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July 24, 2003 Edition • Front Page •

Salazar: Put sex offenders’ names on the Internet

by Jenn Wiant Herald Staff Writer Attorney General Ken Salazar would like to change Colorado law so that a single state registry listing registered sex offenders in all areas of the state would be available to the public via Internet. Salazar believes that every Colorado citizen should have free access to this information through the Internet or the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Current law says anyone can access the list of sex offenders registered within their local law enforcement’s jurisdiction and of neighboring jurisdictions without question upon proof of residency. Citizens who do not reside in a local jurisdiction or a Advertise YOUR neighboring jurisdiction can only obtain another jurisdiction’s Business HERE! registered sex offender list by demonstrating a “need to know.” According to District Attorney Mark Hurlbert, anyone who has been convicted of a sex offense, whether it is a misdemeanor or a felony, must register with the local law enforcement agency upon moving to a new area. Even those convicted of indecent exposure, such as urinating on the side of the road, must register, said Hurlbert. If a sex offender does not register, Hurlbert said the punishment is a Class 1 misdemeanor if the sex offense was a misdemeanor, and a Class 6 felony if the offense was a felony. Sheriff Ed Holte said registration is enforced with the help of

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/ (1 of 6) [7/25/2003 9:43:21 AM] Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! CBI, which compare the list of prosecutions with the county’s list of registered sex offenders and notifies the county if someone is not registered who should be. Police Chief Jim Zoller said the same procedure applies to the city police department. Zoller said he supports the proposal from the perspective that it makes his job as a police officer easier. He said Salazar’s proposal would eliminate the police department’s task of having to decide who qualifies as someone with a “need to know.” He added that since the information is already available from several sources (local law enforcement agencies, CBI), having one source for public access makes sense. Zoller believes that all police records, with very few exceptions, are public information. Zoller added that he normally receives less than a dozen requests for the list of registered sex offenders in the City of Leadville each year. Holte said he supports Salazar, but did not wish to comment publicly on his proposal. Holte did say that he is making a form to be signed by those who request a copy of the county’s list, which says that they will not post the list or harass those on the list. Hurlbert also refused to comment, saying he has not read Salazar’s proposal. The lists of registered sex offenders in the City of Leadville and Lake County are available to interested citizens at City Hall and the county courthouse, respectively. As of July 15, each list named eight sex offenders, including one female. The offenders ranged in age from 18 to 56. Holte said he does not believe citizens are allowed to know the specific crimes committed by each sex offender unless the offender has numerous convictions and is deemed a sexual predator. Zoller confirmed Holte’s statement. Zoller said sex offenders must register with the local law enforcement agency within 10 days of moving to a new community and again every quarter after that. Griffin trial is set

by Marcia Martinek Herald Editor Trial will begin Dec. 8 in Leadville’s district court for Matt Griffin, former technology coordinator for the Lake County School District, who is charged with five felonies, including embezzlement and theft, in connection with his work for the school district. http://www.leadvilleherald.com/ (2 of 6) [7/25/2003 9:43:22 AM] Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

Griffin appeared in district court in Leadville Monday with his attorney Todd Parson, entering a plea of not guilty to the charges. Parson’s motion for a change of venue in the case was turned down by District Court Judge David R. Lass. The attorney argued that because all jury members for the trial could potentially be taxpayers in the school district, they could also be considered victims of the alleged crimes. “It’s not a traditional case,” Parson argued. He said that changes of venue mostly stem from extensive pre-trial publicity; however, this was not the case with Griffin. Parson said the trial could be held in the judicial district, just in another county. Deputy D.A. Arly Miner objected. “Does no one here rent property?” she questioned. Lass, in denying the motion, said he was not convinced that the court could not find an impartial jury. Charges in the case stem from allegations that Griffin, while an employee of the school district between August 2000 and June 2002, ordered computer equipment in the capacity of his job and kept it, and that he claimed to attend computer classes, was reimbursed for them, but never actually attended them. Parson asked the court to order that more specific identifying information for the computer equipment cited in the case be provided. Lass ordered this be done within 14 days. Parson also moved that the court order the school district to provide additional information regarding management of reports, contracts, etc., within the school’s computer department. He said he had subpoenaed personnel records, assuming that they would contain information on vacation and times that Griffin was absent from the county, but this information was not provided. Lass suggested that this information be specifically subpoenaed. Miner suggested that this information also could be obtained by having the defendant sign a release. She contended that the defense was going overboard in seeking information that had no relevance to the case. “How contracts are set up, how the department was run – these have everything to do with the case,” Parson said. Lass ruled that the information sought could have relevance to the case, but he said that the district attorney should have a chance to pre-review it with the school district and make a formal request to withhold the information if there is a good reason. Goodwin sentenced

by Jenn Wiant

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/ (3 of 6) [7/25/2003 9:43:22 AM] Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! Herald Staff Writer If former county employee Nadine Goodwin does not violate the conditions of her deferred sentence probation, her guilty plea for embezzlement will be withdrawn and the charges erased from her record after four years. Judge David Lass granted Goodwin a four year deferred sentence for the felony embezzlement charge and one year probation for the theft misdemeanor. The theft charge will not be removed from Goodwin’s record. Goodwin must also serve 24 hours of community service per year for four years, write an apology letter to the community, pay $632.58 to Lake County for restitution, and make two charitable donations of $100 each to The Center and Full Circle for a total of $2,425.08 in restitution, court costs, fees and contributions. Goodwin was formerly an accounting clerk for Lake County. She has no prior criminal history.

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July 24, 2003 Edition More Top Stories

NRMI focuses on project-based learning

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Contributed photo HERE! Chris Hofer of NRMI (left) collects data used to determine flow, which in turn is used to calculate metals loading on the South Fork of Lake Creek. Bob Wood and David Bird of the Colorado Geological Survey record the data and perform titration analysis of acidity, alkalinity and dissolved oxygen in the creek. The purpose of the tests is to check the accuracy of maps made by NASA’s new hyperspectral remote sensing mechanism.

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by Jenn Wiant Herald Staff Writer Karmen King opened the Natural Resource Manage-ment Institute (NRMI) open house, Thursday, July 10, with this quote from a Harry Potter book: “This is school, Mr. Potter. It has nothing to do with the real world.” On the contrary, King explained, school has everything to do with the real world for CMC students. CMC Timberline Campus students have opportunities to do interesting and important field work that not only gives them the opportunity to actively learn, but gives them experience in the fields they will enter after college, explained Dean Gary Smith. “These young people who are doing this will not just remember this tomorrow for a test, but years into the future,” he added. NRMI is a business associated with CMC that not only provides these opportunities for Natural Resource Management students, but pays them for their experiences. Smith said NRMI is “quite possibly one of the most innovative and unique projects in this entire country.” He added that “project- based learning is revitalizing learning around the country.” NRMI began in 1998 as the brainchild of CMC professor and aquatic toxicologist Karmen King. King started her own business 10 years ago. When she began teaching at CMC five years ago, she decided that students could do the same work she did with training. She started by bringing environmental projects to her classes. NRMI has since grown to be its own business, providing environmental services to state, federal and private entities. NRMI currently pays nine employees, including field technicians, field managers, project technicians and project managers. To be a part of NRMI, students must submit a resume, go through training and be interviewed. After they are hired, they go through more extensive training. The students also have the opportunity to be promoted. NRMI has worked on 102 projects to date all over the state and country, including a bird blood lead study, reclamation of the old eroded Fremont Pass, and a study on the Navajo population. This summer several people from NRMI will raft through the Grand Canyon for 16 days, sampling the area for the Norwalk virus for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Parks Service. This summer, NRMI is working with the Lake Fork Watershed Working Group to clean up two mine waste piles in the Dinero Complex below Sugarloaf Dam. The project is funded by a $77,000 federal grant, and money from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Colorado Division of Mining and

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/topstories/topstories.html (2 of 6) [7/25/2003 9:43:31 AM] More Top Stories from The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadvilee, Colorado & Beyond! Geology, said Project Manager Don Stephens. He said that although the piles have existed since the 1870s, it was not until recently that people realized they were causing such significant contamination to the Lake Fork and the Arkansas River. For more information on the Dinero clean-up, see the page 1 story in the July 17, 2003 Herald Democrat. Several other NRMI projects will continue through the summer. Elizabeth Fortushniak and Mike Thompson are two NRMI employees working in the Cache Creek area near Granite. The goal of their study is to establish a wetland habitat with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) on the 160 acres of wetlands around Clear Creek and Cache Creek. Fortushniak and Thompson determined that it is a suitable environment for wildlife and fisheries by sampling the water and observing the wildlife. They will also evaluate the mine tailings. Sherry Meiling is working on mapping the noxious weeds in the San Isabel National Forest for the Forest Service. Eventually, her map will be used to help determine the best way to mitigate the noxious weed problem. “I love this job,” said Meiling. “I get to drive around the National Forest and look at plants all day.” Craig Muelot and Dan Rauer are gathering “real-time data” to check the accuracy of hyperspectral remote sensing mechanisms that NASA is testing. The remote sensing equipment generates geographical maps of the area. Muelot and Rauer are checking the accuracy of the maps by comparing them to the actual geography on the ground. Thompson is also involved in unexploded ordnance sweeps at Camp Hale. The Army Corps of Engineers, Shaw Environmental, the U.S. Forest Service, CMC and Southern University in Louisiana are all involved in sweeping the 554 grids at Camp Hale with magnetometers for anything containing iron that is on the surface, including mortar rounds and rifle grenades. Caitlin Borbely and Ryan Gustafson were two of four NRMI staff to spend 20 days in Louisiana surveying fisherman about what they were catching, how much seafood they were consuming and how they prepared their seafood. The group is not allowed to know what the survey is for so that they do not bias the way they ask the questions, explained Gustafson. After working on projects like those described above, NRMI staff go on to work in a variety of related fields. For example, former NRMI employee Jenelle Stefanic now works for the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) as an operator at the Leadville Mine Drainage Tunnel and Treatment Plant. Several students have started their own businesses. Another is a stream ecologist with the Forest Service. Several have chosen to continue their http://www.leadvilleherald.com/topstories/topstories.html (3 of 6) [7/25/2003 9:43:31 AM] More Top Stories from The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadvilee, Colorado & Beyond!

education at CSU or Mesa State College. LIST emphasizes energy solutions

by Marcia Martinek Herald Editor Wind power, fuel cells and the conversion of biomass to hydrogen were all the topics of the day when the Leadville Institute of Science and Industry (LIST) held a planning workshop last week. LIST is involved in a number of projects currently, all with the goal of providing jobs in the area and making use of Leadville’s altitude and cold climate as a demonstration site for solutions to mining, industrial, energy and environmental challenges. LIST is partnering with such entities as the Governor’s Office of Energy Management and Conser-vation (OEMC), Governor’s Office of Innovation and Technology (OIT) Colorado School of Mines (CSM) Colorado State University (CSU) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the United States Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Representa-tives from many of these groups were present last week to describe thier projects. Megan Castle, OEMC, described the installation of the anemometer last month east of Leadville. (See story in the June 19 issue of the Herald.) If, following a year of data gathering, wind is determined to be a feasible way to generate energy here, LIST has been asked to offset the energy costs of the Yak water treatment plant here, operated by ASARCO and Newmont Gold Co. Fuel cells are currently the topic of intense study throughout the scientific community. They are electrochemical energy- conversion devices that convert hydrogen and oxygen into water, producing heat and electricity. Andrew Herring, assistant research professor in the department of chemical engineering at CSM, updated the group on some of the research being done, and how it might apply to Leadville. “Fuel cell is over-hyped,” Herring said. “We haven’t done the research to make it run forever and cost nothing.” In Leadville the idea is to produce hydrogen here which would be used in a fuel cell. Altitude testing would also be an issue, because most fuel cells currently will operate at more than 5,000 feet in altitude. Robert Evans of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, http://www.leadvilleherald.com/topstories/topstories.html (4 of 6) [7/25/2003 9:43:31 AM] More Top Stories from The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadvilee, Colorado & Beyond! discussed the production of hydrogen from biomass, specifically using the organic material from Forest Service tree-thinning efforts. NREL hopes to produce, store and safely use hydrogen made from renewable resources, eventually being able to produce large quantities at low cost to compete with oil, natural gas and coal as a source of energy. Materials such as forest and agricultural residue, energy crops, and animal and municipal wastes (all of which constitute biomass) are expected to be able to supply 15 percent of the world’s energy by 2050, Evans said. Jim Zornes, natural resources program manager for the U. S. Forest Service, described the tree-thinning efforts now under way, an obvious source of biomass. The Box Creek area includes 3,100 acres of lodgepole pine, Zornes said, and it is the next test project. “We’re making more now than it costs us (for thinning),” Zornes said, adding that there is 2.5 times more material per acre than first estimated. Currently, the logging done in the Forest Service areas is for traditional products such as posts and poles. Zornes is enthusiastic about the Forest Stewardship Project being proposed in Lake County where local citizens are studying the possible economic benefits resulting from the forest treatment. Mike Holmes, project manager for the EPA, said that wood ships are used in revegetation of mined areas that are being remediated. Gary Johnson, who is retired from CSM and who ran last week’s meeting, said that rock in mined areas is very sterile and composting is necessary in order to produce soil. Currently EPA is bringing in wood chips from the San Luis Valley for use in this area, because there is no local source. Another demonstration project for this area involves the installation of a micro-turbine in the Leadville Mine Drainage Tunnel. Dawn Wiedmeier, deputy area manager of the BOR, said data will be gathered on the efficiency of the micro-turbine at high altitudes. Holmes described the current project in the Leadville Mine Drainage tunnel where water will be pumped up from 150 to 400 feet and delivered to the water treatment plant. EPA and BOR are interested in looking at alternative sources of energy for these pumps. People who aren’t thinking of alternate sources of energy now, will be doing so soon. John Scahill of NREL said that the west is currently enjoying the lowest energy rates in the nation, but a sharp increase in rates will occur, making his work in converting biomass to energy even more crucial. http://www.leadvilleherald.com/topstories/topstories.html (5 of 6) [7/25/2003 9:43:31 AM] Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

July 24, 2003 Edition Sports Page

Novice biker shares experience

Photo by Marcia Martinek Team Ten Two gets ready to take off from Lake County High Advertise YOUR School at the Courage Classic Saturday morning. Team members Business HERE! are, from left, Andres Garza, Tom Cartwright, Sharon Cartwright, Josh Colley, Jody Martinez, Mike Owsley of Vail, Jenn Wiant, Cindy MacIsaac, Norm Maddex of Seattle, Jeff Maddex and Marge Knoll.

by Jenn Wiant Herald Staff Writer In a moment of weakness, I was talked into riding in the 14th Annual Courage Classic this past weekend. The 162 mile, three- day bike tour took riders through Lake, Summit and Eagle counties and raised money for the Children’s Hospital

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/sportspage/sportspage.html (1 of 5) [7/25/2003 9:44:01 AM] Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! Foundation. When Team Ten Two (for Leadville’s 10,200 feet) Captain Jody Martinez asked me to join the team, I had no idea how I would survive riding 50+ miles of mountain passes three days in a row. The furthest I had ever ridden until Saturday was 36 miles. Thirty- six relatively flat miles. But Jody, my spin instructor, assured me that I was in good enough shape to do it, so I decided to try. The Courage Classic attracted 1,800 riders this year from 36 states and three other countries. The cyclists ranged in age from four to 84 years old and ranged in ability from slow, like me, to really fast and strong. One of the most interesting things about the weekend was seeing so many different kinds of people accomplishing the same goal each day and sharing the same stories each night. Here are some of my stories: Day 1: My 10 teammates and I took off from the start line behind Lake County High School at about 8 a.m. Saturday morning. Saturday’s course took us from the high school to Turquoise Lake, around the lake, up Mountain View Drive to Colo. 91 and over Fremont Pass into Copper Mountain with a stop for lunch at the Climax mine. Four hours and 40 minutes after starting, we were having a drink at Copper. My first day was hard, but I was feeling much more confident about my abilities by the time it was over. Putting skinny tires on my mountain bike had made the climbs much easier and the descents much faster. Fremont Pass, which everyone had hyped up to be really hard, was actually only hard for about 10 minutes on the last short, steep stretch before Climax. I ended the day with a big, delicious dinner, a long soak in the hot tub, and was asleep by 10 p.m., although I easily could have passed out around 6 p.m. Day 2: The second day included a 50 mile ride from Copper to Frisco to Breckenridge, over Swan Mountain to Keystone, over Dillon Dam back to Frisco, and back to Copper, with an optional killer ride to the top of Loveland Pass. It sounded long, but I knew most of the course would be relatively flat, and I was right. I felt really good by the time I got to Keystone and decided to attempt Loveland Pass. I made it about a half-mile short of Arapahoe Basin ski area, which I figure was about halfway up the pass. Not bad, considering I hadn’t been planning to attempt it at all. Seven of my teammates made it all the way to the top. When I returned to Keystone, a huge lunch of baked potatoes, salads, fruit, brownies, cookies, sandwiches and chips was waiting for me. The food on this tour was incredible. As one of my teammates said, this was not a bike tour for him, it was an eating tour. The aid stations, which were located every eight to 12 miles, were stocked with fruit, cookies, bagels, muffins, energy http://www.leadvilleherald.com/sportspage/sportspage.html (2 of 5) [7/25/2003 9:44:01 AM] Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

bars, water, bathrooms, mechanics, free sunscreen and Advil, and lots of friendly volunteers with encouraging words. Speaking of bathrooms, I learned this weekend that the maximum occupancy of a Port-O-Pot is ten people. I would love to know how ten people could fit in one of those things. The great thing about Day 2 was that most of the team stayed together more or less throughout the day, despite differences in ability. For example, probably the fastest member of the team, Josh Colley, rode with me, probably the slowest member of the team, for the last 20 miles of the ride. Day 3: Monday was by far the most brutal day of riding. By this time my legs were tired, my butt was sore, and I couldn’t wait to get to the finish line. Unlike Day 2, the team did not stay together. We all wanted to get home, so instead of spending at least 10 minutes at each aid station and an hour at lunch, we took about five minutes at the aid stations or skipped them altogether. Josh, who had been nice enough to ride at my slow pace Sunday, made up for it Monday by riding from Copper to Leadville via Vail Pass, Battle Mountain and Tennessee Pass in two and a half hours, stopping once for half of an energy bar. I, on the other hand, finished in six hours for the day. But I was not the last to finish. Team Courage, a group of 11 people who are current or former patients of the Children’s Hospital, rode across the finish line shortly after I did. One girl did not have use of her lower body and had ridden all three days on a bike she pedaled with her arms. When I saw those 11 people cross the finish line, I forgot my tired, dehydrated, hungry body and remembered why I was doing this race at all. For the past 14 years, the Courage Classic has been a fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital Foundation. Last year, riders raised $1.2 million in pledges. Money is still being collected for this year’s donations, but the 11 cyclists from Leadville’s Team Ten Two contributed over $2,200. I looked at the 1,800 other finishers around me. I had seen those same people jumping in the sag wagons a few hours earlier, making it clear that they were feeling the effects of having ridden hard in the sun three days in a row like I was. However, everyone was smiling now, thinking of their own personal accomplishments over the weekend. I am just hoping that three days of riding will make the half marathon I am planning to run in August, which does not go over any mountain passes, seem both short and easy. Leadville bikers raise more than

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/sportspage/sportspage.html (3 of 5) [7/25/2003 9:44:01 AM] Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! $2,200

are some of my stories: Day 1: My 10 teammates and I took off from the start line behind Lake County High School at about 8 a.m. Saturday morning. Saturday’s course took us from the high school to Turquoise Lake, around the lake, up Mountain View Drive to Colo. 91 and over Fremont Pass into Copper Mountain with a stop for lunch at the Climax mine. Four hours and 40 minutes after starting, we were having a drink at Copper. My first day was hard, but I was feeling much more confident about my abilities by the time it was over. Putting skinny tires on my mountain bike had made the climbs much easier and the descents much faster. Fremont Pass, which everyone had hyped up to be really hard, was actually only hard for about 10 minutes on the last short, steep stretch before Climax. I ended the day with a big, delicious dinner, a long soak in the hot tub, and was asleep by 10 p.m., although I easily could have passed out around 6 p.m. Day 2: The second day included a 50 mile ride from Copper to Frisco to Breckenridge, over Swan Mountain to Keystone, over Dillon Dam back to Frisco, and back to Copper, with an optional killer ride to the top of Loveland Pass. It sounded long, but I knew most of the course would be relatively flat, and I was right. I felt really good by the time I got to Keystone and decided to attempt Loveland Pass. I made it about a half-mile short of Arapahoe Basin ski area, which I figure was about halfway up the pass. Not bad, considering I hadn’t been planning to attempt it at all. Seven of my teammates made it all the way to the top. When I returned to Keystone, a huge lunch of baked potatoes, salads, fruit, brownies, cookies, sandwiches and chips was waiting for me. The food on this tour was incredible. As one of my teammates said, this was not a bike tour for him, it was an eating tour. The aid stations, which were located every eight to 12 miles, were stocked with fruit, cookies, bagels, muffins, energy bars, water, bathrooms, mechanics, free sunscreen and Advil, and lots of friendly volunteers with encouraging words. Speaking of bathrooms, I learned this weekend that the maximum occupancy of a Port-O-Pot is ten people. I would love to know how ten people could fit in one of those things. The great thing about Day 2 was that most of the team stayed together more or less throughout the day, despite differences in ability. For example, probably the fastest member of the team, Josh Colley, rode with me, probably the slowest member of the team, for the last 20 miles of the ride. http://www.leadvilleherald.com/sportspage/sportspage.html (4 of 5) [7/25/2003 9:44:01 AM] Welcome to The Herald Democrat - Online! The Premiere News Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! Day 3: Monday was by far the most brutal day of riding. By this time my legs were tired, my butt was sore, and I couldn’t wait to get to the finish line. Unlike Day 2, the team did not stay together. We all wanted to get home, so instead of spending at least 10 minutes at each aid station and an hour at lunch, we took about five minutes at the aid stations or skipped them altogether. Josh, who had been nice enough to ride at my slow pace Sunday, made up for it Monday by riding from Copper to Leadville via Vail Pass, Battle Mountain and Tennessee Pass in two and a half hours, stopping once for half of an energy bar. I, on the other hand, finished in six hours for the day. But I was not the last to finish. Team Courage, a group of 11 people who are current or former patients of the Children’s Hospital, rode across the finish line shortly after I did. One girl did not have use of her lower body and had ridden all three days on a bike she pedaled with her arms. When I saw those 11 people cross the finish line, I forgot my tired, dehydrated, hungry body and remembered why I was doing this race at all. For the past 14 years, the Courage Classic has been a fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital Foundation. Last year, riders raised $1.2 million in pledges. Money is still being collected for this year’s donations, but the 11 cyclists from Leadville’s Team Ten Two contributed more than $2,200. I looked at the 1,800 other finishers around me. I had seen those same people jumping in the sag wagons a few hours earlier, making it clear that they were feeling the effects of having ridden hard in the sun three days in a row like I was. However, everyone was smiling now, thinking of their own personal accomplishments over the weekend. I am just hoping that three days of riding will make the half marathon I am planning to run in August, which does not go over any mountain passes, seem both short and easy.

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July 24, 2003 Edition From the Editor...

Modern alchemy

The ancient art of alchemy seems analogous to Leadville, both in its glory days, and today. Alchemists worked to find a way to transform base metals – lead, for instance – into gold. In Leadville, although both gold and silver played a role in the wealth of the community, the miners also took base metals such as lead and turned them into – if not gold – considerable riches. Leadville is still dabbling in the ancient art of alchemy, only in a more scientific way. The Forest Stewardship project is just one example. Here the proposal is to take large amounts of small underbrush and trees that will become available as the forests are thinned, and turn it into a cash crop, such as mulch and wood chips, that would have a variety of uses. In the process jobs would be created. Interestingly enough, that same product of forest thinning is being eyed by the Leadville Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) in conjunction with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory as bio-mass that could be used to produce hydrogen which, in turn, could be a source of energy other than the fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas that are used today. As one person noted at last weeks LIST meeting, “One person’s debris is another person’s bio-mass.” LIST met last week with representatives of a variety of groups interested in finding new sources of energy and using Leadville as a high-altitude laboratory of sorts to test devices such as fuel cells and wind energy. It seemed appropriate that the meeting was

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/columnist/columnist.html (1 of 3) [7/25/2003 9:44:40 AM] Welcome to The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! held in the mining museum. This is, after all, an edifice that commemorates many who made their fortune by realizing value from the available natural resources in this area. Much brain power was evident in that room, and even the non- scientists among us could see some of the exciting possibilities in the work that is being done. LIST’s work is ongoing, and another meeting will take place in about six months to update everyone on where these projects stand. Robin Littlepage has more information for those who are interested. If you’ve missed any of the earlier meetings on the Forest Stewardship Project, instituted by Jessica Clement, go to the National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum auditorium on Thursday, July 30, at 6:30 p.m. for some information sharing. Although few people think of Leadville and Lake County as a scientific think tank, this shows signs of changing, especially when you add in the work being done by local professor Karmen King and Natural Resource Management Institute, discussed in this issue of the paper. Who knows what will be the next source of riches in Lake County? As we know, gold doesn’t always glitter. Marcia Martinek Herald Editor

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July 24, 2003 Edition New Arrivals

There were no births reported this week.

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July 24, 2003 Edition


David John “Skeeter” Switalski

David John “Skeeter” Switalski, 43, died July 13 in Saguache County following a work-related accident. He was born Oct. 1, 1959, in Flint, Mich., to Donald and Arlene (Gorsalitz) Switalski. He served in the U.S. Army. and was the owner of S & H Excavation, Buena Vista, living and working in Park and Chaffee counties for the last 20 years. He will be remembered as a caring father: quick with a smile or to lend a helping hand. He was a highly skilled excavator and took pride in the work he did and he had a passion and enthusiasm for life that will be missed by everyone who knew and loved him. He was preceded in death by his brother. He is survived by his daughter Linsey Ann Hoyt Switalski; son David James Hoyt Switalski, Buena Vista; brothers Daniel and Donald; and sisters Sheryl and Teresa. Private cremation was held with a graveside service on July 22 at Mount Olivet Cemetery. Donations may be made to the David J. Switalski Memorial Account to benefit Linsey and David, in care of Collegiate Peaks Bank, P.O. Box 3009, Buena Vista, CO 81211. Arrangements were handled by Runyan Mortuary.

Lawana Mae Bartell

Lawana Mae Bartell, 77, died July 15 at her home in Fort

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/obituaries/obituaries.html (1 of 3) [7/25/2003 9:44:56 AM] The Herald Democrat Obituaries...The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! Morgan, Colo. She was born Oct. 16, 1925 in Garber, Okla., to Athol V. and Kathryn (McLaughlin) Rhodus. She married Donald E. Bartell on July 1, 1944, in Muskogee, Okla. After WWII, they lived in Leadville until 1975 when they moved to Fort Collins. They lived in Fort Collins until 1981 when they moved to Greeley and finally settled in Fort Morgan in 1998. He died on March 24, 2001. She was a homemaker and worked for years as a Selective Service Agent with the federal government. She was a member of St. Helena Catholic Church in Fort Morgan and a member of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority for more than 50 years. She was also a member of the senior bridge club at the Hillcrest Apartments in Fort Morgan. Some of her hobbies included oil painting, gardening, fishing and camping. She also enjoyed playing golf with her family and skiing in the winter. She and her husband loved music and loved to go dancing. She was preceded in death by her parents; and husband Donald. She is survived by her daughter Donna J. (Thomas C. Johnson) Bartell-Johnson, Littleton, Colo.; son Kim David (Beth A.) Bartell, Fort Morgan, Colo.; brother Lee Rhodus, Arvada, Colo.; sisters Beverly Blamey and Darlene Lindbloom, both of ; grandchildren Dawn (David) Booth, Abilene, Texas; Sarah E. Bartell, Kate M. Bartell and Scott A. Bartell, all of Fort Morgan; and Kamala (John) Madden, Littleton, Colo.; and great grandchildren Christine and John Booth. Visitation, rosary and vigil were held July 18 at Bailey Funeral Home in Leadville. Mass of Christian Burial was held on July 19 at the Annunciation Catholic Church. Interment followed in St. Joseph Cemetery in Leadville. In honor of her husband, memorial gifts may be given to the Alzheimer’s Research Foundation, c/o Heer & Jolliffe Mortuary, 225 E. Platte Avenue, Fort Morgan, CO 80701. Local arrangements were handled by Bailey Funeral Home.

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July 24, 2003 Edition

Letter to The Editor...

Yard sale helped pets

Thanks to the community, we had another successful yard sale. All proceeds are going to help spay or neuter Leadville’s dogs and cats, and that includes the adoptable ones at the animal shelter. As always, we truly appreciate everyones support. Please call us if your pet is not neutered yet. 486-2907 or 486- 2205. Hela Carpenter for Planned Pethood Assistance

Advertise YOUR Business HERE!

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/letters/letters.html (1 of 6) [7/25/2003 9:45:05 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

Click HERE to view this weeks' Classifieds!

Classified Rates

40¢/word...... 1 Week...... 30¢/word...... 3 Weeks 35¢/word...... 2 Weeks...... 25¢/word...... 4 Weeks

Want more information? Call, fax or email today! (719) 486-0641 • fax: 719-486-0611 email: [email protected]

There will be a $3.00 Surcharge added to all "Billed" Classifieds. Regionals ** For Only an additional $8.00 - You can place your classified ad in the following weekly "sister" papers! The Chaffee County Times (Buena Vista, Colorado) The Mountain Mail (Salida, Colorado) The Fairplay Flume (Fairplay, Park County, Colorado)

** Additional "Purchase Listings" Apply Only to Newsprint Editions...

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/index.html (1 of 2) [7/25/2003 9:45:17 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

July 24, 2003 Edition Classifieds


Auto Body Tech(s)-want experienced w/tools. Interview setup 719-486-0071 or fax resume to 719-486-5056. b4x7/24

The Lake County Sheriff’s Office has an opening for a Jailer. Pay is $20,000 per year + health benefits & some overtime. Applicants must be at least eighteen years old, possess a valid Colorado driver’s license with no alcohol related driving convictions, no felony or drug related, or domestic violence related misdemeanor or convictions. Bilingual in Spanish & computer knowledge is a plus. Must be physically fit to do the job. Applications can be picked up at the Lake County Sheriff’s Office. Lake County is an EOE. p2x7/31

Now hiring a Cook-experienced only, self-starter, apply within. Boomtown Brewpub. b4x7/24

Housekeeper-Apply in person. Silver King Motor Inn. b/tfn

Immediate opening for Assistant in health professional’s office. Will train. Approximately 30 hours a week. Mail resume to P.O. Box 504, Leadville, CO 80461. bxtfn http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (1 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:35 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

Evening Cook needed @ High Country Restaurant. b2x7/24

Lake County is seeking a Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer. The successful applicant will perform inspections of buildings to assure compliance with plans, codes & regulations, & will initiate enforcement action on code violations. A valid Colorado Drivers License and Colorado Journeyman or Masters Electrical License is required, along with general construction experience. ICBO certifications & knowledge of 2000 & 2003 International Building Codes a plus. Starting salary will be based on education & experience. This application will remain open until filled. Please send a resume along with references & salary requirement to: Ron Newman, Director, Lake County Community Services, P.O. Box 513, Leadville, CO 80461. Lake County is an EOE. b2x7/24

Lake County Treasurer’s Office is looking for a responsible person for the position of Clerk. Must be able to work independently; knowledgeable of work processing programs; ten key; typing; Excel; excellent telephone, people & organizational skills; accept additional duties & ability to complete tasks in a timely fashion. Bookkeeping, reconciliation, debt/credit knowledge, a must. Submit resumes to Lake County Treasurer, P.O. Box 276, Leadville, CO 80461 or submit applications to the Colorado Work Force located in the basement of the Lake County Courthouse. Applications will be accepted through August 1, 2003. Resumes on file will be considered. Lake County Treasurer is an EOE, however, does not acknowledge the point system. p2x7/31

Full-time Admission Clerk, heavy phone traffic, computer experience helpful, varying shifts, some weekends & holidays. Submit application to Marilee Riley, St. Vincent Hospital, 822 West 4th, Leadville, CO 80461. EOE. p1x7/26

Sodexo Services is seeking an experienced Cook & Dishwasher. Medical & dental benefits. Call 486-4275. b4x8/14

Vacancy Notice http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (2 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:35 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! Lake County School District R-1 has the following positions open for the 2003-2004 school year. High School Special Education Teacher’s Aide Intermediate School Speech Pathologist (Pre-K-12) 8th Grade Social Studies West Park Elementary Music Teacher (.75) 3rd Grade Teacher (2) District Migrant Education Recruiters Bus Drivers Coaching Varsity Girls Basketball For information or application contact Reba Neufeld at, Lake County School District R-1, 107 Spruce St., Leadville, CO 80461 or call 719-486-6813. Positions open until filled. EOE


Experienced painter looking for immediate work. Please call Jesse @ 1-303-274-0921. p4x7/24

Lake County Private Investigator Shauna Matlock 719-486-5389 p4x8/14

Interior-Exterior Painting Handyman work-Dave Jr. 486-9279 p4x8/14


Pronto Cash & Pawn Check Advance Service and Pawn Shop

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (3 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! 7555 W. Hwy 50 just east of TJ’s Liquor 530-0000

** Gun Show ** 19th Annual Boom Days Gun Show, 124 E. 6th St. Gym, Leadville, CO 8/2, Sat. 9 am - 5 pm 8/3, Sun. 9 am - 4 pmE.T.S. Inc • 719-641-6735

TRUCK LOAD DING & DENT SALE 20% - 40% off Whirpool Appliances Hwy 50 and D St. • Salida, CO • 539-2001 28362 CR 317 • Buena Vista, CO • 395-2420 Valley Home Furnishings

$1,000 Reward Money Available for substantial info about those harassing me and their methods. Jim Duhig, 486-9099, P.O. Box 1236, Leadville, CO 80461 p4x7/31


Original Perfumes-up to 80% discount. www.colognezone.org p1x7/24

Frenchy Firewood 719-395-9226 px7/24

firewood-Dry, Split, Delivered 486-2965. 18tfn9

Magic Chef gas range-$175. 486-1080. p4x7/24

Canning jars-4 doz. quarts, 3 doz. pints. $30. 486-3177 p4x7/31

1948 Luger 16’ wooden boat w/trailer. Best offer 486-8195. p2x7/31

Sofa bed; dining table; chairs; sideboard; sofa, chest of drawers, http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (4 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! hutch, antique tables, computer armoire, coffee table, gas grill, stools. 719-486-3315 p1x7/24

36 volt cub car golf cart, runs good. Comes with charger. $750. 486-2562. b4x8/7

Upright Grand Piano, totally reconditioned inside & out. Mahogany. $600. 719-221-0582. p2x7/31

5. Wanted

Paying Hundreds for old Leadville whiskey crock jugs. 307-324- 3376. p1/15

wanted to buy: Old carpenters tools, levels, planes, tool boxes, etc. Private collector, not a dealer. Cash paid. Call 395-4819


High Mountain Homes-Lease/rent purchase options are available. More information at www.mountainmodularhomes.com or call 719-486-0254 or 486- 2808. p8/14

318 West 6th-3 bdrm 2 bath. Newer paint, hot water heater, gas furnace, 2 lots. $124,900. 1-800-660-1502. p4x7/24

2 bdrm, 1 bath on west side of town. Will sell under 2001 appraisal. Great starter or rental home in the 90’s. Call 970-434- 0412. b4x7/24

4 bdrm 2 bath Victorian-in town. Beautiful hardwood floors, newly remodeled, new paint, large fenced-in yard. $175,000. 719- http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (5 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! 486-2880. p4x7/31

3200 sq. ft. historic building on 5 lots in downtown Leadville. Also, 4 rustic log cabins ready to move. 775-738-3941. p4x8/14

3 bdrm, 2 bath home w/family room, furnished w/airtight wood & coal stove, pool table, sofa, love seat, electric stove, refrigerator, washer/dryer. Over-sized shed w/ electricity & fenced yard. Call 719-486-2541. p4x8/14

STROUT REALTY INCORPORATED DEVELOPERS! Ski-town development land. Gently sloping 10.75 acres can be up to 15.5 acres. Adjoins National Forest, mature aspen and pine, views, springs on property, power and phone adjoins. $1,300,000 STROUT REALTY, INC. 719.539.4334

STROUT REALTY INCORPORATED FEATURED LISTINGS Fantastic views From treed 1/2 +/- acre mountain homesite w/ privacy, water, sewer (taps paid) & electric. $7,950.00 Ready for your home Cottonwoods, 1 2/3 ac. tract, w/ electric, well, septic and phone. $55,000.00. Affordable acreage 2 lots in Pinon Hills, 4 +/- acres ea., access, 3 mi. from downtown Salida. $60,000.00 & $75,000.00. Quiet street, mountain views 1996 manufactured 2 bdrm, 2 bath on .5 +/- ac. in Moffat, CO, across from park, near schools. $65,000.00 Cabin in the woods Live water, aspens & pine on 1 +/- ac., well, 1 -car garage, Howard, CO $119,500.00

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (6 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! Lots of lot 4 bdrm, 1 ba., recently remodeled on 1/3 ac. fenced, town lot w/trees, 1 car garage & workshop. $139,500.00 Home in the valley 2 bdrm, 1 ba., 768 sf, cabin near Moffat, CO. Mature cottonwoods on 75 +/- ac., 20 gpm artesian well. $144,900.00 Immaculate 3 bdrm, 2 ba. 1248 sf. modular. Loads of upgrades, 2 outbuildings, fireplace. $152,500.00 Cabin in aspens and pines w/live water, utilities & appliances; 3 bdrm, 1 ba. Well w/outside watering, fireplace. $159,500.00 Bring your horses Fantastic views, easy access, power & phone adjoin this 38 +/- acs. $210,000.00 Cochetopa creek Flows through this 40 ac. site. Great views. 1/2 sub-irrigated meadow, 1/2 treed. Adjoins National Forest on 2 sides. $475,000.00 STROUT REALTY, INC. 719.539.4334


Centennial Real Estate is offering a variety of 1/2-acre to two- acre parcels for your special home. Some are tree-covered lots; others offer exceptional views. Call today so that we can help you find the perfect location. Centennial Real Estate 719-486-1409. tfn

Twin Lakes Pan Ark Addition 1-A Lot 282 $8500. 486-8124. p6x8/21

mining claims 51 acres in mining district-$13,500. 42 acres on Mt. Elbert (Dayton Gulch)-$29,000. 34 acres near Turquoise (St. Kevin Gulch)-$51,000. 2-10 acre claims on Weston Pass-$12,500 ea. 30 acres on Weston Pass Road, timberline, $37,056. 10 acre claim off Weston Pass Road, some trees, stream-$22,500. 152 acres, South Fork Lake Creek, beautiful valley & views- http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (7 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! $275,000. 10.3 acres on Forest Service road in Dry Union Gulch, $45,000. 74 acres north of Camp Hale, Eagle County, $149,000. Lake County Realty 719-486-0576 or www.k2colorado.com b/tfn


Why are you still renting when you can own your home with no bank needed? Village at East Fork 486-0365. p4x7/24

1 bdrm furnished apartment. $425/mo. + dep. References required. No pets. 719-486-3851. p/tfn

2 bdrm apartment $575/mo. and $575 deposit. No pets. References required. Family environment. Call 486-3848. p/tfn

309 West 3rd Street. $500/mo. First, last, & one month deposit to move in. No pets/smoking. Call 486-2634. p/tfn

Sunny 1 bdrm cabin in Beaver Lakes. Great views. Fresh paint, recent appliances including W/D. No dogs. $600/mo. 486-9109. p4x8/7

3 bdrm 2 bath house. W/D, dishwasher, gas heat, wood stove. 318 West 6th. $745/mo. 1-800-660-1502. p4x7/24

2 bdrm, 1 bath. 486-2949. p4x8/14

Commercial Building: 4,572 sq. ft.; off street parking, store front, humongous garage, oversized overhead doors, can be divided. 317 Harrison Avenue, Leadville. 954-921-4097. p4x8/14

2 Bdrm 2 Bath Apt. Clean-quiet-secure. Nice area west of town. No smoking/pets. $450/mo. 486-7379. b/tfn

Avalanche Motel. Weekly rates, kitchens available. 719-486- http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (8 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! 0881. b/tfn

2 Bdrm Apt. Clean, quiet, & comfortable. Low utilities. Trash pickup included. No pets. New heater, new carpets, w/d hook- ups, newly tiled bath & kitchen, new paint. $475/mo. $500/dam. 486-0701. b/tfn

1 bdrm cabin, $750/mo., Red Cliff. Call 970-331-9752. No pets. p4x8/14

4 bdrm/2 bath, 2800 s.f. Mountainside, 4 acre Executive Home. No Pets/Smoker. Deposit, References, Lease, $1135/mo. Shown by appointment. Jeff Jackel 970-704-4114 or 970-274-0450. p4x7/24

225 West 12th Street, duplex #2, 2 bdrms, washer/dryer, 1 year lease, no pets. $550/mo. $550/dep. Available July 1. Call 486- 3412. b/tfn

Spacious 2 bdrm 1 1/2 bath duplex includes water, heat. Pan Ark/Twin Lakes-Outstanding views! Sunroom, kitchen appliances, w/d, ns/np. Available now. Lease $650/mo. 303-422- 8371. p/tfn

Senior Housing-Mt. Massive Manor, 131 W. 12th St., Leadville, CO 80461. Now accepting applications for future occupancy. Preference given to seniors 62 and up. HUD subsidized. Call 719- 486-2431. tfn

High Country Apartments, 921 Mt. Massive Drive, Leadville CO 80461. Two bedrooms, town house style, washer/dryer hookups. All utilities paid. HUD subsidized. 486-2363 btfn

Commercial Office Space for lease or sale. 735 sq. ft. downtown w/parking. 486-2419. b/tfn

Office Space: Buena Vista Square, 301 E. main, 400 to 800 sq. ft.

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (9 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! Bruce Ward, 395-4700. cct/tfn

Large 2 bdrm. apt. 1 1/2 ba. $650/mo. includes utilities. Call 486- 0254. bxtfn

mtn. peaks motel & Kitchenettes, furnished, Includes cable. All bills paid. Rent daily, weekly or monthly. 486-3178. btfn

Furnished 2 bdrm house, great view, private yard, very clean & comfortable. $650/mo. includes utilities. References & deposit. Pet possible. 486-0319. p2x7/31

Very nice small house, 1 or 2 people only. No pets/no smoking. $700/mo. includes water & sewer. First, last and $400/dep. References. 486-2858 or call collect 303-237-6791 for appt. p4x8/4

Studio with Sunroom on Mineral Belt Trail. Utilities paid. Great condition. $425/mo. First, last, references. No smoking. Pets possible. 486-9776. p4x8/7

Rental in Leadville. 3 bdrm, 1 bath Victorian, 204 West 6th. Pets ok. Good credit required. $700/mo. 970-453-6695. p4x8/14

Eagles Nest: 1, 2, & 3 bdrm, spacious, affordable apts. Long term & short term leases, new laundry facility, pets welcome, excellent mountain views. 1-866-486-3949. Turn on Mountain View Dr. (by Safeway); we’re approximately 1/4 mile down on the left. EHO b/tfn

2 Bedroom Apts. $300 to $475. No pets. References. 486-3625. www.rentalsinleadville.com b/tfn

Office Space for Rent in Tabor Grand Building 711 Harrison Ave.

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (10 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! 4 Offices Lg. Reception area Excellent location Ready to Move In! 486-3889

APARTMENTS FOR RENT AT THE TABOR GRAND • 2 bedroom apartments • Reduced from $565 to $474 per month on selected units • Must sign 1 year lease Inquire at the Tabor Grand 711 Harrison Ave or call 719-486-3889

2 Bdrm Homes $600, $650. 3 Bdrm Homes $700, $800. 2 Bdrm Duplex $575. References. 486-3625. www.rentalsinleadville.com b/tfn

Duplex Apartment-2 bdrm w/wood & gas heat. $550/mo. + deposit. Prefer longer term renters w/references. Located approx. 8 miles north Leadville on Hwy 91. Exit @ the Colorado Belle Ranch sign. 719-486-8910. bxtfn

First month $99. $475/dp., 2 bdrm apt. Clean, no pets. 395-3478 or 486-3136. p2x7/24

3 bdrm, 1 bath, appliances + w/d. Single car garage. Available Aug. 15. $700/mo. 486-1177. p4x8/7

3 bdrm, w/d, fenced yard, avail. mid August. $750/mo. 970-389- 4664. b2x7/24


wanted to buy-used mobile homes, 1976 or newer. Call 719-486-

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (11 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! 2562 or 719-395-6845. b/tfn

Now, brand new double wide 3 bdrm 2 bath home priced @ $37,000. 3 months free space rent with the purchase of ANY of our homes for sale. We have a large selection of used homes in great condition starting @ $8,500. 719-486-2562 or 719-486- 4850. b/tfn

1968 Champion doublewide, $13,500. Good shape, fenced, 2 enclosed porches, 1 large shed plus extras. 970-471-0749. p4x7/24

Mobile Home For Sale-1998 Liberty 14x72 $24,900. Financing available! Call Peoples Nat’l Bank 486-0420. b4x7/31


Private financing for this home. Village at East Fork 486-0365 bx7/24


16 x 80 3 bdrm, 2 bath “mobile home” on 3.5 acres of private land. $700/mo., $500/dep. Walt 970-257-0042 or 719-279-0151. p2x7/31

2 bdrm on private property. Washer & dryer, wood-burner. First months rent, security & utility deposits Must have references. Call after 6 pm, 970-524-7112. b/tfn


1963 Plymouth Fury 318./P.B. trans. 4 door $700. 719-486-2680. p2x7/24

1995 Ford Ranger XLT 4.0, 6 cyl., 4x4, auto., topper, dark purple. $5400. 486-7311.

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (12 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! p4x8/7

1937 Chevy Master Deluxe, needs body work. $2500. 303-322- 2506.


426 East 5th July 25 & 26, 9 am to ? p1x7/24

312 Mt. Princeton Saturday, July 26, 8 am to 1 pm. p1x7/24

418 East 2nd Sunday July 27, 8 am to 3 pm. p1x7/24

Moving sale #2 Ranch Road off of County Road 4, Leadville, Saturday, July 26, 9 am to ? Look for signs. Antiques, furniture, books, clothes, misc. 719-486-3315. p1x7/212

176 S. Toledo, Moving Sale-Come check out the treasures! Saturday July 26, 9 am to 2 pm. p1x7/24

500 East 7th July 26, 8 am to ? p1x7/24

Huge moving sale 2994 Hwy 91 July 26 & 27, 8 am to 1 pm. Snowblower, tools, wood, electrical supplies, furniture, lg. glass windows, bed, toys, bikes, good stuff! p1x7/24

1405 Mt. Elbert, Saturday, July 26, 9 am to 1 pm. p1x7/24

1416 Mt. Massive, multi-family yard sale. Household items, clothing, furniture, auto parts & more. Saturday & Sunday, July 26 & 27, 10 am to ? p1x7/24

1704 Harrison Avenue, Saturday, 9 am to ? p1x7/24

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (13 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

624 West 2nd Saturday, July 26, 8 am to 2 pm. p1x7/24


Intermountain Self-Storage Sizes from 5’ x 4’ - 10’ x 24’ 486-2041 tfn

Weekly Trash Service As low as $11.50 per month. Mtn. Feed and Coal. Call 486-3566 or 486-1593. tfn


pagers 539-9444 395-3030


ARD SALE: NEIGHBORHOOD YARD SALE 8005 W. Hwy 50 (2nd house west of WalMart) Saturday & Sunday July 26 & 27, 8am-4pm Twin Baby Stroller, Toddler Bed, Antique Drop Leaf Table, EARLY BIRDS PAY DOUBLE!! R1x7/24 4444444444444 Coldwell Banker Massey Real Estate coldwellbanker.com has 62 million visits a year & 7,000 visits an hour! Visit us @ 329 West Rainbow Blvd. 719-530-0294 www.coldwellbanker.com

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (14 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! & www.cbmassey.com **IMMACULATE! Too many amenities to list! #5339 $185,000 **LARGE ACREAGE! 80 acre+/- @ a reasonable price! #5157 $68,000 **ON A CREEK! Well & septic already in! Lot w/views & trees! #5311 $55,000. **FIXER-UPPER! Includes home warranty! #5322 $84,900 **HARD TO FIND! 2 Lots adjoining each other & BLM. #5332 & 5334 $139,000 Each **BEAUTIFUL! Great building site w/BLM attached! #5310 $152,900 **THIS IS IT! Over 12 acres +- w/garage, well, septic & more! #5361 $79,900 4444444444444 4444444444444 FIRST COLORADO LAND OFFICE 4444444444444 Now is the time to buy one of these Excellent Values! ------H #206573-GONE FISHING!! Beautiful, quality built, custom home with 1850 ft. of Arkansas River frontage. Stucco Exterior, huge, metal clad windows an extensive landscaping. Attached 2 car garage is fully insulated, finish drywalled. HWBB Heat and lots of cabinets and large work station. 12 x 16 storage building. Full RV hook-up. HWBB heat plus Quadri- Fire woodstove. Nine skylights make the entire house sunny and bright. Oak, raised panel cabinets, hardwood floors in kitchen, dining and entry and raised panel doors & trim. $250,000. H * #206159 JUST REDUCED! Huge 40 x 60’ garage is only one of the many features that sets this home apart from the rest. Beautiful lawn & garddens. Spectacular views of the Sange De Cristo Mtns. Upgrades from windows & vinly siding to cabinets & appliances. Corner fireplace in the family room. Situated on a quiet road only a couple of minutes from Hwy. 50. $199,900 H #206573-BEAT THE HEAT! Remarkable, Panoramic views of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Good well that pumps 12 gallons per minute. 4 bedroom home on 2.8 m/l acres at the end of a quiet & private cul- de-sac in Fox Creek Canyon that is perfect for family living. $145,000 4444444444444 First Colorado Land Office http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (15 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

1055 E. HWY 50 SALIDA, CO 81201 719-539-6682 Toll Free: 1-800-727-0507 FAX: 1-719-539-6685 www.firstcolorado.com [email protected] 4444444444444 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Beauty and ease. Contemporary 3bd/2ba custom home has rustic beams, high ceilings, open plan. Passive solar. Mountain views from patio, deck or garden. Leslie at Salida Realty. 719-539-1031 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Big Views, Privacy, No Covenants! 2 +acres off CR111A. Borders BLM, well augmentation, power and phone available. The end of the road! Leslie at Salida Reality. 719-539-1031 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: CLIFFSIDE 1/3 acre m/l, central water and sewer, utilities, Near Rio Grande Golf Club, South Fork, CO. $75,000 Broken Arrow Land Co. @ 877-658-2533 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: UNBEATABLE HOME VALUE 2310 sq. ft. m/l 3-Bed, 2-1/2 Bath home, two 1/4 acre lots Eagles Nest Park above Creede. Cathedral ceilings, large kitchen, master bedroom-bath, heated garage. $149,000 Broken Arrow Land Co. @ 877-658-2533 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: BLM on 2 sides. of this prime site on 2.77 acres in prestigious Mesa Antero. Owner financing available. Susan at Salida Realty. 719-539-1031 R2x7/31 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Horse Property Plus! Minutes from town, 3300-sq.ft. house, 2 garages PLUS barn with horse stalls, workshop and RV parking. Mature trees, running ditch. Leslie at Salida Realty. 719-539- 1031t R2x7/31 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Best price per acre! 2.77+ acre lots with pinons, mountain views, private open space, easy access, close to town. Starting at $77,000. Leslie at Salida Realty. 719-539-1031 R2x7/31REAL ESTATE FOR SALE:

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (16 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! 40.54 acres on private airstrip. north of Villa Grove in the San Luis Valley. Well is in and property can be subdivided! Susan at Salida Realty. 719-539-1031 R2x7/31 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Rare in town Buena Vista lot. Located at 316 S. Gunnison, this city lot has huge trees and paid-taps. $50,000. Owned by Brokers Wife. Broker Michael Moran 970-547-1085 [email protected] R3x7/31 Real Estate for Sale: Totally remodeled 1450 sq ft home, 4 bedrooms, 1 3/4 bath, single-car garage, new kitchen, new paint and floor covering throughout, new plumbing and hot water heater, new roof. Privacy fenced backyard, quiet family neighborhood within walking distance of Buena Vista High and Middle Schools. $152,000. For appointments call (719) 395- 5737. 8/7p3-g REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: One of Salida’s Finest Historical Homes! With an asking price of $325,000 this unique brick victorian has many possibilities as it is Currently Five apartments. Call or email Michael Moran 970-547- 1085 [email protected] Broker/Owner R3x7/314 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: EUREKA! A MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS BONANZA!! 37.11 acres. Awesome cliff and Sangre de Cristo views! South of Curly Peak/San Isabel National Forest only $104,900. Gerald 719- 488-4408 or 719-238-4999. [email protected] OCMR.LPILAND.COM R4x7/24 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: CABIN SITE Adjoins National Forest, year-round access, 15 mi. NE of Salida, ghost town of Turret $25,000, seller financing. HEart of the Rockies Real Estate 719-539-3340 RTil 8/28 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Manufactured Home w/Arkansas River Frontage Neat and tidy 3 BR, 2 BA with garden tub, on the river with large http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (17 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

yard, lots of flowers, big deck, storage shed, dbl carport and peaceful views. All newer appliances included. ONE OF A KIND lot in City of Salida. $117,000 COLORADO VISTAS, Andrew Vigil, Broker, 719-539-3669 Rtfn REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: OWNER WILL PAY CLOSING COSTS! Income producing Duplex in Pueblo - $95,000. COLORADO VISTAS, Andrew Vigil, Broker 719-539-3669 Rtfn REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: MOTIVATED SELLER - Great Starter or retirement home. Located close to downtown Salida. Cute 2-bedroom, 1-bath remodeled home. $128,500 COLORADO VISTAS, Andrew Vigil, Broker 719-539-3669 Rtfn REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: FSBO 3,100 sq.ft. 4 bedroom, 2- 1/2 bath with walk out finished basement. Large detached 2 car garage. In Pinon Hills with breathtaking view on 1 acre, w/an outside water permit. 3% commission to ANYONE referring a buyer with the purchase of the home. Listing price $249,900. Call for an appointment at 719-539-6843 or 719-539-6550 Rtfn REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 3200 sq. ft. historic building on 5 lots in downtown Leadville. Also, 4 rustic log cabins ready to move. 775-738-3941. HD4xAug.14 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: IMMERSE YOURSELF IN THE PEACE and SERENITY of this 35 acre WET MOUNTAIN parcel overlooking the SANGRE DE CRISTO MOUNTAINS. Enjoy the views, open meadows and huge Pnderosas nestled between BLM and National Forest with beautiful Grape Creek just a short 1 hour hike away! Deed restricted with underground power and phone only 15 miles NE of Westciffe, CO-$116,900. Call or email Gerald today! 719-488- 4408 [email protected] www.OCMR.LPILAND.COM R4x7/31REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: MOTIVATED SELLERS Spacious 4 bedroom, 2 bath one w/garden tub. Large fenced backyard, room for garden. Close to middle school. $145,000 Call for appointment 719-539-6211 R4x7/24 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Home in Hidden Hills, 35 acres, hot tub, PRIVACY! $395,000.

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (18 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! Call Judy, Century 21 Wes Hill & Associates 719-539-5616. Rtfn REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 2090 square feet, 3bed/2 bath, 1 acre minutes from Salida $179,000! Call Judy, Century 21 Wes Hill & Associates 719-539- 5616. Rtfn REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Border forest, 10 acres, treed privacy, incredible views $65,000. Call Dan, Century 21 Wes Hill & Associates 719-539-3214. Rtfn REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Spruce Basin, 3 bed/2 bath home, 8 acres, $129,000! Call Judy, Century 21 Wes Hill & Associates 719-539-5616. Rtfn REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Clean 2 bedroom on 1 acre in Howard only $89,500. Call Dan, Century 21 Wes Hill & Associates 719-539-3214. Rtfn REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Builder ready to sell custom home in Shavano Estates for $209,000 NOW! Call Judy, Century 21 Wes Hill & Associates 719-539-3214. RtfnREAL ESTATE FOR SALE: FSBO-3 bedroom, 2 bath, vaulted ceilings, privacy fence around cozy backyard, room for RV, close to park in Poncha Springs. $127,500. Call 539-3634. R4xJULY24 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 2-ac lot ready to go, 360 mountain views, 1/2 mile to town, augmented well permit, electric service onsite, few restrictions, UBC Modulars acceptable by owner. 719-539-1180 R4xJULY 31 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: ON THE CREEK Quality built home adjacent to public land, Private road access. Energy efficient Two-bedroom, one-bath main house + large finished outbuilding. 15 min. to Salida, by owner, $229,000. 719- 221-0471 http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (19 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

TFN Mobile Home for Sale: 1997 16X72 Liberty mobile home in trailer park, has wheels, hitch, & axles. Two bedroom, walk-in closet, two bathroom, large kitchen w/sky light & bay window, & large pantry. Many upgrades - must see. $35,000. (719) 395- 4984. RCCT8/7p4-p MOBILE/MODULAR FOR SALE New 1200 sq ft. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on 2+ acres. $122,900- Salida. Call 1-970-249-8275 or 1-800-864-4347. R4x7/31 MOBILE/MODULAR FOR SALE: Are you looking for a company that will take charge of your land home project? Come by today and see how easy it is with the “Housing Specialists” at Bob’s Quality Housing, Inc. of Montrose. Call 1-970-249-8275 or 1-800-864-4347. R4x7/31 Real Estate for Rent: Large 1-bedroom M.H. in Buena Vista. Dishwasher, washer/dryer, 1/3 acre, large deck, storage. Pets OK. $390 + $390 deposit. (970) 926-3725 or (970) 376-6050. Real Estate for Rent: Beautiful, one-year-old, 3-bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home with many upgrades on 6 acres just 3 miles from BV. Includes w/d, frig, glass top range, disp., dw. Detached 36’x22’ garage. May have 2 hourses, outside pets only. Non-smokers. Enjoy fabulous views. Available 9/1/03. Call Peg at Coldwell Banker, Bev Coggins Realty, 395-5551 x12. RCCT7/31p5-a real estate for rent: commercial office space for lease or sale. 735 sq. ft. downtown Leadville w/parking. 486-1866Real Estate for Rent: Nice Newer Rental available in Buena Vista. 2-Bedrooms, 2-Baths. NO SMOKERS. $800 per month. Call Jeff 719-539- 8909 TFN Volunteers Needed! ANGELVIEW THERAPEUTIC HORSEMANSHIP CENTER will hold their Summer Classes Monday, July 28 at 6 p.m. No horse experience necessary! Class are held at Mt. Princeton Riding Stables and Equestrian Center 13999 CR 162 Nathrop CO, 81236 For more info call Lewis Cantril, 539-4381 Appliances

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (20 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! Largest selection in the valley! Valley Home Furnishings Salida - Hwy 50 & D St. Buena Vista - 28362 CR 317 Open - M-F 8:30 to 5, Sat. 9-noon Rtfn HELP WANTED: Lake County is seeking a Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer. The successful applicant will perform inspections of buildings to assure compliance with plans, codes & regulations, & will initiate enforcement action on code violations. A valid Colorado Drivers License and Colorado Journeyman or Masters Electrical License is required, along with general construction experience. ICBO certifications & knowledge of 2000 & 2003 International Building Codes a plus. Starting salary will be based on education & experience. This application will remain open until filled. Please send a resume along with references & salary requirement to: Ron Newman, Director, Lake County Community Services, P.O. Box 513, Leadville, CO 80461. Lake County is an EOE. HD1xJuly24 Auto Body Tech(s)-want experienced w/tools. Interview setup 719-486-0071 or fax resume to 719-486-5056. HDx2xJuly24 HELP WANTED : ATTN: Salida Postal positions. Clerks/carriers/sorters. No exp. required. Benefits. For exam, salary, and testing information call (630)393-3032 ext. 286 8am-8pm 7 days R1x7/24 HELP WANTED : National Respiratory Company in search of per diem clinical specialist RT/RN/LPN. Fax or send resume: ATTN: H.R., 530 S. Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, CO 80903. FAX Attn: H.R. 719- 227-8572 R2x7/31 HELP WANTED: SERVICE ADVISORS- service write up, dispatch work orders, warranty codes, customer service and relations. Successful applicant needs to be self-motivated, computer literate, detail oriented, and have exceptional customer satisfaction skills. Full- time, Mon-Sat, health insurance, 401K contributions, Christmas bonus program, paid holidays, excellent ground floor opportunity. Pay DOE. See Mark Ford at Town & Country Ford Chrysler, or call 719-539-6633 RTFN http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (21 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

HELP WANTED: PART TIME MEDICAL ASSISTANT needed for busy foot and ankle practice. Send resume to Dr. Ralph Wentz, POB 456, Salida CO 81201 or Fax to 719-539-5394. TFN FOR SALE: BECKY’S HOME DECOR 1st & M Streets 719-539-4343 OPEN Monday thru Saturday USED-Lane hide-a-bed, living room sets, corner cupboard, shelves, pine cabinet with drop-leaf table, chest-of-drawers, changing table! NEW!-Dinettes, screens, bench, TV trays, stools, rockers. R1x7/24 FOR SALE: Dog Kennel-8’Wx10’Lx6’H Very sturdy Wood frame with hog wire $80 OBO. 719-539-6694 Ext. 33 RTFN FOR SALE: White’s Metal Detectors Authorized Dealer. New & Used Metal Detectors 719-395-2363 R4x7/31 GOLFERS SPECIAL: Driver, 380cc graphite shaft, great condition only used a half season; Lynx putter, good condition, used for 1-1/2 seasons. Call 539-2023. TFNMisc for Sale: Everything in the house for sale. 836-2761 evenings. RCCT7/24p1-l Misc. for Sale: “STAR WARS” Collection. $125 takes all. 395- 9305. RCTTp1-b FOR SALE: ATTENTION PAINTERS: Airless GRACO 5900 gas sprayer, 2 years old, $2500 or OBO. 719-539-5095 TFN Wanted to Buy: Zippo lighters, sterling silver silverware and pieces, old tools. 395-4067. RCCT7/31p-4 Vehicle For Sale: 1987 Mercedes Benz Presidential Series 300 SDL Turbo. Excellent Condition, Leather Upholstery, Sun Roof, Many Extras, $9500, Must See to Appreciate. Call 719-395-2757 if no answer, leave message.

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (22 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! R2x7/31 Vehicles for Sale: 1999 Jeep Wrangler Sport , 4x4, AM/FM Cassette, 5 speed, 4 liter V-6, soft top, alloy wheels, oversized tires. Excellent condition. $10,500. (970) 470-1444. RCCT8/7p3-m Vehicle For Sale: 1991 GMC Vandura Custom Van 125,000. $1,500 OBO. Studded Snow Tires Included. Body/Interior Great Condition. Well maintained. Needs one engine repair. Call for details. 719-942- 4161. R2x7/24 Vehicle For Sale: 1997 Chevy Cavalier, Rally Sport. 97,000 miles. $5400 OBO 719-539-6869 Rtfn Vehicle for Sale: 1993 1500 Chevy Silverado V-8, 2 WD, auto transmission, excellent condition. One owner. 122,000 miles, includes shell camper. $7,000. 395-5746. RCCT7/24p2-s Vehicle for Sale: 2001 F-150 Super Crew, off road, 4x4, red, 15,000 miles, excellent condition. $28,000 negotiable. 395-2802. RCCTtn-l ’VEHICLES FOR SALE: 83 Dodge Ram Charger, 318 manual trans, 4x4 excellent condition, $2495. OBOBrad 719-539-7264 TFN VEHICLES FOR SALE: 1998 GMC Yukon Tahoe. LT package 4x4, CD leather, 80K miles, Brand new brakes, good tires, great shape. $16,500 OBO 719-539-6194 TFN Vehicle For Sale: 1991 Ford Taurus 81,000 miles. Good condition $4000. 719-539-2657 TFN MORNING STAR AUTOMOTIVE, INC. 719-539-2333 800-293-5215 10% OFF ALL ATVs (4 Remaining Demos) ***************** TRUCK FLATBEDS from $999 ******************* Trailers Trailers http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (23 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

Trailers Over 400 in Stock Used utilities Car Dollies Light/Heavy Duty Utilities Gooseneck Open/Enclosed Horse Trailers Stock Trailers MANY, MANY MORE ****************** MORNINGSTAR AUTOMOTIVE ************************** Recreational Vehicle 2003 Zuma Sailboat, 13.9ft. Has never been in water. Comes with brand-new Shoreliner trailer. Owner one in contest, but has no time to enjoy it. Total package worth $5,000, will take $4,000. 719-539-2834 R1x7/24 Recreational Vehicle 1992 Falcon, Class B Van. A/C, Microwave, Full-Bath, Generator, Excellent Condition, $14,500. 719-836-2406. R2x7/24Recreational Vehicle 1994 MX 2 SkiDoo $600; 1995 Formula II SkiDoo $700; Snowmobile trailer $500; $1300 takes all. Ask for Dan 719-539- 3214 TFN SERVICES OFFERED: NEED HELP WRITING A GRANT? Need to update your Resume? Writing assistance/editing/proofreading services available from published writer. FAX and Email available 719-942-3973 R1x7/24 SERVICES OFFERED: SCOUT WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT For all your nuisance wildlife and pest control needs. “Co-existence through relocation” 719-395-5736 RTFN FARM & RANCH: 7 Year Old Gelding, $1200.00. 14 Year Old Gelding, 3/4 Arab, $1,000.00.

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/class/class.html (24 of 25) [7/25/2003 9:45:36 AM] The Herald Democrat Online Classifieds! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond! 719-539-6729 Evenings before 9pm R1x7/24 Farm & Ranch: Big beautiful Arab gelding, 15 hands, 8 years old. $3000. 395-8914 or 207-0140. RCCT7/24p3-l Farm & Ranch: Quality horse hay. Mix or straight. Delivery available. 395-6856. RCCT-TNchm FARM & RANCH: HORSES FOR SALE Registered Missouri Fox Trotter Geldings. Three Great riding horses. Ages from 10-15. Sizes from 14-16 hands. $2,500-$5,000 Days-970-349-7414. Evenings-970-641-5829. R7x8/7 PETS FOR SALE: Golden Retriever puppies. AKC registered. 8 weeks old. $350/males, $400/females. 719-539-2374 Rtfn

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Leadville Herald Democrat

717 Harrison Ave. P.O. Box 980 Leadville, CO 80461 719-486-0641 fax: 719-486-0611 The Leadville Herald Staff

Publisher: Merle Baranczyk email: [email protected]

Editorial Staff:

Editor: Marcia Martinek

Copy Editor: Cathy Hagemeyer

Staff Writer: Jenn Wiant

General News Stories email: [email protected]

Advertising Staff:

Advertising Manager: Noreen Dewhirst email: [email protected]

Composition Staff: http://www.leadvilleherald.com/contact/contact.html (1 of 2) [7/25/2003 9:45:52 AM] Welcome to The Herald Democrat Staff Contact List! The Premiere News, Weather, Sports and Classifieds Source for Leadville, Colorado & Beyond!

Composition Staff Associate: Thomas Rider email: [email protected]

Administrative Staff:

Office Manager: Karen Wadsworth email: [email protected] Administrative Director: Karen Hasselbrink email: [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Linda Ferbrache email: [email protected] AVP Subscription Manager: Carol Lyn MacKelvie email: [email protected] Office Manager: Karen Wadsworth email: [email protected]

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Web Design/IT: Thomas Rider email: [email protected]

Front Page | Subscribe | Visitor's Guide | Classifieds | PeaksNewsNet

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Address: The Mountain Mail 3 Month Subs - $18.00, 6 Month Subs - $29.00, 1 Year Subs - $53.00, 2 Year Subs - $82.00 City: State: Seniors (65 or over) 3 Month Subs - $15.00, 6 Month Subs - $26.00, 1 Year Subs - $46.00, 2 ZIP: Phone: Year Subs - $73.00 For Mail Delivery, Newspapers are bundled for

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The Chaffee County Times Payment by: VISA: MC: Discover: Subscriptions are $25 per year within Chaffee County; and $32 per year out-of-county. Number: - - - Call at (719) 395-8621, or email Joy at: [email protected] Exp:

The Herald Democrat The Mountain Mail Subscriptions are $19 per year within Lake The Chaffee County Times County, and $27 per year out-of-county. The Herald Democrat Call at (719) 486-0641, or email Marcia at: The Fairplay Flume [email protected] Length of Subscription: The Park County Republican and Fairplay Flume Subscriptions are $22 in county, $26 in state, and $30 outside Colorado. Call at (303)-838-4423, or email Lori at: [email protected]

The Mountain Mail, Salida Colorado www.themountainmail.com

The Mountain Mail, AVP's flagship publication, is a five-day-a-week daily newspaper based in Salida. The Mail covers local issues in both Salida and Poncha Springs, and it covers Chaffee County government and politics. Unlike other small dailies, The Mail is strictly a local product. No national news is provided, as the Mail is dedicated to covering issues of local concern without the help of a wire service.

For more information, contact Mountain Mail News Editor Pat Windolph at (719) 539- 6691x21, or use The Mail's e-mail address, [email protected]. http://www.leadvilleherald.com/subscribe/subscribe.html (2 of 4) [7/25/2003 9:45:56 AM] Newspapers of Salida, Poncha Springs, Buena Vista, Leadville, and Fairplay Colorado!

For Subscription rates, Call (719) 539-6691.

The Chaffee County Times, Buena Vista Colorado

The Chaffee County Times was established March 18, 1880, and is the official newspaper of Buena Vista in Chaffee County, Colorado. Edited by Mike Bullock.

The mailing address is P.O. Box 2048, Buena Vista, CO, 81211. Telephone number: (719) 395-8621. FAX: 719-395-8623. Subscription rates are $22 per year within Chaffee County; and $29 per year for the rest of the world. [email protected]

The Herald Democrat, Leadville Colorado www.leadvilleherald.com

Reflecting the area's rich heritage and independent spirit, The Herald Democrat has been the best source of local information in Leadville and Lake County for more than a century. The Herald was established in October 1879,The Democrat in January 1880, and the papers were combined in 1883.

Subscriptions are $19 per year within Lake County, and $25 per year out-of-county. For more information, write P.O. Box 980, Leadville, CO 80461; or call (719) 486-0641, FAX: (719) [email protected]

The Fairplay Flume Bailey, Colorado www.theflume.com

The Park County Republican and Fairplay Flume has served Park County for 117 years. The county has a rich heritage of mining, ranching and railroading.With its proximity to both Denver and Colorado Springs, it is a prime mountain recreation area and offers some

http://www.leadvilleherald.com/subscribe/subscribe.html (3 of 4) [7/25/2003 9:45:56 AM] Newspapers of Salida, Poncha Springs, Buena Vista, Leadville, and Fairplay Colorado! to the top Gold Medal fishing in the state.

The newspaper is located at 5138 County Road 64, Bailey, CO, mailing address, P.O. Box 460, Bailey, CO, 80421-0460. Subscription rates are $19 in county, $23 in state, and $26 outside Colorado. Phone: 303-838-4423 or 303-838-2108, FAX 303-838-8414. [email protected]

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