No online items Guide to the Milt Larsen variety theater collection PA Mss 108 Finding aid prepared by Anh Huynh and Mona Luo and Zachary Liebhaber, 2016. UC Santa Barbara Library, Department of Special Research Collections University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara 93106-9010
[email protected] URL: 2016 Guide to the Milt Larsen variety PA Mss 108 1 theater collection PA Mss 108 Title: Milt Larsen variety theater collection Identifier/Call Number: PA Mss 108 Contributing Institution: UC Santa Barbara Library, Department of Special Research Collections Language of Material: English Physical Description: 162.78 linear feet(58 document boxes, 7 half-size document boxes, 37 flat boxes, 25 flat oversize boxes, 11 cartons, 220 audiotape reels, 337 videocassettes, 3 film reels) Creator: Larsen, Milt? Date (inclusive): 1880s-2000s Date (bulk): 1920-1959 Abstract: This collection consists of materials amassed during the later half of the 20th century by Milt Larsen, founder of the Academy of Magical Arts at the Magic Castle in Hollywood, California, and the Society for the Preservation of Variety Arts. The collection, vast in breadth of format and coverage, documents the history of the variety arts in the United States from the vaudeville era onwards. Physical Location: Special Research Collections, UC Santa Barbara Library Access Restrictions The collection is open for research, with the exception of Series 7. SPVA files (Box 1-6). Many of the materials in this collection are brittle and will require special handing. Use Restrictions Copyright has not been assigned to the Department of Special Collections, UCSB.