ViMM Ref. Ares(2019)633647 - 04/02/2019 Deliverable: D6.1 Title: Composite report on key sectors for VM/CH-driven Deliverable number D6.1 Title Composite report on key sectors for VM/CH-driven growth and benefit (M16) Due date Resubmitted version following rejection at Year 2 Review Actual date of 04 February 2019 delivery to EC Included (indicate Executive Summary Abstract Table of Contents as appropriate) Beneficiary Responsible: Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Dpt of Humanities / Dpt of ICT , Roc Boronat, 138 / 08018 Barcelona Spain Georgios GIANNOULIS GIANNOULOPOULOS
[email protected] (0034) 638950714 Page 1 of 51 ViMM Deliverable: D6.1 Title: Composite report on key sectors for VM/CH-driven growth and benefit Partner responsible for UPF deliverable Deliverable author(s) Georgios GIANNOULIS GIANNOULOPOULOS, Laia Pujol, Rob Davies, Marinos Ioannides, George Papagiannakis, Ricardo Collins, Marc Hernandez Deliverable version number Final Resubmitted Dissemination Level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) History: Change log Version Date Author Reason for change 0.1 15.1.2018 Georgios GIANNOULIS First draft GIANNOULOPOULOS, Laia Pujol, Rob Davies, Marinos Ioannides, George Papagiannakis, Ricardo Collins, Marc Hernandez 0.2 10.02.18 As above Following external review Resubmitted 01.02.19 Georgios GIANNOULIS Following rejection at Year 2 GIANNOULOPOULOS review. Release approval Version Date Name & organisation Role FINAL 04.02.19 Rob Davies, CUT Project Manager Statement of originality: This deliverable contains original unpublished work except where clearly indicated otherwise.