- "f?4'A if''tixi'"illff ..ry w "iifP r'tfSvdOPHIS . VfcvVV-'J..T ?5'' Wa tT 1r. 'S ?Wmm ie tw P. m $ Xffiv' '

'il ; V EVENING PUBLIC LEDUEK-PHILADELP- HIA; MONDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1922 uMl 'If Intercepted Passes Were Responsible Georgetown's Sutherland's Eleven A for Victory Over THEV w .L4F.4 F TTE WA Y OFF CRIQUI TO INVAD E SEEM TO RELISH SALLY'S SCHEME How Dees Strike Yeu? F It NUWK-AR- I 0LOWOIC, I BCT'M r.?. ! e"RUR0MP", .FORM GRID BATTLE Lafayette's Season IN U. S. NEXT MONTH By 1 Pinch Psychology FK, THE OBSERVER ft GEORGETO 1 WN f f l AGAINST ?5 i faaattavVBBM "fc MkJKFA HQk Johnsen's Challenge F r e n c h m a of Featherweight Sutherland's Eleven Slumped Badly After Lehigh Game, was net n team In the land that started tbe 1022 football I?r Champien of Europe, Coming scimb with brighter prospect than Lafayette. t&; but Washington Team Displayed Much Alertness -- for Match With Dundee The Maroen had plenty of first class material left ever from the und. and Ability fented eleven of 1021, nnd Eastenlana were firm in the belief that anofbe campaign would be completed before Sutherland's students would again bow h MEETS FRUSH IN LONDON defeat. By STONKY McUNN The break came in the Washington and Jeffersen game In New TetV when the Presidents wen by a single point. Lafayette thereafter safe te Kiy tliat Lafayette will no mere pe't"" ensen football was net tb By LOflS II. .1AFFE same Invincible eleven It was prier te the reverse. tame!. The Kn'ten eleven is pointed tew.itd T.1iIk!i. a trn TROPE'S, best featherweight the The season wan ruined by n lone marker, a missed placement kick that must be defeated If the season Is te be 11 suruen. The players knew this after E I'M-poun- d touchdown, mishap apparently affected j nd their mental and pbyMt.nl preparation progresses throughout t!ir season champion of the Old and this the morale of the players, World be Lafayette kept slumping from the date of the W. and game With the eni' tlegan, "Heat Lehigh." Hecause Lafayette wni entirely tin will among us shortly after J, and I; B never came of Lehigh, which tittnl for the name with fteorgftewn In Wash ithc start of the New Year, lie i out it. compared with the Maroen as a ! ball club blg-lcag- ingten last .Saturday, enp week aftnr the Lehigh Eugene Crlqul, the Parisian pugilist, Class D docs with n combination, was able to held the TrleJE BLOW HAROSTHlWk BBCAUlg i te 3-- 0. Kiime, thir yeuuju'H record new shown two de- nnd 'Oene is no spring ihik"ii by any , TJiSSSSMT ll - Kastenlans ft nts instead of the one t ! means. The big failure came en Saturday, when Sutherland's pupils lest tv ,1. Oeorgetewn. It was the old etery of overconfidence, a disturbing lery tluit and gained. Despite Ills iwenly-nln- e of age facto .icars (.eldem overcome. ' . (iorn'iteMi. in beat ins .fork Sutherland . , and twelve In the . vM jears .bbbbbbks.'-- " ' rnrk eleven l,",.7, displayed alertness nnd pastime, the veter.in French fltmnn.' The sun was shining for Sutherland when the season opened, but blarr ability that delighted their adherents. Te Conch lice ruler of the European bantam- night came before it was ended. hi- belong weights, has hi en bowling ever his op- Kxendine nnd Hlue nnd Orny athletes ponents the honors and tin privilege of celebrating what, wfth such regularity thnt he wm a peer day for Lafayette. Tfis football team Inst Ortually bus fought himself out of com- SATURDAY for tln-m- . the soccer eleven was wnt a real triumph. One hesitate te petition en the ether side, of the deep ami beaten by cii- -i a wet blanket upon their well-earne- d jer, I lie. jk v. t ssssKkat m A but the truth must be told. Billy Mnttheus. of England, wa the' The truth and Ins was learned nnd i est recent knockout ictlm of 'r!uu:. In the Thick or the Fight published liffere the Imttie thut Lafayette wnt ne Fienchmnn having slipped the 'L $&rv is n peculiar pyscholegical quirk in every man's make-u- p. de' JH plnj u football game. Iintisher n sleep potion in the seven- Seinc in, no eoiiditleii linrd THERE ' teenth round of a iwentv-reund- best with their backs te the wall, and with only a fighting aV v!aaaMH Mentally, the I'liMenimii were Htaiied : they scheduled chare In Paris Saturday. The result left. Seme arc at their best when they are in the lead well mBssAjJIBBBBBBBBBBB) absolute! lacked r ! fire und nplrlf that It in front of th li of this contest settled beyond question field. mid marked all their uirller games. They rame Europe's supreme .STONKY McUNN featherweight Hcd Faber, the Chicago pitcher for example, was never as geed with a chatn. en tli American I.iague I'nrk gridiron witli un lletere coming te this and ceutitij. plenship tenm ns he was when a seventh place club was back of him. Probably lr that plainly said. liave nn unpleasant .mty te perlerm : let s get It flu will b Crlqui's first iiiva-ie- ti ""i of tbe the quirk in his temperament demonstrated the world would ever witli. i.ven live days et rc-- t ami quiet ;n a reuntty rniu near wesu Estat I'nlt. Eugene deelareii thnt lie that net censure ingten hnil net put .lock Suthcrlnmrx Iiij. in tiuhtfiii: trim "anted te clean un all in him toe heavily if he lest with a peer club, while hoots would arise if U Europe. Si i I'liysleally, toe. Maroen wen below previous te gallivanting up dropped games with n penunnt winner te bulwark his efforts. Se, bis winning th" and Whl'e nthlet"s p,ir. Ttt j he , gangplank of a linT bound average) with Cubs of 1021 was for higher than wan Brunncr, the backtieid aci-- had a broken no'-- that was mildly infeftul. Cither Anieri'a the it with the ptnnant ward the Frenchman will ni commedate ; CepiriBht, by Company players were carrying bruKe.s that tlnv had lei.'ived when they gave their all lttt, Puttie ttdetr wlnnera of 1817. i nin in n cfamiiietish ti n t .'i-- Cerps Area squad, te get that 0 win ever th energetic Lehigh rival. Only twice in the gain" Londen sometimes this month, Vldal, the star of the Third football had a taste of the psychology of the "pinch" on Saturday. He gave his team the lead with a d at Washington did Latajettc put the power and tight Inte its attack that I Was In Filiferm goal period wen big games for Once they ncered u touchdown ; ' BATTING cm field in the first and sent another one squirming between hud ether It. the ether During the Big War AVERAGES SHOW pdii? f Rnnv time they lekt it because their forward phsm--i went astray. the pests in the second. Accuracy was his forte. He was distinctly "there." i Starting his career in HMO ns l( few Mack bad scored n touchdown, Crlijui In the last minutes of play, after Vidal nlme.st immediately POWER OF LOCAL TEAMS tried a placement goal for the point. of fr,ncunl Ihf ctrirr Emulate hail laught Ait oceanic tannins as n knockereuf. am: SPEAKIXG ;m?i, ixtere long liecame t lie If he succeeded his team would get n tie. If he missed the alternative was Grity irurn'eM n qneil tirrnsf for Ihr bn Jiravn hi thr tltlelieldei of hS SET FOR MEETING division in Fn.iice. When Heme-Ru- n defeat. te diri'ne weuM the war Tilly Walker ami Cy Williams Clese te Tep in Eaiteninni. Thiii airmul irhrit l.'ijnyi tie threw thr 'nine in was one of the first And Vidal, the man who, with the brunt of battle raging at him, had hall and nlmeit invariably two O'cei acten u players would le rhcrr borers fall in line, te and he did net HittingPhils Have .282 Average and Athletics .269 i kicked two field goals, faced the cold task of booting that bull across the bar the oval finally nrrivrd. Thir arrat difetmive trerk en the part of tUt appear In public ring competition and failed! between 11117. G. f. eleven added te the lead tliat the maroon ). yed lads iccic Hill and Lecal P. C. A. Plans Vibrant By virtue of that failure the Army team was beaten 18 te 12. tarrying in the game. When Crbpil again began te dlsplnj The official major Icigue batting ever-age- s logy en the paths, swiping enlv sixtf ' h; punching prowess, after the signing hove nn interesting slant this year. bases all year, but had less men left Debate Here Tonight en Next et the iirmisiice, be hnil gninnf sum- - Hitting suffered a slight but steady de- en bases than any of the clubs. Vidal been In the thick of battle, kicking from behind a Georgetown Wen by Intercepting Passes lenily in nxolrilupeis te a jm,, jh,' cline nter the ferocious slugging orgy lling Miller, acquired last winter Season's Links Plans HAD leiitherweiglit or line, would he have done lietter than he did in the compara- division. lid. Tills whs ((..finitely proven. in the Dugan trade, led his teammate-wit- h net only spoiled nearly a'.l Lafayette's passp,,, hut. they like heugh - tive lull after the touchdown was made? I'rlqul, 1'h.iriej Leduiix, Flench in the home- an mernge ..'!.H'--; (Jnl-lewa- y GEOUdLTOWN brought about 10 of bantam, of Chick that their l." points. In the third is of the fighting type lather punching shewi.l an increa.se ef1 was second, witli ..ii.4: forty-seve- and Jee COLLEGE FAVORS GOLF TEAM IeIed the Kasten team was leading .'i and seemed te be in a position te main- than u beer and most of his eterics n ever the previous year. In Hauser, another H)1!J acquisition, Johnsen Seeks Beut With Judge Land! ndvantage. since l'xendlne's lighters teuld net carry en n Bustnlned have been scer-- d bj the thrilling knock .very ether department of the offensive whaled nwny tain that nt u ,nj:! clip. They JOHNSON apparently wants te step into the ring with Judge Landis for offensive. Then, Middcnly. a long hiuis fell into the arms of Wirts, a out route. During ln, ten years In the game there was a steady falline off. were the only Mnckmen te leach the BA- - lien., 'r,lis Wfts By SANDY M NIBLICK several occasions of challenge been 0." ring has been defeated net mere! ,r"e "I'0 1" 'be National .:i0() class, but Walker, .'J.S.i: finish fight. Upen signs a have sprinter, and he ran jnrds for the touchdown that teally wen pn League. with gelfcrH 'nan n iieen times- Moere, of Ilrugey, with .1170: Dvkes. with .IT."; of the Philadelphia plain. the game. Three men .iflO PRO .Meiupiiis, inn.. knocking him out en baited ever the mark and Perkins, with .207. weie danger- will iipsemble in full strength Recently. Johnsen announced that the annual American League meetin; Without que.-tie-n tiie race acresu iitec chalk lines by WlrN wus one of en.- - of these Ilemsby. Slsler incompara- occasions in tu. fourteenth and that ous men. today for tbe mpeting of the Phila- would be held in Chicago en December 1.1. when he knew the commissioner the feature plajs of the Twe Lafajette players nctually threw them-wiv- round in HUH in ble stnr. whom the passing season failed delphia that Paris. thirty-seve- n home-run- s, Professional lielfers' Assoc- half-tackh- Walker ripped out planned session New Yerk the following day. The League him mere 'd him, only te he brushed by t'riqui decided en an te halt. Tjrus Cobb. With a joint for National at and than aside Ameri. an tour Rameud which allowed him te finish iation. The meeting i.s slated for ht Georgetown a roving by the way who lastjear. but instead, be went Aus- the burden of managerial duties en his second n magnates will gather In Father Knickerbocker's town en December 12. the here center, continued his race te Ken thirty-nin- e. and there is heap of argu- tralia where he successfully shniil'leti Tyraue the !ieat had his best te Williams Miller B. B. says he sees no reason for a meeting of the sixteen clubs and added te the goal line. competed had twenty one, Dyk-- twelve ment due. in several bouts. miihui in jents. f and pleased by the way player cases were handled by the The ether Interception of a pass paved the waj for I'lavln, the rour-ngeeu- s Frank Welch eleven they being It ia 'most time' for the anniversary that he was net scleral The main piirpe.,.- - of the Fer individual aeliievemeiit Rogers the drop-kic- k Frenchman' meeting cf the National League. and skillful (Jeorgetewn back, te a Held goal. In kicking, trip this Ilernsb.v. of the Si. Leuis Cardinals. only men te reach figures in local assoeiittien. which te country in .January is te Iris new been in force ntmni n vnet This apparently is n knock at the High Commissioner, and for several weeks toe, the lUtin and Oray bad the advantage. They get within striking ills, meet Johnny Dundee, , was the iitiqiieliened wtur of the season. tiie circuit clouting. a bout which Tex I um' . - illy s average of .310 hns accomplished enough eele- - gambling has considered slap Littnlh-- tance of the goal pests twice and found that they could net rush the ball Kiekard probably will decide lie bteke the National League home- total bane te Johnsen's campaign against, been another nt nt the record forty. two fifteen was t lie third best in tiie league, ami urate properly. wings were clipped when Judge was induced te leave the airrens the line. The lirst time Mallej teed it between the upiights; then Madisen Squaie Cui.leu, N-- w Yetlc inn with Johnsen's the . .l.l There is talk of mnnv ..,r Flavin added three mere points. City...... I-.- I inn K.I 1 minimum ie,i,l.. It, 1 SS.7 .Milirrn IHIlllKlll llllll UIKU '" " nr. bench and accept the baseball commission, but B. B.'s wings have grown ngnln liter ill.. i,.,,i .1,,. i.ui v.sitnn.,1 i .,.,, i... list. He was also the best run scorer. j'v,'ntN te lie added te the local schedule drop-kick- i. u-- fight. After the game Hilly ("rowel!, the iffirne. himself n wonder lierrell lliqies Nene of them amounted a hoot In i reason, is improbable and he is ready for another ting average since IM Delehantv's te any it that irhen wearing ihe shoes at Swarthmerc, said that he never hud wit- - Te He n "Ceimluil." made in l.SJH). Hv slumming out U."0 'tening bases, ns the fact that Miller mere events will he played locally I field tUC right new, as the nessed a goal effort that came nearer te perfection than that of FJailn. j Once hits he shattered the ehl lnnrl: lnnile hv and (itlllewa.v. with 10 each, weie Indoor seiiben is checks are coming In regularly and the Judge, fortified with a a dangerous und scM0,.. I(,n. most due. ''Every move of that kicker, was in entire a i cord with geed form." said Willi.. Keeler-'J- V! lSUT. nnd broke e.iders will testify. PAY contract, should worry jt.nder for the middleweight .h.impien- - in were Though some about Johnsen's actions. Crewell. He added that Malley' kick was net far behind. ship, Jee lierrell. et Kensington, .,. !nvy Crnvntli's record of driving in Pitchers Sullivan nnd Kckeit clubs are sold le have n diligent lL'ii by adding twenty te t lint the only players who had a halting "uereii ineir courses ter the play el An Interesting feature of the game was the fact that there are two foot- Iinislied course f training tuns - inernge of less than .1011. garrison,. local P. (j. A. chnmpienshin, balls for the Oeorgetewn trophy room. Malley's drop kick beut.ded ever the total. new belt! by OF THE AMATEURS of in the matter of n baiting Si'lieer. Harris and Heinmel were "t Charles Heffner. Phil. GOSSIP field fence, '.'." yards behind the goal lling the life a farmer for mei Ecept - pre, Miter about pet. A new ball was 'linn a year. aier.ige, the mighty Sisler failed te that mark and .OO. The aver- ment it Is said there is talk et procured and lasted throughout the game. would be a tiling "I nuer felt better in all holding next year's The Henthnsrk will traval te Bread and nntees. Mlctiael J. Ilaran. 8414 Wit It line te preent. my life." sr,i,j sir Jeseph en nrriung agivi of the regulars were: event ever the Aril, streets In play the Y; M. C. A.. Jrs.. Cleirtlet.t mri--t. w:..--- lii-- i public course ("ebbs The quintet lv The defeated that first ball, later recovered, le Malley, for it that .e0red the , A. Jl p.. h u. s.ij. at Creek. en Tuemlar night. Ins vim Kenslnftan Football Team ki'i here after leaving the nriii II. il h. i'n an. ii ,s 6. m, - ..a t t'i ::.!; fRr "n" xiea l" Wlldvvued en Thunksiilvlmt Day. 7 le for hit, Mill, ..:. , - le idea - " flrat-clas- n I: tint and points team. chickens" behind him. ih lsl .1 10 ngt IV partly behind this discus- 'hL,VZ? Dates are open away e!cveni ilillew.i. .'.71 l is-- "17 I. IS - for '.. I .V.'.'l meii is It A. A. would like Iq.sr- H. lierrell is back in r,,v.n i ,rve tliat Umisir in .Ills .'.I III. 17V s that would convince u lieHlilirl The St. AndrrwV nfferlne reasonable uarante. J. he in V'a liter in.i Sin 111 I 111 I :iie 'i .17 is 4 i;s Plonertioii of the eiivV n..e iv.... aranies with tesiiis. eiinei' lJHllfy, pheno Keasltistnu 0V31!. is geed shape mid Unit n 1 uwny. Giirteu, 11" ' - W n he is Mrius". 111 in .'It ns n ntinehome or LMnaril The Yeupb Pleneera a .FAYETTE Inn lien i,Uiyen that, erni difiat. hi'mnn up large, ; serious 1.1 r, 'Vi the geed golf course Kh.. in his r nt (hnllenge te Teiniuv Ii.vlc-.-- i .. tir. :,et W Ills j it t -' out there and tliat rleree street. aEereKatien. wants at . ii l it sain" md iJeible, the tueklc. ninety ia one of the bi'tt in the . rf.r. ns IS". is-- ii it 14 would he i) n let te ii,a hivs epMi for Dick- land. Captain I.euglirau. Jee is going te be I'TKIns us : iim n,!., The Renerres dates home and away. Ham Kiipuitin, nt the 114 arr. H l.M 17 .1 n 14 .8.111 I W.Jdi I here of public tenuis Oeslrlnn ciuiihs, rank ineon atreet. Schtcab, the guard, it net far behind him. Tiny ucre opposed te I'nmbria I'lub Friday night and, for sne 41 I' I II i 1.1 .V.'.e ether courses. A tourna- 01,04.. Johnsten :i II. Haker. phone Irftiikfertl d vrel-fnnn- his opponent, tin Ren .1.1 CI. 1'J M i 17 .1 J.'IU ment there may smmk of the Hheridan B. C. a hutky and qinnti in the (jeorgeteirn line, and yet the, .lehmi. Hums selected Mrfjfiwan droll, ld - Veunir 470 ie; 131 !' t 10 s but it keeps the players Anr Usttu dlr- travellnK five, weuM like te hear from trerk of the Eaitnn pair itned out pieminently. Ilrrry, the Maroen another local miildlew eight wlie has-bee- there out of fine the tcrvlces of tvvn fact ptdfr hnulil teama of III. caliber, erferlnir- fair suaraiittei The it nm-tint- h squawking for set-t- e Phillies' Werk for that lime nnd makes them mere te Kaiirn Aacuzni. 111s ai.uui D. Pltkeff. 743 Perter street. end, a with write - and White ti another of thr .teamn's stars. angle M'vere advocacy street. Vernen II. would Ills.- tn arrange tl I.eughran. He Cluiiley e.iiiil Ilemsby In any of batting. The Phillies had n tenidei.ibly higliei" in the of ether public l t'. h d'Neil, of here, The Wetrn r. ('. rtfc-vti'i- the llailden-IV- carries uway from home with Tiegj. True, en the paths lie rolled up ll far batting average than the Aihletiis. but links which would boost and boom Club at Ihe latter placi thu ethr teama. Israel Schelfer, game 43 t un Sundsy Territei.!.: tilts i1(. ,.rt;, yreat. . number of stolen bases, but il did net net them better than seventh the in these parts. In a cleso ie. U17 C'hrUtl.m street. - isuuv ge' I..1 succor les le the Iielplne H. C, The finnan) lleyk1 rtah, junior clinm-iilen- e Beiry Retains Drep Kieking skill .11 the r.'iml.ii.i. lienets was net tijing a re. erd in place in the averages, since the Na- - . tnm when. Ketisingien, fr Lehigh Favers Links Spert .' la two exirft halves. of the Nell.Lorheod Centci, Flflli mil 'I done se, ii is possible ' SIW. I. DROP-KIC- I NO a gift from natuie or can it !.. lenined bv Itiehliieiid .Hid ,(.,(! inns Ueek weeklv, liiat line. Had he tlenal League overturning pic. edent Th Onswe Hene Tribe. Ne. O. n. lialnhrldve ntr't. would like te tier friin asudueus Im., he would have beaten Sisler's mark Ne news from the alliln mater, aside M. weulil UUe te arrant;.! b.miii with lirct-tlii's- s Htrawbrl'lKe & Clothier Jra., anil ether I8,practice'.' question may be answered. but this matfli ti,,. ,,,,tjr uptown that batted as a general thing at a fateri In nr out of That never Seme think a man is in he is admittedly one tram the result of the Lehigh-Lafayet- lives, either the tils', J'liiler tam. 8am PetnmMn, care of section meie j.et iij, tJul, any ()ellt j,, that rispect. for clip than did the American. and efferlne reaimnibM cunr-aiiie- Nelghbeiliw.il Center. propel a pigskin accurately with his tee, In-l- st hnviiiu halls bprn te Otheis that the a year. of tie fastest men in baseball. of regulars and one I...JI..IUI liiini... nas eceii received with William H. Hlmen, i'f.iis K. h rive the niuher fsii average athlete may school himself te hit the maik with a dtep-klc- k mil.. int'ni. ini.il,. 11H fill. HAll'u lists. utreet. If he has Uu-M- 'I. Pittsburgh, dubbed finished with a mark in exress of ...00, I w .. , i . Flwell of ..... '. nini A. A., of Kallr, which the determination and the heart. 111 .,K" ,s "Kt'v I0 "aVe n elf course The rteiirflrlil lint MORAN Iteb" whm he was a portside niter Curt Walker leading tiie way with ..M7. ..' a record of elx victories, two clcfvau 3 AT CHESTNUT easen. tins Anyhow, Nig Ilerrj appear te have added natural ability te willingness for the White Sex years age, was Tumi rami. C Iff I .no. !!'' Itninli ll..n. " ' und one tie enjiv, bclmr the only team this 20th Century boxing drep-klck- p me of a held Cliften HcIkIhh scoreless. In for drill, and he has become a sure-fir- e who will iiinner-u- Ilernsbx in the National line. "Hi: Lee Meadows. .Hl-- I : "Cy' result recent meeting up scaaen te S RIPPINO BOUTS TUE8., 8:30 P. M. retain his skill te without iv for Saturday nr Sunil.iy of New Orleans Star Matched With l.eiigu. every- Williams. .I'.O!), and Bus.--, here was te prove that the student im t,, bj long as he can totter out there and propel Ins right llmli. Herry has plajeu batting race. Itusell hit Wiichtstene body or this! week nnd would Pl.e hear from any Johnny Shearn Johnny Ren jM f.pltp 0f the nlnui meter hwrtily flrnt-cluii- s learns, effcrlni: le.monable vi. vfry little football this and surely is net what one would call 'the Harry Farmer thing but the umpires, the Willi ..ill.l. favors Adm.. Ite b $1.10. Plenty of Thrill.: jear "in tact that nearly eierv pitcher in the Tin' Phillies net only led the National the idea of adding golf te the sports pjnk of condition." Yet be wen the first of the guinea by which Frank-for- d This w.ek's i,.,u ,.t ,)(.,v Lehigh, the i,. Ci,.,r. iinspie i" iimed lint he knew Uussel's I.cniriic in home. run hitting, but thev tii'endar at Yellewjackets hope te land the American professorial championship t,. t Street J.I Will be hll. Wellies- - If the Athletic Committee lie? with f bnttn i! weakness. topped the Athletics by five clouts, their there faers Enter December. It' lima te ba thinking el two cleverly esecuwd drop kicks. 'd.i. night :t a.. Fifteenth und Chest- ' the idea it is planned te linmediaieli -- ,1 , total being 110. ilellnble old "Cv" 3 b nut Heels Willus i'.riit, the What the Athletics Did Williams, arrange an extensive schedule, In this connection let it known le all that the gridiron season lias net inatchm.ik' ,. of course, led with Lee ;,, iSir,CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR MENfcft najded in Philadelphia. bully tights li arranged n r,.;( box- .Mack's seventh p'acrs showed power' bad 17, Pnrkinsen Ifi, Ilenline li und the possibility of participating in the There are fenie among the professional ing plum f..r the Philadelphia fans intercollegiate lf the offing. Thev mav lack the college m en eiimse. The team liii for .2011. Walker 12. "Cy" Williams w.h the Blf championship. tqamn color and the spirit that was sigtSng I'.i. Mernii. Southern light - couple vjiii.. them place enlj local Leaguer jj.-- t There nie a of tmnppv golf of gnmev among mutle . admitted ie sixth National te as H.part the the teams up of young men who are seeking weight chaiiipien, who gnve MeMi.i courses Lehigh -- in the baiting li-- t. I bev led the league maiij .is ..un bases. near one at North- ii D education. ett a teugii i -. i Thiiiiksgninu; ampton and one near IJIttersvlll... Madras Shirts lia, iii nine-li't- r In bitting, but were eul.v Ti,, weakest y, us te int. t Hum Kid FnriiiM, h i mun with the si,, ;,., i.ipi. n lui-- e well ns a new one or two. which have Pattern numerous and tasteful. ' ltheiie smui'kin ig. as their (;..,,i-e,- Smith, who lilt a' the m..., Niaiiii, It!) s helped te make golf a vervid b or " lllelllllg Inn nn W!l" of 07C. was (lie siiigl.. i) ;, matter Material each the in class. UT for illi'i ; efjeil and mil iinuiaUhip. the loin of fi,,th'ilt Hiibln I Meis. ,i V( ,v Yeik '"''" 'lip lie tll Bethlehem, best its III illlpies-,l- e I hey were i - near Pa, B Ill.l III' nnd,.- the .no murk. made-te-measu- U ill go far te find eamei tl.nt mateh thwi Uetuern nreffmnnal aim i.,mh's si,if jn,. p,utiM. The Cut full and correct, with re The ligcl.irs butted 11s teams, whire nraily all th playeri inadnattd fium thr lollieiatr mnki v in appear in n.c i igin ieuih, tin - fellows final. care. rcith high honei VS.1, Beets and ' -- ,MS - :'' "" '"' -' ! 11 ..i.t; Saddle K! nky K.i ifnuni ami Temiu Wilsen . I' I I mI1 dash in the main pielmiiiiun. III Illll.H which hesi Willi Horses heem ,n x.w )r. ic 1 :..: . ,, - s lehiiiiv O'Veil will irnkle Lew Stinger .V r -i Kit s.t , ; '', k.'ins tediiy $ and the Critics ' .'.., - 1'1, ure: Point's Eleven aiic 01 - .. , mid the .'penrng canto will bring le- -' 'ml h. im in .j Yui-iik- 'iir.ii race. liene Walten. $4 ri gridiron campaign is ended, nnd while tbe lied (.. Iher Jnliuiii Viggi ami 1'etc Hese. : 2 3 and 1. Helen !). ,. ' m second. Alkin. IJel.hv PENNSYLVANIA .1 " three games, the student body and the graduates have .tir -- i .'.j,', '.' a 1 e ,:, A'leii, Colonel Tnylnr: third. Arm at", "i. ir Silk Neckwear mason te feel proud of Captain Ten Miller and his plajeri. Sometimes j,i Scraps About Scrappers Ha .lake Itertter. Jehn llosher; fourth', Wool Reefers football, as In ether sports, we ate prone te forget that when two teams engage the'Kenner Ilnndicnii, Servitor, Sway, High in quality, Cextiifiin ; fifth. On Illxh, Attorney. beautiful in patfrn, low in price. Sri which comes te a decisive end one nmt is ' 111 a contest lne. That as "U1.11I1I I he j.I.ini; '..., HIU. Ii f inn uf jnrds. lliii'inmn I'olleweil bromidic. Nim en Honolulu Hey: sixth, Ainaye, King list death und taxes, te be 'lni bAtnc fun "I.. 1' a.. mil u "in play for eleven mure. Trejnn, Kncrlnlte. 50c & 1 te $3 a is.n I',, ir s, nt Ihi) A en '1 11 nini I1.1M CLIFTON HEIGHTS 280, 3, 4, course of the season goedl number of were Ui'-- . 1. Ilnrtnuin t In the letters received in h f.ppviiii ir.Lh eiIut I'hristtn.is iuii.sei Slielilrnke, who ear. 2 severely AIj s neil the Imll in-yu- '5 which the Peniisjlvania team was criticized, and football writers were ifti'rn.i'.n'' Atlell J. KHI111,. , J tn ,llftmi,H line, i . 1; 1st,, ! v nnd Tinjitnua out this or tliat weakness in the wis i...jirtrii, iv. i nini fnllnvviiiir line iiluntres l.y Iln,.i. ,. Haiana tracks liuve Pure Linen Handkerchiefs Initialed .cored for net pointing (Quaker team. Vir- Ii h i 111 I .l.ii ll in miixej it. .Mill .tii'lnis Hiindny, - ii-- iiimI Hiiriiniin, en but net en Monday. tually H these weie nnonjmeus letters; several, it appeared, r .u r itiv shnv t'i. h la the feniier went nerr.hs Of beautiful texture and workmanship, were ,. .. iuiu".s!lilllty 10 r, ii,' fur the first a wonderful gift. from I'enn graduates or supporters who had bei nine bitter, especially HANT10) SURPRISE Tiie sale of forty French and Xorvvneil inmii. rmal three imlnts I.'iikIIsIi cex et Mx less of that Alabama game, and who demanded i hit t ' s i , n d in New Yerk 011 Three Dollars after the w(. "nn filings leuns I' Tiilier, vi i.tcntii iH ill the tiiuilh iiiliirtei't. when JtnbiliMin mates December ft wide open and find out whal is the trouble' with I'cniisylwin.a 1. in lus In. rule 'I out as a 111. u. 111,, .j lnV.leil the 1." is attrnctinK nttenllen of breeders football." as t)s ii Ai rliiK.-- n It." tille i.f Hii.jjs (7,1,, mill eyer the (inl tmstM fi'iiu all of the , ne correspondent phrased it. llivstlKht. f'uirs. I,.uu,ii, ti.iin the line. part I'nited Stntes. v K. u i siieciiil car will bring 11 Kentucky It is n privilege te feed the waste basket with anonymous i.uiit Jl.irry l'il..r. sh n.-i- by Norwood in Delaware The Melrose teiiin. of Atlantic City, dele, E. I'OiiimiiiiicHinns in. jiaH., tti Venn, bji.iJiir. el, lit Beaten nation Knst for the Mi Cember mlc, Marshall Smith & Bre.wS ii nd we de net intend te replj te nny of them diiealy nt this time. reclined its wtimliis stride in turiiii'jt jtll j, ) Auieins these expected ure Min. KJIvm. iqhjlit help in future seasons If the football public llilb Ullllain. .Si.mli I'l.lliii. Ii.ni.ini. County Title Series by luiik hnel l'nlls, te i). 'J'he Het-A- , 724 Chestnut Street would hear In inlml that l ' tm' i Hit', nt LdMiisl.r bi'th Utiniterfield. Kilwnrd II. Hiadlev, ufll'in lenlKhl?. su.ri nil their iieints in the Mir policy in relation te all amateur athletics lias been, new is . i.n li n'- -ti j;i.il- - f'clis 1.. Minn, llmtl A. 15. Hancock. P. V. Seett, .1. u, and Tl,..y rwenlly li'i.-i- l ijuiirler lleekl.. 11 M"ll be, you alas ..uniiir ,.t It. udlni: 9 te 0 getting leuclnlu.vn "If iiin'l s.ij a geed word ubeut a fellow, say nothing" lliMins V. ,111s tu tliiie uli llitlir. .'.IrlJe-.- nnd fiehl goal, lierliani, Thenian Cromwell. Jehn S. ,,n.l I'l'i.piisi Hillbee, I'l'iee Heiiilley, ,1. Football players are net paid, they am by im means the servants Jlil'v l.ii Mun nniieveil Hi,. llnl C, of te Oinrniilinishiii Mlluin mid Jehn 1.. Madden, I'nim public. And you knew down in the depths of our heait, these Tues'Mv iiIkIiI i: (J. I..) v v sCOllIIS nf MnntKenien Ceuiity hv illispiisniB of win who j' r.eud.nt 'die si III iT.MIl.NT f (ieu-(n- 111'.et It, Viu;inln will come William il Indulged jil OPIil.H.'.l ll'illl. Ifitiiu I. L.- '. .'I (I. tJiutli. have in caustic ciitlclsm, tliat every athlete who were the He( ' N'ervvi ii.!. r t iii'Mlk, CJiellenliiiin. te The only point,, n)l, . Uilmsun I" .ef. 111 II. II. - .Tames . Hiieliniiiin, II. Hosier I fii map I..1.1 I el tin- K'll'le were en n lue en the gridiron in lie season just ended gave every ounce of fi..lt ifil.it third In lie nn. at a i.f the lell I'l field Keul liv Hiilaiicy und etlieis. Mnr.vlunil l.ej'llnj Iwuis VII,lu...l It. .Ill lt,. .iinie.v, who imeteil tin. pltrskln fmin will muscle nnd heart that was in him te win games for Pennsylvania. Tlier l.ii Mutt. I i.'ltei bam. 0. M'lnl William Woodward, of Hehiii, vv 11 III,' ll'll Mill' 111 the 11 lilundered both mentally and physically nnd, by way, Hilly Hans Innns t if ! Hid n,l run r,m I'ei in til Until l.l it... urldlren ut dirJi. .mil Wnldeii, Knniiiel the find the perfe,'t i r."llllehrtn 1...1 - (lilt ninrlii Itehert J. Itlddle it tin mi.K-l- with lllliv "i.iiiiiun nn.! ,;v is I'nnlhern. liiini the Hue, I Im I'ns. 11. ..nt U llri.wn . 11 'pi,.. t,.i....i..i. .. . . ', mid Waller Jefferds, uf I'hiladelnhla. ivuiunu pmjer. jjiu srvere ami pcrmips nustaKen frilicisin would gum , tin nidy 10 iiilm en ii .s.iijthiv.irl' '... ' ' 1,.. Ireinhiinvv lit my ul.l tlir-- . llajn I.s lnvl.'St.,ri 14. llllHl,,!. 0 . '".; ",." '" "i inverKiiie with, win nttend. lietuing, tr.ilnlnj i" M R C . 0. AlnRiinlia. of '.wl.y with ill vl i" e. MMI11 Pnitn A Kiankfnrd. wan postponed II1.V. y; 0 Itivci-slil- .,. s. Ui i;iikh until later. Ims .Im..i,i..i The extraordinary Interest beiiis man. I'enn gtidiren team bteughl about a reviial (elkye. lluik Kllier, afi'ii I eli.i; in itiremeni f - filflV nt least two mei.. orameu mH,. Ifested thoroughbred of fine spirit i irn. Is ulannlim a ,'irn 111 in., ri,,. re- - in racing und THE f..r ne.-e- iiiiepein.'nt t'i world Media A. A. next Kundnv surely wade all I'hiludelphiani proud of the ll,. M eivun tu n lllu !ial li.lji. 'Ihe ethnll and then hreeillng in' reflected in the efforts te fact that the 'f fPUMin . tiikiiu; en fJniversity is v.iielim eiveil its rudest ..ult of the Mnifiielln the follevvlii'' K,.i. improve steeK from me pest bln.i of Pennsylvania situated in our grand old eity. I f en I the Their lel.lay Willi the pia.vilia of tllO lllfluy. A Klliue between Hiverslde 11 I'll in, Mil.,uiRhlln nn Mil, s, ln-'- v,, anil lines of Huren,, lis lis the home ii no reason te question thr honesty of purpose of these tehe demandal .lelninv ... N'iii'iv.iiiil ut. . 1 in nesnura s no ...... 1 .1,.. ... w . ;.. In lh- main mix n tii,. v jv .,.,. H, lti.k.lits ''nine iiiien ninrnhn.i ..,,., ,.,,. 1,1,.-,- n.., ,,..,...-,,- . ,, n--i i mm I'.'i ' the ,',,,, ,,'s ...n' i ificuirnuriimir eriiiemin. rrnnit neip realize that thrli rs ulyniliia. of hestei', lnr.lKtit 1,0 HelU'lili hen N'onveoil liliniled would draw a treiiieiidnuH .r,.wd te th entiles for the Make llvtn of UIA'I, 1IP' s llalli.y the lefer.e. Oilier ni, ,.,..-..- . iudgmeut blinded by disappointment. any as iiuii'hiie' Ten home team its llrsl defeat of the 8eu III. W- - PARI $7 fr In event, we M k v Italian Jiek l)"in,sv. (J..,lKJ iruiii lfl,1( Mrp t,nn W, mtl'lpM ,v,i (The 1.1 . Haiiey Tny v Mm, I) te II, kj j dttire te extend our sinceiv and hearty congratulations te I'ei .Vmty vs. K "hie Arilnn ' lll'l'll made for thu llclinent alone, Aristocrat .initi Unny ellln vh, ijruriile White ,n,j Ilv the vliien Norvvned lays n jut-- l of PS" I every young man tehe fought uith him. They games, I - A I 1 Murphy p. tni hit but III Utarr va n, 'liiini te the ehauiiileiihliip of Uelawnre Resigns at Denver V never tccre they disgraced, ' Kentui'hy dlspemwl $1.0X0,07.'. I hut tin- - net nettled, ful., liy 4. AnnuuiKetnint in Temmy t'arejr, Cienvir h.inar.iw,.ifc'hf. ik County, mutter is . tint m . ' . I'red Murpln, fnrmr erldlrun .., stakes and purneK anionic at ul '""' "'"I vvlli i III un .evcrm teams, piirm-iiii-.i.- ! . ' .Imlnliii: ' ,"' oilier had rejlsned as foeibul, Xh t t he nnd fall meetings I nr Denver, made, spring rice of FORMER BALL STAR DIES morrow morning nr wria .lv,S '2"?i;. 1022. J. affmr, ttBre ! Sh-- n L" ,R '", !' ',",.,'J! P. .J Arrew cKtabllshment ut 12IS North F.l.l, 1 - K"'U f"' !'" .s .."?. ,, l,,l ler nia reiirnatlun, ...... I - ivriiui ru,iui ..',"nun,'.-,- "''. SI'tl ll'll II.V III IMliyiuu. "W.11 1. n.,".1- .y . . ., '"'.,, i.n - t I.... Six tMrje WHki, Mat of Schrenktn- street. limv iim the teaiim in llllll Crlqul te Rest Weeks A benelU bestn for pur j.m,. 'finm limn ..'...Rtlll AMATKI R ItOXIXt; -- slnvlnir for tlmris Is or I'urli. Dec. 4, lUealnts- .- from- lha hnut- - Tomorrow Weeks, who was forty "eight years of mount Csrinel Cburrh will te held Wmnei: J.eveiB the fist c nert aia (nin in . . '. . ' lurltd eay nlsht at the OiyniiiU. Ainenv (he plenty of opportunity additional neiwrun Kune wriqui. r rnen inn tarn Cellars I.eut-hra- n for Aftltrh. .Kmrstnn. fllllv Ma((I.i-.- nt ti't,l lived nt street Louts be, Tem'iiy ' "I'.-f-i and ie, and will Jtav ssiMiij Khl v" Kii me. . " riiicnuin tntjt la lJnrUnil.vhe'e Isst Hdlurdav. nliil't amounted A style ,n ,body remqa te the jueriue. Kmllh. Harry Hrern is .let. TlDlHi! i.i...VJ'ltfJ Ui in AfW Yiilk. P tfa.iss.h mAt Fer Eaix yar en tn uai Jacl.' v. Hplarr Kll". Uddle IlilrVv-- Kix tlieuMind sneotateri. vUiifMl Jhe Chlvsse, Kviii-i- i ss I'.iiuj.uue trunes ii w'iinnuiinriu ivaav Wi'flM!r;ytriilrtr aie ene; w Hatsn vaweuraarfr juuatlllislii. vs w sju lureuau in at MQute. . rainy vi, .lennny defeat M seewst aeeanu uf '.".-I- nT-- ti! wiri wsiwi .""!: first of Cliften., The JJowend M.111 .tfr.vi aMdjwap.iliedI pb4 . -- ..v. s. im Frsasa Msjsivrwaa.- ri Ife "r . 1,1..Ki'iii...rnif,-' h. f1vn n th. mm."..... n. - '-- -. ii - uuri-i- .in.- i.ui Dii:iMU.aBm-- '' m 1T1LII, l.i..., ...... nt nth '.bT araMe. U--