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8 44284 00148 9 WWW.BOOM-STUDIOS.COM Compulsions Part 4 “The Storm Before the Storm” created by ROCKNE S. O’BANNON

PREVIOUSLY ON FARSCAPE: The portal to Grey Space opened for the first time in twenty-five cycles. The Grennij, shock troops for a more powerful force, have come through and are cutting a swath through the Uncharted Territories. Having joined forces with another Leviathan crewed by expatriate Peacekeepers, the gang on Moya has traced the Grennij to a Commerce Planet where they are purchasing arms…from Commandant Grayza, supreme commander of the Peacekeepers! However, attempts to dissuade Grayza from dealing with the Grennij fall on deaf ears, and Crichton, Aeryn, Noranti (who has recently transformed herself into a teenager, as is normal for Traskans), Captain Zobrek, and Lieutenant Kirlix are taken prisoner. Meanwhile, Chiana left Moya in a transport pod in order to find Roiin, the bounty hunter who's after Deke…but who is also Chiana's kreshta, the one true love of her life.


Editor: IAN BRILL Cover Artist: JOE CORRONEY

Special Thanks: , Lisa Henson, Jim Formanek, Nicole Goldman, WWW .BOO M- ST UDIOS. CO M Nina Lumpp, Maryanne Pittman

FARSCAPE #12 — October 2010 published by BOOM! Studios. Farscape is © 2010 The Company. © Hallmark Entertainment. JIM HENSON mark & logo, FARSCAPE mark & logo, characters and elements are trademarks of . All Rights Reserved. BOOM! Studios™ and the BOOM! logo are trademarks of Boom Entertainment, Inc., registered in various countries and categories. All rights reserved. The characters and events depicted herein are fictional. Any similarity to actual persons, demons, anti-Christs, aliens, vampires, face-suckers or political figures, whether living, dead or undead, or to any actual or supernatural events is coincidental and unintentional. So don't come whining to us. Office of publication: 6310 San Vicente Blvd, Ste 404, Los Angeles, CA 90048-5457. For information regarding the CPSIA on this printed material call: 203-595-3636 and provide reference # EAST – 999999 pg01_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:28:54 PM pg02_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:29:18 PM pg03_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:31:15 PM pg04_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:31:37 PM pg05_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:35:40 PM pg06_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:36:04 PM pg07_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:36:26 PM pg08_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:39:53 PM pg09_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:40:31 PM pg10_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:40:58 PM pg11_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:43:07 PM pg12_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:43:29 PM pg13_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:43:50 PM pg14_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:44:12 PM pg15_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:45:24 PM pg16_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:45:46 PM pg17_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:46:07 PM pg18_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:46:32 PM pg19_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:47:16 PM pg20_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:47:38 PM pg21_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:48:01 PM pg22_farscape12.pdf 9/28/10 3:50:13 PM