where stu- to the Shwedagon Pagoda funds through Minister President planted a tree in Myanmar Ambassador to At the southern dents of seventh and Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung.—MNA commemoration of the India U Kyi Thein, Indian prayer hall, alternate eighth standards were State visit at the People’s Ambassador to Myanmar member of the pagoda learning ICT-based les- Park. The Indian Presi- Mr Bhaskar Kumar Mitra board of trustees U Ba sons. The Indian guests dent and delegation visi- and officials, the Indian Shwe explained facts also viewed software ap- ted Basic Education High President and party ar- about the pagoda to the plication of fifth and sixth Indian delegation. standard students at the Indian President Dr multi-media teaching lab. APJ Abdul Kalam signed At Dagon Thiri Hall, the visitors’ book and pre- students’ band presented sented cash donations to- Indian songs to the Indian wards the funds of the President and party. Next, pagoda through the minis- the Indian President posed ter. for a documentary photo They went round the with students of the band. pagoda and viewed the Eighth standard stu- Jade Buddha Image, and dent Ma Soe Kaythari re- the Royal Bell of King ported on the history of Thayawady. They cor- the school. dially conversed with pil- The Indian President The Indian President pours water on a Gangaw tree grims and posed for a gave an advice on pursu- in People’s Park planted to mark his visit.—MNA documentary photo. ing education to the stu- At 10.30 am, the In- dents, and replied to the Communications, Posts Next, Minister Brig- dian delegation led by In- questions. and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Gen Thein Zaw presented dian President Dr APJ Afterwards, the In- Thein Zaw, Vice-Chair- a portrait of Myanmar The Indian President visits Zafar Shah’s Tomb. Abdul Kalam proceeded dian President presented man of the e-National Info-Tech Building to the MNA to the People’s Park the photo of Milky Way, Task Force U Aung Indian President. where they were wel- 10 sets of computer and Myint, Chairman of The guests viewed comed by Chairman of books on computer tech- Myanmar Info-Tech U the scale model of the Yangon City Develop- nology to Headmaster U Thein Oo and BOD mem- building and the Indian ment Committee Mayor Kyaw Kyaw, and signed bers. President signed the visi- Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin the visitors’ book. Minister Brig-Gen tors’ book. and officials. Eighth standard stu- Thein Zaw extended They visited the e- President Dr APJ dent Maung Win Min Thu greetings and explained Learning Centre of Abdul Kalam planted a presented a portrait of the ICT progress in Myanmar Myanmar Computer Gangaw tree (Mesua Indian President as a gift and functions of Federation and software ferrea) in commemoration to the Indian President. Myanmar Info-Tech. companies at the building. of his visit. The visiting President Indian President Dr On arrival at the King At 1 pm, they went cordially greeted the APJ Abdul Kalam also Zafar Shah’s Tomb in the to BEHS No 1 in Dagon headmaster, students and explained Internet use of evening, Chairman of the Township. Minister for students. the whole India and ICT Supervisory Committee Education Dr Chan At 3.45 pm, the In- development of neigh- for the Tomb Deputy Nyein, Deputy Minister dian guests arrived at bouring countries. Next, Commissioner of Yangon Brig-Gen Aung Myo Myanmar Info-Tech they exchanged views. West District General Min, directors-general Building in Hline Town- Minister Brig-Gen Thein Administration Depart- The Indian President visits Myanmar Info-Tech. and officials of Depart- ship where they were wel- Zaw replied to the ques- ment U Aung Myint and MNA ments of Basic Education, comed by Minister for tions raised by the guests. officials welcomed them. The guests paid hom- age at the Tomb and, the Indian President signed the visitors’ book. The Indian President presented cash donation to the funds of the tomb. The Supervisory Committee Chairman accepted the do- nations and gave a certifi- cate of honour and gifts to the Indian President. Later, the guests had a documen- tary photo taken together with the supervisory com- mittee members at the The Indian President replies to the questions asked by school boys and girls at Dagon Township No 1 BEHS.—MNA tomb. — MNA 10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 March, 2006 Service personnel urged to fully cultivate goodwill for regional development Lt-Gen Ye Myint holds meetings with service personnel in Katha District

YANGON, 9 March —Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence and Chairman of Sagaing Division PDC Commander of North- West Command Maj-Gen Tha Aye went on their inspection tour of Sagaing Division on 4 March. They visited Katha Township People’s Hos- pital and inspected the physic nut farm, planta- tions and nurseries of Lt-Gen Ye Myint meets departmental officials at district and township levels in Katha District. — MNA Katha District Union Solidarity and Develop- reported on cultivation of paddy fields and the Tha Aye gave supple- Thaung Nyan and Thiri and livestock breeding ment Association, town- monsoon and summer roads at the junction of mentary reports. Lt-Gen Thudhamma Theingi tasks, growing of physic ship development affairs paddy, local food suffi- Ywathit Village, roads Ye Myint looked into Daw Hla Tin and family. nut, and participation in committee, and depart- ciency and requirements and bridges on Katha- wards, operation theatre, On arrival at the the regional development ments. of education and health Inndaran-NgaO Road, medical store, staff quar- regiment in Thabeikkyin undertakings. Lt-Gen Ye Myint sectors. Commander the stone-filled concrete ters and X-ray room un- Township, he saw over He viewed the held a meeting with dis- Maj-Gen Tha Aye gave retaining walls of Shweli der construction. physic nut plants on the growing of 36,000 physic trict and township level a supplementary report. Bridge (NgaO) on He also inspected 8.82-acre land and gave nut plants and nurturing service personnel. Also Lt-Gen Ye Myint Bhamo-Mabein Road, the construction of a instructions on agricul- of 91,000 saplings. present were Chairman of urged concerted efforts to and Great Wall sugar building in the compound tural tasks. Director of the Kachin State PDC Com- accomplish the five rural mill in Htigyaing Town- of Mya Taung model vil- At 7 am the same Health Department Dr mander of Northern development tasks, con- ship. lage basic education high day, Lt-Gen Ye Myint Tin Min who accompa- Command Maj-Gen Ohn struction of roads linking He visited the pub- school (branch). The met with servicemen and nied Lt-Gen Ye Myint Myint, Commander one district and another lic health care centre of health care centre, the their family members at inspected NgaO People’s Maj-Gen Tha Aye, and one village and an- Mya Taung model vil- school and the building Katha Township local Hospital in the afternoon Chairman of Mandalay other and extensive lage. The medical officer were constructed with the regiment and gave in- the same day. Division PDC Com- growing of physic nut, reported on conditions of donations made by U structions on agriculture ˚MNA mander of Central Com- calling on departments the health care buildings mand Maj-Gen Khin concerned to fully culti- and giving medical treat- Minister urges service personnel Zaw, local authorities and vate goodwill for regional ments to the people. Di- departmental officials. development. rector Dr Tin Min and to strive for improving meat and Local authorities He inspected Commander Maj-Gen fish sector in Mandalay Division

YANGON, 9 March — Minister general of Livestock Breeding and for Livestock Breeding and Fisheries Veterinary Department and officials, Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein on 5th Mandalay Division Commissioner of March morning went to Mandalay General Administration Department Division Office of Livestock Breeding U Kyin Lin and members, departmen- and Veterinary Department where he tal heads at division level, executives met with service personnel and urged of MLBF (Mandalay) and entrepreneurs them to strive for development of meat and guests. and fish sector. Afterwards, the commander, the Next, Chairman of Mandalay minister and the chairman of Division Peace and Development MLBF(Central) formally opened the Council Commander of Central Com- booths of Livestock Breeding Medicine mand Maj-Gen Khin Zaw, Minister for and Medical Products Exhibition and Livestock Breeding and Fisheries Seminar displayed by local and foreign Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, Chair- medical products companies and man of Myanmar Livestock Breeding viewed round there. Lt-Gen Ye Myint inspects the bridge on Katha-Inndaran-NgaO Road. Federation (Central) Dr Mya Han and The minister and party later paid MNA Chairman of Mandalay Division homage to Maha Aungmyay Kantalu MLBF U Win Myint addressed an Pagoda in Sagaing Division and went annual meeting, the fifth of its kind, on an inspection tour of Shankan Pas- jointly-organized by Mandalay Divi- ture of LBVD and made arrangements The best time to plant a tree sion Office of Livestock Breeding and to fulfill the needs. Veterinary Department and Myanmar The following day the minister Livestock Breeding Federation (Man- and party visited the farm of livestock was 20 years ago. dalay Division). breeding entrepreneur U Maung Maung Also present on the occasion Lwin who raises 300 cows in Kangyi were Mandalay City Development village, Patheingyi Township, Manda- The second best time is now. Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Phone lay Division and made arrangements to Zaw Han and members, the director- fulfill the requirements. — MNA THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 March, 2006 11 Classic Chinese Private sectors encouraged mythologies to be adapted into to invest in GMS cartoons SINGAPORE, 9 March — The private sectors in Singapore are encouraged to invest in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Wednesday when the Mekong BEIJING, 9 March — Development Forum was held in the city state. China has given the go- ahead to the first batch of “In this Forum, we International Enterprise kong,” Jin noted. cartoon adaptations of hope to be able to share Singapore and the Inter- According to Prasidh, classic Chinese mytholo- with you the remark- national Organizations investment requirements gies and historical novels able transformation of Business Association. for building new infra- for 2006. On the list of the the Greater Mekong Both Jin and Cambo- structure and raising 220 approved cartoons, Subregion, to apprise you dian Minister of Com- people’s living standards totalling 193,867 minutes, of the many excellent merce Cham Prasidh, who in the subregion are huge, are classic mythologies opportunities for you to delivered the opening re- which are estimated to be and historical novels such take part in its progress, marks at the forum, dozens of billions of as the Creation of Gods, and to find ways to work stressed the important role US dollars. the Pilgrimage to the West with you as development of the private sectors in Cambodia, China, and Three Kingdoms, all partners to further improve the development of the Laos, Myanmar, Thailand of which take place in the subregion’s economic region. and Vietnam, the six na- ancient China. prospects,” said Jin Liqun, “However, the private tions bound together by the The State Administra- Vice-President of the sectors in most of the GMS Mekong River, launched a South Korean protesters shout slogans at a rally tion of Radio, Film and Asian Development Bank countries is still in its teens. GMS Economic Coopera- against the free trade agreement (FTA) talks in Television (SARFT) said (ADB), to representatives The challenge is to have tion Programme in 1992 Seoul on 6 March, 2006. South Korea started on in the approval that the from more than 80 Singa- the strong private sectors with the help of the ADB Monday its first preparatory talks on a free trade cartoons must not fabri- pore companies attending elsewhere in our region to to re-establish historical agreement deal with the United States, local media cate or distort the original the forum. help accelerate the deve- trade and strengthen eco- reported. The slogan on the headband and placard work and must not advo- The forum was co-or- lopment of their fledgling nomic relations among read, 'Oppose the FTA talks between South Korea cate superstition. ganized by the ADB, the counterparts in the Me- them. — MNA/Xinhua and the United States to the death'. —INTERNET MNA/Xinhua

Australia, Bangladesh sign work, A Brazilian Army

holiday visa agreement soldier runs during CANBERRA, 9 March — that university-trained their holiday,” Vanstone Australia and Bangladesh Australian and Bangla- said in a statement. an operation to on Wednesday signed a deshi travellers aged be- “The work and holi- work and holiday visa tween 18 and 30 will be day visa is different to a search for weapons agreement, which will able to work and holiday working holiday maker enable young profession- for up to 12 months. visa arrangement, in that als from the two nations “The work and holi- it requires an applicant to at the Mangueira to work in each other's day visa agreement have the support of their countries, announced an means young people from government, hold post- slum in Rio de Australian minister. the two countries wish- secondary qualifications, Australian Minister ing to travel and expe- or have successfully com- Janeiro, on 8 March, for Immigration and rience different lifestyles pleted two years of under- Multicultural Affairs and cultures will now be graduate studies, and have 2006. —INTERNET Amanda Vanstone said able to work to subsidize some English ability,” she Beijing pledges to harshly said. — MNA/Xinhua punish hospitals rejecting WHO urges more studies on Bangkok set to be AIDS patients bird flu infections in cats user-friendly city for women BEIJING, 9 March — Chinese capital Beijing pledges to harshly punish medical institutions that GENEVA, 9 March — scientist with the WHO's BANGKOK, 9 March — Agency as saying. reject patients contracted with AIDS virus, said the Reports that a cat con- global influenza pro- The Bangkok Metropoli- The governor said the Municipal Health Bureau. tracted bird flu and has gramme, said more stud- tan Administration (BMA) BMA has already initiated HIV carriers and AIDS patients who are denied not fallen ill could mean ies were needed on infec- will cooperate with wo- a “help line” to tackle pro- medical treatment can lodge complaints by dialling the virus is adapting to tions in cats, including men’s organizations to pro- blems of violence against five hotlines. some of which opened Wednesday at mammals and poses a how they shed the virus. mote the Thai capital as women and children. the local bureau and its county-level health inspection potentially higher risk to But Perdue said there a safe and user-friendly city Wednesday the Bang- divisions and diseases control centres, respectively. humans, a World Health was no current evidence for women, Bangkok Gov- kok Municipality also ob- Patients can dial two hotlines, one in the day and Organization (WHO) of- that cats were hidden car- ernor Apirak Kosayodhin served International Wo- the other at night, to reach the health inspections ficial said on Tuesday. riers of a virus which can said here. men’s Day by recognizing divisions 24 hours a day.— MNA/Xinhua Michael Perdue, a wipe out poultry flocks in Apirak on Wednesday outstanding women who

the space of 48 hours and signed a cooperation agree- take leading roles in varied

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 ¨ ¨ ££     £ £ ¡ ¡         ¦ ¦ ¤¤ ¥ ¥ ¡ ¡   ¨ ¨  ple. Austria said on Mon- day that a cat in an animal tions including the Asso- ronment, community fund-

ing, cultural conservation,       ! ! " " ## $ $ %&%& ' ' ( ( ) ) & & * * + + , , - - . . / / & & 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 # # 4 4 " " 55 & & 55 6 6 7 7 8 8 11 & & 9 9 ) ) : : 55 & & 0 0 / / ; ; 99 < < : : = =

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flu virus but had yet to Foundation to promote Meanwhile, Thailand’s

/ ; 9 * / & 0 1 GH A & K M 7 ( ; = 9 NO" K " ) ) 4 " 9 H : = 9 0 % . 1 & 0 / ; 9 . : = / 4 " > &? 7 = 9 / 4 " > & / 4 " 9

0 show any symptoms of the Bangkok as a safe city for Ministry of Social Deve-

= @/ A &? ) 4 " / & ( ; = 9 7 ) : / & % = 7 " H& ( ; = 9 / 4 " % disease. women. lopment and Human

T The BMA and wo- Security on Wednesday

1 & @/ = 9 0 . 9 # $ 5& ? GH A & K M 2 P/ & P6 0 . 9 QI 9 % I 9 R= 1 ! < 4 " 5 & S( 4 2 1 > & < 6 " 9 ( ; = 9 K 4 " 2 GH However, the virus

can take up to a week to men’s-related organiza- awarded seven outstanding

* U VJ 1 & 9 # 4 " 5 & H J K A & L strike and perhaps the cat tions would also jointly women, a foundation and

in Austria could still de- fight against all type of vio- the media to recognize their

GHGH 11 & & @/@/ = = 99 0 0 . . 99 8 8 11 & & @/@/ I I 99 R R= = 1 1

GH 1 & @/ = 9 0 . 9 8 1 & @/ I 9 R= 1

GH 11 & & @/@/ = = 99 0 0 . . 99 8 8 11 & & @/@/ I I 99 R R= = 1 1

GH velop clinical signs, ac- lence towards women and hard work, which has

GHGH 11 & & @/@/ = = 99 0 0 . . 99 # # $ $ 55 & & ? ? GHGH A A & & K K M M 2 2 P/ / & & P6 6 0 0 . . 99 Q QI I 99 % % I I 99 R R= = 1 1

1 & @/ = 9 0 . 9 # $ 5 & ? GH A & K M 2 P/ & P6 0 . 9 QI 9 % I 9 R= 1

GH brought changes to socie- GH 11 & & @/@/ = = 99 0 0 . . 99 # # $ $ 55 & & ? ? GHGH A A & & K K M M 2 2 P/ / & & P6 6 0 0 . . 99 Q QI I 99 % % I I 99 R R= = 1 1 GH cording to Perdue. children, Apirak was MNA/Reuters quoted by the Thai News ty.— MNA/Xinhua 12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 March, 2006

ADVERTISEMENTS CLAIMS DAY NOTICE MV PRECIOUS RIVER VOY NO (603)N Consignees of cargo carried on MV PRECIOUS RIVER VOY NO (603)N are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 10.3.2006 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of M.I.T.T where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm up to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY AGENT FOR: M/S EAGLE SHIPPING CORPORATION Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

Russia’s atomic compromise offer to Iran ruffles West VIENNA, 8 March —Russia has offered to let Iran do board meeting now in its second day in Vienna. some atomic research if it refrains from enriching But the United States swiftly rejected any concession uranium on an industrial scale for 7 to 9 years, diplomats to let Iran feed uranium gas into a small centrifuge said on Tuesday, cracking big-power unity on how to enrichment cascade as a trojan horse for bomb-making. stop Teheran getting the bomb. EU allies Britain and France agreed but Germany may Moscow's proposal emerged after an official close be amenable to the idea, diplomats said. to feverish Iranian diplomacy to avert UN Security Iran says its nuclear programme aims solely at Council action said Teheran could compromise on generating electricity. But it concealed atomic research how long it would renounce industrial fuel production from the IAEA for 18 years and calls for Israel's — if allowed to pursue research. destruction, alarming the West. International Atomic Energy Agency chief "Russia has circulated a proposal to the (EU and Mohamed ElBaradei seemed to allude to the formula US) capitals that would let Iran conduct limited when he held out hope on Monday for a deal soon to enrichment research if it suspends industrial-scale defuse the crisis without Security Council intervention. efforts for 7 to 9 years," said a diplomat from one of the Iran is to be reported to the Council after an IAEA three EU powers.— MNA/Reuters Australia opens door for uranium Chinese FM pledges good protection of to India citizens abroad CANBERRA, 8 March BEIJING, 8 March— Congress. ministries of Foreign Chinese citizens travelling —Australia has opened Chinese Foreign Minister Last year, more than Affairs and Commerce abroad is mainly the the door to future Li Zhaoxing said on 31 million Chinese and relevant diplomatic responsibility of the uranium sales to India but Iran said to be Tuesday the government citizens made trips abroad, organs acted quickly to countries they are would not want to stepping up plans for will do its best to protect and China's embassies and help the Chinese citizens travelling in. Like the old consider the issue for its citizens abroad in consulates handled nearly involved. Chinese saying goes: several years and not “Shahab”missiles accordance with law, and 30,000 consular cases, Li “Some Chinese over- When you are at home, until Australia has locked BERLIN, 8 March— As he advised them to better said. seas told me that these you rely on your parents. in lucrative sales to Iran pursues a nuclear protect themselves in the In the road accident in feel proud of being a When you are outside, you China, a leading analyst programme the West meantime. Egypt and the attack of Chinese,” said the Foreign have to rely on your said on Tuesday. fears is aimed at He suggested Chinese three Chinese engineers Minister. friends. "Australia doesn't producing bombs, citizens learn local laws, in Pakistan, China’s Li said the safety of MNA/Xinhua need to sell to India at Teheran also appears to customs and abide by them the moment. It has be stepping up deve- when travelling overseas, everything to gain by first lopment of missiles and keep in mind the signing an expanded capable of carrying phone numbers of Chinese agreement with China," atomic warheads, dip- embassies and consulates said Michael McKinley, lomats citing intelli- in foreign countries. from the Australian gence say. “Serving the people is National University's According to an the essence of China’s school of international intelligence report given diplomacy. It foremost relations. to Reuters by a non-US serves peace, develop- Prime Minister John diplomat, a covert Iranian ment and cooperation Howard has discussed programme run by people and meanwhile safe- uranium sales with his closely linked to Iran's guards the legitimate counterpart Manmohan military includes plans to rights and interests of Singh during a visit to arm its Shahab-3 Chinese citizens and India just days after India missiles, which experts legal entities abroad,” and the United States believe have a maximum said Li at a Press signed a landmark range of around 2,000 conference held on the nuclear cooperation kilometres (1,240 miles), sideline of the annual An Iraqi boy holds a debris from the wreckage of a vehicle used as a car bomb agreement. with nuclear warheads. session of China’s after an attack in Baghdad, on 8 March, 2006. Six civilians were wounded in MNA/Reuters MNA/Reuters National People’s the attack targeting a police patrol, police said. — INTERNET

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 March, 2006 13



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Study says air pollutants may warm winter nights in China LOS ANGELES, 8 March — Human-generated air pollution particles may alter the temperature cycle in China’s industrialized region, and lead to nighttime warming in winter of about 0.7 degrees per year, scientists said on Tuesday. Human-generated more aerosol pollutants. regions include the aerosols, tiny particles This study was Guangdong Province and such as those found in published in the latest the Yangtze River Delta,” car exhaust and soot, issue of US scientific Huang told Xinhua in a can affect the climate journal The Proceedings telephone interview, “the indirectly by acting as of National Academy most industrialized seeds around which of Sciences. The regions in China”. condensation can coalesce researchers’ models The aerosols increase and form raindrops and suggested that aerosols the number of clouds over snow-flakes. had the greatest effect the region as well as the The aerosols can during wintertime and amount of liquid water also absorb long-wave over highly industrialized contained within them, radiation, through which parts of China. Huang explained. Indonesian workers stand on steel bars at a construction site in Jakarta, on 8 the Earth cool itself at “The most affected MNA/Xinhua March, 2006. — INTERNET night, said Yan Huang, a Chinese researcher at the New test on Austrian cat Georgia Institute of shows negative for H5N1 Technology, adding that more aerosol pollutants VIENNA, 8 March — An Austrian cat which has could result in higher twice tested positive for the H5N1 bird flu virus did not show the virus in a third probe on Tuesday, nighttime temperature. Austria’s Health Ministry said, adding to Based on climate uncertainty about the infection in cats. models, Huang calcu- The cat is one of 170 A subsequent test of lated that in some that were kept in an animal the three cats’ faeces industrialized regions in sanctuary in southern confirmed H5N1 in only China, nighttime tem- Austria close to a cage of one of the samples, in a perature in winter could fowl which had been very low concentration. A increase by 0.7 degrees An aircraft from Malaysia’s budget carrier, AirAsia, taxis at Kuala Lumpur infected with H5N1. Three third faeces test taken on Celsius, and the daily International Airport in Sepang, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 9 March, cats tested positive for the Tuesday was negative for temperature range could 2006. Malaysia said on Wednesday its low-cost budget terminal, Asia’s first, virus in saliva tests last all of them, a health decreases by 0.7 degrees would begin operations in two weeks, just days before neighbouring Singapore week, Austria said on ministry spokeswoman every year because of is scheduled to opens its own low-cost terminal. — INTERNET Monday. said. However, the spokeswoman added the Book claims drink tea, Russian official says “Arabsat” satellite ministry was still waiting can still reach orbit for the results of tests on keep healthy the cats’ blood. MOSCOW, 8 March — The Arabsat satellite Russia launched on 28 February NEW DELHI, 8 March — Tea — Drinking how MNA/Reuters much is too much? The question has for long baffled but failed to put into its designated orbit can still be delivered to an operational tea lovers but experts say six to 10 cups per day can orbit, Russia’s space agency chief said on Tuesday. to invest help in lowering the risk of a number of chronic “Our experts think it is possible to booster rocket on 28 February from the in Romania’s diseases, claims a book. bring the Arab satellite to an operational Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. orbit, where it can function for up to two The Briz-M upper stage on the rocket did telecom sector “Six to ten cups per 16 per cent of years,” Anatoly Perminov, head of the not function properly and failed to deliver , 8 March — day may be a useful dietary the daily requirement of Federal Space Agency, was quoted by the satellite to a designated orbit. Greece is strongly habit to assist in lowering calcium; almost 10 the ITAR-TASS news agency as telling a “The launch cannot be described as interested in making big the risk of a number of per cent of the daily Press conference. a total failure, as the rocket functioned investments in the chronic diseases, requirement of zinc, over The Arabsat-4A telecommunication in a regular way,” Perminov said. telecommunications as especially as part of a 10 per cent of folic acid satellite lifted off atop a Proton-M MNA/Xinhua well as other sectors of health promoting need; besides other Romania, Greek nutritional diet, low in nutrients, says the book. Transport and Com- total fat and salt, with The inhibitory action munications Minister adequate vegetables and of components of black Mihalis Liapis told his fruits, bran cereal in- and green teas against Romanian counterpart soluble fibre and sources cancer initiation has been Zsolt Nagy, currently on of soluble fibre,” says Dr demonstrated in different an official visit to Athens, N Ghosh Hajra, Project animal models involving on Tuesday. Director, Darjeeling Tea different organ sites in Speaking to reporters Research and Develop- many laboratories. Black after the meeting, the ment Centre in his book tea has also been shown to Greek minister said Tea and Health — Science inhibit tumerogenesis in Hellenic Telecom- behind the myths. lung, colon and skin, says munications Organization “Total fluid intake in the book. (OTE) has invested adults might be about 2.5 Concern regarding around one billion euros litres, of which tea can caffeine in tea is not an (1.2 billion US dollars) in contribute 0.7 to 1.4 issue as long as tea is Romania, while it planned litres,” says Dr Hajra. consumed in moderation to invest another 500 Nearly 650 mililitres of as suggested by Canadian A Maasai man passes near a zebra carcass near Isinya in Kenya, on 7 March, million euros (605 million tea provides over half of and other health au- 2006. Hundreds of people and tens of thousands of livestock have died from dollars) for modernizing the total requirement of thorities, it says. hunger and thirst across a vast region in east Africa, encompassing some of Romtelecom. dietary flanonoids; nearly MNA/PTI Africa’s poorest and most arid zones. — INTERNET MNA/Xinhua 14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 March, 2006 Rangers fans Barca claims two victories over Chelsea S P O R T S arrested amid BARCELONA, 9 March — Barcelona can claim two victories over Chelsea after knocking the Londoners out of the Champions League on Tuesday. violence in Spain Not only did the Catalans give the and probing for gaps in their iron-clad Chelsea charged over West MADRID, 9 March — runaway Premier League leaders a back four. Brom referee incident Spanish police arrested footballing masterclass on the pitch, but Although they enjoyed a handy 2-1 eight Britons in the sea- Barca coach Frank Rijkaard gave oppo- advantage after the first leg, they still LONDON, 9 March — Champions Chelsea were site number Jose Mourinho a lesson in showed more ambition than Chelsea. charged by the English FA on Wednesday after their side resort of Benidorm sportsmanship off it. Chelsea sat back and waited to pounce, players surrounded referee Mark Halsey in Saturday’s after violence flared be- Barca provided an exhibition of skill, hoping to trap Barcelona in midfield and Premier League game against West Bromwich Albion. fore Tuesday’s Champi- discipline and maturity to outclass the then hit them on the break or manufac- Knocked out of the Champions League by Barcelona ons League second-leg Londoners. ture a goal from a set-piece, but unlike on Tuesday, Chelsea were charged with “failing to ensure match between Villareal “It was a great game and a great last season Barca refused to take the bait. that their players conducted themselves in an orderly and Rangers, local media victory,” said Ronaldinho, scorer of a Barca proved that they had learnt fashion”. The incident followed a foul by a West Brom reported. Police were not magnificent solo goal that helped Barca more from last year’s defeat by Chelsea player in the 43rd minute of Chelsea’s 2-1 Premier League immediately available to to the 1-1 draw that put them into the than the Londoners had from their vic- win. Dutch winger Arjen Robben was sent off later in the comment. quarterfinals 3-2 on aggregate. tory. game and was subsequently banned for four games. Reports said groups of “Nothing beats winning a game like The Catalans still possess devastat- Before the start of this season the FA said it was Scottish fans hurled this and I’m delighted to have helped the ing power in attack, but they now have a seriously concerned at the increasing incidence of stones, bottles and glass at team with my goals.” more steely midfield and defence which players swarming around match officials in an attempt police. Barca deprived Chelsea of posses- showed that it was more than a match for to influence their decisions. In a separate incident, sion in the first half at the Nou Camp Chelsea’s much-vaunted back four. FIFA said last Saturday after a meeting of the law- one of the windows in the stroking the ball around the midfield MNA/Reuters making International Football Association Board that Villarreal team bus was players guilty of intimidating the referee at this sum- broken as supporters mer’s World Cup finals would immediately be booked threw bottles and shouted Bulgaria names shortlist for for their actions. insults as the Spanish team MNA/Reuters approached the Madrigal European Weightlifting Stadium.— MNA/Reuters Championship Craig Bellamy SOFIA, 9 March — Bulgaria’s top arrested for weightlifters, Athens Olympic cham- assaulting woman pion Milen Dobrev (94 kilos) and bronze LONDON, 9 March — medallist Velichko Cholakov (105 ki- Blackburn footballer los up) have been named to the team for Craig Bellamy has been the European Weightlifting Champion- arrested in connection ship slated for May in Polish city of with an alleged assault on Vladislavovo. a young woman in a Car- Chief coach of the Bulgarian na- diff city centre nightclub, tional weightlifting team Neno Terziiski according to local reports. announced the list to local newspaper Bellamy was born in 24 Hours on Monday. Also included in Arsenal's Jens Lehmann from Germany Rumney, Cardiff, and re- the shortlist are Sevdalin Minchev (62 Liverpool's forward Peter Crouch (L) and Benfica's (L) is congratulated by Real Madrid's turns regularly to visit his kilos), Demir Demirev (69 kilos), defender Anderson jump for the ball during their David Beckham after their Champions parents and other family Mehmed Fikretov (69 kilos), Georgi UEFA Champions League second leg match at League first knockout round second leg members, BBC said. Markov (77 kilos) and Ivan Stoitsov Anfield, Liverpool. A 2-0 win for Benfica sent the soccer match at Highbury Stadium in A South Wales police (77 kilos). Portuguese champions into the last eight 3-0 on London, on 8 March, 2006. The match spokesman said: “We are Stanimir Demirev (62 kilos) and ended in a 0-0 but Arsenal advanced to aggregate.—INTERNET investigating the alleged Marin Pashov (94 kilos) are the alter- the next round. —INTERNET China makes clean sweep at assault of a 19-year-old nates as only a maximum of eight play- woman. ers can run off to Poland, Terziiski Ballesteros pulls out Asia Swimming C’ships “A 26-year-old man said. Besides prix provided by the coun- try’s Youth and Sport Agency, the SINGAPORE, 9 March — Organized by the was arrested on suspicion of Masters national federation of weightlifting also Chinese swimmers contin- Singapore Swimming of assault and has been LONDON, 9 March — Severiano plans to encourage the medallists with ued their dominance at the Association (ASS) and released on police bail Ballesteros has pulled out of the Masters premiums of BGN 7,000 (4,320 US 7th Asia Swimming Cham- the Singapore Sports pending further inquir- in April. dollars), 4,000 (2,469) and 3,000 pionships here on Wednes- Council (SAC), the cham- ies.” The alleged victim “To the media and the sporting Press (1,852).— MNA/Xinhua day, sweeping all golds pionships is being held complained of suffering in particular, my Spanish fans and fol- from the day’s seven fi- from 5 to 10 March at the bruising to her arm and lowers, I would like to inform them that nals. Singapore Sports School, neck. I have notified the board of directors of In the men’s 200m drawing some 300 swim- Blackburn Rovers de- the Augusta National that I will not be breaststroke, Xie Zhi fin- mers from 19 countries and clined to comment, say- taking part in the 2006 Masters,” the ished first in 2:14.74. Yu regions. ing it was not a club issue. Spaniard said in a statement on Wednes- Cheng won the men’s MNA/Xinhua MNA/Xinhua day. “My sole reason for not taking part 400m freestyle in 3:54.27, is that I am not as well prepared as I need and the Chinese quartet to be to compete in such a magnificent clocked 3:22.60 to take the tournament.” men’s 4x100m freestyle Last month, Ballesteros said he relay. planned to play the British Open and the Ji Liping and Zhao Jing Masters as well as 10 to 12 European won their gold medals in Tour events this year. the women’s 50m breast- “I feel more sorry than anyone about stroke and backstroke in having to take this decision, but I have 31.71 and 28.50 respec- thought it through carefully and believe tively. that to play in Augusta with the elite of Qu Jing triumphed in Arsenal's Thierry Henry (L) is challenged world golf requires a different level of the women’s 100m butter- by Real Madrid's Raul Bravo in their form to that which I can offer,” he said. fly with a timing of 59.46. Champions League round of 16 second The five-times major winner was bed- Hu Ni, who won her first leg match in London. Arsenal's goalless ridden with back pain two years ago gold medal in the solo tech- draw completed a 1-0 aggregate victory before returning to action in October. nical routine on Monday, over Real Madrid. Arsenal boss Arsene Ballesteros said last month he planned to struck the gold again in the Third seed Maria Sharapova of Russia serves during Wenger believes his young Gunners team retire in 2011 when he is 54. free solo routine in 93.83 a practice session at the Pacific Life Open in Indian has the potential to be a great side. MNA/Reuters points on Wednesday. Wells, California, on 8 March, 2006.—INTERNET INTERNET THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 10 March, 2006 15 Racial discrimination in US serious BEIJING, 9 March — Racial discrimination in America's justice and law enforcement, health service, employment and occupation is serious, says a report on the Human Rights Record of the United States in 2005 released Thursday by the Information Office of the State Council of China. In America, Black oners detained for more 2005, of the 9,528 victims American Blacks die an- criminals tend to get than one year are Blacks of hate crimes in 2004, nually due to lack of health heavier penalties than and 8.4 per cent of all 53.8 per cent were victims insurance and the mor- their White counterparts, Black men between the of racial prejudice, and tality rate of middle-aged the report says. ages of 25 and 29 are be- 67.9 per cent were Blacks. Black males is twice that According to the State hind bars. Among the hate crime of- of the same White group, of Black America 2005 According to reports fenders, 60.6 per cent were says the report. issued by the National issued by the Human Whites. The uninsured rate Urban League, Blacks Rights Watch and other Statistics show Blacks was 19.7 per cent for who are arrested are three organizations, following are twenty times more Blacks and 32.7 per cent times more likely to be the 11 September attacks, likely than Whites to be a for Hispanics, that is to say imprisoned than Whites at least 70 people, all but victim of hate crimes. In nearly one of every three once arrested, Blacks are one Muslim, were held as Los Angeles, 56 per cent Hispanics in America had sentenced to death four "material witnesses" under of hate crimes were tar- no health insurance, it times more often than a narrow federal law that geted at Blacks. says. Whites, and a Black per- permits the arrest and brief More than 80,000 MNA/Xinhua son's average jail sentence detention of "material wit- is six months longer than nesses". World largest tourism a White's for the same Violent crimes against crime. ethnic minorities have Although Blacks are also been increasing in fair opens in Berlin just 12.2 per cent of the America, says the report. BERLIN, 9 March — tacts and conducting busi- WEATHER American population, 41 According to an FBI More than 11,000 exhibi- ness. Organizers say the per cent of American pris- report issued in October tors from 183 countries and event guarantees high- regions arrived in the Ger- quality customer contacts. Thursday, 9 March, 2006 man capital on Wednes- In recent years, the ITB day to attend the world’s Berlin has evolved from Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 largest tourism fair, which simply renting out display hours MST: During the past 24 hours, weather has marks its 40th anniversary space to become a modern this year. centre for the travel indus- been generally fair in the whole country. Day tem- China is represented try. German Economics peratures were (3°C) to (4°C) above normal in by 144 firms and institu- Minister Michael Glos said Kachin, Chin, Shan, Rakhine and Kayin States, Man- tions at the fair with an his country expected a dalay, Magway, Bago, Ayeyawady and Taninthayi area of more than 400 turnover of 27 billion euros square metres. (about 32 billion US dol- Divisions and about normal in the remaining areas. German Chancellor lars) from tourism this year. The significant day temperature was Minbu (40°C). Angela Merkel also visit- “In recent weeks the Maximum temperature on 8-3-2006 was ed the five-day fair. signs of an economic re- 100°F. Minimum temperature on 9-3-2006 was 69°F. Joint-Treasurer U Maung Maung Gyi of Hninzigon The fair, or Interna- covery have become more Home for the Aged Administrative Board accepted tional Tourism Exchange evident and the mood Relative humidity at 09:30 hrs MST on 9-3-2006 K 130,000 donated by Latha Township Education (ITB), is a forum for estab- among consumers conti- was (82%). Total sunshine hours on 8-3-2006 was Officer and educational staff recently. — H lishing new customer con- nues to improve. This gives (7.8) hours approx. a boost to the ITB Berlin Rainfalls on 9-3-2006 were nil at Mingaladon,

8:10 am 5:30 pm 2006 and will no doubt be








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7. The mirror images of 9. Freflected by positive com-




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 1-1-2006 were nil at Mingaladon, Kaba-Aye and cen-   the musical oldies mercial results,” said Dr

8:20 am 5:40 pm Christian Goeke, an offi- tral Yangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-










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©©  9. International news 

8:45 am 5:45 pm Bay inference: Weather is partly cloudy in







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L L Friday, 10 March 10.English for Everyday 11. L the South Andaman Sea and South Bay and gene- View on today Use 6:00 pm rally fair elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal.

7:00 am 4:00 pm 12.Evening news





¡ Forecast valid until evening of 10-3-2006: ¡3%¥ ¥¡ 

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1. § 1. Martial song 6:30 pm

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 Possibility of isolated light rain in Kachin and Chin

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4:15 pm 13.Weather report







¨ Friday, 10 March


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2. Song to uphold §



 6:35 pm States, upper Sagaing Division and weather will be




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§ State of the sea: Seas will be slight to


15. 8.50 am National news /

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+ + 7:30 am + 9:10 am Music: Myanmar areas. 4:50 pm 8:00 pm 3. Morning news 16.News 1:30 pm News / Slogan Forecast for Pyinmana and neighbouring 5. Song of national races 1:40 pm Lunch time music 7:40 am 17.International news

5:05 pm 9.00 pm WOM area for 10-3-2006: Fair weather.





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4. Nice and sweet song 18.Weather report




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8:00 am 5:20 pm 20.The next day’s 9.45 pm News & Slogan Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring

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§ § 6. § 8. Song of yesteryears programme 10.00 pm PEL area for 10-3-2006: Generally fair.

*R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press, No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 296115, Manager 296864, Circulation 297093, Advertisement 296843, Accounts 296545, Administration 296161, Production 297032 (Office) /297028 (Press). 12th Waxing of Taboung 1367 ME Friday, 10 March, 2006

Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives * Stability of the State, community peace * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round * Uplift of the morale and morality of and tranquillity, prevalence of law and development of other sectors of the economy as well the entire nation * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic order * Uplift of national prestige and integ- system * National reconsolidation rity and preservation and safeguard- * Development of the economy inviting participation in * Emergence of a new enduring State ing of cultural heritage and national terms of technical know-how and investments from character Constitution sources inside the country and abroad * Building of a new modern developed * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept * Uplift of health, fitness and education nation in accord with the new State in the hands of the State and the national peoples Constitution standards of the entire nation

Senior General

Than Shwe and

party and Indian

President Dr APJ

Abdul Kalam and

party pose for a

documentary photo.

(News on page 1)


Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing host dinner in honour of Indian President and party

YANGON, 9 March — Chairman of the Tin Aung Myint Oo of the Ministry of Defence to the Union of Myanmar. State Peace and Development Council of the and wife, the Commander-in-Chief (Navy) and First, the State Band played the national Union of Myanmar Senior General Than Shwe the Commander-in-Chief (Air) and their wives, anthems of the Republic of India and the Un- and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing hosted a dinner ministers and their wives, the Ambassador of ion of Myanmar. in honour of visiting President of the Republic the Union of Myanmar to the Republic of In- Before and during the dinner, vocalists of India Dr APJ Abdul Kalam and goodwill dia, the Dean of Diplomatic Corps the Philip- presented variety songs to the accompaniment delegation members at the Reception Hall of pine Ambassador and ambassadors of foreign of Myanma Athan modern troupe. Pyithu Hluttaw Building on Pyay Road, here, missions in Yangon, the Director-General of After the dinner, artistes of the Fine Arts at 7.30 pm today. the State Peace and Development Council Of- Department under the Ministry of Culture en- Also present at the dinner were Vice- fice and departmental heads. tertained the Indian delegation with cultural Chairman of the State Peace and Development The Indian President was accompanied by dances. Council Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and high-ranking officers of the Indian Government Later, Indian President Dr APJ Abdul wife Daw Mya Mya San, Member of the State and the Ambassador of the Republic of India Kalam presented gifts to the artistes. — MNA Peace and Development Council General Thura Shwe Mann of the Ministry of Defence and wife Daw Khin Lay Thet, Prime Minister Gen- eral Soe Win and wife Daw Than Than Nwe, Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Develop- ment Council Lt-Gen Thein Sein and wife Daw Khin Khin Win, member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Thiha Thura

I N S I D E The government of the Union of Myanmar, in its drive to build the nation into a peaceful, developed and discipline- flourishing democracy, places special empha- sis on peace and stability and economic and human resources development. Senior General Than Shwe and wife Daw Kyaing Kyaing host a dinner in honour of the Indian PERSPECTIVES PAGE 2 goodwill delegation led by Indian President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. — MNA