൴֏ˠ Spokesman щ NameĈJames ShihޙؖЩĈ߉ ᖚჍĈઘᓁགྷந TitleĈExecutive Vice President ྖĈ(02)2536-295102)2536-2951)2536-29512536-2951 TelĈ(02) 2536-2951 E-mail ̄ฎІܫቐĈ Ĉ Acting Spokesman ந൴֏ˠ NameĈJames Y.G.Chen ؖЩĈౘ̯ซ TitleĈExecutive Vice President ᖚჍĈઘᓁགྷந TelĈ(02) 2536-2951 ྖĈ(02)2536-295102)2536-2951)2536-29512536-2951 E-mailĈ ̄ฎІܫቐĈ Addresses of Chang Hwa Bank Head Office ᓁҖгӬ Ŝ Taichung: 38,Tsu Yu Rd., Sec. 2,Taichung,Taiwan, R.O.C. Ŝ έ̚Ĉέ̚ᦦҋϤྮ˟߱38ཱི Tel: (04) 2222-2001 ྖĈ(04)2222-2001 Ŝ Taipei: 57, Chung Shan N. Rd., Sec. 2,Taipei,Taiwan, Ŝ έΔĈέΔᦦ̋̚Δྮ˟߱57ཱི R.O.C. ྖĈ(02)2536-2951 Tel: (02) 2536-2951 Web Site: ᅙҖშӬĈ Stock Registration Offices of Chang Hwa Bank Ᏹந۵ை࿅͗፟ၹ Ŝ Name: Shareholders' Service Section, Secretariat Division .Ŝ ЩჍĈၓ̼ᅙҖ৪३۵ચࡊ Address: 38,Tsu Yu Rd., Sec. 2,Taichung,Taiwan, R.O.C гӬĈέ̚ᦦҋϤྮ˟߱38ཱི Tel: (04) 2222-2001 ྖĈ(04)2222-2001 Ŝ Name:Taipei Service Center of Shareholders' Service Ŝ ЩჍĈၓ̼ᅙҖ৪३۵ચࡊ Section, Secretariat Division ,ચ͕̚ Address: 57, Chung Shan N. Rd., Sec. 2,Taipei,TaiwanڇāāāέΔ гӬĈέΔᦦ̋̚Δྮ˟߱57ཱི R.O.C. ྖĈ(02)2536-2951 Tel: (02) 2536-2951 შӬĈ Web Site: Credit Rating Agency ܫϡෞඈ፟ၹ Moody's Taiwan Corporation ϡෞඈ۵Њѣࢨ̳ΦܫЩჍĈ᎗࢚ AddressĈRm. 1813, 18F,333, Keelung Rd., Sec 1, 110 333 18 1813 гӬĈέΔᦦ ૄษྮ˘߱ ཱི ሁ ވ Taipei, 110 Taiwan ྖĈ(02) 2757-7125 Tel: 886-2-2757-7125 ็ৌĈ(02) 2757-7129 Fax: 886-2-2757-7129 ᘪᙋົࢍर CPA-auditor of the Financial Report னЇົࢍर Present CPA ؖЩĈችԈேăਃၷᐌ NameĈHung-Hsiang Tsai, Long-Swei Won ࢍरְચٙ CompanyĈDeloitte & ToucheົܫચٙЩჍĈ๔ຽிְ 3߱156ཱི12ሁ AddressĈ12th Floor, Hung-TaiPlaze 156 MinSheng EastྮڌડϔϠ̋ڗгӬĈέΔξ105 Rd., Sec.
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