SPRING 2011 3 International Journal of Political Economy, vol. 40, no. 1, Spring 2011, pp. 3–47. © 2011 M.E. Sharpe, Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN 0891–1916/2011 $9.50 + 0.00. DOI 10.2753/IJP0891-1916400101 THOMAS FERGUSON AND ROBER T JOHNSON A World Upside Down? Deficit Fantasies in the Great Recession Abstract: This paper analyzes U.S. budget debates in the context of the G-20’s turn toward austerity at the 2010 Toronto Summit. It begins by looking at claims by Reinhart and Rogoff and the International Monetary Fund that rising ratios of government debt/gross domestic product pose serious threats to economic growth. Then the paper considers Alesina and Ardagna’s contention that deep cuts in deficits somehow stimulate economies. The paper shows that none of these arguments is empirically well founded, especially for major reserve currency countries like the United States, which cannot depreciate without crushing the rest of the world. The paper analyzes competing accounts of how to measure the deficit over time and draw special attention to the Congressional Budget Office’s unheralded Thomas Ferguson is a professor of political science at the University of Massachu- setts, Boston; senior fellow at the Roosevelt Institute; and a member of the Advisory Board of INET (University of Massachusetts, Boston, Wheatley Hall, 5th floor, room 102; tel.: (617) 287-6928; e-mail:
[email protected]). Robert Johnson is the executive director of INET; is a senior fellow and the director of the Project on Global Finance at the Roosevelt Institute; and was formerly managing director at Soros Funds Management and a chief economist of the U.S.