Miracleman Jumpchain
MIRACLEMAN JUMPCHAIN “Behold I teach you the Superman: he is that lightning, he is that madness!” Welcome to a world of superheroes, mad scientists, and aliens! A world where ordinary, mild mannered humans can utter a single word and be transformed into heroes of titanic power! What's that? DC Comics and Shazam? No no no, not at all! This is the world of Marvelma- er, I mean, Miracleman! In 1947, a spaceship crash-landed in Wiltshire, England. It’s construction was beyond imagination or comprehension, and at the helm was a mangled body. Although clearly alien, none of the investigators could make sense of it. It was as if two separate corpses had been fused together. Emil Gargunza, working for Project Zarathustra, reverse-engineered the recovered technology to create what was believed to be the world's first superhumans: Miracleman and his sidekicks, Young Miracleman and Kid Miracleman. Wary of their power, Gargunza kept them in a dream world so he could control their development. He also diverted funding to create two more superhumans in secret, Miraclewoman and Young Nastyman. However, once Young Nastyman awoke and escaped, Gargunza scrambled to cover his tracks. The four heroes were awoken seamlessly from their dreams, unaware that their reality had changed, and were tasked with neutralizing Young Nastyman. Miraclewoman killed him and escaped, while Miracleman, Young Miracleman, and Kid Miracleman discovered a satellite housing an atomic bomb on their way home. Project Zarathustra, fearing the Miracle Family’s potential, detonated the bomb. Young Miracleman was killed, and Miracleman lost his memory. Gargunza fled to Paraguay in fear of the British government discovering his secrets.
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