•• , , , , , •• " v . ' -,,--~-,,~,-,,~,. ~,- ' .. , - - Thursday, October 11, 1962 Page Sixteen THE JEWISH POST Slate Men's Youth Aliyah Dinner , , gency' assistance. Lot for Sale 1 i ; The Algerian problem, under dis- Ezra Chapter Pie-shaped lot on choice, street , cussion in the Assembly for several B h in River heights. Oak Street, off years, has disappeared. Instead, azaar S ower Mathers. 54 ft. frontage, 105 in Angola and the Portuguese terri- tories will become a difficult prob- Ezra Chapter of Hadassah willl.::.ba:;ck::.;,. ..:,P,::h:on::;e:;.,:HU;;;,.,;9;,.-;,;7,;;28;;,;7;,;,.___ _ lem to solve. 'Similar difficulties hold a Cdffee Party and miscel- Room for Rent will apparently confront the prob-, laneous, bD~"ar shower Monday, . lem of South West Africa (where""" Furnished room m mce qwet , Union and every other ,Big power the South African apartheid legis- Oc~. ~5, at 12:30 p.m. at the Norlyn house in West Kildonan, near bus. Vol. XXXVIII WINNIPEG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1962 No. 42 U.N.' ASS EM B L Y may exercise a veto. It is still not lation is, applied) and the South Buildmg, to be followed by the Garage available. Phone JU 2-4059. " clear whether U Thant of Burma, African policies of apartheid, which, chapter's general meeting at 1:30 (Cont. from page 2) who recently journeyed ~ the have bee.n on the agenda for many p.m. ' Suite to Share Political Overtu,:es? REe'D OCT 2 31862 'u 'tries, construction of 19-24 million Soviet Union, will be reappointed. years WlthOut any' progress. The . - Lovely 4 room suite to share with !et: ' dwellings in Africa, Asia' and Latin Soviet insistence on' greater influ- ~oviet .union is pressing for the ' Bazaar chairmen are Mrs., S. Bass woman.' Excellent IQcation OIl Main 1\' An1erica, 'better'health services ~d ence on the Secretariat has hardly withdr!lwal of foreign troops from and Mrs. S.' A. Berg.' Committee St. For particulars"phone ,HU 9- , , !ii~: a number of other measures. Such diminished: the "troika" (furee Korea, and the U.S.A. for Soviet and and hostesses are: Mesdames S: 8540 or HU 9-7482. 'Pro-Arab Reco'mmendations ,~ ·, ,. en • I~''ir a program would entail consider- pers\,ns) idel\ has not b'C given up. Hungarian c?ope~ation in the,prob- Abrams, L. Braunstein, Max Cohen, , '1" able efforts, but also great benefits. Under the',Charter, a UN member lem of the Sltuatlon in Hungary re- B M C h J F M' NORTH END ~ ·! ' .. ' The agenda also contains a' num- which fails to meet its financial obli- sulting from the 1956 events. .. 0 en, . urman, . Genser, EAST OF MAIN McADAM ti · 'I, I " her of items relating to specific as- ?ations may lose it;; right to vote The above do not exhaust by far S. S: Greene, ~. Greenfield, R. L. 8 rm. home. Custom-built 4 bdrm. By U.N. Refugees" Commissioner 1 I,' f ~. peets of this overall problem. sUch m the Assembly. It lS, however, not ,the scope of the items witfi. which Halter, L. Hams, L. Lercher, E. A. 2 storey family home. Side drive United ~ations, N.Y. (JTA) - The Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency , f as the increase of capital, establish,. ve~ likely that. this sanction would the Assembly will have to deal. Miller, E. Miller, M. Morgan, E. M. with garage and carport. Den OI). /, for i,Ie Palestme Refugees submitted t~ the General Assembly this week an annual report' which included ment of a UN, capital development be mvok~ agamst the USSR IlD:d Among those not mentioned above Peikoff and F. Spector. , main iIIr., 111,2 x 111,2. with many a series of pro-Arab recommendations with distinct political overtones. fund, iridustrial development, land others which refuse to pay. ~elr are problems of. international law, built-ins. Large kitchen with eat- reform, population growth and eco- assessments. A further complicating (in particular international treat- ---,------.------ ing area with built - in nook and In effect Commissioner John B. Ar-ab' obje-cti-'~ns to the decision.-:S;::;h;-e--p-re-s-en-t~p-:li:-g-:h-t.-,-::D:-r-.-D-a-V1-·s-'-m-a""'"d""e-it­ I nomic q.evelopment, and so on. To element is the difference of opinlon ies), questions'relating to non self- Female Companion Sought table. L-shaped living rm. and din­ Davis sustained most of the argu- cited the fleets of heavy bombers plain he meant Israel's boundary. the ,same aim are directed such between the. USSR !llld ?J;her .mem- governing territories, advisory ser-' Woman wanted as companion and ing rm., broadloomed. Ceramic ments which'the host Arab coun- amassed by Egypt ap.d the state- Be insisted also that one factor items as international tJ"ade, sta- bers re~rding. UN poliCies In the vices in the field of human rights, light housekeeping duties. Phone 'shower stall. Built-ins in all b~. tries have been using to keep tlie ments by President Nasser that his in the continued plight of the bilization of commodity prices, the CQngo, m particular, Katanga. On measures ,to promote the ideals of JU 2-3281' or ED 9-5351. Master bdrm. 11 x 151,2. Very well situation of the refugees a politi- rockets could hit any part of Israel refugees was the "overall eco­ I1 UN program of technical cooper- the other hand, it, is no~ e~ected p,eace among youth, mutual respect kept home close to Rosh Pina and cal issue. In sharp contrast, Mrs. and remarked that it was "ironical" nomic limitations" of host coun­ " ation and assistance. that the problems of contmumg the and understanding between peoples Foster Parents 'Needed bus. Phorie exclusive agents, Park Golda Meir, Israel's Foreign Min- that an Egyptian spokesman "should tries Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and There are several items which office of the High Commissioner for and a number of bther topics ' Realty Ltd., WH 2':0243;' evenings, ister, told the same Assembly that complairi loudly from this'rostrum" Syria to absorbing the refugees. are apt to be difficult to solve. The Refugees beyond the present date- '. • Foster homes requJred for Jewish Bert Minuk, 339-6367. "a natural solution" to the prob- over the fact'that Israel was getting He dealt briefly with extensive tenure of the present (ilcting) Sec- line of December 31, 1963, which Child and Family Service. Phone lem has been "frustrated by the missiles which could 'be used only criticism of UNRWA for giving l"e­ retary-General expires in Ap~, has to be discussed at this Session" JU 9-6343. Bungalow for Sale Arab dream of destr9ying Israel "fpr protection against attacks from ~ef on ratioq cards held by fami- ' 1963. Thus, the General Assembly will provoke serious debate. The TANGE NTS Room for Rent , in River Beights by Owner and openly' proclaimed Arab in- the air." lies of refugees who died with the mUst appoint a permanent, Secre- problem of the "old" (i.e. earlier) 878 Elm street tention of using the refugees for Dr. Davis' report asserted that families not reporting the- "deaths. (Cont. from page 9) Furnished room, main floor. Suit­ tary-General. This can only he done refugees has been considerably re­ able for older man. Board if desired. Three bedroom bungalow, 1,500 this purpose." not only the refugees but "the He said there had' been "sonie upon recommendation of the Secur- duced, while some 300,000 new The principal ,theme of Mrs. Meir's Arab people as a whole feel deep- rectification" but a table to which Giovanni which I saw at the Salz­ Phone JU 9-3168. sq. ft., 11,2 baths, baseinent com­ ity 'Council, in which' the Soviet I refugees in Africa require emer- pletely finished. 2 car garage. address, her first to the 17th General ly that an injustice" had been'done ,he referred showed only that among " berg Festival last summer, and her WANTED Landscaped and fenced. T.rans­ Assembly, was' Israel's continued to the refugees' that implementa- refugees removed from the UNRWA RCA Victor recording of Aida, Miss Would like to p~rchase Mah­ ferred - must sell." $27,900.00 willin~,es~ t~ join wi~ the Arab ~on of a 1948 tIN resolution call- rations' rolls there were 40,930 who Price combines exquisite melodies Jongg set. Please phone ED 9~6159. Phone 452-1757. countries m complete disarmament mg for "repatriation" or compen- had been absorbed by Israel he­ with simplicity of 'words. Negro with mutual inspection, covering sation or resetttiement of the refu- tween 1950 and 1953. spirituals have found great favour air t~e.s of weapons" and "direct' gees as "deinanded"; that UNRWA He reported that as of June 30 IF YOU ARE A MAN Room for Rent,' neg~tiations ,as' the 0r:~y means, for ~bould not sponsor work pro- 1~2, there were 1,174,760 refugees: amongst many; when delivered by WITH INITIATIVE Bl'ight, main floor room for rent. solvmg all differences. lects, particularly those whiCh He said the 1963 UNRWA Dudget one for,whom it has especial signi- then we would like to train you as Young boy or girl. Garage. Phone ,She added a warning that "as long might lead. to resettlement of any would need $37,000,000 in govern­ ficance, they have ail' the more an agent for our Life Insurance JU 9-0434. as Arab belligerency" continued, of the' refugees' and that the ruab mental contributions;, an increase power. Company. No sales experience Israel had no choice but to "take all refugees !\lUst' "cross an interna- of about $3,000,000 over the priQr necessary.
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