Local Approximation of PageRank and Reverse PageRank ¤ Ziv Bar-Yossef Li-Tal Mashiach Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Computer Science Technion, Haifa, Israel Technion, Haifa, Israel and
[email protected] Google Haifa Engineering Center, Haifa, Israel
[email protected] ABSTRACT Over the past decade PageRank [27] has become one of the most popular methods for ranking nodes by their “prominence” in a net- We consider the problem of approximating the PageRank of a target 1 node using only local information provided by a link server. This work. PageRank’s underlying idea is simple but powerful: a promi- problem was originally studied by Chen, Gan, and Suel (CIKM nent node is one that is “supported” (linked to) by other prominent 2004), who presented an algorithm for tackling it. We prove that nodes. PageRank was originally introduced as means for rank- local approximation of PageRank, even to within modest approxi- ing web pages in search results. Since then it has found uses in mation factors, is infeasible in the worst-case, as it requires probing many other domains, such as measuring centrality in social net- the link server for (n) nodes, where n is the size of the graph. The works [20], evaluating the importance of scientific publications, difficulty emanates from nodes of high in-degree and/or from slow prioritizing pages in a crawler’s frontier [10], personalizing search convergence of the PageRank random walk. results [8], combating spam [17], measuring trust, selecting pages We show that when the graph has bounded in-degree and admits for indexing, and more.