

Lr In itial (-lO@@@ Facilities Services The UK'sleading providerof: Dailycleaning services to almostany environment Cateringservices to businessesand schools Windowcleaning TotalFacilities Management, including Building Services Specialistcleaning and suppolt services to Hospitals CallOSOO O77 8963 to contact a branchnear you! A messagefrom the Chairman PaulSherratt Hao andweh0me ro anorher DoLS prcduclion. FottdwinO onitun the successol Jekyrr& Hydews now proudty qre$nl oti@r!, tor'dI entoymanlTheShowisturrflytumdq dlheWeslEndtollowinglroBBC teleusofprooGmmeldDoAnylhnq.iu 0f we lknown, grcar lun6 suclr as consderYou6et,w1ow Buy.oonPah Pbh l0nanebdaiew. Youcan t ta t0enloylhemls.0lLoneBan l d e l0 takethis oppoltun q lo nftduce youlo al o[ newmembeE whove pmed us lhB year mosl y chidrcn who 0 venre show a v brait wehave sone buddiiq new la e uprhere ll youve @n ou produclons sonetuni&lacesabeil undermake W andwgs We.epeedbhaveTonyWhihorelaknqrhepanolFagnTonyrras slccsluty payed num*ous leadinqrolestulre l0oLSand lhs s noeKeplon Themre ol Nancyis playedby Crarc Snow wiro rctums lo |re r00LSStaqe having iaked a ydaroul nhisiirslprncDalrcewewecomeLeeNo@odaBSykes fdhat a nasv chadcter Ihai\ Bittnol ,6l amsua you llundecland lcan l menloneleryone ndivdla y bulalllhe Cast have wo*ed 50 h&d dlnng@hea€rs and lhrs r.r 4ls n thetpedonanDe lonight we arede {hled lo rraveel! fed lhesedices of AngelaLomas as D e.to. andchorc.{@pher llqorEr wthJam6Slevens hotd iolirbatoi Therc e 0l Behea6alPian6l lli s yearhb b€enshared beh4een Ro!e. Cmklyne and Manyn Noble. Malryns nowat Live4@calhedra hav nq won an organ scholaBh p conqGlulalionsManyi, w wisn BoqerCo.kayne has beed takoq a we earnedrcsrlhs summer(allhouqh heslill@led ld a numbsot rcheaek). A b q lraoksto Rolerlor hh cootn!€d slpporr Maiylhanks lo all rheSack slaqe slalt iic udingFmnr ol Nouse,wihoui whom lhe sho* muld nothave Laslbul ooi leasl a speciallhank you ltr lheComm ttee lor a I lhesupporl and had worftdd dqfis year An'ryaylhal s enolqhlmm mell So! bd.Lrd dnoeqoy noflro Fe p* na(r..r0 .. .. 0urProductionTeam AboutLionel Begleiter LionerBrqle[er who became Loiel 8an aier pas nqBanl hGpirar on a bus,may havewftenonE 0llhe best ldved fruscals0laltme.butwhen he diedin 1999 he w6 moreof re$ pennile$. In a slorylrral. n a waycloely eeobled lhekl€ ol olivm Badli6l made hs ma nJoai Lritemod s Fngs Ainl wdlney used T Se n 1959 heGdmg a newe@ in &Ish mwicalliEalreiTlEy'va irmed our loca Pblais mloa bowdqa ey. andlings ainl sol hey usd to be. TlDre\ lonswllr lolle..nosesand pools n coilF houss,and lings ain l weie yr cslre like 0lwh.h had not b*i headb€tore in Bilish muscaltheatre ko ca v lwo hehad (aned wod(on a GVval ol Uiswry muscal Ns is wasmeleoic wriling lof !L6 keTom my Sleele ( B@kUlifi TheCave man' and LifileWhde Suli)ddclitrBichad(TheYoudgonesaid LvnoDoll)dunig$e50Said peakinowlJrhsmlsica adaDlalionol ho Dckens class c olilerTwht oliverw& aninsiait h t rulinolhe wodd lhrcuqhoLn lhe60 s wifi enos lEt eventoday reveDe 6le ti reughoulmus cal lhalre sady th6 wash6 last hilandhiscaffirsanlintoshadydecneeren lhouqh he tied lo resurccltw h a rewo nq0l lhe JoanLnl*@!c6icTheLondoneEwhichreevedf,lral@uldofybepoleydesoibed6rruly horiendousrev M. Followinga lonq gap tire Bad nane crcpped up aqa i n 1933when he had a bl et final oi w ih a teribremusica calred winn e aboul.b€l eve il or nol.w nstonchurchi unrikem6l conposetsBad courd nol phy llE piano{apad lom wirhore unge4. so when compos nq hemuld s nghis sonqs inlo a ta!€ rccornerdd tEn ha@llDn lbnsfi bedby colreaoues afd lriends the grealNoil CowadGcoonised in Ba|la mnlry su@esr ud oncegave h m a presenlol a liymngdrlonarywlhtEepioEphDo nol lel lh s ad b riyminob(ch youf larenl or you rimmg" t s bothsdpns nq and sd lhal a mm whdhob nobbed in hisheyday wilh Pincass Marqaret Noil Clwad.Judy Gaf and and LDerace and who s@e oneol lhegrcalesl musica s ol allline lditain ig soiqsthal evsy qenekt 00. nlusl abo!t e@ry dilry, canhum f f0l name)ded aimosl pennle$ Attention Ladiesandgenlemen. pease pay specialane on blhalolownq: Pe6eensurclhalamob e telephones Daqe6anddgla watches ae elhersw tched ott or set Theuse 0f pholdqraphi.,v ds andsound record i q equ pnent s strclly Droh rbiled n thelhealrc. Peasifi i[ oiolhe6 when open nq 5weelwcppe6 . Forpatrons vvilh impaired hearing an infrared amplificaiion systemis provided.Headsets may be borrowed from Front 0f Housestaff in the Foyer. Gunshotswill be used du ngthis p€rformance. Tonytull b oE dl hhambitions inplaiig Faqin.He eid 'Faqinis one ol tn@ porbtrsl chsradtraclots tusl wl lo play.I isa panfid ismade mrc difrcuttb6!@ otionic pedomanesby q@l ado6sch 6 Ale Guine$4d FonM(qly arn ne @nt , otcrm8, byBNanAttMn.'ftdiousdestorloyhaveindud€dtneK.eh IhoKn!andtandM&k ii r.lackad MabelNoma t a chaEcle.aclor he Eeoty mci'{d10 mu! s6rbGrc16 playhg Un.M inle{ylr md Htde and Ihe J0dge in sw00n0rTodd', & wll a p€drmlnoti mudcat tnatl heh6 al$ sol*edl0l haall'dio andwith dare bdxt!a a drs Ode,by lF M adnl$ionjust loves to 6inq and in oliw. oeb io p€ddmm orntr hlmufle s$, rs Ldro& HoNsG Mo.Sh€ b noslMqe. io he mleol leadinolady havino plqed Mtt inS43n &id6B lor S4rn 8ohe6, &le n Ks MeKate .nd Ml$Anna in The Knq and I aswerl 4 manyotneF. ode d@sadmlt inouqh lnal sh8 lind Nancymde of a chalenqebe.au* ot tnecurent hit show in dl8 l/lb€l Erd. she sid 'h isunbuar io b€prayino a pad dEr can sdt be sn int\o !o $dtre 4d it &€sadd lo he or6uru'. Shelools lofled lo "showwe('dd NLnq wifi emevery bl.nted y0unqste6. lso h$ p€rfomsdin nany stos wmme DOLS but Sill Sy*0a b hisfEt rl4( pan.Le admits fiat it w6 quica chattenged Bittb p€MMtity is ttu o$6it€ othis mtldty cnertut0{t0ok, ,qune hn one hesei hh nind i0 t helound tFl he@ d b€ sry'. L4\ ,revio!9,to^! haw inclutudS.cn Endqbr S€wn&o$e6 nf,n ch he discovtrsd ino autly b dud ahhdoh Inisis holy d sputed by lhe d rcclorHe ale enjoysdoinq cd@t wl .ltegh h.x! a netr|t med m d@shelp Le al$ tho@uqhlyontotr pertomin! tE $!6 ol htrh0lu3 Tho nd Plck HisslaA€ woft ha! helped Gis alol ol mmeytu ch.nly. Hannahhas Lken pad in a nunberol $@! wih nF ool .rn adrlb IEt rtr b $ry ot6a6d l0 hawl.ndsd hor f61 majorde withlhe lDols a l€1,tro &Nmtlddsnlriid ofli6rcr. Hannahlirst apFearcd wh lheiDotl attu als otdb€n andh6 dffi iduh Jekyn,nd tltde, 86l Llliewhorhous in Teras ,'K$ [t! x!l. ,s€sn&ld6 iorsaen Sothfs rtd 'ne xinqsnd l'. Al@on pedqmer and comp€tent &ftd Et*hrs b€$ a k3ymfib.. otta siely andher abililtes of staoeeqlal her elllrb $ aneliw mambsd ilE mmlth. lbman sys .n isalMrs tu. md rs witrto IDoLSdd olive isno seplo'. ab€nis enetinq dfan'ord sbss/ wilhThe lDo$ luving b.€n po^ or a nunb.r ofproductios He has b.ouqht his MtuEt comedtc btad b rnsp€rl ot &rnbb, ! p6nhe has wanled io playfd Me time. 0€bbi6ildh - NIIDO||coRilEY Drtbi€is a natuGlcomedienne andshe h6 mad.arEars.ra dotrrh rt&|tnditih ol widowcdney lhbbie ohms lo usan$ a $.ll My bdd n! at umengm MuicalnEa&Sch@l and preducinq musidl shoK f Theolivers &The Dodgers oemiHyrdds - oLJvER (R.om) Dsmiis 11 y€arsold dd this6 herfi61 najd d. alltn4h iol hr llsl lime0n srageha!i4 appearedin liewrForqer atfio0s drtlorlHall and a nunbqdr $os atft Dhonwood sclbd oi lhn@where gE isa pup(, Lcne6wllltns - ooDGaRoo€ues) ]1DM isd$ dayinohB lid m44 mrohavino prwiudy $0d r0. Dodger inhb *hor prdrElrm4d rrr tsrarry enjoyiio hror. H. al$ 116 b ke€paclryo lElrnqd{ab boarding, rtaling dd dyclinOmong3l hls l!thl6. D6delCnbh - oUVEBtu$abl EEntloh only12 Ddlel d@dy ha3 a stir{ ol4p€3dc6 havn0 slarbd *tan hora$ I shenhe look oad h hlscho.ls Dr.dE-idol oliw . Sme lhen h€has loh6d a {aqe $ho.l andE3nrt v,onu|s ,tud|ln P0an n rtuph,. Ton&rbr - DoDC€R(Fawb) Tomb rcallyo,c|lsd ai dayingDod$. as tn ffrs4.mnflon. Heatends llre umliqhrMutcal Thalre $hool and t$ y{arplstod L{xb in tier prduclronol 'lhe Kng,nd L Heale daF nEnde arn 6 w*ln! lowr* he oude4 sEm. CoilJDE[vouRjfl.r-.--.-oiE oF uJ..-.. kM db M & bn b dght C6nq An!@, ,h., turd-1d6, EwWakol'. Tor !!blksr,A{iatr lealey, Natalie c eneice.he? wrrEB Jacrlhwr ,,'m MFty (.G w*l[a, lfafah w laE.A'mu 0 Dtrov4.Fmo6s Budph,Demi Hylands TheCast (Manchamclerc inorder 0l appearance) 0liver D6/|IHY-AI{DS / DANIEL COFI{ISH AsEffTWOODS DEEBIENEAl}i Alu$EnsMrn PATBICIAWOODS JAIIIIEFUDGE IHOMISWILLIAMS / TOM BAflTON Gan9 BoGUEs/n SCAIS Fagln IONYWHITIIORE cwEsfiow Bel HANMHShBMTI SillSyk6 LEENO8$OOD ALANFfrECKNGHAl/l CANRECASVEII Di Grimwig OAVIDBASTIIAII Co JTDER/ouRJELE.....-.-ouR }|ATE-.- f@ tE @t a nt b ttgti:Iri4ttlst$sn,$rtrfl G'!6dl.Jet o.llrd,chde tubG,Elkn Dr{o., rt'ryraooo Enit LBn Foff Rs.v€.rvrrr s€ra@ha, Brbr urbrv€nld! salaNha,s6Eh llidlll, b!$r turltcr Ton8.Ii'l' db Dt!!6r Act 1 MusicalNumbers THEMIDLANDS IheWb*house F00DGLoRIoUS F00D oliver&lllorkhouseChildren otJvERl MrBumblo, Widow Corney & Company I SHAILSCREAM Mr.Bumble &Wdow Comey BoYFoR SALl Ift Bumble Ihe UnderkketPaioul IHAT'SYOUR FUNERAL MrSowerberry, Mrs.Sowerberry I Mr.Bumble WHEREISLOVE? 0liver LONOON'SEASTENO Ae*enwelllo St.PaulE CONSIDERYOURSELF oodger,oliver & Company YoU'VEGoTI0 PICKA PoCKEI0RTWo Fagin& Gang IT'SAFINE LIFE Nancy,Bet & Gang ID OOANTTHING Nancy,Dodger,oliver, B€t,Fagin & Gang BEBACK SOON Fagin&Gang THEROBBERY orcheslra& Company Endof Act 1 Therewill be a twentvminute interval Oliverlis one of tie perennialmusicals as popular today as when it waswritten in the sixlies.

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