fnB ,!' ') V 1 V" OHOllJlFX I -- i 1 ld:r . ri - , r,.. i"rom San Francisco: Mongolia occ, 7 Tor San Francisco: Stocks and bonds can be adver- Alnmeilii j Dec, a 3V M O. tised to pood advantage in the BUL- I HI Prom Vancouver: buy- Moann - LETIN, either by sellers or uec. 12 Evening cost ad, ers, and the of an is a For Vancouver: Mighty Small Commission! Mal.urn , 8 1 Bulletin Dec. A Honolulu merchant's bsst bid for holiday trade Is a Bulletin ad 3:30 EDITION I ' VOL. X. NO. 4175. PAGES. 14 HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF . SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1908. 14 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS. '$( rpUESDATS BULLETIN will contain the Complete Text of L FREAR HEARD President Roosevelt's Message FROM To Congress COOKEBUYSMOLOKAI RANCH Til PoSigb Bulletin Newsboys Celebrating Nurse Is BRIBING JURY r - - r--"

Graft and J--' ' ' I r Lust On WAS RUEF'S HOPE

'11 V I SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Dec. 5. Attorney Blake was today on tha stand as a witness for the Prosecution in the case of Attorney Murphy. Tantalus - Jury Blake repeated on the stand his confession implicating Murphy and New- i, burg, attorneys for Ruef, in attempt! to bribe veniremen called to servo ' tod ' on the jury to try Ruef. m i m j All yo imllcii offlrera who arc t Lost III the darkness on the I'atioa slopo of exposed night hitting if rolvril ' -- Tantalus, all tr "culi to the elements and uunblo to extri- DCWAKi: W I) In- - 11 Tlinn llrut.l position Into J111 InveMliVatlim, mill rimii nil cate herself from the which she Miss I HIlKJlK, - ' had fallen, Chrlstman, IJIIllS illlll them will For TvBj-t- ". L. bIIbA BBBBKBWBBHmwLiBAB&aBBBVBBBBBPBU?l v. SVyirV1 1. a nurse of I he Queon's Hospital staff Collier Launched I'treoilhiKly flofc mill nrchlni! rt si exuhi a experience liBt night. lirttion lei determine whether n mil had trlug Knim midnight 'until about" 10 o'clock -- U ho Insidious bus I'oniiniml) known its morning parties Vki'UIiik ii lnkeorc" oaloii Ha ..j this search hunted has for her, great anxiety MARE ISLAND, Calif., Dec. 5, monster llio he mi'l souls of bu.. and prevailed The collier Prometheus was hilo ills tliu among 1MIts Is It'll l)IKJIll7.ltlim llll' 1'llllCB I'oiOn. her friends. Chrlstman launched today from the Navy Yard with imposing ceremony. The great li.it been hoveling a,t present confined to her bt'd nt the vessel was christened by a daughter of Constructor Evans and every de- 0 ovr hospital, being utterly exhausted from tlio clear sk for boiiil' ttino past, ,11s exposure. tail of the launching was perfect. A large assembly of Federal, State, closures that. It Is alleged, would to'! and municipal officers was present. Jas. F. Morgan represented the Ho- how iitllcciK of tliu law lint Miss ChHstman, who came to tho i' li.'in juld ago, nolulu Chamber of Commerce. 111 gltl! till) ll(llll('lur.1 Of islands about two months left Cllllll'rO hospital up mm m 'gambling houses liiiiuii'iltt fiom tliu the for a tramp Tantalus J I. unit nott llio tins b yesterday forenoon nt about 10 o'clock. FOUR SLAUGHTERED it, tint in titer t"i She Is Vailed nllli Lilly In tho attention o t.m a trained pedestrian, but was not tho TRINIDAD, Colo., Dec. 5. of Allium') (iijicml'H department. It I familiar with trulls or with the Four members a family living in this A more correct representation. of Joy 1ms never been obtained r. newsboy on his peculiar conditions which confront the (eitaln that thero will ho a flr.t" I thai Bulletin town were murdered in bed this morning at an early hour. They were .liny Investigation Thanksgiving celebration. More bays means more Joy. While the B u lie tin boys 'were celebrating climber of lluwnll. She was due to brutally slaughtered with an axe. It is believed that a suitor of one of go on duty at hospital 7 p. Klicrirr Inuket illil not eill Mil' their Thanksgiving at the Moana Hotel this .year Mr. J. W. Caum succeeled in getting a small section of the at ni the' girls of the family is responsible for the horrible work. great-crow- and when she failed to turn up matter to the u'tciulnn of ho Attor them together long enough to take a snap shot. They are, a d of boys under any circumstances at that hour, those In charge- - (Continued on Page 2) and lively workcis every day as well as at the Thanksgiving dinner table. This photo, dots not show all. became . awapiaBSP h-- anxious. Finally ut. midnight SIMON ENTERS CITY MTMh rr in .11 . mwmhumwiMii ! m. mm about ilo.rti tho police were .notified, and Mounted PORT AU PRINCE, Hayti, Dec. S. MISSIONARY VESSEL Officers Mokumnla and Wlro wore,sent Gen. Simon at the head of 8000 sol- to search or her. Superintendent diers entered the, city' today and was Eckariltvulnb Jupan-es- o - sent a number of welcomed by "the people.' Local Opposition Control of Molokai up tliu mountain to assist. .The of- ARRIVES IN HARBOR ficers .found 'several people on Tanta- .- lus who had seen the 'ypung.l&ay at "ADJCnULXOGHXAN DEAD ' - various points 'yesterday afternoon, , . 5. Rear " Y..Do. 'Twenty-fou- r nnd n days out-- ' tfcS but none of them werejiblo to give Admiral Coghlan, a notable fighter, half from J much of a cluu as (o her whereabouts. who once gained notoriety by singing San rrnnclsco on her long triii to the Rllbcrt Islands, tho rm- - Flnully nt about 10 o'clock this fore- a 'song of the Kaiser, died here to- llttlo sV "T ppoinfs Fi Ranch Changes: Hands noon tho officers met Miss Chrlstman ' nllnn mlRuloTini v upluinimi, Tflr,. ear day. , on 'tho road, as slio was on tier wav Illnghaiii reached the offing bhortly S? m home In a Japanese vehicle. It ap after S o'clock this morning and sig- -- pears CRUISER YANKEE SUNK T7TT that she had managed lo get naled for a pilot The Hirnni Illng- back to tho road alone,and had found NEW BEDFORD, Mass.. Dec. S. DISAP-POINTE- Jap-tncs- haiii is owned by GOVERNOR TREAR AND DELEGATE KUHIO ARE GREATLY C. M. COOKE, LTD., BUYS ENTlfcE INTERESTS OF HARTWELL a who could drivu her back The cruiser Yankee, which was pull-- , the American PROP-ERT- Hoard of WITH STAND TAKEN BY THE LOCAL COMMERCIAL FAMILY GEORGE iCOOKE WILL BE MANAOER Y to town. ed off the rocks yesterday, sunk to- Commissioners for Foreign Miss Missions Is Cap- BODIES PRESIDENT ROO&EVELT TAKING ACTIVE INTER-ES- T WILL CONTINUE AS RANCH CONSIDERATION Chrlstman could not be seen day. nnd commanded by IN HAWAII SPECIAL COASTWISE LEGISLATION TO BE A QUARTER-MILLIO- DOLLARS today, as slio was confined to her bed tain and Hev. A. C. Vnlkun. by tho orders of tho house surgeon, 1'iobably u week will be spont liero J ulm itn(ri,1 t n !, 1 ,,M Hi.irn,- - """ U"tTUU.Mn WASHINGTON, D. C. C. M. Cooke, Ltd., has bought con-ti- ol ,narv ll, Amarlnnn- -- - C.n.l""" '""""" front WHERE before the Illruni lilnghum Btnrts on 1 V. oxhuustlon and was In a .HHARiTY? MOTT-SMIT- tho Bccotid part her long i To of the Molokat Hunch Company, which, after a disastrous tutlcmpt toiBtnto 0f nervous caused by of Journey, Tho Dlngham Is f "Honolulu business organization? arc opposing the "special coastwise purchasing, the tutttie Interests held make sugar pay, abandoned that her trying exiierlesc. SM had also Annlo girl, Hiram probably Jones, a one law, end the Delegate and myself gieatly disappointed. The with- by the Ilaitwell fauitly, which has pioposltlon and converted Its some bruises on the ftco. but was committed to tho Rlrls' Industrial of tho smallest craft that ever an H not out on so drawal of the bill means injury to the Tcnitory, both there and here. been In fontrol for about it car. eity Into it lunch. Contiol of tho "as expected that any of the school tod'ty tinder rather peculiar started long and Important j will u Ceotgo Cooke charge of was bought about u cnr bo sorlous. circumstances. According to tho o Journey She Is nfty feet long Secretary Garfield concurs in this virtv. The Picsidcnt is recommending will tako the stock Mls11 at chr'8""ll had told tho Btir-b- j thcio was nothing to say ngalpsl i special coastwise legislation for Hawaii." FREAR. Hindi as manager. It Is reported Cher Justice llurtwell and I w.BC0U the water line, slstcen nnd a Jinlt tllnt Bno ,)a(1 B d h, her conduct, but she was committed at tlio deal Involved it quarter-m- hon, Chas. llurtwell, who bought the jwfta ,,a'uoa feet beam, and has it gross tonnage i that about cUuMug on tho (n(J c Mo of tho lnstanco or the Insti or twimt-elg- Mott-Smlt- h illion "M. Her net tonnaga Is ' Acting (ioveinor this out to some extent at tlio lccent ilollais, but no figure has Interests held by A. Iliown and Tnutatiis ridge. Sho had fallen down tute, formerly the Kawalahao Semin cable- - or Assocln-Kia- 1,. lit steep Incline, live She was completed San j niutnliig icclIvciI tlio above meeting llio Met chants' been given mil by the pintles Inter A. C. Atkinson. It is this stock and all her attempts ary, because Tier mother was dead and in ' to get f 10111 Washington, whoro the tlim. hut notwithstanding1 the ested. which has been bought by C. M. back to tho ridge were In vain. her father, who Is a singer on tho I'uiuclsto Just shortly before start-- Soon 1ms now been for the paHt Jectlons of some of tlio nieiiibeis, the 'Yes, contiol ot the Moloknt Ilanclt Cooke, Ltd,, and added to tho block darkness foil, and sho had ta mainland, could not be located. Ing on her Journey, having bqoif ton- - abandon all attempts to leave the two ilajij. It explores the ileep ills- - uiajmlty, favored the net Ion icrjitest-nppolntme- nt Company has beon bought by C. M. already held by George Cooke, who i structcd to tako tho place ot tho old ' place where sho was virtually impris- ...1.1-- 1...... oil by Navigation Com-an- il Cooke, Cooke, for Bomo time past beon living on The Weekly Edition of tho Evening llln... uiti&imiii,lllnl.H. tvmtll wus UUUlMn l ot the Chief executive the Matron Ltd.," said 0. II. when has oned. Through i ..u.ti . . . - tho night In the wind Bulletin cilves a summary onn .... ,; comolata of - mm DeleKnlo Ktihlo, as woll as Sec-- pany. afcked about the matter this fore- tho iiuicli, and rain tliu ifnfortiinato woman lay worn oui in mo missionary tha nwa of tfio day. service. ,J letaiy fini field, that the business or- - That Ticslilent U taking nil nctlvo noon. "It simply Involved tlio pur-clia- tdilverlng without protection among ' . . . gaiiU.ttloiiM of thlri tlty should u- - lntciest In Hawaii Is evlileliicil by of tlio entire Interests held by tho ferns. Finally nt daybreak slin The new Hiram Illnglinm Is equip- ' again ped -- their fonuni' atottcil policy In the statement of Clot ei nor Pi car tliu Ilaitwell family, which hereto-fin-e MOONLIGHT DANCE AT tried to Olnib tho rldgo, and with it horsepower gasoline tiait tht after a long nnd desperate the fate of tthat appi'Jis to pionilse the I'reshlent Is ailtoiatlug special held control. Tlio lest ot tlto effort she engine. Sho was built for missionary succeeded. work among lertnln roaatwlro legislation for tlio legislation on tlio mastwlbo question Ftock will t emaln In the eame hands SEASIDE HOTEL TONIGHT the natives of tho Oil Is'not Im- - liert Islands, nnd is equipped Islnmls. for Hawaii. It altogether as before. Tlio concern will continue SUGAR Caution wth.' f.iu-wi- m the view to nttlng This c.'imo question, whether It piobable that the two waning to bo inn as a ranch. There may bo We wish to inform our friends and her for that ofllee. Tho Honolulu Scasldo Hotel will Services Vo held nt best to nppt'ai' In a taitlllntlhg tlons In Hawaii inny ilvtcr. Congress soma developments, but they will lie SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., patrons that in order to tho different Join In tho Walklki moonlight festiv Deo. 5. hare fruit ports by Captnln Walkup. light lieforo Congiess, was threshed finiii taking nny ileflnlto nctjon. In that, line. Thero Is no sugar prop- SUGAR: Beets. 88 analvtii. reach the Coast in time Christ- Hies this ovenlng by giving a danco at 10. for The most Interesting rr osition on foot," ho added, with i it Parity. mas, it must leave on nnd vnluaula eight thlity Special music will bo 4.12 cents. Previous the part cargo Mil llo. by original quotation, of the which tho Hiram luriilshcd the Ka.u dice 10s. 2 lilnglinm "It Is repoitcd that tlio ftguro In Club. A lordinl invitation In all Is Alameda, 9th inst. carries is tho Ollbcrtlan die volvud was aliuut 12r0,000," said tho extended. DIED. tlomiry, complied by the late Hev. Hiram Illnghnm, In whoso honor tepoitcr, "Is that coneet?" CIItlRTON In ORDER EARLY, the Ret our coupons for tho doll's San Francisco. Nov. schooner Is Tho Mr Cooke answered that, ho did 13, 1908, Loulso Wllmot, named. dictionary house at Whitney & Marfsh's. beloved Is considered Dr. Illngham's not uiio to glvo out tho figure, wife of Kobcrt A. Churton, and sis- greatest e work, he having practically spent Holiday The Molokai Hanch Co. was for- - Ret your lunch New England ter of niliabcth J. Manning, a na-th- Island Fruit Co., his at tho Phone 15. Bakery, Hotel street. " of Kuglond, aged 21 years. - 72 S. King St. llfo In compiling It. Neckwear Get Rich Quick Fine Meals. If You Arc by having someone else do the drud- gery. No use coins; yourself whon Prompt Service one of our boys will go quioker and a HOUSEHOLDER, you may give you time to mane money. Chief awake some morning to find a Alexander Wc arc ready for 'the Holiday Rush. We Young arc stocked ltandsome door or window TERRITORIAL h the handsomcit line of fine tics and ciavnts ever ruined; or Cafe A Patent dress shoe made MESSENGER SERVICE. with a feather-weigh- t, flexi- made. Phone 361. Return from an evening ble sole and innersoles. out to find money, and jewels The wife's Christmas piescnt of a tie to her husband is missing. This gives the shoe that comfortable feeling that we always 1 appreciated an we would like to see the man who A policy in the PACIFIC like so much in our old JBBBBBBBB would not be proud to wear any one of the ties we show. COAST CASUALTY COM-PAN- Y shoes, will protect you. The You just cannot maks mistake in selecting them. cost is nominal. . They are madeby one of the best factories from selectel Wicker leathers by skilled, experiemced workmen. Chairs, Hookers, and Tables h f J

) . Hawaiian NEW LOT JUST RECEIVED. , 1 The Kash Co, ; Trust Co.Ltd. Manufacturers Shoe Co., Ltd. LIMITED J. Hopp fe Co., 023 ' 1051 Fort CORNER OF FORT AND HOTEL STREETS. FpRT ST. (LEWERS & COOKE BLDG.) ' Street Phone 282

"""fi, ..,k,.);r. iWiyf ,i fejii t,:.,im .y&vtes&A.,.. teC., m.&Umi, , or. M - " -- ' tNj)fiJiv)itrt'' y IV 'l Wn'5, ! j B',,,41., ' UffiD('" ., ' ' . . ' v " Br )

I 2 EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU. T. H., SATURDAY, DEC. 5. 1908. t. i !.. n.l -- - II J V-.- .F LOCAL AND 8ENEI4L iV4ftrnnr a TriSMT HOTEL Rflj&SEVELT TELLS aW? You have not tried your hard- mm 1 1 '. mm m STEWART est unless you have let a B u e t n Ad. do the trying. SAN FRANCISCO Want WOMEN TBEIR DUTY WEEKLY GALEHOAR Handkerchief week nt Whitney & ! s I- GEARY STREET ABOVE UNION SQUARE j, a J. .; : -i i. FRANCIS Marsh's'. ' ' " " ARRIVED I JUST OPPOSITE HOTEL ST. EuglauC IN FOREIGN PORT8 t No fancy prices at tho New NKW YORK, N. Y., Dec. 4. At a meeting of the advocates of wo- EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 A DAY UP Bakery, Hotel St. December E. men's suffrage, held here today, a letter was read from President Itoose-el- t, Friday, December 4, Saturday. AMERICAN PLAN S3.00 A DAY UP Mr. James Dougherty li progress- Mnunl Kuu, Freeman, from In which stated he In suffrage, was NEWCASTLE Sailed Nov. 29: Stmr. MONI1AV he that belined women's but 7 m. A new down town hottl. Stitl and ing well at the Queen's Hospital. Nor. S. S. Mnthlldu, for Honolulu. llllo, n. Election of not an enthusiastic advocate of the movement. The President wrote Noeau, Sack, from Hamakua, 2:40 Oceanic Slated brick tUticluro. Furnished it i tut ol Shippers by Alameda of Mrs. Kearns SAN FRANCISCO Sailed Dec. 4: tie Aid the of the suffrage to women would 1 Olticers. e. that nof .believe that granting p. n. $160,000. Eiirj oimfoit ind etminl-enc- Xtnas preserves please order early. S. S. Lurllile, m., fur jlonululii. ni. K. H has pointer, dog. produce ,any marked Improvement In the condltton'of women, being con-vl- n SAN FRANCISCO Arrived Dec. 4: Schr. Hiram Blntdinni, Walkup, from TOKUAV On cat llnitlrintttttliti to ill Purls lost his 'Sou want mis In regurd to reward. cod that Woman's Indispensable field ot usefulnesH was In being the S. 8. Texan, from llllo, Nov, 17. Sun Francisco, O:.",!) o'clock. putt ot cltj. Omnibus rnnt all Irilni M. Phillips & Co. are distributing mother of a family! ,i , , KAHULUI Sailed Nov. 2,0: Stmr. Nncntt, Sack, from Kauai. and WIlDNIlSDAV stiamiii. , Mi early crop or artistic JSO'J calend S. S. Santa Rita for Port Harford. Hawaiian Third Decree. DEPARTED KUIfcL STEWART ars. ' IIIUMMIIAV All kinds of beer, wines and mixed Frldny, December 4. Hawaii- drinks are serxed in tho best mannor Claiidlno, Bennett, for llllo Mow recognized as give try. KA1MUKI IMPROVERS Stmr. at the Fashion. Just us a WosecdtioiTrests C p. I'HIDAV an Island Headquarters. the and way ports, in. Mnlumnlama Klpapa thlH morning Slf Saturday, December G, Cable Address "TRAWKTS." granted n James tm ; saiukdaV was divorce from, I ,v -- ,5 I Schr. Flaurencu Wnrd, Plltz, Tor Guide. of and deser- Aloha Temple Stated. ABC the grounds SAN FRANCISCO. Calif., Dec. 4'. The Pirosccutton has sfed Us READY WORK Midway, 10 a. in. tion. case against Abe Iluef. JOR P. M. S. S, Korea, Dixon, for San The ladles of tho St. Andrew's Ca Fiunclsco, 9 a. m. All MIInr members of the thedral CI til lil wish to thank all those -- :. ' roullnlly Invited to who assisted In tho Harvest Homo AUSTRIAN CITY BOMBARDED PABSENSERB ARRIVED Order me festival. meetings of. local lodges your MEALS They Expect Great Things attend Do overlook bargains 4- Per stmr. Manna Ken, front" Maul not Rlom's PARIS, France.'Dec. - It Unreported" hero, that the Austrian city un- Hawaii, Dec. n. Miss A.'M Pnrli, GET next week. He In making ttotno ot Cattaro, In tiafrhatln, has been bombarded by forces In sympathy wl(h Of The Legislature rnd where yoirget usual offerings ot goods for holiday J. J. Pupe, Mrs. A. Menefoglln, Muster season nt unprecedented prices. Servla and the revolutionists of Bosnia and Herzgovlna. Denton, Mrs. W. It. Smytho, Miss ip bill) the, Miss C. do Sllva, Mfs. K. L. HARMONY LODGE, Mo. 3, 1. O. O. F. Doctor nnd Mrs. Collins are domi- This Year the BEST. ciled at the Moaua Hotel and will CRUISER YANKEE IS FLOATED Stevenson, E. M. Watson, C. Wolteis, Hag-- I s. " Mrs. II C. Cnlemmi. Cupt. J. F. every Monday evening nt the apartment of the Humph-rl- t - of the Wolulae, Kal-muk- l, Meets y The dircctorh u ik, F. Harrison, Capt. Howe, T. A. 1 NEWPORT, Doe. 4. The cruiser Yankee, went 7:30 In I. O. O. Hull, Tort Street. R.,1., which nshoro und Palulo Improvement Club Brumugln. W. J. Dryer. V. Hind, C. D. ' K. 11. HENDRY, Secretary. Thurlova Royal Annex for meals. near here ten weeks ago, hns been successfully floated. met last night at the home of A, F, Wright, .It. W. Filler. J. A. Henshall, ui:n. f. vickeus, n. ri. Houses for rent from $10 to $30 In Cooke fur the purpose of appointing Y. Tnsnkrf, Mrs. F. do Mello and t, cordially all sections of the city. Two.flue bar- Miss May, Mrs. N, A. Jacobs, All visiting brothers very T fcold chowder, or do something eaunl committees for the coining year. All gains In Maklkl $2650 v.HsHMuiAMisnNHAA i. -- i .. Mrs. Aronlyu, Mlsti K. Haneman, (1. Invited. The tho district at f..?c?;ff...-- niiy uncomioriaoie. wiute.....uucks are present irallzcd the Importance of A. und $1800. Co, Dlschoff. E. 15. Hindi, (loo Won Waterhouse Trust ('announced as approved garb ami more partlculnily Elder UJ' 'the committee work, Hoy, Pang Sue, I.. Akakn, F. J. Han. of P. iv X n premium its appear expect- OAHU LODGE. No. 1, K. In connection with the mens meet- SPORTS offered nil who .this year, us great things, uro Dr. St. W. Walters. II. M. Coke. M. T v ings at St. Andrew's Cathedral, the In such attire. ed from the Legislature und Board Coke, Mrs. Coko and Infant, Master Fri- Meets every first and third Palm Bishop of Honolulu will conduct a Otto: .The, Myrtles expect to have n jol- of Supervisors, y Cole, A. It. W. Shingle. 8. O. of P. Hall, holy rfotooiooucnoooa II. I day evening nt In K. HOTEL ST. bet. FORT and UNION. preparation for communion this i, ly tlmo and promise that their guests Kalmukl Is In sora need of a now Frey, Miss Won Hoy, Miss Won corner Frit nnd Ilrretntila. Visiting Qeiiln3 at S o'clock. SOCCER PJ.AY. TODAY 3 shall huve nil the .enjoyment 'there reservoir, for at any moment the bot- Hoy, L. Barkhnuscii, A. ltlchley, R. Tho new lints are bringing In Chrlstophersen, Mrs. Chrlstopharsen, brotherK cordially Invited to attend. winter Is floating aroundi TheJast car will tom of the present one may break tonic striking and artistic st)les. The Big Will Be Jen. P. Lynch, C. Loliners. a. o. deekino, c.c. very latest are always to bo seen at leave the Moana at 1 o'clock, mi out. Millions ot gallons of water JAS. W. WIHTi:, K.R.S. the millinery parlors of Miss Power, Played This Afternoon on the dancera will not have to cut their waste away each day owing to 'the PA33ENQERS DEPARTED ... In Boston building, i "League Grounds enjoyment short, the tremendous cracks In the reservoir. Per 8. 8. Korea, for San HONOLULU LODGE 010, B. P. 0. E. The very latest fall and winter mil- Fraud iro. At 2 o'cloclf llils, nfternoon the nun The need of n'new one Is ho urgent Dec. G. Miss Floronco Dletrlck. II. E. linery models will be on display Mon- many Legislature O. cecond two games of tile Bocccr series INDOOR BASEBALL ON that believe the Adams, K. C. Glllls and wife, Miss B. .., Honolulu Lodge No. C10, n. P. Lehnhardt's day at the N. S. Sachs Dry Oooils Co., be pass emergency Helen Skclley, A. L. Ltd. Ono of the Is the Buf- will be fought out on the league MONDAY''EVENING NEXT should asked to an Mrs. J. Baker, E., will meet In their hill on King newest Oreetibaum, M. falo Bill Hat. Fort Beretanla grounds. The first game will be Dia- npproprlation. Oreenbauni, Mrs. H. A. near Fort Street every Friday even- and Sts. Field nnd child. Sleg. Topiltz, R. O. & Qulnn mond Hoads versus Punahous, while The .postponed Indoor baseball From tho Supervisors will be nsk-e- d Reia are now loeated at W. N. Bark-hanse- A ing. game at the Y. M. C. A. will be play- - thai of Henderson, Bellinger, L. Unexcelled the Young Hotel Auto Stand Phone the second will be Malles versus Y completion the Palolo belt C. 11. By order of tho E. It.: next Monday evening nt 8 o'clock Hopkins, Mrs. C. L. 199 Bkort runs 50o and $1.0O By M. C. A. The llne-U- p of the teams .'J road, grading Sixth nveniie and tlu Miss Josephine LaIdan, It. M. 1ILNRY C. EASTON, Y. M. C. A. gymnasium. the $5.00 Special rates for will be as follows: In the The finishing up of the road connecting Anthony, Mr. Oosllnsky, Mrs. E. R. Secretary. hour line-u- p shopping and calling. Diamond Heads' 11. Chilling-wort- h, will be: Twelfth avenue, Kalmukl, and Dia Morford, Mrs. It. Crumpacker, Helen WM.JI. McINERNY. E. It. .Uluns Docolto, c; Honnn, p; Morford, Candies James F; Morgan will probably re- goal; J. Clarke and It. Clarke, J. mond Head ro.id. This hitter work Mlts domes, Frank II. Orcein) turn here on or about tho 23rd of this Ah Toon, lb; E. Honnn, 2h; Nott has also been urged by the autolsts nnd wlfo, Mrs. Michaels, P. S. Daw- LODGE No.8, K.ofP. full bucks; Zlegler, Sherwood, and son, n. Win. M'KINLEY month A great many of the plans for (enpt.), 3b; Uunn, rf; and Rosa, If. ot the city. J. Medbury. S. Levy, Mrs. W. Ileckley, halt backs; Eddie Fernan II. Hatton, D. Dowsett, II. R. Berry, Hawaii's exhibit at tho Seattle Kca, Sing Leahls Baptist (cap!.), c; Bech-er- t, The Walalae, Kalmukl, and Palolo Meets every 2nd and 4th Saturday Ilrdis- dez, Davis, Carl Oss, F. R. Moran, V. Shore, Mm. nro waiting for him to return and p.; Olllllnnd, lb; Mills, 2b; Voel-le- r, nt 7.30 ii'ilock In K. ot 1. pose of them. Chong, forwards. . Improvement Club Is very much alive .1. M. Lcy, Col. Spalding, P. evening lib; (loines, Carey, If. Hall, cor. Fort and Heretanln. Visit- Patrick Sllva has filed an answer to Punahous Puty, goal; Fraser and if; nnd Is In a flourishing condition. It W. Dohrman, 1.. Schumacher nnd Always Fresh at Lnl Koon ing brothers cordially lmlud to at- the allegations of his former wife. In Grubble, lull backs; McKlnnon, nun musters 1C0 members. wlfo. Mux. Mrs. Ellis, W. E. which he states that ho only had his Clarke, and Rothwell, halt backs; GOLF TOURNAMENT AT The committees appointed las' Burnham, Miss Florence Harrison, It. tend. D. Mea.le, 1). O. Taylor. children with him when she had given Egan, Wlthlngton, Mon Yin, Jock M0ANALUA TOMORROW night are as follows. w. i. frazee, c.c. consent, filed her entire lie also has Catton (captain) und Wulker, for Roads, Transit, and Water Supply PASSENGERS BOOKED K. A. JACOI1SON, K.11.S. CHAMBER'S DRUG a cross petition to the effect that his The last golf, tournament of the wards. Z. K. Myers, chairman; J. It. Dag divorced wife Is not a fit and proper ear will be held tomorrow on the Per S. S. Alameda, for San Fran Secohd-gam- e line-ups- ', vs. gett, Owen Wlllams, W. L. Howard, HONOLULU AERIE 140, F. O. 2. CO., person to ue guardinn or tne cmidrcn Malles ot Moanatua cisco, Dec. 9. 10 a. in. Mrs. Ryder. links the club for tho W. O. Hall, S. I. rnd no asks llie Court to turn them Y. M. C. A.: Shaw. Miss A. L. Sears, Mr. Hatton, O. C. Y medal play championship. Play will . Meets on tho 2nd and 4 th over to Malles McOlll and Legislative Committee W. W. B. hm. llelser. Val; begin promptly at 10 o'clock und all Miller. Miss Woodward. Miss F. A. evenings of each month a( Fort and King St. A blaze which broke out at past "Gunboat Orelg, Davis, Thayer, chairman; CaTpt. Plltz, E. R. Lennox, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. M. Coke halt fJUl backsf entries must be In by time. A and K. of P. Hall, corner ono o'clock this mdrnlng In a pllo of that Bath, Dr. Rogers, I. M. Cox, W. It. 4 children, Wm. Kent, wire chil- 7:30 o'clock In Center (captain), and Andrews, halt play- and boxes, on King ' silver cup will be awarded the dren, Mrs. M. 2 Oeretnnla nnd Fort streets. in tho vacant lot street backs; F. Bailey, Henry Chilling-wort- h, Forster, A. F. Chirk. J. Petto nnd children. iwr" me gave nro er who makes the best gross score, C. B. Wells, J. C. Cohen nnd wife, (Visiting Eagles uro Invited to at- opposite urni uio depart- Anderson, 11. Ilalley, nnd Tree Planting W. M. Mlnton, J. ment n run. The fire was noticed by and a copper1 stein to the man 'to W. Rath, wife and son. Minn Esther INSIST ON USING Dwlght, chairman-- ; O. II. Suczoy, Geo. n. tend. employes of the drill. It having gained forwards. whose net showing Is the best. .Ionian, A. F. Slndeband, U M. Soar, W. L. rilAZKE, W., Prcst. hcadwuy enough to eat through tho Y. M. C. A. Hlckard. goal; Swift II. E. Adams, P. S. Dowson, C, 11. H. T. MOOIli:, Secy. high fence nt the Qunst-Bakl- corner. and Dickinson, half backs; Maccou-ne- l, WATERFRONT NOTE8 Membership Owen Williams, 'Icorge. F. 1 yiij. Remtioo A Jew minutes work with' the chemical J. C. Antiunion, nnd Dickson, Chairman; II. M. Tucker, E. II. Doy- NOTICE MARINERS. HAWAIIAN TRIBE No. 1, 1. 0. B. M. engine seined tno trouble. half backs; J. A. Macaulay, Brawn, TO en. S. S. Pnxson, T. J. Qulnn, THE POLICE GRAFT Carbons Auditing Rogers, AI Thurlow for a lunoh or dinner. J. Macaulay, McKlnley, and Block, TRINIDAD HEAD, CAL. Dr. chairman; Meets every Thurs- as is Lodge (Tnntinnul frnm Vmrm first nnd third it The Elks' of Sorrow, held an forwards. Notice Is .hereby given that, begin- A. II. Ingalls, II. A, Taylor. t nually memory ncy General's - days of each month at Knights ot In of deceased mem- ft tt tt ning about December 20, 1908, the 4000 Centrnl Committee B., A. Douth- doimrtnient. An Invesll- THE VERY BEST bers of the order, In almost every city Cation W11H nflkil ftir liv mnn uhn ..., Pythias Hnll. Visiting brothers cor- ALLAN RECEIVES pound, fog-bel- l at this station will be ltt; W. W. Thayer, alternate. Sold Only by tho of the United States, will be observed HERBERT avowed offlco Beckers, and this Is not dially Invited to nttend. discontinued for nbout two months The newly elected officers di- by Honolulu Lodgu No. 61C, at tho HANDSOME NEW MOTORCAR nnd I lie least interesting feature of tho .' a. n. while necessary repairs are being 11 arleigh, sachem. Opera House at 3 o'clock tomorrow af- rectors are: Em A. Hermit, presi- matter, ror tno wnoie appears OFFICE CO., made. Due' notice ot- - the reestablish-men- t business A. K. MURPHY, C. of It. SUPPLY Ltd. ,1b Allan Herbert Is tho owner of a dent; E. A. Hath, vice president; D. to be tho n pnmti.ii,,. ternoon. This scrvtco open to the of this signal will be given. culmination nf public, and friends of the order are fine, new-mod- Studebaker uutomo-bll- e V. Andeison, secretary; A. F. Cooke, of Bplte. Howover, that charges so 031 FORT ST. FORT ROSS COVE. CAL. against cordially Invited to bo present. Ladles which arrived yesterday on tho Notice, Is also given that Fort Ross treasurer. Directors: 'A. K. Myers, berloim tho police depajtment, especially . ad- or will bo welcomed Tho Alameda. The car Is ono ot tho Whistling buoy, Fro, was reported I, M. Cox, D. Logan, W. W. Thayer, against certain members of It, dresses an by Bro. should lcslllt 111 ti rirniiil .liifif lnva.il. oration E. A. handsomest ot the many handsome adrift November 23. It will be re- F. Sackwitz. Douthltt, ami a eulogy by the gallon, notat the lequest of Slier- - Rev. machines that liuvo beeu. turned out placed ns toon as practicable the Millinery Geo. Leopold, Kroll will be well By in, uui m mo iicmanu ot men wbo this ye'ar and Herbert Ih reported to order of the Lighthouse Board. Three hundred and eighteen Japan-cs- worth hearing, while, tho music. for t wish to fill their neighbors' boots. Is be greatly pleased with It. have signed a petition to dovcrucr indeed Interesting. the occasion Is ot the best, both vocal WHEN THE steamer Nooau The TnrHtnriai i. and Instrumental, tt tt n Frear asking for clemency and u coin qulBltorial body meets on Wednesday steamed In from Kauai this mornlng.J - LADIES FELT 'HATS, FEATHERS, MINORB-WIL- mutation Ot sentence for Morilo Kel- next, CHINESE FLAY she had on one lone u RIBBONS, FLOWERS, CHIF- ,board but zo. The petition lias been i oferred to Threo Of tho Chlnnnn wnwn as, passenger vihn FONS, a. and two,uiupy Acting Attorney General Whltiujy. cliarueil bv tho cnmhlcm nrrnaii.,1 v,w. WIRES CONDEMNATION New.' Club Will Have Baseball Game gasoline drums and two packages qf Kclzo killed a fellow countryman terduy with being proprletoi of on Depot Groundt sundries as freight. As soon as she by tho Are Sold at Very Reasonable Frioei, Tomorrow. the numo of Moilynnm Klnlaiu, Joint on Maunakou nnd who had discharged her meagre cargo, she he slreeL Wire Frames Made to Order, SUITS Feast for. Winner whom had testified ngulust In a uru wiiii ui nnvo Drugged or poluM FILED was tied up In back of the Heleuo at gamblln gcnue. appears to Ml - There still Diotectlon. worn nrrnuti.H i The lljinoj- ,BajiebaU Club the L-- be(ng given t,ln Chinese wharf and ds a bo. some chance for him it tho tiecc-sar- rhaiged t coat of paint. with keeping u disorderly W United, States District AUorunv will ge(. out tomorrow morning for money for fighting his cuso Is nuuse. cases came up X. Isoshima, ineir Ir tho Breckons this morning at 11 o'clock Its first practUo game. Two promis- put up. 1'ollco Court tills mnrnltiir l.n, ,... 30 KING ST. Thq Matina Kca brought tho follow- filed the ugnlust ing nines have been 'orgnnlzed'.wlth-I- n , tontlniied until"" condemnation suits ing freight from Hawaii this morning: Monday. tho owners of piop-Crt- be- THE iilllTISH collier Is . the Wnlklkl bench the club and the game will he 1 Ilennlsoii YOUR GROCER SELLS horse. 2 dogs, 3 bags corn, 20 bbls. milking good progress unloading coal which the United States win con- tween them. It will be played on empty THE ALAMEDA will sail for San vert Into a, military garrison. bottles, 24 empty kegs, 10 r.t the naval wharf and now stands a rrunclsco nott Wn.innci,,,, 'hore the 'depot grounds. hides, 20 wood, 10 bags nwu, 2 .,,,..!.... pre 120 defendants, to("tho Milt anjl cords good deal higher out or the water than carrying about 1000 org- bugs iiotatoes, 4 .bags 3(1 bags tons of general service will bo niado upon each of The Chlneso Minor Club was carrots. she did a few days ago. merchandise, Including taro, 22 packages C about 4500 them a deputy from ihe anized about a week ago, the Idea vegetables, crates' na eases or personality coiery, i crato canned pineapples, 500 crates Paii Ka Hana United Stntes Marshal's office. being to promote athletic sports chickens. THE MAUNA KEA arrived irom of fresh nines, f.nnfi hnrirhnu nr i.. Go-Car- A. minute description of the prop- among younger Maul and Hawaii this morning, bring Iiaiias. 1200 nf nnff,. .! onnn ts the Chinese' boys. THE STEAMER tlclcno Is receiving Fold ing erty Is given, showing that there Is an The Bliowlng'much Ing coiiBldornblo freight nnd forty first bags of rice. luds are Interest quite nn overhauling at the I.-- wharf. approximate ot C1.S8 (jaliln passengers. INTEil-IST-AKT- area acres to lw THE i In the organization anil are looking jTho, coal, Is being emptied from a ,iMn.n, v.i. condemned, together wKh ill the woi-er- , her forward with keen enjoyment to the 'bunkers,, paint Is being scratched from hail was drawn nn Into ,irv ,i,.v .. Auto Hire riparian, fishing and'ofher rlghU THE AMERICAN lwrk Androw terday morning Only $& each for belonging prospects of tomorrow morning's. er forward plates qud she is gencr-gome- . Welch Is to havo tho final to he land. dischalglug her curgo of loucncs put on . 8ll' l,0l"B prepared for rejuvenation. cord wooil ut the Manna Keu wharf. her keol. MANUEL REIS. Call up at any A little later, when the players' UAE PATCHES on the sides of toyne Co. MRS. CHIRTON DEAD have hud more proctlce, a picked " 0c1eanll1,; "nfr Alameda are being THE KE AU HOU Is tied up nt (lie LOST time by telephone any one of thete lntcr-lslan- Furniture whaif lecelvtng a coat of i numbera: 290. SOO, 1097. team w.l, be selected out , ''llriC.jl'tfi'er paint. Pointer dog, liver nnd white; answers Neft-s-o- f tlioMcah of Mrs! wibert the two nines to go ur against Bomb LIMITED A. wnnl ,rlBi Wiu.,'wi Ue begun, on to name of "Sailor." Reward It KEYSTONE-ELGI- WATCHES Churton Is contained In the late Coast oi iob chick baseman aggregations otVeiluccday neu. BULLETIN ADS PAY flips. w returned to K. II. Paris, 1138 Wil- INGERS0LL WATCHES Sho died In Sari? Francisco No- Honolulu, in tho meantime the boys r " NEXCELLENT LAUNDRY WORK der Ave. 417G-t- At All Watchdealeri. vember 13, aged 2t years. Churton are determined to make the most ot f crime from Now Zealand some done tha their opportunles , and practise hj eight j.ears ago. He was for Bomo among ' ' -i K Schwartz, tlpie In the employ" of pavfe's,' & Co.. themselves. m XTL7E FIT, Grind, and Repair . Y Jos. prions BENCH LAUNDRY An After tho game tomorrow the win Agent for Hawaiian Islandi, and later c'siabllshed an' office as a "New of v Glasses scientifically to ie- - with their new FRENCH public ning tenm will be nt Pur Line Cor. FORT and KING Sts., Honolulu. stenographer. Ho left Ha- entertained lieve strain and process. waii after having made a failure of on luncheon. improve he vision. 857 Errotania St.. Phone 1401. attempt to run a messenger service. tt tt u Mrs. Churton came from New Zea- MYRTLE CHOWDER TONIGHT land and married Churton about a Mesh Bags and Purses Rainier Beer year before be left Honolulu. McTighe Favorite Boat Club Promises Jolly Time to Guests Who Partake of i it going like hot cakes, ITiflj Best Whisko on thV'UsiriMt. A.Mott Excellent Ataortment of ;OS. McTIGHr & CO., AGENTS FOR SALE AT ALL BARS Their Cheer F. The guality of the, goods in connection with the LOW 101-10- 5 KING ST. At 9 o'cloc this evening the TELEPHONE 1331 PRICES will simply astonish you. ;HONE 140. P. O. E0X 755. members pf'thc Mjftle Boat Club SUITINGS ihiJ their gues(H will gather In the You can now see our laree assortment of JEWELRY. PAPER dining-roo- of the Moana 'Hotel for T0JLET WARE, and NOVELTIES. feN OUTING their dance. Piecedlng the dunce Sea Wrens, $ I OP All kinds in rolls and aheeti. (litre will be n chowder under the 18-fo- a brand new seyen-seate- Call up W. W. Ahana Co., Motor Launch with AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- PAPEB, 4 trees In the court-yar- d of the hotel. R. VIERRA 1458 and ask for A. & CO., !( JKuwr, wt, uqmpitie. jor CO., LTD. LIMTTED A Evening clothes are any i. j) SUPPLY . tabu, and lUi unAKLES D. WALKERS, BOAT Queen fcU., R2 ST. man HOTEL STREET. ' Fort and Honolulu. ' S. KING PH0HE P88. unfortunate who ventures to AND MACHINE W0RK8 C; Tel. 410, George G, Mgr, THE tN appear In them wlll-.b- e to eat L HrBEtlJN Guild, Gen. BEST "FITTERS" TOWN. forced King St. opposite South St. ,

- r - iia' : ''miki-milmtim- J ,i- J .Si. 'fahi.ttoBAuu I i

EVENKQ DPI,! ETIN,' HONOLULU, T. It , .BATUM)AY, DEC. G, 1908. 3 Mrs Stevenson

I Yellow Fever . Speaks Tonight The Home Beer Mm. Kjtlicrlno i Stevenson Scientists lmc at least dlstoxcred of Rainier IIIUi tills morning, fiom remedies and treatment ttiat will cure wlicio alio m very well rccchcd most cases If taken In time. wMlo tneaclilnR In tho tatiso of tem- U Seattle, U.S. v Howeter, they miy whatever perance. Her last address iirelmn done In case of cllow fecr must be to continuing op way Oio her ' mound done promptly. X ' ' t A good nurse, fresh air, cheerful surroundings, and absolute quiet nre Electric necesfnr. Stearns' A pure tonic stimulant, like Duf-- i' ROACH Mnlt Whiskey, Is Impera- RAT and Paste l'urc off all tively required, from outset, A 200 box of Otearna Eloctrlo PiiBto will kill the rats and "-u- the ill co a t - J mi in a nousa in Bingiu niiiii . . ML.. - f rfwA. t W the treatment of this disease. j In Htages Duf-f'- n Destroy Rats Avoid Plagum i tho carl) and middle and I'ure Mult Whiskey maybe given Doth local and national officials recommend Steams' Electric Paste at the ttfmirHitt? surest way ol destroying rats, the source and breeder ol the plague. Watch with more or less freedom, an at- tho lor the rats and seo that you have a box of Btearns' Electric Paste ready to tending phjslclan ma deem best, hut kill olf the first invader. 2 oz. box 25c; 16 oz. box SI.00. during tho period of convalescence It ' ' laid bi dnitsliti and general ilorit ierrhtr or Met olrtct prepaid ea receipt el price. should be administered only In small STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE CO., Buffalo, N. T., U. S. A. ' doses. 1 DuUv'g l'ure Molt Whiskey Is an 'absolutely pure distillation of malted 'Uv'-'eB- CLewl j - tB!3eHBr, I tf. - rfTTf grain: thus all germs aro destroyed, - 1 , V -- and the produrt Is .1 predlgcstcd liq- - uid food and Is lnvnluablo in all cases of low fever, such as tvphold, Mlik'tfclelA'JalJbiblelJii malaria, etc. It Is also Invaluable for overworked men, delicate women, and V The Made felckly" children. It brings Into action Superior Quality ci Rainier this Plant possible till tho vital fnrccM and builds up new tissues. Itjitrcngthcns nnd sustnlus tho Hstcm; Is a promoter of health MRS. KATHERINE STEVENSON pud longevity nnd keeps In normal Who Speaks Tonight Before the healthy condition body, brain, nnd " Put Money in Young People's Union nerve. It Is the greatest family met! thy world wjll lm rIvpii tills ncnlng at tclno known to science nnd In used die quarterly roiivciitlini or the by leading doctors, of all Kchools Young I'ptipln'R Union, to lm held in throughout thd world. Purse" Central Unliin Ciiurcli. If w'cak and run down, take n The iirogrnm followHi four times a day in half a glass1 Or water. Song Service, led liy Mr. Jess Du-lo- t. of milk It will ward Tasteful on disease. Duffy's Pure Mnlt Whiskey Is sold Scrlpttiro Heading, Itn. ('. C. Wll-ro- n. throughout tho world by druggists, l'rn)cr grocers, nnd dealers, or Bhlppcd Song! kamohaniehn C K Society. for $1.00 a largebottle. by using Christmas Goods Offering. If in need of advice, write Con- sulting lloll Call. f I'hvslclan, Duffy Malt Whis- Song. key Company, Rochester, Now York, AddicKH, Mrs. Knthtrlnp I.. Stev- Btntlng yolir case fully. Oar doctors T you don't know exactly what to get for enson. will send jou ndvlco" free, together rrcscntutlmi of llaniicr. with n handsome Illustrated medical Christmas a our booklet containing somo of tho many J Presents visit to Oriental Song. ' Department will quickly solve Puzzle. Mlznnli. thousands of gratlfjlng letters 'rec- I the from men and women In all eived walks' of life, both old and oung, aH LODGE'OF SORROW ' who have been cured and benefited by tlioU8o'ot the world's greatest medi- PAU Handsome Oriental Goods TOMORROW BY ELKS cine. l.lfo Member Ilooslct TalU, N f Lodge, No. 1005 IN MEMORlAM. Y.. - 11. Violin Solo Kol Nldrel t- Max Ilrucl Kimonas, Mandarin Coats, Slms James M died July 25, Rudolph Buchly, accouipanlc. 4 J. t ltl'U. ft by Mrs. L. T, Pock l.ovo, J.tmi'H A, died October, (,' 12. Mnlo Doublo Quartet "Tho Ixird KA Satsuma Ware, Cloissone, 12. i .. Is My ShoiAicrd" IliniH, died ....tlrldgman . fjgorge, !!, 13. Tenor Solo "Ho CJIvcth Ills Be tf loved Sleep" Ab Lacquer . - Ilrok.in'. A'lirll '. Ware, Brasses, (Ihcit7t..ilktt , Bro. D. Iscnbcrg. accom 190S. ' ' t f. n. f panlcd by II. Rudland node. pi go A , 7, f Cooko, Run died July 14. Closing Kxerclscs Flower Pots, Jardinieres, J 903 Ritualistic By tho L'odge. llearwnld, Jacob, died March , in. Ilcnodlctlon HANA Japanese Tea & Coffee J90' Rt. Rev. Bro. II. B. Restnrlck Sets - f Itamse, Charles II., died Decern- :C r.mr. Marcha LcnQro Rati ber 15. Honolulu Concert Orchestra. Dunbar. WIIII.hu died July 30, I. ' Music will bo furnished by an or Toys, Papeteries, Vienna Statuary f j'101;. chestra composed of following mu Illshoii, Charles II., died August tho slclans: K. J. Vlorra, first AH New and Specially Selected, the Finest wc have ever had: 10 Iflllfi conductor; i violins, rror. Knlil, Messrs. J., 10, lin f Lvon.'Allicrt died October James and Bond; second vlullUK f IfldR. Messrs. Ilrowu, McTlgho nnd Dr Oem, I), died 19, UB. October Moore; viol. Dr. Mnrqncs; cello, Dr LINE OF SPECIALLY IMPORTED TOYS for Chiistmas is worth sec-ing- r. 1907 "ALL SOAP" in Straub, basses, Messrs. Wll'lams nn. The best Here you can get anything in TOYS that a child could wish for at McDoiioiikIi, J. II, died August Kaal; first clarionet, Mr. Chadwlck; 4- - US, 190S clarlonef, remarkably Low Figures. Our PAPETERIES bccond Mr. Fosnm; fluto market o are tasteful, and we now f Mr. Desky; oboo. Mr. Bcchtel; firs 'Tho faullH of our brothera wo have sonic exquisitely artistic VIENNA STATUARY that you would like f Cornell, McssrB Bolsse and St. John; vvrlto upon thu sands; second Mr, upon cornet, Krauss; trombone. to see. "Tholi vlrtuen tho Tablets Mr. Kaa; timpano, Mr. Peck; piano of l.ovo and Meiuorj." Mr. Kalko. Pay Us a "Visit i:ikB' llltual. The commltteo In cliargo of the t llks' mepiprlal services at hc Opera Sold by Grocers Tho oniul Lodge of Sorrow will bu llonso would ask that tho audience held tomorrott .ifiernoon nt 3 o'clock remain heated during tho closing in by 0 H the Opera llonso llmiolutil Iidgo on program, ofll I) march the while tho Nn. iitti, V O i: With all of thu ccrs of tho Lodge nro filing from the lolumiilty of tho i:ika ritual thu minion rtago. This Is a part of tho exercises w J , of tho ilepaiteil brethren will bu ( H.Hackfeld&Co:,Ltd. lead mm 111 1110 11 nas pasi won niucn tff and tho tun row nil offlces d CORNER OF FORT AND QUEEN STREETS. marred by misunderstanding on the fin thu occasion will bo gono part of tlm audience. Tho music Is by tlnoiigh with. thu Honolulu program Concert Orchestra and Tho will bo as follow h: tho closing selection In ono of much Tho urdoi of thu ( xerclses will bo as beauty nnd should not bo spoiled by IoIIowh: tho disturbance caused by persons tmti'.-jgjj- a 1 I'llgrlm'H Choi us, ' TniinhnitKor and leaving biforo It Is concluded. LUNCHES DRINKS Wagner Tho itsherR who liavo been appoint- Good folks Take The most popular Honolulu Comert Orchehlr.i, ed for (be bcrvtcos tomorrow afterpoou place in town. I', J Vlerrn. Director, nro us follovyH: Chas. R. Frailer, 1'. Opening Itiliiullstlc Cseiclscs ilialrnian; A. ,L C. Atkinson, Arthur Notice I). ilimoliilii I.odga, No. lUi,, llcrg. Clifford B. High. Geo. T. Klue- - The Fashion Saloon, o 1:1 ks r. gel, It. C Lj decker, R. R. Reldford. THE LOVE LETTERS -- 3. Itoll L'roi'i-e- Hotel St. near Fort. Call of "Our Absent i W. J Robinson, R. W. Shingle, R. II Jack Scully. Jack Roberts. a" Fiullh nnd WnkThoinpspn. Tho com Secretary of tho l.od?o. niltteo requests thut IhchO membors OF GEORGE SAND AND It's a Good Sign I Opening I'lkH Odu TOWN8END ' bo on hand nt (lie OperaHnuso'iiH soon BH JfCx$aWm$aWaa ym All; "Auld l.aug Sjno" after 2 o'clock aH possible, In to S. Inviiinlloii order ALFRED DE MUSSET , if it's painted by m.o to Boating tho largo audlonco UNDERTAKING COMPANY Urn Henry 11. lit. Itev. rteatar. vvhjch Is certain to attend. Itk. Honorary l.lfo Membu. 9jn ,v The story of George Sand and Alfred de EMBALMING A SPECIALTY DlCgo Loilgo. No. IDS ' Mussct is known in a vague way throughout the ) fi Main Doublo Quartet " Stanley Stephenson, Kapiolani Sldg., world : but the details of the affair have long been "Tho Dep&rtt il" ..,... Main Conscientious 7. The r 411, Orallon Ilro. K ADImthltl shrouded in mystery. They will now be given to Paint Shoo. 134 Kine St Cor. 'King & Alakta. Phone 8. Tenor Solo Avo i - Maria ("Ihoo - . American readers through the letters of the two ii Knownst, Ixird. tho 'yennuis Druiiist A Skin of and Sorrow") principals, in the 'A Beauty is a Joy Forever .... Mnrr.ui ll"dc About a yr aco n Arpodergrm n Ilro D. I' n. Iscnbcrg, utconv drulll, wrotn ui from Callaway. pinlcil b It ltiull.mil Dole. that h haft a Krlous casa or T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL I Italian Sjinphoii) kidney dlsoaaa ant that hla physician did TR. ' not offer much" Ha Amlantu him tncoiiracTnwit. METROPOLITAN XJ CREAM Sale ....,..,. MmidcUnunii Uralred to put Fulton's Renal Compound OR BEAUTIFIER Clearance u HA0IC4L This II01111I11I11 Cnnrrit On lieati.i. In' Block for hla own casa and If he got sale applies, only to thq main store at Elccle, rraillla he would Bait It to other Ha frmfof Twi. Plififilot, 10 i:iiiigy...ltov. llro l.iuiniii Kroll . , lloth I lc! f wroto several times for advlco, allowing a ilAJU, hl hklu Ill(l, very nbntlnitlii raae. He nnwwrltea: "It MAGAZINE Try u tit irit Is now 1 began using a beauty, A Great .Reduction in all Lines of ten montha since tn d Fop thh compound and although my onsa hiui The first,. Instalment, in the DECEMBER CHRISTMAS y P m Jit. ri i -j Sale linen verr oballhate, It aeema o havn -- k- vJ 4tffti tli In. giving; - : jy -- u issue, will be preceded by a brief introduction the a xi i. hr i t y r yearn, ima yielded to the treatment 'I nave nn COTTON GOODS doubt results would hava been obtained essential facts of the lives of the two principals. if) Urtlth bvaurel Building Site at sooner had I not kept "il y V. i mats, at work." rrtttrtj (Due to the reaults obtained In ttuff ActtMtMK&lllilMt agenctea foil f flnlliu These will be sold at LESS THAN COST: ENGLISH Puunui, near Coun- case our were promptly accepted This Chriatmo.8 Istue will ako'contain ir Dr. I. A. In' Callaway and the adjoining tqwn ) Srrt tt TAILOR GOODS, BOOTS Hlmply another' cade of kldnoy or lt kiut and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, trouble PLENTY OF GOOD FICTION llf (ft ptlrrl) MEN'S SOCKS, try Club. 2 Acres In which the Inflamed kldnera refused to fAt yon Ulita At Sacrifice Pi ices. All These Prices irapond to the futile e aidnev exw will u lhJ3. Strictly Cash. ciunia ami inat arter nil else naa raJIM, I v $ rctminenf for $7.50. letdM to Fulton a Henal Compound, i Scenery the V ma Ihft harmful tif &11 Lhk , F,ot Sale all Newsdealers nariiii.l'a Prauiii' lat A fine line of,Fnncy Vines and Liquor for the Christ- - llrat and only emollient for kid- at BklnirfM'tUOHi1 iralii mUdruuikt uj Innumed Uooil IKtUeri In Ue UlUcJ butoa, Laniul ud buof4. mas. trade in our Liquor Depattinent. neys Inflammation of the kldneis, even ' unsurpassed. In lie advanoed forma,1 la' now ourable. rERO. T I18PK1MS. Prep . 3 Gtcal Jcnti S'jttt.HtwM Send for literature. spy $1.50 a Year JOHN J FULTON CO. YmAS?'.5 vacvi. , I Oakland. . PotUae PrepeU or J. I. Silva's Store, Eleele, Kauai jjCT-'T- Rent'' earMPI Mtf at P. E. R. Strauch Honolulu Drug Co , Fort Street, are our Bulletin office Bole local agent! Atk for iWAITY BLDO. 74 S. KINO ST, Bulletin of late rtcoverlta, t it

tj;., w'l. t , v .laatotM MM'mJAtt.iitStMMl&ikit J iJUw.i.liiai mzsLE 'rgmF&wi ivrz ejqp 1"

1 1

CVENINO. BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. If, SATURDAY, DF.C, 5.-- 1908. i- Eveiling Bulletin SAILY and WEEKLY Published bj BULLETIN PUBLISHING CO., LTD. At 120 King Street, Honolulu. Territory of Hawaii. rtaUy erery da; except Sunday Weekly issued on Tuesday of each week, Take a Walk MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE on your next leisure afternoon E always giye satisfaction and the worth of - go up to CollegeHills and see Vallnco R. Fnrrlnjjton, Editor how many new homes are be- ing built. would be easy w: SUBSCRIPTION SATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. It is for you to get a lot and have vour monev. At our Annex there a home in this suburb of the a uvkni.no injuuirriN WUUKUY IHjl.l.UTIN City. Per Mouth, unynhcre In I) S S .71 rtrSk Moulin a .Bo a -- f'tr Quartrr, anyutieit In L S. 3.mi Per Year, anyvliere in U S I.oo being held Special Sale of Winter Hats, ranging I Per Yc.r, anvhere InL S. H.oo Pl Year, ntoultcte in Canada , I. no Per S ear. postpaij, fotclsn, 3.CK) PirYear otjiaid, foreign 3.oo College Hills - 1 rii a CIRCULATION LAROEST OF ANY NEWPAPER PUBLISHED in price from 92.50 to $50, and every hat is in the Territory of Hawaii. Let us take you out and show you some of our choicest lots p I Editorial Rooms, - 185 in this Tract. You will be Guaranteed Full Value. Roses and Trimmings - surprised when you learn how in e'IBu3iness Office, 256 easy it is to become the own- tulrrcil at Ihe PotoiTice At Honolulu of one. When you have a nn.oin1 c nutter. er become the owner of a lot we endless variety from to $5, from which we can SATURDAY DECEMBER 5, 1008 will assist you in building a 25c house. lit Irregularities inilcr tho lendota rimtlnue In a conservative draft or specially-designe- toforni polke mlinliilstratloii? Iiii- - mood, nnil am II rinly opposed to make up d Hats to suit everyone. posslble! the creation of ail) thing like n speculative liooni, which our Don't forget that Honolulu will mid mercurial spirit $0iA fjimk LoM glow. Also do not hesltnto to help would no tloulit welcome and per-hap- ii it as you havo opportunity. I enjoy for n brief spell. la Henry Clows. Tlic (lovcrnor's cable reads tin If o". .ffeMMMMMMCoamMMMMMMaaaiMMitaM e thought the' business organiza- Clews always plays safe In his hus-- i tions lintl also acted In secret. Iness comment ami forecasts, lint Irago In Kansas since lKfil nnd mu- ' llinfii to mill linn i'nl In tnlomrnl nicipal suffrago since 1887. They at The San Francisco man who mall- -' this paragraph on returning pros' may vote nt school 'elections In Mich- Dunn's Hat Shop Annex CO eil poison to hluiKcIf Is no worse than perlty. igan, Minnesota, Now llnmpshlrc, br the Honolulu man who Knocks lilt Oregon. Massachusetts, New York, Harrison Block and Bcrctania Streets own town. RO.SEVELT AND WOMAN'S Vermont, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Wash Corner Fort L ington, Arlzonn, Montana, New Jer SUFFRAGE. County Attorney Williams Is striv sey, Norm and Soutli Dakota, Con K, ing to squnro himself with tho Hllo necticut, Ohio, theso Stntcs being magazine quotes Grnnd Jury. All he has to do Is tu Lvurj body's a "MS named In tho order In which, since brace up nnd attctiil to business. trado union oincial" as saying, "Wo- they extended the right. E. lS7r, man Is the white Chinaman of tho Montana, Iowa, , nnd George Cooke graduating from Industrial world. Shu wears n colled-t-toe- k New York permit equal suffrago on la' biol.er to must bo up queue nnd wherever sho rocs she icrtaln questions of bond Issue ami '8.ivo One." Christian Liidcnvnr nt These and other HOLIDAY GOODS tre-n- l cheapens the worth of human labor, at Indicative of the of joung men taxation. amendments i.:. to; siiujcci uoniiuenuing uur so aVlso INTER IS XMAS IS COMING laying found.tllt.-ii- lor future pros- The question might naturally were rejected by Oregon in 190G nnd ftlili ciety, VI Ily Consistent Living." thought perity. whether Roosevelt had this by Ilhodo Islnnd In 1907 by popu Evening Rcrvlco at 7!30; sermon by in mind ho advised suffrn-gist- s subject when tho lar voto In the former case, by tho tho assistant minister, "Tho Somehow and the proper sphere wo- YEAR Inevitable Atlternatlve. Come SHOES the Incentive that tho for Legislature In tho latter. OFFERING NEW in and select for you w l'coplo appear to hnve missed con- man Is In homo attrac- the and nil Now tho Suffragettes aro celebrat- and your children. They are satis- nections. This Is unfortunate when tions that inaltc home life a matter TJto Catholic Church of St. John tho factory; their Prices Reasonable. An ing the fact that the Chicago Maptlst, Kallhl-w-aena- , In charge of a bcsslou of Congress and of-th- local uf duty rather than pleasure are to AXMAS GIFT will accompany each Commltteo has ndopted TRIP TO VOLCANO Rev. Father Clement. Tnmonow, De- ev (Legislature arc right at hand. be looked upon with a certain amount purchase. II a resolution favoring n bill to glvo cember nth, second Sunday of Advent, of suspicion. 3:30 a. m., high mass, sermon, colic-clou- , In women tho right to voto for nil mu- KulmuM residents say they need It, may bo employment 4 p. that the nicipal offices and all questions of Sunday school, in , Ilnsaiy. to on. reservoir. Tho tnxpajors also of women in Navigation tho work that has for policy having to do with tho munici- The AYAU SHOE GO., one, when their money Is being! many years been considered tho ex a special Now See Whltnoy & Marsh's ail on tho L Juccd pality. It may tuko jears to get Company has presented j, used to pump water Into an alleged cluslvo field for men has no relation holliTay excursion to tho Vol society page. buch n bill through tho Legislature, Year 5 1005 NUUANU ST. near KING St. jS reservoir that leaks Ilka n sieve. to tho demand of women for tho priv- cano lo the public and It will bo held, ry -. T- - but the women feel that they never J L of f. ilege of suffrage, but the ndvanco to rejoice. according to sclietfulo nt a $15. rate1 "For Rent'! euro's on sale at ? Why didn't tho Governor cablo a - theless have cause a' (woman as n mora Influential nortlcl- women to Hllo and return"cJf tho required Thrum's Book Store Bulletin office. fow words on tho slto question? Tho There Is no doubt that tho l)allt ,mr industry, professions, and ol- - number 'of bookings niror:" N," - aro prettier than tho men. That Is jfceontroversy will uniloubtedly bo set politics at kept paco with com 7: hns least ways conceded. Anil slnco they Tluijiotleo tshl 'out1lir.jio a, lieu bo lar as mo is moro fo ; Gi neiurni tho Insistent demand tho Btnnd highest In t(te colleges, lake pany sajs: oirwhat thoiGovernor finally V. )asscn- - ballot, tho scholarship prizes, do ns much If a sufifocnt nfntbcrVot FINELY ENGRAVED JEWELRY ? recommends. I Union Wyo- te' it four Slates of tho work and better at lower wages than Bers pin cltaso Excursion tickets for b ming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho women Hllo on or beforo Dec. 11, 1908, tho ritlllpplno tariff concessions will tho men, It seems that tho whltc-Chl- - Makes a gift doubly acceptable. We are prepared to J possess tho full suffrage. It Is an Inter-Islan- d Slimm Navigation Com- not be matlo aro I'lilllp-Jpln- o neso Invaders must sooner or later engrave every article bought from us in the nicest manner .J. unless there old slander Hint tho first of these, pany will KcncMhe S. 8. Mauna Kot tariff revisions will rIvo vote thcmsolves Into tho ballot priv possible. that Wyoming, extended tho right to vote to mako tho to Hllo, leaving Ho- H. tho benefits of tho Increased trade ilege nnd tho offices. If they can do inn See our Christmas Stock of JEWELRY, WATCHES, A in 1SC9 its n lure to ambitious women nolulu Thursday afternoon, Dec. 31. of America la- - all this nnd still make bread, nil men and SILVERWARE. pto tho manufacturer of the Last, hoping that they would 1908, for IIIIu; returning, leavo Hllo titer than Kurope. will have, to follow tho thoughtful Something for everybody; including the Boss of the d Immigrate and furnish tho supply of Sunday afternoon, Jan. 3, 1909, to Jewelry und politic cxumplo of tho President House, THE BABY. wives then sorely needed by tho pio- bo enrly Monday morn- Pearl Harbor and tho Army post confess that there Is no reason why In Honolulu dl neer scttleis. 'will be completed at about the samo' they should not havo tho ballot, but ing. For Men M. R. COUNTER, 1142 Fort Women have possessed school nuf- - a Street as tho Panama Canal. Isn't that M meekly suggest that the homo Jdato f,..I.WW.I This year wc have many (good causo for believing Ilono- - havo tho first consideration. 'J! that New Things in Jewelry for lulu's period of prosperity will last CHURCH SERVICES men: I longer titan ten jearsT JAPANESE DIPLOMATS SCARF PINS of Exquisite Design. FOBS in New Pat-- j l Though the ranch deal completed a t Central Union Church Ilibl' 01 im terns ana styles, rd v ! today Involves n change from ono cuii'i Al DUE IN SIBERIA at 9:45; IIiIh Is tho Inst Sunday for LINKS in all Orades and at Ikl I Honolulu man to another. It never-- ; lllArrt'A IMfMAIMA now scholars lo bo brought In so an to .11 Ti..'o.. VTTCT TUTTTflVS TA V 1 tbelcfs Is an exptcsslon of lonlldcnco qualify on tho present campaign for nilllll KHMIHIIIV Among tho passengers expected to STUDS, MANY OTH In future of the Island, as well now students, Men s IJlliIo Class at nnd and the; urrlvo from Jgpan In tho steamship jas tho particular enterprise Involved. 10; continuation of the 'study of Old ER ARTICLES. Siberia, duo here on ChrlstmaH Day, 1h Testament history; Dr. J. T. Giillck Inspect our large stock of k 'j tho Hon. K. Illokl, who will becomo will glvo a paper on ..., the "Involution MEW Governor Prcar has clearly got out For tho Japan- - JJSWELKX. WA Sale first representative nt tho Theory of Creation." Morning worship DCIICK lllMI CVCK 1 of touch with tho community spirit 08o Government In Chill. Ills rank and holy communion at 11; commun- will bo that of a Minister. Anil ns of Honolulu. Slnco his departure Eight Lots at Kaimuki, cleared and ion messngo by tho minister, subject H. F. Wichman & Co. tho people havo suddenly begun to mcli', ho will havo tho honor Qt opening fenced. Suitable for truck farm- tho nrst .Inpaneso legation which Is to LIMITED. Elbow-Lengt- realize that they know what they ing bo Hon. French h Kid Gloves $2100. established there. Illokl was VTliat a grand family I 4 want, and have expressed themselves connected with tho Jnpancso Embassy Leading Jewelers. Sartapa-rlll-a accordingly. Two-fin- e building' lots Manoa medicine Aycr's in In Washington during Count Aokls Ll in TAN, WHITE, and BLACK Per Pair $3.00 $1600 and $1000. . i lesldcuco there. When tho Count was ll Good for the J Tho Outilggcr Club has dono moro recalled, Illokl. In company with him, ma v chii I, good for tho par fA 1 to give, definite, put pose to fun on tho returned to Japan, passing through BrV5Tl ent, good lor tho grand : bathing beaches than tiny other slti here. parent. Genera Shirt waists Fop Consul General Uycno expects, that - k!q agency. That Is why Aloxaudor Rent tion fi i M, Adachl, I.I,. I)., will nlso nrrlvo In after t u placo li Ti M sW UT VTW " Absolutely new, in Net, Silks, Mull, and Lawn. No ,Humo' ToiU It entitled Nuuanu Avenue $35.00 tho same utcumor. Ho Is Counsellor genera WA with tho original missionary fathers. to tho Japuneso Embassy in Paris, re WWmWS&yji J0B TC tion has T4t question as to style and you have many patterns to choose if BEAUTIFUL, PERMANENT. m? of Honolulu. , Nuuanu Avenue $50.00 turning to his poet nftor enJolug n used it. from. , . ititmi pleasant stay In Japan. And to School Street After they get through with tho $40.00 iMlfML day It Is WALL FINISH Conscience, patroungo W of fain, tho Quarry Street $32.50 KQREAJSAILS 5204 the ono Christmas Linens for Table peoplo proceed they the will to get what great for laying in large surfaces of want, for tho holidays from the mer- Street Kinau $25.00 family a clear and deep color. 1 Largest stock in Honolulu and great value. pat-- chants, whose offctlngH may bo learn- Tho Pacific Mull llnor Korea, carry- The It is absolutely r el terns arc exquisitely delicate and artistic. ed by watching their announcements Thurston Avenue $75.00 ing passpiigtiiH und height fir ihc mainland, Hailed shortly after ' o'clock tho easily applied, and dur- in tho II u 1 1 0 1 it . Lunalilo St. (Furnished) ....$40.00 this morning. Fourteen first cabin world able. Can be used over old passengers woro on taken board hare. over. wall paper. M : post-hol- Blankets, There might bo u load of Waikiki (Furnished) $40,00 Tho Korea, an Iveil hero jesterday Always go ono hlIiciuo of mo VA to with concrete morning iiom urieni. keep a Dekorato Pure wool, in white. A special this week, $4.50, $5,50 construction suggested for tho now W and $6,50 a Pair, . Army headquarters bottle is the Ideal wall finish, and at Lcllohua. Sometime of controversies over tho of It in the louse. yet it is cheaper than the Or- Waterhouse Trust during year sorao member construction, everyone knows that the dinary crude colors. of the family will certainly need It. - H I tho work will bo forwarded with tlia AND MERCHANT STS. It comes in a prepared now- COR. FORT Clearance Sale Youcansurelytrustamodielnethatbas 'good hitstlo. der, and is ready for use when Blom. been used for over sixty years. Tested OPPOSITE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Y -- OF- mixed with cold water. Sold B4 and tried, and never found wanting. by , 7 The Improvement In business Wireless affairs referred to In our pre- vious advices continues. Compar- Telegraph Wash AYER'S Lewers & Cooke isons mado with u je.tr ago Just Goods be misleading; LIMITED I now would but In Low Rates; Prompt; M. volume, E. SILVA Humorous Instances tho nt Accurate Service,, MONDAY, DECEMBER 7TH, Sarsaparilla 177 S. King St. Phone 775. mmrn business transacted Is as largo us M -- WMW&mr::M of the In 190C at this time. Thcro Is At 8 O'clock. Is tho best family medicine that over still much room for Improvement, -- was made. It makes pure blood, and HONOLULU UNDERTAKING CO. 58" See Our Windows C pure blood is tfye source of good health. RfcV -- nnd nil lines of Industry havo not LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S HATS has the latest Swia-parll- method in the art of yot sharotl equally In tho iccov-- An now made, Aytr't la embalming, ,wmH?mBsr amlnint no alcohol. Of All Kinds. so that bodies can be r IF cry; yot tlio progress wnirn hns AwfTT5fWff?ivVv3ik. rm rrnsrLfV kept any length of time, and still year ago Is rkrll lmltatlonSanaparillas ''iMl' .takon placo slnco a nMDAHVl LIILLIXlJ There are many produce a lifelike appearance. 'Br , pimply marvolotis nnd uoyonc! nil fSgji" vlfi Be sure, "Ayer's." Oivo him a call and his work Vl? vJtrr"1lJT--" you get K. U;YEDA, will iH.!.nvnnctatIonB.- - Qjrjjinulojiv. our. - hi Ti- . '. - wrju txmmAyi-ff'T-jtryirri.-iTliiii'"'z HBHHHMI A. speak for itself, , , "i l 'jrtr tmuti hi Dr. 1. C. A k Co , loall, Mm , U.J unii 9mfilepaukers und our great Industrial , 102 NUUANU. Office, 1120 FORT ST.; Phone 170: Njglit CaU. 1014.

' IT rjte, wmmmmmmmxmu winv .,mmm.um, ' ir .ZMmmmfAimMty &.Jk . i.&a!'. iT jm,,. -- Ath 1a, - mM'sTK jlHaWTa i TM MsMWMsWTrBTIllllsg " ' ''"" ' Y ' "'"" W F v ' 'JP1 , 7



HONOLULU. Die. 5.1203 TO CHECK PESTS Wet Bl,l Weather 'clHI . aurSTOCf ti Gifts B- Please MEReAHTTtl- Xmas that Z Btc ft Co . WOfltc I'm VW All Imported plants which arc In- SUOAR a, Shoes For fected with pests will ho scUed Kwa Plantation Co .... V0nn.(n jo jr,i nnd Hawaiian Amlc. Co,... t.vnni m ijjiJ destrojed by duly mtthorlzcd agents Maw Com Sue C .. --MIS," In t) most are those that give the most lasting Comfort and Hawaiian Suar Co.,. J,iVn it ...... Men of tho Hoard of Agriculture nt the HoncmuSmatCo .... 7't.ii In) liT'f ports of entry, In tho Territory of HonoVaaSiiearCo, . S.IWV") X II j; Satisfaction. COMFORT! That's the thing! You'll Haiku Surar Co ...... hnno i Huwnli. In order' tu enforco the Inw, Ilulclilaon Siiear Plant. oiicm) n "- - and Light xoled shoes 38G, Kahuku PUM.atlon Co i..V '.' lit . find it in the things that you use wear Every Day or rcctlon paragraph 12, of tho i arc for Kckaha Sue-C- :p.ii - ,.. fair weather, Laws, tho Hoard of' Agricul- KiiahiiloSutarCo.... Mi find it'i damaging to Koloa Suiar Co .'),mi lir, Every Night. Our ture, nt Its meeting yesterday after- McllrydcSuaarCo.... V'lO.Il l .1 V, them own- MHtlfH) . and to their noon, authorized Its ofllcliils to wilto Oat. Sut.r Co ill n', ers to wear them Onoma Sugar Co .... Um.iM yi in fto tlio' several Hoards of Supervisors OokolaSutar Plant Co .VM0 ai 13 Vj the rain. ' In tho different Counties, asking OlA5utrColJ(t .... Miioimi ai I', Oct UlowalnCo in.no I' yourself a pair them to Instruct tho pollco authori- Taaliau Sugar riant Co V"".""' !" a) of WET WEATHER Patlfic Sugar Mill "' l ties to render assistance In checking Pala Plantation Co .... "rtiao Ion Pajamas SHOES. We have the and preventing tho importation of Pcpnkfn Suiar Co...." TAimjii,) celebrated 4Wii M HAN AN plants infected with pests. W.lalua Agile innll. V. hi Co...... Ii.ii 10) ... SHOE and other makes WrnukuSna-arC- .... 1,..'I wi Tho Hoard, after hearing tho re- WalmanaloSigar Co.. IT". .. . in DOUBLE il'10iiIII) Of Mercerized SOLES, ports of the commlttco of tho ento- WilimaSwlt Mill Co li'.' l" .. .. Silk and Materials made to withstand the MISCRLLANFOOS mological division, decided that It Inter Mand Steam N Co IrVKl.Wl i u", wet and mud. MawallaiiKleotrlcCo.. ! I' -...... have nothing Flaihy about them as a Christinas Present, but a innn will get more COM- was necessary to prevent tho spread U I Our wide range Hon T ; I. Co Prd of of tho pests and to chock tho Impor- Hon RT& I. Co Com ','"" l' FORT out of tlium than lots of other things and he will always think pleasant things styles and prices in- Mutual Taleplion. Co ' 1" Hi .... tation of plants which nro Infected Nahlku Rtbfier Co., sures satisfaction. with j)est8, some Paid Up ..... WW 11" of the donor. Sec them on display. of which nro entire- Nalukii Rubber Co.Aaa. a) ly new so far as Hawaii is concern- OaliuR&LCo lkWIW) lln pn .. HlloKKCo l,mjn.uo ji ed, to tho omclnts of tho.ttitomolog-icn- t HonPiMCo- H.Urt l .. jo McINERNY SHOE division. Hawaiian Pineapple Co. IWMTO ) r.JS Fort St. STORE, BONDS The reports su- FOBT A of Jacob Kotinsky, MawTertpclFlicCI) - s oggery, phone j STHEET. FEW STEPS ABOVE KINO. perintendent Maw Ter pc ' - , oiiva i 65 of entomology, stated MawTerpc ... flint 22 parcels of turnips MawTtraHpr .... . infested Maw Tar pc . - with cabbage maggot and covered Haw Govt ape - . ii ji jm Ca.ReftSiigftkelCo.rp: .. an swlth noil, were burned. Tho totnl Im kijjj Haiku Sugar Co. pc AND Inspection covered 16,772 parcels and Mam. Ditch Co , LOCAL iENESiL Upper Pitch 6a C77 lots, Tho Inspection of bees and MawOmAiSngCof ...m. honey vas. delegated to Mr. Van Dine, Maw Sugar Co A p c M Ad. fails Quantity and Quality of Mllo R KCo Con 6 pc ..... ti. TiaBulletinWant tho entomologist of tho Federal Ex- Houakaa Sugar ro Cpc...... m. lai ..... to sell it for you, throw it away! Hon R T Co 6 p c . !''.)i ...... periment Station. Kotinsky asked Kakuku P.antkl Cn4 pc. . .- - . ,...m Hint the salary of his assistant ho MrUrvdrS CiVate. . l( Ten good unto hacks. Phono C. Oahu R& LCo.pc ...... Meals n. hours at the raised from $7G to $100 per OahuSngar Co pc .. ... lt served all month, ... Bakery. HOtol street. A hut his request was CIaaSugarCo6pc...... New England Copley Print deferred until Pac- - Suit. Mill Co, 6a ... . n Otmntil. tho outlaw leper, will tako next meeting. Vala Plantation Co ...... Light Pioneer Mill Co 6 rrc ...... If, his wife, to Molokal with him as his D. Houghs, forest nurseryman, re- VVatatua grlr Co p e . t ...... Irfl kokttn. Three times the quantity and a of quality ported that ,)777 plant wcro sont out Tako your carriage or nutomobllo lijht better Sales lletwccn Jloards: tlO.000 H. . secured by the use of the new a to various schools to bo pluntcd In to Hawaiian Carrlngo Mantg. Co., for in II. II. Con (Is, S8.; 101) Cwa, $20.25. repairs. school grounds on Arbor Day, No- - ' Session: 13 Oahu Sue;., $28; $1000 Tnt jurors in Jtnlgo HtiDiiisnn s ember 13. Cs, Tungsten Lamps Olaa $37.50; $1000 Oha lis, $07. court nro excused to December 8 and Dr. Norgaard, vet- Dividends Dec. 5r 1907: Haw. C. (licTorrltorluJ not to Jnmitry 4 ns was published. WITHOUT ANY INCREASE IN THE COST. Gurrey thoVonfer-enc- e & S. Co., 80c. share: Oiioiiiea. B per Frame erinarian, who nftonjdcli Have your typewriters and machines t "iaaaaaaaaaaBaaaWtaWBaBBBBiajjjjjja cent; Honnmu, 2 held In Washington, wade n per cent. repaired nt Wall, Nichols Co., Ltd., lengthy report of Ho rort and .Mercliunt streets, lcie-phon- e his division. Latest sugar quotation 3.92 Hawaiian Electric Company, Ltd. lead the following cents. 16. letter: your Hcfcrrlng to your Coat Iron roofs with "Arabic." Is the proper letter of the 13th You will be nurjiriscd at Its cooling ult with enclosures iclntivc to tho "Sugar 3.92 dents and preservative properties California thing for a wed- action of the Hawaiian Territorial Foed Co.. kgents. 3-- Government, resulting from tho 4d A.child four years old was reported of, glanders among Beets.JOs, by Dr. H. Hayes to havo died Thursd- mules ay- ding present 6r shipped from at thu Kaplolanl dirts' Home of .California after they pulmonary tuberculosis. had failed to rcat;t ti tho mullein ilenry Waterhouss Trust Co., Superintendent Madden of the inlllj Christmas re- test, its In twenty-on- o action placing n ai ii)Kitiait. vvtiii was in town mr ti It's a Good Thing days' quarantine'1 on nil horso Stock and Bond Depaitment lew ilan past, is n brother of the cap membrance. stock coming from or through Cali tain of Iho Dieadnottght Members Honolulu Slock and Bond fornia, although unfortunate for thq, Try a Royal Annex oyster loaf. Exchange. to have the best soda wntcr at your table. We claim llvo-Bto- cl: exports of that State, Is. Circulars havu been received from don't - however, WIllJAM, WILLIAMSON. .YUiaier, tho manufacturers announcing that apparently tho only Bnfo FORt 8T3, agent everything for ours; it stands for itself and is admittedly t rmirso which It Sllvn's Toggery Is tho cxrltislvo could havo pursued TEL. PRIVATE EXCHANGE 4. qfor Knox hats in Honolulu. in provont Im- the best ou We u order to tho posslblo On installments of $3 per month you earth. deliver. portation of Blundered nnlmnfs. , can purchase a Whlto Family notary i This matter of glnndcrcd stock In PERAMBULATING sewing machine. Denny & Co., Ltd., California was also called to the at- agents. 12fiu Fort St. Phone 485. tention of Dr. Charles Kcanc, Sta'to Collector of Internal Itovenuo W F, Consolidated Soda Water WorKs Co., Ltd. KISU-WAUON- by jester-da- y Gurrey's Veterinarian, by S Drnko loft tho Manna Urn this bureau. Dr. for Maul to go over that Island Q. 932-83- 8 S. LEITHEAD, Manager. PHONE 71. ' FORT STREET. Kenne states that ho Is Instituting a im his regular tour of inspection. campaign for tho suppiesslon of glan- I'crauibulatlnK (IfIi wagons may ou Members of the Hawaiian Kiiglncrr-lu- ders in that State as far ns tho tho next thing here In Hue with t!u Association can pty their dues to amount of money appropriated will (lull bttslllUKS. Tho .MpaiU'So the financial seen tary at Evening Company latHtt rmicprrs to on 1. -- '" W permit. For & Istho Hulletln any day between 13 and tho Sillier Lux ranch, ti r tho business, nml tho posslhllio from which Aloha Temple of tho Mstlt Hhrlno tho animals oilginatcd tills company's cqulppliiK a numh.'r of will unci In Maninlc Temple, this which developed glanders after Innd-In- g men wiNt s to iinsh nroiind evening for the annual of otll In Hawaii, Dr. Kcano has secured tho streotti was anniiiiiicfd at tho eers. Installation of onlc'TH litl.l Hie Joseph A. Oilman,, ono thousand doses of bureau mallclu Hoard of Henllh meutlng jestefduy nf conferring of thu degreo of Aaron's to test their animals. luriition. A piotcst ft out llto Kniihii ltod. matin Imiirovoinunt Club ng'tlnst Itm V Dr. (Icorgo S. Hakcr, inspector In A. Ooir hns!e")iinilted llio'Attlng cstabllshuicnt of a fish m,trkit Attornrjy (Ji'iicrjl'ns to whulhcr AND chargi, San Francisco, Dr. A. E. iiiuIit bHIPl'INO COMMISSION, MERCHANT. and Hull on Khu Htrcct was Us HtpliJ Tiam-l- t Rlchol, frortclilty;. Iho, Cone Inspector Jn charge, Los real. Tho petition showed how th,o piny does not havo to rtop Its cars INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE. have been requested to render market thoru would bu a detriment to at any point at which u parreuger may Dr. Kcano ull posslblo assistance. tho wholo city. A. I C. Atkinson, wish to alight. Very respectfully, for tho company, slated to .lame's A Thoihpbon, tho liquor deal- Mink nulonio-bll- (Signed) A, D. MBLVIN, , I'. Hoblnwn that tho ronip.tuy er, was knocked iloyn by an Agent for ARTHUR SEW ALL & CO., Bath, Maine; was now planning to soctiro n slto In it Chief of San Frauclhcn und sulTereil lluronu. which faces tin Queen sltret near tho broken leg, and wus sent to St, Mary's PARROT! & CO., San Franciieo. I'resent nt tho meeting wcro C. 8. ono now ufciI on King Mrcet, Hospital. Ho exvct(ii Id return by Holloway, chairman; V. M. dlffard, .. Hit) Alameda, but this mishap Paul Iscnhcrg, Dr. Norganrd, and W. O. 8MITH'8 8UOGE3TION. Xmas von Armltage, Dainties Harry Holt. Harry tho broker, leaves V. O. Smith has suggested to (he today for San Francisco on Iho Korea, ttwy STUFFED FIOS and DATES; QLACE FRUITS; STUFFED PRUNES: Piomotlon Commlttco that tnko his flrst visit to tho mainland since Filling and Grading further prnutoto 111.) MABRONS QLACE; CRYSTALLIZED GINGER; SALTED ALMONDS stnis.to mall his arrival hero In tho early 80's. Ills weather, soon be and farm Idea ns relates to the tuHlvntlon decision go The wet will on. You should have yonr grounds PECANS; NUT MEATS; MALAGA RAISINS; JORDAN sudden lo to San Francisco and VALENCIA hero of tropical products, wofklng In mainly through ItU filled in before thr winter rains et in. Wc have earth filling for sale ALMONDS; SMYRNA Is thu advice of FIGS; BON BONS; .GREEN XMAS TREES and conjunction 'with tho Fcdornl Rxpoil-men- t physician. at REASONABLE PRICES. ' PHONE 890 ORNAMENTS. HARPER Station. Jlr. Sml'h writes- - In 'illtls for tho loads- In tho l'upukea part: homestends were opened by tho Super- " "Tho suggestion I wish to nsalsu ) intendent of Public Works jestcrday, P M. Pond. Contractor LEWIS & CO.. Ltd., that tho work' of tho United 8ta?uK Ag- Theodore, Bowman was the only bid- ricultural Experiment Station der, his bid being $2880 the THE FOOD SPECIALISTS. wmsKf I ieo for On.t hm should bo. oxtonded and exHr,nion(h bcctlon and $6897 for tho second, while 169 XING JR. W.V.3sV STREET. TELEPHONE 2(0. mado in different localltlos witn vrod-uct- s the, amount available, for tho wholo Is which, havo proved succtwfiil In only $CC91. such countries as Java, Ccjisn, tho Where is the Royal Annex Sign? TUESDAY, THE OPENING DAY OF OUR I'hlllpplnes, qtc, Tho pamphlctB advocating the selec- Honolulu Construction and , Qraying Co., .aLW tion oj Hnwall nB the plncu to no il tn-- j sss sllssssssSsI MEN'S BIBLE CLA86. 1910 summer scsbIoii of Iho American LIMITED. Continuing Association for tho Advancei.iPi.i of M GENERAL CONTRACTORS. v tho dlhcusslon of tho f.'il 8clenco will go forward on tho noxt PHONE, OFFICE 281. p. o BOX 154. """ Testament histories, Dr. J. T. GuMek mall to Dr L. O. Howard of lulling in EBsHiiiIIIh will on Sunday morning at tho jlcu'a Sale ton, A. A. Big Fort St., W. G. secretary of thu A. Opp. Irwin & 0 Ltd. I'lblo Class, 8. Tills do of t f2a33BSsSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSB at Central Union ChuMi, Is tho dual argument In tho case. We all kinds Teaming; also deal in Crushed Rock, White' and present what might ho railed "Tho Thu Kllohuna Lcngtio brought out an immense crowd, and everybody was explain- Black Sand, Broken Coral, Garden Soil, 'Etc. SAFE MOVING A SPF Evolution Theory of Creation." I'ow Art will ho open today 9 p, ing at the Wonderful Bargains. The Sale will CIALTY. "Medals mean merit men nro so well ipialltled to spepV nt from a. m. to in , and continue Highest award's Chicago this subject ami ills statemonc should from 7:30 to 9 In tho evening ait! the balance of this week, and there are many bargains left body Is to In- Bt. bo of unusual Intel nM and help to nil ever) Invited call and for the lucky buyer. Per Friday's Alameda wc shall receive 1893; I'arls 1900; Louis spect tho who have found dlfflcultlis with tlife paintings. Tho colored plato many beautiful CHRISTMAS C00DS, which will be dis- 1904; New Orleans 1883." photographs by" tm Oeuesls accounts of Iho cruatl.m. Dr mado Dr. Ilrlnckcrhnf! play next week. ia Clullck Tcquosts that tho como und Mr. Hartley lewed at night by mitn Olectilc light ASK TO SEE THE REAL s prepared to ask questions. An men, are extremely attractive. W. C. PEACOCK & CO., Lid. whether legular attendants nt tho President-elec- t Tnft has written to I Delicatessen class or not nro Invited. The hour Is Ocorgd' P. Donlson, of thu O. It. & 1 Sole Agents fiom 1ft to 11 o'clock. Co.", acknowledging tho receipt of u a . or congratulation on his election Rose Hat Pins BORN. und thanking Mr, Denlsnn for tho ex- ALMEIDA In Do- - pressions of good will and congratula- Everything that can be bought in a French establishment s NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES JIinolulu, Hnwall, rcmbcr 4, 1908, to Mr. and Mit.--. M, tions convoyed. Mr Denlsnn was nu sa can be bought in our department, handling imported and Almvlda, a, son Bcqiinlntanct) of Mr Tnft when tho IMPORTED DIRECT FROM EUROPE 3Y US. domestio cheese, anchovies, sardines, pickles, flsh, butter, Barkentine "Coronado" IHJItOKSS At Children's Hosplfil, latter was starting nut In life as an at- w sausage, San torney lu Cincinnati. They are wonderful walks of art, and make a very and Consignees ordering freight by Francisco, California, CiLtol or 27, 1008. to tho wiro of Dr deiugo" Judgo choice and beautiful gift. balling hereby Kingsbury stoled at Iho meet- vessel nio notified that Waldo llurgt;8s, a daughter. ing of iho Men's League )sterilny that s the Ilktnc. "Coronado" will go on iho new- - municipal bill grained little tho loading berth at San Finnclsco tmr BULLETIN ADS PAY --mm power to tho cltj, Iho facts being that Metropolitan Meat Co., Ltd. on thoMSth Inst, and will bo dis- tho coiporatlon was now- - a body with- s patched for Honolulu on or about out Ijlood, without tho power to nilse LOST. money tho 3tst lust. by taxation, and without the Phone 45 power of borrowing money. Klugsbiii) WM. (1. WIN & CO., LTD.. Cottar pin. engraved "C. C. s Ill C." Will picdletul many legal iiiiltti befoio Jordan's "('omiindu." th llmli'i leave the Agents, lll.Uu. l.luill) at llullntlu illillriilllPH of Iho hill won- - IHull) 1 17 otllee, ll"t-3- t Ibu'bhed uut.

..' . .,jWii--.ii:iiam.:- . .'-j'- Tr X Kittti tfiVZ .vJw&k iJa.' t -- J - .,& a jr ! &it", - ( BSESSza s &a& M p'ig."


Our Entire Store is Filled with the Newest, Choicest arid Cleverest Things for the Holidays at Prices that Prove Us to be the Greatest Value Givers Holiday Fans To See the Latest Fashions Newest Dress trimmings

One of the largesfand best assortments wc have shown at Excep- This is an assortment second to none, The latest styles in correct Us tionally Low Prices. Colored Trimmings will be used extensively this sizes, and moderately priced. InWoman's Attire Come to Season. Wc have a pretty assortment in color combinations. At a." and 50 Pretty spangled effects with decorated sticks. IN planning your itinerary for shopping it will be wise to PERSIAN FILET BAND TRIMMINGS. At 750 and $1.00 Crepe Lisse, lace edge, spangled with carved include SACHS' STORE. The entire feminine world of bone sticks. Embroidered Pongee Bands in Persian effects. Applique Trimmings Honolulu is interested in the new fashions which have been in new designs. At $1.25 and $1.50 Exceptional values in spangled and painted SILK FRINGES in Black, Whit:, and colors. SILK TASSELS, DROPS effects, and lace applique with carved ivory sticks. arriving as the result of our late buying. and PENDANTS, GOLD BRAIDS and CORDS. In fact, everything new NEW RPINCESS GOWNS.-- The long line effect in Lace and you will find in our Trimming Dept. in and delicate pink SECOND DISPLAY OF and Embroidery, very handsome, white The I and blue. Specials for New Fall Millinery Doll Contest ELEGANT EVENING COATS In delicate shades. HANDSOME DRESS SKIRTS, in Silk and Voile. Monday & Tuesday Directolre Belts is creating great deal of interest, a NEW WALKING SKIRTS A sample line; very latest- - style New Hats and no wonder look at the two Fall and Fruit of the Loom Cotton, soft fin- and cut in Voile, Panama, Brilliant Mohair, in black and A sample two alike. Come Millinery Novelties Handsome Dolls ish, yard wide, 100 yard. line, no leading colors. and sec them. that will be given away. that have just arrived per S. S. ALA- MATERNITY SKIRTS. 35c Box RUCHINGS at 250. Six MEDA will be on display, beginning They are certainly worth trying neck lengths per box; no two alike. Come Sec with for. A Voting Coupon free with ev- HANDSOME NET and LACE WAISTS, in White and Ecru. in and the ery 250 purchase. Monday, Dec. 7th 11.25 SATINS Doll Convention CRETONNE HOLIDAY NOVELTIES 850. Newest Winter Just right for Fancy Work and Pillow Backs. 21 inches wide, in a Shades and Styles. Battenberg TOILET CASES, made of pretty cretonne with sparate compartments' and rubber variety of colors. TALL DOLLS, SHORT DOLLS, Dainty Pink, Blue, and White Hats lined, at $1.25 and $1.35 each. in Bcngaline Silk, trimmed in Lace and Insertion BACHELOR CASES in pretty designs and colors, and filled with pins and naadles, DOLLS WITH REAL HAIR, SLEEP- each. Plumes and Flowers for Christmas. 050 DRESSED AND UN- CRETONNE WASH BAGS, in new designs and colors. each. ING DOLLS, for the making of curtains, in white 000 Mail Orders A special lot of handsome PLUME FANCY CRETON COLLAR AND CUFF BAGS in bright colorings, at 500. DRESSED DOLLS, TOPSY TURVY TRIMMED BLACK HATS. and ecru, 400 and 500 a dozen yards. Our Mail Order Department is thor DOLLS that will not break. BUFFALO BILL HATS. oughly equipped to serve n ECRU CLUNY LACE and INSER- patrons satisfactory in a manner. Bring the Children around and let Children's TRIMMED FELTS,a new TIONS for curtain-makin- 100 and N. S. SACHS DRY GOODS CO., LTD. Prompt and careful attention given assortment in leading colors. 150 a yard. to all orders. , them sec the Happy Bunch.


the wind for a small sum, Different members will entertain Informally during .tho Saying Farewell re- It of tho League havo been serving aft- rne coming ucpanuro oi uuuiui winter. Mrs. Spllvalo has Just nnd will remain for tho NOTWITHSTANDING which ernoon tea during tho days of tho ex- and Mrs. Iluphrls, which Is so uni turned to,lon a the hibition, and the cosy little room versally regretted, has been the motif season. Call. ii A young woman well known hero, ns Wnter-linuh- looked most Inviting, the tea being n it of much entertaining this week, in well ns her husband. special blew provided by each host-c- honor. Tho continued ' a must completo their -- On Tuesday, Mrs. J. Itothw'cll of Mrs. Uuifiphrls for the past imil satisfactory house to spend the Ye! .Honolulu Lodso No. filG, Ilcnotnlcnt wns the hostess and thcio was always Hear few has much disappointed week's end the guests of Dr. and months nnd I'rotectlvo Order.ut Klks,.rcspecU a chit-ch- going on who Mrs. Watcrhousc. Some of the men lomfortable a largo contingency ,of friends lully invites you to no present nt'tlio around the Mrs. Augur distinguish- n walked up from the Castle trail, wished to entertain tho Hawaiian Opera Houso on tho after-noo- on pretty Among uiuoiig them being James Wilder, poured Wednesday and on Thurs- ed Doctor and his wife. of Sunday, December C, 1908, on fresh from his triumph In "The Mis- day Mrs. II. Illuknell presided. Among thoso who.i have baen fortunate tho occasion of tho "Hlka Memorial er's Mill," and evy clad of the others wcic Mrs. Thomas Will, Mrs. Ye! onough to dine them this week were Day," services. 3 p. mV-- chance to stretch his legs nftcr the Ilcldford. Mrs. A. N.. Campbell, and Hear Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Swnnzy, mental unxlotlcs of the week. He Mrs. Hawes Jr., who have promised whoso beautiful dinner went pit with Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Hedcmann nro ex- jiut seeral of the men up at his ar- to take their turn. tho cclnt for which that houso Is pected to nrrlvo In tho Mongolia on tistic bungalow and James was tho noted. Twelvo covers encircled the Monday. Miss Alleo Hedcmann Is al- life of tho occasion, his stories be- Another Engagement table, which was oxqulsitoly docorntf ready In Cannes', Franco, for tho win- r ing particularly funny. Among the An Interesting engagement Just Wherever people ed with many vcut-glas- s vases filled ter.. invited guests at tho house-part- y nmiounced Is that of Miss Ilclir of with doubfo crimson carnations. A , o were Doctor and Mrs, James Judd, California to Mr. Itufus Spalding largo drop light was suspended Qhll(Vft,fnnpy hniidkeichlofs; .1 In n Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Wilder. Mr. and of Kauai. above tho table, which shed a crim- fancy' box'fo'r 15c a box "ii Whitney would enjoy exubei- - - Mia. Oerrlt Wilder, Mrs. Iloedelletd, , son glow and many tiny caudles & Marsh's. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Forster, Mr. and Cards havo been received us fol- twinkled amidst the greens which - Mm. Hawes, Jr., Mr. Tarn McOrew, lows: Mr) James William Iloltt entwined the flowers. Tho guest- K ant health and abounding vitality, EiUbllth.4 1780 Mr. James Wilder, and Mr. Edwards. Invites ou .to be. present at tho mnr- - cards with "Llhlmnuna," tho' namo rlage of his daughter, Alllo May, to of tho house, engraved In crimson is wero Kilohana Progress Mr. John Hastings Howland, on tho there's a way as pleasant as it simple. (ottering, dainty hits. Mrs. Walter Baker The llrst vlow at tho Kilohana Art afternoon of Monday, tho seventh day Swaiuy looked most impressive In n League rooms on Monday evening ' of December, black satin Princess frock embellish' & Co.'s one thousand nineteen i 4 was an unusually Interesting occa- hundred and eight, nt half uftcr four feel ed with rich white lace, nnd Mrs. sion and uttended liy many well-lnow- n o'clock, at the Heggles Street Iloston If you "don't well," it's safe Humphrls woro a frock of real Irish people. Mr. D. Howard llltcli-io- k, Church, Roxbury, Massachusetts. laco over white satin, n Bprny of real CHOCOLATES the president, greeted all corn- to- - say that either your appetite or daco lit her colffuro being most be coming dainty oxqulslto els In his own cordial way, which Mr. and Mrs. Leopold llliickman to hor and to out to everybody, Kal-mn- type of beauty. Mrs. Ralph Forster twins reach and moved to their new residence nt kl Gra- digestion has back on you." woro a of white lie was assisted by Mrs. W. M. on Friday of this week. Tho "gone French creation and COCOAS laco mauve Hei ham, the versatile, and Interesting bungalow Is almost n duplicate of tho over satin. mid- malinger, piettlly dressed In green one on College Hills, which is so uni hair In puffs nnd parted In the For eating, drinking and cooking ihllfon; Mis, Janu I.lshmun, in a versally admired, A ''glass of with dle; she was extremely chic. Mrs. Pure, Dollclous', Nutritious dainty black ami white tollctto; Miss Primo Beer Robertson's dainty typo looked par- ticularly well In n Llberty-satl- n Um- UltrlS'JtOM Shlpnian, In palo grey; Prof. Frank Among the gayctles of tho week HoKiner, Mr, ' meals will the dullest pire) gown In gold laco. I'orklns, Mr. Catton. was tho brldgo tea given by Mrs. sharpen appetite trimmed "Brldgo," courso, occupied every- and Mr. Wix, who was saying "Ant Charles Wilder ou Wednesday in hon of Mtl,,r'' to everybody. Ornngo-nil- o body. Tho guests asked to meet tho Woldersehcn" or of Mrs. Dunning, who lias so late and insure an easy digestion to anyone. was served throughout even- Humphrls Included Mr. and Mrs. tho ly returned from a trip, Mrs. Dun Nearly one guests Ralph Forster, Mrs. Ashley Herman ing. hundred ning woro a protty lingerie frock viewed Mr. Mrs. Aloxnmler the pictures and many wcro which was very becoming. Thero Robertson, ond on G. Hawes, Clcgliorn, tho favornhlo comments the year's woro threo tables and silver vases Jr., Govornor work. Mr. Rofccustcln fully tntno up wcro given for the highest score nt Digestion-Sou- nd Doctor Victor Collins. to tho expectations of his frlcndi, Easy each. They were won by Mrs. Wad-ham- s, nml showed soma exceedingly good Mrs. Frcnr gavo n delightfully In- Mrs. Recs, and Mrs, Andrew V, . of sculpture. Mrs. formal baskot BUpper on. Thursday Il,U,r,l I'.ltol Offltt hits J. I.lshmau Fuller. Mis. Charles Wilder Is a very Mora and Miss Shlpnian exhibited Sleep-Go- od uvenlng at I'carl Harbor In honor of (ins attractive woman and always has Health Urcakfast Cocoa, lb, oxiiulsltety Mr. nnd Mrs. William Kont, who have Bdnio cholco china paint- frlcndB, about hor a largo coterie of been quite oxtensholy entertained dur- Maker's Chocolate (unsweet- ed, mid tho photographic beetlnn Mrs. by way, Oortrudo Wilder, tho ing their sojourn hero. ened), lb. cakes showed u mosit Interesting collections Ag- has gono to New York with Miss ' m of pictures; by many n am- German Sweet Chocolate, nes Walker. Thoy will 'not return Judgo and 'Mrs. Stanley hnvo i ateurs. Mr. D. Howard Hitchcock's -t lb. for Bovcral months. cakes eyes, from tltti other Islands. canvases attracted nil and ono For Salt bjr Leading Groctrl in Honolulu run Justly feol proud of such a local Thu class in study random plays will Beer Mr, William 0, Irwin Jias boon IEV of Primo & exhibitors merit Co. nrtlfct. Other probably meet at Mrs. Walter Fruur'a spending somo tlmo In Washington, Walter Baker Ltd. Mrs, II. Focko, Miss Alilllo woie i.rtei' Ninas .Mrs I'lilllp Wi'iivii so 1). 0. DOKCIIESTEK, MASS, V. S, A. ,Juke, Miss M. R. Shlpman, Joseph militated and Intellectual, will bo thu ca- I. WhlttlMii. Mersh Hals, 'ilie leader. Needless to Bay tho class Is Mrs. Adrian Spllvalo, whoso 50 HIGHEST AWARDS IN pale, wero lendar, wj willed were for very popular and constantly Incrcas Is published today, la one of EUROPE AND AMERICA ury nttxactWe and. can uo.obtaiucd lus. ' tho attractive matrons In society who

liutftk. J . . , . . JtttiVl ' . liit ..a, AitfakfcAa'.',; j ,. iwtfti it v, at. (J


Holiday Suggestions I WHITNEY & " ' 3 ''$ ?' U)


a J .? rjJ f f V' iV- - OUPONS given with each 25c PURCHASE, whether cash or charge. During the week we y M G have given out several thousand coupons. It will be to the benefit of the holders of these to bring them as early as possible, so that we can publish the names, and thereby let your friends know that you are interested in it. The House is on view in the store. Come in and u a. - see it. . Waists Rain Coats Handkerchiefs New Skirts French The Latest New York Creations in IN . rtj Hand Embr'd INessaline, Lace, etc. in all desirable shades and materials, Fancy Silks and made up in the Latest Styles. AL- Underwear LadiesY Childs' and Gents TERATIONS FREE. The former come in Fink, Blue, and 11 White, from Cravenettes' CHILDS' il'4. In sets or single garments. COLORED BORDER in fancy box .'", . 15c BOX for Children, Misses, Ladies. INFANTS and. CHILDREN'S $6.50 up FANCY INITIAL..3 in fancy box .. 25c BOX Real Lace Scarfs, ' These are surely a seasonable and PURE LINEN, INITIAL. 3 in fancy box 60c BOX Dresses, Caps, and Many other styles in fancy containers. handsome piesent. LADIES' Berthas, and Collarettes Bootees INITIAL, CROSS-BA- BORDER 10c EACH New Silks Pretty Neckwear, CROSS-BA- INITIAL IN WBEATH 75c A BOX OF 6 ft ,,....' K HANDSOME and SELECT HAND EMBROIDERED INITIAL, PURE LINEN .. $1.25 A BOX OF 6 Hosiery Fans, Pags, Gloves HAND EMBROIDERED INITIAL, 8HEER LINEN ? 1.50 A BOX OF 6 as we have only a single dress pat- These are, a few of the SPECIAL VALUES. Every lady loves pretty hosiery. tern of We have a full stock in each. are always acceptable and useful. We GENTS' Ribbons, 10c TO 75c EACH have them in SILK and KID, in as- PLAIN WHITE HEMSTITCHED, from Silk and fyncy Lisle SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. sorted colors and lengths. FRENCH LINEN, NARROW, COLOlEDRDE . .' Oc EACH ' Chiffon Scarfs in Plain and Fanoy Designs.

!l TP satin was much admired. In her hair Mrs. C, W. Case Hcerlngs, Mrs. Vin- guests of honor wcro mlnlaturo dress putt bearing legend "bon voy- two pink feathers connued by a band cent Kltcat, Mr. und .Mrs. Alexander cases the ROYCROFT PHILOSOPHY G. Hnwes. Jr.. Dr. Victor Collins, Mr. age." Tiny calenders for tho coming of gold, wore most becomingly ar- BY F E A ELBEItTUS James Wilder. enrs were at each place. Mrs. llum- ranged. Mrs. Vincent Kltcut woro a phrls wore a dull green Dlrectolro So peculiar, complex, and SOCIAL NOTES soft silk with tny roses vowdcred over Another dinner In honor of Dr. and dock embellished with rich old lace. wonderful is the web of life, v thu surface, and In her lialr was a ban- Mr. Mrs. Mrs, llumphrls was given on Thursday Thu gacsts Included and C that our very blunders, weak- deau of ccreso ribbon Her hair Is W. Cuke Hecrlng, Miss Jcsslo Kauf-mnn- 0 with their nesses and mistakes are woven simply wonderful, reaching hor anklas, evening. Ccresogerantums Mr, and Mrs. Alexander O, 8 stron- For Miss Woodward the colffuic. She mailo a lovely pic nnd of a lovely golden brown color. irrecn U:rves In n lurcu silver dish test Havves,. l)r, Victor Collins. in and make the fabric Miss llestf Woodward, who sails Hire. Mrs. C. W. Cuso Decrlng's fiock She has enough for ton ordinary heads ed on a silver tray in tno centei of tho ger. for licr homo 111 I.os Angeles In the of cold nnd silver tissue over pink of hair, Tho guests Included Mr. and table, and before llio plates of the Mrs. James Castle has returned to Hate may animate, but only Alnmedu next week, has regu-Iml- y u been "Tho Dimes" nt l.ale, where she has love inspires. feted during her visit ut Gov- delightful country home, s, For there is a recom- ernor and Mrs. .t'rear's. Teas, dln-ihm- merit lunches, nud receptions have Dr. and Mrs F. II. llumphrls are pense in sneers, and a bene&t been given In her honor. She Is not iKmllng tho last few das before their in sarcasms, and a compensa- only a very pretty girl but an amlnble doparturo for England with tho Deer-Ing- s tion in hate; for when ihese King street. cine, and hus pleased everybody by In things get too pronounced a sweet, unaffected manner. A her champion appears. charming luncheon was given by Miss Katharine Ooodion's recital at tho Regal on evening men who history Christmas Opera House Tuesday The lire in Madge McCandlcss In her honor on Shoes Tucsduy. American lleuuty roses In promises to bo a musical treat. Mr. are those whose lives have graceful clusters adorned tho W. D. Adams has the affair in charge been well written. and that generally spells success. table, uml the pretty futes around MEN Hope pushed to t'other side is HHRBnUHj u,- - tliu filendly board wore close rivals FOR Mr. and Mrs. Jured Smith expect cowardice. to tho beautiful blossoms. Tho guests to occupy their new bungalow in does Mrs. tleorgo Cooke, Mrs. At the last, no man who Included IN THE NEWEST EALL SHADES AND PATTERNS Highland Park this vrcek, which they Misses his own thinking is an "He." Kidman, Marlon Waterhouse, purchased from the Illackmans. Petor-Hii- he is very dis- Muigarct Waterhouse, Marjory i, Outwardly he may subscribe to this creed or that, and if i Hopper -), Allco Cooke. Mr. ns fol- creet he may make his language conform, but inwardly his belief is nev- Cards havn been received j nud Mrs. Krdmun also entertained lows: Mrs. Hutch, Miss Hatch, Satur- er pigeonholed, nor is his soul labeltd. In theology the great man re- on Tuesday for Miss Woodward at Nothing makes a more sensible and day thu twelfth of December, five to coils Bethought of dogmatism for he knows its vanity; and all alge- tliii Dllllngluim place, "Woodlawn," 1 practical jjift than one of our Christ- seven, 174 lthodu Island Avenue. moments are cast away. and tho tablo looked very attractive, braic formulae in his sublime Superfluous things are the things tlm tandclubnis shaded in red being mas Certificates an order for a pair of A Boclety event of next wiek will that we cannot do without; irreverent lunl.ed with "Illecdlng Heart" and Regal Shoes, Black Russian Calf, Russet bo tho marriage of Miss Kthelludu things in literature are the necessary. greens. The guests Included Mr. Schaefer and Mr. Alfred Castle at St. Character is the result of two things, mental attitude and the way we nnd Mis. W. Sutton, Misses Writ Capper Tans two of, our handsomest Andrew's Cathedral on Tuesday even- spend our time. May Kluegel, ing. Mr. Castlu has been very 111 D.imon, Jnno Wlnno, Shoes. Do not fear beipg misunderstood, and never waste a moment thinking Noi.i Sturgeon. Margaret Castle, with dengue rnd is not yet out of (he , about your enemies. Kludge McCindless; Messrs, Harold . house, hut Is steading Improving. Miss Castle, Tiederlc Lowrey, Sheiwood Kthcjlnda Schaefer will make a Don't think the other fellow's opportunities have been greater than youis Gullforil Whitney, Geo. ful- Huy your husband a pair-o- f rhariulug bride and her dress Is u love he made them. ler, Livingstone, Hand, ly affair. Folks who never do any more than they get paid for, never get paid for any more than they do. Among the passengers lu the Ko- Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Carr request REGAL SLIPPERS Be rea wus Mrs. Charles Peering of Chi- slow to censure your superiors, who, standing upon higher ground, see t)i; pleasure of jour company at tho cago, C. W. g, things, in a better light. wedding reception of their daughter, It you find a slipper just as the of V.sq. She was entertained Cop) right, 190S, by Hlbert Hubbard. . lllslo Tiowbrldgu, and Mr. Itobert Ed llKiwer on afternoon of Tues good as one of our Regals, you for tho day nt the King street resi wind the - day, November tho seventeenth, nluo dence of the Ueerlngs, Mrs. Kirk- teen hundred nud eight at halt past will also find that it is much hian of Chicago accompanied her, lour o'clock, 103 Commonwealth Avo w expensive.-sellin- Sli are mm, Huston, Massachusetts. more PP ers Miss Helen Wilder has returned The gioom Is tho youngest child of from fiqm California, where she owns uu Mrs, David Hlco by her former mar- extensive ranch, to spend the l)oll Skeeters riage uml all thu persons concerned das with her mother, Mrs. Kllzu-bet- h nio voiy well known hero. Mr, llrow. $1.50 to Wilder, on Judd street. She s or was born In Honolulu, $3.50 looking well and everybody Is glad and SKEETQO burned in a skeetgo lamp sends them to - ' see her, staggering away. You. cannot have comfort reading One of tho most delightful dinners nor can the children study to advantage fighting mos- was given at tho Moana Mr. und Mrs. James Cockburn of thu week quitoes. Buy a SKEETQO LAMP. 1 gave even- Complete $1.00. holol (in Weduutduy ovenlng by Dr, an Informal dinner last I :i ing, guests Including Mr. Tops to fit any lamp, FIFTY CENTS. and Mrs. V. II, Huinpluls to a few tho and 1 (if their Intimate Mends. A largu Mrs. I.cwton Drain, Judge und Mrs. red carnations olabor-wl'd- Stanley, Miss llallou, aud Mr Mor- of dark REGAL SHOE STORE1' Benson & decoiated tho table. Mrs. Hunt- t! ton, ft , Smith Co., Ltd., ft : phi Is wore n pink boUii dress flulshed McCandles Building Corner of King aud Bethel Streets HOTEL AND FORT STREETS, around the bottom with rosetteB aii( Miss Jessie. Kaufmann has been the oldioso point laco coattbo with a inpch entertained during the past Finart bolt of satin was most effective. wccik She Is busily engaged with an A wreath of pink iosob wus worn lu other novel, IBM mmmmm

ilttiTi jMifrtoA,,, iiLJdiA- - Mrs tlarlley, leo civiini; Mrs 0. V Uithh, r.iliuu; Mih. J. II. Kothuoll, sandwiches, und Mrs, Maruton Camp- bell,, decornlions. There will bo n meeting of' this committee on the Outrigger grounds this afternoon nt 2:30. ' Mr. A. llunio Vara 5ms worked ard- Wc will Show Tomorrow Many an Invalid l dragging out miserable exis- ently for tho success of tho Club and tence Willi catarrh of tho Internal organ, There I Street in Old Canton' Ii Is to bo hoped thai the licacltwlll no dlscnsu equal to this In producing complcto The Chinese fnlr "Street lit Old bo uttractUo enough to vii crowd. It wretchedness, absolute despair, hnggard misery, Clinton," which tomes off on tho day (h unfortunate that tho Myitles h.ivo ex Alameda) anil stubborn w caknem. mill evening ot Dec. 12th at tho an affair nt tho Mtmnn, III tlio evening An army ot this Kort of victims linvo one by one school grounds in the church build- but tho two functions will not clnsh discovered that l'eruna could bo relied uiion to ing will represent n characteristic nnd all' will go on famously, A Special Purchase of such case. street In the busy city of Cnnton. A wav iina man tfllt nnntlwr mm. and In this the long of booths framed In elab- Mrs. Charles Kdwnrdl, Fnrrar of country arc to lino new. spreads until In all part of the m fit orate coverings, painted nnd glided, Pasadena announces tliueiigugcmcut ho men nno navo ueon lounu pcrnianeuiiy nuvivw wilt nt once nttrnct the eye. in tho of her granddaughter, draco lliutunso from the thraldom of Internal trouble. bo Tower, only daughter of I he Into Mr. Many cases of of tho stomach, kidneys evening, street scenes will shown, catarrh 7 & and Mrs. tloorgu Hammond Tower, to and abdominal organ liavo reported them- Including n bridal procession, arriv- other John Trenholm Warren of Honolulu, selves a permanently relieved. al of a mandarin, street hawkers nnd T. II., of Hoy, nnd Mrs. J. II War- We below testimonials which Illustrate, tho sellers. This In Itself will nttrnct ion Men's Rive Clothing Ilerkeley. Miss Tower has for V benefit ot l'eruna In these easel. ' hundreds, for nothing of the kind ren of nw lins ever been given hero on such ten years been n member of tho stntf m y an elaborate scale. Ilcautlfill and of tho I'aBadenu Nows and Is well vQJ Angeles, choice Oricntnl articles will be for known In I'asadotia and I.oa nnd sate at the Chinese fancy table. For She visited Honolulu Inst tenson It was while there thnt cho met Mr. months many have been busily en- rit'iKA Warren. No dnto Is nnnotinced for 'tils gaged on this part of the fulr and W tho wedding. Hollands Facts. H great results can be promised. Among Astonishing Values in Suits at S&fSKSs the novelties there arc one hundred Mliis Tower will bo very pleasantly fifty dolls In Chinese nnd dressed lemenibered by n l.ngn circle of Ho- parts I $7.50, $10,50 and costumes representing different nolulu friends. Hbo has alnays boon $8.50, $12.50 is MR.ABNER'N.KEEP of China. ThH table Is In charge of (,n enthusiast on tho Islauds and will m tho ladles at tho Kindergarten. Tojs, bo a distinct addition to tho social grab bag, lemonade, candy, natural mid literary llfo or Honolulu and artificial llowcr booths; nlso nu Croun Young Alain. nrtlstlc tea g.iulcn, will ho Borne of Mrs. Francis Oay nud Mrs. Hydo-Snilt- lr Mr. AbncrN. Keep, Vlneland, On tarlo, Can., writes i tho features. Pretty girls In Chi- will recelvo with Mis. Fiear Snappy, Stylish, and Up-To-D- ate "J'oroer twenty venrs I was n sufferer from ca nese costume will sell you different on Monday, Dec. 7, from 4 to fi They tarrh and had tried almost oery thing I could hear of. I doctored with physicians in 1'hlladclphla und brands of tea. Ire cream booth, soda will be assisted by Mis. Knlman, m iiuirnio, netioes wiin eelallsls in Nebraska, hut water, and a Chinese luncheon booth, Mrs. S, M. Damon, Mr. and Mrs. M- (111 noi goireuei, as n booth, Mott-Smlt- "Flnall v. after being exhausted In health and funds, well as f?hlnesa dinner Miss Kaufman, Mr. Will I deelded to try 1'eruua. This was after moving to whero tho cclcbinted blrd's-nes- t soup Whitney, Mr. and Mis. Win. Love, this country two years apo. (yueu wo) can be bought; delicious Mrs. Steerc, Miss F.thel Spalding, Come 9 One botllo of l'eruna gave relief. After taking to Our flvo bottles 1 was sound and well. concoction of milk of almonds (hang Sllsa Alice Cooper, Miss Woodward. "I am elghtytwojearaold and feel as good y yau chit) will be a specialty. A gold MR. SIDNEY as when I was In my thirties. Interesting can as) "I give this for tho boiu'tlt of the allllcted In gen- beater nt his work We arc alt glad to hear that Mrs. erates I am but one of many In this country who ho viewed. Intensely Interesting Frederick Klamp has retoveiod so CHRISTMAS FAIR know what It Is to contend with sickness and pay views of China (mngle lantern) are well from tho effects of her operation out the lust dollar In doctor bills," Included In tho and a as to be able to return to her homo Annrtlte Returned. Cnlos Meals letter-write- r, Mr. Knights Mr. II. I.. Emory, Vlca Chancellor Chinese street ready to on Thurston avenue today. Judge Mr. .Sidney Wcsels, Mcrrllton.On' Hubert n.llanvcy.Trea. n and Master of Arms, K. l'.'s, of Omaha, Indite love, business or political let- and Mm. Selden Kingsbury, who hnvo writes: of Industrial Freedom, also a For tarlo,Jnti ami wrllcsfrom Nebraska, U.S.A., writes from 203 N. ters, will ho one of the characteris- been guests of Mr. Klamp, nro now Value havo been troubled with dys- writer lecturer "I 11 Chicago, Sixteenth Ht., the following words of tic Blghtb "On the of Canton," anil Indigestion for twenty S. Lincoln St., Illinois, Street, at their apartments in the Alexander pepsia A., as praise for l'eruna as a tonic. Ho says: of one Ymtng. 1 tried dif U.S. follows: and tho gorgcoiisncss It nil cars, during which time "I was in good health until enow ronr ferent doctors, but did not get the de- "It Is with pleasure I recommend l'e- can imagine when It Is known thnt " years ago, when my back became lamo runa as a fertile of unusual merit. A Chinese lanterns, Chinese embroidery sired results. and sore. Tho pains kept Increasing Mrs. T. Michael, Mr. T. II. Mor.tn, have been compelled for weeks large number of prominent inemlicrs of and. draperies of the finest und choic- I t "I with severe twitches and slow, ex- nnd Mr. lei Slioro were among tho at a tlmo to itlvo up work, being com- tho different orders with which I hara est varieties will be hung along the haustive actio. Trine was highly col-or- passengers dcp.u ting on the Korea pletely prostrated. 1 hail, to confine been connected havo been cured by the sides of tho street anil among tho and passed with great irregularity. use of eases this morning. They wore attended myself to a milk diet, cs nothing l'eruna In of catarrh of ths booths, pioiluclng beautiful old Ori- B. "1 knew this must be Inflammation of by it huge number of fi lends, who Kerr & Co. stomach and head i also In kidney com- would remain on my stomach. effects. An scene In L the organs. ental Oriental about up, thinking my urinary plaint and weakness of the Internal covered them with lets. They were "I had given "Having read of l'eruna 1 decided to Hawaii will oIfo be shown. This 1 of organs. guests nt the Young Hotel during case Incurable, when heard l'e try It. fair Is on a most nrtlstlc scalo and decided to try It. their very pleasant stay in the city, i.iniited, runa and "1 found relief from tho pain within "l'eruna tones up the system, aids tout lets nnd visitors should not fall nnn Itnttln tnudn a Croat chauze. ten d.iys. Tho aches gradually dimin- digestion, Induces sleep, and is woll si'iemflng much of their time ut tho to sec It. The object Is to aid In and after using another liottle of tins ished, and It was a blessed relief 1 can worthy the confidence of sufferers ot Moana. Mrs. Michaels becamo an on - wonderful medicine, 1 had complete usuro on. tho abovo complaints." needed repairs tho Fort' Street expert ut surf-ridin- Honolulu Department Store freedom from pain, my appotlto bad "Within three months I was well Chinese Church, .improvements In Fcruna has saved many people from returned and.l could agnin enjoy my once more. My appetite had returned, kindergarten rooms,", ami-- b aid the Word has been received In this disaster by rendering the kidneys ser- meals. I believe l'eruna Is tho grand nervousness and irritability were things Cljnese Y. M. C. A. The fair will to of the past, and for over two years now vice when they were not able to bear city of the bit th of n son I.leiit. Alakea Street meuicino unuer uio ran.-- leujiy partnke of ot a AW est I I uav been a healthy man." their own burdens. the nature and .Mrs. It. Cushman at their grand fete, nnd tho sum of 2G cents new home In I.a Jolln, California. only Is asked adults and 10 cents BE2J301J, SMITH & CO., for The Cushmnns nro well known here, H99R9 The following wholesale druggists will supply the rstail trade : Honolulu, Hawaii ones, Kemember for biniiller the he having done duty at tho Naval I fcZirVftv TO?aaBB5MEKBr:irawflggzCT date, Saturday, Dec. 12th, day and Station. w evenlsi'. 1 , Mr. nnd Mrs. Hngcns entertained n For Mrs. Beynolds largo number of guests for the week- SUNNYSIDE Mrs. San ford 11. Dblo.gavc n very end nt Pearl Harbor on Saturday. Mrs, Interesting luncheon on Tuesday In llagens Is looking hnndsoniei' tlniu honor of Mrs. Reynolds, who sails ever hm! Is a very popular yotingnial. Whoit Plops Hoc next week for the Orient. The tabic, ron. lit EJfcaJi&G&SsS I with Its centerpiece of green ami A Wtml lubu IlOu white listers, looked most nttiactl,ve, The PrtncesB Knwnnannkoa will nut MILK und u large bunch of oranges decor- go to Now Yoik until later, being de- ated an alcove at tho side ot the con- tained by business mutters. servatory. Mrs. 'Reynolds, who has Mrs. Donald Cu.'rio give n itollglit-fil- l in Yniir been promoting humane work In the bridge tea on Tuesday In honor of fi - fcchrols hole, Is n very Interesting ffilUdly sirs. Claiido Osborne and Miss Uordi.i woman, thoioughly In lovo with her This pure milk ha 9 been giving perfect satisfaction to at' chat In Million good her minx residence work and the amount of which valley. thousands of families for years. she docs Is tremendous. She lins been u .guest at tho Dole residence Thursday afternoon is a very agree- It is now more popular than ever. Its Purity, natural past. to Life? for n week Those asked able tlmo atFoit Shutter, Tor th? flavor, and' keeping qualities recommend it to the careful meet were Mrs. V. h. Hopper, Royal Hawaiian iiiis heio Hand plays. Tho tousewife. Order it frim your grocer. Mrs, Mrs. S. O. Wilder, Francis lawn Is in n good condition and Fort H Francis Bwunzy, Mrs. Augustus K. Shatter will boon bo otio of tho beauty Murphy, Mrs. Mcfliew, MrH. Steven- spots of Honolulu. son, Mrs. Whltl.oy, Mrs. Wlthlngton, T IS A DUIL HOME that do;s not contain. WITHIN ITSELF re- - Mrs, Thompson. Mis. Home. Mrs. 3. Mis. William E. Taylor is expect- sources for amusement and entertainment. Is there any more tuition, airs. ii. e. uiniiigiiuin, airs. ed to return In the Mongolia lifter Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd,, - Mrs. Alexander Ilawes, Jr a trip to Colorado und California. pleasant and profitable way of spending the long- winter evenings Call, 0. DI3TMBUT0IIS. than in makinrr excursions into the delightful world of music? Miss Fope. There arc hundreds and thousands of delightful compositions which you Ladles Initial handkerchiefs from , 10c up ut Whitney & Marsh's. ; would enjoy knowing-- if you had some way of bringing them directly-an- d Dinner at Ainahau !P57JFtfJ ,.. easily into the home. "Alnahuu was tho scene of an ! elaborate dinner Inst evening given In honor of Doctor und Mrs. Humph-li- s by Governor Cleghorn. Magnlll-en- t 1 clusters of exorla adorned tho If you have a Pianola Piano you can table in conjunction with Australian I ferns. At each corner clusters ot led berries nnd ferns weio artistically AKodakforXmas have a Daily Concert in y our Home placed, Aftor dinner Mrs. Victor Collins, who arrived from England In tho Alameda on Friday, sang delight- for those who have none; fully. She Is a very attractive young As the success of the PIANOLA or PIANOLA PIANO induces more woman and her dress of white liberty gold Ince nuil more imitation, it becomes incroasingly important to distinguish be- satin trimmed with suited Films, tween the 'different instruments of this type. BACK OF THE PIANOLA her perfectly. Doctor Waterhouso PIANO ARE aiC BASIC PATENTS. They insure points of musical and also sang In his quaint fashion scv-e't- al mechanical superiority which imitat jra cannot overcome. comic bongs. The guests were, Photographic Supplies For example, the THEMODIST (bringing out the melody above the besides Dr. and Mrs. Humphrls, Mr. accompaniment) and the METB03TYLE (showing the novice how to and Mrs. C. W. Dr, nnd play with expression) are features exclusive with the PIANOLA PIANO. Mrs, I'Jruest Watcrhouse, Dr. nntlMrs. For many years there have been instruments that would play the Victor Collins, Mr. und Mrs. Alexan- latest improvements in piano in a mors or less mechanical way. But it is because the Pianola der 0. Ilawes, Jr., and Mr. Fercy Cleghorn. llliliiil lia the npprcaches so MARVELOUSLY CLOSE TO THE EFFECT OF THE Photographer's TBAINED HUMAN FINGERS that the musical world has given it unre-serve- d equipment for those recognition. The great musicians who commend the Pianola so Do not forget tho Oiitrlgser Club evening ut highly have repeatedly refused to ex Dress any interest in the many other sports this afternoon nnd rioiiKo. Captain Horner's who have Kodaks. instruments that approach the Pianola's effects only partially and im- tho club perfectly. band will bo on hand this afternoon anil tTwlll so served ,ns well us a That's our suggestion chowder at C. The sports begin nt 2 o'clock, Tho ladles In charge of tho for Christmas. T K r. booths a to: tMrs. F; H. Richardson, irt , general chairman; Mrs, John McCniul-Icss- Come and our Stock. Bergstrom Music Co. lopionnde; Mrs. Fred Carter, fee I flowers; .Mis. Charles F. Chilling-wo- t t IS, Limited Hi, i lllma; Mrs. A, Fuller and Aijun lfoibert, chowder; Mrs. J. M. HONOLULU PHOTO rt, Left w . J' McChesnoy and Mrs. While, candy; SUPPLY CO., Ltd., fo Hotel Mrs. C. I,. English and Mra. (Iruhtim, Odd Fellows Building tea and coffee; Mrs, J, Oilman and ?-- t

a. ri frihilirri1 u 'jmiririteijt'iiflii V.tl'ilLiUKaLjJiJw.'a''i:ii'g' v , 1 rr


-- ?., EVENING nULLETIJJ, HONOLULU) T.'KT; SATURDAY, DEC. 5, 1008. jL,lLLm. For A Smoker's Christmas A BOX of GOOD CIGARS SpraP MAN'S Good Time at Home or at the Club---- is incomplete without a Good A Cigar or Fragrant Filling for his Favorite Pipe- - He likes one of these if he smokes Cigars. Van Dyck, Sta&helberg-Stanfor- d, General Arthur, Robert Burns, and Owl In All Sizes

We Make a Specialty CIGARS, of Guaranteed Quality, put up in Christmas !GOOD of Christmas Packages for ladies and sent to husbands or particular friends. A Special Assortment of Pipes and Smokers9 Conveniences r

Choice Meerschaum and Briarwood Pipes, Artistic Tobaccp Jars, Copper Ash N in Handsome Woods, Tobacco . "it , , Trays, Cigar. Humidors Cigarette Cases, Pouches, Adjustable Floor Ash Trays, Novel Match Boxes, etc. t

The House GUNST & CO, inc., Of Staples MA t !''' "Z'TtZ-- ik EIsTo. Shu gmjtwITirMXvra"cunia. J bAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIj Aiiev"dTMicfrjii tTwTelrcn to Ulslo'a slasm. nearly killed? That I , ' thoughts by the somewhat Ecowllug "Hull, friend," she said. "You at thlug to do, especially as you cube aspect of Chrlstobal's face. lie was least are not Jealous if I speak to your aboard too late, for Jour work." looking In u inauncr master, wherein you show your ex- "Ah.,that Is the point, scnorlta. Ton i which belokened certain dUiplcuHuiv. ceeding wisdom. Now, since you and sec, we trimmers work In.gaugs, and THE CAPTAIN Tliu Spanl.ird'rt cultlvateil cynicism I arc person of leisure, tell me, Joey, the uisu who thing mo through tho wax subjugated by a more powerful what wo shall do to mako ourselves batch was the man who had taken my sentiment. It seemed to KIjIc that bu useful." place. I sco uo reasou to doubt that It Cuartonuy bis youth and blgb The dog was accustomed to being was he who made mo drunk tbo prorl-ou- s Xihas curled, Shoes OF the KANSAS spirits. spoken to. IIo awaited developments. evening, and I know yiUo did i:iIc durcd not meet Cuuitenaj's "It seems to me, Joey," she contin- that." By LOUIS TRACY. eyej. A lined of understanding bad ued, "that fiiigllolino Krascuelo Is the "What was bis Lau.u?" LADIES' Author f Tht Win, of th Mornlnf." "Th PllUrof Ulbt." Eta. suddenly poured Its miraculous waters ono person on bourd who claims our "Jose Anacleto 'Jose tho Winebag - over bur. Incidents uulmpoitutit .In attention. There mystery to bo wo call htm .on the plaza. I ought to solved. Hound upta;u It my poor smclled COPYRIGHT, IPOO. BY EDWARD 3. CLODB tlicinselvcu. utterances which seeincil are hate mischief when Jose paid. REGALS to havo no relied Intent at the time, Isobcl, that beast VcuUua' und a Never before had I seen blm do such ?VT7Tm rushed In upon her with overwhelming druuLen coal trimmer nil" odd assort- a thing. And a good liquor too. Dloa, conviction. The middle aged plijslclan ment to rub shoulders, don't you It must have cost blm dollars." Wc have just receiv- Ill pcoiT ."3'.' '.7. H.tu L'ourte-na- y CHAPTER IX CONTINUED. :.:.7zc ,tr suspected her of lining with think?" "Wbut object bud ho In coming on ed by the ILilonJan ov- a temporary n (From "Last Saturday) truioV" ml disapproved of It ii.i strongly Joey still reserved bis opinion. When board Instead of you?" er 1,500 pairs of Lad. "It Is lianl to decide Tollemacho as blm herself had condemned Uobel's the girl went to the forecastle, by climb- "Ah, there you beat me, senorlta.' '1 'l J WiiTftTiuiilM were ies' Regal Shoes in all dlscoucertlus nnd Sunrcz are best uhlo to foim nu admitted efforts In the same dlicctloii. ing down tbo sailors' ladder to the low- have twisted my poor brain with think- Not ouly It possible the latest styles. QUI I win rnr.Hn' mi oplolou. What do Jon buy, The proceedings of the Indians put a er deck he thought she was'-makln- a ing of that. We only earned a dollar lives to surround I lie Kiunus u Quarter Sizes guaran- vw with stop to any further conversation. Tlio mistake, but she held her arm for his a bead, and bunkering a ship from n whole Htrai in or men. tin- - ,hut ini'io "Not u bit of use. 'They nre Insnll.i-blc- . canoe bud drifted closer to the ship. spring, and all was well, Bbe flat Is hard work while It lasts, where- tee n perfect fit for any mimlier had not uf Ihclr bonis uoultt lender It The uioru on she the more they It was about eighty yards distant wbeu previously visited tho quarters set as one would expect Jose to ride twen- foot. exceedingly i'i com-blni- dltllcHlt to want Tlio ouly way to deal with tlio indlun .wlio was on Ids feet sud- apart for tho crew. Puzzled by the ty miles the other way to escape such assault. Anil nothing could lii those rottcrH U to stir them up wllu a, denly whirled a sling and sunt a stone largo number ot a task. Hut he was In the plot, and be more triiL'iiluut small cabins with Christmas ttinii tliu demeanor of uniiing or n crashing through the window of the names of officers shall tell mo why or" tliu Boiiiliiiulo iweive.pouniier, subordinate painted warriors. Tl.ey pointed Htitticz when r.ppciilcd bis music room. The henry missile, which on thorn, sbo paused loudly: Ily force of habit Krascuelo put nt each they and cried bit Orders ih'noii saw oii tin deck bead. when picked up was found to wclgb "Aro you there, Fraseuolo? May I right hand to his belt, but his sheath mill iniido 11 tiemoi'dous wljoii tow "You mlalit an well try to fondlo a nearly half a pound. Just missed Tollo-mach- speak toyou'r" kulfc had been taken from him, 'tie sold here. they pasted t!io nlutig-Hllll- '. For a Christmas Present, give an order for ennoj fastened liunury puma. I am the only man they An exclamation of surprlseT'a some- smiled sheepishly, yet his black eye a Dcspltu pair of shoes, and let the recipient pick them thl'll' keen hUIii. they have ever tp.uvd, and they uparcil me Tlio captain ruUeil u double barreled' what forcible exclamation, too, answer- twinkled. out. In this oildently did not Smire-:- . way, thorough satisfaction is assured. 4 ' mlely becnuse they tliousht I Bavo fowling piece, tlio only gun on board, ed ber from an Inner berth; Kras- "Hot' Why do you speak of a plot?" who now wore it cap in.l n tilt of them their euemletf. If and fired jKilut blank nty the savages. cuelo asked girl, hoping UNDSXY COLONIAL TIES in all leathers, clothes piwer oer bad beard from the Chilean' who the that tho word $3.50. taken fiimi tiiu toiler of cno of had u you drive Hut the women pnddllug nway brought bis meals betokened (White and Tan Suede, Patent Leather, the missing )ou raminu inlht weiu that there was fan ttUio moie promislug clow and White Can. HlvumiK Ihem o.T Ah It l.i. .ue shall be rigorously, and the shot splashod lu Iingllshwolnau on board, but be did than sho could discern thus' far. vas). 'J'liu Impudence or tlio Imlhum pins-pcr.ile- d In Cclil fi r our llrei. They uro tlio water on all Hides of the canoe, not know that sho spoke Spanish flu- "Why did tbo furnaces blow tip? C'ourtenny. Thi blzo NEW JOCELYN TIE in Tad Suede. thcor of hiuie euoiiK!i In their own way." though n bowl and a series of violent ently. Tell und I can auswer you. tlu should have ino H;at Kansas uwod them, The cxi'i'i'li'iue of Hie miner from contortions showed that oao Hi least Good, holiest coul mudo HUSE SIIPPERS 0PERA lie thought. l'rnscuclo was reclining on a tower Isn't of gun' SLIPPERsfETfJXrRI,S' AiKoutln i wim not to he uulnsald. vt tbo pellots bud Hung tho wizened bunk. Ills Injured leg well on the powder, .jjose or some one behind hlin At that moment rowers wai Hie permit- Courli'U.iy c:a:i"ed rp at ICInle. If Indian whom Sunrcz believed to bo a way towurd recovery, but tho wouud meant to sink the ship, and as I ted tliu ciiuoe to swing luuiid'ultli tliu ulilt'lt v.i'.v ueedi'd to comiletc the newcomer. and Its resultant couUucmeirt had might havo proved awkward they were tide. One of the i.ie:i up. stood mid comr.ist l.e i.i-i'- l!!..atlon mid MiV' There was no second shot cartridges chastened blm, He bad brig- willing that I should go down with REGAL SHOE STORE, I'.lslo, who seized tlie lost tho eli.uiie of miafi nseij It was slven by the comparison were too precious to be wasted at an andish swuggcr which was bis most 'her. Maybe I shall meet Jose If we MoCANDLESS BUILDING, KINO and BETHEL STS. shotting Hie patty, rim to the upper range wlili h the Klrl vlVered to the women la Impossible but tho undeniable cherished usset get out of this rat trap. Then we shall ?i deck, Hlie did not Courte-uaj'- s fo mciliour the iinioe. The hot run anil the ab- fact icmalned that tho Indians meant After acknowledging Inquiries as to bavo a little tulk." Ninolhered ejueiilntlon. wn lie sence .if v. In.; !i.ul I'liangi'il' tlio to be aggressive. I 'or a llttlo time no Uls progress ho showed such eagerness Despite tho man's shrowd guess as sciiillulzlug the sitviiges through Ilia to Aft- one spoke' They tho echoes . from winter uunmcr, board of for uews Klslu told blm briefly to the cause of tbo accident lu the ", 4.Y'1 mid lie hud distinctly that been tliu er hieabfast Chile hui diiiined n mus- tbo gunshot faintly thrown back by what hud caused tho latest uproar. stokehold Klslo was at a loss to con- A shlp'n painted on a wa- 'V mime small lin ill es in id a broad brimmed straw tho nearest wall of rock. Tbo regular She cheered him. too. .with tho an nect tbo freak of somo Valparaiso loaf- ter csitk on which the Indian hud lieen hat. In the weather bad plash of tho paddles as tho canoo sped nouncement inudo by tho engineer er with the deep laid scheme which J3 bitting. TolLumichu made the fatwni' and j huiro hriiii7.ed her hI.Iii tn i delightful tlut. shoreward was distinctly niidlblo. They then led blm to tho topic on which she contemplated the destruction of the drainntle dUcmery. Her mil brown hair framed a uweetly watched tbo lluy crafj: until It vanish- sought Information. Kansas. Klie hud followed the discus- of one or Ihu whip's I "Out lifeboats, pielty and her lour bluo eyes ed tbo wooded point which d 1 In room upprn- - suppose'" r.ui'. round "In boino ways regard you as most sion thu chart with full lie said In a low tone to (he Otter crock. Its Mgumcauco. nnd red llpi. Hllshtly parted. Biulled uufortunute." sho said. "I have been elation of valuable Plants, Seeds, Trees iiptaln. The muffled clung n broke as ship cargn were, bunltelilncly at the meiiWueuth. The of hammer told you are hero by accident; that you the and there was "yes. nid yon too tliu number?" to far more at stake In the effect of n i'iimci.1 l.i hor h.iml) i.dde.l a holiday tho Bllauce which bad on never meant take thovoyago at all. the "No. a, I think." fallen tbi loss on the Copper markets of the Send 'your name and address for aspect o her a;ipe.irume. an aspect wutcbets from tho ship. Walker Is that truer "I ngreo wllli you. Tlut van tli bad delighted world. The most Impcrtuut copper ex- fully n liU'livmlH uuutteruhly dlsipilutlm; In slipped back to his beloved engines. l'ruscuelo, to have secured out illustrated first lifeboat which got nwiiy." linn lu Chllo ould Iti rel.li-- forebod-liig- a sympathetic listener, poured forth porting practically NEW 1909 GENERAL CATALOGUE Chrlstolul. startled ,out of ills wont Id I'm muttered i Had bo not vowed thut the massive bin? hud hrcU'ii Id on. pistons should again thrust' forth their his sorrows volubly, IIo boro uo III to be ready for mailing in December. rd sang frold. whispered In JiW lit 'ii will against tbo captain, Bald. Wo "I filial the get-u- our vlallora y willing arms on or about Now he lie (Continued Next Saturday) are already enjoying a large "Do you menu to nay that iye of the if Year's wrong to liumurouj," hc suld, "and I day? IIo bad forgotten tho cuunlbali knew It was draw n knife on trade in the Hawaiian Islands and boata ban fallen Into the. hands of tbo chief otllcer, as his was hope Ihey uro u bit LcareJ of us. Wo und their threats cro bo was ut the tale mi PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS.' would like all interested in the gar- these flends?" unlikely one, und be ought to havo would piefer their loom to their com- foot of tho engluo room ladder. Courtoi PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed , den to send for the catalogue. "I am afraid bo," replied Cniirli'ti.iy trusted to n more orderly recital of thu pany." miy and Tollemacho joined blm; Curls-tob- cure case Our seeds are grown "Of courto that pnrtlcul.ir Leg i: i" facts to obtain credence. to any of Itching, Illind, largely on our . "I thought tlut Keiior'Hiuirc would weut to tho salon to visit his own farms hao drifted ashore. (.In niiv can-- It "Hut I was thut mud. scnorlta, I Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to and are the B E S T TO hall them, iih he inn spent: their patients; Ulsle was loft with Mr, lloyle, Just tells Hid fate of one. or i!,i suw red, and drink wus yet surg- 1 4 dys or money refunded. Made by BE HAD. 1'erh.iin he dues not wish them who foitbwith foil Into a dozo, being the mutlucurs. Klther the boat 1.' ing up in mo. I felt I must light some- PARIS MEDICINE CO.'j Saint Louis, to Uiiinv bu W nu hoardV worn out by tho fresh air and tho ex- lb body, whatever tho consequences.'' U. S. of A, or Is now on Now. lllsle had heard tbu inan'H Im- citement. fe .71 nl the rie.r im "Can you tell mo why nuy otio Morse, uppi'TiT" w lieu Joey, bad C passioned baring followed C i.iul l.n.nv nhat (hat sbalhe.i." Ihc Indians Courtenay to ie such n grluvunco against you that you 52 JACKSON ST, billii'i" I wwi! drat lUbti'u, so Courte'.iay felt thu ono doorwuy In the ship which he Bulletin Editorial Room Phone 185, ALSO MARKET ST. li?.l'irULlA UiUi'f'.i'L !';; J Bhoujd be thrown Into ,the..hoM ajid tli.it blie, loo, i "i nillii' .. cfcujd no, cuter, tro.tte.jV. back, to.tlud Bulletin office. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA. 1

" w v-- . ."T - - - .i.&wiJtr1 iJto''-- " .iXk I j-- fSIUiamrJjmmvzmmmminmmimmmiiijmmmmmmm - TS - 'J f"? v- itVif'.'O'HWMfilg

10 ffVENINO BULLETIN. HONOLULU T. It., SATURDAY, DEC. 6, 190f. : Oceanic Steamship Company fctoxiofter & BiWwip Our Expert LIMITED,. TIME TABLE S.S, ALAMEDA ESTABLISHED IN 18S8. BAD BUILDINGS J. P. COOKE Manager ON Ths sttamers of this lint will arrive and leave this port at hereunder: I fbtsMlt'itA jw I OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS! An InhiUtlon for Leave S. F, rive Hon. Leave Hon, Arrive S. F. H. P. Baldwin t President Whooping-coug- h, Crouq, no . as I)KC. 4 DUC. ! DEC. J 6 BISHOP CO. 7. B. Castle Vice President Magnetos, ronohitls, Coughs, & -- Personally, Inspects The ni;c. i di;o. sr, 20 JAM. 5 di:c. W. M, Alexander. .Second, ,Vice, Pres, Piprttneria. uaiarrn. !i Jim. Jan. 1 JAN. 20 JAN. 20 ' J. P. Cooke....."..Third Vice Pret, Crasoltn le a Boon te Asthmatics. r. BANKERS Property In Health Jan. 30 rob. mil. m KEB. 16 7. Waterhouse Treunrer Storage Batteries, ii.. s -- . u. at.Hca 1m ftrfathe) tit d lTiU. 20 run. 2c Man. :t MCII. '9 E. E. Secretary tvmtsly for dlwwt of krtMlilnK orh IU x' Paiton. '... w issKfj ana rvjioaj- una in skwaw.ss Ambulance JICII. 13 MCII 19 MClt. 24 MClt. 30 Commercial and Trav- W. 0. Smith Director an. i UA I.U1IIM ih ailp. rtndfttM tronnly JitlapUc, li catrlwl ? dl',i NOTICE. On and June 24th, 1908, SALOON RATES elers' Letters of Credit O. B. Carter Director .,. ancLCoik arfaoai wliti Tfiy brMth, ilftu VfolMfcd m y after the will cunataat trttrahb H la hiTMrfabto to wotherfi After tnKliiK n ride In the Hoard he as follows: Single Fate, $05; Round Trip, $110, Family rooms extra. issued on the Bank of w. R. Castle Director who raau aiturtn. ThOeM Of ft of lli'iillli nmliulniH'o mid Inspecting In with the saling of IS HERE connection the above steamers, the agenta are California and The Lon- Hnatijitlv Tcndenor In prepared to Issue Intending coupon by will find ltnffldlU the property peimm, the nieiiibura the pjisencers through tlcketi, SUBAR FACTORS, from or rlif don Joint Stock Bank, Cough lifUmtd i.'f the Hoard of Health jesterduy 11 :ny railroad from San Francisco to nil points In the United States, and Uonilltloo of the) Mi roe. t from New York by any steamship line to all European ports. Ltd., London. COMMISSION MERCHANIS and, AU. DRUQOItTS. decided tn condemn the ' fUssd BasttAl tat dsW KOR FURTHCR PARTICULARS APPLY TO Correspondents for 'the IMSURANBE ABEHTS A Specialty is made of repairing Mriptlv Booklet. bulldliiRS on Vlncjiird Htrcct near VptCreWilen C IBiSu9 J I'auoa which linvu been glvliiR them American Express Com- STORAGE BATTERIES. ISO Foltoa BtrosL Agents for Nw Tik. su iijucli trouble (if Intc. AlniOHt ov-tr- y G, pany and Cook cUm-an- Win. Irwin & Co., Ltd Thos. & Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. kind of contngloiis lints lieen constantly croppiiiK up In OCEANIC S. S. CO. GENERAL AGENTS. Son. Haiku Sugar Company. TO THE IIicbo Interest allowed on Paia Plantation. ASSOCIATEDGARAGE,Ltd LulMtiiRH 11ml nlthoUKli thu Hoard of term and Savings Bank Maui Agricultural Company. Health li:is taken every precaution It, beep found practically Inipos-n'lbl- u Pacific Mail Steamship Co Deposits. Kihei Plantation .Company. MERCHANT ST. TEL. 388. Holiday-Seekin- g lias Hawaiian Sngar Company. to keep them In a Hanltary u. Kahuku Plantation Company, ' The ownership of the prop- Owl; Is n Occidental and Oriental Steamship Kahnlui Railroad Company, . Cigar Public el ty, rated in number ot people, Haleakala Ranch Company. ,''. and they huve been unnblo to ngieo Favorite Five-Cente- r. Honolua Ranch. JuhI bow U) uhnre the cxpenso of thu and Toyo Kisen Kaisha snot in Islands necessary lepalrH Co, Cleus Spreckele. Wm. Q. Irwin. Ss What these mn rr. of the bnlldliiK. M. A Ounst Co. ceed the great Waimea Plains Tha Attorney Cepernl had thu pa- Steamers of the nbove companies will at Honolulu and leave this port - & in on or atout the dates below mentioned: Castle- Cooke, Ltd FORT AND KING STREETS. heauty, climate and diversity of scen- llors nil drawn In enable the Hoard Ciaus Spreckels & Co. ery? City folk in of treat to taUo the action In romlemnlnK Honolulu, T. H. want and thu TOR JAPAN AND CHINA! FOR SAN FRANCI8CO: recreation will learn with pleasure buildings. The trip to the bullillni;s " . L'nlque that Waimea Home of Mr. David was niiido by the membcrB yesterday BANKERS. SHTPPINQ AND COMMISSION the MONCOLI A DKC. 7 KOREA ...DEC. Chinese Goods Forbes, Manager of in order thht in HONOLULU, SUGAR FACTORS late Kukuihaele. their btatcnient thu TENYtl MAUU DEC 17 AMERICA MAUU . . . DEC. ! : : T. H. is now the hands of H. Alcoaa. conilemnatlon paper, and in Mr. that they had KOW'A DIX' 2S SIHEUIA ...DEC. the well-know- n Chef. viewed the hulldliiRS, would GENERAL INSURANCE AQENTS WingWoTaic&Co. not bo San Francisco Agenta The Ne The premises false. vada National Bank of San Francisco. representing may be rented, fur, GENERAL INFORMATION APPLY TO 941 NUUANU nished by week or month on Several hundred residents FOR Draw Exchange on the Nevada Na- Ewa Plantation Co. ST, reason of the able terms. Apply to '. '" "" fCuoinu district In n or tional Bank of Ban Francisco. Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd. ent letter London H. AKONA, WAIMEA, aiipreclntlnn of Bervleea Tha Union of London and Kohala Sngar Co. For Distilled Water and Assorted HAWAII, the of Ur. J. Co.. Ltd., a Smith's Bank. Ltd. P. Address, d. II. Pnitl, who been Ht Hackfeld & Waime Sugar Mill Co. Soda Water, delivered to office and 0. Kawaihae. has in attend- New York American Exchange " ance oyer there Apohaa Sugar Co., Ltd. residence, RING UP 657, for Bevernl mgraha National Bank. p.ibU He has u Chicago coveicd tjrept deal AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Corn Exchange National of ground, Bank. Fulton Iron Works of St. Louis and attended to n largo Arctic Soda Water Works number of patlcntx. Weekly Sailings via Tehauntepec. Parle Credit Lyonnals. Blake Steam Pumps Hongkong and Yokohama Hone-- Weston's Centrifugals 1263 Miller St. M. . DE SA. Wenlock The reimrt of the lepers who had FROM NEW YORK TO HONOLULU. Banking Corporation. been, sent to Miiloknl Include thu all times at the Company's Wharf, 41st Street, South Babcock & Wiloox Boilers, freight received at New Zealand and Australia Bank nu'meof ono who hml been underK')-In- s Drookl n. of New Zealand and Bank of Austra Green's Fuel Economiien FIINBST, RIT LaTrn Uarsh'.Steam Pumps Ibe.NaBtlno treatment at Knlllil. -- lasia. A-- ROM SAN TRANCISCO TO 1IOKO-- 1 KIIOM SEATTLE AND TACOMA TO and cloth of l quality can be pur It wus reported nt tho Victor's and Vancouver Bank of Matson Navigation Co. the finest and moste meetlm; that U!l,l' DIRECT. HONOLULU DIRECT. chased from tasteful Dr. Pratt anil )od CommlKsIoner British North America. Planters! Line Shipping Co. of writing paper, mny be COLUMBIAN. TO SAIL DEC. 6' Deposits received. Loans made on Ouncnii had boiio to Hawaii for twi ALASKAN 13 SAINd CHAN, bought in any quantity with pKC. approvod security. weokh to look Into condl-tlon- s. If Commercial and McCANDLESS BLDQ.. envelopes to aanltary FROM HONOLULU TO SAN FRAN Travelers' Credits Issued. Bills of 'match, in white Wm. G. Irwin & Go, P. 0. Box 881. Telephone 931, and azure. CISCO. For further Information apply to Exchange bought and sold. That oicr thirty pol factories nro TEXAN, TO SAIL NOV. 20 H. HACKFELD & CO..LTD., LIMITED. PAPER 25c. iuire. In ojieratlon In tho illntrlcU forbid- 4 Colleotlone Promptly Aeceunted For. a AUI7.0NAN DEC. AgenU Honolulu. den for this food to I111 ENVEL0PES-2-5C Pckg. manutacturcil t I'relgbt received at Company's C. P. MORflB. 'SUGAR FACTORS Suits Pressed, a was t and At Short Notice and Quick' Deliver. tho KiiliHtance of one of to re- wharf, Ureenwlih Street.. General Freight Agent. The First COMMISSION AGENTS. ports to the Hoard yesterday. Tho EAGLE DYEING AND nmiiufnctuio of pol In certain dis- Wm. G. IRWIN President Oat & Mossman, tricts was prohibited 'ft aadlan-Au6i:rai)a- n Magi CLEANING WORKS. marly years iico Roya AMERICAN SAVINGS 7N0. D. SPRECKELS. V, Pres. Fort Street Phone 575., 70 Merchant St., near P. 0. durliiK tho cholera epidemic. Tho ijcvnmshlp Cnmpany. W. M. GIFFARD.....r.2d V. Pre. nmtter will bo reported to the Attor- si K. M. WHITNEY Treasurer ney aonerul and he will thresh It Steamers of the above line, running. In connection with the CANAD ,ANDaRUSTMG(X- - RICHARD IVERS Secretary The Cafe out. A IAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. between Vancouver, B. C, and Sydney. N. G. HAY Auditor Manhattan A HANDSOME GIFT at Victoria, B. Honolulu Suva, FIJI, are- - a S. W and calling C, and and OF HAWAII, LTD. DUE AT on or about tne dates eeiow stales, viz.: Is The Most Popular. . bane, are Honolulu Agents for A Pianola FOR riJI AND AUSTRALIA: I FOR VANCOUVER. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL. .1300,000.00 DRUNKENNESS Oceanic Steamship Co., San Francis FORT STREET j'ust above HOTEL PAID UP CAPITAL 10O.OOO.OO co, Cal., BERGSTR0M MUSIC COMPANY, Ld. MOANA DEC. 13 MAKUIU DKO. V, WILLIAM WARHAM, Prop. A CUBEABLE. President Ceell Brown Baldwin Loeoraotive Works, Phila DISEASE 1909 fAORANOI JAN. Vice President M. P, Robinson i'H Pa. BERGSTROM MUSIC COMPANY, Ld. MAKUltA JAN. S MOANA . FEB. Cashier .'. L. T. Peck debhia. AGENTS FOR Hakalau Plantation Co.. Hllo Sugar EDOEWORTH QBOID Eminent Physicians and Scientifto AOUANGI , KEI1. 6 and Tobaccos s Office: King Co., Honolulu Co., men Agree That it Should be i Will call at Fanning Island. I Corner Fort ami Sts. Plantation The only two good smoking 8AVINQ8 DEPOSITS received and Hutchinson Sugar 'Plantation Tobaccos in the Market WahYingChoneCo. Treated as Such f s Through Tickets Issued from Honolulu to Canada, United States and Interest allowed for yearly deposits Co., Kflauea Sugar Plantation Europe. For Freight and Passage and all general Information, apply to 4 DimikennoKS Ih at the rale of par oent per Co., Olowalu" Company, Paauhau FTTZPATRICK BROS. King Street, Ewa of Fisimarket. a iiroeroskilvo dis annum. ease: thu moderuta ilrlnkvr In nni ti. Davies d Co., i.ld. (ienernl AgcitH. Sugar Plantation Co., Waima-nal-o ut. Iboo. regulations en MYRTLE CIGAR STORE. DRY GOODS ;AND , FURNISHING tailed with two or thrue u Rules and furnished Sugar, Co, drinks duy, upon" application. GOODS of EVERY tho craving for more nnil more bo- - ', Fall Millinery CUlllHS Irri.KtHtltlllt flu llw, itloun.,, ...I C. & vunces; tho result Is Cluonlc Alwiliol- - I Tha, Yokohama Spicli.BwIc, Brewer Co.. Ltd. ft Matson Navigation Company BEAUTIFUL STYLES mill. QUEEN STREET, HONOLULU, T. H. Carriage Thu treatment nseit 1.,. NOW ON Repairing LlmlUd EXHIBITION! thousands rlcht In their own iiomes Is l .. and "LURLINE" of line, pas- It ,B ..s n 'I The S. S. "HIL0NIAN" this carrying AQENT8 FOR: wias.ir, ,1 iv MjitMiuuc..!.. euro ror sengers and freight, will run in a direct servioe 'between this tort and MISS POWER'S UrunkciiiicsH mul Iiuh kKtu hiicIi uni- Hawaiian Agricultural. Co., Ookala versal HattHfnctlnn ;S San Francisco, sailing and arriving on or about the.following uaw: BOSTON BLDG., SCHUMAN CARRIAGE that It la sold under Established I880 8ugar Plant. Co., Onomea Sugar Co., FORT ST, CO., LTD. U DOBltlVfl iriiarnntnn t .... ARRIVE H0N0. , LEAVE H0N0, airrAi Horjomu Sugar Co., Walluku Sugar Co., ST; or your money will 8. S. "II1LONIAN" , Dec. 28,t Dee. 2 Pepeekeo MERCHANT NEAR. ALAKEA. be refunded. This Canltal (Paid ud) . .Yen 24.000.000 Sugar Co., The Planters Delivered to residences guarantee Is slven Line of San Franoleco Packets. in Kood faith and it Reserved ftind''. .". . .Yen 15,080,000 and offices at 25c per Is carried out to tho letter. Drrln i De- -, LIST OF S. S. "HYADES" of this Une sails from. Seattle f?r Honolulu, Direct, OFFICERS: hundred in 10-l- lots' ndt n now reinejy; It been Special Reserved Fund. Yen 2,000,000 C. M. Cooke, President; Oeorge has sold by ccmber 10th. or more. tno lending druggists In vnrv eitv t- - Robertson, Vice Presldsnt and Msna' Ice What about a years. The S. S. Lurllne of thU line, silling from San Francisco Dec. lib, YOKOHAMA.' W, O. BARNHART, It has lifted ten of llioiwni,,ia ;i HEAD. OFFICE, ger;'E, F. Bishop, Treasurer and Sec- tl) ..,.. 133 Merchant SL visit to Illini dentils In Wfirlliir t.mt.l. for Honolulu direct, will receive freight for Honolulu and Kahulul. F, - Branch , and , AgtneiM : . retary; W. Macfarlane, Auditor;- P. Tel. 148. and lias tho heatry Passenger Rates to S. First Cabin, $80; Round Trip First Claw C. C. Cooke R. Qalt, ciidorsement of F.: Toklo, Kobe, Osaka. Nafjaaakl, Jones, fit. and J. grateful men and women In every statu $110.00 Dlreetore. III fllA ITl.l,... London Lyons, New York, San Fran. ' Choice FERNS, ROSES and HALBIWA 11a ui lilllllltt Orlrnm No. 1 ta -- For further particulars apply to Cisco, Bombay. Hongkong, Shanghai, CARNATIONS tlm utmn.t ....i... ; CASTLE A COOKE, LTD., Agents. Hankow, Chef00, Tientsin, Peking,. Orrlno No. 2, Ih for thoHo wllthiff to FIRE INSURANCE tako tho t Newebang, Dalny, Arthur, An- - tientment. Kltlior form routs Port Next Sunday? 11.00. Thn lriinrnninn lu i. u i tunt-Hsls- n, Llaoyang, Tien- - s Mukden, Mrs. E.M. TAYLOR either rase. Wilto to Th6 Arrlnu unangenun. Co., -- PHON itng, THE FLORIEST, HOTEL YOUNG Bid oiibiiiiikiiiii, ii, u.. rnr nee booklet on f Union ,. ... r, Pacific Baggage The bank buys, and receives for UrilllkeiineKS. nuilln.i it, ,.i,,i . Sh'pplnp Telephone 339, The latest and largest assortment " " ' I'.. DU.lieil collection bills,, ot exchange, issue? envolopo. Orrlno will In, mailed soaled F. DILLINGHAM CO. hand-mad- e Storage Wood Drafts and Letters ot Credit, 'and 1 BAMBOO FURNITURE of and painted leather on receipt of prleo. Sold hy leading postcards Hawaiian ill UKKUMtb and lu this city by Homilulu Co., Ltd. Picking Coal transact a general banking, business. LIMITED, in Views, Flow Transfer Of "" ".i run Hiiuut. Sj8 Honolulu Branch, 67 S. King Strati All Kinds And Descriptions At ers and Fruits, at and Piano Moving. seasonable, .Trices. REAL ESTATE Fur'ture General Aaent for Hawaii: BEE OUR DiSPLAY. WEEDON'S CURIOSITY BAZAAR TRANSACTIONS. Atlas Cornpany of London, ftailw;ay Assurance Hotel St., bet. Bethel and Nuuanu Oahu New York Underwriters' Agency. TATAIN1 Entered for Record Dec. 3, 1900, Providence Washington S. i"lustace-Pec.- k Insurance Ce. Emma St. near Beretania. irom iu:3D a. m. to 4 p. m. Co., Ltd 4th FLOOR, 8TANGENWALD BLDQ. Sun Sing Hop Will Co to Wing II,,,. Wong Wong, Will Co Fhone 295. DRaYMEN 63 Queen Street. P. 0. Bex 212. Time Table B. MTV AT A r.n ,j Ist of 11 nishop by Estimates Given on of ' -- ' INSURANCE CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. '17s to "ll'Jwir ' all kind teaming. QUTWARD., UFE CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, PAIN- - 4 KvniiKnlle.il Asbii ,, PLUMBING and PAINTING. For Walanae, Walalua, Kahuku and Is not a Luxury; It la a Necessity, TL US, fAfR HANGERS and Kiialohelo Knwiilkaii ct all tci Charles' Healers in ; 'But you (1 Way Stations 8:15 a. m., 3:10 p. ra. Must have the BEST KAS0N, WORKERS. Ofllce: Honolulu Painting Co., 221 Macnmlicr ij and Is provided by Tonltory FIREWOOD, STOVE, STEAM AND BLACKSMITH C0A1. For Pearl City. Ewa Mill and way that tha famous Second, Hand Lumber, Doots and King of Ilnwoll to .liibciil'i' K - St,; P. 0. Box 914. AlMl .. Stations 17:30 a. m., ;1S, a. m ana most equitaeie Laws or Massa- Sashes, Bought. and Sold. CRUSHED James I. McLean niid'vVrVo ROCK, BLACK AND WHITE SAND, OABDEH SOIL tll;05 a. m 2:1( p. m.. I20 p. m., cnusetts, in tne KING ST., PALAMA, JUNCTION TcVrltory -- ouo p. ra., ;s;su p. m., p. m. Criterion Grill HAY, tii;uo Phone S94. M ToVr'i.VJ.'. '..' ",'.!. GRAIN. CEMENT, ETC. For wahlawa ,9:1B. a. m. and New England Mutual II Whltiiev 10 "". 5;IE p, m. Ktoia tl Crowell by Tr to 'lluleliliMoiV NEW ASSORTMENT' Waverlev Bnllrlln TWli.1 Rt OF llll Utl ,, I INWARD. Life Co., Personal Attention Given in flnli'im '"hl t Arrive HonoUlu from Kahuku, Insurance and Table Service at All Hours. Best "A Weekly doctor." drug-gis- Bulletin, Honolulu; icmarkcd t, $TYear walalua and 8;36 a. in., Views tho walanae OF BOSTON MA8SACHU8ETTS. Meals at Reasonable Prices. "has it nn ii,,. ,Mi ... .bmi p. ra. If you Informed woutd.be fully about Either With, or Without Frames. J, I ow do yo Arrive In Honolulu from Ewa Mill these laws, address NISHIHARA, Prop. nguni that out?" n,,er-- and Pearl City 17:46 a. ra.. 8:38 ". ...o ,u ,g m, i). "Why." Rast Schooner PACIFIC PICTURE' FRAMING CO., W-lEi'- V replied a. m., 10:38 a. m., 1:40 p. ra., 1:S' & the druggist, "even ir i, iu 't Worry p Castle Cooke, 1050 Nuuann. mn.. h ...... " ""..'" " i""" m., 5:31 p. m.. 7:30 p. ra. OENERAL AQENTS, - ..u ui uli0 f0 Cngy(" COINCORD You Want Electrio Wiring Done Arrive Honolulu from Wahlawa HONOLULU, T. H. or ts- 8:3 a, ra. and 'i'.M p, m. &2CUftT0URIELFI Private Telephone Installed or Dry Wn buy - will your Diamonds. Old' . ."T? . SjW- U'Stl 1 ,U Blf for tmula- - Batteries, call the CMh.,JU-uf'- WM; CO.LTlT". 1 u . Watches, and Jewelrv for Snot "". Dally, G. IRWiN VeST-Ws- Ottr.BM.4if.uu "I dUrkrfiJpifliiltutttn, UNION ELEf!THin CO .. URINARY , yr ovuikiifla t Ex.' Sunday. 'rt",V, ly1" li'l';ili uiiiiio.i 69 Beretania St. Phone 315 DISCHARGES Sunday Only. RltKltvMIJ Chchja. u'cs."' n,,Wrii, t FVjn rl-,l- f, From Sqrenson's Wharf. AGENTS THE iciiiiiiiihti,ij Vsai.,1 utl Rlr(r IWUKVKD IK J. CARLO, . " The' Halelwa Limited, a two-hou- r .frntt 3fei Apply on Board or to , Royal Insur. Co. of Liverpool, Ens. t it rpl DiNii, train (only, first-clas- s tickets hon 1018 NUUANU AVE. and BRANCIL HAWAnAN BALLASTING CO. .lll( llj L. 24 HOURS Agt ored), layeB, Honolulu every, Sunday Commercial Union Assurance Ca.J' P. PETERS FORT ST, near HOTEL. Telephone 300, Maunake'a St., below at, 8'22,'a., ret,urnjng'.. Ltd., of London, England. Riih Cu. x-- v m.r arrives In NOTARY PUBLIC mle . King. P. 0. Box 820. Hpnolulu at Iu:10 p! ra. Limited Scottish Union, & National Ins. Co,, of (M6Y)j Tho' TheWeeky (Edition at mist tt, Bulletin Business Ofllce Phone 250, City of th Evening nitin; stops only at Pearl and 'Walanae. Edinburgh. Scotland. Bu(Utln of, Hi glyesa,cornpote Room n n ntKTfOlfcy ' airm.,1 summary BULLETIN 0FFICK. BtwartfeyuntirftiU Bulletin Editorial Phone 183. BULLETIN ADS PAY r. wjntiiowiif . v.t Tha Upper Rhine Ins. Co., Ltd (he neyvs of onuP the day. Phone 256, , r LL URl'imiHTl. i

Arj-ffl- h' .'" -

liau' .K " " ' - HflpUiW 7i-'-- - "-- -i tw! - ...... JgglaiBaaaiLfegg ' aissfaawtWaS.' - rTni,a.,'i' J . j Hrrr- JinunimW , t, svl'j j Mi RVKNINO nUMiRTIN, HON'OMj'TiV, T, If., SATUUDAY. D'KC. C, 1908. B' ,. ' - 'Hill'' i i ii i i ik' ( ii

' 1 l m "" I Get Your Name On the List for ' f. .... i.-.- an

1 V'

-.- - MMMTHt THE AUTOMATIC TELEPONE is now a fact in ft. K Honolulu. ALL THAT REMAINS is for people who want Telephones to come to our office and get :V'.-i- . v v their names on the list for instruments. agree to no charge for service until we have We make '1 ' connected you with 1,000 subscribers.

V Those who sign first will receive their Phones first



THE AUTOMATIC TELEPHON- E- popularly known as the " cussless, waitless, out-of-order-l- ess girlless telephone," is a perfect

system. No business is so private that it cannot be safely talked oyer the automatic-nob- ody can possibly butt in. Every line independent no party lines. Subscribers can be rung up by any nationality.

& V' ' ' ,V-- . r. V ' Jb ' " -, ,- .? I

; Hawaiian Telegraph and Telephone Company, Ltd a ll U4

. Office Co., at Waterhouse Trust '.: t 4; '4 Corner, Port and Merchant Streets s0

V ,

v. ,' '1, J. ,,-- A' 9 ' r :I2 i:vpNtNa,nuLT,r,TiN. honomji,ViT.,u.. Saturday, m:c. n, inns ,

i m nit mil II lilt IL Ul.l : "ii inuiy! l"j',ijiyj pH l. 9 ri nuraAdWillllillJIII,lllllill,'il' i! Fiasun. r. ft: J'.imimm'V''' a CHAMPION ENDURANLt'"i 3" J3 CAR 0F THE WORLD 1$&B4m '; ?; & iHinn ilium unit" i timi -- .. k LSaSKESfl ."Il" iH: - Xi'" ' M"ii iih.i, r At Last the Great Problems of Weight, Vibration, Noise and Economy are Solved A Six - Cylinder Thomas Flyer Six - Passenger Car Five to Fifty Miles Forty Horse - Power for $3,000 Per Hour on High Gear

THOUSAND POUNDS of crude and useless material eliminated. The average automobile weighs five or six

6-- ONEtimes its passenger capacity. The 40 Thomas Flyer weighs but little more than twice its passenger capacity;, reducing the cost of tires, operation and maintenance one half. The greatest improvement in years a distlli'ct and marked advance which will create a new era in automobile construction, which automobile engineers have long known must come. A CAR WITHOUT A NOISE, TAR, oi- - VIBRATION A marvel of simplicity ana high efficiency. Speedsfive to fifty miles per hour' on high gear. AN IDEAL FAMILY CAR Kxr.rcm.cly artistic and refined. One to be proud of for its beauty, style and luxury, and to love lor its extraordin- ary silence and sweet running and easy riding on rough roads, in which it greatly excels, and which taken as r. whole comes nearer fulfilling all requirements for family use than any car hitherto made, except those requiring extreme speed, power and size THERE IS NOT AN EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE IN ITS WHOLE MAKE-U- P The wonderful results arc due to severe and which and and the frictionless features of annular i simplicity compactness are lighter stronger; I hall-heari- of design; new arrangement of functional parts; six cylinder constant ng cam-shaft- s, transmission and wheels; and the highest quality heat-treat- torque; the very best quality of nickel, vanadium and ed steels J of workmanship, which delivers the highest efficiency to the rear wheels. Ui

Model L, Weighs only 43,000-- . 2000 Pounds f.o.b. Factory ' THOMAS' FLYER; VMy)tmg0ir CAR, '""OS' High-clas- s Strictly in Every Detail i ' In no sense is the 0-- 40 Thomas Flyer a cheap car. It is the other Double elliptic springs. 1 22-in- ch wheel base. Gas and oil lamps, extreme. In addition to the great advantage of ball-bearin- g, six-cylin- Prcstolite tank. Hand-hammer- ed aluminum body; seats six looking construction it includes the most expensive features conducive to relia- forward; most beautiful and luxuriously upholstered and finished. Body bility and comfort which are usually found only on $6,000 cars. practically suspended between axles. The modern style. Transmission ,?i- Two entirely separate and distinct ignition systems : Sims-Bos- ch mag- on floating type rear axle. Drop frame. Herringbone' gears for quiet-

ball-beari- neto and Atwater-Ke- nt timer for easy starting and reserve ignition; two ness. 18-in- ch steering wheel; ng knuckle, exceedingly easy

36-in- ch sets of spark plugs. clutch, encased in oil; patented. to steer. Fan on fly wheel. Four brakes. Tbree point motor suspen- - m v wheels and tires; low center of gravity. sion; aluminum hoods and fenders; geared lubricator. .

The model that won

Model F, $4500 the world-famo- us u t Vir" f.o.b. factory New York to Paris Race J' THOMAS FLYER ' i llf,f mjS EjLr n 11 ,6-- 4 O TOURJNQ CAR, rtjir sk 11B " ' if ' E. R. Thomas Motor Car Co., Buffalo, N.Y. llfc X 7 These Cars will be here shortly

TTflmm-YnTin- o- Agents ffrjllp1' Vrm C,a T.frl ;--- ,j WW L IIP I4! ,1I

II' 1

,. ...j. - - .... , twHW"---'- tt, , JV rf - "iifwmy!vr' f v r "t &T i - Wff' yTr ,T'T '"" TT'ff'l?W I FT" EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T H, SATURDAY, DEC. fi, 1908 13 txxt&wr&timtoxxiMiemvvtmmmm I BY AUTHORITY

SPORTS ! NOTICE OF SALE OF GENERAL LEASES OF LANDS SITUATED BUSINESS DIRECTORY B0M0mitmmittoiumKauMaatamxm AT HAMAKUA, ISLAND OF HAWAH. WANTS Economy SPOUTS BY THE At 12 o'clock, noon, Monday, Der , , SPORTING EDITOR cember. 7th, li08, at the front en PIANO AND ORGAN. REPAIRING. trance of the Judiciary Dulldlng, Ho- - nolulu, thore will be sold at Public WANTED' FOR SALE James Sheridan Pianoforte Maker Woven Wire Mattresses repaired at begins in Auction, under the Provisions of Part , ' mill Tuner. 1G2 Hole St or Ha- tno It not Sporting Ed- p t ... 4 dap At- -.. .. raitory Honolulu wire lied Were that the u, Ulliu 109U, taaeuiivus noIO lu Advertisements Under this Heading Advertisements Under this Heading 1 Jtl waiian Now a Co l'oi sale, very Co, 1250 AInpal St. Telephone the kitchen itor ot the ft u e 1 n Is a most 28a Inclusive), Revised Luws ot Ha- One Cent Per Word Each Day. No Ad One Cent Per Word Each Day. No Ad- cheap, slightly ureil, full Oruiid 535. . 3945-t- f discreet young nnii, like unto the waii, general leases of the following vertlssments Inserted for Less Than vertisements Inserted for Less Than Deckel Piano, Aioli.ui Organs nnd and it starts oracles of ancient fame, he would described lands: Ten Cents. Ten Cents. Upright I'l.UKia, guaranteed. UMBRELLAS. have laid up an ins fill lot of trouble (1) The land of Knohe 1, con- A young man who has taken a busi- A valuable collection of stamps. This vyhen for himself during the past few taining an area of 205 acres, mure the ness course In any local school, to collection Is the property of the) Prof. N. M. Lewis, 14Q2 Emma St., Umbrellas made and 0. days, The requests that lie has re- or less,, and classed as agricultural tear liur of Piano nnd Organ. Orud-unt- e Sullivan-Mille- take a permanent position In an widow of the late II. W. Bowen, Mlzutn, Tort near Kukul, GAS turn-e- d ceived for dope on the r land, upset rental $530.00 per an- of Boston is office as assistant bookkeeper. Ad- and Is the result of his effort 1st Conservatory, go have heen ninny, and to a loss num, payable In ad- 4101-l- m dress "R. D ," Uulletln office. many years ot labor; they can be PLUMBINO. modest outh might lime led to dis- vance. Term of Lease, eight yeaiS seen at the Hawaiian News Co., on in astrous consequences. Hut the S. E. from February 2, 1909. liy a young lady, position as assist Young building. ' 3911-t- t EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. YeeSingXeePlumber and Tinsmith, doesn't know a diiin thing about the PohaktihnkU-Kema- u, (2) The Land of ant bookkeeper or other olllco or Smith St., bet. Hotel and Pauabl. way In which the fight is going to the Gas containing an area ot 80 store work. Address "It. D ," this 2.41 acres of bananas and taro laud For house-hel- phone White 2891, turn out, and consequently he has acres more or less; and classed as office. 4125-t- t good Mnklkl. Uencr.il Hmployment e, OSTEOPATHY. Range. heen mighty shy about making any with Irrigation for sale cheap. agricultural land. Upset rental, ot Old Govt. on cor. I'emucolo nnd lleretanla. prophecies. When u man comes and Mauka ltd. and 8-- (22S 00 per annum, payable cottage, nbovo Br. Schurmann. Hours 9 a, m.; Small furnished llere new road. Apply AKoi, with asks yott for a little friendly tip as In fi p in. 224 Kinma Square, advance. Term ot Lenses tanla St. preferred. Address with Kwong Chong Lung, Mnunakea NURSES. to the relative merits of two men seven years from March 28, 1909. particulars, "M.," P. O. llox 302. King. 4155-t- Let the are,galng'to In squar- and t The Weekly Edition of the Evening who nix it the. Reservations regarding land re- 4171-t- f 106", ed arena, Incidentally passes you Tor Graduate Nunes Phone Bulletin gives a complete euinmiry of and quired by the Government for settle- Flna corner lot In Maklkl. Curbing, 4107-t- f HONOLULU n hot, you mighty he newt of the day. out little air, are ment or public purposes will be em- Position by expert bookkeeper and water, fruit and ornamental trees likely to lose your head and talk like bodied In each of the above leases. statistician. Address "J. Q. U.," and all Improvements. Two min- un It Is GAS CO. Idiot. therefore that this Por Maps and further particulars, Uulletln office. 4090-t- f utes' walk from curs and Punahou Bqulb Is being DON'T scribbled. "I apply at the office of the undersigned, College. Address R. F., this office. show you. KNOW" is the unly unswer that the Judiciary Dulldlng, Honolulu. Second-han- d flat-to- p desk; must be H. E. can give In reply to queries re- s JAS. W. PRATT t reasonable. Address "UP.," this House and lot; house furnished or Money garding the probable outcome of the Commissioner of Public Lumn. office. 1965-t- f 7 Meats unfurnished, rooms, four closets, fight. Hut ha docs enturc to say Honolulu, Oahu, T, It., November electric lights and gits, on main A second-han- d Fresh, wholesome, and of that It will be a rattling contest, and 6, 1S08. i showcase, about 0x2x1 car line; At a bargain. Address ever; thing teet. Address price this the best that denial Joe hus 41.2 Nov. 7, 14, 21, 28; Dec. E. with "P.," "Lerois," Uulletln. 4159-- tt offered In a long time. offlcs. 1151-t- f to variety at ? Loan u n n Collie pups, from pedigreed Mock. AT i A baby MORE VICTIMS READY Legal Notices. carriage. State condition Price from $10 to S20; female $10. price of- and to "J. K" Bulletin Horner's Ranch. 4H0-- fice. 4079-t- of 'Tisen Are Preparing to Taste the No. 148. TERRITORY OF HAWAII. t Current Rate THE PARAGON Bitterness of Stinging Defeat COUItT OF LAND REGISTRATION. Cheap Stable, In good ccadltlon, CHRISTMAS By Banzai Bunch Clean wiping rags at the Bulletin of- corrugated root. Apply Bulletin Interest TERRITORY OF HAWAH TO W. O. fice. CARDS Everything Is In SMITH. Trustee; L M, FERRKI-RA- ; office. 4052-t- t .ON Beretania, Alakea, and Union, readiness for the baseball game between the Japanese THOMAS J. KINO; CHURCH We are showing the very FURNISHED ROOM. 50,000 acres of land In Kona, Hawaii. champions 'Ti- EXTENSION of the METHODIST Listed Collateral Journalistic and the Address S. Norrls, Kahuku. 'Phone 104. finest line of CHRISTMAS ter aggregation at the league ground EPISCOPAL CHURCH by Rev, J. One or two rooms, with or without OR CARDS to be found in the W. WADMAN, Agent; TERRITO- board. Apply "II.," this office. tomorrow afternoon Promptly at A No 1 White Leghorn rooster. No. city, game RY of HAWAII by MAR3TON 4124-t- f 1:30 o'clock the will be called, 1941 South King St. 4174-t- t Produotivo Gold Dollars They are handsome in de- and from the start the Japinese will CAMi!!EL! us Superintendent ot by C.-- Y TO LET sign and color anybody hasten to draw their whitewash pof Public Works, and LOST Real Instate At will be well pleased to receive well unto the field. us Attorney General; J. i a Discount Furnished cottage, tor light house- one of them. The Japanese team will bo com- W, HINAU; Mrs. KAMA1PUUPA.V Last Sunday from the neighborhood to get good job keeping, $12 per month. Apply are just a easy as a posed ot picked players from HINAIT; and to ALL whom It may of Kamebameha School, one See them in our windows., the Honolulu Hotel, Nuuanu St. sorrel Co. Ltd. of painting at a cheap prico. When nines Hlilmpo concern: mure, tall, blaze Bishop Trust of the Hawaii and the 41C8-l- m shoit face, I do work I do right not cheap. it Japunese Chronicle. The former ag- Whereas, a petition has been pre- Return to 10 S. King St. No. 924 BETHEL STREET. sented to said Court by JACINTHO I Co,, gregation mixed up a tine dose for House, 2 stories, C rooms, 14 15 Alapa! and receive reward. 4140-- lt Hawaiian, News Q. SILVA and MARY O. SCOTT to Tom Sharp the Hawaiian Star u few weeks ago, near Quarry St.; $18, water In- THE PAINTER LIMITED. Mille the Chronicle humbled the register and confirm their title in cluded; modern Improvements. Sigma Alpha Epsllon fraternity pin. the following-describe- d Al- Mrs. Wiiislow'a Elite Building. Phone 397. YOUNG BUILDING. pride ot the llullctin sphere-twlrler- s. land: 4123-t- f Finder kindly notify Chnrles Soothing Syrup Hut misery loves comyany, nnd Commencing at a point, by true bright, this office. 41G4-- t bus teen for over aixrif SHARP attention the prospect of seeing he axlmuth, 299 55', 3.95 teet, from an Two furnished rooms. Apply Mrs, VICARS MILLIONS.i of Mother. SIGHTS attract "risers y br South-We- st A dragon-fl- pin containing opal loribcurulu-UKK- wmi.Ttfin it-- groveling In the dust nfter the victo- Iron bolt on the line of D. McConnell, 1223 Emma St. anil 1NO, with perfect recce". IT lleretanla Street (the said iron bolt emeralds. Reward on return to H bOOTHKS the CHILD, SOFTENS ART THEATER rious banral bunch has passed by, the HUMS. AiLAS lt ,Pla, marking the proposed new South coi- Furnished house, 1713 Beach Road. this office. 4141-- tt 3 CUREH WIND COLIC and la the Autos will be balm to the feelings of the 3 ner ot lleretanla and Punchbowl Apply on premises. 4007-t- H remedy for DIAKKI1UJ A. Bold Wonderful Motion bring- late victims of Japanese prowess. f btay urorcw. m every pari or vae Pictures Streets), the true azimuth and dis- Drown leather bug, containing mnn-- e world. 139 and jmk for Repaired The "risers are going to their doom tare tin. ing to view scenes from many lands' Luige furnished Reasonable. and pipors. Itevvard'ut of- Vt InslowM BooininffBTrnpena i.e. even as did the llullejlns singing tance from the said Iron bolt being looms. this kept by embracing Comedy 4171-3- 1 co otner xuia. aa uesa a mtnue. And, in repair men who and and Pathos. 106. 15', 20,74 feet, to u Government 732 Klnoit St. 41Ct-t- fice. know their business. No amateurs Two changes each week. bongs of victory and chewing the They'll Survey Monument at the intersection taOlduiWcHirMRcnrij do the work in our Garage. nig. be quiet enough Mon- rurnished cottage. Phone day piomlng. of llerefanla and Punchbovvl Streets 107. Monday and Thursday ( 4105-t- f ' Von Hamm- - (said mouumept being on a 20-fe- it XOVEJOY & CO. Young Orchestral Selections; Sas Des nun offset to the South-we- st Una ot llere- LOOK OUTRIGGER REGATTA TODAY ROOMS AND BOARD. Fleurs Waltz (by Neila); Piff Puff tanla Street (running Nurth,-we- st ot WHOLESALE DEALERS AND Pouf 'Selections; The Nightingale; Punchbovyl Street) and a off- at the automobiles, buggies and car-ria- nt Co., Ltd. Everything Is Ready for Big Doings Suite of mosquito-proo- f rooms, with we Stol- set to a proposed new South-eas- t have recentlt nverTn.n OF WINES AND Valiant Son; Lost, Strayed, or at the Thatched Village" Aft- "nu Hoard, In private family. Hot and of (running nnd painted LIQUORS. en; The Professor and His Wnx ernoon and Evening 1'uiif.hbowl Street South- cold vvuter. Private entrance, etc. Works; "William Penn Came to west of lleretanla Street)). Said THEN SEE US. , TEL. 308. 902 NUUANU. If Address Sf C King St. 4173-l- Life;' It Serves Him Right; Dr. Jekyll . There will be big doings at the Iron bolt being also 299 55', 8.55 Clipping Outrigger club this afternoon nnd feet fiom, ,th'e present and Mr. Hyde; Animal and Bird Sa- South corner THE COUItTLAND Is n high-clas- s, buildFno MATERIAL ' evening. Aquatic sports gacity. ot oil kinds, ot lleretanlaand Punchbowl Streets, private hotel reasonable rates, W: W. music, tea tights, dunclng, every at Wright Co, OF ALL KINDS. and as shown on Government Survey Reg- located at the corner ot Punahou LUMBER. other ronu ot polite galty that one istered Map No. 1826, and running, DEALERS IN and Reretanla avenuo, 4171-l- m King For a Good, Clean Cut, call on us or can Imagine will be, offered for the by truo azimuths; Street near South! TELEPHONE TO 109, Tel. 262 , ALLEN & ROBINSON. amusement of the guests. (1) 299 55', 102.5 feet, along For lady nnd gentleman. Wilder Ave. Andrew Usher's The afternoon w(ll, be well filled Ueretnula Street, along Queen Street :: :: :: Honolulu, fenpe to near Keeaumoku. Address "X, Y. Mr. and Mrs. with the swimming, sailing, paddling an Iron bolt; Scotch Whiskey, Z," this office. 41C9-t- f 7T"7TTssTBbssTs" HASHIMOTO and contests, and any (2) 80 54'. 24.9 feet, along re iiisTsTsTsTsTsl & CLUB STABLES MASSEURS, M. Phillips Co. - lover or aquatic sports will find am maining portion of L, C. A. 639 Newly furnished rooms with or with- O.V.G. po, 1049-5- RHEUMATISM, Wholesale Importers and Jobbers Special opportunity to revel to his heart's to Hlnau, along M. M, FerrelrVs out board, 0 Beretania 8t. Fort St. content. Illg boys 1BRUI8E8, and small boys, lot, along, building; 8PRAIN8, EUROPEAN AND Reserve grown men, and youngsters will com- (3) 6?" 25', 97. feet, along same, ' AMERICAN DRY GOODS. TIREP rEEL. KANE0HE BEEF pete. And the offerings will be such along fence to an Iron, bolt; INO, FORT QUEEN 8T8. . Absolutely Certain: ttfVcrftsfl and other and as would hetPosstbe In no other part (4) 151 25', 7C. feet, along L. ailments Alwavs on Head. Young Pigs, Poul- W. C. & quickly Peacock Co., Ltd., of the world; they be C. A. 119 to RELIEVED, try, Eggs, Fresh Cheese. will typical A. Pakf, along You savel Butter and Agents. of 444 KINO ST., Hawaii. Methodist Church lot, along When you get S. SAIKI, At 5: JO o'clock this evenfng, tea fence to un Iron bolt on, the pres- PALAMA us to make Telephone 637 jam Wo Meat Go,, w,III bo scived. At 7, ent South-eas- t line ot Bamboo Furniture Made to Order. o'clock the Punch your clothes, evening program will commence bow) Street, said iron be- Picture Framing a Specialty. King Street Market. Tel. 288 and bolt at ready-to-we- ar YOUNG he bay will be u scone of ing 41 49', 70.42 feet from TIM, Manager, " ' prices. 563 S. BERETANIA ST. splendo. njiove dcbcrllied Government Our li K. Daimaru, n Survey Monument; 25. suits TELEPHONE 497. MR. and MRS. 8 nave no 'The Finest Bathing on the Beach." (5) 241 46 0G.6 BIG CONTEST. TOWGHT feet, along comDoriaea. Heals At All Hours. G. government land,' to Initial HONOLULU IRON WORKS Sakata, the Tuxedo Suits Sullivan-Mille- r Bout and; Two Fast point; Containing an nrea ot WINES, LIQUORS, AND MASSEURS. First-Cla- ss (30. np. CIGARS. Improved and Modern SUGAR MA- FurnitureStere Preliminaries WiU',Berthp Card C916 Square Feet: bc(ng a por- de- W. C. BERGIN, Proprietor, CHINERY of every capacity and Bruises, Sprains at the Orpheum tion, of L. C, A. 039 to Hlnau, scription made to order. Boiler work Feel- - Tirei Tonight Dick on the SouJ. corner, of lleretanla and RIVITEI) PIPES for irrigation tng and other 8ullvanand Soldltir 134 Beretania near St. w(ll try conpluslons and Punchbowl Streets, llqno-lul- purposes a specialty. Particular at- ailments quick- Fort Mlllef in the the Encore Saliuyi squared circle at the, Orphuum. Kor Kona, Oahu, tention paid to JOB WORK, and re- ly relieved. weeks tin. funs have been looking You are hereby cited to appear nt j pairs executed at shortest notice. Res. 1707 Li-lil- forward to event, tho Court of Ijind. Registration, to Try a drink at the new place' and St. above Telephone 214. the ami, for days past the coming be hed ut Honolulu, island ot Oahu, FOR SALE BSLBBBBBt-J-JB- Tele- mill has been the have "MATT" HEFFERN serve you. sl School. on the 15th day of December, 4000 (Jreon Hoofing Slate 10"xl0". liet topic of lonvereutlon among A. D, phone 1650. 1908, nt, ope o'clock min- COR.- - HOTEL and NUUANU. COJ One and Two Prone Iron Fence the Iqvois ot the fistic art. and,thrty utes In afternoon, to posts. Iloth Mfljer and Sullivan am In the, show cause, It any you Iuve, why the prayer of If water rust iron, what will it do 1 Drum Commercial Eth- PRIMO the (link of condition, both have DAVID DAYTON sjfd petition shquld not be granted. to a man's stomaohel The er. been training fultbfully, and both GEO. A And unless you appear, at Court HAITI, 1 Cnstlron Fitting with Flanges, 137 MERCHANT STREET, are anxious to try their prowess, In sad Hotel nt the and. place St for 12" Wrought Pipe. the arena. time aforesaid your Orplieum, defuuft wjll be, recorded, and the said EMMELUTH & CO., LTD., LOTS FOR SALE I fhe prospects are that the fight petition will b taken as confessed, 145 King Street. Phone 211. will go on the Jump from the start Saloon FOR SALE ' and j on will be foreyer barred Cut Prices WILL GIVE T0U IN KAPIOLANI PARK ADDITION and those who like fast milling will from THE ANTIDOTE. localities, contesting said petition or any decreo Our Sodas 30c per dot. FERTILIZER CO., LTD. and other desirable d. HAWAIIAN Thorobred Bull Terriers undoubtedly have their longings gra-tille- Denies in FERTILIZERS suitable entered thereon. WING CHONG CO, For at a Bargain Premises Witness, PHILIP L. WEAVER, e, for all crops, climatic and soil con- Sale There wjUI be two rattling, prelim- FOUNTAIN SODA WORKS, Hauula, on the beach, a two-stor- y Judgo ot Bald. Court, this .13tU KING ST, NEAR ditions. at inaries befoie the main event. Young PHONE 270 BETHEL house, bargain. day of November, In the year nine- .Dealera OFFICE Brewer Building, Honp-lul- and furniture, at a A. R. Rowat, O.V.S, Terry, as husk) and cleyer a youth as in Furniture Mattresses, teen hundred and eight. Etc., Eto. All kinds of KOA and Tel. 272. ever came here, will wlth.M:-l'udile- n. Japanese Curios, Bilk Kimonos, mlxlt Attest with Seal of said MISSION FURNITURE FACTORY at Iwilei; Tel. 430. and Tuffy McCullough ot Court. Shirts, Hade Tc (Sel) Wt L, HOWARD, Pajamas, Shirt Waists, Fancy Order. ICE the engineers will go on with' no-qu- . Registrar. Embroidered Goods, manufactured from puje distilled wa- Calendars The formci event will be un to any 4158 Nov. 14, 21, 28; Dop. 5. ter. Delivered part of city by eight lound contest, whllo way I courteous drivers. AT the a(tei Stein' AND OTHER PIANOS. will go four lounds. I I K. Fukuroda, M M Tomdlx was surprised to hear Family Grocers, R STREET, BETHxi THAYETI PIANO CO.I OAHD AND Woman's Exchange that you nnd Mrs Weeds were en- H0TE1, NEAR . ICE ELECTRIC CO., Ilattl'ng Nelson was not prosecuted ICt HOTEL STREET. I gaged. I had no Idea you mar- PHONE 76 Phone US. Kewalo. Telephone 528. HOTEL STREET NEAR FORT for resisting an ortlcar. would editorial rooms I - ry a .widow. Ilojax: I was 185 256 "n' J. M. LEVY & CO., LTD, inNINO GUIRANTEKD. I hadn't. It ness office. These are the new tel "For Sale" cards at Bulletin. BULLETIN ADS PAY "M Additional Sports on Page 11 un Idea of her own. phone numbers of the;)ultln office. JJ 'A

' ' - Au.nu.'fc-- . : 'tar. i .Vv t&Si if' rtettA.. swuiafc' . - I i ..ttlLttj . JLiilJk LXMiiZ&J al. . ,. , rx.v I! ' KLkLmtv eft. -- - iv 7wMwwraamS!iPJ- '. TBf ' ,T? ' - - '"I?ft.i r5T. ,T fir ... y ..'-- .". ' . '.! . ;fczi'H - 'lit 14 "' " ' BVBNIKd nUM,ETW,.nOWOL01iO,T. DEC'S, 1908. ' iWF - H,..SATOnDAY, ', , - -''.'.'"' zz :S ' - $- MOTORCYCLES , ; Racing ; Wrestling Are you ? "3" K' interested in Motorcycles If so, it will pay 'tlrtfiina' P'ORTS The Best Xmas Gifts ,.b.k .u io wan a iew wcokj aim see me new .w.-- . Rowing " ' RpfldindAtAndarfk : 11 - : V it S ' Beautifully Embroidered Bhi Bi VJt ImVA (IV nf fliftia fin miaaUh am 1i f.Am ALIl IS RADX FUGS AND CHEERS FOOTBALL ., factory and will be able to show you the finest Motorcy- - Wm Bj cles, both in single and twin cylinder, that are made. The Silk - STANDARD ev- - GREET. BALL HEROES Grass m, BEADING is the only Motorcycle that has REGATTA PROGRAMME HARVARD-YAL- E game and Linens WkULV er been ridden up Pike's Peak, WAISTS, SUITS, DOILIES and CENTERPIECES. Several of the six machines ordered are aold to ar- IS NOW COMPLETE ' GIVEN IN DETAIL rive, so get your order in early. Call and we will tell you REACH'S IS ROY-ALL- Y We have full-stoc- of these goods on hands, se- more about them and show you what they look like. LAND OF k FETED IN lected by our buyer with the utmost iare, and clerks CHERRY BLOSSOM AND CHRY- enough to OUTRIGGER FESTIVAL PROMISES ACCOUNT OF CRIMSON VICTORY wait on our patrons promptly. BfclaJB. SANTHEMUMMIKE FISHER Hi vB'1 TO BE SUCCESS WRITES OF VISIT TO MIKA- OVER BLUE Linen or Silk Suits make an excellent Xmas Oift E. 0. Hall & Son., Ltd. DO'S. REALM for your wife or daughter.

Long List of Pioturesque Events Is M Both Teams Exceptionally Strong Promised ana Historic sports wiu 8 YOKOHAMA, Japan, Novem-- , and, Struggle as They Would, the Condi m ' Be 'Revived Under Promising tt'ber '2C. Reach's ,8 Cambridge Men Found Eli's Goal tions Canoes and Surfboards 8 stare were greeted with screech- - '8 Line Impenetrable Fine Football Yee Chan & j 8 Iiie whistles and flying colors 8 Co., 11 wh'ftn ttint- - nrrlvnil hnrn lnl 11' 'All (or regatta Is In rcutliness the 8 Sunday morning. Thcro was a 8. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 21. A PHONE 627. KING and BETHEL STS. which will be held this nftcrnoon large delegation of baseball fa- - crimson tide of banners swept In tri- o( 8 8 and evening under the auspices 8 nntlcs' out in a special tug to 8 umph over Yale flcld In the dying the Outrigger Club. Tho nnal 8 meet the China when she drop-- 8 light this afternoon, for tho men of toliches wcro given to the program 8 ped anchor early In the morn- - 8 Harvard, after seven long years, had Pottie's jvsterduy afternoon, a few slight 4 Yule A 8 Ing! Owing to the late arrival 8 beaten to 0. goal from the ! changes were made, and everything 8 of the China it was impossible 8 field, kicked by Victor It, Kennnrd Combination for Dogs was pronounced 0. K. 8 to play r.tlie game scheduled 8 of Drookllne, Mass., fresh from the mmm Is pro- " The following the corrected 8 Saturday, which was a dlsap-'-8 side lines, and stdndlng on Yale's Wk gram: 8 polntment to several thousand 8 Js-ya- line, with the crimson line Just to Hand Price, Event 1 Silrfboard contests: 8 people that gathered at the 8 planted on the line, was the $1.00 lacing distance; from beach in front winning 8 Waseda grounds at Toklo that 8 score Just as the -- first half SantaClaus Emporium of Outrigger grass houses to buoy 8 day. - As soon as the Ujjayers 8 was closing. Wash, Anti- Out-llgg- cr Contains: Antisceptic Mange beyond canoe surf and back to 8 were off the boat they were 8 Man for man, the teams were equal property. septic Dog SoSp, Dog Blood annex on Hustace 8 rushed away to Toklo to play 8 ly matched. Each team's defense was First one to Hustace beach wins. 8 Waseda. On account of the 8 stronger than Its offense, and the best Fancy surfboardlng, In canoe surf; Tonic. ' 8 of the China on the 8 laid plans of strategy well-nig- h went Judges will decide on trick surfing 8 previous day, and the uncer- - 8 for naught. and grace on boards. Spear-thro- 8 talnty of there being a game, 8 The critical points In game ing from surfboards In canoe surf: tho Destroys all Vermin, Cures or Prevents 8 the attendance was light, but 8 came In the second owing A In half to the Our will be anchored surf; Big bladder Store 8 very, enthusiastic. tt failure of n pass. Skin Diseases the to puncture It by throwing forward Yale had flrst 8 The Americans won easily. 8 been rallying his spear while standing upright on with a desperation born 8 The Japs, were puzzled by the 8 of knowledge NfoHT, "wins prize, that time was fleet, BE OPEN EVERY commencing Dec. 1st, Obtainable at BENSON, SMITH and 'HOLLISTER DRUG board prize; surfboard. 8 pitching of Grnney and Flnhcr- - 8 ing, Entrlos Harold Hustace, Mnrston and had worked the ball to Har- Xmas. COMPANY 8 ty. On the following day the 8 vard's WILL Campbell, Zen Oenoves, Sam Car- line, when Johnson, 8 Americans met the Kclo Club 8 the quarterback, gave ter, Arthur Oilman, Tom Carter, Guy the signal for Come early and make your purchases. Don't wait 8 on its own grounds, and the 8 the play proved Kothwell, Kenneth Atkinson, Curtis which so successful until the last week. 8 seating capacity of the grand 8 against Drown. This tho place Hustace, Hurry Stclfacr, W. A. Cot-trc- time 8 stand and bleachers was ox- - 8 for' Its execution was the diagonal We have HOYS and HOLIDAY GOODS to suit every- A. Myhre. being 8 hausted, Kelo the crack 8 opposite corner field. The ball went body. Remember I Helay race: From Out surfboard 8 team of Japan, Interest In the 8 back to Phllbln, who passed It clean- rigger stand to buoys beyond Seaside 8 outcome ran high. --Kelo played" 8 ly over - the onrushtng crimson for- Hotel and back. Zen Oenoves, Ed- 8' belter ball than Waseda, and 8 wards to Payne. son Hutchinson, Ojif Rothwell, Dave 8 gave .the Americans quite a bat-- Flannelettes 8 Ball Goes Center, Harold Hustace, Tom. Carter, tie. Silent Dill Durns To Harvard Wall, Nichols Co., Ltd., 8 fanned 8 nut tho ball was not Arthur Oilman, A. ityhre, Hurry 8 ten batters, and shut the club thrown more than five yaTds from the lino. Stelncr, W. A. Cottrell, Curtis Hus- out 3 to 0. was a sharp, .center 8 It and, thinking the play was FORT and MERCHANT STS. TELEPHONE 10. tace, Sum Carter, Kenneth Atkin- 8 snappy game, and very well faulty, uqder the rules the ball went to Har- All new patterns, heavy quality, son;'' Opon to all. 8 played. he Jnps are enttiusl-- 8 vard. X great sigh of relief went uo (c In relay race on boards 1: Ken- astlc over tile playing of the from the Harvard side of Held, good for the cold weather, per yard Ouy Rothwell, Ar- Americans,' who the neth Atkinson, 8 have shown and not five game them a few minutes later the thur Oilman, Curtis Hustace, Henry 8 stunts of Inside ended. Steiner. 2: Harold Hustace, Zen 8 baseball new to their eyes, and 8 Oenoves,- W A. Cottrell, A. Myhre, 8 they aro a class of people that ,8 Harvard rushed during tho entire game sixty-fiv- e L. Ahoy, Nuuanu below Hotel Henry Hustace. Prizes a: Doard; 8 like to learn things. Red Dog 8 times, netting 241 yurds, an average 3 b: Top piece; c: Medal. 8 Devercaux' coaching on the 8 distance of 3 yards to the rush. Yale rushed for Event 2 Small canoe Balling 8 sidelines was a revelation. All 8 times for a distance of nlnc-ty-fl- race: Leahl, Harry Steiner and Ar- 8 of the papers have treated ua 8 Reduced Rates 8 generously, giving column after 8 yards, or nearly a yard less thur Oilman; Manoa, W. A. Cottrell per rush on the average. and James McCandless; Wuilupe, Ouy 8 column about the club, especial- - 8 ly Harvard Kothwell and Rex Hitchcock; Kallu-w- u, 8 the Japanese'. We leave for 8 received the ball four Kobe times on downs, Marston' Campbell and Ward 8 early next week, where we 8 while Yale failed CONTINUOUS DRIVING $5 PER HOUR play to hold Walker. Course: from Outrigger 8 three games, and then on 8 the crimson for downs onco SHOPPING AND CALLING PER HOUR simply a $3 beach to canoe surf buoy and re- 8 to China and Mnnla. Ily tho 8 because kick was resorted SHORT RUNS, FROM 50o UPWARD turn. Prize: koa steering paddle. 8 time wo arrive at Honolulu we 8 to when two rushes had failed to Katharine "Round-the-Island- give SPECIAL RATES for " Long Event 3 Three-paddl- o canoe raco 8 will have traveled a great many 8 tho needed ten yards. This and Buna. Efficient for girls: Nalunul, Ruth So per, 8 thousand miles, played a lot of 8 mado the exchange's of the ball fre- Drivers. Best Cars, such as t( games, hopo home quent and lent spice playing. Clarlndu Low and Millie Williams; and to return 8 to the STODDARD DAYTONS 8 with a clean record, Is: not The rushing had Its compensations. Palolo, Carol Low. that 8 - '. 'for POPE HARTFORDS Goodson 4 8 lose a game. It wqrkcd up the audience to a Event Girls' surfboardlng In 8 WINTONS MIKE nign pucn or expectancy every PIANO RECITAL HAWAIIAN OPERA HOUSE small surf: Prize, Jewelry. Entries 8 FISHER. 8 few open to surfing. J (8 tt minutes. Tuesday Afternoon, Dec. 8 Reserved Seats at Berg- - hour of Event 0 canoe raco for '8 8888888888888888 In kicking, Coy lifted the ball nine PRICES $1, $2 and $2.50 stroni Music Co., Fort Street. times for a total of 319 yards, an av Royal Hawaiian beginners: Kcomoku, Marston (Slms; Manoa, Fred. Carter, Ivan Gra- Garage, erage of 35 1- yards. call- - Cumpbell, Joe Farrlrigton, Hay Wodo ham, und Harold Hustace. Course: Harvard GEO 'ed upon her fullbacks S. WELLS Manager. l house, Fred Waterhouse, Frances Judges' stand to Seaside buoys and to kick, and the total of HOTEL STV . PHONE 191. Cooper, and Elbert Tuttle; Hoopea, return. Prizes: 1st, koa paddles; their efforts was 32S urdB We Sam Carter, Charles Drcnham, Geo. 2nd, pine paddles. for eleven times, an average repair any make of autos. We employ the best t 3 l-- of 39 yards. From mechanics in the Sims, II. Schaefer Jr., Leslie Hicks Event 8 Surfboatlng contest In the start of Island Server Bros. and Malcolm Tuttle; Lelaloha,, Fred. 'canoe the game to the end there was ss surf: Nalunul. Harold Hus among Special attention given to the care of Private Automo- A Rotd-for- d, tho players to be In TRANSFORMATION Carter, Lionel Steiner, Kenny tace; Pauoa, W. A. Cottrell; Manoa, biles. the fight, and this brought many pen- All Work Guaranteed. Prices Reasonable. Wiard Walker, 'Arthur Soule, James McCandless and Arthur Gil-ma- n, and Harold Hustace. Course! from alties, Harvard losing 120 yards on twelve ponaltles G5 judges' stand to Seaside buoys and Eventt 9 Swimming and Yale yards may be worked in any home by simply applying with a contest: on six ponaltles. return. Prize, paddles. Teams: Junior. Class, Oahu College common varnish brush thin coating of llne-u- n a C Following Is tho of tho Event canoe race Guy Rothwell, Rex Hitchcock, Allan. elevens: foH large boys: 8 8 8 Palolo, Harry Stein- Wllcox;iW, Dallentyne, E. Hedemann 88888 888888888 Yule Logan, left end; Hobbs, er; Manoa, Ashley; Nuunnu, left Orpheum Theater Kaulla and Harr Steiner. Outrigger Zen turn. . Kenneth Brown. tackle; Andrus, left guard; Diddle, Zen Oenoves; Nalunul, Hus- Harold Oenoves, Dave Center, Ted Center, Dave Center, Hnrry Steiner, Arthui Cooney, center; Uoebels, right guard; tace; Pauoa, Oilman; Maklkl, Arthur Curtis Hustace and W. Puty. unman, K. Ashley, und J. R. Herrlot; Ilrlds, right- - tacldo; Uurch, Palnps, W. A. Cottrell; Kalluwa, Ouy Roth- Hanakeokl, Zen Oenoves, 1968 Lacqvieret r Niriit Events Kenneth right end; Corey, Johnson, quurter Saturday, JJec. 5, well. Prize, koa paddle. 1, ? o of neth Atkinson, Ouy bvent clock Procession Rothwell, Curtis buck; Phlbln, left half back; Wheut-o- n, Event 7 Three-paddl- e canoe race Illuminated canoes from Ilrown's to Hustace, Henry Hustace and A. Daly, right half back; Coy, full Old woodwork, floors, and furniture will look as good for boy beginners: Kalluwa, Mars I and around Judges' stand, then to O'Haru. Edson Hutchlnson(and Har- back. ' as ton Campbell, Frances Cooper, and Outrlggcr old new with a single application. beach. Canoes entered: Castle will also enter crews. Harvard nrown'e, left end; Mc- Arthur Drown; Nuuanu, Charles Leahl, Pauoa, Keomoku, Hoopea, Ala- Course: Outrigger stand to buoys be- Kay, left tucklo; Dunlup, Wlthlngton Drcnham, Fred. Waterhouse, and II. bama, Liloa, yond Palolo, Mauka, Nuu- Seaside Hotel and return. nnd West, left guard; Nourso, cen- BOXING F. Schaorer; Palolo, Lionel Steiner, anu, Kalluwa, Kallhl, Kaamlna. Ken- Prize, top pieces. ter; Hoar, right guard; Fish, right Hay Wodehouse, and. Richard-eo- n; T. Co., Frank neth Drown, director. Prize for best Event 3 Torch swimming: From tackle; Crowley, end; Cutler, H. Davies & Ltd. Maklkl, Sam Carter, jlght Arthur decorated and Illuminated canoe, koa Outrigger stand to Mouna raft and aunrtcr back; Corbott, .Bprngue and Soule, Ward Walker; Pauoa, El- Hardware Department aijd surfboard. return. Entries J, W. llallontyne, Leslie, left half back; White, right bert Tuttle, Lovlle Hicks, and Joe Ouy Event 2 canoe race (II Rothwell, Rex Hitchcock, Allan half back; Vcrweib, 'Kennard, nnd DICK SULLIVAN Farrlrigton; Nalunul, Rela- Kenneth lumlnated): Course, Judges' stand to, Wilcox, e; Hedemann, Harry Steiner, Smith, full back. ford, Malcolm Tuttle, and George uuoys uoyonu - Zen Oenoves) VS. seaside Hotel and re- Dave Center, Ted Cen- Summary Score: Harvard 4, Yalo ter, and W. Paty. 0. Umpire: Edwards, Princeton. .Event 4 Surfing with Illuminated Referee: Langford. Trinity. Head, FRANK MILLER boards: Ouy Udthwjsll, Kenneth At- linesman: Hackett, West Point. Field kinson, Zen Genoves, Dave Center, Judgo: Hall, Monuments. Dartmouth., Goal from TWO PRELIMINARIES 'torn Carter, Ted Center, Sam 'Car- Held: Kcnnurd. Time of halves, 25 ter, Fred Carter, Marston Campbell, minutes. General Admission SI, 50 31 seLStoddard-Dayto- n and Ward Walker. Entries open. 8 Reserved Seats $1,00 scald Prize, 8 8 Stage Seats surfboard. Los Angeles, Nov. 26. Tho middle- $1,50 i Safes, Event C Three-paddl- e canoe race Seats on sale at Box Office of Or- weight battlo between DMIy Papko and (Illuminated): pheum Theater, commencing Monday Kalluwa, R. Sinclair, Hugo Kelly will tako place as sched- By the Hour or Trip F. Lamb und J. R. Herrlot; Hoopea, morning at 10 o'clock. Telephone 681 uled at Vernon on December 15th, Tho iEMSlliL Zen Oenoves, Kenneth Urown and Henry officials of the Jeffries Athletic club Iron Steiner; PatoloOuy Rothwell, decided tonight that Papke's defeat ut Fence Dave Center, (he ; and Kenneth Atkinson. hunds of Kotchel has not dimmed STILL THE BEST .(..f.--.i- G. C. BECKXEY, Jr., Course: Outrigger stand to buoys the Illinois Thunderbolt's drawing Seaside Hotel and return. Prize, powers to any extent. Consequently AT VON HAMM-YOUN- May's Hawaiian Iron Pence and Monument Works GARAGE. PHONE 199. top pieces. word will bo sent both Papko and . Kelly to como on nt onco, nnd tho ! Event G Surfing In o club Old Kona Coffee YOUIMO BLDU., 17B.1B0 KINQ lllumlnntcd will-g- ahoad with nrrangomcntH NEXT TO BTREET. PHONE 237. j canoes. for HENRY MAY & CO., LTD. the battlo. I