Theatre company Presents On with music from M A R Y P O PP I NS S WEENEYTodd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Auditions: Friday, December 7 at 4:00 p.m. and Saturday, December 8 at 9:00 a.m. Tulare County Office of Education Doe Avenue Complex, Elderwood Room Callbacks: Saturday, December 8 at 1:00 p.m. ( by invitation only) Who may participate: Any current 1st-12th grade Tulare County student. All students who wish to be in the chorus for Oliver or Mary Poppins need only sign up. Any student interested in being considered for a solo, or leading character in Oliver or Mary Poppins must audition. Leads in all three classes may be cast from any age group. All students wishing to participate in Sweeney Todd must audition. For more information call (559)651-1482 or email Charlotte Garcia Da Rosa at
[email protected] Britain on Broadway Audition #______ Height#________ ~ A Musical Review ~ Office Use Only THEATRE COMPANY SIGN UP FORM NO AUDITION REQUIRED (Sign‐up now by returning this form with your $20 tuition payment, to reserve your spot in the program. If you also wish to audition for a lead role or vocal solo, see details on the bottom of this page) Student Name Male Female (circle one) Age Grade School _____________ Home Phone Parent’s Email Parents Names & Cell Phones: _______ Do you have any date conflicts? Give details Do you plan to come to audition for a lead? What are your preferences? Please check which class(es) you are interested in taking.