A Fiji Bibliography (Including Rotuma and Rabi)

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A Fiji Bibliography (Including Rotuma and Rabi) A Fiji Bibliography (including Rotuma and Rabi) © 2016-2021 Roderick Ewins PhD Last updated 2 September 2021 This list of over 4,500 entries is built on the base of my research bibliography developed over 40 years. I make no claim that it contains everything ever written concerning Fiji—such a task must rest with tools like Google and Ecosia. This should be used in conjunction with the Contents Lists for the Fijian Society and Domodomo, as well as the Fiji Tourism Bibliography, all on this website. They contain references not in this bibliography. I am happy to receive suggestions about important works (particularly books) that have been omitted. Please contact me with details. This work is copyright and as an entity it MAY NOT BE PUBLISHED ELSEWHERE in any form in whole or in part without explicit written permission from Rod Ewins. 1843-1898. "Fiji articles/illustrations." In The European Mail: a monthly summary of news for Australia and New Zealand. London: Monthly, but between 1880-83 fortnightly. 1845. "Feejee section of a book review of Wilkes: United States Exploring Expedition”. The Times, London. May 15. p.7 (of 12). 1875. "Introduction [and other notes on Fiji]". In The Argus, Melbourne. Wed.27 Jan. 1,2,3,4. http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/11511222/239693 1876. "Our Land Law". In The Fiji Argus, Levuka. 10 Jun. (Reprinted from London Daily News, 9 April.) 1877a. "Editorial [comments on Fijian labour, Governor Gordon's policies, removal of capital from Levuka to Suva, etc.]". In The Fiji Argus, Levuka. Fri 6 Jul. 1877b. "Editorial [Fijian labour, treatment by planters, and defence of Governor Gordon's policies]". In The Fiji Argus, Levuka. Fri 5 Oct. 1878. Tagebuchs — Auszug betreffend die SMS “Hertha” nach Ost-Asien und den Südsee Inseln 1874-1877 [Diary - Excerpt concerning the SMS "Hertha" to East Asia and the South Sea islands]. Teplitz: G. Riemer. 1879. Fiji planting and commercial directory: a handbook of Fiji. Levuka: G. L. Griffiths. 1880. Ordinances of the Colony of Fiji, from the 1st September 1875, the date of the proclamation of the Royal Charter erecting the Fiji Islands into a British Colony on the 31st December 1878. Sydney: Government Printer. 1881. "Viti-Inseln. Sur Mythologie der Eingeborenen”. Ausland (32) 1881. "Obituary of Joseph Waterhouse”. The Mercury, Hobart: 6th May: p.3. http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/8996550 Free access 1886. Colonial and Indian Exhibition. Handbook to Fiji, and catalogue of the exhibits. London: William Clowes & Sons. 1890-1940. Blue Book of Fiji. Suva: Government Printer. 1904. "Thirty years of British rule in Fiji". In The Times [London] (1 Sep.): 10 1912. "Obituary of Mr George Hubbard" [Collector of Fijiana]. In Examiner, Launceston: November 8: 6. http://nla.gov.au/nla.newsarticle50678948 Accessed 2 Jan 2014. 1950. Annual report on Fiji for the year 1948. Colonial Office (HMSO), London 2 1952. Ai Vola Tabu (The Holy Bible). 1902 Revised. London: Bible House. http://hdl.handle.net/1885/207521 1953. Colonial Office Report on Fiji for the Year 1952. (Fiji Government). London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 1963. Fiji: Colony annual report 1963. (Printed in Fiji by the Government Printer at Suva,1964). London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 1964. Fiji: report for the year 1963. London: Colonial Office (Her Majesty's Stationery Office). 1965. Fiji: handbook of the Colony. Suva: Government Printer 1967. Fiji Report for the Year 1966. London: Colonial Office (Her Majesty's Stationery Office). 1968. Fiji Report for the Year 1967. London: Colonial Office (Her Majesty's Stationery Office). 1969. Annual report on Fiji for the year 1968. London: Colonial Office (Her Majesty's Stationery Office). 1972. "Women keep alive one of Fiji's most interesting handicrafts”. Daily Telegraph, Sydney: Sept 5 1974. World of the South Pacific festival of traditional music. Adventures in sound. (sound recording). Wellington, N.Z.: Hibiscus, 1975. World of the South Pacific festival of traditional music; [Sound recording]. A Kiwi recording: MHS 3132. Wellington N.Z.: Musical Heritage Society 1975. "Problems of constitution-making in Fiji”. Perspective 4(1&2): 74-80 1976. Fijian songs and dances. [Sound recording]. n.p.: Musical Heritage Society. 1977. Na veitalanoa me baleta na i tukutuku mararoi: Workshop on Fijian Oral Traditions. Suva: Fiji Museum 1979. Levuka Public School 1879-1979 Centenary celebrations Aug.30-31, Sep.1-2 — Programme. Suva: Fiji Times. 1982b. Rural workers' organisation in Fiji: an outline, based on an actual investigation, of the factors affecting the development and activities of organisations of rural workers in Fiji and of the Fiji National Farmers' Union in particular. International Labour Office. 1983-2012. Domodomo. (Volumes 1-23). Suva: Fiji Museum. 1986a. "Fiji's first Labour MP”. Islands Business 21. 1986b. "Ratu Mara plays the Russian card”. Pacific Islands Monthly: 20-22 1986c. "What Labour would do”. Pacific Islands Monthly: 22 1986d. "The workers' challenge”. Pacific Islands Monthly: 21-24 1987a. "Council of Ministers: Who's Who”. Pacific Islands Monthly: 15 1987b. "Foreign policy feears dispelled”. Pacific Islands Monthly: 14 1987c. "Mara government defeated”. Pacific Islands Monthly: 10-11 1987d. "Muslims in crossfire”. Pacific Islands Monthly: 24 1987e. "Outcome depends on ethnic votes”. Pacific Islands Monthly: 22 1987f. "Silent majority voice”. Pacific Islands Monthly: 25 1987g. "Trying time for new government”. Pacific Islands Monthly: 19-20 1988a. History of the Royal Fiji Military Forces, 1873-1986. D. V. Olson, Rqm. 1988b. "The rush to recognition”. Pacific Islands Monthly: 14-15 1992. "Fiji's set for Seville”. Pacific Islands Monthly: 27 1993, Aug.29. "Griffith manages Fiji project”. Sunday Mail Education Annual, Brisbane 1995a. Fiji Celebrates VSPY '95. Suva: Fiji Visitors Bureau 3 1995b. Fijian Holdings Limited prospectus. Suva: Fijian Holdings Limited 1996. Mai kea ki vei? : stories of Methodism in Fiji and Rotuma, 1835-1995. Proceedings of the Fiji Methodist History Conference, Davuilevu, Fiji, 10-13 October, 1995 2000. The PCRC-ECSIEP framework programme for decentralised co-operation in the Pacific of Work. Web articles. http://www.antenna.nl/ecsiep/lome/indexlom.html — introduction 2007, Jan 16. "Rich history found in Fiji's Tavuni hill fort”. PIDP Pireport (Fiji Times article). http://pidp.eastwestcenter.org/pireport/2007/January/01-16-feat1.htm 2010. "Local cloth makes it big for Reef". In The Daily Post, Suva. 24.01.2010. www.fijilive.co.fj 2016. "Masi-the pride of Vatulele". In Fiji Times, Suva. 2. 2017. "Pacific Encounters: premiéres rebcontres entre peuples du Pacifique et Européens [ Pacific encounters: first contacts between Pacific peoples and Europeans]." Various including Pacific Dialoges, ANU and USP. http://www.pacific- encounters.fr/operation_programme_samoa.php n.d. Fiji,Tonga & Nauru: official standard names gazetteer Washington: US Board on Geographic Names. n.d. (197?-a). Masi. (Report #218. Unpublished 1 page roneod information sheet). Suva: Fiji Ministry of Primary Industry (Information Section). n.d. (197?-b). Notes on masi-growing, harvesting, making and designing. Some economic implications. Suva: Agriculture Department. n.d. (1910?). Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Limited: tours to the South Sea Islands, Tonga, Samoa, Fiji. Auckland: Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Limited n.d. (1936?) "The Fiji Islands”. Pacific Islands Yearbook. Robson, R.W. (ed.) Sydney: Pacific Publications. pp.175-211 A Sydney Man, 1858. "News and Notes No.XV [On the Cession of Fiji by Cakobau]”. The Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846-1861) Wednesday 15 December, p.4 Aalbersberg, B. ; A. Tawake and T. Parras 2005. “Village by village: recovering Fiji’s coastal fisheries.” World Resources Report 2005: The Wealth of the Poor—Managing Ecosystems to Fight Poverty. World Resources Institute, Washington, DC Aalbersberg, W.G.L., et al 1988. "Davuke, the traditional Fijian method of pit preservation of staple carbohydrate foods”. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 21(3): 173-180 AAP. 1994a. "Return to law of chiefs worries Fijian women”. The Mercury, Hobart: Tuesday June 14, 1994: 32 — 1994b. "Seven years on, coups still cost Fiji”. The Mercury, Hobart: October 29: 15 — 1995a. "Fiji funeral flotilla escorted by sharks”. Courier-Mail, Brisbane: n.k.: n.p. — 1995b. "Fiji resort attacked, two hurt”. The Mercury, Hobart: 3/5/95: 15 — 1999. "Beware shark curse, chief warns revellers”. The Australian, Melbourne: 6 Dec: 10 Abbott, Elizabeth 2009. Sugar: a bittersweet history. London: Duckworth. Abbott, Peter 2016. Kava: A review of the safety of traditional and recreational beverage consumption (Technical Report). Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and World Health Organization. http://www.fao.org/3/a-i5770e.pdf Free download Abramson, Allen 2000. "Bounding the unbounded: ancestral land and jural relations in the Interior of Eastern Fiji". Ch. In Land, law and environment: mythical land, legal boundaries. Abramson, Allen and D. Theodossopoulos (eds.), London: Pluto Press. pp.191-210 4 — 2004. "A small matter of some rent to be paid: towards an analysis of neo-traditional action in contemporary Fiji". Ch. 4 In Shifting images of identity in the Pacific. Van Meijl, Toon and Jelle Miedema (eds.), Leiden: KITLV Press — 2005. "Drinking to mana and ethnicity: trajectories of yaqona practice and symbolism in Eastern Fiji”. Oceania 75: 325-341 Abramson, Allen and D. Theodossopoulos, (eds.) 2000. Land, law and environment: mythical land, legal boundaries. London: Pluto Press Adams, Marie 1983. "Review of Rod Ewins, 1982, Fijian Artefacts”. Pacific Studies 7(1): 160-162 Addison, David J. and Christophe Sand 2008. Recent advances in the archaeology of the Fiji/West-Polynesia region. (UOSPA Studies in Prehistoric Anthropology · No. 21) Dunedin: University of Otago https://ourarchive.otago.ac.nz/bitstream/handle/10523/5947/UOSPA_No21.pdf?sequence=1#pa ge=52 [Full issue pdf] Adinkrah, Mensah 1995. Crime, deviance and delinquency in Fiji. Suva: Fiji Council of Social Services, University of South Pacific & Fiji Prisons Service.
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