The Gateway to the Middle Ages.Pdf
940.1 D83g2 v.l 62-06827 Duckett The gateway to the Middle Ages Italy KANSAS CITY, MO PUBLIC LIBRAE MAlOCTZS )j(fljNOV061993 THE GATEWAY TO THE MIDDLE AGES ITALY The Gateway to the Middle Ages ITALY by Eleanor Shipley Duckett ANN ARBOR PAPERBACKS THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESS FIRST EDITION AS AN ANN ARBOR PAPERBACK 1961 COPYRIGHT BY THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1938 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PUBLISHED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESS AND SIMULTANEOUSLY IN TORONTO, CANADA, BY AMBASSADOR BOOKS LIMITED MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO MARY ELLEN CHASE AND OUR CAMBRIDGE FAMILY CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND 1934-1936 ABBREVIATIONS PL Patrologia Latina PG Patrologia Graeca M.G.H Monumenta Germaniae Historica M.H.B Monumenta Historica Britannica R.LS RerumltalicarumScriptores (Muratori) Script, rer. Merov. Scriptores Rerum Merovingicarum Script, rer. Lang. Scriptores Rerum Langobardicarum C.S.H.B. Corpus Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae C.S.E.L Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum P.L.M Poetae Latini Minores P.W Real-Encyclopadie, ed. Pauly-Wissowa C.M.H Cambridge Medieval History H.S.C.P Harvard Studies in Classical Philology C.P Classical Philology Schanz .... Schanz-Hosius-Kriiger : Geschichte der romischen Literatur, IV, 2, 1920 Manitius . M. Manitius : Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters, I, 1911 Bardenhewer . O. Bardenhewer: Geschichte der alt- kirchlichen Literatur, V, 1932 PREFACE THE GATEWAY TO THE MIDDLE AGES is made up of three parts. This one deals with Italy in the sixth century. This with the of seat of "gateway" opened passing Italy, government of the Western part of the Roman Empire, into rude barbarian hands, when Ravenna and Rome, chief cities of this Roman Empire in the West, fell in 476 to the invader Odovacar and his Germanic hordes; when, in his turn, Odovacar was forced, some seventeen years later, to yield to another barbarian conqueror, who seized his throne at Ravenna, overran his kingdom, killed him by his own hand, and thus became lord of Italy and its people.
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