Mmendations by UN Refugees" Commissioner
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•• , , , , , •• " v . ' -,,--~-,,~,-,,~,. ~,- ' .. , - - Thursday, October 11, 1962 Page Sixteen THE JEWISH POST Slate Men's Youth Aliyah Dinner , , gency' assistance. Lot for Sale 1 i ; The Algerian problem, under dis- Ezra Chapter Pie-shaped lot on choice, street , cussion in the Assembly for several B h in River heights. Oak Street, off years, has disappeared. Instead, azaar S ower Mathers. 54 ft. frontage, 105 in Angola and the Portuguese terri- tories will become a difficult prob- Ezra Chapter of Hadassah;ck::.;,. ..:,P,::h:on::;e:;.,:HU;;;,.,;9;,.-;,;7,;;28;;,;7;,;,.___ _ lem to solve. 'Similar difficulties hold a Cdffee Party and miscel- Room for Rent will apparently confront the prob-, laneous, bD~"ar shower Monday, . lem of South West Africa (where""" Furnished room m mce qwet , Union and every other ,Big power the South African apartheid legis- Oc~. ~5, at 12:30 p.m. at the Norlyn house in West Kildonan, near bus. Vol. XXXVIII WINNIPEG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1962 No. 42 U.N.' ASS EM B L Y may exercise a veto. It is still not lation is, applied) and the South Buildmg, to be followed by the Garage available. Phone JU 2-4059. " clear whether U Thant of Burma, African policies of apartheid, which, chapter's general meeting at 1:30 (Cont. from page 2) who recently journeyed ~ the have bee.n on the agenda for many p.m. ' Suite to Share Political Overtu,:es? REe'D OCT 2 31862 'u 'tries, construction of 19-24 million Soviet Union, will be reappointed. years WlthOut any' progress. The . - Lovely 4 room suite to share with !et: ' dwellings in Africa, Asia' and Latin Soviet insistence on' greater influ- ~oviet .union is pressing for the ' Bazaar chairmen are Mrs., S. Bass woman.' Excellent IQcation OIl Main 1\' An1erica, 'better'health services ~d ence on the Secretariat has hardly withdr!lwal of foreign troops from and Mrs. S.' A. Berg.' Committee St. For particulars"phone ,HU 9- , , !ii~: a number of other measures. Such diminished: the "troika" (furee Korea, and the U.S.A. for Soviet and and hostesses are: Mesdames S: 8540 or HU 9-7482. 'Pro-Arab Reco'mmendations ,~ ·, ,. en • I~''ir a program would entail consider- pers\,ns) idel\ has not b'C given up. Hungarian c?ope~ation in the,prob- Abrams, L. Braunstein, Max Cohen, , '1" able efforts, but also great benefits. Under the',Charter, a UN member lem of the Sltuatlon in Hungary re- B M C h J F M' NORTH END ~ ·! ' .. ' The agenda also contains a' num- which fails to meet its financial obli- sulting from the 1956 events. .. 0 en, . urman, . Genser, EAST OF MAIN McADAM ti · 'I, I " her of items relating to specific as- ?ations may lose it;; right to vote The above do not exhaust by far S. S: Greene, ~. Greenfield, R. L. 8 rm. home. Custom-built 4 bdrm. By U.N. Refugees" Commissioner 1 I,' f ~. peets of this overall problem. sUch m the Assembly. It lS, however, not ,the scope of the items witfi. which Halter, L. Hams, L. Lercher, E. A. 2 storey family home. Side drive United ~ations, N.Y. (JTA) - The Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency , f as the increase of capital, establish,. ve~ likely that. this sanction would the Assembly will have to deal. Miller, E. Miller, M. Morgan, E. M. with garage and carport. Den OI). /, for i,Ie Palestme Refugees submitted t~ the General Assembly this week an annual report' which included ment of a UN, capital development be mvok~ agamst the USSR IlD:d Among those not mentioned above Peikoff and F. Spector. , main iIIr., 111,2 x 111,2. with many a series of pro-Arab recommendations with distinct political overtones. fund, iridustrial development, land others which refuse to pay. ~elr are problems of. international law, built-ins. Large kitchen with eat- reform, population growth and eco- assessments. A further complicating (in particular international treat- ---,------.------ ing area with built - in nook and In effect Commissioner John B. Ar-ab' obje-cti-'~ns to the decision.-:S;::;h;-e--p-re-s-en-t~p-:li:-g-:h-t.-,-::D:-r-.-D-a-V1-·s-'-m-a""'"d""e-it I nomic q.evelopment, and so on. To element is the difference of opinlon ies), questions'relating to non self- Female Companion Sought table. L-shaped living rm. and din Davis sustained most of the argu- cited the fleets of heavy bombers plain he meant Israel's boundary. the ,same aim are directed such between the. USSR !llld ?J;her .mem- governing territories, advisory ser-' Woman wanted as companion and ing rm., broadloomed. Ceramic ments which'the host Arab coun- amassed by Egypt ap.d the state- Be insisted also that one factor items as international tJ"ade, sta- bers re~rding. UN poliCies In the vices in the field of human rights, light housekeeping duties. Phone 'shower stall. Built-ins in all b~. tries have been using to keep tlie ments by President Nasser that his in the continued plight of the bilization of commodity prices, the CQngo, m particular, Katanga. On measures ,to promote the ideals of JU 2-3281' or ED 9-5351. Master bdrm. 11 x 151,2. Very well situation of the refugees a politi- rockets could hit any part of Israel refugees was the "overall eco I1 UN program of technical cooper- the other hand, it, is no~ e~ected p,eace among youth, mutual respect kept home close to Rosh Pina and cal issue. In sharp contrast, Mrs. and remarked that it was "ironical" nomic limitations" of host coun " ation and assistance. that the problems of contmumg the and understanding between peoples Foster Parents 'Needed bus. Phorie exclusive agents, Park Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Min- that an Egyptian spokesman "should tries Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and There are several items which office of the High Commissioner for and a number of bther topics ' Realty Ltd., WH 2':0243;' evenings, ister, told the same Assembly that complairi loudly from this'rostrum" Syria to absorbing the refugees. are apt to be difficult to solve. The Refugees beyond the present date- '. • Foster homes requJred for Jewish Bert Minuk, 339-6367. "a natural solution" to the prob- over the fact'that Israel was getting He dealt briefly with extensive tenure of the present (ilcting) Sec- line of December 31, 1963, which Child and Family Service. Phone lem has been "frustrated by the missiles which could 'be used only criticism of UNRWA for giving l"e retary-General expires in Ap~, has to be discussed at this Session" JU 9-6343. Bungalow for Sale Arab dream of destr9ying Israel "fpr protection against attacks from ~ef on ratioq cards held by fami- ' 1963. Thus, the General Assembly will provoke serious debate. The TANGE NTS Room for Rent , in River Beights by Owner and openly' proclaimed Arab in- the air." lies of refugees who died with the mUst appoint a permanent, Secre- problem of the "old" (i.e. earlier) 878 Elm street tention of using the refugees for Dr. Davis' report asserted that families not reporting the- "deaths. (Cont. from page 9) Furnished room, main floor. Suit tary-General. This can only he done refugees has been considerably re able for older man. Board if desired. Three bedroom bungalow, 1,500 this purpose." not only the refugees but "the He said there had' been "sonie upon recommendation of the Secur- duced, while some 300,000 new The principal ,theme of Mrs. Meir's Arab people as a whole feel deep- rectification" but a table to which Giovanni which I saw at the Salz Phone JU 9-3168. sq. ft., 11,2 baths, baseinent com ity 'Council, in which' the Soviet I refugees in Africa require emer- pletely finished. 2 car garage. address, her first to the 17th General ly that an injustice" had been'done ,he referred showed only that among " berg Festival last summer, and her WANTED Landscaped and fenced. T.rans Assembly, was' Israel's continued to the refugees' that implementa- refugees removed from the UNRWA RCA Victor recording of Aida, Miss Would like to p~rchase Mah ferred - must sell." $27,900.00 willin~,es~ t~ join wi~ the Arab ~on of a 1948 tIN resolution call- rations' rolls there were 40,930 who Price combines exquisite melodies Jongg set. Please phone ED 9~6159. Phone 452-1757. countries m complete disarmament mg for "repatriation" or compen- had been absorbed by Israel he with simplicity of 'words. Negro with mutual inspection, covering sation or resetttiement of the refu- tween 1950 and 1953. spirituals have found great favour air t~e.s of weapons" and "direct' gees as "deinanded"; that UNRWA He reported that as of June 30 IF YOU ARE A MAN Room for Rent,' neg~tiations ,as' the 0r:~y means, for ~bould not sponsor work pro- 1~2, there were 1,174,760 refugees: amongst many; when delivered by WITH INITIATIVE Bl'ight, main floor room for rent. solvmg all differences. lects, particularly those whiCh He said the 1963 UNRWA Dudget one for,whom it has especial signi- then we would like to train you as Young boy or girl. Garage. Phone ,She added a warning that "as long might lead. to resettlement of any would need $37,000,000 in govern ficance, they have ail' the more an agent for our Life Insurance JU 9-0434. as Arab belligerency" continued, of the' refugees' and that the ruab mental contributions;, an increase power. Company. No sales experience Israel had no choice but to "take all refugees !\lUst' "cross an interna- of about $3,000,000 over the priQr necessary.