Health Agency Committee Texran Surrenders, \. Viet
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Idaho'^sLargest Evening.Newspaper^ I rs^ire" ------- TWrTOTC05AHUrTiTOJ« m 7 > - . EvcfiieMfor 1 0 carrl^tf«llvtry end to^arassm ent_ar^S^ By STEWART HENSLEY to stop harassing f)ractices oil ' summit sessions began. Secre- United States and the Soviets, waters. DPI DiplomaUc Reporter boUi sides which have threa- tary General I-eonid I. Brez- since World War 11 ■■ Terms of the pact were MOSCOW ( UPI i-T h ep n ited tened to grow' into m ajor- •hnov' of the Soviet Communist Warner tuld newsmen after worked out during sessions in States and ffie ■■So^pT^tiion confrontations. Party did not sit in/There was the ceremony that the agree Moscow last October and in^ wrapped up another'accord in The ceremony came' after tui-«ffieiaL«xBlanation for his ment diffeia from previous Wasliington last month. The, President Nixon’s visit 'to the • Nixon and his aides met with ‘■afeseiice. — naval accords in " that it agreement concentrates on summit ' today, signing an Kremlin leaders for the seventh— The Incidents-at-sea agree- specifically ' mentions—^rass- reaKirming the super power's accord- whereby. their navies time in four days. They ment was aimed at ^topping a ment by aircraft and aiming of conmiitment to existing inter will stop ' playing a game of . cQt^tiDued to work toward final practice that has resulted in at guns or nmsiles as,))eing_pn the national traffic understandings chicken " o'nUhe high seas. agreement on a stratiegic arms least two minor collisions and forbidden Jist. "rules of tlie road” -o n the In the fifth treaty signed in limitation treaty—due to be countless close calls between ThejSecnetary said tfie'treaty high seas, and an agreement to three days, the U. S. Navy (signed eitlier Friday or during Ajhericajijatyi-Soviet ships. leaves both.navies free to experiment with special signals Sdipcetary-designatv, John War “ Qi.e W eekund - while aIso'Zeroing A White House spok»esman in conduct survoillanpje:..Qt eadi between the two fleets to help. ner. and Adm. Sergei Orshkov, in on tlW' extremely sensitive M(Ssc‘ow called the treaty the other, ttod that 'it applies - them steer dear of'cach other. Soviet Navy coinmimder-in- issue of Vietnam, ■first high Jevel mrlitary-to- stuc^Jj..,^? activTtyi,on the high Kixon was not present when chief. pledged the two countries Kor tlie first tune sifTc'p -t5e’ fnilitary agreement between the seas and not in territorial Warner and Gorstikov s,it;netl the treaty with retl pens ci^feferu’e' table where the . summit se.ssions are being held. The signers aird others, present health agency toasted the agieement with champagne - ai custoiiiary .So . _ viet protocol punctuation on such oc casions HOS'i'AGE'Meredith Jtoborts, tO, is ass^ted ■ Rpnald I Wegler. ' White auto of her abductor'i(seated,' right) to lUi.iise press sucretaf.v'; " told H i m i s r i r ■ enter poUev car at Dallas, Tex., fbr trip from committee airport to downtowh station. Suspect, VIrgll Lee _ Tf^ot n e w . imooth paving reporters; "The lYesident feels ; on Shoihone Street this, nay;d agrt>‘i)iOTt is, the Yrood Fuqua III, surrendered at station." Aiding Mrs. ^ ----- By HUGH DA VIS i------------------------------^ — Adams was-asked if lie foi esaw federal gi ants H— &awnriTwn is a vosi ~ lirst high tp^'e! mrtitjiry agree- •Roberts Is Bruce Hughes, radio newssian. I Tiraps-News writpr - j being channeled throiigTi Sucf»_agencies_ in the - ■ iruprqvem'ent over irrhtrt\''~ nient between the two govern- - ( u p i i TWIN FA1.1^ - Magic-Valley jhealth-and future." ’ . ttjeplaced. (■. menLs since yVorld War II and, governmental officials have agreed to form a "1 can’t speak for my .association," said as su'?ti, 'reiresent.s a signifi,- ' : ' — f'--' steering committee to_devel6g j corapp«hensive Adams, ijut I p>ersonally do not see federal cant beginning, l,o,ward the health planning agency. inopey being channeled through CHPs!" Improvement jof [Rations with' Hospital adminislrators-, county olYicials and A representative of the Amerlcaij Hospital ■ the .Soviet tlnion health agency members met with Idaho Association. Mike Greenwald, disagreed, Texran surrenders, Mutual res[x,‘ct and giiiKl Comprehensive Planning officials Wednesday ('■reenwald said federal programs probably w ill' seamanship will contribute to night to discuss the feasIBTlity of coinprehensive ■ be administered Uirough such agencies and tile advancement of goiKl aiul health planning for the eight-county Magic along with those programs will com? federal corijial relatiuns with the Soviet Valley area. guidelines. Union " . Richards Adams, "poise, discus.sed such "In health planning.” Greenwald sajd; One bumping incident oc planning and why it h ^ conrratxiut in Idaljo.-, •'someone has to win and'sOmeone has to lose. If curred in tlie .Sea of Japan in Adams said fofmer (lOV. Robert E. Smylisr'^ ' you want health planningi. you have to give up a“ killed May. 19ti7, when, the D". “ S“ DALIiAS, (U P I)-i.A young gunpoinlTlI'a-sma^car "on an The young bandit robbed „a_ was In favor of the concept when it was s|ip— litUe something, you can’t satisfy all the pieople. destroyer Walker and a Sojaet bandit, described as "just a boy airport-ramp^ at BWIm I^ve small market at nnjdnl^t at ported by federal leL’islation in ISeG "What you have to decide tonight. Is who'you OAKI.EV Robert Brent destroyer raked sides on in trouble,"' kidnaped ii woman Field Officers talked liim into. Waco, 100 miles to the south, The political atmosphere in Idaho then had want the planning done by. You can form -an Stimpson, 17. Oakley, was killed consecutive ■days._Ther«-2iave from a ’market he robbed, sped driving to police heWquarters He hit a clur](., Jimmy Roberts. changed to the district, area health plan agency and have a guiding hand i(i planning or WediU'sda.N in a^urm aci-ident lx‘cn .severaK near-misses lx‘- KKl-miles north to Dallas with a;,-downtown to " negotiajte." 'Jl. on the head with a soft currently in force you can do nothing and let the boys in Boise take 10 miles north of Oakley tween ships of the two fleets in- pistol [x)inted at her stomach ^~:^p--had the gun cocked and drink bottle and kidnaiped the The swing now is back to comprehensive care of it." i . The youth is thf-son -of Mr. the Mediterranean. And the and (lemandefT that police let stuck to her side,” said Pofice' clerk s w ife." — health planning, Adams said (Continued on p. 151 and Mrs Brent Stimpson. Russians hu\(.e pomplamfd .of him escape in a xvt airplane, c'hief Frank Dyson. "iWe told He forced her into. a. small Oakley. "buzzing"" of iheir ships by U He .s\irrendered today without a him he would not walk out of foreign .c a f," handouffed the , . Siimpson was hauling S Navy planes fight nine hours after his spree “thut-office unle^ he let the girl hostage to him and sped north. manure from tlie l,and Ranch One U. S official said of the Ix’gan go We promised Irim. an At Ixjve Field, the gunman f(f?<lyards and was spreading problem: "Botli sidos agreed For tliree hOurs beTore^dfrwn. • attorney and he decided to give demanded that police give him First Lady gets night the Tertllizer on a field south of tliere was .some hara.ssment the young man held Mereditl\ up '" another pistol, drugs to keep the feedlot going on s Roberts, 20, of Waco,. Tex., at Police identified the gunman him awake and let him flee in a The spreader became stalled as Virgil Lee Fuqua 111 of Braniff International 727 Jetli- and Stimpson crawled Into the out in Moscow at last Dallas. .ijcr. _ -■ back of the spreader to un^'log He was charged in Waco He was very quiet and the machine of robbery and kidnaping. conipo.sed, " Dyson said. M().SC()\V iTI’li For M r .s lidlshdi "I'heati'r «ork. l,eonid I Brezhnev talked He appiirend.v had left [he Richard M .Nixon. tiKlay was I lu iven t even .seen that him into a night out with the" machine in gear and as he freed Pioneor-ing the (lay her finally gu>, " Mr.s N ixon said w ith a bo\s a five-hour negotiating the niechanisiii, his clothes kn(K'ke<l off work and tudk her I luii'kle in rcs[ to re p o rte rs session, plus dinner, at Brez- caught op the feeders of the MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. I UPI I - The out on the to«n (|uestiiins aijoiit the IVesiilent hnev s country home spreader and the,\ pulled him unmanned Piont'er 10 spacecraft today crossed Hijackers release Tlie (las st^irtcd uith a visit Wednesday ‘He called me last The President got home about into tlie machine the orbit of Mars ~ the goal of the longest to the Bolshoi Ballet .Scliool at nii;ht I Tuesdji) I to sa y he"il Ix' half |) midnight this morn .Sheriff Ra\ f; Mitchell was previous space missions — on its 620-rtllltiDn n l.'ia m I 415 a nj KOTi late f(jr dinner, but tiiat he"d ing called to the scene at 1"2 15 p m tmle journey to the mysterious planet Jupiter. airliner hostages Hut the ltlnerar.^ also held had a snack ’ f?efoi|i'^ the. evening s biillet Wednesday. Pioneer 10, now ISS-million miles from Earth, IVesident and Mr.s Nixon'.s Wednesda.s night Mas even performance, Mrs Nixon got Funeral services are pending then rusWes aj .67,500 miles an hour into the BI.ANTYRE, Malawi ( UPI I - during the hijacking.