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October 1997 1996-1997 Annual Report State University College of Law

Janice C. Griffith

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- u AUGUST, 1997 Major Accomplishments

The year past was an important one for the leadership of the College of Law. Janice C. Griftith, a graduate of the University of Chicago and Professor of Law at Quinnipiac College School of Law, assumed the deanship on July 1, 1997, with the pledge to promote technological proficiency, expand international relationships, strengthen and increase community outreach and public service, and foster and support greater faculty research and scholarly activities. Her administration is the College's first post-accreditation deanship, being the first of the College's four deans who does not have to work for initial accreditation from the American Bar Association or the Association of American Law Schools.

In accordance with the Dean's emphasis and the goal identified in the College's strategic plan, faculty this past year have worked to integrate new and emerging technologies into their teaching. The College has the good fortune of being among a select group of law schools around the country chosen to receive extraordinary help from West Publishing, the owner of WestLaw legal database, in developing new instructional and research tools. The West Project has contributed to the creative and innovative environment at the College of Law.

Professor Patrick Wiseman, winner of the University's instructional innovation award, has utilized synchronous class discussions with his students and has assisted other faculty in introducing e-mail discussion groups to their classes. Faculty now have the training and the access to use Internet, on-line databases, and digital data prepared prior to class in their instruction. The equipping of a video computer projection machine in one classroom and the planned insta&tion in other rooms in the coming year are great encouragement to faculty to expand their instructional methods. Professor William Gregory participated in the Board of Regents workshop designed to explore the use of technology as an instructional tool to enhance student learning, and he has shared his enthusiasm for what he learned with other colleagues. A new computer training lab was built this past year for training faculty, staff, and students in various software packages, e-mail and internet use, and on-line data base research. The College's Meta-Index for Legal Research, found on the law school's internet home page and developed by Professor Wiseman, received much praise and recognition.

The Austrian-American Comparative Dispute Resolution Program is the College's summer program in Central Europe and continues to be a valuable educational experience for our students. Based in Linz, Austria with visits to courts and administrative offices in Vienna, Prague, and Budapest, the 1997 summer program had the largest enrollment to date. The program is equally important to law faculty who attend in search of knowledge or who serve as instructors. Professor E. R. Lanier, the founder of this summer program, does an excellent job in organizing special itinerary for faculty in attendance. The College of Law was pleased that Richard Terrill, Professor of Criminal Justice, was a participant this past summer. Professor Terrill found the experience to be very informative, and all persons involved benefited from Professor Terrill's expertise in a related field. This past spring and summer the Linz program under went review by the American Bar Association for its special foreign study accreditation. A site evaluation was conducted by an ABA representative, and a report is forthcoming. Approval by the ABA will allow the College to offer this program to law students at other ABA accredited institutions.

The relationship with the University of Linz offers us other opportunities for educational enrichment. Professor Hans Dolinar, former President of the University of Linz and a participant in Georgia State's summer program there, served as a visiting professor to Georgia State University College of Law during the fall semester of 1996.

Through the coordination of the ABA's Central and East European Law Initiative, the College of Law is preparing for its second student exchange. Two Croatian law students will come to Georgia State to attend classes and to learn about the American legal system through extensive contact with members of the bench and bar. Professor Charles Marvin is providing leadership to this exchange as he did the Bulgarian student exchange two years ago.

The past year saw a number of activities that strengthened and increased community outreach and public service. Professor Charity Scott, an authority on health law, continued her work with doctors at Grady Hospital and with other persons beyond the legal profession on medical ethics issues impacted by new techniques of science as well as new economic and social circumstances. Dean Janice C. Griffith served this past year as Chair of the American Bar Association Section of State and Local Government Law. Professor Marjorie Knowles continued her service on the board of the College Retirement Equities Fund (CREF). Professor Victor Flatt has been working closely with the Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper to offer advice and expertise and to secure educational opportunities for our students. Contributions were made to law reform in Georgia by Professor Mary Radford's service as reporter for the Probate Code Revision Committee of the Fiduciary Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia. She was the primary drafter of Georgia's new probate code adopted by the Georgia General Assembly. Other important service to our law makers is being performed by Professor Mark Budnitz, who is assisting legislators to deal with the many legal ramifications of electronic banking. Professor Marjorie Girth served on the Georgia Supreme Court's commission on gender equity in the court system as well as the State Bar of Georgia's commission on standards of the profession.

The Consortium on Negotiation and Connict Resolution completed its first year based at the Georgia State University College of Law. With rapidly expanding activities and sigdicant ifision of State and external funds, the Consortium made simcant contributions to the study of this subject and to training of mediators and persons in sensitive and responsible positions in the secondary schools and University System institutions. Likewise, the College's Tax Clinic contributed much to society by representing before the I.R.S. and the Federal Tax Courts those persons who could not afford representation. The work of the Tax Clinic was greatly strengthened by the multi-year grant of $200,000 from the Trammell Foundation and the permanent funding for basic support from the University.

The faculty of the College continued their impressive record of scholarly research and publications, building an ever greater professional reputation for themselves and contributing to an increasing scholarly reputation for the College and the University. Notable scholarly books published by the College of Law faculty include Ronald Blasi, The Bank Tax Deskbook; Mark Budnitz, supplements to The Law of Lender Liability, Nancy Johnson, new edition of winning Research Skills and L-; Paul Milich, Courtroom Handbook on Geor~a Evidence; Patricia Morgan, supplement to Tax Procedure and Tax Frad; Jack Williams, Kennedv. Countrvrnan. and Williams on Bankruptcy Law and Procedure; and Douglas Yarn, supplement to Alternative Dispute Resolution: Practice and Procedu re in Georgia.

The following represents faculty members who published scholarly articles this past year: Ronald Blasi, Journal of Bank Taxation; Wiarn Edmundson, Jowa Law Review; Anne Emanuel, William & Marv Bill of Rinhts Journal; Bernadette Hartfield, Generations: Journal of the American Society of Aging; Mark Kadish, St ate University Law Review; Steven Kaminshine, West's Leal News (on-line publication); Marjorie Knowles, Mercer University Law Review; Michael Landau, Georgia State University Law Review; E. R Lanier, Croatian Arbitration Yearbook; Basil Mattingly, -Bankadptcy Institute Law Review; Marquette I,aw Review; Mary Radford, GeorPia State Law Review; Natsu Saito, T JCLA Asian Pacific American Law Journal, Iowa Law Review, Oregon Law Review, In-w, r- hian Law Journal; Eric Segall, George Mason Law Review, UCLA Law Review; Roy Sobelson, Mercer Law Review; Ellen Taylor, Delaware Journal of Corporate Lax; Stephen Wermiel, Georma State Univers~tvLaw Review; and Jack Williams, Journal of Asset Protectio~ A complete list of the many notable achievements of the faculty are detailed in the appendix attached to this report.

This past year the Law Library continued to serve the faculty, students, and public well. The Law Librarians published their scholarly endeavors and participated extensively in local, regional, and national professional organizations. Important achievements of the past year include increased finding for the permanent acquisitions budget as well as much appreciated support fiom the University with year-end contingency funds. The Law School and Law Library leadership carried the message of the much needed library expansion to the University's space and planning committee. Finally, the newly equipped training laboratory allowed effective training for all students, st6and faculty on WestLaw and LEXIS.

Much energy is devoted to development and community cultivation by Dean Griflith, the development and alumni staff, and others at the law school. This past year saw a 44% increase in fbnding support fiom fiends and supporters. A notable achievement was a sigruficant upgrade in support fiom the Law School Foundation for merit and need-based scholarships. Funding for FY97 was for 13 student in the total amount of $53,000, compared to the previous year of level of support of $10,500. Furthermore, the Atlanta Law School Foundation pledged increased support for the N98year. Another achievement of the College's development efforts was a solicitation to friends and members of the tax section of the state and local bar in response to the generous multi-year gft received fiom the Trammell Foundation. With the momentum received from the Trammell Foundation, an additional $27,500 in contributions and pledges were received on behalf of the Tax Clinic.

Other important accomplishments for the last year include four important personnel decisions. Dean Mthselected Steven Kaminishine fiom the College's faculty to be her Associate Dean for academic matters. A longtime member of the faculty who is highly respected by his colleagues for his good judgement, fairness, and commitment to the College, Steve Karninishine7sselection £ills a vital component of Dean Griffith's management team for the law school. Other significant personnel actions include the hiring of Vickie Brown as Director of Career Services, Tricia Rackliffe as Associate Registrar for Law, and Dean Morley as Supervising Attorney for the Tax Clinic.

Promess in Assessing Institutional Effectivene~

The College of Law has identified four instruments or measures to assess institutional effectiveness. Success of student teams in moot court and mock trial competitions reflects the rigorous intellectual preparation and practical lawyer skills that students receive in class. The College of Law has a long record of student achievement, and the past year proved no different. The law school's mock trial team won the American Bar Association's Southeast Regional Mock Trial Tournament, the oldest and most prestigious of such competitions, with an undefeated record against teams fkom the University of Miami, University of Florida, Cumberland Law School, and the University of Georgia. Georgia State's team was the only undefeated team among 22 teams representing 11 schools. The College's Asian American Law Students Association fielded a moot court team in the national Thomas Tang Moot Court Competition, won the Southern Region, and advanced to the nationals.

A valuable tool for measuring institutional effectiveness for the College of Law is the success rate of students sitting for the Georgia Bar examinations. Successfbl passage of such examinations are a requirement for entry into the legal profession. From its inception, the College of Law at Georgia State has built an impressive record of success on bar examinations. The passage rates for all takers for the July, 1996 sitting for the Bar was 85.1% with the rate for first time takers being 87.5%. For the February, 1997 testing, Georgia State students and graduates had an overall pass rate of 88.5%. This compares favorably with the passage rate for all takers from ali schools which was 60.8%.

Employment statistics six months after graduation are a standard measure used for assessing legal education and are annually collected by the College's accrediting agency, the American Bar Association, and by Y. S. News and World Report for its edition on rating graduate and professional schools in America. The figures for the class of 1996 show an employment rate of 92.81%. Employment in large (5 1 to 100 lawyers) and very large (over 100) firms is prized and highly competitive. The percentage of Georgia State graduates employed in this category has been steadily increasing and represents 11% of the 1996 class. This means that our chosen graduates were picked fiom regional and national pools of graduates representing some of the most prestigious law schools in the country.

Judicial clerkships are another prestigious category of employment. The increasing number of judicial clerkships that our students receive indicate the increasing reputation of Georgia State as a school of quality legal instruction. Some sii-four Georgia State graduates have served as judicial clerks at all levels of the courts with nine selected during the period of time covered by this report. Four of these clerks are serving with judges in the U.S. District Courts. Another measure of the effectiveness of legal instruction received as a student at Georgia State's College of Law is the success of graduates in achieving partner in prestigious law fums, appointment or election to the bench, and service as legal counsel for major corporations. Georgia State graduates are now partners in Alston & Bird; Arnall, Golden & Gregory; Holland & Knight; Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue; Kilpatrick & Stockton; Powell, Goldstein, Frazier & Murphy; Long, Aldridge & Norman and others. A number of Georgia State College of Law graduates serve as assistant district attorneys and magistrate judges, and Beverly Collins sits on the State Court for Cobb County. Numerous corporate legal offices employ College of Law graduates including AT&T, BellSouth, Cox Enterprises, Equifax, Federal Reserve Bank, Georgia Power, and Georgia-Pacific. APPENDECIES TO 1996-97 ANNUAL REPORT


1. Books

Blasi, Ronald

The Bank Tax Deskbook, , John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1996, 500+ pages.

1997 Supplement to Servitudes, 7 Thom~sonon Real Pro~ertvS62 at 499 (D. Thomas ed., 1994)

1997 Supplement to Georgia, 6 Waters & Water Riahts (R. Beck ed., 2d Ed., 1995)

Budnitz-, Mark The Law of Lender Liabilitv, 1996 Cumulative Supplement No. 1, Boston, Warren Gorham & Lamont (1996) . The Law of Lender Liability, 1996 Cumulative Supplement No. 2, Boston, Warren Gorham & Lamont (1996), 287 pages.

Johnson, Nancy

Co-Author, Berring, Robert (Berkeley), and Woxland, Thomas (Northern Illinois), Winnina Research Skills, 3rd edition (West Pub. Co., 1996). Co-Author, Cochran, Wes, Leaal Research Exercises, 5th edition (West Pub. Co., 1996)

Supplement, Sources of Com~iledLeaislative Histories, Rothman Pub., 1996 Supp.

Landau, Michael

West's Federal Practice Manual (3d Edition). Author of Chapter 42 (Copyrights) & Chapter 43 (Trademarks)

A. Lindey & M. Landau, 51, Aareements and the Law (2d. ed), 5 Volume Set (Clark Boardman Callaghan ) Releases 39 - 40 (1996-to present) R. Fremlin, Entertainment Law (Clark Boardman Callaghan) Annual Su~~lementEditor (1993-97)

Milich, Paul Courtroom Handbook on Georaia Evidence, (West Publ. 1996), 302 pages. 1996 Pocket Part, Georaia Rules of Evidence, (West Publ.) 52 pages.

Morgan, Patricia

1996 Supplement to Tax Procedure and Tax Fraud, Case and Materials (West) (143 pages). 1996 Edition of Georaia Cor~orationsLimited Partnershi~sand Limited Liabilitv Com~anie~(with multiple co-authors) (Harrison) (578 pages).

Williams, Jack

Kennedv. Countrvman, and Williams on Bankru~tcvLaw & Procedure (Six Volumes)(Aspen Law & Business formerly Little, Brown & Company) (with Vern Countryman & Frank R. Kennedy). Volume 1: Partnershi~sand Partners Under the Bankru~tcvCode (1997).

McOueen & Williams on Tax ASD~C~Sof Bankru~tcvLaw and Practice (3d ed.) (Two Volumes)(Clark Boardman Callaghan 1997)(with C. Richard McQueen). Tax ASD~C~Sof Bankru~tcvLaw and Practice (2d ed.) (Two Volumes) (Shepard's/McGraw-Hi11 1994)(with C. Richard McQueen). Cumulative Supplement July 1996 Cumulative Supplement Dec. 1996 Cumulative Supplement Mar. 1997

Yarn, Douglas Annual Supplement to Alternative D~sDu~~Resolution: Practice and Procedure in Georaia (The Harrison Company Publishers, 1996, Supplement is 83 pages).

2. Articles, Essays, and Chapters

Blasi, Ronald

"How Financial Institutions Can Spin Off a Business Segment Without Paying Tax," Journal of Bank Taxation, Warren Gorham & Lamont, Spring 1997, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.117-128.

Edmundson, William "The Antinomy of Coherence and Determinacy," 82 Iowa Law Review 1- 20(1996)

Emmuel, Anne

"Lynching and the Law in Georgia circa 1931: A Chapter in the Legal Career of Judge Elbert Tuttle," & Marv Bill of Rights Jod(Winter 1997).

Hartfield, Bernadette "Legal Recognition of the Value of Intergenerational Nurturance: Grandparent Visitation Statutes in the Nineties," 20 Generations: Journal of the American Societv on Aainq 53-56 (1996).

Kadish, Mark Behind the Locked Door of an American Grand Jurv: Its Historv, Its Secrecv and its Process, 24, F.S.U. L. Rev. 1-77 (1996).

Kaminshine, Steven Walters v. Metropolitan Educational Enter~rises:How to Define Who Oualifies as an Em~loverWithin the Meanina of Title VII, West's Legal News 11-11-96 WLN 11988 (online publication by West Publishing)

Robinson v. Shell Oil: Does Title VII Protect Former Em~loveesFrom Acts of Retaliation bv Former Em~lovers, West's Legal News, 11-7-96 WLN 11906 (online publication)

Knowles, Marjorie

The ALI Principles of Corporate Governance Compared with Georgia Law- Continued," with Colin Flannery, 48 Mercer Law Review 1 (1996). Achievina Diversitv in the Professonate: Challenaes and Otmortunities, with Bernard W. Harleston, American Council on Education, 1997.

Landau, Michael

"Problems Arising out of the Use of ~'": The Application of Principles of Trademark Law to 1nternet'~omainName DisputesIN 13 Georaia State Law Rev. 455 (1997) "Reconciling Qualitex with Two Pesos : Ambiguity and Inconsistency From the Supreme Court," 3 U.C.L.A. Entertainment Law Rev. 219 (1996)

Lanier, E. R. "Invisible Barriers in United States Law to the Recognition and Enforcement of International Commercial Arbitral Agreements and Awards," 3 Croatian Arbitration Yearbook 139 (1996)

Marvin, Charles "New Directions in Legal Education in Bulgaria: The Balkans of the Legal Mind", 4 Academics' Form No. 1, August 1996 at pp. 5-6.

Mattingly, Basil "Sale of Property Of The Estate Free And Clear Of Restrictions And Covenants In Bankruptcy," 4 Am..431 (1996) "The Shift From Power To Process: A Functional Approach To Foreclosure Law," 80 Mara. L. Rev. 77 (1996)

Podgor, Ellen Reviews In Review 21 THE CHAMPION 59 (March 1997) Reviews In Review 21 THE CWPION 49 (January/February 1997) Reviews In Review 20 THE CHAMPION 29 (December 1996) Reviews In Reviey 20 THE CHAMPION 23 (September/October 1996)

Radford, Mary "Georgia's New Probate Code," (with Skip Sugarman), 13 Georaia State Universitv Law Reviey (April, 1997) "The Affirmative Action Debate," chapter in the IRRA 50th Anniversary Research Volume: Government Reaulation of the Em~lovmentRelationshir, (Bruce Kaufman, ed. ) (May, 1997) "Employment Discrimination" and "The Transformation of Sex Discrimination Law & Theory," essays published in the Florida Legal Information Center's work entitled Feminist Juris~rudence.Women and the Law: Critical Essavs, Articles and Biblioara~hv(June, 1997, Fred D. Rothrnan & Co. )

Saito, Natsu "Finding Our Voices, Teaching Our Truth: Reflections on Legal Pedagogy and Asian American Identity," 3 U.C.L.A. Asian Pac. Am. L.J. 81 (1995) (actually published fall 1996) "Unconscious: The "Just Say No" Response to Racism," 82 Iowa L. Rev. (1996) (actually published spring 1997)

"Alien and Non-Alien Alike: Citizenship, ,"Foreignness1'and Racial Hierarchy in American Law," 76 Oreaon L. Rev. (Spring 1997). Beyond Civil Rights: Considering "Third Generation" International Human Rights Law in the United States, Inter-American Law Review (U. of Miami) (Spring 1997). '"Foreignness" in the Legal Construction of Asian American Identity,' Asian Law Journal (U.Ca1. Berkeley) (Spring 1997) .

Scott, Charity

"The Easy Way Out," The Atlanta Journal/The Atlanta Constitution, p. A9 (January 21, 1997).

Segall, Eric

"Doctrinal Legal Scholarship and Religious Liberty: A Review of Jesse Choperfs 'Securing Religious Liberty,'" Georae Mason Law Review (1996) "The Skepticfs Constitution" UCLA Law Review (June 1997)

Sobelson, Roy "Annual Survey of Georgia Law," Georgia Ethics, 48 Mercer Law Review 387 (Fall, 1996).

Taylor, Ellen

"New and Unjustified Restrictions on Delaware Directors' Authority," 21 Del. J. Cor~.L. 1 (1997).

Wermiel, Stephen

"The Civil Opinions of Judge Phyllis A. Kravitch: A Tribute," 13 Ga. St. Univ. L. Rev. 335 (February 1997)

Williams, Jack

"Moving as a Fraudulent Transfer," 1 J. Asset Protection 62 (1996). 3. Conference Proceedings and Abstracts

Curcio, Andrea

Summary of Punitive Damages'Article, AALS Remedies Newsletter, Fall, 199 6

Kaminshine, Steven Decisions of the Su~remeCourt in the 1995-96 Term: Free SDeech and the First Amendment (September 27, 1996)(paper presented at the Third Annual Supreme Court Update sponsored by the State Bar of Georgia)

Radford, Mary "Recent State and Federal Developments in Fiduciary Law," published in proceedings of the Fiduciary Law Institute, ICLE, St. Simon's, Ga., July, 1996 (with Skip Sugarman) (98 pages)

"Recent Developments in Georgia Fiduciary Law," published in the proceedings of the Wachovia 1996 Tax Seminar, Charlotte, N.C., Nov. 1996 (62 pages) "What's New in Employment Discrimination Law?" published in proceedings of the Employment Law Institute, ICLE, Atlanta, Ga., Dec., 1996 (20 pages

Scott, Charity

"Legal and Ethical Issues in Neonatal Care," Annual Conference of Southeastern Region Neonatal Nursing Professionals, Dekalb Medical Center, Atlanta, Georgia, February 20, 1997.

Wermiel, Stephen

"Equal Protection in the U.S. Supreme Court: An Update on Romer v. Evans and U.S. v. Virginia," a paper prepared for ICLE of Georgia and published in course materials for a conference on civil rights litigation.

4. Creative Writings

Johnson, Nancy

"Remembering My First AALL Meeting," 88 Law Library Journal (1996). - poem --. Sobelson, Roy Unpublished problems in Professional Responsibility and Le,gal Ethics used as Orientation materials at all law schools in Georgia in September 1996. Supplementing and revising problems in Spring 1997.

5. Public and Government Documents

Radford, Mary

Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Title 53, Chapters 1-11, with Comments (1996)

Sobelson, Roy Final Report, Georgia Commission on Evaluation of Disciplinary Enforcement (no formal cite available, but available from Supreme Court), submitted to Supreme Court of Georgia, September 1996.

6. Reviews Emanuel, Anne

"Romantic Prisons, Beloved Outlaws" by Martha Duncan. GA. BAR JOURNAL (Spring 1997).

Werrniel, Stephen May 1997 ABA Journal, "Reason and Passion: Justice Brennanfs Enduring Influence," E. Joshua Rosenkranz and Bernard Schwartz, eds., (Norton & Co., April 1997)

7. Reprints Wermiel, Stephen "Rights in the Modern Era: Applying the Bill of Rights to the States," 1 Wm. & Mary Bill of Rts. J. 121 (1992), reprinted in printed course materials of Professor Morton Horowitz, Harvard Law School

Wiseman, Patrick

Meta-Index for U.S. Legal Research, 9. Additional Publications

Emanuel , Anne "Judge Tuttle Honored by ACLU," Georaia Civil Liberties (Fall 1996)

Radford, Mary "Georgia's New Probate Code," Newsletter of the Fiduciary Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia, Spring, 1996 "Proposed Amendments to Georgia's New Probate Code," Newsletter of the Fiduciary Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia, Winter 1996/1997 Submitted updates on significant developments in Georgia fiduciary case law and legislation to the Real Pro~ertv.Probate, and Trust Journal (1996-97)

10. Other Disseminated Materials

Curcio, Andrea Invited paper, ~nstitutefor Legal Studiesf National Conference on the Future of Punitive Damages, Oct. 24-26; Written Testimony, Committee on Commerce, Science and Technology, on S5, The Product Liability Reform Act of 1997, April, 1997

Flatt, Victor "A Dirty River Runs Through It: the Failure of Enforcement in the Clean Water Act" (draft form), American Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting in January 1997.

Amicus Brief, Georgia Supreme Court in the case of Lowe v. Georgia, November 1996.

"Law: A Product of Culture" (January 23, 1997) a synthesis of the jurisprudential writings of S. P. Sinha especially Legal Polycentricity and International Law (1996), Jurisprudence: Legal Philosophy in a Nutshell (1993), and What is Law? (1989) prepared for COL Dennis R. Hunt for use in his Jurisprudence course at the U.S. Military Academy. (25 pages

Knowles, Marjorie -1. Women' s Rights: The Unfinished Agenda," A Report to the Ford Foundation, Fall, 1996.

Marvin, Charles "Analysis of the Draft Constitution of the Republic of Belarus with Alterations and Amendmentsn, American Bar Association Central and East European Law Initiative (CEELI), October 15, 1996. "Analysis of the Separation of Powers Provisions of the Draft Constitution of Ukraine", submitted for monograph entitled "Analysis of the Draft Constitution of Ukraine", Spring, 1997.

Wermiel, Stephen Outline of testimony, October 11, 1996, first hearing of the American Bar Association Commission on Separation of Powers and Judicial Independence, Washington, D.C.

B. Presentations at Professional Meetings

Blasi, Ronald Invited principal speaker, Annual Bank Tax Institute, Orlando, Florida in December 1996. Invited principal speaker, Bank Tax Course offered by Executive Enterprises, Chicago, IL (October l996), New York, NY (September l996), Boston, MA (May l997), Dallas, TX (June 1997).


"Commentary on the Regulation of Electronic Cash," The Electronic Future of Cash, American University, April 18, 1997.

Curcio, Andrea

Invited to present paper on punitive damages, Institute for Legal Studies1 National Conference on the Future of Punitive Damages, Oct. 24- 26, 1997.

Flatt, Victor

Invited to present work in progress, A Dirty River Runs Through It: the Failure of Enforcement in the Clean Water Act, Natural Resources Panel on the New New Federalism, American Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting, January 5, 1997, Washington, D.C. Invited to speak on Environmental Ethics, 9th Annual Red Clay Conference, University of Georgia School of Law, April 4, 1997.

Girth, Marjorie January, 1997: Invited panelist: "Assessing the Value of Empirical Research on Consumer BankruptciesN, Creditorst Rights Section, Annual Convention of the Association of American Law Schools, Washington, D.C. March, 1997: Invited speaker: "A Look at Women Lawyers in the 19901s", Women Lawyers of Western New York and the Western New York Chapter of the New York Women's Bar Association.

Griffith, Janice Invited panelist: "Braving the New World of Technology: How Can Law Schools Cope?", Committee on Libraries and Technology, Annual Convention of the Association of American Law Schools, Washington, D.C., January 6, 1997.

Reporter, Discussion Group, "Student Services", 26th Annual Deans' Workshop, American Bar Association Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, 1997 American Bar Association Midyear Meeting, San Antonio, , January 29, 1997. Invited program developer and moderator, "Reinventing Government: Privatization of Automation and Technology Services", Joint Program of the International Municipal Lawyers Association and the Section of State and Local Government Law of the American Bar Association, Washington, D.C., April 8, 1997. Invited co-program developer and speaker with Professor Chauncey Brummer: "Legal Issues in Higher Education", day-long workshop seminar, entitled "Leadership and Change: External Forces Affecting Higher Education", for American Council on Education Fellows, American Council on Education, Washington D.C., June 1, 1997. Group Leader, a Discussion Group on the Nuts and Bolts of Law Teaching, 1997 New Law Teachers Workshop, Association of American Law Schools, Washington, D.C., July 25, 1997. Program Developer and Speaker: "Nuts and Bolts of State and Local Government Law - A Primer for Young and New Practitioners", Section of State and Local Government Law, American Bar Association, 1997 American Bar Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August 2, 1997. Invited Co-Moderator, "Model Act to Create a Central Hearing Agency", sponsored by the National Conference of Administrative Law Judges, the Administrative Law Section, and the Section of State and Local Government Law of the American Bar Association, 1997 American Bar Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August 3, 1997. ..-.. Hartfield, Bernadette "Juvenile Law," Fulton County Juvenile Court, Truancy Intervention Project, Atlanta, Georgia, September 19, 1996 and May 2, 1997. Continuing Legal Education Program.

Johnson, Nancy Moderator, Town Meeting on Expansion of AALL Membership, AALL Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, July 1996. Invited Speaker, Atlanta Law Libraries Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA, May 13, 1997. Representative of AALL Executive Board. Invited Speaker, Law Libraries Association Meeting, Montgomery, AL, May 2, 1997. Representative of AALL Executive Board. Invited Speaker, Southeastern Law Libraries Association Annual Meeting, "Education for Law Librarianship in the New Millennium," April 18, 1997, Tallahassee, Florida.

Kadish, Mark Special Invitation, Georgia Bar Media and Judiciary Conference, Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia,March 15,. 1996. Panelist: "Cameras and Courtrooms: Report What I Say Not How I Say It"

Kaminshine, Steven Invited presenter, Third Annual Supreme Court Update, State Bar of Georgia, September 27, 1996.

Landau, Michael

April 4, 1997, State Bar of Georgia, Entertainment & Sports Law Section, "Entertainment Law for the next Millennium: Legal Issues in New Technology," Grand Hyatt Hotel, Atlanta, GA. Reprint of 13 Georaia State Law Rev, 455 (1997) included in CLE Materials March 31, 1997, Emory University School of Law, Guest Lecturer, Entertainment Law (Prof. Scott Sanders), Topic: "Protection of Motion Pictures and Screenplays" March 11, 1997, Atlanta College of Art, Guest Lecturer,"Principles of Gallery Management" (Prof. Nancy Solomon), Topic: "Copyright and Trademark Basics for Gallery Owners" February 25, 1997, Georgia State University, Guest Lecturer in Management 450 (Entrepreneurship & New Venture Mgt.), Topic: ".Intellectual Property Protection for "Start-up" Businesses"

all January 25, 1997, Atlanta Lawyers for the Arts, NEXUS Center for Contemporary Arts, Topic: "Copyright Basics for Artists, Authors, and Photographers"

Nov. 14, 1996, 8th Annual Southern Regional Entertainment & Sports Law Seminar, San Juan, ~uert;'~ico, Advanced Copyright Breakout Session, Topic: "Interesting and/or Complicated Copyright Cases of 1996."

Lanier, E. R.

Continuing Legal Education Lecture: "International Commercial Arbitration" (Hamilton, Bermuda, November 9, 1996) for Organization of Women in International Trade

Marvin, Charles "The Law Professor as Circuit Rider", individual paper delivered at panel on Legal Education's Future at the Tenth Anniversary Regent University Faculty of Law Conference, Virginia Beach, VA, 4 October 1996 (by special invitation). "Problems of Administrative Law and its Enforcement in the C.I.S.", individual paper delivered at National Conference on Comparative Law, University of Utah Law School in Salt Lake City, UT, 12 October 1996 (by special invitation). "Recent Developments in American Administrative Law to be noted by Administrative Law Judges", Office of State Administrative Hearings (OSAH), April 30, 1997.

Radford, Mary "Recent State and Federal Developments in Fiduciary Law," Fiduciary Law Institute, ICLE, St. Simon's, Ga., July, 1996 Panelist, "Post-Tenure Review Procedures," Southeastern Association of American Law Schools Annual Conference, Destin, Fla., July, 1996 "Georgia's New Probate Code," three-hour seminars on the new Code presented at the following locations in Sept.-Nov., 1996: Albany, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Augusta, Ga. Brunswick, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Savannah, Ga . Vidalia, Ga. "Recent Developments in Georgia Fiduciary Law," Wachovia 1996 Tax Seminar, Charlotte, N.C., Nov. 1996 "What's New in Employment Discrimination Law?" Employment Law Institute, ICLE, Atlanta, Ga., Dec., 1996 (20 pages) "Georgia's New Probate Code," Cherokee-Area Estate Planning Council, January, 1997 "Georgia's New Probate Code," Georgia Council of Probate Judges' Annual Meeting (April 10, 1997)

Saito, Natsu "Alien and Non-Alien Alike: Citizenship, "Foreignness" and Racial Hierarchy in American Law," 8th Annual Critical Race Theory Workshop, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C., November 1996. (by invitation) "Unconscious: The "Just Say No" Response to Racism," presented as part of a panel on Contesting the Asian American Legal Subject -- Critical Race Theory and Politics of Reaction, Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association, Kansas City, November 1996. (by invitation) "International Law and "Third Generation" Human Rights," panel presentation to the Latino Law Professors Colloqium at the Annual Convention of the Hispanic National Bar Association, Miami, October 1996. (by invitation)

Scott, Charity Moderator and Presenter, Panel Discussion on "Georgia Managed Care Law," at Georgia Health Care News Mid-Year Symposium Atlanta, August 1996). "The Evolution of Patientsr Rights," The American Association of Nurse Attorneys, Georgia Chapter (Atlanta, September 1996). "Resolving Differences: Legal, Ethical, and Practical Approaches," Fifth Annual Conference on Advanced Practice in Neonatal Care (Atlanta, April 4, 1997). "Medical and Corporate Ethics," 1997 Healthcare Law Update and Annual Meeting, Georgia Academy of Hospital Attorneys, Georgia Hospital Association (Atlanta, April 17, 1997). "Assisted Dying: Current Legal Developments," 57th National Convention, United Methodist Association of Health and Welfare Ministries (Atlanta, April 25, 1997). "Evaluating Ethics Committees," 1997 Annual Conference, Health Care Ethics Consortium, Emory University Center for Ethics in Public Policy and the Professions (Atlanta, May 28, 1997).

"The Relationship between Law and Ethics in Medical Decision-Making," 3- Day Course on Health Care Ethics, Health Care Ethics Consortium, Emory University Center for Ethics in Public Policy and the Professions (Atlanta, May 31, 1997) . "Medical Futility: Legal and Ethical Issues," Health Law Section, State Bar of Georgia (Atlanta, June 1997)

Segall, Eric

"Romer v. Evans: Homosexuals and the Political Process," ICLE United States Supreme Court Seminar, September 27, 1996, Marriott Gwinnett Place Hotel.

Paper on gay rights after Romer, Council of Appellate Staff Attorneysf Seminar (CASA) in Burlington Vermont, June 28-July 3, 1997.

Sobelson, Roy Presentation on lawyer professionalism and establishment of a Professionalism Commission, New Jersey Bar Association, July 1996. Presentation on Progress of Study on Lawyer Discipline, Savannah, July 1996. Presentations to Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys (December 1996) and Georgia Association of Nurse Attorneys (October 1996).

Wermiel, Stephen Delivered continuing legal education lecture for Georgia CLE on equal protection after Romer v. Evans and U.S. v. Virginia; invited presentation. Repeated CLE lecture for the monthly meeting of university legal counsel for the Regents System of Georgia; invited presentation.

Williams, Jack

Invited Lecturer, "Legal Issues Posed by Emerging Information Technologies," Georgia Bar Association, Atlanta, Georgia (April 1997). Invited Lecturer, "American Indian Tribal Law and Culture," Atlanta Jewish Community Center Forum (January 1997). Invited Lecturer, "Gender Equity and Coaching Salaries," Georgia Bar Association (October 1996). Invited Panelist, "World Conference on Women and Sport," International Olympic Committee, Switzerland (October 1996). Wiseman, Patrick

Invited Speaker, 1997 Conference on Law School Computing, "Using the Web (and beyond) in Your Courses" Yarn, Douglas Lecture presentation by special invitation, quarterly meeting, "Arbitrator Ethics and Professionalism," American Arbitration Association, Atlanta, GA, May 7, 1997. Lecture presentation by special invitation, quarterly meeting, "Do Mediator Qualifications Matter?" Atlanta Bar Association, ADR Section, Atlanta, GA, January 14, 1997. Presentation (referred proposal), Society for Professionals in Dispute Resolution Annual Conference, Topic: Conflict Management Systems in Higher Education (Anaheim, Calif., Oct. 1996).

C. Colloquia and Seminar Presentations

Blasi, Ronald Presentation on corporate reorganizations, Crowe Chizek, Indianapolis, IN, September 1996,

Presentation on new S-Corporation provisions to McGladrey & Pullen, LLP, Chicago, IL, September 1996

Budnitz, Mark Colloquium, "Drafting Syllabi and Other Course-Related Documents Distributed to Students," GSU College of Law, Dec. 4, 1996.

Edmundson, William

"The Duty to Obey the Law," The Center for Ethics and Philosophy Forum, Georgia State University, January 16, 1997

Emanuel, Anne "Gleanings from a Desk Drawer: Work in Progress, A Biography of Judge Elbert Tuttle." April 2, 1997, GSU College of Law.

Hartfield, Bernadette

"Family Law," Carl Vinson Institute, Seminar for High School Teachers, June 1997. "Force Configuration: Who Fights, Who Serves in the Post-Cold War Environment?" Law and National Security Institute, Institute on Continuing Legal Education in Georgia, February 13, 1997.

Johnson, Nancy Instructor, Atlanta Law Libraries Association, Legal Research Course for Paralegals, March 3, 1997, GSU. Instructor, Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia, "Cost Effective Legal Research, " April 25, 1997, Swisshotel, Atlanta. Instructor, Institute for Continuing Education, "Going On-Line - Georgia Legal Research on the Internet," May 9, 1997, Inforum, Atlanta.

Kadish, Mark Special Invitation to Solo Practice Seminar, Georgia State University School of Law Placement Service

Knowles, Marjorie Choice of Law: How It Ought to Be," Roundtable Discussion, Mercer Law School, October 11, 1996 The Essays of Warren Buffet: Lessons for Corporate Lawyers," Comments, Cardozo Law School, October 27-28, 1996

Podgor, Ellen Third International Conference on the Sources of Contemporary Law, Jerusalem - City of Law and Justice Conference, Topic: White Collar Crime, Jerusalem (July 1996)

May 1, 1997, NACDL Spring Meeting, Panelist- "Symposium: Strategic & Ethical Issues In Pre-Indictment White Collar Representation," Boston, Massachusetts March 26,.1997, National Seminar for Federal Defenders, Moderator- Experiencing Ethics, San Diego, (sponsored by the Federal Judicial Center)

Scott, Charity

"Death with Dignity: Legal and Ethical Issues," Unitarian Universalist Church (Atlanta, January 1997). "Understanding the Legal and Ethical Issues in the Case of Baby K," 'clinical Ethics Dialogue Group, Emory University Center for Ethics in ~ubi6Policy and the Professions (Atlanta, Nov. 1996).

Sobelson, Roy Presentation, "Merits of Grading by Numbers vs. Letters in College of Law", GSU College of Law (December 1996, March 1997).

Wermiel, Stephen Panelist and moderator, Supreme Court Preview, Institute of Bill of Rights Law, Marshall-Wythe School of Law, College of William and Mary; invited participant. "When A Reporter Calls," presentation to College of Law faculty on handling inquiries by the news media, November 19, 1996.

Williams, Jack

Invited Lecturer, "The Need for a Uniform Act Regulating Sports Agents," Georgia State University College of Law (February 1997). Invited Lecturer, "Regulation of Sports Agents," Emory University School of Law (January 1997).

Invited Lecturer, "The Use of Statistics in the Law: A Biostatistical Case Study," Georgia ~iateUniversity (October 1996) .

Wiseman, Patrick

Presentation,'Internet Technology in Teaching Law," GSU College of Law, Fall 1996 Presentation, Center for Teaching and Learning, Georgia State University, "Using Internet Technology in Teaching Anything," Fall 1996 Yarn, Douglas

Fifth Annual ADR Advocacy Institute, Chair and primary presenter, Atlanta, GA (Institute for Continuing Legal Education in Ga., Dec. 1996).

D. Submissions for Publication/Presentation Budnitz, Mark 'The FTCfs Consumer Protection Program During the Miller Years: Lessons for Administrative Agency Structure and Operation," Catholic Universitv -*, Law Review "Stored-Value Cards and the Consumer: The Need for Regulation," American Universitv Law Review The Law of Lender Liabilitv, 1997 Cumulative Supp. No. 1 Counselina and Re~resentina Financiallv Distressed Businesses, 1997 SUPP

Edmundson, William Three Anarchical Fallacies: Essavs on the Moral Leaitimacv of the State (on submission to Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, MIT Press, and Routledge Publishers) The Dutv to Obev the Law: Selected Philoso~hical Readinas (on submission to Rowrnan & Littlefield Publishers)

~latt,Victor "A Dirty River Runs Through It: the Failure of Enforcement in the Clean Water Act"

Johnson, Nancy "Researching Georgia Law," co-authored with Nancy Deel, to be published October 1997, Georaia State Universitv Law Review.

Kadish, Mark The Drua Courier Profile: In Planes. Trains and Automobiles. and Now in the Jurv Box (42 pages); accepted for publication by American University Law Review, Washington, D.C. in the first week of April 1997.

Landau, Michael Entertainment, Publishina and the Arts: Aareements and the Law Entertainment Tlaw Reprint of 13 GSU L. Rev. to be included in the CLE materials for State Bar of Georgia Entertainment & Sports Law Scetion ENTERTAINMENT LAW FOR THE NEXT MILLENNIUM: LEGAL ISSUES IN NEW TECHNOLOGY, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Atlanta, GA

Scott, Charity -*. Chapter: "Health Care Industry," in American Bar Association treatise,

Antitrust Law Developments (~ourthEdition) (with Neil Motenko, Esq. ) ' (1997)

Williams, Jack "A Statistical Approach to Claims Estimation in Bankruptcy" (with David S. Salsburg) "Title VII and the Reserve Clause: A Statistical Analysis of salary Discrimination in Major League Baseball," (with Jack A. Chambless)

E. Fellowships Edmundson, William Visiting Honorary Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh (to be taken in summer 1998)

Saito, Natsu Original Legal Research Project grantee funded by the Civil Liberties Public Education of the U.S. Congress.

Wermiel, Stephen Selected for both Woodrow Wilson Fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and a Judicial Fellowship at the Federal Judicial Center. (1997-98)

F. Grants and Contracts

Blasi, Ronald External: Trammel1 Foundation, $50,000, installment of $200,000 grant for Tax Clinic; State Bar of Georgia, Tax Section, $3000 for Tax Clinic; pledges and contributions from Tax Clinic Advisory Committee totaling $20,000; commitment from Atlanta Bar Association, Tax Section to make contributions from membership dues to the Tax Clinic; various other contributions from members of the Tax Section of the State Bar of Georgia totaling approximately $3000; grant from State Society of CPArs of approximately $1500 to the Tax Clinic.

Gregory, William Quality Improvement Fund proposal, "Classroom Video Instructional Equipment." This proposal was recommended for funding in the amount of $8000. .I.

Hartfield, Bernadette Internal - Internationalizing Education Grant, "Reducing Child Abuse Through Cross-Cultural Exchange Between Georgia State University and the Republic of South Africa," with Dr. Bea Yorker and Dr. Susan Kelley, School of Nursing, 1996-97 Academic Year, $4,980.

Landau, Michael Contract with West Publishing to Rewrite 43 (Copyrights) and Chapter 44(Trademarks) of the WEST FEDERAL PRACTICE MANUAL

Lanier, E. R. Internal - "Internationalizing Education" Grant Fund (awarded $5,000)

Yarn, Douglas External - Grant from the Chancellor's Office for the Consortium on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, $70,000, for faculty training and development. Grant from the Chancellor's Office for the Consortium on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, $20,000, for computer and audio-visual equipment. Principal Investigator - Professor Michael Elliott, Ga. Inst. Of Tech.; Third and final year of continuing grant from the Hewlett Foundation for the Consortium on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, originally $90,000, for operations and seed grants to support theory-building in conflict resolution; reapplying in March 1997 with Yarn named as Co- Investigator. Principal Investigator; Second year of seed grant from the Consortium on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution for the Conflict Resolution Lexicon Project, originally $5000 (now at approximately $200), for materials purchase and student assistant.

G. Research Projects

Budnitz, Mark "The National Consumer Law Center and the Legal Services Program From Their Birth to the Present: Who Will Protect Consumers Now?" The Law of Consumer Pavment Svstems

Curcio, Andrea Punitive Damages Rule 412 of the Federal Rules of Evidence

Emanuel, Anne

Authorized biography of Judge Elbert Tuttle

Girth, Marjorie "Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling" and "A Look at Women Lawyers in the 1990's". Bankruptcy Law

Gregory, William Casebook on the Law of Corporations

Hartfield, Bernadette "The Best Interests Standard and African American Children" "Grandparent Visitation Statutes Revisited" "Delimiting Marital Property: The Divergence of Practice and the Partnership Theory"

Chapters in casebook, Interstate and International Conflict of Laws (coauthor with Lynn D. Wardle and W. Sherman Rogers)

Article on Georgia conflict of laws rule

Supplement to Conflict of Laws in Georgia, Norcross, GA, The Harrison Co., 1995

Kadish, Mark Riaht to Consul: A Riaht Without a Remedv

Kaminshine, Steven Discriminatorv S~eechin the Worblace and the Role of the ~irst Amendment; Lanier, E. R. Divorce Procedure in Civil Law Jurisdictions Arbitration of Bankruptcy Claims in American Law, 4 Croatian Arbitration Yearbook (December, 1997) Third Party Practice, Consolidation, and Intervention in Common Law and Civilian Practice Encyclopedia entry, "United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of June 10, 1958", Mansche Verlag, Vienna (1997)

Marvin, Charles Georaia State Administrative Law "Standing Before the Courts Under Federal Constitutional Law"

Morgan, Patricia Tax Procedure and Tax Fraud in a Nutshell

Podgor, Ellen

White Collar Crime in a Nutshell, 2d. Ed., West Publishing Co. Essay, "Globalization and the Federal Prosecution of White Collar Crime"

Chapter 22, of Roman L. Weil, Michael J. Wagner, & Peter B. Frank, Ljtiaation Services Handbook (2d Ed.) (co-authored with Joel R. Podgor)

Radford, Mary Handbook for Georaia Probate Judae~

Scott, Charity "Minorsr Consent to Medical Treatment"

Taylor, Ellen "Teaching an Old Dog Some New Tricks: Rethinking Section 16"

Williams, Jack "The Role of Bankruptcy Courts in Developing Tax Policy" -0-

"Tax Consequences of a Partner's Deficit Capital AccountN (with James I. Shepard)

Kennedv, Countrvman & Williams on Bankru~tcvLaw and Procedure Volume 2: Jurisdiction and Venue Salsbura and Williams. Law and Statistics in the Com~uterAae

Yarn, Douglas "Conflict Resolution Lexicon" "Alternative Dispute Resolution: Practice and Procedure in North Carolina" '2d Edition - Alternative Dispute Resolution: Practice and Procedure in Georgia" "Designing a System for National Reconciliation: The Case of Nicaragua" Georgia State University COLLEGE OF LAW Organizational Chart


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August 1. 1997