fnB ,!' ') V 1 V" OHOllJlFX I -- i 1 ld:r . ri - , r,.. i"rom San Francisco: Mongolia occ, 7 Tor San Francisco: Stocks and bonds can be adver- Alnmeilii j Dec, a 3V M O. tised to pood advantage in the BUL- I HI Prom Vancouver: buy- Moann - LETIN, either by sellers or uec. 12 Evening cost ad, ers, and the of an is a For Vancouver: Mighty Small Commission! Mal.urn , 8 1 Bulletin Dec. A Honolulu merchant's bsst bid for holiday trade Is a Bulletin ad 3:30 EDITION I ' VOL. X. NO. 4175. PAGES. 14 HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1908. 14 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS. '$( rpUESDATS BULLETIN will contain the Complete Text of L FREAR HEARD President Roosevelt's Message FROM To Congress COOKEBUYSMOLOKAI RANCH Til PoSigb Bulletin Newsboys Celebrating Nurse Is BRIBING JURY r - - r--" Graft and J--' ' ' I r Lust On WAS RUEF'S HOPE '11 V I SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Dec. 5. Attorney Blake was today on tha stand as a witness for the Prosecution in the case of Attorney Murphy. Tantalus - Jury Blake repeated on the stand his confession implicating Murphy and New- i, burg, attorneys for Ruef, in attempt! to bribe veniremen called to servo ' tod ' on the jury to try Ruef. m i m j All yo imllcii offlrera who arc t Lost III the darkness on the I'atioa slopo of exposed night hitting if rolvril ' -- Tantalus, all tr "culi to the elements and uunblo to extri- DCWAKi: W I) In- - 11 Tlinn llrut.l position Into J111 InveMliVatlim, mill rimii nil cate herself from the which she Miss I HIlKJlK, - ' had fallen, Chrlstman, IJIIllS illlll them will For TvBj-t- ". L. bIIbA BBBBKBWBBHmwLiBAB&aBBBVBBBBBPBU?l v. SVyirV1 1. a nurse of I he Queon's Hospital staff Collier Launched I'treoilhiKly flofc mill nrchlni! rt si exuhi a experience liBt night. lirttion lei determine whether n mil had trlug Knim midnight 'until about" 10 o'clock -- U ho Insidious bus I'oniiniml) known its morning parties Vki'UIiik ii lnkeorc" oaloii Ha ..j this search hunted has for her, great anxiety MARE ISLAND, Calif., Dec. 5, monster llio he mi'l souls of bu.. and prevailed The collier Prometheus was hilo ills tliu among 1MIts Is It'll l)IKJIll7.ltlim llll' 1'llllCB I'oiOn. her friends. Chrlstman launched today from the Navy Yard with imposing ceremony. The great li.it been hoveling a,t present confined to her bt'd nt the vessel was christened by a daughter of Constructor Evans and every de- 0 ovr hospital, being utterly exhausted from tlio clear sk for boiiil' ttino past, ,11s exposure. tail of the launching was perfect. A large assembly of Federal, State, closures that. It Is alleged, would to'! and municipal officers was present. Jas. F. Morgan represented the Ho- how iitllcciK of tliu law lint Miss ChHstman, who came to tho i' li.'in juld ago, nolulu Chamber of Commerce. 111 gltl! till) ll(llll('lur.1 Of islands about two months left Cllllll'rO hospital up mm m 'gambling houses liiiiuii'iltt fiom tliu the for a tramp Tantalus J I. unit nott llio tins b yesterday forenoon nt about 10 o'clock. FOUR SLAUGHTERED it, tint in titer t"i She Is Vailed nllli Lilly In tho attention o t.m a trained pedestrian, but was not tho TRINIDAD, Colo., Dec. 5. of Allium') (iijicml'H department. It I familiar with trulls or with the Four members a family living in this A more correct representation. of Joy 1ms never been obtained r. newsboy on his peculiar conditions which confront the (eitaln that thero will ho a flr.t" I thai Bulletin town were murdered in bed this morning at an early hour. They were .liny Investigation Thanksgiving celebration. More bays means more Joy. While the B u lie tin boys 'were celebrating climber of lluwnll. She was due to brutally slaughtered with an axe. It is believed that a suitor of one of go on duty at hospital 7 p. Klicrirr Inuket illil not eill Mil' their Thanksgiving at the Moana Hotel this .year Mr. J. W. Caum succeeled in getting a small section of the at ni the' girls of the family is responsible for the horrible work. great-crow- and when she failed to turn up matter to the u'tciulnn of ho Attor them together long enough to take a snap shot. They are, a d of boys under any circumstances at that hour, those In charge- - (Continued on Page 2) and lively workcis every day as well as at the Thanksgiving dinner table. This photo, dots not show all. became . awapiaBSP h-- anxious. Finally ut. midnight SIMON ENTERS CITY MTMh rr in .11 . mwmhumwiMii ! m. mm about ilo.rti tho police were .notified, and Mounted PORT AU PRINCE, Hayti, Dec. S. MISSIONARY VESSEL Officers Mokumnla and Wlro wore,sent Gen. Simon at the head of 8000 sol- to search or her. Superintendent diers entered the, city' today and was Eckariltvulnb Jupan-es- o - sent a number of welcomed by "the people.' Local Opposition Control of Molokai up tliu mountain to assist. .The of- ARRIVES IN HARBOR ficers .found 'several people on Tanta- .- lus who had seen the 'ypung.l&ay at "ADJCnULXOGHXAN DEAD ' - various points 'yesterday afternoon, NEW YORK, . 5. Rear " Y..Do. 'Twenty-fou- r nnd n days out-- ' tfcS but none of them werejiblo to give Admiral Coghlan, a notable fighter, half from J much of a cluu as (o her whereabouts. who once gained notoriety by singing San rrnnclsco on her long triii to the Rllbcrt Islands, tho rm- - Flnully nt about 10 o'clock this fore- a 'song of the Kaiser, died here to- llttlo sV "T ppoinfs Fi Ranch Changes: Hands noon tho officers met Miss Chrlstman ' nllnn mlRuloTini v upluinimi, Tflr,. ear day. , on 'tho road, as slio was on tier wav Illnghaiii reached the offing bhortly S? m home In a Japanese vehicle. It ap after S o'clock this morning and sig- -- pears CRUISER YANKEE SUNK T7TT that she had managed lo get naled for a pilot The Hirnni Illng- back to tho road alone,and had found NEW BEDFORD, Mass.. Dec. S. DISAP-POINTE- Jap-tncs- haiii is owned by GOVERNOR TREAR AND DELEGATE KUHIO ARE GREATLY C. M. COOKE, LTD., BUYS ENTlfcE INTERESTS OF HARTWELL a who could drivu her back The cruiser Yankee, which was pull-- , the American PROP-ERT- Hoard of WITH STAND TAKEN BY THE LOCAL COMMERCIAL FAMILY GEORGE iCOOKE WILL BE MANAOER Y to town. ed off the rocks yesterday, sunk to- Commissioners for Foreign Miss Missions Is Cap- BODIES PRESIDENT ROO&EVELT TAKING ACTIVE INTER-ES- T WILL CONTINUE AS RANCH CONSIDERATION Chrlstman could not be seen day. nnd commanded by IN HAWAII SPECIAL COASTWISE LEGISLATION TO BE A QUARTER-MILLIO- DOLLARS today, as slio was confined to her bed tain and Hev. A. C. Vnlkun. by tho orders of tho house surgeon, 1'iobably u week will be spont liero J ulm itn(ri,1 t n !, 1 ,,M Hi.irn,- - """ U"tTUU.Mn WASHINGTON, D. C. C. M. Cooke, Ltd., has bought con-ti- ol ,narv ll, Amarlnnn- -- - C.n.l""" '""""" front WHERE before the Illruni lilnghum Btnrts on 1 V. oxhuustlon and was In a .HHARiTY? MOTT-SMIT- tho Bccotid part her long i To of the Molokat Hunch Company, which, after a disastrous tutlcmpt toiBtnto 0f nervous caused by of Journey, Tho Dlngham Is f "Honolulu business organization? arc opposing the "special coastwise purchasing, the tutttie Interests held make sugar pay, abandoned that her trying exiierlesc. SM had also Annlo girl, Hiram probably Jones, a one law, end the Delegate and myself gieatly disappointed. The with- by the Ilaitwell fauitly, which has pioposltlon and converted Its some bruises on the ftco. but was committed to tho Rlrls' Industrial of tho smallest craft that ever an H not out on so drawal of the bill means injury to the Tcnitory, both there and here. been In fontrol for about it car. eity Into it lunch. Contiol of tho "as expected that any of the school tod'ty tinder rather peculiar started long and Important j will u Ceotgo Cooke charge of was bought about u cnr bo sorlous. circumstances. According to tho o Journey She Is nfty feet long Secretary Garfield concurs in this virtv. The Picsidcnt is recommending will tako the stock Mls11 at chr'8""ll had told tho Btir-b- j thcio was nothing to say ngalpsl i special coastwise legislation for Hawaii." FREAR. Hindi as manager. It Is reported Cher Justice llurtwell and I w.BC0U the water line, slstcen nnd a Jinlt tllnt Bno ,)a(1 B d h, her conduct, but she was committed at tlio deal Involved it quarter-m- hon, Chas. llurtwell, who bought the jwfta ,,a'uoa feet beam, and has it gross tonnage i that about cUuMug on tho (n(J c Mo of tho lnstanco or the Insti or twimt-elg- Mott-Smlt- h illion "M. Her net tonnaga Is ' Acting (ioveinor this out to some extent at tlio lccent ilollais, but no figure has Interests held by A. Iliown and Tnutatiis ridge. Sho had fallen down tute, formerly the Kawalahao Semin cable- - or Assocln-Kia- 1,. lit steep Incline, live She was completed San j niutnliig icclIvciI tlio above meeting llio Met chants' been given mil by the pintles Inter A. C. Atkinson. It is this stock and all her attempts ary, because Tier mother was dead and in ' to get f 10111 Washington, whoro the tlim.
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