How to Zoom on !

Let’s say you are in Chat and you realize it will be much easier if you show the student your screen or see theirs. Here’s how to set up an instant Zoom meeting.

1. Set up a Zoom account via CCC Confer.

Visit and set up an account using your email address. (You only need one account for the entire CA Community College System, so if you already have one from another school you can use that one and you don’t need to set up an account.)

2. Create an On-the-Fly session.


Click Host A Meeting. You can decide to host With Video On if you want the other people. If you choose With Video Off you will still be able to share the screen. (If it asks you to login first just put in your credentials from CCC Confer.


With Video Off

With Video On

Click Open Link to launch the application.

• Launch Application This Ii k needs to be ope ed wit h an application. Send to:

0 Remember my c oice for zoom mtg links.

Cancel Open link j

1 Indicate how you want to set up the audio for yourself.

• Choose ONE of the audio conference options Phone Call Computer Audio

Join With Computer Audio

Test Speaker and Microphone

0 Automatically join audio by computer when joining a meeting

If you chose to conduct the meeting without video you will see this screen:

Meeting Topic: Stephanie Rosenblatt's Zoom Meeting

Host Name: Stephanie Rosenblatt

Invitation URL:

Copy URL ◄◄---- Participant ID: 41

Join Audio Share Scree n Invite Others Computer Audio Connected

Copy the URL and send it to the student in chat so they can join, then click Share Screen.

2 If you chose to chose to conduct the meeting with video you will yourself. In the upper left corner you will see a small grey box.

• Zoom Meeting ID: 349-926-273

Click it to copy the URL to paste in the chat box so the student can join your meeting.

Stephanie Rosenblatt's Zoom Meeting

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Host Stephan[e Rosenblatt(You)

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flar:icipar1t ID 41

Once you are in the meeting you and the participant will see the following toolbar when you mouse over the bottom. Click the green box to share your screen or ask the student to click it so you can see their screen.

'F ~ ~- ~ :.• :.t 1 o ~ ~ (I) m :: ·· · Urvnute Stwt Video Invite Manage Partlctpants Share Screen Chat Record Cklsed Capoon Breakout Rooms More

When you’re done click End the Meeting.

~ (I) m :: ... Chat Record Closed GaptlOO Breakout Rooms More

Then go back and close out the chat.

3 Contact Stephanie if you want to practice creating these types of webinars: [email protected]

Contact CCC Confer Support if you have problems setting up your account: [email protected]